Cabinet in the English style \ English cabinet. Cabinet interiors in the English style Cabinet style in the interior

Luxury, stability, solidity and restraint are the hallmarks of the English style reflected in interior design. Meanwhile, the restraint and stiffness inherent in this style does not contradict the comfort and luxury that reflect the impeccable taste of the inhabitants of foggy Albion. This synthesis surprisingly fully and clearly conveys the preferences of the British, revealing their subtle nature and commitment to centuries-old traditions. It is worth noting that the original English style in the interior is not only strict observance of symmetry and proportionality in furniture design, straight horizontal and vertical lines in interior design, but also austerity, twilight and a huge fireplace. And solid furniture made of expensive wood seems to be a confirmation of the pedantry and exactingness of the British, who in everything strive only for the best quality.

No matter how fashion changes, and no matter how hard creative designers try to introduce elements of modernity even into the English style, using fabrics of modern colors and a variety of textures as decoration, it is still difficult even for them to displace the spirit of good old England.

This can be felt and felt especially sharply by looking, for example, at any cabinet in the English style - this is where this spirit of conservatism, aristocracy, respectability, stability and confidence in the future is ineradicable.

English style interior: dream office

Speaking about the desire of the British for stability and quality of life, one cannot fail to mention their craving for owning a personal account even at home. The presence of a separate workroom for solving important issues, useful relaxation alone or reading books by the fireplace, meeting with companions for a cup of coffee or spending time together playing chess is just as important for a home in a real English style, as is the presence of several bedrooms for guests. and a large living room. Meanwhile, today the majority of those who are committed to English traditions in any of their expressions will not refuse to arrange an office in the English style in their own office.

The photographs show several options for decorating an office in the British style. As you can see, the classic decoration is created by English-style wall panels, expensive leather furniture, cabinets and tables made of dark fine wood. An unchanging fireplace and a bookcase filled with books - invariable attributes of the English style - give comfort and somewhat relax the serious working atmosphere of an English-style office.

If you value elegance and charm in the interior, then be sure to pick up an English-style office in our catalog!

June 2, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

In my mind, the concept of "office" is inextricably linked with the English detective classics. And now the walls decorated with wooden panels, cupboards stuffed to the brim with books, antique furniture, a table covered with green cloth and its owner, languidly sipping smoke from a pipe, look at you sullenly. It's all elementary, Watson! Of course, not always the design of an office in an apartment looks exactly like that.

But as? This is what I will tell you about.

Depending on the functional load, I divide the cabinets into 4 categories:

  • workplace;
  • office-workshop;
  • meeting room;
  • a single room for the privacy of the owner.

Principles for choosing a room

  1. The office should be comfortable and quiet is a prerequisite. I can safely call a separate extension to a cottage or a private house the best solution. This approach will allow you to organize a separate entrance, actively receive visitors without the likelihood of disturbing the household.

  1. No less attractive idea - to organize an office in the attic. Here you have silence, and peace, and isolation. With the latter, you should be careful not to disappear from the life of the family at all.

  1. If you do not have a large area, and you have to choose from the rooms of the apartment, give preference to the one that is located as far as possible from the dining room, kitchen and nursery.

If "neighborhood" with small noisy neighbors cannot be avoided, take care of reliable sound insulation.
I would recommend using a shumanet, which is an acoustic mineral slab.

  1. For an office that will often receive guests, choose a room located next to the hallway.
  2. The best neighborhood that allows you to alternate between rest and work is the arrangement of an office next to a terrace, balcony or winter garden. Or maybe you, like Napoleon or Balzac, like to meditate while taking a bath.

If there is no window in the office, compensate for it with a photo wallpaper with a landscape or a lightbox that imitates a real window.
An equally interesting solution is an inner window from the next room, from which daylight will penetrate into your creative abode.

Five layout options

Men's office: 1 option

Do you think offices have no gender distinction? You are wrong. The men's office is more often designed in English or classical style, highlighting solidity and status.

Wooden cabinets, a massive work table, dark parquet, antiques, upholstered leather furniture. Typical accessories include grandfather clocks, paperweights and heavy ashtrays. This is a classic, but, as you know, there are exceptions to everything.

Women's Cabinet: Option 2

The classic women's office is lighter, it contains light, carved, openwork furniture with thin bent legs, aged, gilded things. And, of course, lots of accessories.

Scientist "cat": option 3

A separate layout of the office arose in the homes of people who were engaged in science or literature. Such rooms necessarily involve massive cabinets, for storing a library, they are often performed in classic natural shades of brown and beige. Here you will not find newfangled paraphernalia, plastic or synthetics.

When setting up your library, keep in mind that books require special storage conditions and are sensitive to light.

Creative office: 4 option

The complete opposite of the classic cabinet. The layout is determined by the occupation of the owner. For example, a photographer will put at the head of the design choice a sufficient number of places to store volumetric equipment, and a fashion designer will focus on the need for high-quality lighting, preferably natural.

House in the house: 5 option

This type of office is suitable for those who work at any time of the day and do not share the concept of work and leisure, for example, programmers. In this case, the room should contain everything that is required for comfort, this is a bed, a comfortable table, and even a table for lunch.

Cabinet on the loggia - a working corner in a small area

Unfortunately, the reality is that an office in an average apartment is given a small area, and not a whole room. Is it worth considering the option of arranging an office on the balcony?

The answer is unequivocal - yes! A small office on the balcony is an opportunity to gain autonomy, good insolation and often a beautiful view.

There is only one drawback - the area is modest in size, but I will teach you to turn a disadvantage into a virtue.

  1. The design of the room and the balcony should be made in the same style and the same color scheme. What for? In order to eliminate clear zoning and not emphasize the already modest size of the balcony.
  2. Use thick curtains to separate the study balcony from the room. If you are adjacent to the bedroom, hang curtains from the side of the main room, if you are adjacent to the living room or hall - from the side of the office.

  1. "Pocket" furniture, no, no, this is not a joke. Choosing furniture that can be installed in the "pocket". In most cases, the width of the balcony exceeds the size of the window, the distance between the end border and the side edge of the frame will be enough to accommodate a cabinet, table, sofa, and even shelving. If the balcony has a blank side wall, hang a photo, picture or small TV above the table.

For balconies with blank side walls, I recommend using various geometric shapes of the tabletop, for example, triangular. This will allow you to change the angle of view and not rest your eyes on the wall.

  1. All furniture should be located so as not to block access to natural light. Shelves and cabinets should not obscure windows, including internal ones.
  2. Carefully calculate the size of the countertop. I recommend installing cantilever structures or a table with a narrow L-top.

  1. Walls should not be empty. Use them to arrange shelves or racks for folders and books.
  2. To save space on the table, lamps that are fixed on the wall and have a flexible leg will help.
  3. Decorate windows with roller blinds or blinds so that each sash has a separate control system.

Let's say a word about styles


The concept of Gothic is associated with Dracula, no, no, I will not suggest placing a coffin in the office as a bed, but I will still advise some elements. So, modern gothic, what is it?

Firstly, the implementation of a full-fledged Gothic cabinet should be taken at the stage of the project at home. Yes, right at home! Because Gothic involves a large space.

If you want a real medieval castle, or at least a stylization of it with lancet windows, bring it into the design of the house. Interior details should create an image of an abandoned mansion. The color scheme is dark with an abundance of cherry, purple and dark gray tones.

As a decor, use gilded classic frames with patina, velvet combined with satin. Visit the flea market and look for antique chandeliers, tarnished paintings, and silver that create a special atmosphere.

Finishing the floor - and board. Regardless of the option chosen, the coating should have a dark saturated color and a relief texture.

If the office has an entrance hallway, lay out the floor with relief tiles in hexagonal or square shapes with abstract or floral ornaments. I would recommend looking at a suitable option in the Meetall Tagina Ceramiche DArte collection.

Gothic is tiles, statues and paintings, unfortunately few people know about the latter. The simplest option for wall decoration is the application of a single-color stencil pattern on smooth plaster. But I would entrust the complex polychrome painting depicting scenes of knightly life to professionals.

An obligatory element is wooden parts, these can be door leaves with iron or bronze lining, ceiling beams that rest on consoles.

Beams made of natural wood are quite heavy, so I advise you to replace them with a painted imitation of polyurethane.

From furniture, choose stools or chairs with high backs, ironed and painted chests, massive cabinets made of unpainted wood. Alternatively, you can use furniture on forged frames.

Stained glass is another element that is inextricably linked with the concept of Gothic. In a city apartment, I recommend using panels to decorate niches, doors and windows.

All structures, with the exception of the ceiling, can be illuminated.
The illumination of the latter is not inherent in Gothic and is used only in Art Nouveau and Art Deco style.

Gothic is characterized by patterns depicting trifolia, quadrifolia and the Gothic "rose". Use them in the decoration of furniture, columns and arches.

Of course, where without a fireplace. Decorate the monumental portal with sandstone or painted gypsum imitating stone. Directly decorate the firebox or false portal with carved wooden elements. And be sure to find a place for Gothic and Celtic ornaments or heraldic emblems.

Country Style

The design of the office in the country style is associated with the Russian intelligentsia, American settlers and English lords. Country - it is different, but always rustic cozy.

Primitive, rough and unassuming, classic North American country will appeal to those who want to create a home office in which nothing would be distracting.

The Scandinavian country is considered more elegant, but the English country style is filled with comfort as much as possible through the use of rich colors of redwood, noble shabby leather, checkered wool blankets.

Southern country is bright, detailed and emotional. When designing the interior of an office in the house, you can safely use Indian motifs, shades of the desert, prairies and mountains, stylization of the things of the Spanish conquistadors.

It would be unfair not to mention the French country, which borders on Provence. The main element is the “mille fleure” floral pattern, which is combined with furniture in pastel colors.

In the rhythm of ethno

Ethnostyle implies the most individual approach to interior design, since several areas fall under this concept, here you have hot Africa, and captivating India, and conservative Japan.

For those who prefer minimalism and conservatism, open spaces and balance in design, I suggest paying attention to, which, by the way, is the most common among ethnic ones.

The Japanese style is followed by the African style with sunny bright colors and exotic motifs.

Mediterranean style - sunny, bright and colorful, characterized by a riot of colors. Mandatory design elements are natural wall decoration and stained glass.

Old England

It's time to go to visit the Queen of England, where conservatism and tradition rule.

English style is hard to imagine without:

  • an abundance of furniture;
  • a large number of decorative elements - figurines and vases;
  • floral ornament in upholstery and curtains;
  • natural wood finishes;
  • a corner with books or a wall with a massive bookcase;
  • textiles and draperies.

Instructions for arranging an office in the English style:

Colors Choose a noble and discreet color range: brown, muted red, ocher, dark green. From the light palette, cream and ivory shades are worthy of attention.
Furniture If possible, furniture should be made of natural wood with brass inserts. For upholstery, choose leather and velvet.

The highlight of the interior can be:

  • a mahogany armchair with a carved back and curved legs;
  • massive oak bookcases;
  • sofa "Chesterfield";
  • "eared" chairs with protrusions on the backs;
  • fireplace, decorative or real.
  • table or grandfather clock;
  • paintings in frames made of natural wood;
  • porcelain figurines;
  • wooden boxes.
Finishing For the floor, I recommend using a parquet board or laminate imitation, be sure to lay a carpet on top.

In wall decoration, wood panels, wallpaper with floral patterns or stripes, as well as a combination of them, are more often used.

The ceiling can be classic white, but it must have stucco elements in the center and around the perimeter.

Empire style

Empire is the style that requires large areas for implementation, therefore it is suitable for mansions, spacious houses, cottages. Its very concept involves wide, large windows and high ceilings.

The Empire style is a combination of palatial splendor and military severity, therefore marble statues, gilding, rich furniture decor, a fireplace, paintings and frescoes, military and heraldic symbols: crossed blades and laurel wreaths are not uncommon in it.

When decorating an office with your own hands, focus on symmetry and conciseness.

Wall decoration. Use not just expensive, but luxurious materials: velvet, silk, satin, Venetian plaster or silk wallpaper. Wallpaper adherents can safely choose a strict ornament, military symbols, a panoramic view of the ruins, African forests, valleys.

The lower part of the walls is often decorated with natural stone panels. Pilasters, frescoes, stucco, columns, bas-reliefs, medallions and arches are used as wall decor.

Floor finishing. Flooring should organically emphasize the atmosphere of the office, so choose natural materials, such as granite or marble. From tiles or stone, you can lay out a mosaic with Greco-Roman motifs.

The ceiling often remains classic white or decorated with antique-themed paintings. If you plan to install a tension system, choose an ivory matte canvas.

The main distinguishing feature of furniture is monumentality, so the selected set must necessarily have a low fit and even a certain squat. It is preferable to use natural wood of red, satin, rosewood, oak, beech, walnut.

It is not comfort that comes to the fore, but the “royal” appearance of the situation: majestic, hard chairs, strict wardrobes, round low secretaries and tables, narrow sideboards, a chest of drawers decorated with columns, figures of ancient gods or animals.

Lighting is provided by massive crystal chandeliers, metal multi-arm chandeliers with gilded and bronze bases. Additionally, lamps and sconces are mounted, stylized as candles and oil lamps.

In step with the times - hi-tech

Hi-tech is a style in which the emphasis is on manufacturability, ergonomics and modernity. That is why you will not see multi-layer curtains, expensive furniture and an abundance of decor in such an office.

The working mood is created by light shades and original futuristic furniture. Despite the large amount of plastic, glass and metal, high-tech cabinets can be cozy. I'll try to prove it to you.

To make the room cozy, give preference to soft warm tones: light orange, light gray and pistachio. You can safely throw black and white into the color cauldron.

For wall decoration, plastic glossy panels or paints are used. An excellent solution would be the installation of 3-D volumetric panels.

The first violin in the furniture symphony is a table of a strict, laconic form, combining elements of glass and metal. Cabinets and shelving should be open or have glass doors.

Industrial Aesthetics - Loft

It is worth choosing this style if the room reserved for the office has large enough windows. A free layout is created over a large area, limited only by visual zoning implemented in the decoration of walls, ceiling and floor.

Brick, rough plaster, concrete, plywood, exposed utilities, rafters, ceiling beams and wiring are all inherent in industrial urbanism.

Open space requires mandatory space zoning, for this I recommend using an open transverse rack, which will not only store useful things, but also serve as a partition.

Such a simple technique will allow you to separate the bedroom, living room or kitchen, to create the concept of "house in the house" described above.

Be popular - pop art

Pop art is the choice of creative people who are not afraid of flashiness and brightness. And the point here is not only in colors, but also in accessories, the appearance of which borders on the concept of shocking.

Style with all its principles is opposed to modernism and conservatism. The emphasis is on the abundance of color, the use of acid paints, decorating with prints, collages, images of famous personalities and recognizable advertising elements.

More often the floor and ceiling are glossy neutral shades that do not focus on themselves. You can consider the option of a multi-level ceiling with lighting.

For the floor, it is acceptable to use parquet, tiles, carpet and even self-leveling floor.

Having chosen pop art, do not oversaturate the cabinet with furniture, give up massive cabinets, preferring built-in niches. Furniture should have streamlined smooth lines.

These can be round plastic or glass tables, soft poufs and armchairs upholstered in leather or colorful bright fabric, glossy plastic chairs of bizarre design and intricate shape.

Use hand-made items as accessories. A particularly interesting technique is the replication of one image in various colors and sizes and its repetition in furniture and decor.

Plastic photo frames, bizarre modern vases, metal and chrome elements, multi-colored textiles, skins of bright unusual colors, fluffy carpets - put it all in compote and cook pop art.

Mini cabinet

Well, if you equip an office in a private house and can afford a separate room. What to do for those who are trying to carve out a mini-office for themselves or even not so, a mini-corner for work and creativity.

Here are five ideas for a very small area:

  1. Corner. Often the corners of the rooms remain unused, but in vain. It is here that a small corner table and several wall shelves can find their refuge. Let's see?

  1. Windowsill. If you failed to win back the area on the balcony, pay attention to the windowsill. Yes, yes, and it can become a small "office". This solution has a significant advantage - an abundance of natural light.

  1. In the closet. Do not be afraid, we will not lock you in a closet, but we will offer the idea of ​​​​an office in a closet. For such a solution, you will need a bulky closet, which is most often inherited from your grandmother.

The inside is arranged for personal needs, filled with organizers, a retractable keyboard shelf is built (if you work at a computer), the lower shelves are dismantled to free up legroom.

This corner goes well with rustic and vintage style.

  1. In a niche. Soviet-style apartments have a lot of awkward niches and closets that can be transformed into a work area. When arranging, use drywall constructions that can create functional open shelves of the required size.

  1. Even if there is no place for the above ideas in your apartment, pay attention to portable folding mini-offices. The compact hinged system in one movement transforms into a convenient table that can be moved if desired.


Brutal, strict, ambitious, inspirational, warm, cozy, gigantic and very tiny - your creative office can be anything, but the main thing is that it has a soul and then any work will go well.

And it remains for me to traditionally offer you an interesting video in this article. Questions or ideas voiced in the comments, we will discuss with pleasure!

June 2, 2016

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- Rich and restrained. A thin line between luxury and pomposity runs through every piece of furniture and decor. English style is an indicator of status and high position in society. An office in this style will emphasize the refined taste of its owner.

The legislator of the new style was William Morris, who was able to harmoniously combine the luxury and pomposity of palace interiors with the technological progress that was gaining momentum in those days. The English style is often confused with, but nevertheless it is distinguished by the absence of smooth outlines and gilding, which is characteristic of the Baroque direction. The general concept of the style is visible luxury without excessive pomposity.

Key features

The English-style study embodies chic furnishings and emphasizes the image of its owner. For the full disclosure of all potential and functionality, the room for the equipment of the workplace must be spacious, to match the best aristocratic clubs in England.

To create a piece of Britain in your home or at work, you should pay attention to the main key features of the style:

  • furniture;
  • dominant colors;
  • finishing materials.

Only by harmoniously combining all the parameters and selecting them according to the general style and expert advice, you can create a luxurious aristocratic office.

Criteria and characteristics of furniture

Cabinet furniture for an aristocratic office immediately catches the eye - it is made of solid wood. Its key feature is rather rough features and a monolithic powerful configuration. Natural wood is subjected to minimal processing specifically in order to preserve the natural texture of wood fibers. Painted wood is also rare - natural, natural colors and shades predominate. Furniture is waxed or varnished - this is the end of the process of its processing.

As for upholstered furniture, here preference is also given to natural materials. We are talking not only about wooden armrests and upholstery fabrics, but also about the internal filling of armchairs and sofas for relaxation. Instead of standard polyurethane foam (furniture foam), which is used as a filler in the vast majority of upholstered furniture, English sofas will have latex, holofiber, natural fluff or horsehair.

These materials are environmentally friendly, have excellent consumer characteristics and durability. The only drawback, or rather, a feature, is the incredibly high cost. Such sofas are not produced in large quantities and are mostly made to order in a single or small-scale version. As for the upholstery fabrics themselves, priority is given to natural fibers and the classic English pattern - a cage or stripes.

Natural leather is often used as an alternative to upholstery fabrics. It is characterized by increased wear resistance, breathability and exceptionally noble appearance. When choosing furniture, you should pay attention not only to the overall appearance, but also to small details - the quality of the seams of the upholstery fabric and the finish of the wooden parts. Everything must be impeccable, as befits English aristocratic taste.

Color spectrum

When creating an English cabinet, you should stick to a neutral color scheme and avoid bright, unnatural colors and tint transitions. The most popular colors are beige, light brown and rich green. The last color is used most often in furniture upholstery and represents the House of Lords of the English Parliament.

As for lighting, you should use as much natural light as possible. As an addition, expensive ceiling chandeliers with porcelain shades are installed.

The English style allows moderate use of gilding and crystal in. The general light should not be too bright and diffuse, and the number of artificial light sources must be even, and their arrangement symmetrical.

Criteria for choosing finishing materials

In order to create an office in the English style (photos of unique themed interiors can be found on the Internet on specialized sites or forums), special attention should be paid to finishing materials. They must meet the following criteria:

  • 100% natural (wood, stone);
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • presentable appearance, but without pretentiousness;
  • durability and reliability;
  • minimum mechanical processing and maximum naturalness.

Priority in materials for interior decoration is given to natural wood - there should be deck boards or parquet on the floor, wooden beams on the ceiling, and natural wood panels on the walls. All this should be in one tone and additionally combined with wooden furniture.

A real English cabinet is a very expensive pleasure, which the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of our country cannot afford. Alternatively, you can use MDF. The walls are lined with high-quality MDF for a certain type of wood, but the floor should be left wooden. Compared to other finishing materials, the cost of real wood on the floor will not seem so global.

Sometimes there are English interiors with marble slabs on the walls and floors, but this is rather an exception to the rule. As an inexpensive alternative, you can stick wallpaper with native English colors - vertical alternating burgundy and gold stripes with small stylized flowers.

Also, the walls are often draped with a fabric of brown, dark green or burgundy. Carpets made of natural wool will also be appropriate on the floor, and window openings are best decorated with massive curtains in dark shades.

Brief summary

To equip an office in a classic English style is not an easy task. And besides the large financial costs for the purchase of appropriate furniture made of natural wood, paintings and expensive decor items, it is worth taking care of materials for interior decoration, which are also not cheap.

The main thing, with all the wealth of choice walk that fine line between understated luxury and tasteless pomposity. It was the perfect symmetry and balance in the interior that made the English style famous. With a careful scrupulous selection of all design elements, the resulting result will not only exceed all expectations, but will also make all your friends jealous.

The English style is restrained and conservative. This is the interior of real aristocrats. Here is the realm of austere luxury, which can be created using only the highest quality materials and furnishings, so a lot of money is always required to reproduce such decor. In this direction, you can decorate any room in the house, but the English-style office will look most chic, where elements inherent in the Gregorian and Victorian eras are intertwined. Once such a tandem was a curiosity, but today it is already considered a classic.

    The specifics of the office interior

    Expendable materials

    We furnish the office in the English style

    Game of contrasts

    Parts and accessories

    Photo gallery - an office in the English style:

And what, in fact, will be characterized by the presence of the English style in the interior? First of all, notes of unobtrusive luxury, restraint of the situation and a certain solemnity of the atmosphere. Everything that will be present in the office must be imbued with the spirit of England.

office in English style in green tones

The material for finishing office walls is often fabric. According to tradition, it may be attended by:

  1. Vertical stripes.
  2. Original floral motifs.
  3. Gilding.

Most of the furnishings are made of wood and textiles.

With regard to decor, I would like to note that there will definitely be a fireplace in an English-style office. The ceiling will be decorated with stucco, and the floor will be lined with parquet or covered with marble. The atmosphere of such a room will always have the spirit of antiquity, which will be supported by unusual cornices, woolen carpets and shields on keyholes. All these decorative elements are usually made with incredible chic, so they perfectly complement the overall picture.

crimson curtains - a bright accent in an English-style office

Will not be superfluous on the walls of the office and paintings. The works of the Impressionists, canvases on sports topics are perfect. Modern painting is also appropriate in such an exquisite room, the main thing is that its subjects should be on classical themes. The window area can be decorated with Roman, Austrian or London types of curtains. Also, in a room decorated in the English direction, there is always a lot of brocade, silk and heavy fabrics from the taffeta or rep series.

In the classic sense of an English-style cabinet, there is a library area, so you will need to purchase a strictly symmetrical shelving decorated with carved inlay, or order shelves made of precious wood.

In addition to books, documents are often stored in home offices. This is very convenient to do in the cabinet for files. Place this piece of furniture in the work area, next to the table. Thus, you will always have access to the necessary papers. It is necessary to make a comfortable reading corner in the office, equipping it with a soft sofa, a coffee table and a classic sconce. Ideally, the sofa is covered with a beautiful embroidered cover.

soft sofa in the design of the cabinet in the English style

Expendable materials

The English style does not tolerate glass, metal, plastic and other types of cutting-edge finishing materials. Almost everything here is made in wood. In an English-style office, not only furniture can be wooden. Floor beams, wall panels, flooring and various decorative accessories are made from this material. Another mandatory attribute of exquisite decor is stucco molding.

As you understand, all consumables are quite expensive and it is not so easy to find a way to reduce the cost of interior design, because in the English style one cannot violate the canons. Here, perhaps, it is possible to replace gypsum stucco molding with polyurethane decor, and instead of gilding, use gold leaf. In this case, you will notice a significant difference in price.

leather furniture as one of the main attributes of an office in a classic style

Sometimes designers go to extreme lengths and replace the wooden ceiling with a skillful imitation made from pressed cardboard. This surface is decorated with oil paints.

The floors in the office are lined with:

  1. Parquet.
  2. Marble.
  3. Boards from the array.
  4. Natural stone.

An alternative to these chic materials can only be porcelain stoneware, which can perfectly imitate any of the above materials and costs significantly less.

fireplace in the study, decorated in English style

We furnish the office in the English style

The main thing that attracts the eye of those entering the office is stylish upholstered furniture. The wooden part of the sofas and armchairs is always treated with wax, and for the upholstery of the seats and backs, natural and very soft leather of the highest quality is used. Sometimes it turns out that it is furniture that becomes the main expense item when decorating a room in the English style.

In addition to leather, velor, linen or cotton fabrics can be used in the decoration of armchairs, and not always plain. They may well have a pattern in the form of patterns, a cage or a classic stripe.

a massive writing desk will emphasize the English style of the office

The most unique piece of interior cabinet is a desk. It is always an expensive thing, sometimes antique. Today, like many years ago, such tables are made of solid oak.

The mass production of such furniture is unprofitable, because the cost of production is incredibly high, which automatically translates interior furnishings for an English-style office into the category of luxury furniture.

The color scheme also shows a trend towards chic. Wenge color, coffee tones, chocolate and dark brown shades look luxurious in this decor, which can contrast with ivory and light beige.

office interior in english style in bright colors

Game of contrasts

Wanting to get the effect of solemnity, you still should not give preference to exclusively dark tones in color design, no matter how noble they are. Even with some gloom inherent in English interiors, this will be a clear overkill. Contrasting decors will look much more spectacular. Try to make only one of the walls in a dark design, and leave the rest in the power of light colors. The same should be done with a dark floor covering - it must be shaded with a light carpet.

Parts and accessories

Curtains must be present on the windows of an English-style office. Not blinds, not blinds, not Roman models, but real curtains made of heavy and, of course, solid materials. Only they will be able to create the necessary blackout in the room at the height of a sunny day, which designers call the “night effect”.

English style in the interior personifies prestige, aristocracy and refined conservatism. That is why it looks advantageous in the interiors of offices. The English style emphasizes the status, and the color and texture solutions of this trend give the impression of elegance.

English style is traditional. Its main features, elements and colors are not subject to temporary adjustments. Modern english style home office not much different from the interiors of past centuries.

The main elements of the interior

In cabinets decorated in the English style, all elements have an exclusively functional purpose. But this does not mean at all that the situation is minimalistic. Rather, on the contrary, the English interior is conducive to convenience and comfort.

The main center of the cabinet is a massive desktop. Moreover, the table itself should have not only a large working area, but also several drawers for storing improvised documentation and stationery.

An armchair is an addition to the table. In the manufacture of this piece of furniture, designers use a combination of modernity and classics, that is, the chair has a shape traditional for the English style, but a modern design that allows you to adjust the chair in height and inclination.

One of the brightest elements of the office is the library. Moreover, the design of racks and shelves is far from the only decoration of the library. The collection collections of classical works and rare rare books are of the main value.

Color solutions

The English style is conservative in every detail, especially in color schemes. The palette has a very small set of colors: green, red, beige, brown and black. All these colors are not used in their pure form, but are slightly muted and matte. In addition, shades of exceptionally warm colors are used.

Luxurious and noble texture

What will always distinguish the English style from the background of others is the texture. The interiors contain only natural materials, and of the highest quality.

Wood plays a dominant role in the interior of the office. Arrays of valuable species of trees are used not only for the manufacture of high-quality furniture, but also for wall paneling. More democratic cabinet interiors can be decorated with solid walnut or pine, but only oak will add real luxury and nobility.

In addition to the tree english cabinet interior skin must be present. Genuine leather is used as upholstery for upholstered furniture and chairs, as well as for the surface of the desktop.

As for textile design, noble and stylish fabrics can be distinguished, such as cloth, cotton, tapestry and matting. Designer interior items are often used.
Undoubtedly, the English style is a noble and timeless classic, embodying aristocracy and elegance. That is why this style is the best option for decorating home offices.