DIY coffee table from chipboard. How to make a coffee table from chipboard with your own hands? Chipboard kitchen table drawing

The table is one of the most important items in the kitchen. The range of such products on the modern market is diverse. They differ in form, purpose and style decision. It is often expensive to purchase an excellent and high-quality table. But for a person who wants to decorate his kitchen with unique furniture, nothing will stop him from creating a table with his own hands, while saving money.

Preparation and sequence of actions

Perhaps one of the most popular modifications is the kitchen table. The technique of its creation and the process itself depend on the chosen design. For classic models the creation method is almost identical. According to this principle, you can create any table, including tennis, if you follow the parameters.

Before starting work, you should make drawings with your own hands. When they are ready, you can start creating blanks. It can be chipboard or simple boards of the right size. It is worth starting work with creating a lid, as this is the longest and most difficult process.

When making a table with your own hands, you need to remember that the lid - the most important and decoratively beautiful design element - can be made in different ways.

Making the lid and legs

To get a cover for a homemade table, you can use several methods. Each of them is quite applicable at home.

Method number 1. In the form of a base, you need to take a sheet of chipboard. From it, create the shape of the planned table: it can be either rectangular or square. The created part is ground from all sides. For stability, the top is covered with plastic. It can be glued on. It is better to take BF-2 glue. The lower part of the lid must be coated with a special varnish.

Method number 2. By creating a table yourself, you can make a unique copy. To do this, you need to make a cover from wooden bars. The option in which different sizes of boards with interesting patterns are used will look great. The bars are connected together with self-tapping screws or glued with special glue. For better strength, the lid can be multi-layered by gluing plywood to the bottom and protecting the top with plastic. To make it look more natural, you can keep the wooden texture of the lid, covering it only with varnish.

Method number 3. An excellent option for a cover is plywood. Such material is easy to find on sale. You do not need to use the most expensive products, standard quality plywood can also work. For work, thick sheets are selected (from twelve millimeters). The main surface treatment is carried out by varnishing, the upper part is protected by a plastic sheet.

Do-it-yourself table legs are also made from identical bars. To fix them, a frame is prepared, assembling it from the same products in thickness. Depending on the shape of the homemade table, it can be square, rectangular or triangular. The legs are attached to the corner parts of the frame. A lid is attached on top.

If you follow the parameters of length and width, in the same way you can create a tennis table yourself and legs for the kitchen table. The only thing worth remembering is that for this category of tables it is better to make strong legs using a steel profile. The cover of a tennis product must also be strong and durable, so it is necessary to cover it with plastic.

Creating a countertop from chipboard

A surface decorated with tiles or fake stone will look sophisticated and chic. But some people want inexpensive options for solving the task of finishing the kitchen, and chipboard is best suited for this. By the way, the dimensions of the countertop for the kitchen corner will depend on:

  • location of products in the kitchen;
  • the ratio of the dimensions of the kitchen and a special set.

Well, the personal preferences of the owner of the apartment play an important role. Most often, the countertop has a thickness of three centimeters with a length of one and a half meters or more. The average width should be 1.6 meters.

Materials for the surface of the product

To create a chipboard countertop, you will need to prepare all the materials and fixtures. For the manufacture of supports, you will need sheets of chipboard, as well as a bar measuring forty by fifty, which is fixed around the perimeter of the wall: a personal one will be held on it.

Making a countertop yourself is quite profitable, because all the materials are inexpensive and easy to find. Then you need to fix plywood on the bars (its thickness should be two centimeters), and it should hold your table firmly and securely. On top of the plywood, you can attach a tile, tile or other material - everything will depend on your desire. You can do it the same way.

Getting the frame and formwork

A countertop based on a concrete slab will be very heavy, so a frame will need to be made. To do this, we need to know the dimensions: based on these data, cut off the bars of the selected length, which will be your racks. We attach them to the floor with metal corners. At the junction of the racks with the walls, it is necessary to drill them and fix them with anchor dowels. Complete the frame of the frame with the help of special horizontal jumpers that are installed on the racks. The frame must be checked for strength, because the entire load will be imposed on it.

Take the boards and make the bottom of the product out of them. The formwork must be assembled in such a way that it can be removed at any time without harming the concrete. If there is still a place in the product for a sink or hob, it is necessary to mark it with sides. All formwork must be covered with a special film to protect the structure from a special mixture. Well, in the end, there will only be preparation for pouring concrete and finishing.

If you do not know what kind of table to make (dining, sliding, round or collapsible), then it is better to consult a specialist. Having decided on the type of table, it will be possible to move on to the materials. Most often, everything is made of wood (oak), but sometimes they create metal tables and chairs, although this is more difficult. Also, in the manufacture of home-made tables, a laminate and an array are used, but this is a rather rare occurrence.

Your choice in favor of chipboard will help to realize all exclusive ideas due to the budget option.

Independent work is full of pleasant bonuses, some of which are: freedom of choice, the ability to take into account the layout of the room, its interior and the wishes of customers (especially if it's you), eventually getting a user-friendly design.

In addition, this is an excellent realization of creative potential, obtaining new skills that are useful in everyday life.

Chipboard and chipboard are widely used in furniture production, as well as in the manufacture of exhibition stands, interior decoration of supermarkets, pharmacies, shops. The reason for this is a number of benefits possessed by these materials:

Such material will not exfoliate suddenly and will not disintegrate due to increased moisture in the room. Even during processing, it will retain its original appearance, so it you can safely screw dowels and screws.

Particleboard is characterized by a too primitive type of low-grade raw materials, but laminated chipboard (LDSP), covered with a resistant melamine film, has every chance to pass for natural wood, thereby increasing the aesthetic level of visiting without special costs.

When planning the creation of the above materials, all negative aspects should be taken into account. First of all, it is their toxicity (formaldehyde content). The second indicator may be questionable strength.

Advice. When buying, you should carefully inspect the tile on both sides, maybe even try to push a screwdriver in to make sure that you can’t push the object into the surface.


Suppose that you have enough space in your apartment or office so that you can “walk around”, so we will make a table 736 cm long and 536 cm wide.

It can serve as a dining table in the living room, and a surface for storing fashion magazines, books and other stationery.

But most importantly, there will be enough space on it (as many as 3 countertops) to place all the necessary things that should remain at hand.

So, the table will be:

  • countertops;
  • slats (4 pcs.);
  • shelves (2 pcs.);
  • rubber wheels (4 pcs.);
  • plastic corners (4 pcs.);
  • confirmations (8 pcs.);
  • self-tapping screws 3.5 * 16 (16 pcs.);
  • melamine edging or ABS.

Start with development drawing, taking into account all the points (space area, available materials, further purpose of use). Ready-made patterns of the base and legs must be attached to a sheet of chipboard. This is done in order to make it convenient to outline the contours of the future product with a pencil or pen, after which, for greater clarity of the drawn borders, we scratch with a nail.

All identical parts must be mirror image, and this is quite easy to achieve. The 1st part can act as a template for cutting out all the others. After that, it is worth adding all the elements to make sure that there are no inconsistencies.

If we want not to deviate from the classics, then to create a coffee table we need to cut out 3 countertops (the 1st will be the surface of the table, the 2nd and 3rd will become the lower shelves).

During drawing, the properties of the material should be taken into account so that later it is not necessary to grind the flaws visible to the naked eye.

Tools and fasteners

So, to create the perfect do-it-yourself table, we need an easy-to-understand drawing with all sizes, materials and tools:

  • hammer, level;
  • electric drill with drills;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdrivers, files;
  • hacksaw;
  • clear varnish and brush;
  • hardware;
  • square, pencil, ruler and tape measure.

How to do?

In order to keep the room where the work is carried out clean and not dusty, you should spread newspapers, wallpaper, or cardboard on the floor surface, and upon completion of the process, collect and discard them.

Important. All elements of the future product should be thoroughly cleaned.

How to paint?

Our table is almost ready. Small matter - cover it with clear varnish. But, again, it all depends on the state of the newly created object, and what you want to do with it: refresh or give it the look of antiquity.

Important. Measure the area of ​​the facade, multiply it by 2, because you have to apply a layer of the substance twice for even coverage. Also don't forget to get rubber gloves to help keep your hands clean.

Chipboard products before painting need treat with impregnations deep penetration, so the glue in the sawdust will stop evaporating harmful substances, and the surface will become more moisture resistant.

Do not rush to cover the front side of the table, first check the selected chemical composition on the neutral (invisible) side of the plate. After the first application, pause, allowing the liquid to dry, then fix the result.

Advice. Painting is best done in a non-residential area, or on a balcony / loggia, so the persistent smell will disappear from the apartment much faster without causing headaches for its residents.

After complete drying, proceed to the assembly of the structure.

A photo

Chipboard allows you to implement bold design ideas. For example, these:

Useful video

The main steps of the manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


Thus, spending a little free time and money, as a result, you get a compact, convenient and versatile table that will become indispensable in any situation at home or at work.

Over time, you can add complexity to your own technique by choosing interesting patterns or mosaics instead of the usual varnishing. The main thing to remember is that you should not be afraid of your own mistakes, because everything is fixable, and even failures, with a very good desire, can be beaten, turning into a unique “zest”.

In contact with

  1. Classic rectangular. It is a tabletop on legs or supports. Often equipped with drawers for storing stationery.
  2. Combined with window sill. The advantage of this model is maximum lighting over the countertop. The window opening is equipped with additional drawers or shelves. Also, such a table saves space in the room.
  3. Folding, folding. Such options are used in small rooms. The first modification can be laid out in the form of a book. As for folding models, they are most often represented by a work surface that is attached to a wall or cabinet and can occupy both a horizontal and vertical position. Here the main load falls on the fasteners.
  4. Angular. Such a desk for a student or an adult allows rational use of space, characterized by a large working area.
  5. Bureau desk. This product combines a chest of drawers and a tabletop. Under the work surface there are a large number of drawers and shelves. The tabletop can hide in one of the nightstands, freeing up space.

When making any modification of the table for a student with your own hands, you can get several significant advantages: cost savings, the ability to use materials to your liking, develop a unique and functional design, taking into account the parameters of the room and its interior.


Combined with window sill




Materials and tools

In order to make a desk with your own hands, first you need to decide on the material, having previously studied its properties. The most common raw material options are presented in the table.

ChipboardIt's wood shavings held together with an adhesive. The material is easy to handle and lightweight. However, with frequent ingress of water, it swells and deforms. Poor quality material releases formaldehyde. To process the product, a saw with fine teeth or an electric jigsaw is used. Sandpaper is used to eliminate chips. The product should not be loaded, it is not recommended to make folding transforming tables from such raw materials. Self-tapping screws and glue are used for fastening

A more expensive material, characterized by environmental friendliness, a high degree of uniformity, resistance to moisture. The product is high pressure pressed wood shavings. Due to its high density, it holds furniture fasteners and accessories well. Plates can be processed by grinding, sawing, milling machines. From this material you can make any design

This is a durable raw material with a small mass, reasonable cost. Plywood desks can be restored. But really good stuff is hard to find. Do not use it if the load on the table will be significant. Not recommended for beginners. Plywood processing requires heavy-duty tools

natural wood

This material is strong, natural, durable, withstands any fasteners, and is easily restored. But the tree has a lot of weight, high cost. The product is difficult to process, it must be carefully polished, covered with antiseptics and varnish. Nevertheless, any modification of the table can be made from wood.

Pallets (pallets)

Of these, classic rectangular models are made. Pallets can withstand heavy loads, they are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, practical. Grinding machines, grinder, drill, jigsaw are used for processing

It is better for a novice master to choose chipboard or MDF, since these materials are the easiest to process. Nails, screws, glue, staples are used to fix parts.




natural wood


Materials for fixing parts

Countertop selection

Before making a desk with your own hands, you also need to decide on the configuration of the countertop. Products are:

  1. Rectangular. This option has a good capacity and fits into any interior. But for small rooms, it is not suitable, as it takes up a lot of space.
  2. Radius. Such countertops are often installed in apartments where several children live. Their use is possible only if there is a large area.
  3. Corner. They allow you to use the entire space of the room. The outlines can be symmetrical or L-shaped.




As for the material of manufacture, there is also a choice.

Product type


Laminated chipboard

Resistant to moisture, has a high degree of resistance to wear, well sawn. It can be cleaned with various household products. But despite the resistance to moisture, you should not expose the chipboard to its frequent exposure, as the material may swell

It can be used in children's rooms, as it is environmentally friendly, has a wide range of colors, is easy to process and durable. But if the surface is glossy, scratches will be clearly visible on it.

The most durable and durable material that is combined with any style of decoration is environmentally friendly. But a wooden tabletop is expensive, has a fairly large weight and after some time of use requires restoration.

You can also make a design with a glass top. This material is resistant to wear, makes the furniture original and light. However, traces are constantly left on the glass, so it has to be washed and polished frequently.

Laminated chipboard



How to determine the optimal dimensions

The assembly of the desk must be done after its optimal dimensions have been determined. For an adult whose height is above 175 cm, they are: height - 75 cm, width - 50 cm, length - 70 cm. As for children, the parameters are different.

If the table is needed as a workplace for a computer, about 40 cm is added to the standard width of the tabletop. For schoolchildren, the parameters are somewhat different. Here the minimum width is 1 m, the depth is from 60 cm. In order for the child to put his hands normally, a space of 500 × 500 mm is required. The preferred option is a product with adjustable height and tilt angle of the tabletop.

For adults, a design is suitable for working with documents, the length of which is 110–140 cm, and the width is from 50 to 80 cm.

Minimum table parameters for a student

Optimal table settings for an adult

Drawing preparation

Making a wooden table with your own hands begins with drawing a sketch, according to which drawings are created. In addition, instructions and schemes for the sequence of work will be required. It is important to consider the following parameters:

  • the layout and size of the room, the presence of other pieces of furniture;
  • purpose and dimensions of the table;
  • type of material used for work;
  • product functionality;
  • the presence of additional structures.

If the work is done by a beginner, it is better for him to start with a simple desk, and you should make sure that the step-by-step instructions are quite detailed. This will minimize the loss of time and prevent the risk of making mistakes.

If there are 2 children in the family, and there is not enough space at home, you can organize the workspace using a dual design, which is equipped with additional drawers and cabinets. Sometimes the countertop is installed in a niche between the walls, which saves usable space. You can also give preference to multifunctional products in which the upper part is installed on the rack. Rectangular tables are allowed to be placed in any area of ​​the room.

To make a drawing, you need a sketch, a sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler. All parts of the desks are depicted with dimensions. The diagram indicates the general faces of the furniture and draws all its details. If you can’t come up with a design on your own, you can find ready-made drawings of a desk, and then adapt them according to your size.

According to the scheme obtained, a map of the cutting of parts is made, and the drawing is detailed. It has the form of a table, which indicates all structural elements (even small ones), their number, as well as the exact dimensions in millimeters. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room and the thickness of the material.

Computer corner

Step by step manufacturing algorithm

It is better for a beginner to start working with a simpler material - chipboard. It can be cut immediately at the place of purchase according to the specified dimensions to prevent damage to the plate. Now you need to collect the necessary tool:

  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver, as well as a drill with drills;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws or special bolts for furniture);
  • wood glue;
  • measuring tools, pencil, building level.

If the use of solid wood is provided for the desk, a grinder and a milling machine will be additionally required. Clamps are needed to secure parts before fixing.

To create a design, you need the following details:

The assembly of the product is carried out in stages. You can use the ready-made instructions:

  1. Holes are made under the lower shelf in the central and side elements. It is better to draw marks at a height of 5–7 cm from the floor. You can fix the shelf using self-tapping screws.
  2. In the same way, the top shelf is installed at the selected height.
  3. Next, the rear wall is fixed. It is located at the same height with the end face of the side and central parts.
  4. Now the second side rack is screwed to the back wall.
  5. The tabletop is installed last. To do this, holes are made in the side elements and dowels are mounted. Do the same with the top part. Here the holes should be deep, but not through. Now the dowels need to be greased with glue, inserted into the ends of the frame, and then put on the countertop.

Further finishing depends on the material used. Laminated chipboard or MDF does not need to be additionally painted, and the tree will have to be sanded, treated with a primer and an antiseptic, and then painted or varnished.

Making a desk with your own hands is not difficult if you draw a drawing correctly and think through every step of the work. It is also important to choose a quality material, in which case a self-designed product will last a long time.

Prepare tools

Faced with the choice of furniture for the kitchen and living room, many craftsmen do not run to the store, but decide to make a chipboard table according to their own tastes. This method is both faster and relatively cheaper. Even with minimal DIY skills, you can make a homemade table. In addition to the obvious advantages, the table will stand out due to exclusivity. Everything you need for work can be found in the house.

The process of making furniture with your own hands is filled with pleasant bonuses. The craftsman chooses the design himself, takes into account the layout of the apartment - and there is no need to go to furniture stores with a tape measure in your hands! A person fully reveals his own creative potential, deriving a lot of benefits in terms of costs and in obtaining new skills. Consider the process of making two tables: a large kitchen table and a small coffee table in the living room.

How to make a table in the kitchen from chipboard with your own hands

The table in the kitchen is the most used of all the furniture in the house. It is for him that people eat, spending most of their time talking. The table should be visually attractive and durable. Chipboard is an ideal material for kitchen furniture, since its advantages lie in practicality and a long service life. In addition, it is a lightweight material that is easy to process and create a full-fledged kitchen table.

Table drawing

You can make a table drawing with your own hands - absolutely according to your own preferences, or use the template we have proposed.

IMPORTANT! It is imperative to take into account the dimensions for the blanks both in an independent scheme and according to ready-made templates. Otherwise, an opportunity will arise - the finished table will be smaller or larger than the required size.

Consider the simplest table in design with a wide but small table top, four legs and reinforcing supports.

Necessary tools and blanks

The first step is to prepare the necessary tools. For fruitful work you will need:

  • drill or screwdriver - it is better to take small models so that the attachment points look nice;
  • circular saw, milling cutter and electric jigsaw;
  • auxiliary tools: level, square, tape measure, drills, countersinks;
  • a set of hex keys;
  • hand saw for wood;
  • conductor.

IMPORTANT! The main work on cutting and preparing blanks is best done on the street (for example, in a garage). So the level of noise and pollution will not affect the house.

To assemble a dining table from chipboard, you will need the following parts:

  • 4 side racks (74x46 cm);
  • countertop (95x56 cm);
  • support frame for the tabletop (2 pcs. 3x5 cm: length 72 cm, 2 pcs. 30 cm each);
  • 10 furniture corners;
  • lower spacer (4x3.5 cm: length 74 cm).

All blanks are cut from chipboard sheets. In addition, you will need self-tapping screws to secure all the details.

ADVICE! Before you start cutting out the details, it is recommended to draw them on a chipboard sheet with a simple pencil. Get a kind of wooden pattern.

We make components

The countertop is always cut first - you need to round the corners, giving it the desired shape with a jigsaw. The second frame is assembled for the strength of the countertop - 4 pieces are joined together, fixed to the corners or self-tapping screws. The thrust frame must be placed exactly in the middle of the tabletop canvas.

The third will be the side racks:

The second rack is made in the same way.

We assemble the table

Place all parts on a flat surface. The assembly also begins from the countertop. You need to retreat 11 cm, drawing horizontal stripes - you get a square just in the center of the plate. It is in it that the frame will be located - to fix it. Next, you should make marks for the side racks, attaching them in the center in the same way, but already to the thrust frame.

After assembly, it remains to enter the lower thrust beam for spreading the legs, secure with the help of corners. For the sake of strengthening, the side racks are scrolled once again with self-tapping screws - from the outside of the tabletop.

It is important to remember that before assembly, all parts must be cleaned and processed - for example, putty and varnish. Or you can glue it with a special film.

How to make a coffee table from chipboard

The coffee table is twice as easy to assemble because it is compact and does not require much work. Such a table, as a rule, is low - at the level of the sofa, or even lower. The simplest scheme is to place a round tabletop on 2 parallel bars. The most convenient, budget and fast. But to make something more serious, you will need similar tools and components.

Making a table drawing

You should independently make measurements and calculations or use the finished scheme, simply by copying it. The main thing to remember is that even they can be changed for yourself. Be sure to consider the dimensions.

Cooking ingredients

The coffee table will consist of the following parts:

  • countertop (75 cm by 70 cm);
  • 4 planks (46 cm by 10 cm);
  • 2 flat shelves (70 cm by 50 cm);
  • 4 legs or wheels;
  • additionally: confirmations, self-tapping screws, plastic corners and material for processing.

Depending on the wishes, there can be just legs or wheels. Or you can combine it by cutting holes for wheels in the legs - so the table will be mobile and easily moved.

Table assembly

The tabletop and lower shelves should be cut out yourself. Before work, be sure to sand the sheet, then make a pencil markup and cut out the details.

All end elements should be glued with a decorative edge, and then proceed to assemble the countertop, shelves and side planks using corners and self-tapping screws. The next step is attaching the bottom. Further equipment with legs or wheels.

The table is ready, it remains only to decorate it and check its strength.

The final stage - decoration

The matter remains small - the prepared surface must be covered with a transparent varnish or a decorative film. Before painting, you should also treat the table with impregnation to neutralize the glue. In addition, the table will become moisture resistant. Lacquer is best applied in two layers. As a decoration, you can also attach an LED strip inside the table.

By spending some free time and some money, you can get a comfortable and unique table. The main thing is not to be afraid of your own mistakes, but to turn failures into a unique charm of furniture.

Friends, I decided to share my experience of independent design and assembly of furniture from chipboard. I hope it will be useful for beginner furniture DIYers))
The desktop, at least for me, is the most important piece of furniture in the house, so it should be as convenient and functional as possible.

Well, let's go)).


As usual, the idea was stolen by me on the Internet, I was inspired by this project from a certain Mashstudios (

I liked the compactness of the design, the lack of legs and the space for placing drawers in the table, because I always lack them)

But of course, it was necessary to creatively rework all this, taking into account their Wishlist:

1. A bunch of sockets should be built into the table, the more the better - a table lamp, a laptop, a phone - all this requires power. By the way, Mashstudios somehow didn’t take care of this - what does this Apple in the photo eat from?
2. The table itself should have as many drawers as possible for all sorts of things that take up space on an ordinary wide table - papers, notebooks, tools, wires, etc. All this should be closed from dust penetration - I don’t know how it is with you, but my dust settles on surfaces in a week.
3. The presence of a cork panel above the table to attach various things to it that should be in front of your eyes - reminders, work schedules, business cards, etc. Well, as in American thrillers, when detectives get to the home of a maniac - his entire wall is filled with various documents and photos with victims, and then everything finally becomes clear to them). In short, something like this, only in a good way).


With the project decided, we proceed to design.
For designing, I use Google SketchUp, I like it for the convenience and ease of entry for a beginner - I don’t want to study any professional CAD or furniture editor to get a simple 3D model with dimensions. This is a paid program, but a trial period is usually enough for me)

I made a table from chipboard 16 mm thick, which I cut to my size.
If you have never designed chipboard furniture on your own, but you want to, then do not be afraid, do it, I only advise you to pay attention to a few points:

1. Always keep in mind that chipboard parts are edged (an edge is glued to the ends of the parts), which increases their size. The edge is 0.5 mm and 2 mm.
2. Cutting firms cut at least 1 sheet of chipboard, as a rule, it is 2750x1830 mm in size. You can not fill out the sheet completely, but no one will return the money for half the sheet to you - or they will simply give it out in the form of scraps or it will go to heat them on long winter evenings) Therefore, try to fill the sheet with 90 percent - the cutting machine also needs some indentation from the edges of the sheet. By the way, the table in the end did not take up the entire sheet and I decided to supplement it with a dumbbell shelf, which I had long wanted.
3. Milling for fittings is relatively expensive, so where you can do without it, it's better to do it. For example, in this project, it was possible to fix the upper tabletop using the so-called "eccentrics" - but milling the grooves for them would increase the cost of cutting by a thousand rubles, so I decided to get by with furniture corners, with a total cost of 70 rubles.
3. Sheets come in different thicknesses - 10, 16, 18, 22 mm. If you want to combine chipboard of different thicknesses and colors in a project, keep in mind that there will be separate full-fledged sheets for each thickness and color. That is why good factory furniture is usually richer in a variety of materials than home-made furniture - a factory can use several types of furniture due to its mass character.

In SketchUp, the following happened:

A table with drawers, a hanging drawer with doors, a shelf above the table for every little thing, on the left - a shelf for dumbbells.

Open design for better understanding:

Placement of parts on a chipboard sheet 2750x1830 mm.

After designing, you should get a list of parts with their dimensions, quantity and an indication of which ends of the parts need to be edged.
Below is a scan of a sheet given to me by a cutting company with such a list. Who cares, the company is called "Lamart" and is located in Khabarovsk. He does it right and on time.

The sheet that is given to the cutters to complete the order (who will guess what the underscores under the dimensions of the parts mean?))):

I made the table with a depth of 45 cm. This may not be enough, but I was always afraid that the fastening of the table top to the chipboard on the wall might not withstand and crack, now, according to the sensations from the rigidity of the resulting structure, I can say that it was quite possible to make 50 cm, but not more. Actually, for the same reason of facilitating the design, I decided to make the drawers of the table from plywood 7 mm thick.

Order and export.

The order went smoothly, the competent employee quickly entered and calculated everything. The order was promised to be completed in ten days and they did it. The only mistake of the cutters, which I encountered for the first time in several years of cooperation with this company, was that both facades of the hanging box were undercut and I had to bring them back for correction. Therefore, I advise you to check at least the most important details upon acceptance. Firms, as a rule, never deny their mistakes and fix them, it just takes extra time.
Since the largest part was 1200x500 mm, we managed to take everything out on our own Honda Fit. By the way, the issue of exporting an order must also be worked out in advance if the parts are large or there is no transport of their own - Lamart, for example, does not provide its delivery services, but they can give the phones of familiar truck drivers.
The cost of cutting with the material turned out to be 6000 rubles. Another total of about 1000 rubles. went to fittings - roller guides for drawers, sockets, furniture handles.
I took the fittings partially in Leroy Merlin (he opened a year ago right next to my house), on the lane. Sports 4, in Bayard. These are building stores in Khabarovsk.


Assembly took place at home. If you have the opportunity to make all the holes, milling somewhere outside the house, it is better to do so, because no matter how hard you try, there will be a lot of sawdust and dust. A few photos of the most important assembly steps:

Inverted top of the tabletop with ribs attached with furniture corners. Also immediately installed roller guides for drawers:

The reverse side of the chipboard canvas attached to the wall. To the canvas, in turn, the tabletop is attached. The fastening is made using metal washers to reduce the likelihood of "breaking out" of the confirmat (a special screw for chipboard) under load:

Cables for electrical outlets are laid in channels made by a milling cutter. A milling cutter was bought from me a long time ago to carry out repairs in an apartment, but in fact it turned out to be very rarely needed. Now I would take it from friends or rent it only for the time of work.

Attachment to the wall, installation of sockets. The height from the floor of the upper surface of the tabletop turned out to be 73 cm, the bottom - 60 cm. For my height (167 cm), the leg opening under the tabletop is enough, taller people may have problems:

Final look.

Well, here's what happened in the end:

Some unfaithful acquaintances had doubts whether this table could withstand more or less a lot of weight. Well, of course, it’s still not worth getting on it and doing other things that are not provided for on it)). The heaviest thing that can stand on it is a laptop. But just in case, I did a test - a total of 20 kg of weight on the table:

But this turned out to be a shelf for dumbbells:


Thank you for reading the post to the end. I hope it will be useful for beginner furniture DIYers.)

P.S. With this post, I open a section of reviews of my projects in interior design and call it, oddly enough) -