Where to hide sewer pipes. How to hide pipes in the bathroom yourself. Build a special pipe box

In order for the structure that hides pipes to serve for a long time, certain rules must be followed.

1. The structure must be assembled from suitable materials

This means that only moisture-resistant and resistant to aggressive coatings are used for work. You need to remember the special conditions in, where it is almost constantly hot and humid. Moreover, moisture is a mixture of water and rather aggressive detergents, which further enhances its destructive effect.

2. Pipelines must be in excellent technical condition

It is desirable that they be plastic with a minimum number of joints and turns. metal pipes subject to corrosion, which will be very difficult to notice under the skin.

3 best ways to hide pipes

In fact, there are a lot of such methods, so it’s easy enough to choose for your bathroom. best option, which suits the result and labor costs.

1. Remove communications in the walls or floor

This is the most time-consuming method, but at the same time it gives the best result and does not require the construction of a subtractor. free place frame. Its main disadvantage is the danger, which will lead to the need to dismantle the entire structure, including finishing, and costly repairs. Therefore, in this way they only mask plastic pipes for various purposes without detachable connections.

The plumbing can be laid into the wall. To do this, grooves right size. Such that the pipe fits freely inside. It is desirable to choose the shortest trajectory with a minimum of turns. If it is supposed to lay two pipes in parallel, with hot and with cold water, for each, a separate recess is made with a distance between them of at least 0.3 m. It is forbidden to lay them in a common one.

Before mounting the structure, it is advisable to equip the strobes with a sleeve made of foam rubber or thermoflex in order to minimize problems from the appearance of condensate and thermal expansion. After laying the pipes, the strobes are closed cement mortar. sewer pipeline can be put in a screed. If its length is large, be sure to use the corrugation, which is put on the pipes before laying. This will allow them to expand freely when heated.

2. Hide the pipes under the tiles

A frame is being built under which pipes are located. The design is being made ceramic tiles. In this case, one or more must be performed, depending on the length of the pipeline. The shape of the frame and its location can be any, they are determined by the desire of the owner. Most often, the design is suitable for furniture or plumbing fixtures.

For the construction of the frame, a wooden block or profile impregnated with a protective solution is used. In any case, a structure is assembled that is securely fixed to the wall, floor or ceiling. For sheathing, sheets of plywood or chipboard are used, but always moisture resistant grades. On the sheathed frame, openings are provided for inspection hatches to provide access to the pipes. After that, the base is reinforced with a special mesh.

The tile is laid directly on the grid. Used for installation. Tiles are also glued to the cover of the revision hatch. After the solution has completely dried, the joints are grouted. It is advisable to additionally cover them with antifungal mastic.

3. Mask the pipes with a drywall box

For work, you can only use, which is different from standard sheet green coloration. These sheets are impregnated protective compounds and able to resist moisture. Drywall is attached to a frame made of metal profiles, the dimensions and shape of which depend on the length and configuration of the pipeline. Work begins with the assembly of the frame.

In the process of arranging it is securely fixed to the walls and floor. Then the frame is sheathed with sheets of drywall. It is important to remember that the material has a front side, it must be outside. Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the canvases, their hats are recessed into the base by about a millimeter. On the prepared box, an opening is cut out under the inspection hatch. The door is hinged.

If hot water or heating pipes are laid inside the structure, several small holes must be made on its upper wall. On the bottom, it is also desirable to make a hole in order to immediately notice a leak. To strengthen the corners of the structure, they are covered with special perforated corners. The finished box is rubbed with a grater, then plastered. All seams are carefully sealed. After drying, proceed to finishing.

For sheathing the frame, plastic panels are also used, which also gives a good result. Using one of these methods, you can hide pipelines different shapes, including the most complex wiring. The effort you put in will pay off handsomely. will become much more attractive if engineering communications are not visible.

August 16, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Very often, clients and novice masters ask how to hide pipes in the bathroom. Recently, for example, I parked the car and a local watchman turned to me with a similar question, who decided to do some repairs with his own hands.

Well, give helpful advice I never feel sorry for and I do not take money for it. And then the weather was just fine, so we sat down in the shade, and I told everything I know about how to hide the pipes in the bathroom in such a way as to spend a minimum of effort and money on it.

However, during the conversation it turned out that he likes sewing pipes more, that is, when engineering communications are not just disguised, but completely invisible. Therefore, I had to take a pencil and paper in my hands and throw a sketch of a plastic box into it, which is the best fit for this purpose.

And when I was walking home from the parking lot in the evening, I thought that such an instruction would be useful to other people who do not know how to close the pipes in the bathroom. Therefore, I put my whole story in writing and present to your attention.

Simple methods for decorating pipes

Before telling you about complicated ways After how to close the pipes in the bathroom, I will mention a little about how to decorate engineering communications in this room. We will talk about simple ways that do not require much effort and money.

With just a little of your valuable time, you can turn those annoying pipes into interesting accessories that will complement and diversify your bathroom design.

So let's get started:

  1. Mosaic. It's interesting and unusual way pipe masking. By sticking mosaic pieces on the surface of the plumbing, you can skillfully hide them, making them look like walls. That is, an unusual and interesting accessory will turn out.

The disadvantage of this approach is that tiles can only be glued to wide parts. But, for example, I finished the sewer riser like this and I can tell you that it looked very good.

  1. stucco work. This refers to finished products made of polyurethane, which look like stucco. This material does not require any special skills from you to install, but it can be used to quickly disguise the pipes, decorating the bathroom in an aristocratic style.

The advantage of this decor is that in the event of a leak, you can quickly dismantle the stucco molding and eliminate the defect. The downside is that the stucco does not look very nice on water pipes installed horizontally.

  1. Metal gratings. great way for those who do not know how to disguise pipes in a plumbing room. They are available in stainless steel or chrome plated. If you skillfully combine them with, then you can equip a high-tech bathroom.

For installation, you can use a special frame that is attached directly to the pipes.

However, I call all this only half-measures. If you really want to know how to sew up pipes so that they are completely invisible and do not spoil the interior of the room, then read the next section.

Methods for masking water transport systems

In total, I know four main ways to mask pipes. But I want to note that these are basic techniques and they can be combined with different ways finishes. Almost all of the described technologies require serious work, so they are often resorted to during overhaul In bathroom.

I will tell you about each method in more detail.

Hidden lining in the wall

This is the most obvious way to hide water pipes. Its essence is that before installation engineering system strobes are made in the enclosing walls or the floor, in which pipes are laid. Thus, by the way, you can do it if you decide how to hide the plumbing under the tile.

It would seem that if everything is so simple and easy, why come up with other ways of disguise. But the fact is that I personally consider the hidden gasket not the most best scheme pipe layouts. It has many disadvantages:

  1. For hidden laying, only metal-plastic and plastic pipes can be used.. Therefore, if suddenly you are an adherent of metal water pipes, you will have to refuse to wall them up in the wall.
  2. During installation, you will have to use only one-piece connections.
  3. The process of hidden pipe laying itself takes a very long time and requires great precision.. For example, if you have already soldered the pipe, but it does not fit into the strobe, you will either have to hammer the wall again or re-solder the pipeline section.
  4. In the event of an accident, it will be necessary to completely break the decorative finish, that is, start bathroom renovation again.

Therefore, I recommend thinking several times before hiding water pipes in the wall. Moreover, there are less radical methods. For example, installing cabinets or other furniture. About this, by the way, in the next section.


This option is good because you do not need to destroy or somehow modify the decorative wall decoration. Almost everything can be used as pieces of furniture, with the help of which engineering communications are disguised:

  • hanging mirrors;
  • bedside tables;
  • lockers and so on.

Of course, it is better if the wardrobe or bedside table is made by yourself. Then their dimensions will ideally fit the dimensions of the room and perfectly mask the pipes you have. furniture manufacturing price custom order not so great (although it all depends on the design and materials), and if you have at least some skills in handling tools, you can make everything yourself.

The second option is to buy ready-made furniture. But at the same time, you still have to adjust cabinets and bedside tables on the spot, since no factory project can provide for all the intricacies of pipes in your bathroom.

You should purchase only specialized bathroom furniture that is designed for use in conditions high humidity. As an option - arrangement compulsory system ventilation with powerful fans that can effectively regulate the content of water vapor in the air.

The disadvantage of this method is the difficult access to the pipes. If you need to embed something or fix a leak, you will have to dismantle the cabinet or disassemble the nightstand. Therefore, I will tell you about another way - the use of roller shutters or blinds.

roller shutters

There isn't much to say here at all. Buy roller shutters or blinds of the right size and install them in the bathroom so that they cover the water pipes.

I prefer roller shutters, as they have several advantages over blinds:

  • completely mask the pipes of the water supply and sewerage;
  • protect against water noise in the engineering system;
  • give the room an elegant touch appearance;
  • provide free and fast access to laid pipes.

If you decide to buy blinds, I advise you to purchase plastic panels that can be operated in humid air without changing their appearance and technical characteristics.

Boxes and niches

Such designs allow you to hide any number of engineering communications, laid open way(that is, not recessed into the walls). Before starting repairs in the bathroom, I recommend that you immediately draw up a small plan or sketch, on which you indicate which specific and what size boxes and niches will be made.

This method can be used not only for masking pipes in the bathroom, but also for installation household appliances. For example, in a drywall niche you can put washing machine. No connection pipes will be visible, and on top you can equip a table for household items.

There is one nuance here. When designing niches, I recommend doing them in such a way as to provide easy access to pipes in case of an accident. For example, make one of the panels removable. Thus, in the event of a water pipe break, you will not need to destroy the decorative finish and start the repair again.

I consider it a positive point that you can hide in boxes and niches metal-plastic pipes with detachable joints (after all, according to SNiP, they cannot be embedded in walls). In addition, the installation of the box does not require alteration of the entire water supply system (as, for example, when immuring pipes into a wall).

In general, looking ahead, I can tell you that I like this option the most. So I advised the guard from the parking lot to do. If you also want to use a box for masking pipes, then the technology for its manufacture is described below.

Before that, however, there is one moment. The box can be sheathed drywall sheets and plastic panels. The first option is more time consuming, since after manufacturing it needs to be finished decorative material(usually tiles). Therefore, I suggested to the watchman to make a box sheathed with plastic.

Arrangement of a plastic box for masking pipes

Now it's time to reveal another secret to you. After thinking, thinking, my interlocutor decided that it was too difficult to mask the pipes in the bathroom on his own. So he asked me to take on this case. And as payment, he offered to guard my car for free for three months, well, sort of like a netting.

Therefore, below I will tell you in detail how to hide plumbing and water pipes with plastic panels. sewer pipes In bathroom.

Benefits of a plastic box

But first, a few more words about the pros. I want to 100% convince you that I advised my interlocutor a very good option (especially when compared with the same box, but sheathed with plasterboard sheets).

So, the advantages of a plastic box are as follows:

  1. If necessary, the design is quickly disassembled, while the material is not damaged and is suitable for reuse. That is, if the plumbing in your bathroom is made using pipes and detachable connections, when leaks appear, you can easily eliminate them. And after that, put everything back together so that even your wife does not suspect anything.
  2. The box lined with plastic panels does not require additional decorative finishes. Moreover, they themselves are a finishing material, I myself have repaired many toilets and bathrooms, sheathing the walls with plastic.
  3. The design is resistant to deformation and quickly repaired in case of breakage. Plastic has sufficient flexibility and strength, so it is difficult to damage it. However, if someone succeeds, the destroyed panel can be replaced within a few minutes.
  4. The support frame itself and plastic can be installed even by a beginner in matters of repair and interior decoration. You can complete the construction of the box within one day. At the same time, buy some special materials and you don't need to rent complicated tools.
  5. This whole construction is inexpensive (especially when compared with plasterboard and tiles). After all, it was not for nothing that many of my clients who did not want to spend a lot of money on repairs chose plastic panels for wall cladding in the bathroom.
  6. Compact and spacious. The panels themselves are very thin and are hung on light frame. Therefore, the box will occupy a minimum usable area In bathroom. But this room is not the most spacious in the apartment, so free space will never be superfluous.

Preparation for work

So, I convinced the caretaker to make a plastic box, and he assigned this honorable duty to me. Therefore, I immediately (that is, from the next morning, since it was Saturday) set to work.

The first stage is preparation. I always work like this:

  1. I study all the pipelines that need to be masked in the future box. It is necessary to identify the shortcomings and eliminate them before constructing the frame and sewing it up with plastic.

I'll give you one piece of advice. If you will change water pipes before installing the box, try to plan the system so that it contains a minimum of connections. Especially if threaded fittings are used.

  1. Thinking out the configuration of the future box. In this particular case, I drew a sketch on paper and showed it to my "customer" from the parking lot. He approved.

I always try to come up with such a design that, in addition to the main task (disguising pipes), it serves as a stand for detergents, or cosmetics, or something else.

Immediately at the same stage, I always decide where to make holes in the box for inspection doors. After all, you will not understand plastic sheathing every time you need to turn off the water or check the water meter.

  1. According to a pre-made drawing, I calculate the quantity required material . Naturally, I buy everything with a small margin, since in my practice there were many cases when I had to go to the store for one wooden block or one plastic panel.

On the preparatory stage think right away about how the seams of the plastic panels will be located. I prefer vertical ones, but then you need to install transverse stiffeners when designing the box.

To avoid this, you can do it horizontally. But in this case, you will have to do more work on cutting panels. It is difficult to give a specific recommendation here, you can make a decision at your own discretion.

Tools and materials

To construct a box from plastic panels (yes, by the way, from GKL), you will need the following materials:

  • galvanized profiles for mounting the frame (they can be replaced wooden blocks section 3 by 3 cm);
  • plastic panels (as you understand, if you make a drywall box, you will need to buy it);
  • silicone sealant;
  • polyvinyl chloride skirting boards for masking the edges of plastic panels;
  • plastic doors for revision holes;
  • screws or screws;
  • knife for cutting plastic panels.

Box design

Having finished with the preparation, I proceeded to designing the frame, which will then be sheathed with plastic panels. As I said, I bought a galvanized profile, but I think if you prefer wood, you can guess how to use it correctly.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. In places where the box will come into contact with the wall of the bathroom, I installed guide profiles that will limit the dimensions of the future structure.

During installation, be sure to use building level to keep vertical and horizontal.

To fix the parts, I use dowels with screws, I drill holes with a perforator. If your walls are already lined tiles, be very careful not to split the decorative material.

To save more free space in the bathroom, I recommend placing the frame closer to the pipes. However, you must leave a free space of at least 3 cm, otherwise the plastic may melt from contact with hot water pipes.

  1. Installed a guide profile on the floor and ceiling. Otherwise, it will not be possible to firmly fix the upper and lower parts. In addition, it is these parts that help to properly mount the external corner support element.

  1. Mounted outer corner. To do this, I used the same profile that I installed on the wall.
  2. After that, I cut several profiles, which I connected to the guides on the walls and corner profile by making stiffeners. They should be located at a distance of no more than 40 cm.

I fastened the parts together with the help of small self-tapping screws.

Sheathing installation

After completing the construction of the frame, I moved on to lining it with plastic panels. He acted according to the following scheme:

  1. Set starter PVC profile(U-shaped part). Attached it to the frame. Here you need to act very carefully to avoid deformation of the product and attach it strictly vertically.

In the photo - profiles for plastic panels and their use in the design of the box.

I also used small self-tapping screws to secure it. If you designed a frame from wooden bars, then you can fasten plastic parts using a construction stapler.

  1. Then measured desired height and cut off the plastic panel.

  1. After that, I installed the panel on the frame, inserting one end into the U-shaped end part, and fixed the second on the frame with self-tapping screws.

  1. I did the same with the rest of the details, except for the last one, which will dock with plastic corner on the outside corner.
  2. Regarding the corner: at the end of the box, you need to install an external PVC corner, which is necessary for installing the panels and masking the cut of the plastic panel.
  3. After installing the corner, I cut the last sheet of plastic not only in length, but also in width, and then inserted it into the right place in the box.
  4. I did the same with other surfaces of the structure for masking water pipes.
  5. After finishing the sheathing, I marked out the places for mounting the revision doors, cut holes and installed them there, gluing them on the sealant.

  1. Then it remains to mount so many skirting boards that decorate the joints between the floor (ceiling) and the box. Although sometimes I was limited only to the installation of U-shaped parts. This is quite enough.

Qualitative modern renovation involves not only the use of reliable materials and elements, but also obtaining beautiful room, so different parts of communication systems are hidden in the bathroom. To understand how to hide pipes in the bathroom, you need to know that it is quite simple, and can also be used for this. various methods and materials. Before starting work, it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and also to study which communication elements are not allowed to be hidden in the wall, as they may require full access.

It is allowed to mask pipelines different methods, and this will allow you to get a room with an attractive appearance. If high-quality and expensive materials are used during the finishing process, but pipes are visible, then the room will not look too beautiful. Also often on open areas piping accumulates condensate, so over time they darken, which does not add to the attractiveness of the bathroom.

An interesting and well-implemented disguise provides a neat, stylish and modern room. The main thing is to get acquainted with how you can hide the pipes in the bathroom with your own hands.

Hiding in the wall

This method is considered the most common, but it is only suitable for pipelines made of polypropylene or copper, since in them all connections are soldered and welded reliably and efficiently, and there is also no thread. How to close the pipes in the bathroom with this method? For this, the following steps are performed:

  • a scheme is created for laying the pipeline in the wall;
  • markings are applied to the walls, along which strobes will be created further;
  • chasing is carried out, after which recesses are obtained for pipes with the required depth and width;
  • pipes are placed in a special corrugation;
  • then they fit into the strobes obtained earlier;
  • the strobes are closed with concrete mortar, after which the walls are covered with plaster and putty, and then it is allowed to lay any decorative coating.

wall chasing

Pipe laying

From above, the pipes are closed with concrete mortar

Before turning on the water supply, you must wait until it is completely dry concrete mortar, used to close the strobe, since if you turn on hot water, then the screed will crack. Closing pipes in this way is quite difficult and expensive, and it also takes a lot of time to devote to this process. It is usually used for new apartments where major renovations are being carried out from scratch. It is also effective in redevelopment of the apartment. Before you hide the pipe in the bathroom, you should determine the locations of various adapters and taps, and viewing windows are certainly created for them.

AT panel walls not allowed to carry out horizontal chasing.

If the pipelines are hidden in the wall, then to create them, it is necessary to purchase exclusively high-quality materials, since in a poor-quality system there is a high probability of breakthroughs, which leads to flooding of the neighbors and the need to dismantle the decorative coating and re-chase the walls.

To positive moments The use of this method refers to the attractive appearance of the entire room. For walls, any Decoration Materials, and the size of the room will not be reduced, which is especially true for a small bathroom.

Bathroom podium

To hide communications excellent choice a podium is considered to effectively mask the unattractive space under the bathroom. A bathtub is considered a popular plumbing fixture found in almost every bathroom. It can be mounted on legs, but often a podium is organized for this. It acts as the base for the device.

Usually the ugliest and largest elements of the water supply and sewerage system pass under the bathroom, so this space is effectively closed with the help of a podium. For this, chipboard treated with special water-repellent compounds, or plastic panels can be used. Usually a small door is created, with the help of which access to the space under the bathroom is provided. In this case, various cleaning products are stored here. Most often, plastic is used for this, but before that you need to familiarize yourself with how to hide pipes in bathrooms with plastic panels.

Drywall box

Often, communication elements are closed with drywall. This material has many advantages, as it is notable for its low cost, ease of processing and cutting, and its moisture-resistant variety is also produced, which is perfect for the bathroom. Removing pipes with this method is easy and fast, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on it.

Drywall hides not only pipes, but also other elements of communications.

How to close the pipes in the bathroom with this method? For this, the following steps are performed:

  • a drawing is created future work, on which its result will be schematically visible;
  • calculations are made to determine required amount materials;
  • materials are purchased, which include metal profiles to create a frame, moisture-resistant drywall itself, fasteners for fixing profiles, as well as a sealant used at joints;
  • fastening of metal profiles begins, with the help of which a high-quality frame is obtained right size, and it is desirable to do the work in such a way that the distance from the frame elements to the pipes is minimal;
  • the frame is sheathed with drywall, for which the material is easily cut sharp knife, after which it is inserted into the free space between the profiles;
  • joints are filled with sealant;
  • the box is finished with any materials suitable for the bathroom.

Frame around the sewer pipe

Frame around pipes on the floor

The frame must have places for passing pipes

The space around the pipe should be filled with mineral wool

Sheathing the frame with drywall

Thus, if you carefully figure out how to make a box correctly, it turns out beautiful decoration premises. Drywall is easy to work with and is also environmentally friendly. pure material. The disadvantage of using a box is a decrease in the area of ​​​​the room, which is especially important for a bathroom that is usually small in size.

To gain access to taps or other important sections of the pipeline, special technological holes are made in the box, on which doors are mounted. In the event of a malfunction in the performance of the system, you will have to completely dismantle the structure.

Masking furniture and screen

Often when looking at ways to hide pipes in bathrooms, the choice falls on furniture or a screen. Often a special furniture design is created, which is a cabinet equipped with shelves. With its help, not only unattractive areas of communications are hidden, but also free space is provided for storing various items. A room with such a design looks interesting and unusual.

With the help of a pencil case you can hide vertical pipes

Cabinet with countertop will help hide the pipes

How to hide vertical pipes in the bathroom? For this, a special pencil case is suitable. It eliminates back wall, and recesses for pipes are cut out in the shelves with the help of a grinder. However, for these purposes, special moisture-resistant furniture is selected, since it must cope with constant exposure high temperature and humidity. Such interior items are presented on the market in limited quantities, and also usually have a high cost. It is allowed to use standard items to create a furniture design, but they will regularly have to be processed with special protective equipment which entails a constant waste of time, effort and money.

Most often to create such furniture are used laminated chipboard with high resistance to high humidity. Doors are selected hinged or sliding to ensure ease of use of the structure indoors. All cracks are necessarily treated with high-quality silicone to ensure high tightness.

How to hide the pipes in the bathroom under the tiles using a screen? This method is used quite often, and it involves closing the space under the bathroom with special panels or drywall sheets. The most frequently asked question is how to hide the sewer pipes in the bathroom with plastic panels. To do this, a frame is formed under the bathroom, sheathed with panels. Even during the production process, they are equipped with special grooves and spikes, so their connection is simple and fast work. The disadvantages of this method include a decrease in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which is often for small room is critical.

Bath Screen

roller shutters

Often, roller shutters are used to decorate pipes. They have an attractive appearance and are also considered easy to use. For many residential property owners, the main advantage of using roller shutters is the constant and easy access to communications and the main elements of networks.

Roller shutters are created for the bathroom from various materials, and are considered ideal solution if the pipes are located in niches, since the installation process is greatly simplified. The disadvantages include that usually inexpensive products are formed from soft materials, therefore, if handled carelessly, they can be easily damaged, so they lose their attractive appearance.

What not to hide and possible mistakes

Before you close the sewer pipes in the bathroom, you should make sure that they can really be closed, since some elements of the communication networks must always be open to constantly provide access to them. It is not allowed to hide without access:

  • any threaded connections, as they are considered to break often, so there is a high probability of leakage;
  • threaded fittings that are assembled on metal-plastic using keys.

It is easiest to hide elements without any connections, since the likelihood of leakage in such places is minimal. If it is nevertheless necessary to hide areas with connections, then it is important to choose such structures where it is possible to make inspection hatches that give access to difficult areas, cranes or other important elements of the system.

The main problems that arise during work include:

  • along with hidden pipes, various taps or other important communication elements are hidden, the need for which may already arise during the operation of the system;
  • areas where there are threaded connections are hidden, so if leaks occur, it is impossible to quickly access them for repair, so you have to partially destroy the finish in the room;
  • no inspection hatches important areas systems.

If you know about the main problems that arise during the work process, then you can make high-quality decoration of unattractive pipes in the bathroom. It is easiest to work with soldered copper and welded joints, since they are easily closed with screeds or other methods without forming access to them. It is also possible to safely close press fittings crimped with construction tongs, however, the products themselves must be of high quality and reliable.

Thus, pipes, which are part of numerous communication networks, are most often hidden to increase the attractiveness of any bathroom. For this, various methods and technologies can be used, so the design that looks the most attractive and interesting is chosen. This takes into account that it is forbidden to close some sections of the pipeline, and also in certain sections it is required to create access to the system if it becomes necessary to carry out repair work. At the same time, not only an attractive decoration of the room is guaranteed, but also the creation of a safe repair, therefore, in the event of a leak or other problems, it will not be necessary to violate the integrity of the finish.

Engineering communications pipes running along the walls and floor, connecting plumbing fixtures to water supply and sewerage, can spoil any even the most sophisticated design.

In this case, neither unique 3D floors, nor beautiful wall decoration or beautiful porcelain stoneware on the floor will correct the situation.

To give the bathroom interior a proper look, you should think about how to remove the pipes so that they do not an eyesore, diverting attention from the finish.

In addition, pipes running along walls or floors can be deformed in the event of any careless mechanical impact. As a rule, in modern houses plumbing and sewerage is carried out with pipes made of polymer materials which are not very durable.

Hidden laying of pipes will not only improve the appearance of the room, but also prevent their damage.

Let's see what are the ways to hide pipes.

by the most in a simple way to keep pipes out of sight is disguise with the help of all sorts of lockers, bedside tables and wardrobes.

Vertical pipelines can be removed in a cabinet-pencil case, which will hide them all the way from floor to ceiling.

Pipes under the sink can be hidden in the bedside table installed under the sink.

These methods are simple and allow least cost give a beautiful appearance to the bathroom by removing the pipes inside the furniture.

But this method also has its drawbacks.

Firstly, you will have to make each cabinet in place, cutting out additional openings and holes in the side walls and internal shelves to pass pipelines.

And secondly, such a cabinet will be difficult to use for its intended purpose - all inner space will be occupied by pipes, and there may not be any room for things at all. Therefore, other methods are more often used to hide pipelines.

The most aesthetic and not reducing the interior space of the room way is to lay pipes directly in the walls.

However, this method has noticeable disadvantages:

  • the high complexity of making strobes in the wall;
  • the impossibility of using threaded connections;
  • the need to dismantle a section of the wall in case of repair of pipes;
  • the impossibility of such a laying with insufficient wall thickness or in panel houses.

If you decide to choose this method, first make sure that the gasket will not cause weakening bearing wall. After all, the strobe literally “cuts” the wall.

In addition, it should be remembered that the thickness of the strobe must be sufficient not only for laying the pipes themselves, but also to allow the pipe insulation to fit freely. As you can imagine, in the usual apartment building make such holes in the walls without breaking them bearing capacity, will be difficult. Therefore, it is better to consider another way. The least destructive and no less aesthetic is laying pipes in ducts.

Laying pipes in boxes

In one of the previous publications, we already talked about how to make a box in the bathroom. If you have read this article, then you already know that making a box on your own does not present any difficulties even for a person who does not have great experience in such works.

This type of hidden gasket looks very aesthetically pleasing, allowing you to finish the box in accordance with the overall interior design:

For the construction of the box, a few meters of a galvanized profile and a certain amount of moisture-resistant drywall (GKLV) or gypsum fiber sheets are enough.

Instead of drywall, you can use lightweight PVC panels, which, like drywall, are screwed to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Below you can watch a video on how to make a box in the bathroom from plastic panels:

The main thing when installing such boxes is not to forget to install an opening hatch to provide access to the fittings blocking water, meters and revisions of sewer risers. Today in stores you can buy factory-made hatches different sizes, which are easily mounted in a box of the appropriate size:

As you can see, there are no special tricks in the arrangement of the boxes and you will be able to complete all the stages of work yourself. However, you should be aware of some of the nuances, which you can read about below.

Distances between pipe fixing points

Regardless of the material, all pipes have standard distances between the places of their attachment to the walls. This prevents possible sagging of the pipes under their own weight and the weight of the water in them. At the same time, in horizontal sections of pipe laying, the distances between the places of their fastening are somewhat less than in vertical sections.

For polypropylene pipes, most often used in the installation of intra-apartment wiring, the distances between their attachment points, depending on the diameter and temperature of the water, can be determined from the table:

Nominal pipe diameter, mm

Distance, mm

In accordance with SP 73.13330.2012 Internal sanitary systems of buildings, the distances between the attachment points of steel pipelines are taken according to the table:

Nominal passage of the pipe, mm

The greatest distance between the means of fastening pipelines, m



Pipe diameter, mm

Distance between supports

100 diameters

How thinner pipe, the more often you need to put supports. For vertical sections of pipeline laying, the allowable distance between the attachment points is increased by 10%.

In addition, one should take into account the possible thermal expansion of pipes, which can lead to their deformation and even rupture. Therefore, all fasteners should not be made rigid so that the pipe has the ability to change its linear dimensions under the action of thermal expansion forces.

What else should be remembered when mounting pipes

When laying pipes hidden, you should take care of them reliable isolation. especially for pipelines cold water. The contact of the walls of pipes with low temperature, with warm air indoors may cause condensation to form on the surface of the pipe.

Accumulating, the condensate begins to drain to the floor, where a small puddle gradually forms. Gradually building construction get wet and start to break down.

If all this happens inside the box, then it is not difficult to guess that soon mold and fungus will appear in it, which not only threaten to spoil the whole look of the interior decoration, but also become a direct threat to our health. After all, as you know, mold and fungus can cause lung diseases.

Condensation can be prevented by properly insulating the pipeline. Therefore, take care of buying insulation of sufficient thickness in advance.

Today, stores offer a wide range of ready-made products made of foamed polymer materials. They are easy to install, do not rot and reliably isolate pipes from contact with indoor air.

Below you can watch a video on how to properly install Energoflex Super SK thermal insulation:

You can also use thermal insulation from mineral wool cylinders.
As you can see, there are several different ways remove the pipes in the bathroom. The main thing is to choose the one that suits you better than the rest.

When repairing a bathroom, the question often arises of how to hide sewer and water pipes with your own hands.

At the same time, do not forget that they must be left Free access so that in the event of a breakthrough, it would be easy for you to get to them.

Before you think about how to hide the pipes in the bathroom, you need to draw a plan for how plumbing fixtures will be located.

When drawing a plan on paper, you need to carefully consider the scale.

But you can take this easier, and immediately mark the pipeline on the wall.

But do not forget that in houses with large quantity apartments, the whole system is interconnected, and if there are problems with the pipeline, they can affect not only you, but also your neighbors.
The photo shows the before and after repair!

When masking pipes in the bathroom, try to stretch them in the shortest way, avoiding various bends and turns.

It is worth taking into account some points when masking the pipeline in the bathroom:

  • pipe diameter;
  • waterproofing;
  • the possibility of crushing walls;
  • material and its thickness from which additional partitions are made;
  • how is the armature located;
  • floor screed thickness.

Water pipe disguise

In order to make the bathroom look more free and give aesthetics to this room, most people have a question about how to hide the pipeline in the bathroom.

The site presents photos of how to hide pipes in the bathroom in various ways.

We lay the pipes in the floor screed. With this method, pipes are laid in the shortest possible way, without applying wall crushing.

But it is worth paying attention, if you also provide a warm floor, then pipe laying should be carried out around the perimeter of the bathroom.

ATTENTION!!! enjoy hot water, it is possible only after the screed has completely hardened!

Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom wall behind the drywall, make sure that the material is reliable so that you do not have to disassemble the wall when the repair is completed.

This option is most suitable in new-build apartments, since there you build the layout yourself.

And in small Khrushchevs, drywall will take up space, but it is already not large.

This is due to the fact that the structure consists of profiles to which drywall is screwed, and tiles are laid on top.

It is also worth remembering that before hiding the pipes in the bathroom under the tiles, it is necessary to leave a space through which you can check the condition of the pipes, and in case of an accident, prevent it.

Not good a good option hide pipes in the wall.

Since they will have to be crushed, and the wall may crack throughout the apartment building.

But if you still decide, then before you hide the pipes in the bathroom into the wall, first of all, you need to draw a plan for the passage of the pipeline.

Further grinder or a grinder using diamond disc saw through two slots parallel to each other, equal to the width of the pipes and hoses, the middle, so that you get a groove, it is better to hollow it out with a puncher, this will still save you time.

If you don't have one, you can gouge it out with a chisel and hammer, but it will take longer. As soon as the grooves are ready, you can lay pipes and hoses, cover them with plaster from above.

Don't forget to leave inspection hatches so that, if necessary, you can get to the pipes.

In order not to open the decorative coating in the bathroom, lay pipes of excellent quality.

Roller shutters will help you provide both trouble-free access to the pipeline and great interior bathroom.

It is also possible to equip shelves behind them, on which household chemicals will be stored.

Thus, you will answer the question: "How to hide the pipes in the bathroom without mounting them into the wall and floors?"

But it is worth considering that the design is simple and not very strong, it is easy to deform.

Hide pipes with furniture and various decor, also one of the most common ways.

Shelves and cabinets will help disguise the pipes in the bathroom. When installing cabinets in the bathroom, it is only necessary to cut out the back wall.

It is better to treat the surface of the furniture where the pipes pass with a moisture-proof material, but it is worth getting ready that it will take time and a lot of money.

You can also decorate pipes with artificial lianas, foam moldings and everything that your imagination is enough for.

Please note that access to threaded connections, fittings, valves and meters must be unobstructed.

Photo how to hide pipes in the bathroom