How does a water heating system work? Features of the heating system of the house. Advantages of a system with forced circulation of water or antifreeze

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To organize maximum comfort while living in a house, an extremely necessary element, such as a heating system, must be installed in it. Only a heating system can really create very pleasant and comfortable living conditions. Of course, the heat carrier is one of the most important parts.

Do not forget that sometimes the owners of houses do not want to hire additional workers. Because of this, the owners themselves install the heating system of a private house. In fact, everything is simple here. You need to follow the exact installation rules.

Most often, the core, the main part of any heating system is. It is the boiler that performs the process of heating the heat carrier. The duty of the coolant is to distribute heat throughout the house. The best way to cope with this task is liquid. Most heating systems use water as a heat carrier. The heating system with a heat carrier of this type is designed closed. This means that the water in the system circulates in a circle. In this case, the need for topping up is quite rare.

Two-pipe heating system

In our time, it is considered the most effective and trouble-free.

The design incorporates two circuits that close on the boiler. This is the supply of heat carrier and its return. The first is designed to supply liquid heated in the boiler. It is there that she transfers her warmth. After cooling, the heat carrier returns to the boiler through the return pipes for subsequent heating.

To do this, the most competent and efficient to the maximum will be the solution for the parallel arrangement of radiators. In this case, they can warm up at the same time. Because of this, all rooms will warm up evenly. Also, do not forget that the quality of heating is affected by the distance between the return and supply circuits of the heat carrier. The minimum that is possible is the distance from the floor to the windowsill.

Most professionals believe that such a heating system is less efficient than the old stove heating method.

We can agree that these experts are right in some way. Since due to the passage through the process of a certain loss of heat carrier occurs. But do not forget at the same time that heating with a stove does not make it possible to simultaneously uniformly heat all rooms. Among other things, it is rather inconvenient due to the need to store an extensive supply of firewood. When using a boiler that runs on wood, the need for fuel will be significantly lower.

Stove heating scheme

The most commonly used is a fairly simple and at the same time productive two-pipe heating system with a heat carrier. This system enables high-quality heating of the house, without the additional use of units for this - circulation type electric pumps. There is a great demand for this model of the heating system due to the fact that power outages often occur. In the absence of electricity, the system will not simply function.

The most important thing for the efficient and as productive operation of such a system as possible is the exact following of the rules when installing it and also the fuel supply.

The most important factor that must be observed for the reliable operation of the system in the future is the technical implementation of the maximum possible height distance between the system outlet and the highest point. It is for this reason that the most rational decision would be to install a boiler with a pipe in the basement. In the absence of a basement, it is produced on the ground floor in a recessed place. It will also be important to work on creating a slope of the obrat highway. This slope is made horizontally starting from the first system radiator.

Basement heating boiler

In such a heating system, there is another important part of the design -. Its purpose is to create maximum pressure in the system. This is very important for good circulation. The functioning of the tank is based on the principle of ordinary gravity. It should be placed as high as possible. The most ideal solution would be to place it in the attic. The pressure will depend on the height of the placement, and not on the volume of liquid contained in the tank.

The tank must have an average volume. Another functionality of the tank is to control the level of heat carrier. If necessary, it is drained from the tank.

Also, one should not forget that such systems function correctly only when water is a heat carrier. Such a scheme is called an open system.

Where the expansion tank is absolutely in no way connected with the external environment. Simply put, there is no way to pump out the heat carrier. In such systems, an expansion tank is usually used. The expansion tank is a small tank, the inside of which is divided in two by a flexible membrane. The heat carrier fills one of these parts. in such a system, it is carried out by bending the membrane in different directions. Due to the fact that the system is closed, it is possible to use antifreeze as a heat carrier.

Expansion tank

Pipes for heating system

For a long time, when installing a heating system, they installed only. This caused inconvenience, since the installation required a lot of time, and rough seams then significantly worsened the appearance of the system.

But today it is already possible to install a heating system of any design complexity using. These pipes are more flexible and thinner. The surface of these pipes is made of a special heat-resistant plastic, and the inner space is made of a thin aluminum layer. On sale there is a very large selection of elements for pipes made of metal-plastic. These are: taps, connections, corners. These elements make it possible to connect pipes to each other and connect pipes of other types to them.

Due to the fact that these days there is a wide selection of metal-plastic pipes, it is also important to pay attention to the markings. Pipes for heating systems are marked with the symbols "PE-RT-AL-PE-RT".

An important advantage of pipes made of metal-plastic is the ease of working with them. They are quite light and flexible, and they are easy to cut with the most common hacksaw or metal shears.

To achieve maximum tightness of the heating system, it is necessary to mount all components very securely. The best way to do this is to use a press fitting - they will be able to keep the integrity of the pipe well.

We can consider the decision to create a reliable and high-quality heating system in the house that works with a liquid heat carrier accepted. The very first thing will be, when creating any kind of heating systems, is the creation of a detailed plan,. In this scheme, it is required to indicate: the level and location of the boiler, the length of the pipeline, the location of radiators and other parts of the system to the Mayevsky taps.

Heating system plan

Then you need to decide which boiler with what power is exactly required. Since a weak boiler will not create the desired level and speed of heating. It will also be unprofitable to use a more powerful one - since it will function at half power.

Is simple: 1 kW corresponds to 1 square meter. This simple match gives a specific parameter. The result obtained must be multiplied by 1.5 - this will be a suitable boiler power parameter.

Often, when designing a heating system, boilers made can be used. These boilers are more affordable, but it is not possible to calculate their exact power.

Provided that the client nevertheless decided to supplement his heating with the help of such a boiler, then you just need to make calculations of the maximum volume of heat carrier that can fit in this boiler. For such calculations, you need the volume of the room (or the total volume of the rooms) that will be heated, divided by 1000, and as a result, 300 comes out. This shows the amount of heat carrier that the boiler made by yourself will accommodate.

Also, one should not forget that the size of the boiler is completely related to its power. Accordingly: for more power, a larger boiler is required. Of course, before working on creating a heating system plan, you need to choose a suitable place where the mounted boiler will not create any interference.

You also need to consider height. The boiler must be at the very bottom of the entire system. The best choice would be to install the boiler in the basement. In the absence of a basement, you should take care of a niche in the floor. It is recommended that the boiler be installed in a separate room where access would be limited for security reasons.

It is also important not to forget that individual models of boilers (electric boilers, gas boilers) need special conditions for placement. If the customer does not have information about this - before the installation of the system, it is necessary to seek advice from professionals.

When installing the main, you need to take such pipes, which will have twice the diameter than those pipes through which the heat carrier will be supplied directly to the radiator. This norm is needed both for the pipes through which the supply goes, and for the return. When working on the installation of the line, the pipes are fixed with the help of special rings. With this, it will be possible to avoid sagging.

Even if the entire system is made using metal-plastic pipes, the vertical riser that goes from the heating boiler to the expansion tank must be made of steel pipe. In the absence of a tank, the initial couple of meters of the pipe are made of steel. If a membrane expansion tank is connected, it is possible to use pipes with a smaller diameter.

It is highly undesirable to use metal-plastic pipes in the room where the heating boiler is installed.

This is due to the fact that the hot air that rises from the boiler can damage part of the plastic pipe. The best solution would be to place a metal-plastic pipe only in a room with heating.

If there are conditions, two heating circuits can be laid. Each of them will include supply and return pipes. Such heating solutions will be more expensive. But if there is a need for repair work, one of the circuits may be blocked.

An example of piping a heating boiler

On all radiators, also on the mains through which the heat carrier and return are supplied, it is imperative to install taps through which air is bled.

A large excess of air in the system can lead to serious damage. The installation of radiators is carried out with the implementation of an important feature - the side from which the return pipe exits must be located slightly lower. This is required for systems where the heat carrier circulates naturally.

When using a do-it-yourself boiler for heating, one should not forget that the branch pipe of the direct line must be located as high as possible. This will make it possible to avoid dangerous water hammers. The boiler for heating is mounted with a slope of 5 mm. This slope is made towards the return lines.

The principle of operation of the heating system

After the complete installation of the system, it is filled with a heat carrier. When performing such work, all valves that bleed air must remain open. After filling the entire system with a heat carrier, it is necessary to fire up the boiler using a small amount of fuel. This will provide an opportunity to check the even level of heating of the system. Under these conditions, there should not be very hot or cold areas. In such a situation, it is required to open the valve on the radiator and drain the water until it starts to go hot.

During the kindling process, extraneous sounds cannot be present in the boiler. A small leakage of the heat carrier at the threaded joints is acceptable.

At the end of the initial start-ups, the threaded joints will no longer let water through. Then it will be possible to kindle the boiler already at maximum power.

Boiler power is an extremely important value. She has to get right in. If the power exceeds the norm, the boiler may boil. This can bring tragic results not only for heating, but for the entire building. If the boiler power is too low, this will be displayed on the return temperature readings. It will not exceed 40 degrees.

Correctly installed parts of the heating system should not produce any unnecessary noise. Among other things, the temperature difference between the supplied heat carrier and the return is not higher than 40 degrees. A video with information on mounting the system is available below for viewing.

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This guide is intended for owners of small private houses seeking to independently organize the heating of their homes in order to save money. The most rational solution for such buildings is a closed heating system (abbreviated as ZSO), which operates with an excess pressure of the coolant. Consider its principle of operation, varieties of wiring diagrams and a do-it-yourself device.

The principle of operation of closed CO

A closed (otherwise - closed) heating system is a network of pipelines and heating devices in which the coolant is completely isolated from the atmosphere and moves forcibly - from the circulation pump. Any SSO must include the following elements:

  • heating unit - gas, solid fuel or electric boiler;
  • safety group consisting of a pressure gauge, safety and air valve;
  • heating devices - radiators or contours of underfloor heating;
  • connecting pipelines;
  • a pump that pumps water or non-freezing liquid through pipes and batteries;
  • coarse mesh filter (mud collector);
  • closed expansion tank equipped with a membrane (rubber "pear");
  • stopcocks, balancing valves.
Typical scheme of a closed thermal

Note. Depending on the scheme, the ZSO additionally includes modern devices for controlling the temperature and flow of the coolant - radiator thermal heads, check and three-way valves, thermostats, and the like.

The algorithm of operation of a closed-type system with forced circulation looks like this:

  1. After assembly and pressure testing, the pipeline network is filled with water until the pressure gauge shows a minimum pressure of 1 bar.
  2. The automatic air vent of the safety group releases air from the system during filling. He is also engaged in the removal of gases that accumulate in pipes during operation.
  3. The next step is to turn on the pump, start the boiler and warm up the coolant.
  4. As a result of heating, the pressure inside the SSS increases to 1.5-2 Bar.
  5. The increase in the volume of hot water is compensated by a membrane expansion tank.
  6. If the pressure rises above the critical point (usually 3 bar), the safety valve will release excess fluid.
  7. Once every 1-2 years, the system must undergo an emptying and flushing procedure.

The principle of operation of the ZSO of an apartment building is absolutely identical - the movement of the coolant through pipes and radiators is provided by network pumps located in an industrial boiler room. There are also expansion tanks, the temperature is controlled by a mixing or elevator unit.

How a closed heating system works is explained in the video:

Positive qualities and disadvantages

The main differences between closed heat supply networks and outdated open systems with natural circulation are the lack of contact with the atmosphere and the use of transfer pumps. This gives rise to a number of advantages:

  • the required pipe diameters are reduced by 2-3 times;
  • the slopes of the highways are made minimal, since they serve to drain water for the purpose of flushing or repair;
  • the coolant is not lost by evaporation from an open tank, respectively, you can safely fill pipelines and batteries with antifreeze;
  • ZSO is more economical in terms of heating efficiency and cost of materials;
  • closed heating lends itself better to regulation and automation, can operate in conjunction with solar collectors;
  • forced flow of the coolant allows you to organize floor heating with pipes embedded inside the screed or in the furrows of the walls.

The gravitational (gravity-flowing) open system outperforms the ZSO in terms of energy independence - the latter is unable to operate normally without a circulation pump. Moment two: a closed network contains much less water and in case of overheating, for example, a TT boiler, there is a high probability of boiling and the formation of a vapor lock.

Reference. A wood-burning boiler saves from boiling, plus a buffer tank that absorbs excess heat.

Types of closed systems

Before you buy heating equipment, pipe fittings and materials, you need to choose the preferred option for a closed water system. Master plumbers practice the installation of four main schemes:

  1. Single-pipe with vertical and horizontal wiring (Leningradka).
  2. Collector, otherwise - beam.
  3. Two-pipe dead-end with shoulders of the same or different lengths.
  4. Tichelman's loop - ring wiring with associated water movement.

Additional Information. Closed heating systems also include water heated floors. it is much more difficult to assemble radiator heating; it is not recommended for beginners to undertake such installation.

We propose to consider each scheme separately, analyzing the pros and cons. As an example, let's take a project of a one-story private house with an area of ​​100 m² with an attached boiler room, whose layout is shown in the drawing. The value of the heat load for heating has already been calculated, the required amount of heat is indicated for each room.

Installation of wiring elements and connection to a heat source is approximately the same. The installation of a circulation pump is usually provided in the return line, a sump is mounted in front of it, a make-up pipe with a tap and (if you look downstream). A typical piping of a solid fuel and gas boiler is shown in the diagrams.

The expansion tank is conditionally not shown in the figure

Read more about installation and connection methods for heating units using various energy carriers in separate manuals:

Single pipe wiring

The popular horizontal scheme "Leningradka" is one ring main of increased diameter, where all heating devices are connected. Passing through the pipe, the heated coolant flow is divided at each tee and flows into the battery, as shown in the sketch below.

Having reached the branch, the flow is divided into 2 parts, about a third flows into the radiator, where it cools and returns to the main line again

Having transferred heat to the room, the cooled water returns to the main, mixes with the main flow and moves to the next radiator. Accordingly, the second heater receives water cooled by 1-3 degrees, and again takes away the required amount of heat from it.

Leningrad horizontal wiring - one ring line bypasses all heating devices

The result: colder water enters each successive radiator. This imposes certain restrictions on a closed one-pipe system:

  1. The heat transfer of the third, fourth and subsequent batteries must be calculated with a margin of 10-30% by adding additional sections.
  2. The minimum line diameter is DN20 (internal). The outer size of the PPR pipes will be 32 mm, metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene - 26 mm.
  3. The section of the inlet pipes to the heaters is DN10, the outer diameter is 20 and 16 mm for PPR and PEX, respectively.
  4. The maximum number of heaters in one Leningradka ring is 6 pcs. If you take more, there will be problems with increasing the number of sections of the last radiators and increasing the diameter of the distribution pipe.
  5. The cross section of the ring pipeline does not decrease throughout its entire length.

Reference. Single-pipe wiring is vertical - with lower or upper distribution of the coolant through the risers. Such systems are used to organize gravity flow in two-story private cottages or work under pressure in old apartment buildings.

A closed-type single-pipe heating system will be inexpensive if it is soldered from polypropylene. In other cases, it will decently hit your pocket due to the price of the main pipe and fittings (tees) of large sizes. What the "Leningradka" looks like in our one-story house is shown in the drawing.

Since the total number of heaters exceeds 6, the system is divided into 2 rings with a common return manifold. The inconvenience of installing single-pipe wiring is noticeable - you have to cross doorways. A decrease in the flow in one radiator causes a change in the water flow in the remaining batteries, so the balancing of the "Leningrad" is to coordinate the operation of all heaters.

Advantages of the beam scheme

Why the collector system received such a name can be clearly seen in the presented diagram. From the comb installed in the center of the building, individual coolant supply lines diverge to each heating device. Eyeliners are laid in the form of rays along the shortest path - under the floors.

The collector of a closed beam system is fed directly from the boiler, circulation in all circuits is provided by a single pump located in the furnace. In order to protect the branches from airing during the filling process, automatic valves - air vents are installed on the comb.

Strengths of the collector system:

  • the scheme is energy efficient, since it allows you to clearly dose the amount of coolant sent to each radiator;
  • the heating network is easy to fit into any interior - the supply pipes can be hidden in the floor, walls or behind a suspended (stretch) ceiling;
  • hydraulic balancing of the branches is carried out using manual valves and flow meters (rotameters) installed on the manifold;
  • all batteries are supplied with water of the same temperature;
  • the operation of the circuit is easy to automate - the manifold control valves are equipped with servo drives that close the flow at the signal of the temperature controllers;
  • ZSO of this type is suitable for cottages of any size and number of storeys - a separate collector is installed at each level of the building, distributing heat to groups of batteries.

In terms of financial investment, a closed beam system is not too expensive. A lot of pipes are consumed, but their diameter is minimal - 16 x 2 mm (DN10). Instead of a factory comb, it is quite allowed to use soldered from polypropylene tees or twisted from steel fittings. True, without rotameters, the adjustment of the heating network will have to be done using radiator balancing valves.

The distribution manifold is placed in the center of the building, the radiator lines are laid directly

There are few cons of beam wiring, but they are worth attention:

  1. Concealed installation and testing of pipelines is carried out only at the stage of new construction or major repairs. Laying radiator hoses in the floors of a lived-in house or apartment is unrealistic.
  2. The collector is highly desirable to be located in the center of the building, as shown in the drawing of a one-story house. The goal is to make the leads to the batteries approximately the same length.
  3. In the event of a leak in a pipe embedded in a floor screed, it is quite difficult to find the defect without a thermal imager. Do not make connections in the screed, otherwise you risk running into the problem shown in the photo.

Joint leak inside concrete monolith

Two-pipe options

When installing autonomous heating of apartments and country houses, 2 types of such schemes are used:

  1. Dead end (another name is shoulder). Heated water is distributed to heating devices through one line, and is collected and flows back to the boiler through the second line.
  2. The Tichelman loop (associated wiring) is a ring two-pipe network, where the heated and cooled coolant moves in the same direction. The principle of operation is similar - the batteries receive hot water from one line, and the cooled water is discharged into the second pipeline - the return line.

Note. In a closed passing system, the return line starts from the first radiator, and the supply line ends at the last one. The diagram below will help you figure it out.

What is good dead-end closed heating system of a private house:

  • the number of "shoulders" - dead-end branches - is limited only by the capacity of the boiler plant, so two-pipe wiring is suitable for any building;
  • pipes are laid in an open or closed way inside building structures - at the request of the homeowner;
  • as in the beam scheme, equally hot water comes to all batteries;
  • ZSO lends itself perfectly to regulation, automation and balancing;
  • correctly laid out "shoulders" do not cross doorways;
  • at the cost of materials and installation, a dead-end wiring will cost less than a single-pipe one if the assembly is carried out with metal-plastic or polyethylene pipes.

The best option for connecting batteries - two separate branches go around the premises on both sides

Designing a closed shoulder system for a country or residential building with an area of ​​up to 200 square meters is not particularly difficult. Even if you make branches of different lengths, the circuit can be balanced by deep balancing. An example of wiring in a one-story building of 100 m² with two "shoulders" is shown above in the drawing.

Advice. When choosing the length of the branches, the heating load must be taken into account. The optimal number of batteries on each "shoulder" is from 4 to 6 pcs.

Connection of heaters with passing movement of the heat carrier

The Tichelman loop is an alternative version of a closed two-pipe network, which involves combining a large number of heating devices (over 6 pieces) into a single ring. Take a look at the associated wiring diagram and pay attention: no matter what radiator the coolant flows through, the total length of the route will not change.

From here, an almost ideal hydraulic balance of the system arises - the resistance of all sections of the network is the same. This significant advantage of the Tichelman loop over other closed wiring also entails the main drawback - 2 highways will inevitably cross the doorway. Bypass options - under the floors and above the door jamb with the installation of automatic air vents.

Disadvantage - the ring loop passes through the opening of the front door

Choosing a heating scheme for a country house

  1. Dead-end two-pipe.
  2. Collector.
  3. Two-pipe passing.
  4. Single pipe.

Hence the advice: you will not be mistaken if you choose the first option for a house up to 200 m² - a dead-end scheme, it will work in any case. Beam wiring is inferior to it in two respects - the price and the possibility of installation in rooms with a finished finish.

A single-pipe version of the heating network is perfect for a small house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200beach floor up to 70 m². The Tichelman loop is appropriate for long branches that do not cross doors, for example, heating the upper floors of a building. How to choose the right system for houses of various shapes and heights, see the video:

Regarding the selection of pipe diameters and installation, we will give a few recommendations:

  1. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling does not exceed 200 m², it is not necessary to make calculations - use the advice of an expert on the video or take the cross section of pipelines according to the diagrams above.
  2. When you need to “hang” more than six radiators on a dead-end wiring branch, increase the pipe diameter by 1 standard size - instead of DN15 (20 x 2 mm), take DN20 (25 x 2.5 mm) and lay up to the fifth battery. Then lead the lines with a smaller section indicated initially (DN15).
  3. In a building under construction, it is better to do beam wiring and choose radiators with a bottom connection. Underground highways must be insulated and protected with plastic corrugation at the intersection of the walls.
  4. If you don’t know how to properly solder polypropylene, then it’s better not to mess with PPR pipes. Mount heating from cross-linked polyethylene or metal-plastic on compression or press fittings.
  5. Do not lay pipe joints in walls or screed, so as not to have problems with leaks in the future.

Heating in the house is a complex device. Until recently, a system was used almost everywhere in which the coolant naturally circulated through it. But there are many shortcomings in this system, and significant increases in gas and electricity tariffs have made it expensive. So, more and more people began to install at home, which we will talk about next.

Differences in the operation of systems with natural and forced circulation

Heating using a circulation pump takes into account all the shortcomings of its analogue with the natural movement of the coolant: it is possible to increase the length of the pipeline, regulate the temperature regime and obtain uniform heating of the entire housing. To understand what its improvements are related to, you need to consider the work of each of them.

The principle of operation of heating with natural circulation

It is carried out as follows: the coolant enters the radiators due to the temperature difference between hot and cold water. When the liquid is heated from the boiler, hot water becomes lighter due to a decrease in density. So, it moves up the supply riser, and then flows through the pipes down to the heaters, passing through them and giving off heat, then returns along the "return" to the boiler.

Principle of forced circulation system

Such a heating system has the following principle of operation: heating is carried out by introducing a pump into the system, which increases the pressure of the coolant. This makes it possible to connect heating with any radiators and pipelines.

It allows you to expand the possibilities of natural heating, create several options for its connection and simplify the device. When using a pump, there is no need for pipes with a large diameter, which are necessary in natural circulation. From this, the appearance of the heating decoupling only benefits.

The forced system provides automatic temperature control, thanks to this function, you can create more comfortable living conditions in the house. Its only disadvantage is the dependence on electricity.

The principle of operation of the heating system is based on the use of a circulation pump:

It allows you to expand the possibilities of natural heating, create several options for its connection and simplify the device. When using a pump, there is no need for pipes with a large diameter, which is the main condition for natural circulation. From this, the appearance of the heating decoupling only benefits.

So, the operation of a closed system is similar to heating based on natural circulation, but it turns out to be more productive, since the pump built into it provides a high coolant velocity and thereby guarantees accelerated heating of the entire dwelling.

Connecting system radiators

The radiator is connected in the usual way: the pipeline with hot water is located at the top, and with cold water - at the bottom to the outlet. For a small house, pipes with a diameter of 20 inches are suitable, and if the structure is large, then pipes with a diameter size of 25 should be installed.

Control valves are installed on each battery, which are necessary for uniform heating of all radiators. Naturally, the heaters close to the boiler heat up faster and stronger, and the latest ones can be a little warm. To avoid this, the valves on the front radiators are closed in time, and the coolant flows directly into subsequent heaters.

A series of radiators leads to a single pipe, most often it is laid below the radiators.

With this scheme, the coolant leaves the heating boiler heated to a certain temperature, it fills each of the connected radiators. There is a huge minus in this feature - the temperature of the last batteries can be much lower than those located closer to the boiler. Another flaw in this wiring is the inability to adjust the temperature regime if it is missing. It is a jumper with a valve, which is installed on the incoming and outgoing pipeline.

In such a system, it is impossible to block one of the radiators. A single-pipe connection is installed in multi-apartment buildings made in the last century. This scheme was often chosen because of the easy installation and savings on pipes, because they need half as much as with a two-pipe scheme.

Some craftsmen, in order to eliminate its shortcomings, perform independent tie-ins into the main pipe, and thereby heat additional areas (balconies, loggias) or insulate cool rooms. More about single-pipe performance -.

In the case of its use, two lines are mounted to each radiator at the same time: incoming and "return". The parallel method of supplying the coolant provides heating of one radiator. Each battery in such a system, if necessary, can be easily disconnected from the pipe, this is convenient for repairs, as well as for adjusting the heating of the room. For these purposes, a thermostat or a conventional tap is installed at the radiator inlet.

There are modern automatic two-pipe systems that regulate and control the temperature regime themselves. Their disadvantages include: complex installation and the need for a large number of pipes.

The two-pipe wiring system is vertical and horizontal. Each of them is divided into several varieties.

Horizontal schemes

There are three of them:
  1. T peak. Is the simplest. In it, the temperature of the radiators depends on their distance from the boiler. The farther the battery is from it, the worse it heats. The circuit becomes longer, and there is no way to control the temperature regime.
  2. star-shaped . When using it, two pipes are supplied to the boiler - with cold and hot water. In this case, the temperature in the batteries is the same, but the length of the pipeline increases.
  3. Collector . The most efficient. In her case, each battery has its own pipe, through which the coolant flows, due to this, a uniform distribution of heat is ensured. It has significant drawbacks - high labor costs and the need to purchase numerous materials.

Vertical schemes

They come with two types of wiring:
  • Lower . Each room has two pipes. In general, there is a common riser that supplies the coolant to all floors, and then it is connected to the radiator at the top, and from it the chilled water descends again to the first floor.
  • Upper . Assumes the location of the riser vertically from the boiler to the attic or technical floor. It produces pipes for each radiator located on the top floor. Then pipes descend from each of them to the batteries located on the lower floors. As a result, only one pipe is brought into the room.
Comparing the horizontal and vertical systems, we can conclude that its first type is more economical: with it, the riser with the coolant is moved outside the living space and is located on flights of stairs or in the corridor. In the rooms there are only pipes going to the radiators. To eliminate air locks in the batteries, it is necessary for each of them, through which you can discharge the air accumulated in the battery sections. It is often used in private homes where there is an extended heating main.

A vertical heating connection scheme is protected from such air problems, but it costs more. It is used in multi-storey buildings, while the riser from it passes through the floors on all floors.

The circulation pump can work effectively in any of the above heating schemes. The forced circulation of the coolant created by him will be able to ensure uniform heating of the entire housing, regardless of the location of the radiators relative to the boiler.

Read more about the two-pipe heating system -.

Advantages of the pumping system and its disadvantages

The presence of a pump in the heating circuit gives the system several significant advantages:
  • Ease of installation . This advantage is significant in comparison with the natural system. The fact is that when installing a circulation pump, there is no need for a complex installation of the upper pipeline, there is no need to weld pipes, maintaining an angle of 300 and installing large diameter main risers.
  • Uniform and fast heating of housing . Unlike natural circulation, in which the heating of radiators depends on the distance to the boiler, in the case of using the pump version, the coolant enters all batteries at the same time, and if there is any dissonance, then it can be adjusted.
  • Heating a large area . This can be done if you choose the manifold-type piping. With it, uniform heating of the radiators is ensured, no matter how far they are from the boiler. Therefore, it is possible to extend the piping system to the desired length without fear of losing heat during transportation due to its large length.
  • Possibility of using antifreeze . It will provide the system with frost protection.
  • Heating control . It is carried out on separate sections of the network. By means of the provided adjusting cranes it is possible to block the whole sections of the highway. Due to which you can change the layout of the network and redo the scheme of its connection.
  • Extending equipment life . Boiler appliances in a closed system practically do not suffer from temperature differences, it is less noticeable at the inlet and outlet of the boiler.
  • The possibility of introducing additional elements into the system. The presence of a circulating pump makes it possible to build in "warm floors".
  • No need to adjust the water in the system. By including a pump and an expansion tank with a membrane in the heating circuit, and making it closed, it was possible to reduce the evaporation of liquid from the system.
The weaknesses of forced heating systems include:
  • Work from electricity . The dependence of the system on the presence of an extraneous resource results in the failure of all heating equipment in the absence of energy.
  • The cost of the pump and its components . The device itself is inexpensive, but for its operation you need to purchase special adapters, taps and other parts.

Operation and diagram of a forced heating system (video)

The video below describes the principle of operation of the combined system - ideal for arranging heating, and also shows the device of the two-pipe version. With it, you do not need to adapt to the system and place pipes at a certain distance, the pipeline can be mounted anywhere: on the floor, walls and even on the ceiling.

The system with pump circulation takes into account all the disadvantages of heating with natural movement of the coolant. This is an improved view, and now it is only used in the construction of new houses. In this case, there are two schemes with forced circulation: one- and two-pipe. They differ not only in the number of pipes, but also in their wiring, the pressure of the built-in fittings.

On this site you will learn how to do-it-yourself water (radiator) heating at home step by step. You will receive a clear algorithm on how and what to choose, calculate which devices to use, which boilers, how to mount and start the heating system.

If until now you thought that it was too difficult to make water heating at home with your own hands, then after reading the materials of the site, make sure the opposite is true.

So, the author spent a lot of time studying the theory of manufacturing a radiator heating system, and the practical mastery of installing the system took several minutes (sorry, I didn’t measure it) - that’s how much you need to master the main tool - a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes - for installing water heating at home (I suppose you know how to work with a screwdriver, hammer, wrench and drill for a long time).

Home heating design

Perhaps you think that designing heating is something extremely complicated, accessible only to specialists with a higher engineering education. And therefore, you plan to find a company that provides this type of service, and entrust all the work to them. Do not hurry!

Familiarize yourself with the materials offered in this section, most likely you, to your surprise, will find that designing heating is quite affordable and does not take much time.

Even if later you still decide to order a water heating project for specialists, it won’t hurt to understand this issue - after all, you still have to make the final decisions.

Connecting heating boilers: diagrams

Here I have collected (still collecting) as complete information as I could about connecting boilers, both floor-standing and wall-mounted, to various options for water heating and hot water supply systems.

Calculation of the heating system

This shows the calculation of the heating system on a specific example. You will master the methodology for calculating heating, and you will find that this task is within your power, even if you do not have a higher technical education.

All calculations are performed in a special program, which can be downloaded for free from the link in one of the articles in this section.

How to choose a heating boiler?

Not only the uninterrupted operation of heating and comfort in the house depends on the right choice of a heating boiler, but also how expensive or not very expensive heating will be in finance.

But the chimney for the heating system is no less important - after all, no boiler will work without a chimney (well, except, of course, an electric one) ... Therefore, these two topics are combined into one section.

Radiators for home heating

Which radiators to choose for home heating? What are the types of heating devices? What are the types of radiators?

The articles in this section will help you choose the most suitable radiators for heating your home.

Pipes for heating system

Once upon a time, steel pipes were installed in all apartments and houses, period ... But now materials have appeared that allow even a person who does not have a highly qualified welder to mount a pipeline - if only there was a pair of hands capable of holding a wrench. And there is no exaggeration in this: just the author of this site, having no experience and doing a lot for the first time in his life, made radiator heating with his own hands in his house.

Heating equipment

In addition to the boiler, radiators and pipes, it turns out that a lot of other - so to speak, auxiliary - equipment is needed for the heating system. But "auxiliary" does not mean "optional". Without this equipment, the heating system will often not work even if everything else: the boiler, radiators and pipes are in perfect order.

Heating installation

There is nowhere else to retreat, all the preparatory work is behind, the "second half" is increasingly grumbling "when will it end!", and we are forced to take up the tool and, trembling with our courage, make a radiator heating system with our own hands ...

Here we are talking about the installation of a polypropylene heating system, as the most accessible and easy to learn (as mentioned above, you can learn how to assemble a pipeline from polypropylene pipes in a few minutes!).

Pressure testing and start-up of the heating system

Here only about crimping and starting heating - and no "water".

do-it-yourself water heating

Know the principle of operation of the heating system, how hot water systems work , it is necessary in order to be able to find problems in it, or, in general, to avoid mistakes already at the design and installation stage.

Well, and since this site is dedicated specifically to water heating systems, then we will consider the principle of operation only of water systems.

The composition of the water heating system

Water systems are also called liquid, and also hydraulic, because the heat here is transferred from the heating boiler to the heating appliances (radiators, convectors, underfloor heating) through the heated liquid (heat carrier) circulating through the pipeline. That is, a water heating system is a closed chain consisting of interconnected pipes, a heating boiler, heating appliances filled with liquid. The heating system also includes other components: taps, nuts, an expansion tank, a pressure gauge, a safety unit, but this is still to be discussed, but for now we will consider only the main elements.

Scheme of the heating system: the main devices of the heating system (boiler, radiators, pipeline).

The principle of operation of the heating system

The heating system works like this.

The coolant heated in the boiler moves through the system, gradually giving off heat to pipes and heaters, and then to the heated room.

Since the pipes, boiler and radiators form a closed system, the coolant is constantly moving in a circle.

Types of heating systems

Heating systems can be divided into two large groups according to the method of circulation of the coolant:

  • with natural circulation (convective system);
  • with forced circulation (from the pump).

Let's see how each system works.

Heating system with natural circulation

This is the simplest (in terms of composition, but not installation!) Heating system:

Scheme of a heating system with natural circulation.

The coolant is heated in the boiler. Since the density of water decreases when heated, it moves up the vertical pipe - the supply riser. At the top is an expansion tank, where water is displaced, increasing its volume when heated. Then the water spreads from top to bottom down the descending pipes (which for some reason are called horizontal risers (?), Although you can only seem to stand vertically, but oh well) - the return risers, and further to the heaters (radiators). The density of the cooled water is greater, so it flows down from the radiators, into the "return", through which it returns to the boiler.

The diameter of the vertical risers must be large enough so that an incentive force arises in the system to circulate the coolant.

Important! In heating systems with natural circulation, slopes must be taken into account!

Firstly, the slope from the main riser towards the heating appliances. Secondly, in the "return" the slope should be towards the boiler. If such slopes are not observed, the system will not work.

Forced circulation heating system

Scheme of a heating system with forced circulation.

The coolant in such a system moves due to the action of the circulation pump 5 (see figure above). Pumps for heating systems are available in different capacities. How to choose the pump power for a particular heating system is described in a separate article.

As can be seen in the diagram, the coolant is heated in the boiler; through the supply pipeline, under the action of the circulation pump, the coolant moves to the heating devices. The diagram also shows valves on each radiator, through which you can regulate the temperature of each radiator. Valves can be manual or automatic, but this is described in detail in other materials on the site.

On the radiators there are special Mayevsky taps to remove air from the system. And through the return pipeline ("return"), the cooled coolant returns to the boiler.

A logical question: which system to choose for your home, with forced circulation or natural? To do this, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of heating systems

Consider the pros and cons of systems with natural and forced circulation of the coolant.

Advantages of a forced circulation system:

  • the possibility of automatic control of heat flow from radiators: you can set the temperature separately for each room, and the set temperature mode will be automatically maintained;
  • such a system is more economical in terms of fuel consumption - just because of the possibility of automatic control;
  • you can use plastic pipes instead of steel, which will reduce the cost of materials and installation work;
  • the design of the room is not spoiled by the appearance of the pipeline, because plastic pipes are often even hidden in the walls.

Disadvantages of a forced circulation system:

  • dependence of the heating system on the power supply, since the circulation pump is powered by the mains.

Advantages of a natural circulation system:

  • the system is not tied to a source of electricity, since it does not have a circulation pump.

Disadvantages of a natural circulation system:

  • it is impossible to automatically adjust the thermal regime of heating devices;
  • as a rule, excessive consumption of fuel;
  • the use of large-diameter pipes (so that the resistance to the flow of the coolant is mono less) and only steel ones, which will cost more: the cost of the pipes themselves is higher and, with insufficient qualifications, such a system cannot be assembled independently;
  • thick pipes in the interior of the room do not look very aesthetically pleasing;
  • in a system with natural circulation it is impossible to use an indirect heating boiler;
  • it is impossible to use such a system with water-heated floors.

Now, using the information received, you can decide on what principle your heating system will work. Then you can move on to design.

the principle of operation of the heating system