How to plant blackcurrant seedlings. Where is it better to plant currants on the site. Important boarding rules

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2. Autumn rains contribute to good rooting.

Planting currants

Of the thornless varieties of gooseberries, I have the Commander. tasty, although it may not be the most sugary, but it is good to collect and absolutely resistant to powdery mildew - immediately minus two problems. And the berries are quite large, but in order not to shrink, it is necessary to thin out annually and during the pouring of the berries it is imperative to water well. Here is a photo of the Commander.

How to plant currants in the fall to ensure a great harvest in the summer

How to choose a place for red and black currants

The division of the bush.

Tip: Blackcurrants should be planted in spring or autumn. The most suitable time of the year for this is autumn. In spring, blackcurrants are planted in regions where there is little snow in winter.

  • You need to follow the advice of professionals. The best option 2 year old seedlings are considered. The length of their roots should be 15 - 20 cm, while ground shoots should be about 30 - 40 cm.
  • - shovel
  • Seedlings are always planted vertically up.
  • The advice is at least strange, but the bushes above the shoe take root really better and more reliably than without it. I suspect that the smell of a person scares away moles and they do not undermine currant roots.

A glass of sifted wood ash;

What to cook for the autumn planting of currants

In the old areas, the planting of a black berry in the fall is carried out in place of a retired couple; we plant red or white varieties in place of black ones so that characteristic species diseases and pests do not pass to a young bush;

Summer is associated with an abundance of light, warmth and, of course, fruits and berries. Among shrub crops, loved by gardeners, special meaning purchased raspberries and currants. At proper care these plants give a rich harvest of berries, valuable high content vitamin C.

  • 3. In autumn, the earth is warmer than the air (and vice versa in spring) and the plants take root well.
  • Currants are unpretentious, it doesn’t matter when to plant, but I planted gooseberries for compote, there are no berries yet. They say that the taste is worse than that of the needle.
  • The second method is considered easier. Since for this you only need to separate the shoots with roots from the bush. They need to be planted in previously prepared land. It is dug up and fertilized. The ideal option will organic fertilizers. But, many summer residents replace them with ordinary ammonium nitrate. Having planted shrubs, they need to be watered very well.
  • Currant bushes grow very well on fertile, or easily loamy soils. On swampy soils, currants will grow very poorly. This applies not only to currants, but also to raspberries.
  • ​Content​

- watering can

Features of a successful landing - the personal experience of a gardener-gardener

The second strange advice is that if the currant grows on sandy soil, clay must be added to the pit. I wonder where the gardener will find this clay if there is sand around? In a sculpture workshop? Then it’s easier to pour broken bricks to the bottom.

Personally, I put fresh manure in a thin layer at the bottom of the pit and carefully sprinkle it with sand mixed with plain earth. Our site is old and the soil has long been depleted.​ a bucket of sand for clay soils;

Blackcurrant loves wetter areas, red prefers drier sandy soil.

Raspberries are best planted in the fall. The best results are obtained at earlier dates - in the first half of September. But plants planted throughout October also take root well. If for any reason autumn planting didn’t work out, then raspberries can be planted in early spring before bud break. Before planting bushes, preplant soil preparation is carried out. The longevity of the bush, its development and fruiting directly depends on the quality of the work carried out. It is necessary to destroy weeds, enrich the soil with moisture and nutrients. The soil is dug up to a depth of 30-40 cm. Root cuts are renewed before planting and dipped in an earthen mash. Raspberries are planted in prepared canals 40-50 cm wide and 50-60 cm deep. The aerial part of the seedling is shortened to 30 cm. After planting, the plants are watered and the soil in the rows is mulched. This improves the penetration of moisture and helps to hot weather the soil did not overheat. Of the mulching materials, wet peat chips, peat composts, humus, and chopped straw are used. When planting in autumn, one watering is usually enough for a bush, and when planting in spring, repeated waterings are required. When planting currants, the pits must be prepared in advance so that the soil has time to settle. Raspberries do not require early preparation of planting pits.​

​Only if you have Cold winter, then after landing you need to cover trunk circle humus (thick layer) and on top with a thick layer of mulch, for example, shavings or sawdust, so that the plantings do not freeze out in winter.

I personally plant in the fall they will survive well no - there is spring for this !!

Autumn is considered the most suitable time of the year for planting blackcurrants. This work should be done a few weeks before the onset of severe cold weather. It is best to plant shrubs with currants in late October or early November.

Absurdities on the Internet or how not to plant currants

Shrubs with currants are planted in rows. The distance between them should be about two meters. It is necessary to plant shrubs in pre-prepared pits, the depth of which should be at least 50 cm. In this case, the diameter of the pit should be about 40 cm. The pit may be larger. In this case, the shrubs will grow better. Planting seedlings is best done at a slight angle, leaving several branches underground. Already on next year You will get a lush bush.​

1. Planting blackcurrants in spring - secateurs

Third: autumn planting of currants "on a hillock" - the right way lose bushes. Zoya Bukhteeva still grieves for those varietal currant bushes that an authoritative neighbor literally forced to plant, not allowing her to properly deepen the roots. No sprinkling, hilling, laying with manure and fallen leaves later saved her from freezing.

Then I pour a fertile mixture from all buckets and vessels into the pit about halfway, mix it and water it again. I install the bush with the root neck flush with the ground level and fill it with the rest of the mixture. If seedlings of red or white currant are taken from my or a neighboring site, the bush should be oriented to the cardinal points in the same way as it grew. For black varieties, this does not matter.

​Two bucket watering cans of water.​​But in general, the middle zone of Russia for northern grapes, as this is often called, is amazing useful berry, - a native home, and it will grow where you plant it. Unless in inappropriate places the harvest will be less.

Currants are planted in lower, swampy areas with water at a depth of 1.5 m. It tolerates darkening well. Since the bushes begin to grow in early spring, best time for landing is considered the end of October - the beginning of November. However, some gardeners plant seedlings in the spring, at the very early dates, and even in the February "windows". Currant is one of the most valuable crops. Currant berries contain vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamins of groups B, P, PP, organic acids and minerals. Currants are planted at a distance of 1.5 m between bushes and 2 m between rows. The site where the seedlings are supposed to be planted must be fertilized at the rate of: 2 kg of compost, 100 g of superphosphate and 150 g of ash per 1 sq. m. Avoid exposure to chlorine-containing potash fertilizers in this mixture, since chlorine is detrimental to this crop. The depth of the planting pit should be at least 50-60 cm. The bottom of the pit is loosened, then fertilizers are poured into it, thoroughly mixing them with loosened soil. After that, about 10 cm of earth is poured and a bush is planted. Then you need to water and mulch the soil. After planting, the seedling must be cut, leaving only a few main buds. This contributes to the development of a strong root system.

​When spring planting, the earth has not yet thawed, or has thawed, but is cold, and the air is already warm and bright spring sun fries. The buds are blooming, but there is nothing to feed them: the earth is cold and the roots are badly damaged after transplantation - this is the plant that dies.

You will need

  1. Personally, I plant everything in the fall. In the spring, the heat quickly sets in and everything disappears. Seedlings planted in autumn (but not the latest). they have time to acclimatize, put up new roots and immediately grow in the spring.
  2. Shrubs will grow well in moist soil. It is very important to choose a calm area. Currants will not grow if planted on marshy soil.
  3. Many people prefer to buy blackcurrant seedlings from nurseries. However, they need to be handled very carefully. It is necessary to monitor the condition of their root system, it must be in a humid environment. To prevent damage to the roots during transport, they must be wrapped in dense fabric, having previously moistened in a clay mash.
  4. 2. Planting blackcurrants in autumn
  5. - fertilizer, for example, nitrophoska


The planting hole is always dug 40 cm deep. I usually dig to the depth of a shovel with a rump. The width of the hole depends on the size of the root and the characteristics of the variety. For a shrub with a fibrous root system, the pit should be square: 40x40 cm. In white and red varieties, the root is taproot with a bend, a “poker”. Therefore, red currants are planted in a hole along the length of the root in autumn, but not less than 40 cm along any wall. In any case, it must be borne in mind that in bushes the root system grows with a diameter of about the crown and fertile soil should be enough for its entire volume. On loamy soils, it’s good to loosen the bottom of the pit and pour water over it.

Autumn is the most right time for transplanting plants. The bushes have finished bearing fruit and have recovered from a bountiful harvest; one-year-old cuttings of red and black berries grew up and went into growth. On the summer cottages gardeners have decided which plants should be preserved, pruned and rejuvenated, and which should be removed and replaced with seedlings from the nursery or grown from cuttings.​

Gooseberries without needles have been growing with us for a long time. Variety Kolobok. Delicious sweet and very productive. Easily propagated. It is so easy to grow and care for that we all uprooted the thorny varieties.

As for gooseberries without thorns. To plant or not to plant? Why not? A berry, like a berry, is a very productive bush. Therefore, in order for the berries not to be small, you need to prevent it from being too thick, that is, trimming. And it's easier to assemble. We have two bushes growing, and several gooseberries - one does not interfere with the other.Shrubs with black currant should be planted at a distance of about 70 cm from each other. In this case, the distance between the rows should be about two meters. Shrubs planted according to this scheme will bear fruit for many years.Currant is a favorite berry of many people. It is very useful, as it is saturated large quantity vitamins. Many people prefer to buy it in the market, or in a store. At the same time, few people know that you can grow shrubs with this wonderful berry on your own.3. Landing pattern

​Let's prepare landing pit We dig a hole about 40 cm high and wide with a shovel. Then we fill the hole 3/4 with good fertile soil, mixing it with fertilizers. We do not use fresh manure.

Do not plant currants on a hillock!

The last watering - and the currant bush can be left alone until spring.

Before planting, the seedling must be cut, leaving three buds per branch. Inspect root system and cut off rotten and dried roots - just don't overdo it.

For laying in a pit, you need to dial and bring to the landing site:

For those who are wondering where and how to plant currants in the fall, a few rules will help:

Planting blackcurrants in spring

I planted both currants and thornless gooseberries at the end of September. I'll tell you in the spring.

​If you live in middle lane Russia, leave until spring.​

In the event that you plan to harvest for several years, then shrubs can be planted closer to each other. This will help save space on the site. Whatever scheme you choose for planting currants, you still need to carefully monitor the bushes. Their roots should always be wet.

  • It is necessary to plant blackcurrants in early spring, as it begins to bear fruit before all other berry bushes.
  • 4. Video

The currant bush should be healthy, with well-developed roots, have 2-3 main branches (branches). Before planting, it’s a good idea to trim the roots a little to stimulate the good development of young roots in the future. We take the seedling by the root neck, carefully place it in the planting hole with a slope of 45o. We straighten the roots, fall asleep with soil. At the same time, the currant seedling should be slightly swayed from side to side so that the earth evenly fills all the voids between the roots. There should be no voids between the roots. This will have a bad effect on further survival. It is necessary to plant a bush 5-7 cm lower than it grew, deepening the root neck into the soil. This landing will create Better conditions for additional development of roots and the appearance of renewal shoots from dormant underground buds, the part that was buried, namely, from part of the stem and root neck. Unlike other crops, currants are not afraid of deep planting.

Planting blackcurrants in autumn

Properly planted red, white and black currants will give good harvest and on long years will provide hosts with wonderful berries for vitamin mixtures, unique jellies and just a delicious dessert.​

Planting currant bushes is a very popular topic on the Internet. Some authors do not rely on their own experience, but rewrite each other, often without ever replanting a single bush. I would like to warn readers against incorrect advice that wanders from article to article.​

Blackcurrant planting scheme

Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva.

humus from compost or old manure, at least one bucket for good soil or two buckets for poor, sandy soil or podzol;


When planning the area of ​​​​a new site, it is necessary to choose a place for currants, taking into account that it will stand there for at least 20 years;

Currant is not only a beautiful, fragrant berry, but also vitamin, and, therefore, very useful! Therefore, in our area, almost every garden is decorated with clusters of white, black, yellow, pink and red berries.

If currants are properly cared for, then from one bush of this crop you can collect a whole bucket of berries! These and many other advantages of it have prompted many gardeners to grow it. But when and how to plant currants so that healthy shrubs grow that would give a plentiful, healthy and tasty harvest?

Majority experienced gardeners they say that the best time for planting currant bushes is early autumn. If the autumn was warm, then the bushes can be planted until October.

However, in case of early frosts, it is better to dig in the seedlings and wait a bit - until the beginning of spring. At the same time, the main thing to remember is that the bushes should be planted as early as possible, almost immediately after all the snow has come off the ground.

The right time for planting currant bushes guarantees high survival rate and bountiful harvest delicious and juicy berries. Now it's time to define appropriate place for planting currant bushes.

For planting, you should choose a sunny place, since absolutely all varieties of currants are sun-loving. Yes, black currant can withstand shading, but it will not be able to feel great there, therefore, in conditions of lack sun rays she will bear less fruit. At the same time, on well-lit shoots, much more branches with flower buds are formed.

Apart from good lighting, the site must be reliably protected from the wind, as it interferes with pollination. Also, you should not choose lowlands for landing, as cold air can linger there.

The next factor to consider is access to moisture. The point is that in wild environment currant grows in moist forests, along the banks of rivers and even near swamps. Of course, currants can withstand short dry periods, but if this is repeated often, the shrub may get sick or die.

That is why it is necessary to choose soil with enough water. However, this does not mean that the soil should be swampy, since currants often get sick with fungal diseases. On the other hand, planting currants is undesirable in places with high level ground water, since the roots of the plant will die in this soil. Experts recommend well-draining soil for currant bushes.

It is recommended to place currants not around the perimeter garden plot, and in separate place. It is very convenient to plant shrubs in rows with a distance: in the country - 2 m, in industrial plantings - 3 m. For cross-pollination, you need to plant various mutually pollinated varieties on the site, this should increase productivity.

Preparing the landing site

Before planting, it is necessary to dig the entire area to a shallow depth, while adding 4 kg of humus, 20–30 grams of potassium sulfate, 100–150 grams of superphosphate per 1 m 2. If peat is used instead of humus, then it is better to mix it with bone meal, making it 100 grams for each m 2.

For planting currant bushes, pits should be dug at a distance of about 1.5 - 2 m from each other. The pits do not need to be dug too deep, you can do this with a continuous trench with a depth of 35 - 45 cm. If time permits, you can leave the pits to "rest" for one to two weeks so that the earth shrinks.

How to plant currants?

Consider step by step instructions how to plant currants in spring:

  1. First of all, pour a bucket of water into the hole.
  2. Carefully place the seedling so that the roots do not intertwine with each other.
  3. Fill the hole with earth.
  4. Form a hole around the shrub and pour water again.
  5. To avoid the formation of a crust, the soil should be mulched with humus.

During planting, the main thing is not to damage the roots, while the root neck should be located above the soil surface at least 5 cm.

In order for the shrub to grow strong, it is advisable to cut it when planting, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground. By the way, cut branches can be planted in moist ground, where they should take root easily.

Plant seedlings at an angle of about 45 degrees. Sloping and deep planting promotes the formation of fresh shoots, additional roots and buds on the covered part of the stem.

Thanks to this, a powerful developed bush with an abundance of strong branches is formed. Otherwise - with the usual direct landing - the bush turns out to be single-stemmed.


Currant needs regular watering. Even a single drying of the soil can lead to a decrease in yield, as well as to the crushing of berries. Therefore, at a time it is required to pour from 3 to 5 buckets of water under each bush.

Stop watering only if the berries have begun to stain. Moreover, in this case, watering is harmful, since the berries will crack right on the bushes from excessive saturation with liquid in the cell sap.

Also, the roots of the plant must be protected from freezing. To do this, in the fall, you should spud the bush with a layer of earth, and sprinkle the trunk circle with compost and peat.

For achievement beautiful harvest currant bushes must be formed. Initially, all shoots should be cut, leaving up to 5 buds on them. In adult shrubs, it is required to replace the old five-six-year-old fruit-bearing branches with more powerful young ones, and you will also need to remove excess annual shoots.

In the process of shaping, the gardener should strive to form a bush with the widest possible base. Why is it so important? The wider, freer and lighter the middle of the plant, the more uniform the fruiting of the entire shrub, and not just the peripheral branches, as happens with strong thickening.

The presence of approximately 16-20 powerful branches different ages- this is a sign of the correct formation of the bush.

Yes, planting currants in the garden, you definitely will not regret it. Good luck growing this valuable plant!

Planting currants in autumn is carried out in late September - early October, so that the bushes have time to take root before the first frost. The gardener has to solve many questions: where to place black, red and white berries; how to prepare a hole for planting and what to put there; how to take into account the characteristics of the soil and whether it is necessary to cut the seedlings after planting ... As you can see, the autumn planting of currant bushes is not the most elementary thing.

How to choose a place for red and black currants

Autumn is the best time to transplant plants. The bushes have finished bearing fruit and have recovered from a bountiful harvest; one-year-old cuttings of red and black berries grew up and went into growth. In summer cottages, gardeners have decided which plants should be preserved, cut and rejuvenated, and which should be removed and replaced with seedlings from the nursery or grown from cuttings.

For those who are wondering where and how to plant currants in the fall, a few rules will help:

  • When planning the area of ​​a new site, it is necessary to choose a place for currants, taking into account that it will stand there for at least 20 years;
  • If several bushes are planted, the distance should be approximately 1.2 meters;
  • In the old areas, the planting of a black berry in the fall is carried out in place of a retired couple; we plant red or white varieties in place of black ones so that characteristic species diseases and pests do not pass to a young bush;
  • Blackcurrant likes wetter areas, redcurrant prefers drier sandy soil.

But in general, the middle zone of Russia for northern grapes, as this surprisingly healthy berry is often called, is a home, and it will grow where you plant it. Unless in inappropriate places the harvest will be less.

What to cook for the autumn planting of currants

The planting hole is always dug to a depth of 40 cm. I usually dig to the depth of a shovel with a rump. The width of the hole depends on the size of the root and the characteristics of the variety. For a shrub with a fibrous root system, the pit should be square: 40x40 cm. In white and red varieties, the root is taproot with a bend, a “poker”. Therefore, red currants are planted in a hole along the length of the root in autumn, but not less than 40 cm along any wall. In any case, it must be borne in mind that in bushes the root system grows with a diameter of about the crown and fertile soil should be enough for its entire volume. On loamy soils, it is good to loosen the bottom of the pit and pour water over it.

To lay in the pit, you need to dial and bring to the landing site:

  • humus from compost or old manure, at least one bucket for good soil or two buckets for poor, sandy soil or podzol;
  • superphosphate - 200 gr;
  • a glass of sifted wood ash;
  • a bucket of sand for clay soils;
  • two bucketfuls of water.

The more humus, the better. It is advisable to change the whole land, especially if a young bush is planted in place of the old one.

Features of a successful landing - the personal experience of a gardener-gardener

Before planting, the seedling must be cut, leaving three buds per branch. Inspect the root system and cut off rotten and dried roots - just do not overdo it.

Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva. Among experienced gardeners there is such a custom: an old worn shoe should be placed at the bottom of the pit.

The advice is at least strange, but the bushes above the shoe take root really better and more reliably than without it. I suspect that the smell of a person repels moles and they do not undermine currant roots.

Personally, I put fresh manure in a thin layer at the bottom of the pit and carefully sprinkle it with sand mixed with plain earth. Our site is old and the soil has long been depleted.

Then I pour the fertile mixture from all buckets and vessels into the pit to about half, mix it and again pour it with water. I install the bush with the root neck flush with the ground level and fill it with the rest of the mixture. If seedlings of red or white currant are taken from my or a neighboring site, the bush should be oriented to the cardinal points in the same way as it grew. For black varieties, this does not matter.

I water the bush again under the root, then pour a layer of loam taken out of the pit on top for mulching. On sandy soil, the ground is mulched with peat. The roots of the plant do not tolerate emptiness, so I carefully trample the earth around the trunk. If the root neck is exposed, it must be sprinkled with a fertile mixture.

The last watering - and the currant bush can be left alone until spring.

Absurdities on the Internet or how not to plant currants

Planting currant bushes is a very popular topic on the Internet. Some authors do not rely on their own experience, but rewrite each other, often without ever replanting a single bush. I would like to warn readers against incorrect advice that wanders from article to article.

The first thing that shocked me was the recommendation to plant a seedling at an angle of 45 degrees towards the row. It's like - at an angle? Sapling - a bush, small, but a bush, with a developed root system. According to the landing technology, it is lowered into the pit, deepened. And then, will it grow with a slope, or will the branches subsequently bend upwards? I thought for a long time where 45 degrees came from and finally realized: the cuttings are planted at an angle! Not seedlings, but cuttings, in order to grab more buds with the earth, from which branches will then grow and the root system will develop. BUT seedlings are always planted vertically upwards.

The second strange advice is that if the currant grows on sandy soil, clay must be added to the pit. I wonder where the gardener will find this clay if there is sand around? In a sculpture workshop? Then it’s easier to pour broken bricks to the bottom.

Third: the autumn planting of currants “on a hillock” is a sure way to lose bushes. Zoya Bukhteeva still grieves for those varietal currant bushes that an authoritative neighbor literally forced to plant, not allowing her to properly deepen the roots. No sprinkling, hilling, manure and fallen leaves were then saved from freezing.

If you have close groundwater, choose another place, and plant irises, bathing suit and bergenia there. If the site is in a swamp, carry out irrigation work, but do not plant currants on a hillock!

Properly planted red, white and black currants will give a good harvest and for many years will provide the owners with excellent berries for vitamin mixtures, unique jellies and just a delicious dessert.

The material was shared by Zoya Bukhteeva, March 2016.

Who doesn't know about useful properties currants? Perhaps this is the most common berry, not only in the middle lane and the Moscow region, but also in other territories of Russia. Now we will tell you how to plant currants in the fall, and how to plant them incorrectly, using two main methods. And also consider the features of autumn planting conditions compared to spring ones.

Autumn breeding priority

When it is better to plant a currant bush, the gardener himself decides, because everyone has their own preferences and circumstances. But if we talk about the plant itself, then the most comfortable period for planting is autumn. Here are a few reasons:

  1. the bush after fruiting after a while is ready for division;
  2. in the Moscow region and the middle lane, the autumn period is rainy, which means high humidity will allow the roots to grow;
  3. gardeners have more time for planting than in spring;
  4. the garden market in autumn is richer in seedlings than in spring;
  5. more likely to harvest next year.

When to plant currants, the formed buds between the shoots and leaf stalks will tell you, as well as the prediction of frost. Before the onset of cold weather, a time period of about 3-4 weeks should be observed. Therefore, in northern regions to plant currants correctly means to start planting from the 20th of August. A little to the south, in the middle lane, the procedures are postponed and begin from the end of September, and last until mid-October.

How to choose seedlings

Most suitable option for purchase - this is a two-year-old seedling with a developed root system. This purchase option guarantees picking berries in the country next year. The one-year-old offspring, if you do not cut off its shoots, can also give some berries. But when pruning, you will have to wait two years, and then harvest a good harvest. Cropped cuttings from a seedling can be planted in additional holes.

The root of the seedling should have three branches, because we want it to take root and give life to a healthy bush. Also, the shoots must have at least three near-stem buds and at least two, and preferably three, shoots to form a bush. The root system should be fibrous, that is, small roots in the form of a bundle should grow to the main root.

If you like your bush or neighbor's then planting material can be cut at the bottom of the bush and seated. Lateral strong branches are used, which, after cutting, will become seedlings from cuttings.

How to choose a landing site

How to plant currants in the fall so that they bear fruit for a long time? First, the currant loves sunny places, but so that they are blown by the wind. Sometimes the bushes are thinned out in the middle to act Fresh air and pests do not accumulate.

Secondly, she does not like stagnant moisture or the proximity of groundwater. It is better to choose a plot with a slope, which will ideal solution. Thirdly, the plant loves fertile soils, since it bears fruit every year, respectively, giving all its strength to the fruits. If the soil is on your adjoining area infertile, then it is worth stocking up on mineral and organic fertilizers.

Advice! “Experienced gardeners advise planting currant bushes not along the perimeter of the plot, but choose one place for a parallel arrangement of bushes 1.3–2 meters apart. In this way, cross-pollination and an unhindered approach to shrubs are created.

Even if you planted currants in the spring, consider the fact that the culture does not like transplanting. Therefore, the location must imply a 20-year growth period. Planting white species and planting red currants in autumn is carried out on the site of the former growth of the black "sister" or other crops due to different types diseases associated with different plants. To plant blackcurrants in the fall, choose moist soil closer to the water. And for the red variety, we choose a drier area, but not devoid of moisture. In general, red, white and black currants are perfectly bred in central Russia, since this area is considered to be its “home”. Therefore, it grows on almost all types of soils with a difference in the number of fruits.

How to prepare planting soil

Most big size the landing pit is 40 cm deep. For a fibrous root structure, it should be square 40x40 cm. If the seedling is one-year-old, then 25 cm of depth is enough for it. White and red varieties have a root in the form of a rod, so we focus on its length. The root system of the bush develops in proportion to the crown, therefore fertile layer should take up the appropriate space.

If your soil is loamy, you can add sand to it. Sandy soils are not fertile, so it is necessary to add to the planting pit (it can also be added to loams):

  • 1 glass of pure ash to the bottom;
  • 1 kg of compost or humus;
  • 200 gr. superphosphate.

Mix all the parts and pour half a bucket of water.

Planting seedlings (1 way)

  1. we lower the root of the process into a clay mash, mixed with manure for preventive purposes;
  2. after the water has left the hole, we place the seedling vertically with the roots so that they do not bend and do not rest against the bottom. The root neck should be 5 cm below ground level for root growth;
  3. we take the upper previously folded fertile layer of soil and sprinkle it with a seedling to the root collar;
  4. we tamp a loose embankment (if with a foot, then carefully);
  5. pour the remaining half a bucket of liquid and wait for it to be absorbed;
  6. we fill the remaining space with the rest of the soil 5 cm above the root collar, we tamp;
  7. we cut the shoots, leaving up to 5 buds on them.

Planting cuttings (2 way)

Planting currants in autumn with cuttings promotes breeding good varieties and is not inferior in quality to breeding seedlings. On the 2nd and 3rd year, the yield appears. Next order actions when planting cuttings without roots:

  1. early autumn early september sharp knife(not secateurs) cut off the lateral lower branches with an oblique incision. These are our baby cuttings;
  2. we make shallow pits 15–20 cm and pour a small amount of ash (a source of potassium) and peat into them;
  3. at an angle of 45 ° towards the south, we install the stalk and sprinkle it with earth, gently tamping;
  4. pour a small amount of water (1 ladle);
  5. we mulch planting holes to preserve moisture and protect before winter;
  6. after 4–5 days, if the weather is dry, we water the children from the bucket.

How to plant incorrectly

Even literate people who do not have own experience in growing crops. Here are a few common mistakes illiterate agricultural technology:

  • you can not tilt the seedling with the root when planting at 40-45 degrees. The bushes are planted straight, but the cuttings are tilted for root growth and further vegetation. The growth of roots in finished seedlings occurs at a distance of 5 cm above the root neck under bulk soil;
  • it is impossible to plant shoots on the hills and hillocks, because then the plant is threatened with freezing. No matter how warm it is, it will not withstand cold winds and will not bear fruit;
  • it is wrong to plant a crop in the shade. The berries will be small and sour, and fungal diseases overcome the plant.

Additional care instructions

Planting red currants in autumn, as well as other varieties, can be postponed until spring. In October, we dig a shallow hole with a hollow, collect planting material in an armful and fill the hole with roots, and put the shoots in a hollow. Next, we pour the earth in the form of a mound (without tamping) without fertilizers and cover with spruce branches, sawdust or peat before winter.

With the advent of spring, in order to let the young growth grow, the mounds are loosened and shoots are taken out for spring planting. Due to the unpretentiousness of the culture, there are no special conditions for care. However, some pest control points must be observed. For example: autumn pruning dried, diseased or broken branches will help to avoid the diseases that are in them. A spraying Bordeaux mixture 1% will repel pests in the form of aphids and mites.

Some believe that six-year-old branches should be cut with a hacksaw, referring to the fact that they are old. In any case, thinning landings will never be superfluous. European varieties often need shelter. If the bush is small, then it can be easily covered with spruce branches. And shortly before frosts, large bushes are tilted down from the middle, hanging a load at the ends of the branches. Dry foliage is poured on top and covered with spunbond or lutrasil.


As you can see, landing black currant autumn is not too burdensome and not time-consuming with the right approach.

It will not take long to wait for the harvest, since the currant gives it the very next year. However, for this you need to do everything for the plant to take root, so you need to learn the secrets of it. proper fit. In this case, you will be able to enjoy ripe, juicy berries.

Selection of seedlings

It is important to know that the choice of seedlings plays a significant role in planting currants. To this issue needs to be taken seriously. So, for example, experts do not recommend purchasing seedlings from their hands, since they are often carriers of various diseases and contain larvae of harmful insects. In addition, you should refuse to buy long-dug plants. After all, their earthen ball is dry, and the root system has disintegrated. It is recommended to give preference to seedlings that have at least 4 strong shoots, without visual damage.

Optimal time and place of landing

For planting currants perfect time is the first half of autumn. Place to drop this fruit shrub must be seen in advance, it is best to summer time. In this case, it will be possible to notice the degree of illumination. After all, currant is light-loving plant, but it also tolerates partial shade well. Due to the fact that the roots of the shrub are shallow, you can choose almost any soil - black soil, sandy or loamy. A person will only need to monitor the optimal level of its moisture content.

Planting bushes

When it is planned to plant several bushes, it must be taken into account that the distance between them should be approximately 1.5 meters. For this reason, before planting currants, it is necessary to plan the site by making marks on the ground. Under each bush, you will need to dig a hole 35 cm deep and about half a meter in diameter. After that, you need to carefully loosen the bottom of the pit. Experts recommend sprinkling the earth abundantly with a mixture of wood resin and superphosphate.

After that, a layer of humus is laid. Then the roots of the bush can be lowered to the bottom of the hole. Now you should sprinkle the hole with earth and lightly tamp it. After planting, the bushes need to be watered. In this form, the currant remains until spring. As soon as it becomes warm, the plant needs to be thinned out and cut the remaining branches by 1/3. It is recommended that the entire procedure for planting a fruit bush be carried out together. Such a measure will make it possible to injure the root system of the plant to a lesser extent and will significantly speed up the process.