Which flower is the symbol of the city. Symbol plants. The secret language of plants. Roses of different colors: meaning

For many centuries in the East, villages have been used as a symbol, allegory - the language of flowers, a way of expressing thoughts and feelings with the help of plants and their combinations. The manifestation of these symbols is natural. They are the result of deep immersion in nature, its long study, contemplation, observation and cause great respect and interest. And we invite you not only to get acquainted, but also, with the help of our florists, to most clearly convey all your feelings, thoughts and wishes when choosing a bouquet.

Azalea - shy love, sadness caused by loneliness; in Japan - moderation, strength, fidelity, warm friendship, triumph. Red azalea blossoms symbolize the joy of love, white - first love. Inflorescences speak of deep affection in family relationships.

Aquilegia (catchment) - ingratitude. According to French legend, a grumpy woman lived in the village, she was tired of her husband with nit-picking and he decided to part with her. The grumbler was frightened, turned to people for help, and one person took pity on her. He advised to boil the flowers of the columbine and, when you feel like grumbling, take their decoction into your mouth. There was peace and silence in the house, and the French have since quietly begun to call the flower the grass of a dead woman.

Amaryllis - pride, attractiveness, good advice (Japan).

Amaranth - served as the emblem of immortality among the ancient Greeks. "Amaranthos" in Greek means an unfading flower.

Pansies - in England and France is considered a symbol of constancy, fidelity; in some countries - a symbol of thoughtfulness, wisdom; and in ancient Greece they were considered a symbol of a love triangle.

Astra - eternity of beauty, star, eternity; a symbol of expectation, sadness; feeling, thoughtfulness (Japan). According to legend, it grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. There is a belief that if you listen at night, you can hear the whispering of flowers with their sisters - the stars.

Periwinkle is a stubborn character. The name comes from the Greek word for "winner". In Germany, the periwinkle is universally loved; There is an opinion that in the garden it brings happiness, and in the bouquet - unchanging love.

Begonia - an offer of friendship.
Immortelle - constancy. The ancients believed that the soul of a deceased person moves into the immortelle in order to communicate with living relatives and friends.
Hawthorn - a symbol of love and love ritual celebrations; a symbol of chastity.

Cornflower - trust, cheerfulness, fidelity; simplicity, truth, beauty of life (Japan). Some consider the cornflower a symbol of impermanence due to its ability to change its color. There are cornflowers white, pink, yellow and even black.

Heather - loneliness.

Cherry (flowers) - spiritual beauty. In Japan, this is the famous sakura, its flowering coincides there with the advent of the new year. It is believed that the more trees bloom, the more happiness can be expected in the new year, since, according to Japanese belief, each sakura flower tells about the fate of a child.

Carnation - constancy and fidelity; a symbol of love and purity; refinement, recognition of passionate love, passion; a symbol of struggle and revolution, honor, freedom; passionate feelings; white carnation - life for love, yellow - disbelief, contempt, striped - refusal (Japan), courage and courage were associated with red carnations.

Dahlia - a symbol of the all-conquering power of life; news; good taste, greatness, gratitude (Japan). According to legend, it grew on the site of the last fire that died out during the onset of the glacier: the flower was preserved under the ice.

Hyacinth - a symbol of grief and sadness; constant revival of nature; grace and tenderness; propensity for long-term attachment. Translated from Greek, it means "rain flower", as it begins to bloom with the onset of warm spring rains.

Gladiolus - a symbol of victory; a symbol of nobility, memory; indifference; secrecy, strength of character, friendship, fidelity. In ancient Rome, it was considered a flower of gladiators, its root, like an amulet, was worn on the chest.

Hydrangea - coldness; boasting, heartlessness, indecision (Japan).

Delphinium - a symbol of honesty; lightness, carelessness, agility (Japan). The flower got its name in ancient Greece for the similarity of the buds with the head of a dolphin.

Dicentra (broken heart) - a symbol of longing, sadness. According to an old French legend, a girl's heart turned into this amazing dark red flower at the moment when she saw her beloved walking down the aisle with another. In Germany, it was believed that if a girl puts a flower in her bosom, she will definitely meet the groom. If a guy with a flower meets a girl he likes, she will become his wife.

Oak (twig) - strong will, stamina, courage of men.

St. John's wort - late.

Iris - a symbol of courage, valor, dignity; symbol of the suffering of the Mother of God. Translated from Greek - "rainbow".

Jasmine - sympathy; pleasant memory, fragrance, hello (Japan).

Kalina - do not leave your beloved.

Camellia - a symbol of constancy, sadness, sadness; a symbol of coldness and insensibility; purity. According to legend, beautiful but cold women from distant Saturn, who did not succumb to the spell of the god of love, Cupid, were turned into exquisite bvli flowers.

Crocus is a symbol of happiness; joy, ease.

The bell is a symbol of talkativeness.

Cypress (twig) - mourning.

Water lily (water lily) - coldness; calm; a symbol of beauty and eloquence (Ancient Greece); symbol of purity (Middle Ages). According to Greek legend, a marvelous water lily arose from the body of a lovely nymph who died of love and jealousy for Hercules, who was indifferent to her. From her, the flower received the name "nymphea".

Lily of the valley - a symbol of purity, tenderness, fidelity, happiness and love; secret love, outpouring of the heart, caress.

Levkoy - regret.

Lily - a symbol of purity and purity; a symbol of the perfection of a woman, a pure soul, a jewel (Japan); freedom and hope; symbol of peace (Rus). This name comes from the ancient Gallic word "li-li", meaning "white-white".

Linden (twig) - friendly love.

Lotus - a symbol of the resurrection from the dead in ancient Egypt; symbol of purity in India.

Lunnik is a symbol of the moon. The Latin name "lunaria", the flower resembles a flawed moon.

Narcissus - selfishness, sadness and death (Ancient Greece); a symbol of love and a happy marriage (Prussia); doubts, narcissism, endurance, strength, courage, fun (Japan).

Forget-me-not - a symbol of fidelity, constancy; sign of expression of love; memory.

Marigolds - jealousy and anxiety.

Dandelion - inquisitiveness.

The fern is a symbol of sincerity.

Orchid - impregnability, capriciousness.

Pelargonium (geranium) - the desire to be happy; in Japan,% red geranium - convenience, comfort, pink - preference. Translated from Greek - "crane", since the pistil of pelargonium is similar to a crane's beak.

Peach (flowering twig) is a symbol of grace and tenderness.

Peony - a symbol of timidity, shyness, modesty, tenderness; fiery love; sign of expression of love (China); endurance, strength, refinement, beauty, freshness, nobility of soul, good luck, prosperity (Japan). It was believed that the peony was endowed with healing powers, and in the Middle Ages it was used for convulsions and suffocation.

Dwarf sunflower - adoration, high - arrogance (Japan).

Primula - a symbol of warmth, summer; youth symbol. The ancient Greeks believed that primrose had miraculous powers and was able to heal from terrible diseases. Druid priests prepared a magical love potion from the flower.

Reseda is a symbol of cordial kindness and affection.

Rose - a symbol of fiery love, worship; sadness about the past, about the bygone youth; a symbol of courage (Ancient Rome); in Japan: red - love, light pink - shyness, a heart that has not known love, white - spiritual purity, respect. In ancient times, among the Eastern peoples, it was considered a sacred flower, a symbol of divine mystery. According to Christian mythology, the rose embodies mercy, mercy, forgiveness, divine love, martyrdom and victory. Parts of the rose are also symbolic: green - joy, thorns - sadness, flower - glory.

Chamomile is a symbol of sweet simplicity and tenderness; fidelity symbol; symbol of Russian nature. One of the legends says that daisies were umbrellas and forest gnomes hid from the rain under their inflorescences.

Lilac - a declaration of love.

Tulip - a symbol of pride, splendor; relationship satisfaction, nobility. Also considered a flower of happiness.

Violet - a symbol of modesty, charm, chastity; memories, secret love, meekness, shyness. Among the ancient Gauls, the violet was considered a symbol of innocence and virginity. The bed of the newlyweds was decorated with a flower. The French violet was the emblem of eternal fidelity and constancy.

Phlox - a symbol of fire, flame; unanimity (Japan). Translated from Greek and means "flame".

Cyclamen - strong feelings.

Chrysanthemum - wisdom and longevity (China); a symbol of a heavenly body, a symbol of a nation, noble simplicity, royalty, education, immortality, dignity, courage (Japan). In Japanese, the flower is called "Kiku", which means "sun". Her image in Japan is sacred, and only members of the imperial family could wear a fabric with a flower pattern before.

Zinnia - thoughts about absent friends, the memory of an old friend.

Edelweiss is the best proof of love, because it is not so easy to find it. A flower grows in the mountains at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level in hard-to-reach places.

Like trees and flowers, plants symbolize death and resurrection, life force, the life cycle. Symbolically, plants and flowers are closely associated with the Great Mother, the goddess of the earth, fertility and vegetation, as well as with the fertile power of life-giving waters. A plant full of juices is an ancient symbol of motherhood.

Plants as an ancient symbol

Plants and trees often act as mythological ancestors and are usually associated with the cult of the moon.

Plants or flowers growing from the spilled blood of a god or hero symbolize the mystical unity of man and plant and the birth of life from death, the flow of life from one state to another.

So violets grew from the blood of Attis, wheat and medicinal herbs from the body of Osiris, pomegranates from the blood of Dionysus, anemones from the blood of Adonis, red roses from the blood of Christ.

A child rising from a flower represents the birth of a god or the birth of a day, dawn, new life.

  • The blue flower is unattainable;
  • red represents the dawn, the rising sun, passion, an attribute of the Mother Goddess;
  • for white flowers, the meaning of purity and innocence is typical;
  • white and red together mean death.

Grain is a symbol of life

Grain is an ancient symbol of focus, possibility, permission to exist.

Ears or sheaves of wheat and other cereals are attributes of all grain gods and symbolize the fertility of the earth, awakening life arising from death, generation and growth through the power of the Sun, abundance.

Golden ears are the offspring of the marriage of the radiant Sun with the virgin Earth. Grain and wine, like bread and wine, are a balanced product of agriculture and, at the same time, food for life.

Measures of grain depict fertility, abundance. As an integral part of funeral rituals, grain means abundance in the other world. An ancient symbol of the road, its beginning and end.

They showered grain during weddings every time the bride and groom left the house of the bride or groom, before going to church and upon returning from church, at conditional border crossings (in the yard, at the entrance to the yard, at the gate of the house, on the threshold of the house, in the passage, and so on), that is, at those moments when the participants of the ceremony left "their territory" or returned back.

Among the Slavs, grain as an ancient symbol symbolized well-being, fertility, wealth, life, in addition, it protected a person from damage.

Therefore, the ritual of shedding grain at Christmas and on the Generous Evening (Old New Year), at weddings is still widespread.

In Christianity, ears of wheat are the bread of the Eucharist, the body of Christ, grace, righteousness, God's. Grain together with wine symbolizes the Eucharist.

Divination "for grain" has also been preserved: if a girl, sweeping on New Year's Eve, finds grain, she will get married.

They guessed “for a rooster” in a circle: if a rooster comes up and pecks a bunch of grain, then the groom will be rich and economic.

On New Year's Eve, the girl, going to bed, poured grain on herself and wished to see the future in a dream.

What do the fruits and thorns of plants symbolize?


The fruit, as an ancient symbol, means immortality, the essence, culmination and result of one state and the germ of the next.

The first fruits represent the best of the sacrificed. Christ is the First Fruit of the Virgin. The fruit from the Tree of Passion is attachment to this world.

The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge is the fall into sin, the realization of oneself separated from God. The fruit from the Tree of Life is immortality.


Thorned plants such as acanthus, acacia, rose, etc. symbolize the horns of the crescent moon. The thorn and rose represent the antithesis of pain and pleasure, suffering and pleasure.

In Christianity, the thorn symbolizes sin, sadness, grief. This is a symbol of the suffering of Christ. The crown of thorns was a parody of the crown of roses of the Roman emperor.

Mystical meaning of different colors

white water lily

An ancient symbol of purity, virginity. Otherwise, it was called the "mermaid color", believing that the water lily personifies the cold mermaid beauty.

Another name for water lilies is “overcome-grass”, which helps the traveler overcome all the hardships of the road. It was believed that overpowered grass, born of damp earth from living water, drives away "evil spirits."


Symbolizes purity, peace, resurrection and royalty. Dedicated to all the goddesses Virgins, Mother, One. In addition, the lily personified the fertility of the goddess of the Earth, and later the gods of Heaven.

In the West, the lily as an ancient symbol has the same symbolism as the lotus in the East. Several lilies on one stem means virginity, rebirth and immortality.

The lily is a symbol of the Annunciation and the holy virgins, emphasizing their purity. Dante called her "the lily of faith."

The straight stem of the lily represents the Divine mind of the Virgin Mary; her drooping leaves are modesty; aroma - Divinity; white color - purity.

Lily, surrounded by thorns, means the Immaculate Conception, purity among the sins of our world.

As an ancient symbol, it is the emblem of Saints Anthony of Padua, Francis of Assisi, Casimir, Catherine of Siena, Clara, Dominic, Euphemia, Francis Xavier, Joseph.

In art, a lily, depicted on one side, and a sword on the other, mean, respectively, innocence and guilt.

Since the Renaissance, the lily has featured in art as a symbol of the good news. The triple lily represents the Trinity.

Hemerocallis graminea - a variety of lily, used for many centuries as a medicine or a talisman to ward off misfortunes; it was worn in the belt of a woman, wishing to give birth to a boy.

In this regard, the lily, as an ancient symbol, is the emblem of the mother of the family.

The young leaves were eaten, producing an intoxicating and somewhat stimulating effect.

The flowers were dried and ground with the petals of Lilium bulbifer for use as a medicine and condiment known as Lily Flower.


Symbolizes memories, silence, sleep. Dedicated to all lunar and night deities. Symbolizes fertility, fertility, oblivion, idleness. Symbolizes innocently shed blood.

In Ukraine, it is one of the most beloved symbolic colors used in ornaments. The people associated with the infinity of fertility and the infinity of stellar space (like poppy seeds).

An ancient symbol of the boundless light of dawn, health, beauty. Wedding loaves sprinkled with poppy seeds. Children were amused with poppy rattle boxes.

In Christianity - sleep, ignorance, indifference. The blood-red poppy represents the suffering of Christ and the dream of death.


Emblem of spring, beauty, love. The rosebud is an ancient symbol of virginity. Withered rose - brevity of earthly goods.

"To strew the path with roses" meant to remove all obstacles, to make the road easy and comfortable. Hence the tradition of strewn with roses before the newlyweds at weddings.

Rose petals were the epitome of effeminacy. There was a notion that in Paradise roses grow without thorns.

It symbolizes both heavenly perfection and earthly passion, time and eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity.

The flower of female deities, the rose as an ancient symbol means love, life, creativity, fertility, beauty, and also virginity.

The wilting of the rose symbolizes death, mortality and sorrow; her thorns are pain, blood and martyrdom.

The rose also symbolizes silence and mystery - something is said sub rosa (literally, "under the rose", that is, alone, and therefore is not subject to disclosure).

A rose is hung or painted in meeting rooms, which symbolizes secrecy and caution. A rosette is an image of a rose (or lotus) when viewed from above.

The "wind rose" is drawn as a circle enclosing a double cross, which symbolizes the four cardinal directions along with intermediate directions, thus it shares the symbolic meaning of the circle, center, cross and rays of the sun wheel.

"Rose Garden" - a symbol of Paradise and a place of mystical marriage, unity of opposites. In Christianity, the rose as an ancient symbol is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

The scarlet color of the rose is recognized as the color of the blood of Christ. In Christianity, the rose is the flower of Paradise, due to its beauty, perfection and fragrance.

The thorns of the rose are the sins that began with the fall, and the "rose without thorns", or the Mystical Rose, is the Mother of God, freed by the immaculate conception from the consequences of original sin.

The golden rose is the emblem of the Pope, which also means a special papal blessing. The rose is also the emblem of Saints Angela, Kechilia, Dorothea of ​​Cappadocia, Elizabeth of Hungary, Rosalia, Rose of Lima and Rose of Viterbo.

Roses of different colors: meaning

  • A golden rose signifies perfection;
  • red - desire, passion, joy, beauty, completeness (this is the flower of Venus, the blood of Adonis and Christ);
  • a white rose is a "flower of light", innocence, virginity, spiritual revelation, charm; red and white roses symbolize the union of fire and water, the union of opposites;
  • blue rose - a symbol of the unattainable and impossible.

The four-petal rose, as an ancient symbol, personifies the quaternary division of the cosmos, the five-petal rose is the microcosm, and the six-petal rose is the macrocosm.


Usually means glory, victory, superiority, consecration and holiness, but also has the opposite properties.

It symbolizes happiness, good fortune, good luck and is placed on sacred objects and objects of worship.

A wreath as an ancient symbol also symbolizes death, sorrow and is placed on a grave or monument.

In the same way, the bride's wreath, on the one hand, personifies virginity, on the other, dying in the old life and being born in a new one.

Evergreens. They mean immortality, infinity, vitality, youth and vigor, eternity and generative power.

Wreaths of evergreens mean unfading glory and are dedicated to immortality.

Quiz "Plants"

What herb even the blind know? ( Nettle.)

What plant do cats like? ( Valerian.)

Which plant says where it lives? ( Plantain.)

What herb cures 99 diseases? ( St. John's wort.)

Which plant is a symbol of bitterness? ( Sagebrush.)

What berry can be red, white, black? ( Currant.)

Which berry will help a sore throat? ( Raspberry.)

Berries on this tree can be seen even in winter. ( Rowan.)

What tree has become a symbol of our country? ( Birch.)

This berry will help normalize vision. ( Blueberry.)

What plant is called wild mountain ash? ( Tansy.)

What tea has a male name? ( Blooming Sally.)

Which tree is associated with a cold snap in May? ( bird cherry.)

What herb will help cure skin diseases? ( Celandine.)

What vegetable did the princess sleep on? ( Peas.)

The first berry of summer, helps to get rid of kidney stones. ( strawberries.)

Sisters are standing in the field - yellow eyes, white cilia. ( Chamomile.)

What marsh plant can be used instead of iodine and cotton wool? ( moss sphagnum.)

Green above, red below, rooted into the ground. Growth vitamin. ( Carrot.)

The yellow chicken pouts under the tyn. ( Pumpkin.)

Which vegetable is called the root of health? ( radish.)

What without pain and sadness brings to tears? ( Onion.)

The very first flower of spring in cities and towns. ( Coltsfoot.)

Once this plant was called soldier's grass. It stops bleeding and helps heal wounds. And it has a mathematical name. ( yarrow.)

Young and golden in a week turned gray. ( Dandelion.)

What plant helps with insect bites? ( Parsley.)

Which plant root will help cure a sore throat? ( Liquorice root.)

Not a bumblebee, not a bee, but stings. ( Nettle.)

Two sisters are green in summer, one turns red in autumn, and the other turns black. ( Currant red and black.)

A poisonous plant with a bright yellow flower, popularly nicknamed night blindness. ( Buttercup.)

What fruits are rich in vitamin C? ( Currant, lemon, cranberry.)

What vegetable flowers did the French queen decorate herself with? ( Potato.)

This flower is called a flower-bouquet. ( Lungwort.)

What color are fern flowers? ( They are not here.)

What is the name of the flower in which two names converge? ( Ivan da Marya.)

What is the name of the Japanese national flower? ( Chrysanthemum.)

What berries are similar to raspberries, but black in color? ( Blackberry.)

Without which plant is it impossible to brew beer? ( Hop.)

This plant is called the breadwinner of the East. ( Rice.)

In the countries of Western Europe, it was widely believed that the cones from this tree have magical powers and bring good luck. Therefore, hunters always took a handful of seeds from these cones with them to hunt. What is this tree? ( Spruce.)

This tree is a symbol of happiness and peace in the family. The newlyweds at the beginning of their family life had to plant this particular tree in front of their house. Berries on this tree hang all winter. ( Rowan.)

What is the largest berry on earth? ( Watermelon.)

What plant are grateful to all smokers of the world? ( Tobacco.)

According to legend, it was from this tree that the Trojan horse was built. ( Fir.)

What tree fruit is dried apricots made from? ( Apricot.)

What tree fruit is chocolate made from? ( Cocoa.)

A wreath of the leaves of this tree used to be awarded to the winners. ( laurel.)

What vegetable did the Romans call head? ( Cabbage.)

Which plant branch decorates the forester's cap? ( Oak.)

What flower is called iris? ( Iris.)

White peas on a green stem. ( Lily of the valley.)

What flower is called a water beauty? ( White water lily.)

What plants have animal names? ( Mouse peas, bear's ear, cuckoo flax, goose onion, horse sorrel.)

Flowers-symbols of the countries of the world: who has what.

We consider plants-symbols and national flowers of the countries of the world, official and folk. Look at which countries which flower has become a symbol and what has earned people's love.

Flowers and plants are national symbols and defenders of the country.

Flowers have penetrated deeply into our lives and have taken an important place there, and some of their species even influence the existence of states.

For example, as a symbol of Scotland, the thistle, which back in the 13th century protected the Scots from the attack of the Normans. During one of the raids, the Normans decided to attack at night and so that no one would hear them, they took off their shoes.

But for a long time they could not go barefoot as they stepped on thistles. Starting to scream in pain, they betrayed themselves and the plan failed, and the Scots made the thistle their symbol.

A fact of this magnitude speaks volumes. Many flowers have become the hallmark of countries, and some of them are an important part of the economy.

Being the flower symbol of the country is a great honor, deserved by centuries of people's love.

Many national flowers of the countries of the world not only delighted the inhabitants with their appearance and aroma, but became real life savers. During famine, terrible epidemics and devastation, they saved people from death.

It is not surprising that society has not forgotten its heroes, and flowers have become a symbol of warmth and kindness. We would like to bring to your attention some national flowers of the countries of the world.

National flowers and plants of the countries of the world are symbols of states.

Austria - Edelweiss. Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum.

England - Rose. (Tudor Rose). The national flower of England has a long and impressive history associated with many sometimes tragic events.

Argentina - Erythrina (Cockscomb). Ceibo (Erythrina Christa-Galli), officially adopted flower on December 2, 1942.

Belarus - Len. Flax (Linum usitatissimum.

Belgium - Poppy Red. Red Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas.

Brazil Catleya Orchid. CattleyaOrchid (CattleyaLabiata.

Venezuela Orchid.

Hungary - Tulip. Tulip (Tulipa.

Germany - Cornflower. Knapweed (Centaurea Cyanus.

Greece - Akant. Bear s Breech (Akant Mollis.

Egypt - Lotus. Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus.

India - Lotus. Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera.

Spain Red carnation. Red carnation.

Ireland - Clover. Ireland's national flower is the Shamrock clover, which is the common name for several unrelated trifoliate herbaceous plants.

Italy - Lily. Styled Lily.

Canada Sugar maple. The maple leaf has been considered the national flower of Canada for over 150 years. The national symbol of Canada was born in the province of Quebec.

China - Plum. Plum Blossom (Prunus Mei.

Colombia - Orchid. Christmas orchid (Cattleya Trianae.

Cuba - Jasmine. Butterfly Jasmine (Mariposa.

Latvia Common leucanthemum. Oxeye Daisy, or Pipene (Leucanthemum Vulgare.

Lithuania - Gracious Mint. Rue or Herb of Grace (Ruta graveolens.

Malta Paleocentaurea. The national flower of Malta is a very amazing and rare plant. Paleocentaurea grows only in Malta and belongs to the plants of the Ice Age.

The popular name of the national flower of Malta is translated as sea ears or ears of the sea due to the fact that paleocentaurea grows very close to the sea on coastal hills.

At present, the flower symbol of Malta is much easier to find in a city flower bed than in natural conditions.

Netherlands (Holland) - Tulip. Tulip (Tulipa.

New Zealand Flower of the Kauwai tree (from the Maori language). Kowhai Kowhai or botanically known as Sophora Microphylla, is a beautiful yellow or golden flower.

Norway Heather (Callúna vulgáris). The national flower of Norway is spelled røsslyng in the local language. The plant is an excellent honey plant and is used to make a special kind of heather ale beer.

Pakistan Jasmine White. The national flower of Pakistan in the local language sounds like chambeli.

Paraguay - Jasmine of Paraguay. Jasmine-of-the-Paraguay.

Peru - Cantuta. Kantuta, magical flower of the Incas.

Poland - Red poppy. Corn Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas.

Portugal - Lavender. Lavender.

Russia Flower symbol of Russia Chamomile. Camomile (Matricaria recutita.

Romania - Rosehip. Dog Rose (Rosa Canina.

Slovenia - Carnation. Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus.

USA Rose. Officially approved as the national flower of the United States in October 1985, the rose is referred to as the national flower emblem.

Tajikistan Tulip. The national flower of Tajikistan occupies a special place in folk culture. In honor of the tulip, the national holiday of sairi-lola is held annually.

Turkey - Tulip. Tulip (Tulipa.

Ukraine - Sunflower. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus.

Uruguay Erythrina (Cockscomb). Ceibo Erythrina (Christa Galli.

Finland May lily of the valley. Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria Majalis.

Croatia - IrisCroatian. Iris Croatica (Hrvatska Perunika.

Switzerland - Edelweiss. Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum.

Sweden - Linnaeus. Linnea (Linnea Borealis.

Scotland Thistle roadside. Thistle (Cirsium Altissimum.

Estonia - Vasilek. Corn-flower or Bachelor's Button Centaurea (Cyanus). The national flower of Estonia was chosen as a result of a television poll in 1968. Cornflower has been growing in modern Estonia for over 10,000 years.

The national flower of Estonia is a symbol of the people's movement for the country's independence.

South Africa Protea. The national flower of South Africa is named after the sea god. The plant has fantastic drought tolerance.

Jamaica Iron Tree or Tree of Life. Lignum Vitae or Wood of Life (Guaiacum Sanctum.

Japan Chrysanthemum, Sakura. Chrysanthemum (Imperial), Cherry Blossom Sakura. The national flower of Japan is very revered by the locals and sakura flowers are to some extent even sacred to the Japanese.

Flowers are symbols of their countries.

Plants-symbols of countries: conclusion.

These are the usual and unusual national flowers of the countries of the world. Some flowers are native and have a natural habitat, while others were imported and loved so much that they became associated with this country.

Like tulips in Holland, they were brought from Persia to Antwerp in the 16th century, and then they got such a crazy spread and love of the population that it's hard to believe that this is not their flower.

As we can see from this list, popular flowers are: tulip, rose, orchid, carnation, iris, cornflower. Countries located close to each other with similar climatic conditions have similar plants.

Austria and Switzerland - alpine edelweiss, Argentina and Uruguay - erythrina (cockscomb), Bulgaria and Romania - rose and wild rose.

Now you know which flowers are the symbol of which country, as well as which national flower is the symbol of Russia, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Ireland, Canada, Malta, Estonia, Tajikistan, Norway, Japan, South Africa and other countries.

We wish you to travel as much as possible and enjoy flowers in any country in the world.

  • Added by user iSynastE

Chamomile, like birch, is a symbol of Russian nature. In Belarus, just like cornflower, chamomile is considered a national flower. According to folk legend, it grows where a star falls from the sky... Chamomile is considered a Russian flower - it is no coincidence that yellow-white inflorescences are painted on clay pots and nesting dolls. But just as the matryoshka was originally a Japanese invention, so the chamomile was not “born” in Russia.
Daisies are similar in shape to umbrellas, and according to legend, in ancient times they were umbrellas for small steppe gnomes. It will start to rain in the steppe, the dwarf will cover himself with a chamomile or pick it and walk across the steppe, raising the flower above his head. Rain knocks on the chamomile umbrella, trickles down from it, and the dwarf remains completely dry.

And daisies look like surprised eyes. If on a dry windy day you go out into the meadow and listen carefully, you can hear a quiet rustle - this is the rustle of white chamomile eyelashes. The surprised eyes of a daisy for seven whole months - from April to September - look at the sky, trying to understand the movement of clouds, stars and planets.

They look, they look, they get tired, and that's when they begin to blink their white eyelashes. It seems to lean towards the flower, and it will tell you the most intimate secrets. And chamomile has a great many secrets. Chamomile is a favorite flower for wreaths and an adviser to girls in matters of the heart during divination. Well, of course, it was his white petals that were cut off, saying: “It will come true, it will not come true, loves, does not love ...” The most famous chrysanthemum in Russia is the familiar chamomile. She is the progenitor of a lush large-flowered chrysanthemum. And it is even hard to imagine that this plant was not known in Russia in the middle of the last century. Moreover, odorous chamomile was not at all on the entire Eurasian continent. America is its homeland. She came from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, apparently along with American grain: in America this plant is a weed of grain crops. In 1850, she appeared in Sweden, at about the same time she was discovered near St. Petersburg and considered as the greatest curiosity. And what does the word "chamomile" mean? Once in Russia, all chamomile plants were called umbilicals. In the old medical books of the 16th century, many domestic plants were described under their Latin names, which were borrowed from similar works by foreign authors. Gradually, in everyday life, the Roman navel turned into “Roman grass”, then into “Roman”, and at the end of the 18th century, the Russian agronomist A.T. Bolotov, apparently, first used the word “chamomile”, which firmly entered the Russian language.

In Russian, the word "symbol" came from the ancient Greek language and has several meanings. Most often, symbols mean identification signs, conventional signs of certain concepts, phenomena, ideas.

Natural symbols reflect the diversity of the natural world of a particular country, and the concept of a “national” flower originated even before the flags and emblems of states appeared. Probably, there is no country that would not have its own plant-symbol. Let's get acquainted with the symbols of English-speaking countries.

Floristic symbol of England

The symbol of England is Red Rose. Why exactly a red rose?

To answer this question, let us turn to the history of the country.

In 1455-1485. in England there was a feudal struggle for the English throne (“The War of the Scarlet and White Roses”) between two lines of the royal Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster (they had a scarlet rose in their coat of arms) and York (they had a white rose in their coat of arms), which ended with the wedding of Henry VII of the Lancastrian family and Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV of the York family. The bloody war is over, and the red rose has become not only a symbol of reconciliation, but also the national flower of England.

Floral symbol of Scotland

The symbol of Scotland is thistle. But how can a weed become a symbol?

Let's look at the history of the country again. Once, the Vikings were going to attack the sleeping Scots, however, one of the attackers stepped on a thistle. His cry woke up the sleeping Scots, and they repulsed the enemies. The weed that saved the life of an entire nation was called the "Guardian Thistle" and made a symbol of Scotland.

Floral symbol of Wales

Wales has two floristic symbols - yellow daffodil and leek, and both of them are associated with the name of Saint David. According to one legend, David ate only bread and wild leeks for several years. Another legend says that one of the battles against the Saxons took place on an onion field. During this battle, Saint David encouraged his soldiers to attach leeks to their helmets so that they could distinguish their own from their enemies. And on March 1, on the feast of St. David, yellow daffodils begin to bloom.

Floristic symbol of Ireland

The floral symbol of Ireland is shamrock, which is associated with the name of St. Patrick. According to legend, the saint explained to people the concept of the Holy Trinity precisely with the help of clover: just as three leaves can grow from one stem, so God can be one in three persons. The shamrock has also become the symbol of St. Patrick's Day.

Floral symbol of Canada

The symbol of Canada is sugar maple, which grows in the Great Lakes region and in East America. The first written mention of the maple leaf as a symbol dates back to 1760. In the late 1830s, the St. John Baptist Society in Quebec adopted the maple leaf as a symbol of their society. Canadians carried it as a national symbol at a meeting with the Prince of Wales when he first visited Canada in 1860. Officially, the maple leaf became the national symbol of Canada in 1965, since then it has been featured on the country's flag.

Floral symbols of Australia and New Zealand

Floral symbol of Australia golden acacia, the most common plant species in the country.

In New Zealand cyathea silvery(fern) is an unofficial but widely recognized floristic symbol.

Floral symbol of the United States of America

In October 1985, the floristic symbol of the United States, according to a Senate resolution, became rose flower. And on November 20, 1986, President Reagan issued Proclamation Number 5574, "The Rose is the National Floral Emblem of the United States of America."

However, in addition to this, each of the 50 US states has its own floral symbol.

State name floral symbol
Idaho wild jasmine
Iowa rose hip
Alabama camellia
Wisconsin violet
Hawaii hibiscus
Delaware peach blossom
Georgia rose flower
Alaska forget-me-not
Arizona cactus
Arkansas apple blossom
West Virginia rhododendron
Illinois pansies
Indiana peony
California Eschscholzia Californian
Wyoming hawk
Washington rhododendron
Vermont meadow clover
Virginia dogwood flower
Kansas sunflower
Kentucky goldenrod
Colorado catchment
Connecticut calcium
Mississippi magnolia
Missouri hawthorn
Michigan apple blossom
Montana lewisia
Louisiana magnolia
Massachusetts sleep-grass
Minnesota orchid
New Hemshire lilac
New Jersey purple violet
New York rose flower
New Mexico yucca
Maine Pine cone
Maryland mallow
Nebraska goldenrod
Nevada sagebrush
Rhode Island violet
North Dakota rose hip
North Carolina dogwood flower
Tennessee iris
Ohio carnation
Oklahoma mistletoe
Oregon blooming grapes
Pennsylvania calcium
Texas lupine
Florida orange tree flower
South Dakota sleep-grass
South Carolina jasmine
Utah calochortus

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Flags of English speaking countries

Great Britain. Great Britain

Symbolism of the plant kingdom. A class of signs identical in shape to geometric elements, widely used in emblems and heraldry. Published on the web portal

Symbolism of the plant kingdom

The symbol of the plant kingdom is the tree. Its branches, representing diversity, depart from a common trunk, which is a symbol of unity. A green, flowering tree is a symbol of life; dead, withered - a symbol of death. An old, gnarled tree can mean wisdom and strength.

The flower is the emblem of the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Flowers represent beauty (especially feminine), innocence, divine blessing, spring, youth, but also the brevity of being. Everything in a flower can carry a certain symbolism: its shape, and the number of petals, and color, and smell ...


Ornament - vine motif

Grapes are one of the oldest symbols of fertility, abundance and vitality. The vine is one of the symbols of Christ. The importance of wine in many religious rituals is based on the symbolic association of grapes with divine blessings. The vine was the first plant Noah planted after the flood.

Grape juice resembles human blood. In some mysteries, grapes are a symbol of lust and debauchery, greed and drunkenness. The bunch of grapes is sometimes presented as a phallic symbol. But grapes are also seen as a symbol of the solar spirit.


Sakura (19th century Japanese print by Utagawa Kunisada)

In Christian iconography, cherry is sometimes depicted instead of an apple as a fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil; sometimes Christ is depicted with cherries in his hand. In China, the cherry tree is a symbol of good luck, spring (due to early flowering) and virginity; The vulva is called the "spring cherry". Cherry blossoms (sakura) - a symbol of Japan; it is cultivated as an ornamental tree; its fruits are inedible. The Japanese identify cherry blossoms with the rising sun. Cherry, in addition, is the emblem of the samurai.


Popping pomegranate

The opening pomegranate (fruit) symbolizes the Easter Resurrection of Christ, gives Christians confidence in forgiveness, faith in the life to come and resurrection. Due to the abundance of seeds, pomegranates are a symbol of fertility. It is also the ancient eastern emblem of the sun god and the emblem of life, a divine symbol called the "forbidden secret."

The remains of a flower (thorn) on the upper part of the fruit serve as an image of a crown in heraldry. The pomegranate is always depicted as golden. And pomegranate seeds are always twelve - a number symbolizing perfection since ancient times.

Oak and acorn


Oak is a symbol of power, endurance, longevity and nobility, as well as glory. In ancient Rome, a wreath of oak leaves was the highest award for a victorious commander.

As an emblem of valor and courage, oak (oak leaf, oak branch, oak wreath, oak garland) is used in military insignia in many countries.

Oak with acorns - the emblem of maturity, full of strength. An oak without acorns is the emblem of youthful valor. The acorn is a symbol of fertility, prosperity, spiritual energy growing from the grain of truth.

Kabbalistic Tree

Kabbalistic Tree (drawing from the book by R. Fludd, 1574–1637)

This is an inverted Cosmic Tree. Its crown touches the ground, and its roots are fixed in the spiritual world and feed on the spiritual energy of the sky, spreading it to the outer world and down. This is a favorite image in Kabbalism and other mystical and magical teachings. It testifies that human life is the descent of the spirit into the body and back. It is also a symbol of philosophical growth, growth inwards.

In the Bhagavad Gita, an inverted tree means the origin of everything from a single root, in Islam it is a symbol of happiness and good luck.


Seven cypresses and twelve branches - the personification of the universe and its eternal truths (Istanbul, Turkey)

In the West, cypress is a mystical symbol of death and mourning, the personification of sadness and sorrow, as it was used for embalming the body and for making coffins. In Asia, it is a symbol of longevity and immortality. The Arabs call the cypress the Tree of Life. In Greece, the cypress has always had a dual reputation: it was a symbol of the gloomy god of the underworld, Hades, but at the same time, more cheerful gods - Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite and Hermes. Therefore, it has become a symbol of rebirth and life after death. In China, the smoke of cypress branches is a symbol of light forces, a talisman against misfortune.


Clover with four petals

The three-leaf clover (shamrock) is a symbol of the Christian Trinity. The rare quatrefoil is a symbol of good luck; there is a belief that Eve took one quatrefoil as a memory of the lost paradise. But a five-leaf clover brings bad luck.

In China, clover is the emblem of spring. The Irish use clover leaves as their national emblem, which probably goes back to the veneration of this plant by the Celts for its active growth in spring.


Seed and roots

A symbol of connection with the earth, with the family.

"A man with roots" - they say about a man who stands firmly on his feet.

"Look at the root" - pay attention to the most essential, delve into the essence.

The "root of evil" is the source, the core of evil.

"Uproot" - take away life, cut off access to food, radically solve the problem.


Laurel wreath

Laurel symbolizes immortality, but also triumph, victory and success. He personifies peace, purification, protection, divinity, secret knowledge. According to ancient Greek myth, the god of the Sun, dawn and poetry, Apollo pursued the nymph Daphne, who, running away from him, turned into a laurel bush (in Greek, "laurel" - "daphne"). In the arms of Apollo was a tree, with the branches of which he decorated his head and lyre. That is why in ancient Greece musicians, poets, dancers, whose patron was Apollo, were awarded laurel wreaths. The Romans extended this tradition to military victors.


Fleur-de-lys, coat of arms of the French kings

One of the most versatile and even controversial characters. The triple lily is a symbol of the Trinity and three virtues: Faith, Hope and Mercy. Lily is an attribute of many saints, including the Archangel Gabriel. White lilies can sometimes symbolize death. The lily is also associated with fertility and erotic love due to its arrow-shaped or spear-shaped (phallus-like) pistil and specific strong fragrance. Lily - a sign of prosperity and royal power in Byzantium, later - the emblem of the French kings.

Palm branch

Palm branch

This is the main symbol of victory and triumph ("palm tree").

In ancient Greece, a palm branch was given along with a wreath to the winner of the Olympic Games as a personal wish for health and longevity. In ancient Rome, they were also awarded to victorious soldiers and gladiators. On Palm Sunday celebrations in Jerusalem, priests hand out consecrated palm leaves in the form of a cross. In Russia, they are replaced by willows. The palm branch is a symbol of longevity and one of the emblems of the world, and unlike the dove, it is a secular emblem.


ten petal rose

The rose has polar symbolism: it is heavenly perfection and earthly passion, time and eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. It is also a symbol of the heart, the center of the universe, the cosmic wheel, divine, romantic and sensual love. Rose - completeness, the mystery of life, its focus, the unknown, beauty, grace, happiness, but also voluptuousness, passion, and in combination with wine - sensuality and seduction. The rosebud is a symbol of virginity; withered rose - the transience of life, death, sorrow; its thorns are pain, blood and martyrdom.

roses heraldic

Heraldic roses: 1 - Lancaster; 2 - Yorks; 3 - Tudors; 4 - England (badge); 5 - German Rose Rosenov; 6 - Russian stamp

The heraldic medieval rose has five or ten petals, which connects it with the Pythagorean pentad and decade. A rose with red petals and white stamens is the emblem of England, the most famous badge of the English kings. After the "War of the Scarlet and White Roses", named after the breastplates of the names that fought for the English crown, the scarlet rose of Lancaster and the white rose of York were combined in the form of the "Tudor Rose". The bright crimson rose is the unofficial emblem of Bulgaria. The famous tea rose is the emblem of Beijing. Nine white roses are in the coat of arms of Finland.


Fern sprouts (four-part scheme)

Sprouts (heart-shaped scheme)

The sprout is a symbol of the awakening of life. The simplest species is a grain “hatching out of its shell”, a sprout resembling a folded fern leaf. These images are accompanied by a rounded or heart-shaped stripe. The heart-shaped scheme (point up) is a stable expression of the agrarian ornament. A four-part composition with fern sprouts (a sacred plant among many peoples) is widely used, the leaves of which are directed in all directions.


Painted gourd, vessel and talisman (China, 19th century)

The gourd in Chinese culture is a symbol of health, wisdom, and even the entire universe.

In America, a pumpkin is the main attribute of the traditional holiday of evil spirits - Halloween. For this holiday, faces are carved on pumpkins, and candles are inserted inside the pumpkins and they go home with such “lamps”.

In humiliated symbolism, a pumpkin is called a head.



Emblem of Scotland

Thistle means challenge, asceticism, vindictiveness, misanthropy. Donkey food. It also symbolizes sin, sorrow, the curse of God when expelled from paradise; according to Genesis, Adam was punished with thistles. In Christian art, the thistle is the emblem of martyrdom.

But there is another side to the thistle symbolism. Like some other thorny plants, it is considered a talisman and is endowed with the ability to heal wounds. It is a plant with strong magical properties.

Apple tree, apple

Sovereign apple - one of the symbols of monarchical power

The apple tree is a symbol of fertility, one of the symbols of Mother Earth. Blooming apple tree - eternal youth, and in China - peace and beauty. An apple is a symbol of bliss, especially sexual, a symbol of restoration of potential, integrity, health and vitality. The apple represents love, marriage, spring, youth, longevity or immortality, in Christianity it is associated with temptation, the fall of man and his salvation. A bitten apple is a symbol of sin, anarchy, but also knowledge and hope. In art, an apple in the mouth of a monkey or a snake is a symbol of original sin.