She jumped up on her armpit. There was a bump under the arm - what it could be, how to treat. Why bumps form

A bump under the arm is a fairly common occurrence that every person has met at least once. A bump is a small lump that can occur for a variety of reasons.

Cones can be of different sizes and vary in color. This pathology may or may not be painful. In any case, when it appears, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Remember! Never try to squeeze out a lump. All methods of treatment are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the cause of education. The main rule of prevention is, of course, personal hygiene.

Lump under the arm

A small lump under the armpit is a significant cause for concern for many. It may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Neoplasm in most cases has a rounded shape. When pressed on it, pain is felt.

Although sometimes in contact with the bump, pain is completely absent. Without prior consultation with a specialist, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out what the seal really is and whether it is dangerous to health.

What could it be

Under the arm appeared a bump and hurts? And now we will try to understand the options for the origin of this formation and why it has a painful character.


Inflammation of the sweat gland, localized in the armpit. In the people, hydradenitis is called the bitch udder, as it has a characteristic appearance.

The sweat gland becomes clogged, its secret accumulates in it along with the bacteria located on the skin, then a local inflammatory process joins, the gland increases in size and begins to rise above the general skin.

The inflammatory process intensifies. There is local edema, hyperemia - redness of the skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation, then, due to the development of bacterial flora in this area, suppuration of the gland occurs. The appearance resembles a cow's udder, for which the people have such a specific name.

Hidradenitis is a very painful inflammation, with it general manifestations of intoxication of the body in the form of fever, general weakness, headache and other non-specific symptoms of inflammation are possible. In the case of hidradenitis, a red bump is usually formed under the armpit.


The second most common cause of bumps is lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes localized in the axillary region, while the bump under the arm hurts when pressed. The disease is the same as hydradenitis of a purulent-inflammatory nature. Lumps under the arm in women are a frequent manifestation of careless shaving of this area.

As a result of microcracks and microtraumas caused by a razor, bacteria enter the thickness of the skin of the axillary region, which can lead to an increase in lymph nodes. Such a formation can be both painful and painless - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the functioning of the body and the activity of the immune system.


This pathological condition is very similar to hidradenitis. However, in this case, inflammation of the sebaceous gland occurs. Blockage of the sebaceous gland may occur due to the peculiarities of the hormonal system of the body, for example, in diabetes mellitus or during puberty, as well as due to insufficient personal hygiene.

The pathogenetic mechanism of the formation of a purulent-inflammatory process is practically no different from hidradenitis, with the exception of the size of the inflammatory infiltrate. When a boil occurs, it is small, painful, with a local increase in skin temperature.


In the people, a lipoma is often called a wen, and such a neoplasm is more common in young women, such an education is absolutely painless, easily palpable and quite mobile. Lipoma occurs due to excessive development of adipose tissue in the area of ​​​​the sebaceous gland, which leads to the formation of a kind of lump.

In such an education, a hereditary predisposition is clearly traced, and the course of the disease is characterized by slow growth and the absence of any other symptoms.

Often, bumps under the armpits after childbirth occur in women, just with a hereditary predisposition, and the trigger in such a situation is a significant hormonal restructuring of the female body during pregnancy and lactation. A lipoma or a wen is purely aesthetic in nature and is not capable of harming the body.

Reasons for the appearance

The causes of the appearance of an internal bump under the arm can lie in the following pathologies:

  1. Blockage of the sebaceous glands. A very common phenomenon, especially in people who ignore the rules of personal hygiene. A characteristic symptomatology is the appearance of a small movable ball in the armpit, which is not accompanied by pain. The size usually does not exceed a pea. Firm to the touch.
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes. Most often observed during or immediately after the transferred viral diseases (flu, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.). It manifests itself in the form of a dense bump under the arm the size of a pea, located inside to the touch. In difficult cases, it can be accompanied by severe pain when pressed.
  3. Hydradenitis. The most common cause of bumps under the arm in men and women. The basis of this disease is inflammation of the sweat glands. Another name is "bitch's udder". Almost always proceeds painfully with redness, swelling and purulent discharge. Unlike lymphadenitis, axillary hydradenitis manifests itself in the form of several red-cyanotic balls 1-2 cm in size. The average duration of the inflammatory process is 2 weeks.
  4. Atheroma. Tumor-like formation in the form of a ball the size of a lentil grain. They are localized in the armpits against the background of diseases associated with sweat glands (hyperhidrosis). Atheromas are absolutely painless when palpated, easily displaced in any direction. They can reach the size of a walnut. Color - pale bluish. In many cases, atheromas mature and become inflamed. The final process is the release of masses, which consist of cholesterol crystals, sebum, microorganisms, horny skin flakes and the remnants of fallen hair.

All of these diseases occur equally in women and men aged 20-55 years. In children and the elderly, tumors under the armpits are rare, since the apocrine glands do not function as actively.

  • having problems with being overweight;
  • hormonal disorders (very often the ball begins to be felt during pregnancy or during puberty);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • having problems with sweating.

It has been proven that people suffering from hyperhidrosis are twice as likely to experience underarm bumps. Moreover, their process is very acute, painful, and in 90% of cases ends with the opening of an abscess under local anesthesia.

The development of purulent hydradenitis

Hidradenitis develops rather slowly, but it makes itself felt immediately. In the place where the neoplasm is about to appear, the skin begins to thicken, and when pressed, a painful sensation appears.
Soon, a nodule up to four centimeters in diameter can already be found under the skin - this is the first stage.

At the second stage, redness of the affected area, swelling and quite definite suppuration already appear. In the third stage, pus already appears from under the skin, and the resulting bumps are very reminiscent of dog nipples.

Quite often, inflammation spreads to several sweat glands at once, and as a result, many foci appear in the armpit, merging into a dense infiltrate, which begins to occupy the entire surface of the armpit.

Treatment of hidradenitis

If hidradenitis is left untreated, the disease will only progress. And even if all the pus comes to the surface, the bumps will not disappear on their own.

Having found inflammation of the sweat glands in oneself, it is necessary to immediately turn to a doctor who, under local anesthesia, will open the abscess and prescribe the necessary treatment, or determine other ways to get rid of the lump. In any case, before the appointment of treatment, an examination is carried out and the causes of the disease are identified.

It is very important not to start the disease, and together with the treatment of hydradenitis itself, it is necessary to eliminate the foci of infection and pus in the body - these are inflamed appendages, bad teeth, otitis media. It is also important to take care of increasing immunity, because otherwise relapses of the disease are almost inevitable.

Armpit lump as a sign of breast cancer

In some situations, a bump in the armpit can be a sign of breast cancer. Such a neoplasm is soft and elastic to the touch, and after drinking alcohol, it begins to hurt more.


If a specialist has diagnosed a blockage of the sebaceous glands, then he can prescribe a surgical operation with excision of the formation and removal of the gland itself. As support measures, a course of antibiotic therapy is determined, which increases the level of body protection and improves the functioning of the immune system.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph node is selected depending on what disease caused it. The bump under the arm can be simply cut out during surgery, or it can be treated in a complex way, using anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitumor and antibacterial drugs.

The method of getting rid of hydradenitis is chosen by the doctor based on the results of the examination, which reveals whether one sweat gland was affected or several. The general condition of the patient and the presence (or absence) of other diseases are also taken into account.

In most cases, the abscess is simply removed during a surgical operation, after which the patient is prescribed a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs, antibiotics and local antiseptics.

If you have a lump (after injections) under your arm, do not be upset. The most correct decision would be to review your lifestyle, perhaps some external factors contributed to the development of the inflammatory process.

Pay attention to the following options:

  1. The presence of stressful situations (we choose sedatives in a pharmacy).
  2. Wrong mode of sleep and wakefulness (why you constantly want to sleep and fatigue).
  3. Eating a lot of sweets.
  4. Bad habits (rating of pills: from smoking, from alcoholism.
  5. Incorrect or insufficient nutrition.
  6. Insufficient hygiene.

All these factors significantly increase the risk of not only swelling in the armpit, but also other inflammatory and other diseases.

To avoid recurrence of the formation of inflammatory diseases, including in the armpit, it is often enough to revise your lifestyle. Take care of yourself and your own health, live happily.


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A bump under the arm is a common reason for visiting a doctor. Discomfort in the armpit and pain when moving the hands appear as a result of an abscess or compaction. The reasons for which there is a seal under the arm can have dangerous consequences.


Inflammation of the sweat ducts (hydradenitis) under the arm is less common in men than in women. In the representatives of the stronger half, in most cases, the inflammatory focus affects the inguinal zone and perineum, so the pain symptom in this area is much more noticeable and unpleasant than the lump under the arm. The appearance of hydradenitis is associated with the ingress of harmful microorganisms into the sweat gland. This is usually caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. But for hydradenitis to appear, the presence of pathogens in the body is not enough - certain conditions are needed for this. It could be:

  1. Unwillingness to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Avoiding water procedures during the heat often becomes a favorable environment for microbes. Heat and moisture, together with dead particles of the epidermis, create conditions for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi, followed by inflammation, from which the armpit suffers.
  2. Profuse perspiration. During this process, the sweat ducts are in an expanded state, which allows pathogenic microorganisms to easily penetrate under the skin into the sweat glands.
  3. Irrational use of cosmetic products and body care products such as pre-workout antiperspirants. These funds do not reduce the amount of sweat released, but only prevent its release, clogging the pores. For this reason, stagnation may occur, facilitating the process of infection entering the body. Deodorants, talc and similar cosmetics, used in large quantities, reduce immunity and the ability to resist pathogens.
  4. Injuries. Cuts, abrasions and deep scratches under the armpits are often the most vulnerable place for the penetration of microbes into the human body: it is because of them that swollen places appear.

Symptoms and treatment of hydradenitis

You can recognize the disease as follows:

  • small soft bumps in the armpits after 3-4 days become hard when palpated and acquire a bluish tint;
  • a possible increase in temperature both in the area of ​​swelling and throughout the body up to 36.9 - 37.3 ° C;
  • a few days after the bump appeared, a purulent focus is observed, from which pus can spontaneously exit, after which the affected area no longer hurts.

Therapy of the disease largely depends on the stage of development and location of hidradenitis. Also, the patient's well-being and the presence of any concomitant diseases affect the treatment regimen. Antibiotics, antiseptics, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. In some cases, treatment may consist of opening the abscess, followed by cleaning.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

This kind of problem is usually associated with a disorder in the function of formation and secretion of sebum. Blockage of the sebaceous gland is a dense lump of a clear rounded shape that appears in the armpit, which does not have pain. The reason for the appearance of such an education is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Usually such a violation is not accompanied by discomfort, if it is not complicated by inflammation, from which the affected area may swell. Do not neglect the basics of hygiene and get involved in the use of cosmetics. At the slightest sign of a blockage, you should consult a specialist.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The following circumstances can cause an increase, as well as inflammation of the lymph nodes:

  • complication after illnesses (flu, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • the presence in the body of a dangerous infection (syphilis, tuberculosis);
  • tumor formations with metastases;
  • disorders in the circulatory system.

Depending on the reasons for which the bump appeared, it may be painful or not cause discomfort, but it is always felt. Therapy for a lump associated with an enlarged lymph node is prescribed taking into account the disease that caused this problem. Treatment of this disease may consist of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic or immunostimulating drugs, and in especially difficult cases, swollen lymph nodes are removed surgically.

If the lump hurts

If a bump has formed in the armpit and this condition is painful, first of all, you should consult a therapist. Before visiting him, you can take a tablet of analgin, paracetamol or aspirin, this will dull the pain. You can independently treat the swelling under the arm with any antiseptic that is available at home in the first-aid kit: furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, etc. The use of alcohol, warm or cooling compresses is unacceptable, as they can cause a deterioration in well-being and provoke an increase in swelling.

If you have not had to deal with bumps, contact your local therapist. The doctor will examine the tumor under the armpit, listen to complaints, prescribe a diagnostic examination or refer you for a consultation with a narrow specialist. When a bump in the armpit is a chronic condition and you know exactly the reason why these formations appear, visit a dermatologist. If the attending physician considers it necessary, you will have to undergo an additional examination by an oncologist, immunologist or infectious disease specialist.

Compaction in the armpit always causes inconvenience, even if it is not accompanied by painful sensations. If, at the slightest pressure, the lump under the arm causes pain, it becomes necessary to eliminate it as soon as possible. In addition, the question arises of how dangerous this formation can be, are there ways to remove it yourself, and what consequences it can lead to. Fortunately, in most cases, this phenomenon does not pose a great danger. To determine the nature of education, it is necessary to examine it carefully. Depending on external signs, it is possible to distinguish, for example, such types of growths as:

  1. atheroma;
  2. lipoma;
  3. furuncle;

Of course, there remains the possibility that the resulting seal is of a malignant nature, but it is impossible to establish this by external signs - it requires a professional study in a laboratory. Other varieties of cones can be identified by a combination of characteristic features.


This seal is benign in nature and is an accumulation of a product produced by the sebaceous gland. The condition for its formation is the blockage of the mouth of this gland. Areas with increased sweating, which primarily include the armpits and groin area, become the most favorable areas for the formation of atheromas.

It is possible to distinguish atheroma from other growths by a number of signs that characterize this lump under the arm and in any other area. These include:
painless when pressed and touched;

  1. boundaries are clear;
  2. round shape;
  3. filled with pasty content;
  4. contents have an unpleasant odor.

This type of formation often becomes inflamed, so it must be removed. If an inflammatory process develops in the atheroma cavity, the signs described above will lose their relevance. First of all, atheroma will change externally, in addition, pronounced pain will appear. Among the possible complications in this case is such a phenomenon as an abscess.

Lump under the arm photo


If the bump under the arm does not hurt, outwardly resembles an atheroma, while it has some differences from it, then most likely this formation is a lipoma. This growth is an accumulation of adipose tissue, or, as it is also commonly called, a wen. At the same time, the dimensions of such a cone can vary from very small (0.5 cm) to frighteningly large - more than 10 cm. The main features are:

  • lack of pain when touched and pressed;
  • fuzzy outlines of the cone;
  • uneven, knotty surface;
  • soft texture;
  • mobility.

Unlike atheroma, lipoma rarely becomes inflamed and does not pose a health hazard. However, the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process still remains, especially if the wen is too large. In this case, it is recommended to remove it.


When the bump under the arm hurts when pressed, has a hard surface, red or bluish tint, filled with purulent contents, it was formed as a result of the inflammatory process. At the initial stage, transforming into a seal. In fact, such a bump is an abscess, in the cavity of which purulent masses accumulate, caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The most striking and likely example in this case is a boil. It has the following features:

  • round shape;
  • about the size of a large pea;
  • color red, with a bluish tinge;
  • soreness when touched;
  • in the center, a purulent core of a white-yellow color is visible.

This abscess occurs if the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus enter the cavity of the hair follicle. Given that there are a large number of hair follicles in the armpit, the likelihood of this process developing is quite high. In addition, increased sweating occurs in this area, which is an additional provoking factor for the occurrence of a boil.

You should be aware that self-removal of formations, especially inflammatory ones, is always associated with a certain risk. If a bump is found under the armpit inside the layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat, and not on the surface of the epidermis, then it is not at all permissible to open it on your own. In addition to mechanical damage to tissues and, as a result, creating conditions for damage by pathogenic microflora, there is a possibility of spreading the contents of the abscess, including through the blood vessels. If the formation broke through on its own or by accident, first of all it is necessary to treat its cavity, as well as the surface of the skin around it with an antiseptic.

Armpits - vulnerable, weak spot in the body. On the one hand, this is the place where an important lymph node is located. In addition, hair grows under the armpits, which many people periodically shave off, which in itself is traumatic. And finally, the aesthetic point - the armpits usually sweat more often than other places, which is why people apply various antiperspirant deodorants to the armpits, which make their own, not the best contribution to the health of the armpits.

So, the armpits are not the last place in our body, and when a thickening occurs under the armpit and it even hurts, this fact should not be ignored in any case. In some cases, a person can cope with the problem himself, while in other cases, the help of a qualified doctor is needed.

The most dangerous thing that can be underarms is compaction as a result of inflammation of the lymph node. A seal, even the size of a small pea, should be the reason for a visit to the doctor, especially if the seal is about an olive or a nut. At the same time, you should not panic, but you should not delay the visit either. Armpit tightness does not yet indicate a serious problem - such as, for example, a malignant tumor in the chest, although this is also not excluded. Here the nuance is this: if the seal is slightly smaller than a pea, not flattened and painful, then this is most likely a reaction of the lymph node to some kind of irritant. An irritant can also be inflammation in the mammary gland or in the nipple. Similar seals are often observed in nursing mothers.

Reasons for the appearance of seals

Armpit tightness can also occur due to the abuse of antiperspirant deodorants designed to get rid of the smell of sweat. The result of their use is a blockage of the sweat gland, because of which it becomes inflamed, thickened and causes unpleasant pain.

To get rid of, first of all, you need to understand the reason for its appearance. If this is the result of unsuccessful epilation, it will be enough to apply local treatment with antiseptic agents. You can also use the old tried and tested method - to make an iodine grid on the armpit area.

If the seal occurs after using antiperspirants, you need to discard them, and then treat the armpit with alcohol every day and do the same. Sometimes the use of special ointments with antibiotics in the composition is required, but most often you can get by with several sessions of the iodine mesh and compliance with hygiene rules.

If you know that neither deodorant nor a razor could cause a seal, then you still have to go to the doctor for an examination. Your doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

Today, every woman knows well that breast cancer is one of the most common among oncological diseases, and therefore any changes and discomfort in the area close to the breast makes them upset. And this correct attitude to one's health, the appearance of seals, bumps, swelling and papillomas in the armpits, cannot be ignored, although they are far from always a sign of development.

The most serious thing that can cause a lot of health problems, if you do not see a doctor and treat in time, is the appearance of a bump (seal) in the armpits due to inflammation of the lymph nodes. If the bump under the arm has a size larger than a pea, a flattened shape and hurts, then most likely you have an inflamed lymph node due to the development of an inflammatory process in the nipple or mammary gland. Such seals most often appear in women. during menstruation and breastfeeding.

Breast engorgement before menstruation leads to a violation of the outflow of lymph and single painless bumps appear in the armpits, which are found only when groping with fingers. Seals under the armpits with mastalgia are formed in the first three days of menstruation, and after the end of the critical days they disappear.

In addition, inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arms can cause excessive use of deodorants to eliminate the smell of sweat, which clog the passages of the sweat gland and contribute to the development of the inflammatory process. In most cases, the bump appears after the hair follicle is damaged by a blade while shaving underarm hair, as a result of which pus collects at the site of the wound and a painful induration appears.

The lymphatic system is a set of lymph nodes connected by a network of blood vessels. It plays a very important role in our body. lymph nodes are located near various internal organs and have a size of not more than 1 cm. They produce white blood cells - lymphocytes, the role of which is to cleanse our body of harmful microorganisms and foreign substances.

Together, lymphocytes form lymph, which delivers to the lymph nodes all pathogenic microbes and harmful substances collected in its path. In the lymph nodes, "filtration" and purification of the lymph occurs. If a lymph delivered a lot of viruses, microbes and bacteria, then an increased production of antibodies begins in the lymph node in order to completely destroy them. This causes the development of inflammation of the lymph node and the formation of seals in the armpit.

In most cases, lumps in the armpits, formed due to inflammation of the lymph nodes, disappear on their own after the infection is defeated. However, in order to prevent the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one, it is impossible to ignore the detection of any bumps or lumps in the armpits, be sure to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. In the most difficult cases, the doctor may even prescribe a surgical opening of the abscess to avoid the development of complications. At the same time, it is very important to know that it is impossible to squeeze out the bump under the armpits on your own in any case, this can lead to pus entering the bloodstream and blood poisoning.

In cases where you are convinced that careless epilation or excessive use of deodorant is the cause of underarm tightness, you can try to make an iodine mesh for it. To do this, thoroughly wash the armpit area with soap and water, then make a mesh with a cotton swab and iodine solution. It will be enough to repeat the procedure for 3-5 days in a row, and with careful observance of hygiene rules, the seal should disappear. In more complex cases, except iodine mesh special ointments with antibiotics must be applied to the bump.

Lymphatic armpit knots may increase and due to the development of serious throughout the body. For example, tuberculosis, breast cancer, melanoma, neoplasms in the brain, rubella and brucellosis. It is impossible in these cases to get rid of the bumps in the armpits without treating the disease that contributed to its appearance. In women who have undergone plastic surgery on the mammary glands, armpit lumps are the body's reaction to the presence of silicone implants.

According to medical statistics, most often in people over 35 years old, papillomas appear under the armpits - neoplasms on thin legs or on a thick base of flesh or light brown color. They are a kind of warts, and causes their appearance papilloma virus. Papilloma does not pose anything dangerous to human health, but most people want to get rid of it for aesthetic and preventive purposes. After all papillomas not only make the armpit area unattractive, but also make the epilation process more difficult.

It is impossible to injure a papilloma with a razor or cut it off with scissors, otherwise there is a risk of its degeneration into a cancerous neoplasm. The best thing remove papilloma liquid nitrogen, radioknife, laser or electrocoagulation in a clinic or beauty salon. At home, papilloma can be removed with Super-celandine, Cryopharm, Verrukacid and Ferezol preparations. The duration and methods of their use are indicated in the instructions attached to the preparations.

What can threaten an outwardly healthy body if a lump appears under the arm and hurts (see photo)? What diseases have similar symptoms?


One of the reasons for the appearance of a painful bump under the arm is hydradenitis. In the armpit in a person there is an accumulation of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Since a person constantly sweats, a lot of sebum and sweat accumulate under the arm during the day. This is an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria.

If staphylococcus bacteria enter this environment, the sebaceous glands can become inflamed, as a result of which such bumps appear under the armpits.

Hidradenitis can manifest itself as one such bump, or nodule, or as a small rash of several inflammations. If there is no severe inflammation, then the body after some time is able to cope with the problem itself.

The festering knot matures and after some time it opens. To prevent such phenomena, one should only maintain normal hygiene: wash regularly; Treat armpits with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly with a clean towel. In hot weather, armpits should be washed more frequently.

lymph nodes

A bump under the arm can also form as a result of inflammation of the axillary lymph node. Treatment in this case of the inflammation itself does not make any sense, because it can be a symptom of a more serious disease.

No ointments will help here. It is better to immediately contact a therapist and undergo a complete examination, especially if there is fever, chills and other abnormal, painful manifestations.


Furunculosis can also cause this phenomenon. The bump in this case is quite large, dense when touched, it can be painful to suppurate.

In no case should you open it yourself, so as not to get blood poisoning! It is possible to be treated for furunculosis only under the supervision of a doctor.


Unfortunately, the appearance of a seal or inflammation in the armpit, which resembles a bump in shape, may indicate not only a banal flu, but also an oncological disease. Especially if the axillary lymph node is inflamed (this happens when there is some kind of infection in the body).

So the appearance of a lump under the arm (especially if it is painful) may indicate a dermatological problem, infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria or viruses, and the appearance of dangerous neoplasms. For this reason, with such symptoms, it is better to immediately go to the doctor, and not engage in any self-medication.


Infrequent cases are the appearance of seals in the armpit. They come in various shapes and bring a lot of discomfort, as well as pain to their owner.

Lump in the armpit is a serious reason to see a doctor. In addition to discomfort, such an education can be life-threatening and even be a sign of the initial stage of cancer.

Why can a bump appear in the armpit?

There are three reasons for the formation of a seal in the armpit area:

  1. Blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Hydradenitis.
  3. Inflammation or oncology of the lymph nodes.

Let's consider each factor in more detail.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

Such a rounded bump tends to move, but does not bring pain. Without signs of inflammation, it does not pose a threat. It is enough to establish personal hygiene and not to abuse cosmetics of dubious quality. If the lump starts to grow or turns red, seek professional help.

Armpit hydradenitis

The lump is caused by the entry of staphylococci or streptococci into the sweat gland. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of personal hygiene, increased sweating, injuries, inappropriate use of various cosmetic and hygiene products. Hydradenitis is easy to recognize by the following signs:

  • body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • a small formation appears, hardening and turning blue after a few days;
  • after 2 days, a purulent discharge of yellow or white color is observed on the surface of the bump.

In no case do not remove the purulent focus yourself. With this course of events, there will be a high probability of infection entering the body.

Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of progression and prevalence. Basically, doctors prescribe an antibiotic, a local antiseptic, as well as immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Enlarged lymph node

Such inflammation can be provoked by various infections occurring in the body, chronic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis and others), cancerous tumors, diseases of the circulatory system.

Depending on the formation factor, the bump may hurt or not, but it is always well palpable. Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause of the inflammation. Perhaps surgery or conservative therapy.

In what cases can a bump in the armpit be a sign of cancer?

Education in the armpit can signal metastases in the breast in women. Especially attentive should be the representatives of the weaker sex after 40 years. This age is at risk of developing a malignant tumor in the breast. A lump formed due to a cancerous tumor is often painless.

What do you need to pay attention to in order to understand that a bump in the armpit is cancer?

A neoplasm in the armpits is a malignant tumor if a number of the following symptoms appear:

  • the lymph node of the axillary tissue has sharply increased in size, takes the form of a protrusion under the skin, it is painless and not associated with neighboring tissues;
  • the place of formation before its appearance is very itchy;
  • body temperature rises to 37 degrees for no reason and does not subside;
  • at night the sweating of the body increases.

With the progression of the tumor, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears;
  • diarrhea begins or vice versa - constipation;
  • headaches, fatigue appear, the general condition worsens, a person can lose weight dramatically for no reason;
  • anemia often develops;
  • the body is affected by a fungal, viral and bacterial infection with a periodic frequency.

If at least one of the above signs appears, a person should immediately visit the clinic!

What examinations need to be done?

The oncologist first interviews the patient, listens to complaints. For each doctor, symptoms, their severity, information about other diseases of a chronic nature are of great importance. Next, he feels the affected area. In this way, the specialist determines the diameter of the formation and its consistency. Next, you need to conduct several surveys:

  1. Ultrasound - allows you to examine damage to the tissue of the lymph nodes and identify their mutation.
  2. CT and MRI - in this way, the exact location of the tumor and the growth of cancer cells on neighboring tissues are found out.

What tests need to be done?

Often, specialists refer the patient to an accurate diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis. For the final formulation of the picture, a histological and cytological examination is carried out.

What are the consequences if you do not see a doctor in time?

If a person ignores the signs of oncology and does not seek help from specialists, the cancer will progress, gradually killing the human body. The result of such events, of course, will be fatal. Therefore, it is very important to contact the clinic at the slightest suspicion of a malignant tumor. It's better to be safe a couple of times than to suffer all your life later.

Cancer of the axillary lymph node

Treatment depending on the situation

Treatment of a cancerous tumor under the arm depends on the type of oncology and the nature of the spread. The main ways to get rid of include:

  1. Chemotherapy. The dosage and duration are selected purely individually for each patient by his attending physician.
  2. Radiation therapy. Kills all malignant cells under the influence of highly active radioactive rays.
  3. Operative treatment. All affected lymph nodes in the armpit are removed.

Not so long ago, new methods of combating oncological tumors began to be used, which consist in transplanting part of the bone marrow.

All treatments are aimed at reducing the size of the affected lymph node. It is also necessary to achieve a stable remission. Often, to get rid of armpit cancer, doctors use complex therapy, which includes several of the most effective methods in an individual case.

Forecast and what to expect?

In general, the prognosis is quite favorable. But it all depends on the type and prevalence of cancer. With a slowly growing tumor, patients are able to live 7-10 years. With a rapidly progressive disease, the likelihood of a cure is also greater, but high-dose chemotherapy is required. In the case of secondary pathology, when metastases have spread from the breast, the prognosis is much worse. No more than 50% of patients live here for 5 years. If armpit cancer has developed as a result, therapy is practically powerless here. Approximately only 16% of patients manage to live for at least another 5 years.

A bump in the armpit occurs for various reasons, and also has different symptoms. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is one of the factors in the appearance of dense formations in the armpit, the development of oncology is quite possible. This often leads to a sad outcome. In the case of timely diagnosis and treatment, positive dynamics is possible. Choosing a good clinic with experienced oncologists increases the patient's chances of recovery. This issue should also be approached responsibly.

If there is a painful bump under the arm, then you should treat this with attention. The fact is that in this way various oncological and systemic diseases can manifest themselves, in which an increase in a group of lymph nodes is the first symptom. Therefore, first you need to adequately assess the state of your health. Consider whether you have recently had unreasonable periods of temporary general malaise, chills, muscle weakness, or fever. If these symptoms periodically appear and disappear, then it is necessary to consult a therapist for a medical examination and a series of tests.

The most reliable of them is a detailed general blood test. In chronic inflammatory processes and the development of oncological tumors in the blood test, the doctor will see a shift in the leukocyte formula with total leukocytosis and an increase in the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In some forms of tumors, the level of hemoglobin decreases and B12 deficiency anemia is diagnosed. What to do when a bump appears under the arm, we will tell in this material

Causes of bumps under the arm and forms

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of the appearance of bumps under the arm are associated with an increase in the lymph node. On palpation, a single nodule is felt, which is soft and elastic. It doesn't hurt to touch it. It can be motionless, and also move freely within 1-2 cm. The skin over the lymph node is not changed, not hyperemic. May be a symptom of the following conditions:

  1. the presence of cuts and purulent wounds on the skin surfaces of the hand on the side where the bump appeared;
  2. arthritis and arthrosis in a state of exacerbation in the area of ​​the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints;
  3. eczema and psoriatic lesions of the skin of the hand on the affected side;
  4. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  5. pneumonia and chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  6. pericarditis and myocarditis.

There are the following forms of bumps under the arm:

  • small or medium sizes;
  • soft or compacted;
  • painful or painless on palpation;
  • normal color, hyperemic or pigmented (brown);
  • movable or soldered to surrounding tissues;
  • internal or protruding above the surface of the armpit.

All these signs are important in establishing the initial diagnosis. As a rule, a combination of factors such as a rapid increase in size and redness of the skin, pain and lack of mobility on palpation, and increased pigmentation of the skin of the surrounding tissues make it possible to suspect an oncological lesion. Only a doctor can determine the exact causes of a bump under the arm.

Remember a simple rule, if the bump under the arm is painful, then you need to avoid any procedures using thermal energy and immediately consult a doctor to exclude a malignant neoplasm in the lymph node.

At least swelling can be the result of blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. Hydradenitis develops against the background of the systematic use of deodorants in the hot season. In the future, against the background of this, atheroma may form, which must be removed surgically. Such conditions do not go away on their own.

What to do with a lump under the arm?

It is not recommended to treat any neoplasms on your body on your own. Any careless actions can lead to the rapid growth of pathogenic tissues. Particular care should be taken with various heatings. Give up compresses, mustard plasters and heating pads. On the contrary, it is necessary to ensure peace in the affected area and sufficient hygienic care for the skin.

Seek immediate medical attention. After the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe you the appropriate treatment and tell you what to do with the bump under your arm. You should be especially careful if a bump appears under the arm of a child. Thus, children often develop leukemia and other malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system.

In contact with

Most likely this is due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, uncomfortable tight underwear, a cut with a razor.

This seal is round or irregular in shape. Depending on the cause of the appearance of the bump, the color is different - white, greenish (which indicates a purulent environment of the bump), red. Its size is also different, but most often the bump is clearly visible, it stands out significantly above the surface of the armpit.

If you have a bump under your arm, this indicates the presence of inflammation in this area. In this regard, it looks inflamed, as evidenced by the reddish color of the skin and increased temperature in the area of ​​​​the bump, the general condition worsens. There may be one cone, or several seals may form. A lump is a knot, abscess or tumor.

Hidradenitis - inflammation of the sebaceous glands, usually purulent. Most antiperspirants clog the ducts of the sweat glands, thereby providing dryness to the underarms. There is always a place for various kinds of infection under the armpits, and when the sebaceous gland is blocked, they are activated, which is very dangerous. The increase and suppuration of the sebaceous glands under the arm occurs as a result of the activity of staphylococcus bacteria. Through the flow channels of the sebaceous glands, bacteria enter the glands and begin to grow.

This is due to insufficient hygiene of the axillary areas - particles of sweat, deodorant accumulate as a result of irregular washing. As a result, a bump appeared under the arm, which hurts and causes a lot of inconvenience. This disease can be accompanied by fever, chills, trembling and even loss of consciousness. Often, hydradenitis appears in children.

Furuncle (boil) - inflammation of the sebaceous gland, bacteria accumulate inside the gland and suppuration appears, a rather dangerous disease. First aid when a boil appears: you need to lubricate the inflamed area with an antiseptic and apply a bandage with levomekol ointment (it contains an antibiotic that will affect microorganisms in every possible way - in other words, this ointment kills microbes and helps to draw out pus from the sebaceous gland), fix. But if after 2-3 days it does not get better, the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.

Wen (lipoma) - a benign neoplasm, formed due to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the sebaceous glands. Also, the cause can be a hereditary predisposition, diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands, liver. The formation of a lipoma occurs without pain, has a soft texture to the touch, grows in size from a few mm to fifty centimeters. It is not recommended to carry out all kinds of procedures yourself, the best option would be to see a doctor.

Under the armpit, the lymph node became inflamed. In the normal state of a person, the axillary lymph nodes do not become inflamed. They increase as a result of a sharp weakening of the immune system after suffering a serious infectious disease - influenza, infectious diseases of the throat or ear. Also, axillary lymph nodes can increase as a result of inflammation of the mammary glands. Excessive sweating with insufficient armpit hygiene can also provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes. The latter most often concerns overweight, obese people, often with diabetes.

Some blood diseases - leukemia, cervical lymphadenitis, etc. - can also lead to the appearance of a lump under the arm;

Some forms of cancer are accompanied by the formation of tumors in the form of bumps under the arms;

The cause of a bump under the arm can be the presence in the body of serious diseases such as mumps, AIDS and measles (see "Measles in children - symptoms and treatment"). The appearance of a lump under the arm during any disease is caused by an increase in the lymph nodes due to the negative effects of viruses and infections.

Ways to treat bumps under the armpit

The appearance of a bump in the armpit is always noticeable and unpleasant. Before an abscess forms, the skin in the armpit first itches and burns. Touching the restless area is always painful, which indicates the presence of inflammation under the skin. The abscess is not always opened.

For several weeks, the bump can suppurate, increase, but never open - this is its difference from the boil (see "Furunculosis - Causes and Treatment". In no case should you treat the lump under the arm on your own! The ingress of pus or bacteria into the blood can cause blood poisoning.

If you find the first signs of compaction under the armpits, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only after a thorough examination, the doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the bumps and prescribe the correct treatment. With an infectious and purulent environment of education, antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.

In no case should the bump be squeezed out! In the treatment of bumps under the arm, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, dry heat, UHF. All methods of treatment are prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the causes of the appearance of seals. In case of an urgent need to open an abscess, the doctor will do it himself.

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Lump under the arm inside, how to treat

Hiradenitis is an inflammatory process inside the sebaceous gland. It is usually accompanied by the formation of pus. The increase and subsequent suppuration of the sebaceous glands located in the armpit is the result of the vigorous activity of a staphylococcal infection. Bacteria move along the flow channel of the sebaceous gland, and after entering it, they begin to actively divide and develop. This situation can occur due to non-compliance with basic hygiene. Small particles of sweat or deodorant begin to accumulate if a person does not wash regularly enough. Because of this, a lump appears, which hurts and causes a lot of inconvenience. In some cases, hidradenitis develops in children.

If hidradenitis affects you too often, specific immunotherapy is necessary. For this purpose, a staphylococcal vaccine or gamma globulin is usually used.

In some cases, inflammation of the lymph node becomes the cause of a specific compaction in the armpit. If a person is healthy, then the lymph nodes are invisible and not palpable. They can increase as a result of a sharp drop in the body's defenses, after suffering ailments, for example, influenza, infectious lesions of the nasopharynx, ears. Sometimes an increase in the size of the lymph node is a consequence of inflammation of the mammary glands. In addition, excessive sweating during which inadequate hygienic care of the armpits is carried out can also cause an inflammatory process.

The latter reason is typical for overweight people, often with diabetes.

If the bump under the arm is the result of inflammation of the lymph node, then the doctor may recommend taking a course of antibiotics to eliminate it. In addition, various local remedies can help - ointments, lotions, etc.

There are also folk methods for treating this kind of bumps. For example, a good option is the internal intake of tincture of echinacea (alcohol). Take ten drops of it four to five times a day, dissolving them in fifty milliliters of water. To eliminate the inflammatory process, you can also take a decoction of goldenseal. It should be drunk in the amount of ten tablespoons per day.

Sometimes the lymph node in the armpit increases due to the development of cancer. In this case, after taking antibiotics, its size does not decrease. Education, on the contrary, can grow and grow, as tumors grow and multiply. This type of cancer is called lymphoma and is characterized by rapid development. Therefore, if an antibiotic-resistant enlargement of the lymph node appears, you should immediately contact an oncologist.

Ailments such as leukemia or cervical lymphadenitis, as well as some others, can be manifested by the appearance of bumps under the armpit.

There are other forms of cancer that can cause this phenomenon. In addition, a seal in the armpit can occur as a lesion of the body with AIDS, measles and mumps.

Usually, the appearance of a bump in the armpit is accompanied by noticeably unpleasant sensations. Until an abscess forms, the skin may itch, burning occurs. Touching the affected area, the patient feels pain - this just indicates the development of the inflammatory process. The abscess may not open - for several weeks the bump may increase and even suppurate, and after treatment pass without a trace. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, because if purulent masses or bacteria enter the bloodstream, this can lead to sepsis.

If you find yourself developing a lump in your armpit, see your doctor. After a thorough examination, he will be able to diagnose the disease and select the appropriate treatment. If the bump has an infectious and purulent environment, antibiotics and drugs that stimulate the immune system are indicated.

In no case do not squeeze out the formation that has arisen. The doctor can prescribe you various physiotherapy procedures, UHF, as well as dry heat. But the method of treatment depends solely on the cause that caused the bumps to appear. In the event that the specialist decides that the seal is subject to opening, he will carry it out himself.

The bump under the arm hurts: what it can be and which doctor to contact

Good day, dear readers! If you have a bump or a small seal under your arm, then my article will be of interest to you.

This phenomenon should be taken very carefully, since often an increase in lymph nodes can indicate very serious and dangerous diseases.

Better not guess what it could be, but immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to panic ahead of time, since such a symptom often occurs with banal non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, a cut with a razor or from uncomfortable underwear.

Let's find out the main causes of this disease and possible treatments.

Causes of bumps under the armpit

If a swelling has come out in the muscle cavity, then this may be due to a large accumulation of lymph nodes in this area.

In addition, it is this area that is so rich in sweat and sebaceous glands.

Often, when an inflammatory process appears in the body, it is the lymph nodes that give the first reaction.

When inflamed, they can increase.

Did you know that in the armpit there is a higher temperature and increased sweating. Therefore, with a lack of hygiene, it is in this area that infectious processes develop.

By the way, in 90% of cases in such a situation, doctors diagnose purulent-inflammatory processes. In other cases, a thorough diagnosis is carried out for more serious diseases.

If a large bump has formed in this area, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, even a small swelling can develop into a larger one.

It happens that swelling under the skin appears after suffering infectious diseases. A similar problem may occur after childbirth.

Also, the seal can be confused with the beginning of the boil.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

Non-painful swelling can be formed when the production of fat-like lipids is impaired. In this case, the cells die and are transformed into sebum.

With narrowing of the sebaceous ducts, this leads to the formation of a round bump. Most often, a small swelling does not cause much discomfort. But even it is better to remove it, since with such an inflammatory process, the infection can get into the lymph node.

The photo shows what small seals look like.

The cause of such formations can be a hereditary predisposition, as well as diseases of the liver, thyroid gland and pancreas.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

It is formed under the influence of such factors:

  1. Infectious diseases: sore throat, measles, influenza and measles.
  2. Problems with the hematopoietic system.
  3. Oncological formations with metastases.
  4. The presence of microorganisms that cause tuberculosis or syphilis.

Such swelling also does not always hurt. The inflammatory process can occur for various reasons, which affects the soreness or painlessness of the condition.

Such a bump is easily felt when pressed. In addition, it is characterized by mobility. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time, as the formation can change its size.

This problem happens in men and women and even in a child.

Inflammatory process of sweat ducts

In both sexes, such an ailment as Hydradenitis can also occur. At the same time, a lump is formed inside after entering the sweat ducts of various bacilli and microbes.

Let's find out under what conditions it can develop:

  • in case of non-observance of hygiene and pollution of the body. A similar problem often appears in the summer, as favorable conditions are created for the development of a pathogenic environment;
  • excessive sweating contributes to the expansion of sweat flows, which creates all the conditions for bacteria to enter;
  • improper use of hygiene products. For example, you can not use deodorant before playing sports. This will not reduce the production of sweat, but will only create obstacles for its removal from the body. In this case, large ducts are formed into which the infection enters;
  • scratches, abrasions and cuts are also a favorable factor for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

Even if the lump is without redness, it is important to find out which doctor can help and how to treat such an ailment.

First of all, it is worth contacting a therapist who, if necessary, will send to another doctor.

If you have hidradenitis, then the bump will hurt, especially when pressed. She also has mobility.

In this case, itching may also appear.

Furuncle formation

A red bump can also be a boil. In this case, inflammation of the sebaceous gland occurs, and bacteria accumulate inside, and suppuration forms. This is a very unpleasant disease, which may also require medical attention.

You need to know what to do in this case.

Especially if there is no opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. At home, you can give yourself first aid.

First of all, anoint the site of inflammation with an antiseptic solution, and then put a bandage with Levomekol ointment.

This tool contains an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. It not only kills microbes, but also helps to draw pus out of the wound.

If there is no improvement after a few days, see your doctor.

Particular care should be taken during pregnancy. Self-medication is not suitable here.

Other reasons

A bump can form with blood problems. For example, with cervical lymphadenitis or with leukemia. Some oncological diseases can also be accompanied by the formation of swelling.

Serious diseases, such as AIDS, can also affect the development of the bump. Often, swelling is formed with measles or mumps.

How to treat

Now let's figure out how to treat such swelling. If a blocked sebaceous gland is diagnosed, surgery may be needed to remove the gland.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed as maintenance therapy, which help to improve the functioning of the immune system, and also increase the body's defenses.

Treatment of the inflammatory process in the lymph node depends on what disease caused its development.

In this case, the swelling is excised or treated with the help of complex therapy.

At the same time, antiseptic, antibacterial and antitumor drugs are prescribed.

If hidradenitis is diagnosed, then an additional examination is carried out to identify the total number of affected sweat glands.

This takes into account the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Most often, the abscess is removed surgically, and then a course of treatment with antibiotics, antiseptics and drugs to increase immunity is prescribed.

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Lump in the armpit as a sign of cancer

Infrequent cases are the appearance of seals in the armpit. They come in various shapes and bring a lot of discomfort, as well as pain to their owner.

A bump in the armpit is a serious reason to see a doctor. In addition to unpleasant sensations, such an education can be life-threatening and even be a sign of the initial stage of cancer.

Why can a bump appear in the armpit?

There are three reasons for the formation of a seal in the armpit area:

  1. Blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Hydradenitis.
  3. Inflammation or oncology of the lymph nodes.

Let's consider each factor in more detail.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

Such a rounded bump tends to move, but does not bring pain. Without signs of inflammation, it does not pose a threat. It is enough to establish personal hygiene and not to abuse cosmetics of dubious quality. If the lump starts to grow or turns red, seek professional help.

Armpit hydradenitis

The lump is caused by the entry of staphylococci or streptococci into the sweat gland. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of personal hygiene, increased sweating, injuries, inappropriate use of various cosmetic and hygiene products. Hydradenitis is easy to recognize by the following signs:

  • body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • a small formation appears, hardening and turning blue after a few days;
  • after 2 days, a purulent discharge of yellow or white color is observed on the surface of the bump.

In no case do not remove the purulent focus yourself. With this course of events, there will be a high probability of infection entering the body.

Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of progression and prevalence. Basically, doctors prescribe an antibiotic, a local antiseptic, as well as immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Enlarged lymph node

Such inflammation can be provoked by various infections occurring in the body, chronic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis and others), cancerous tumors, diseases of the circulatory system.

Depending on the formation factor, the bump may hurt or not, but it is always well palpable. Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause of the inflammation. Perhaps surgery or conservative therapy.

In what cases can a bump in the armpit be a sign of cancer?

Education in the armpit can signal metastases in the breast in women. Especially attentive should be the representatives of the weaker sex after 40 years. This age is at risk of developing a malignant tumor in the breast. A lump formed due to a cancerous tumor is often painless.

What do you need to pay attention to in order to understand that a bump in the armpit is cancer?

A neoplasm in the armpits is a malignant tumor if a number of the following symptoms appear:

  • the lymph node of the axillary tissue has sharply increased in size, takes the form of a protrusion under the skin, it is painless and not associated with neighboring tissues;
  • the place of formation before its appearance is very itchy;
  • body temperature rises to 37 degrees for no reason and does not subside;
  • at night the sweating of the body increases.

With the progression of the tumor, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears;
  • diarrhea begins or vice versa - constipation;
  • headaches, fatigue appear, the general condition worsens, a person can lose weight dramatically for no reason;
  • anemia often develops;
  • the body is affected by a fungal, viral and bacterial infection with a periodic frequency.

If at least one of the above signs appears, a person should immediately visit the clinic!

What examinations need to be done?

The oncologist first interviews the patient, listens to complaints. For each doctor, symptoms, their severity, information about other diseases of a chronic nature are of great importance. Next, he feels the affected area. In this way, the specialist determines the diameter of the formation and its consistency. Next, you need to conduct several surveys:

  1. Ultrasound - allows you to examine damage to the tissue of the lymph nodes and identify their mutation.
  2. CT and MRI - in this way, the exact location of the tumor and the growth of cancer cells on neighboring tissues are found out.

What tests need to be done?

Often, specialists refer the patient for a biopsy to accurately confirm the diagnosis. For the final formulation of the picture, a histological and cytological examination is carried out.

What are the consequences if you do not see a doctor in time?

If a person ignores the signs of oncology and does not seek help from specialists, the cancer will progress, gradually killing the human body. The result of such events, of course, will be fatal. Therefore, it is very important to contact the clinic at the slightest suspicion of a malignant tumor. It's better to be safe a couple of times than to suffer all your life later.

Cancer of the axillary lymph node

Treatment depending on the situation

Treatment of a cancerous tumor under the arm depends on the type of oncology and the nature of the spread. The main ways to get rid of cancer of the axillary lymph nodes include:

  1. Chemotherapy. The dosage and duration are selected purely individually for each patient by his attending physician.
  2. Radiation therapy. Kills all malignant cells under the influence of highly active radioactive rays.
  3. Operative treatment. All affected lymph nodes in the armpit are removed.

Not so long ago, new methods of combating oncological tumors began to be used, which consist in transplanting part of the bone marrow.

All treatments are aimed at reducing the size of the affected lymph node. It is also necessary to achieve a stable remission. Often, to get rid of armpit cancer, doctors use complex therapy, which includes several of the most effective methods in an individual case.

Forecast and what to expect?

In general, the prognosis is quite favorable. But it all depends on the type and prevalence of cancer. With a slowly growing tumor, patients are able to live 7-10 years. With a rapidly progressive disease, the likelihood of a cure is also greater, but high-dose chemotherapy is required. In the case of secondary pathology, when metastases have spread from the breast, the prognosis is much worse. No more than 50% of patients live here for 5 years. If armpit cancer has developed as a result of lung carcinoma, therapy is practically powerless here. Approximately only 16% of patients manage to live for at least another 5 years.

A bump in the armpit occurs for various reasons, and also has different symptoms. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is one of the factors in the appearance of dense formations in the armpit, the development of oncology is quite possible. This often leads to a sad outcome. In the case of timely diagnosis and treatment, positive dynamics is possible. Choosing a good clinic with experienced oncologists increases the patient's chances of recovery. This issue should also be approached responsibly.

It's important to know:


The information on this site is provided for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for the treatment of cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Lump under the arm (hydradenitis): causes and treatment

A lump under the armpit is a condition with which a doctor is often consulted. A kind of "stimulus" for a visit to the doctor is the sensitivity of the armpit and the motor activity of the hands - a combination that does not allow for a long time to endure the discomfort or pain that the induration or abscess causes. This is a significant plus, which does not allow the patient to wait until this condition "passes by itself."

But there is also a minus - many reasons why a seal in the armpit can develop.

Causes of the formation of bumps under the armpit

All cases of bumps in the armpit can be divided into three categories, depending on the causes: blockage of the sebaceous gland, inflammation of the sweat ducts (hydradenitis) and inflammation of the lymph node.

Hydradenitis under the arm

Hidradenitis occurs equally in both men and women and is caused by the penetration of pathogens (most often staphylococci and streptococci) into the sweat gland.

But even the presence of pathogens is not enough for the development of such a disease as hydradenitis under the arm, which requires additional conditions:

  • Failure to comply with the basics of personal hygiene. Neglecting a shower or bath, especially during the warm season, leads to the formation of favorable conditions on the armpit skin for the growth and reproduction of microbes. Heat, moisture, microscopic particles of dead skin and sweat components create an ideal nutrient and climatic environment for bacteria or fungi and subsequent inflammation.
  • Increased sweating. When an excessive amount of sweat is released, the sweat ducts are dilated, which allows pathogens to easily enter the sweat gland.
  • Incorrect or inappropriate use of cosmetic and hygiene products. The most prominent example of this is the use of antiperspirants before sports. These funds do not reduce the production of sweat, but only prevent its removal, so the accumulation of sweat expands the ducts and leads to the development of congestion in them, which makes it easier for infections. Another “cosmetic” reason is the excessive use of deodorants, talcs and similar products, which provokes a decrease in local immunity and resistance to pathogens.
  • Injuries. Abrasions, scratches, skin cuts in the armpit become the entrance gate for microbes that surround a person.

Symptoms of hidradenitis

  • A soft, elastic bump under the arm, which after a few days becomes hard and takes on a bluish tint.
  • Body temperature may increase locally (at the site of swelling) or there may be a general increase in temperature up to 37.8-38.6o C.
  • 1-2 days after the onset of the disease, a visually detectable purulent focus appears in the lump under the arm (whitened or yellowed area at the top of the swelling). The release of purulent contents can occur on its own, after which symptoms are relieved.

Important: in no case do not speed up the process of removing pus. Hot compresses, squeezing out purulent contents, and similar actions will not eliminate hydradenitis under the arm, but, on the contrary, can lead to the penetration of infection into neighboring tissues and even its spread throughout the body with the bloodstream.

Treatment of hidradenitis

The treatment regimen for hidradenitis depends on the stage of development of the disease, its prevalence (damage to one sweat gland or several), the general condition of the patient and the presence / absence of concomitant diseases (systemic inflammation, pathologies of the immune system, etc.).

Appointments for hydradenitis may include local antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, iodine solution, etc.), antibiotics (Clindamycin, Erythromycin, etc.), immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as surgical treatment - opening the abscess and draining it.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland

Blockage of the sebaceous gland, as a rule, is associated with violations of the formation and separation of sebum (its excessive production and narrowed sebaceous ducts) in combination with non-compliance with the basics of hygiene.

Such an "omentum" is a dense bump under the arm - movable and painless, with a regular rounded shape.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland is not a problem if it does not impair the quality of life of the patient (with an increase in the size of the lump, it can cause significant discomfort) or is not complicated by the inflammatory process. Therefore, it is necessary to be responsible for observing the rules of personal hygiene, not to abuse cosmetics, and if there are any signs of growth of the omentum or inflammation of the gland, consult a doctor.

Treatment of blockage of the sebaceous gland is carried out mainly surgically, with the removal of the sebaceous gland and the subsequent appointment of a course of antibiotic therapy.

Enlarged lymph node

The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes and their enlargement can be many circumstances:

  • previously transferred or currently existing infectious disease (flu, tonsillitis, whooping cough, etc.);
  • the presence in the body of a constant infection (tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.);
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • tumor diseases with metastases.

Depending on the reasons for the enlargement of the lymph nodes under the armpits, they can be painful or painless, but they are always well defined by touch (dense round formations directly under the skin, more or less mobile).

Treatment of a bump formed under the arm, associated with an increase in lymph nodes, is carried out taking into account the disease that caused this condition. Treatment can be either conservative, with the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, immunostimulating, antitumor drugs, or surgical - with removal of the lymph node.

In each case, the decision is made by the attending physician, individually assessing the situation.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

When faced with the appearance of a bump under the muscle cavity, it is natural to get worried and start looking for methods to solve this problem. In order not to aggravate the situation by incorrect actions, follow these recommendations.

A bump appeared under the muscle cavity and it hurts: what to do?

The only thing you can do at home is to treat the skin of the armpit with an antiseptic that is in the first aid kit: hydrogen peroxide, a solution of boric or salicylic acid, brilliant green. With severe pain and the inability to see a doctor, you can take a tablet of analgin, baralgin, aspirin.

Important: carefully read the instructions for the drug you are going to take. If you suffer from any disease listed in the list of contraindications, this remedy is strictly forbidden to you. Also, you should not give any painkillers to children without first consulting a doctor: if a child complains of pain with a bump under his arm, contact the emergency room.

The application of warm, cold and alcohol compresses is unacceptable, as they can cause a deterioration in health and complicate the course of the disease.

The “cunning” of compresses lies in their ability to quickly and effectively relieve pain, but this subjective sensation does not last long: heat and irritant action (as in the case of alcohol compresses) can cause the spread of purulent inflammation to nearby tissues, and cold can narrow the lumen of sweat or sebaceous duct, preventing the contents of the gland from being brought out.

Lump under the armpit: which doctor should I contact?

If you have not encountered such a phenomenon as a lump under the arm before, contact a therapist who, after studying the anamnesis and listening to your complaints, will decide on further diagnostic procedures or consult a specialist.

If the bump under the muscle cavity is a chronic condition, and you know the reason for this (blockage of the sebaceous or sweat gland), in case of recurrence, sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist.

In some cases, an examination by an immunologist, hematologist, infectious disease specialist or oncologist may also be required, if the attending physician sees this as necessary.

one). The first week I did a miracle compress that treats any abscesses and inflammation (I kept it almost all day long):

3 tsp filtered water

1 vial of gentamicin sulfate solution

1 ampoule of hydrocortisone acetate solution 2.5%

I drank the antibiotic Flemoclav for 4 days (morning and evening) (drank kefir as a probiotic)

Drank Nimesil 4 days (morning and evening after meals)

2). The second week is a compress with ioddicerin (I kept it only during the day, it’s not convenient at night). How did you do it? She folded the bandage several times, glued it to the bump and applied ioddicerin liberally on top of it. After half an hour or an hour, I checked it, when it dried, I applied it again on top.

Ioddicerin caused severe irritation, she smeared it with Pantestin to restore the skin faster.

3). Now I am curing this small induration with Trimistine ointment.

I hope my review will be useful to someone.

Be sure to consult with your doctor first.

Get well soon everyone!

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