Love horoscope for December 3 Taurus

December 2016 for Taurus will turn out to be quite a prosperous month, and you will certainly be able to note this when you sum up this year. December will pass without much hassle and upheaval, of course, some minor household troubles will still happen. But Taurus will be able not only to hold their positions, but also to move a little in the direction that you need. And although it may not sound too fantastic, you need to take into account the storm that will rage around.

In December 2016, Taurus may notice that not only others are favorable to him, but circumstances are developing for him as ordered. Believe in your luck and continue to follow your own path towards your dream. And then Taurus can be sure that he will succeed and everything will come true exactly as he wished. You will not have to be disappointed, and Taurus will not have any special reasons for this.

Favorable numbers of December - 1, 3, 9, 16, 24, 28.

Unfavorable numbers of December - 4, 12, 14, 22, 25, 27.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

Although in the love sphere in December 2016, Taurus will have many bright events, nothing can be guaranteed now. You will simply be able to understand how you correspond to your own partner. So the horoscope for 2016 Taurus advises the representatives of this sign to simply behave as they see fit, not paying attention to those around them, or to any rules or norms. Follow your feelings, because your partner may not always feel exactly what he is telling you.

This month, Taurus, one way or another, will be associated with children. If he does not yet have his own, then it is possible that he will be invited to be godparents or they will entrust him with the upbringing of his beloved nephews, shifting parental care to him.

At the same time, in December 2016, Taurus may have disagreements with their parents or other older relatives. Maybe we should forget about infantilism and try to think about the comfort of other people?

Finance and career horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

In December 2016, Taurus will not be able to properly organize the workflow, which is why he will have constant problems. And in vain now it will be expected that someone will be able to help you in this matter. Everyone will be busy with their own affairs, so Taurus will be left alone with their problems. The horoscope for 2016 Taurus does not advise you to try to cope with all current affairs until the end of this month, as there will be too many of them, and you will not even be able to choose which one to start with. It would be better if Taurus manages to distribute all cases and projects according to their urgency, and plans less than the usual volume for implementation. This will save him from unnecessary difficulties, and he will feel much calmer.

The best thing you can do this month is to complete the first things. Don't be tempted to start new projects.

As for the financial sector, in December 2016, Taurus should not rely on their usual earnings. You need to find some new and non-standard opportunities for yourself in order to earn. A non-standard approach is also welcome in terms of New Year's shopping.

Health horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

This month, Taurus should once again remember the need to follow the generally accepted rules. In fact, any deviations from them, sooner or later, are sure to remind of themselves. Therefore, if in December 2016 Taurus is prescribed some kind of treatment, he will definitely have to strictly adhere to medical recommendations, otherwise, sooner or later, he will have to regret it.

And in December it will be very useful to visit a massage therapist and have a few back massage sessions.

Taurus in December at the peak of popularity. It will seem that the representatives of this sign have finally caught their wave. Almost any sphere of life will prepare many pleasant surprises for Taurus.

In early December, perhaps, there will be some reset of all those settings that were valuable to the representatives of this sign earlier. Having spent a small amount of time on the formation of new goals, Taurus, inspired, will rush on the road.

In December, the career of stubborn Taurus will go uphill, this will happen not only due to professionalism, but also because of the boundless charm of the people of this sign. In any field of activity, as a maximum, they will succeed, otherwise - just a lull that will not bring negativity.

Taurus of creative professions will receive inspiration for work, which they will draw from everywhere.

By the middle of the month, short and not very distant trips will become possible, possibly to neighboring cities. These trips will bring a lot of new acquaintances, you should not treat them as fleeting, each new person can become something useful in the future, so it makes sense to save phone numbers and business cards.

Despite the luck of Taurus this month, on the road he still needs to remain attentive and composure, otherwise, December threatens to become quite traumatic, which is not very good on the eve of the holidays.

Taurus's finances this month are almost inexhaustible, this zodiac sign loves to give practical gifts, so shopping in December will be expensive and useful.

The only area of ​​life that you should pay special attention to in December is health. Taurus often do not pay attention to small ailments. Which can play a bad joke by the end of the month. An untreated cold threatens to turn into a serious complication. Therefore, Taurus, who felt something was wrong, should devote a few days to their health, not run anywhere, but simply lie down at home until they are fully recovered.

The sphere of feelings in December sparkles and blazes. Taurus balances between wild passion and separation. This applies to those who are already in a relationship. You should slow down and enter the new year with a partner, and not with a lonely and wildly charming Taurus.

In family relationships, calmness, which is so appreciated by representatives of this sign. Despite their charm and flirtatiousness, Taurus is conservative, especially when he is a family man. The best time for him is time with his family. And he hurries to meet the New Year in the same way.

Favorable December days for Taurus: 1, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 22, 26, 31.

Unfavorable days of December for Taurus: 3, 9, 11, 20, 24, 25, 28.

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Inga Polonskaya.

December 2016 will be for women born under the sign of Taurus, a period of obtaining new useful information and expanding the boundaries of knowledge. It will bring a lot of fresh impressions to the everyday life of female Taurus. Positive changes await them in all spheres of life.

During this period, women of this sign are recommended to start the process of renewal and transition to the newest stage of life, to obtain the necessary knowledge at time management seminars. The beginning of the month will be a favorable time for them to set goals.

Love and family

In December, love for the representatives of the Taurus sign will be the main goal. Free women during this period are encouraged to go out more often. If they are disposed to communicate, there will be a smile on their faces, Taurus in December has a chance to meet their happiness without fail.

Relations with real partners, according to the stars, will develop harmoniously. In the life of Taurus women, during this period, laziness and conservatism should not be present. They also should not be too eager for change and impose restrictions on the personal freedom of their men. For these reasons, quarrels may arise.

With children, Taurus is recommended to behave with restraint and responsibly. They need to be given opportunities to exercise independence and autonomy in order to prevent children from becoming hothouse plants. Taurus parents are also encouraged to attend seminars in December, where you can gain knowledge from the field of psychology for raising children. As a result, the knowledge gained can help to understand the behavior of the parents of the Taurus themselves in their childhood, to forgive their mistakes and weaknesses.

Work and finance

Women of this sign need to be inventive and innovative. If this may be problematic for some of them, the stars will certainly help and give Taurus more flexibility and creativity. The case can help in obtaining the necessary information that can charge inspiration.

There may be a meeting with an old acquaintance who will reveal his experience, which is beneficial. At this time, female Taurus should expect fateful signs, learn not to miss them and interpret them without mistakes.

In December, fate may provide Taurus with a great opportunity to receive bonuses at work or cash receipts from an unforeseen source. As for material matters, the favor of the stars will be provided to them.

If the female Taurus is planning to buy a technique for themselves as a New Year's gift, it would be optimal to make a purchase before the nineteenth of December.

beauty and health

This winter month, Taurus women are advised to focus on the state of their nervous system. By the end of the year, manifestations of fatigue accumulated as a result of stressful situations at work and life troubles are likely. You should give yourself more time. It is worth being in solitude, doing something that can bring moments of pleasure to life, or just take a break from everything. Taurus needs rest and a pause in business.

Massage procedures can bring a pleasant and beneficial effect, with the help of which you can get rid of cellulite and massage of the lower extremities, especially the legs. Taurus women need to prepare in advance for the meeting of the coming year in order to meet it spectacular and beautiful, fully armed.

Favorable days for Taurus in December 2016: 1-3 , 6 , 10 , 15 , 19
Unfavorable days for Taurus in December 2016: 7 , 14 , 17 , 28 , 29

In work

It is in the field of work that you will have to get used to some small changes. If you wish, you can quickly get used to new circumstances. If you work for yourself, try not to put too much pressure on your subordinates, if you do not have time to do something, it is best to postpone things to a later date. In general, Taurus will have good opportunities to receive several financial bonuses in December. if you are self-employed, do your best to impress management, December is the perfect time to do so.

In love

In the realm of personal relationships, Taurus can find themselves in an uncomfortable position due to the rush. Remember that actions speak louder than any words. In December, you can radically change the situation in this area if something does not suit you. This month you should not listen to the advice of your friends and relatives, you must make all decisions in this area on your own.

Zodiac sign Taurus in December 2016 may be the winner, and on all fronts. True, no one guarantees you such an outcome, but there are prerequisites, this is a fact. First, it is necessary to note the uniqueness of the position of your key star patrons. Venus, your ruling planet, and the Moon, the exalted planet of your sign, will be greatly enhanced by their planetary positions and combinations with other celestial bodies in the solar system. You will have to navigate according to the situation, because there will be too many individual aspects. Also, immediately get ready for cooperation, because you cannot cope with such a powerful positive flow of energy alone, you will literally have to share happiness with loved ones. December, despite all its "positivity", as a whole will be characterized by a decrease in energy dynamics - this is true for all signs of the Zodiac. For some, to a greater extent, for others, to a lesser extent. In any case, there is a real need to adapt, but in moderation, that is, not frankly "bend" under the circumstances, but become a harmonious part of them. Like a chameleon.

In the working direction in December 2016, Taurus may have rearrangements, not too serious metamorphoses, which, nevertheless, still have to get used to. You will fully get used to the new circumstances in the new year, now it is important to understand the forerunners of these changes and the most likely consequences. Understanding will allow you to draw the right conclusions and take actions corresponding to these conclusions. If you work for yourself, then you can not put too much pressure on your subordinates (if there are any), because in any case you will not have time to realize everything planned before the end of the year, something will have to be postponed to the future. But we are not talking about fundamental points, but about what is actually a pattern, part of a more global process. If you understand this, then in the future you can avoid many mistakes. In general, in December you have a real opportunity to get good financial "bonuses". If you are not working for yourself, then try, frankly strive to “impress” your leadership, right now such a strategy will turn out to be very productive. In general, think about your own business, in the future, the stars add up to a very specific pattern, which most often characterizes the implementation of powerful creative ideas.

As for the situation on the “love front”, in December 2016 the sign of the Zodiac Taurus may find itself in a situation where the language is literally ahead of the thoughts. That is, I have not had time to think, but I have already said! This is a kind of "side effect" from the increased influence of Venus. You don’t have to worry about this, except for funny situations, such “feints” won’t turn into anything. But what is definitely worth paying attention to is your relationship with your “soulmate”. Think about it (perhaps once again) if you are really happy, and maybe it makes sense to radically change the state of affairs. This is not an open call to action, this is an indication of reflection, which is a real need at the moment. Ideally, you should talk about this with your “darling”, because we are talking about a general issue, not an individual one. As is usually the case in such situations, listening to friends is useless. Because in case of an incorrect answer, you will automatically shift the blame on anyone, but not on yourself. And if the “good old” turns out to be right, then you, in turn, will act as an outright weakling, because you must decide such things on your own, because this is your life, and only yours.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2016 for the zodiac sign Taurus, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is of a generalized nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Taurus sign: Personal horoscopes for the Taurus sign: