What is more valuable sprouts or young greens. How to germinate soybeans at home and how it is useful. The benefits of germinated grains

10.12.2016 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Hello friends! Vladimir Zuykov is in touch. Today we will continue the topic. And in this article I will share with you how to germinate and consume sprouts, how much to eat, how to cook and how to store them properly. There will be a lot of information, something like a mini-instruction on sprouts.

Someone will think that everything seems to be simple here: sprouted and eat. But in fact, there are ways to use sprouts that many do not even know about. How to make live food not only healthy, but also tasty? This is also in today's article for beginners and not only.

What are the health benefits of sprouts?

Sprouted grains are a mega-healthy food, almost a super food. Almost everyone has probably heard that this is a living food filled with vitamins and microelements. But what exactly are the benefits of sprouts for the body?

Firstly, sprouts have a cleansing, healing and rejuvenating effect. Remove toxins and toxins from the human body, protect cells from free radicals, which are the main cause of rapid aging.

Friends, now a lot of all sorts of creams and pills have appeared for beauty. And many of them are made just from seedlings. So why not use this valuable product in its natural form, and not processed?

Secondly, sprouts contain a lot of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the beginning of the raw food diet, they replaced many of my usual foods, sated me well and were in my diet every day.

Also, from the experience of my great-grandmother, who survived several famines, I can say that one can even live for a long time on wheat germ and water alone.

So, my great-grandmother was in a very difficult situation during the Holodomor after the war, she and her children were swollen from hunger. Her husband was killed at the front, and she had no one to help in the post-war devastation. Once, in a bitter winter, by some miracle she managed to get a small bag of wheat. What could she do with the grain? That's right, like any "normal" person, bake bread out of it a couple of times. And what to do next?

Great-grandmother acted wiser. She divided the bag into small portions and began to germinate the grains for herself and the children. They had enough grain for a long time. As a result, their health began to improve and they successfully survived the famine by the onset of spring.

No wonder my grandmother reveres sprouts to this day. What are the benefits of sprouts and whether they are useful, for her this question has not been worth it for a long time. Actually, it was from my grandmother that I adopted such an experience when I was just thinking about a raw food diet ...

Thirdly, in novice raw foodists and especially in people who eat traditionally, sprouts heal the intestinal microflora, suppress putrefactive processes and dysbacteriosis.

Yes, friends, that's for sure. A lot of scientific research has already been carried out and new ones are being carried out, the results continue to amaze scientists. Live food works wonders. Look around, even supermarkets already sell muesli with sprouts!

The only point here is that all these studies were conducted on people with a normal type of diet, and for their "killed" microflora, even wheat works wonders. For raw foodists, at each stage of the transition, seedlings need to be selected more competently and in combination, otherwise the opposite effect is observed - adaptation of pathogenic microflora to new food.

How easy it is to germinate sprouts

Sprouts can be germinated in different ways: conventional and professional. I recommend using a seed germinator for these purposes. It will save you a lot of time and nerves, trust me.

For beginners who will germinate seeds for the first time, I will give here the simplest and step-by-step instructions for germinating at home, so that you will definitely succeed.

  • To get started, take the seeds and soak them in a deep bowl for 6-10 hours.
  • After that, drain the water and rinse your seeds well under running water.
  • Now transfer the seeds to a shallow plate or dish. Smooth evenly over the surface.
  • Cover with wet gauze folded in several layers on top so that it is completely in contact with the surface of the seeds.
  • Now leave the seeds for 12-24 hours. Keep an eye on the moisture of the gauze and keep it all the time.
  • Soon you will find white sprouts. Hooray!
  • Now they need to be washed well, after which it will already be possible to eat.

What seeds are best to germinate?

This issue can be approached from several angles.

  1. You can just germinate those seeds that germinate easily and without hassle, and which germinate everything. There will certainly be benefits, but in some cases there may be side effects.
  2. You can correctly select sprouting that will bring maximum benefit in your current diet. But this is already a topic for a separate big conversation for more experienced raw foodists, beginners can not bother at first.
  3. And of course, you should always take into account your sores, because any seedlings are a very powerful cleaner. Graduality is the key to success in this business.

How do some seeds behave during germination:

  • Wheat, rye and other cereals germinate the fastest - in 10-18 hours. They usually have no problems.
  • Legumes: mung bean, chickpeas, peas, soybeans, lentils are also quite unpretentious, but they germinate a little longer than cereals.
  • Green buckwheat also germinates quite easily, but you need to skillfully remove harmful mucus from it.
  • Flax, sesame, sunflower and other oily seeds can cause significant germination difficulties. They may not germinate for a long time or even rot.
  • Brown and black rice (white is not good, it is dead) germinates for a long time and requires constant attention to itself.

What are the tastiest sprouts?

For more than 4 years I have tried so many seeds. And in my opinion, the most delicious are green buckwheat sprouts, sunflower, linseed, hemp and spelt grains. Green lentils, sesame, amaranth are also good. The rest just don't suit my taste. And what is your opinion on this matter?

Hemp seedlings are our favorite seedlings. For us, these are the most useful seedlings, we simply adore them. Just don't tell anyone, it's a big secret. By the way, how to properly germinate food hemp, an article was once written, read it.

What seeds should not be germinated?

Despite all the benefits of germinated seeds, they can cause discomfort or cause serious harm to health. For example, a common mistake of many beginners is to buy grains for sprouting in a supermarket or markets of unknown quality.

As a result, the best that awaits you from such seeds is that they simply will not germinate or only 20% of the total mass will germinate. It is not sad, but these grains are dead. Many grains are damaged. They are often treated with special chemicals for preservation, pest control and germination. No one assumes that you will eat them raw, and when cooked, the chemicals are destroyed.

Also, seed grains, which are usually massively available in the spring, are not suitable. They germinate well, but are treated with poisons to protect them from insects. From such seedlings, you can get into intensive care.

Well, for the geniuses I will write this. It is impossible to germinate seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other sowing seeds for food. Use only food crops.

How to eat sprouts and sprout dishes

Friends, ready-made seeds can be eaten in several basic ways. Now I will name the ways I know how to cook sprouts, but maybe you have your own options? Write in the comments to the article, I will be grateful to you. So:

  1. You can add sprouts to different raw dishes, naturally following the rules of raw food compatibility. For example, vegetable salads as one of the options.
  2. Eat sprouted grains in their raw form, without mixing with other products. I consider this method the most useful, but not everyone likes the taste and you need to chew them very well and for a long time.
  3. Make porridge from sprouted seeds in a blender and use as a base for hearty meals.
  4. Make bread from sprouts (bread) in a dehydrator. Very relevant for those who can not wean from bakery products.
  5. Squeeze juice from sprouts. It can be from green sprouts, it can also be from germinated grains themselves. Here you need an auger juicer.

By the way, juice from sprouts and green cocktails from them give a lot of energy and noticeably rejuvenate the body. Pelagia loves him very much, which is probably why she looks younger than her age.

It is a pity that many people do not know this secret, and instead of sprout juice, they use various, often unnatural, cellulite creams and anti-wrinkle products.

As you can see, sprouts can be used in different ways, in different dishes. And the taste of these dishes is also different. Live and natural. Having tried germinated seeds at least once and feeling the effect on health, you can no longer refuse them!

How and when to eat sprouts?

The most important instruction in this matter is gradualness. No need to think that if the sprouts are so useful, then for a quick effect on health, you need to overeat them the first time. You can easily provoke the opposite effect.

If the sprouts went well for you, gradually increase the dose. 3-4 tablespoons. Soon they will become your complete meal. Most importantly, don't overuse it. Maximum 100-170 grams per day.

It is best to eat sprouts at lunch, during the main meal. But at night it is better not to eat them.

More information for those who still eat everything. No need to add sprouted grains to any dairy products. I know everyone recommends it, including nutritionists. But this is a global mistake, friends. The benefit will be minimal. These products are completely incompatible with each other.

Also, sprouts should not be added to hot dishes. There will be very little sense from the seedlings, all useful substances are destroyed. What's the point then of messing around and germinating them?

How and where to store seedlings?

Guys, remember that sprouts are living food. They don't keep for a long time. Maximum 4-7 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2..5 degrees. But in general, I recommend eating them for a maximum of two days.

It is best to store seedlings in a glass jar with a loose lid. In no case do not close the lid completely - they will simply suffocate and have to be thrown away.

And finally, do not forget to rinse the sprouts well before use. Some keep several minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. But as for me, just sprout yourself how much to eat grains for 1-2 times. For example, Pelagia and I usually eat everything at once.

Where to get good seeds for germination?

I am often asked this question. I already wrote above that ordinary seeds from the supermarket are not suitable, they germinate very poorly, and they have probably been treated with chemistry a hundred times. Here is the result you will never get with them:

It is best to buy seeds for sprouting in specialized online stores for raw foodists. For example, here.

You can also look for seeds in the market. However, they must be similar and, most importantly, environmentally friendly, so it's better not to waste your time and use the Internet.

Well, that's it, I'll finish, the article turned out to be great. Here Pelagia just prepared delicious juice from green sprouts. I'll go drink. Guys, I'm waiting for your comments on today's article, otherwise it's somehow boring without them. What thoughts?

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O germinated seeds plants (scientifically - sprouts), about their use in a healthy diet and unprecedented miraculous benefits, strength in healing the body from various ailments, a lot has been said lately. Although, as an ancient remedy for healing and prolonging life, sprouts have been used for food for a long time, for more than 5 thousand years. Even the Indian Vedas, the ancient Chinese and Hippocrates claimed the miraculous effect of sprouted grains of wheat on the human body. And our Slavic ancestors have always used them for food.

Of course, the picture is slightly exaggerated, because sprouts- this is not a panacea, but rather affordable "live" food. In terms of nutritional value and value, dry grains are inferior to sprouted ones. Water awakens the metabolic processes laid down by nature in the seed and the biologically active substances in them: enzymes, phytohormones, antioxidants, micro-macroelements increase significantly. Their relationship is strengthened, and they begin to activate the growth of a new plant.

Let us consider specifically how certain sprouts and sprouts are useful.

The benefits of germinated grains

Eating sprouted mass helps to strengthen the body and improve its work:

  • raises ,
  • stimulates blood formation and improves metabolism,
  • replenishes mineral deficiency,
  • improves acid-base balance,
  • promotes cleansing of the body of toxins and efficient digestion,
  • increases the potency
  • slows down.

And what is very important, the use of this germinated mass does not have a negative impact on the state of human health, as happens when using the same pharmacy or dietary supplements.

According to the degree of seed germination, they are divided sprouts, those that have just appeared on the surface of the seed and seedlings- green sprouts with roots and leaves that managed to grow a little under the influence of light. Sprouts are edible in the amount of 1-2 mm, they need to be consumed within a day or two.

Shelf life cut sprouts in the fridge 2-3 days. But, of course, like any young greenery, its beneficial properties are lost with age. Therefore, it is better to eat them immediately, fresh.

Useful properties of germinated wheat

Wheat is recognized as the most useful, popular and affordable type of seedlings. It is the constant use of this germinated mass that helps to rejuvenate the body and increase the duration of a full life. And for its ability to improve the condition of hair and skin, germinated wheat is especially popular with the female half. In addition, sprouts cleanse the kidneys, liver and intestines of the body from toxins. It is believed that wheat germ is the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

buckwheat sprouts

Buckwheat is quite affordable cereal for us. And although it is a measure of the growth of price tags in a crisis and in a cropless hard times, and sellers are very fond of inflating the price on it, you can still buy buckwheat in any store.

Buckwheat sprouts are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, iodine,.

When using sprouted mass of buckwheat, the level of hemoglobin increases, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the permeability and fragility of capillaries are reduced. They improve the general condition in case of heart diseases and vascular hypertension, anemia, chronic stress, diabetes mellitus, bronchitis and tonsillitis.

The benefits of sunflower sprouts

Sunflower grains and no less healing cereals, they contain a lot of healthy unsaturated fats. Sprouted sunflower is rich in high-quality proteins and lecithin, essential trace elements: magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, D, E, F, carotene. Thanks to their use, the acid-base balance of the body is normalized, the nervous system is strengthened, and vision is preserved.

Benefits of pumpkin sprouts

Sprouted pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc, which is so necessary for the reproductive system of both women and men.
Pumpkin sprouts stimulate brain activity and.

Useful properties of sprouted soy

Useful properties of sprouted beans

Bean sprouts are rich in amino acids, iron, potassium, amino acids. The use of this sprouted culture in food is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis, in diabetes mellitus, and for the normalization of metabolism. Bean sprouts during periods are especially useful and fight back the disease.

Attention! Do not germinate red beans. Its sprouts contain harmful substances that disappear only when the product is cooked for at least 10 minutes, but then all the benefits of such sprouts disappear.

Sprouted chickpeas (Turkish walnut)

In general, chickpea beans are champions in protein content, its amount reaches 30%. At the same time, chickpeas are a very low-calorie product (a little more than 100 kcal) and quite tasty, it has a pleasant nutty flavor. Indispensable in pilaf, giving it piquancy and tenderness.

And, of course, chickpea sprouts are the most valuable product in the diet.

How to germinate, consume and store sprouts

It is better to germinate seeds at home. When choosing seeds, you should pay attention to their quality so that they are not rotten and, most importantly, not treated with chemicals.

Approximate norm use of sprouts: 50 - 100 g / day. Children's dose is two times lower. It is best to start with 50 grams.

Germinated seeds and young sprouts should not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator, the acceptable time is the time no more than 3 days.

sprouts, and seedlings should not be subjected to heat treatment, since the vitamin composition is significantly destroyed.

Young green shoots can be used to make salads, as additives to cereals, desserts, for toppings in pastries.
Sprouted seeds are good with muesli, with the addition of fresh fruit.

Rye, oats, wheat, soybeans, sunflowers can be found in health food stores, pet stores, and agricultural markets.

Feel free to eat sprouted seeds.

To whom sprouted grains are contraindicated

All types of sprouts and seedlings of grains - healthy food and a wonderful addition to a healthy meal, with virtually no contraindications in strict compliance with the norm.

Sprouts and sprouts are not shown or consumption should be limited only to the following category of people:

  • flatulence of the intestines,
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer,
  • in the postoperative period,
  • allergic or intolerant to vegetable protein,
  • small children.

Subject to the norm (I think no one will consume this type of product in kilograms), the germinated seeds will be good for other people. And let this type of supplement to your diet bring you health and the result that you expect from it.

Salad recipes with sprouted grains

In carrots grated on a coarse grater, add half a fresh cucumber, or green onion, sorrel leaves, and sprinkle on top with any germinated grains: wheat, buckwheat, peas or beans. If you add a little grated cheese, it will add more piquancy.

Season with lemon juice, any vegetable oil, sour cream or soy sauce.

Another salad recipe, more high-calorie:

Finely chop the existing greens, add a hard-boiled egg and sprinkle with sprouted grains on top. Season to taste: lemon juice, vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Today, people are increasingly thinking about their health, eating right and exercising in order to look good and not get sick. That is why lately all kinds of sprouted sprouts have become popular products in the diet, which are consumed both raw and cooked. In this article, we will look at a detailed description germinated wheat germ what they are useful for and how to use them correctly.

Wheat refers to annual herbaceous plants from the grass family. In dry wheat grains, most of the nutrients are in an inactive phase. In the process of germination, all the main useful components of the grain are mobilized to stimulate the active growth of sprouts.

During the germination period, fats become useful, and starch becomes maltose. There is also an active synthesis of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. As a result, the body is saturated with ready-made material, and the vitamin-mineral complex is in a balanced form and can be easily absorbed by the body.

Composition of the product

They began to germinate and eat wheat grains for a reason, this is due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals contained in this food product.

Important! The maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is achieved in grains when the sprouts grow in length by no more than 2 mm.

As for vitamins, the content of germinated wheat grains in large quantities can be distinguished:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folates;


This product is also rich in mineral content, which are presented in the form of:

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Sprouted grains contain an average number of calories, but given the fact that the product is very nutritious, the body is quickly saturated with a minimum portion. There are 195 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

The nutritional base contains:

  • fats - 1.3 g;
  • - 41.4 g;
  • - 7.5 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.1 g;
  • water - 47.75 g;
  • ash substances - 1 g.

Given that wheat has a high content of vitamins, after the germination of grains, a significant increase in calcium, phosphorus and iron is observed. This product can stabilize metabolic processes in the body, help remove toxins and toxins, and have an immunostimulating effect on the body.
and, which are contained in this product in a sufficiently large amount, when interacting with each other, they are able to prevent premature aging of the body, have a beneficial effect on hair, skin and nails.

Chlorophyll, which is present in wheat sprouts, affects the increase in immunity, slows down the aging process and increases the body's endurance, there is an improved formation of connective tissue, a healing effect on erosion, ulcers, open wounds.

It has also been proven that chlorophyll prevents the mutation of healthy cells and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Chlorophyll can influence the elimination of toxins from the body, have a diuretic effect, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can grains be used?

The use of sprouted grains should not be uncontrolled, it is especially recommended to pay attention to the amount of product consumed by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Eating sprouted wheat during pregnancy is not only possible, but necessary. A high content of vitamins can replace purchased pharmaceutical preparations that were prescribed by a doctor.
Before making any decision about the consumption of new foods, a qualified professional should be consulted.

Of particular importance is the content of useful folic acid in sprouts, which is prescribed to all pregnant women in the first trimester. This component contributes to the proper development of the fetus and protects against placental pathologies and the development of anemia in pregnant women.

Important! It is worth remembering that it is categorically impossible to start using sprouted wheat on your own or to replace the vitamin-mineral complexes prescribed by the doctor with it.


During breastfeeding, it is recommended to use sprouted wheat grains, as they contain the maximum amount necessary for the stable functioning of the mammary glands. This product also benefits the baby in the form of the proper development of the bone and muscle systems.

Given the unique set of nutrients and vitamins, germinated wheat sprouts have a positive effect on the children's body. They affect the full development of the child, strengthen the immune system, help strengthen vision, and are the prevention of rickets.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that wheat sprouts are quite difficult to digest by the body, so children who are developing the gastrointestinal tract should not be given them.
In addition, the children's body can not always cope with such food, so it is recommended that children who are under 12 years of age refuse to eat sprouts.

Dietary properties of the product

Since sprouted wheat sprouts have a detoxifying effect on the body, they can cleanse the intestines, normalize the amount of cholesterol in the body, and also supply it with the necessary vitamins and minerals - this helps to stimulate weight loss.

The presence of a large amount of fiber in sprouts will allow you to saturate the body with a minimum amount of product consumed and not affect weight gain. In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to eat 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. germinated grains.

In order to germinate wheat at home, it is recommended to purchase grains in a pharmacy. Pay attention to the packaging, choose a product that is labeled "Bio" or "Organic" - this is better suited for sprouting.
Sprouting wheat is very simple, but the process is different for everyone and depends on environmental conditions and the quality of wheat grains. On average, the time interval for which the grains germinate is from 1 to 2 days.

In order to germinate wheat, you need to take a handful of wheat grains, rinse them well under cold running water, put them on a plate and cover with gauze or cotton cloth. Top with cold water to cover the beans.

During the day, you can wash the grains of germinated wheat from time to time so that it does not become moldy, 2 washings will be enough.

It is important to prevent the wheat from completely drying out during the germination process, so keep the cloth damp at all times and add water as needed. Before using sprouted grains, they should be washed well under running water.

How to use

It is necessary to introduce sprouts into the diet gradually, starting with one teaspoon, initially combining them with other products. Over the course of two months, it is necessary to gradually increase the portion so that it eventually amounts to 70 grams per day.

Did you know? There is every reason to believe that wheat is the first cereal in the world that was grown for food purposes. The remains of this grain were found during excavations of the settlement of the 7th millennium BC. e. in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

If you eat a large amount at once, you can provoke an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to chew the sprouts well to make it easier for the stomach to digest them. If you have problems with your teeth, then you can grind the product in a blender.

Wheat sprouts can be consumed not only on their own, but also together with other products. With sprouted wheat, you can cook a variety of types of cookies, soups, salads, use as a side dish for main dishes.

Consider some of the most popular and delicious recipes.

Salad with cucumber

This salad belongs to Chinese cuisine, it is very simple, but at the same time quite tasty and healthy.

For cooking we need:

  • one ;
  • two peeled garlic cloves;
  • homemade mayonnaise - three tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • canned (boiled) sprouted grains of wheat (sometimes it is replaced with beans) - one can.

Did you know? The Roman Empire was also called the "Wheat Empire", since wheat played a very important role in the economy of this state.

  1. If fresh germinated wheat grains are used, they should be boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes to make them softer.
  2. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater to speed up the process. It can also be cut into strips or cubes, depending on preference.
  3. Pass the garlic through a garlic press, straight into the bowl with the cucumber. Add sprouted grains of wheat there, salt a little and season everything with mayonnaise. Mix the salad thoroughly and let it brew for 10 minutes.
  4. You can serve the finished dish on any dishes that you like, but since the salad is Chinese, it will look perfect on a square Chinese plate.

Buns (sweet bread)

Lean yeast-free bread based on sprouted grains is an excellent dietary product that is very healthy and can be eaten even on a diet.

To prepare such a product, you need:

  • 300 g of germinated wheat;
  • 200 g dates or other dried fruits to taste (several types can be mixed);
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • 100 g of any nuts or seeds;
  • , poppy - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pass dates with nuts through a meat grinder to give them a pasty consistency.
  2. Add one tablespoon of honey to the prepared dough, as well as any nuts or seeds to taste. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet and lay out with a spoon or with your hands dipped in water, cakes in the form of round buns. Their thickness should be about 1-1.5 centimeters. Sprinkle the blanks with cinnamon, poppy seeds and sesame, depending on preferences, you can make a little of each type. Put the blanks in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake for about 40 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the buns are removed from the oven and smeared with honey water. To do this, one tablespoon of honey is diluted in 100 grams of water. For lubrication use a silicone brush.
  5. The buns are again sent to the oven for 10 minutes to brown. When the buns are ready, they are removed from the oven to cool.
  6. You can use them for breakfast, lunch and dinner as a snack or as an alternative to bread, muffins or sweets.

The ban on the use of wheat germ is an individual intolerance to the product, an ulcer, as well as chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

As for harm to the body, it occurs only in case of excessive consumption of germinated wheat germ. Also, in the process of getting used to a new product, a person may feel weak, diarrhea may occur. This condition is considered normal and the product is not stopped, and all symptoms disappear within 2 days.

Important! It is forbidden to consume sprouted wheat during the recovery period after operations.

Also, in the course of research, it was found that germinated wheat contains proteins that, when interacting with sugar molecules, stick together.
Since they can damage mucous membranes, in some cases this can cause gastrointestinal problems. It is also possible a metabolic disorder in the body due to excessive consumption of sprouted grains of wheat.

Healthy Sprouted Foods

Not only wheat grains can be consumed in sprouted form, there are also other useful products that concentrate the maximum benefit after germination.

Sprouted flax helps to cope with existing allergic processes, arthrosis and arthritis, dysbacteriosis. It is also a good product for the preventive effect on the cardiovascular system.

This product is very useful for pregnant women, as it helps to avoid toxicosis, normalizes the digestive tract, and prevents weight gain.

Flax seeds are much more difficult to germinate than seeds of other crops, since during the soaking process they form slimy sacs around each seed. To avoid this, it is necessary to choose the right dry product that will be used for germination. Make sure the seeds are dry and easily separated from each other.

Broccoli sprouts are considered the most useful, as they are famous for their anti-carcinogenic effects on the body due to the large amount of glucoraphanin, which has a powerful anti-cancer effect. Its amount in broccoli sprouts is 50 times higher than the content in cabbage itself, which is considered the most useful product against cancer.
Broccoli seeds for sprouting are purchased at any seed store, germinated in the same way as wheat seeds.

Contains a large amount of active protein and many essential vitamins and minerals. If you regularly use this product, you can prevent the formation of "bad" cholesterol, cleanse the blood vessels. Soybean sprouts affect the normalization of the liver and nervous system, and also improve sleep.

Eating soybean sprouts can have a preventive effect on the body, preventing the occurrence of heart disease, blood vessels, gallstone disease and certain types of cancer.

Sprouting soybean sprouts is quite simple - just like other seeds.
Thus, wheat germ is an ideal food for those who want to eat right, lose weight and take care of their health. The main thing is not to overdo it with the daily intake of the consumed product in order to avoid possible health problems.

Sprouted wheat and the length of sprouts for eating is the topic of today's article. Since oh, and smoothie recipes with sprouted wheat will only be added to the site in a special section, we invite readers to find out what should be ...

Length of germinated wheat for food

After all, you can put in a blender both already grown green stems with an embryo-base, and barely noticeable “hatched” white sprouts on grains on the second day of soaking. Therefore, the question is purely practical and is directly related to the benefits of the health product used.

How long should a germinated wheat sprout be? Based on what is known to date, Smoothie Mama recommends three options:

  1. Up to 2 millimeters.
  2. Up to 5 - 7 centimeters.
  3. From 7 to 10 centimeters.

First option.

Germination in the manner indicated in the article "". It is this method that is the most beneficial for health, since in this case the grain is in an ideal state of “awakened vitamins”, ready to give all their strength and juices for growth.

But once again we remind you of contraindications for use. You can't use this one:

  • People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Children up to 12 years old.
  • Allergic to gluten.
  • During the recovery period after any operation.

Since it is in this variant that lectin is produced in grains, the effect of which on the human body has not yet been fully studied and can provoke the onset of unpleasant side changes for health.

Second option.

The grain is germinated in a special container with a substrate or on moss. You need to wait until the roots and sprout appear. For dishes, only the green stem and roots are used.

Third option.

It germinates in the ground or a special substrate. Only the green stem is used. Grain in this case is impossible.

The second and third options for sprouting grains are used only for cooking in oriental cuisine. The health effect is much lower than in the first method.

Therefore, for smoothies and for the full nourishment of the body with vitamins and essential mineral complexes, the recommended length of germinated wheat sprouts is no more than 2-3 millimeters. The remaining two options (green stalks, grains with 5 mm or more shoots) are not suitable for dietary supplementation as a health product.

There are many health-improving methods designed to improve a person's well-being, prevent many diseases and help cure them. However, of particular interest are the schemes for healing the body, based on the gifts of nature. After all, herbal preparations are characterized by a surprisingly rich and balanced composition and ideally satisfy the needs of our body in vitamin, mineral and other elements. Just such amazing means include sunflower sprouts, the benefits and harms of which will interest us now. I will also tell you how and when to take sunflower sprouts - a kind of green medicine.

Seeds are the source of life

Seeds are inherently preserved building material, which is necessary for the full germination and development of a small plant. For the most part, their composition is represented by starch, proteins and fats. During germination, these substances change greatly, as starch becomes malt sugar, proteins become amino acids, and fats become fatty acids. Similar processes are similar to those that occur in the body during the digestion of food. Accordingly, “most of the work” in seedlings has already been completed. In addition, they synthesize vitamins and other useful particles, actively accumulate energy and “mobilize” all the possibilities necessary for the development of plants.

What are the benefits of sunflower seed sprouts?

Such a product is a source of a significant amount of tocopherol, which is also known to us under the name vitamin E. This substance is necessary for the full maintenance of the activity of the reproductive organs, the normal functioning of muscle cells, the nervous system and the liver. Such sprouts are also especially rich in B vitamins, which are extremely important for the normal functioning of our nervous system, heart and blood vessels, as well as the visual apparatus and muscles. In addition, sunflower germinated sprouts are a wonderful source of fiber, which cleanses our body of toxins and other harmful elements, and also stimulates gastrointestinal motility.

Sunflower seedlings contain a certain amount of chromium and lithium. These are quite rare elements, the deficiency of which is fraught with the development of chronic nervous exhaustion. Potassium from these sprouts is able to maintain optimal acidity in the body, prevent muscle wasting and saturate them with elasticity. The beneficial properties of this component also extend to the heart muscle, strengthening it and preventing pathologies.

Sunflower seedlings are also rich in iron, which is extremely important for normal hematopoiesis, and especially for preventing anemia. They are a source of folic acid, necessary for the health of each of us, this element is necessary for pregnant women, as it ensures the full development of the fetus. They also contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid.

The consumption of sunflower seedlings helps to optimize and restore many processes that are vital for the human body, regardless of gender and age. Such a gift of nature increases immunity by an order of magnitude and significantly increases immunity to various kinds of colds. Sprouts also effectively optimize metabolic processes and ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system.
They are able to increase efficiency, increase libido and normalize sexual functions. The consumption of such a natural product helps to improve visual acuity and prevent its decline, such an additive to the diet will help rejuvenate the body, improve the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth.

Experts say that the systematic intake of sprouts in food helps prevent cancer, improve blood composition and purify it, lower blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of a heart attack. Such a product perfectly removes the so-called "bad" cholesterol from the body, preventing atherosclerosis and helping to eliminate it.

Among other things, germinated sunflower seeds are easily absorbed by the body, are especially rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain the optimal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Can sunflower sprouts be dangerous, is there any harm from them?

It should be borne in mind that germinated sunflower seeds are a source of gluten, intolerance to which is observed in some people. They should not be given to children under the age of twelve. The fiber in such foods can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive tract in case of peptic ulcers.

The systematic intake of seedlings can provoke flatulence or pain that occurs against the background of the release of sand or stones. To prevent strong gas formation, sprouts are strongly not recommended to be consumed along with dairy products.

Treatment with sunflower sprouts. How to use?

To germinate sunflower seeds, periodically rinse them with water and leave them moist. After the seeds germinate three to five centimeters, they should be removed from the husk - it will separate with ease. The resulting raw materials can be added to a variety of salads, pastas, pates, cereals and other dishes. In addition, it can be eaten on its own.

Sunflower sprouts for rejuvenation and cancer

I will give my story in a story taken from the Internet:

“I (the narrator) met my friend, and at first I did not recognize him at all. A friend is over forty, and the skin is clean, without wrinkles, pink. How do I ask? That's what it turned out ... About 3 years ago, in his village, he learned a recipe from a grandfather. Grandfather looked 60, but according to his passport he was 97. At 40, this grandfather was diagnosed with stage 3 duodenal cancer. So his other ancient grandfather saved him when he was already preparing to leave. The recipe of the ancient grandfather was based on the strength of sunflower seeds. Everyone knows that after harvesting after sunflower on the same land, nothing will really grow for another three summers, since the sunflower has absorbed all the power from the soil ... The knowledge of this fact is the whole point!

So, here you need to take 5 tbsp. raw medium-sized sunflower seeds and cover in a jar with raw water. Put the jar under the bed. After a day, drain the water, close the jar. Pour 5 tablespoons of new seeds into the second jar and fill with water as before. After another day, it's time to sow the seeds from the first can in boxes with earth, and drain the water from the second and close the lid for a day. It's also time to put the "first" jar back in.

What is the sowing? Just spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil, and sprinkle a little earth on top. Drawers should have drainage holes. After planting, water with a watering can so that the soil is moist. We maintain its moderate humidity. After five days, you can cut the greens. Add raw cut to food. For each day of treatment, you need to eat 50 sprouts. Not much, but this is how grandfather and aunt of a friend from whom the story began were cured.

Mix the seeds remaining in the ground in it evenly and again you can sow new seeds in it, as described above. When there is enough earth in the boxes, just bury the seeds in it with the seedlings up and sprinkle a little. Although we feed our land with fresh seeds, we still have to change it. Do it twice a year."

In such a simple way, sunflower sprouts can bring great benefits to our body. They will treat any disease and immediately rejuvenate.

Of course, I must tell you to use this recipe only as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor. Chemical preparations act quickly and give relief quickly, which is very important in the vast majority of cases.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.