Face swells in the morning: what to do? Causes of swelling of the face, how to remove? Swelling face in the morning what to do

How to get rid of swelling on the face? Starting work with swelling in the face, before trying to remove them on your own, or using cosmetic procedures, you need to find out why the face is numb in the morning. The situations are as follows:

chronic diseases

After examining yourself carefully, you will understand how to remove puffiness of the face:

  1. If there is congestion in the kidneys, the upper part of the face will be swollen. Puffiness is small, and there are many of them. The bluish color accompanies the problem. If we press on the skin, hold for a couple of seconds, the skin under the fingers may turn slightly blue;
  2. Lymphoma, dropsy, VVD manifest themselves as swelling of the eyelids. As a rule, this can lead to a high temperature. If the thermometer shows a normal temperature, you need to examine the whites of the eyes. It's probably conjunctivitis;
  3. Large, scarlet swellings, randomly located on the face, tell us about a problematic liver. The process is fast enough. A couple of hours after the discovery of the initial signs, dizziness, blue lips are added;
  4. Edema in the upper segment of the face, on the bridge of the nose, circles under the eyes signal us about heart failure. A clear signal to visit a local therapist is the presence of blueness near the nasolabial fold with reddening of the proteins;
  5. If you have hypertension, it will appear on your face with red, large spots. When pressed, they leave a white mark that lasts a long time. The same reaction of the skin will be with a mental illness or a strong nervous shock. Often this is a psychosomatic syndrome. A stressful situation can manifest itself in a similar way.

If the above causes of edema are found in you, do not postpone the visit to the therapist for a long time. During the day, swelling may go away, but in the evening everything will happen again. If the cheeks and cheekbones have taken on healthy forms, this does not mean that the problem has been completely solved.

Renal and cardiac edema

When the kidneys swell, diagnosis is the easiest. Round, light swellings are located around the nose, near the eyes. The kidneys are the excretory organ of our body, in case of failure in which all problems are displayed immediately near the eyes, around the nose. Such signals do not always mean illness, but 100% indicate a problem. It is imperative to take a closer look at the problem.

Edema occurs for the following reasons:

  1. A lot of liquid was drunk before going to bed. If you drink some ordinary water, it's okay. When you drink coffee, tea, alcohol before going to bed, puffiness will appear. The excretion systems will slow down their work, and the side effect will be the accumulation of water;
  2. Overeating before going to bed. When you ate smoked, salty, fried meats before going to bed, this will significantly slow down the removal of fluid and toxins from the organs. Overloaded gastrointestinal tract and dehydration impair sleep, and cause swelling;
  3. Large accumulation of sodium in the blood. Food, mineralized water are sources of excess sodium. This is an element that the body needs, but its excess leads to problems. Slowdown in the work of the kidneys, swelling around the eyes, you are guaranteed.

Severe diseases can also signal us through similar symptoms. These are diseases such as kidney failure, damage to organs by toxins, pyelonephritis, nephropathy.

Swelling associated with heart problems is different from kidney disease. The first blow is taken by the legs. This is expressed by swelling in the feet. They swell at the same time. Further, the swelling from the feet rises up. This is the main hallmark of kidney problems.

Signals for median edema:

  • low speed of movement from the feet to the face. The puffiness will rise to the face in about a week;
  • shortness of breath with an accelerated heartbeat accompanies the movement of swelling from the bottom up;
  • edema is red in color, large, dense. When pressed, they become whitened, hold for several minutes;
  • the skin in the area of ​​edema is cool, often moistened.

The usual cause of edema is pressure (both high and low). Important is the fact of the primary appearance of swelling. If they appeared first on the feet, then you have a violation on the left ventricle. When there was a first appearance in the chest area, then there were problems with the right ventricle.

Age changes after 40

During menopause, swelling occurs frequently. Their occurrence is associated with disorders in the lymphatic system.

How age-related swelling differs from painful swelling:

  • in problem areas, the skin does not change its color. She is usually cold and swollen.
  • swelling can manifest itself at any time of the day, and lasts for several days;
  • with swelling, symmetry is not observed;
  • if you press on an enlarged place, a hole forms at the pressure point, and does not disappear for a long time.

From the experience of doctors, this is the most difficult type of edema. Standard sets of drugs do not help eliminate this type of edema. A phlebologist (doctor for arteries, vessels) will help you determine the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.


Puffiness during gestation, most often occurs at night. Face, legs swell in pregnant women. With a hormonal "storm", the excretory organs cannot cope with changes in the body.

Moments like these can signal us that pregnant women have health problems that need to be addressed.

Such symptoms pose a threat to the fetus, indicate the presence of a chronic disease in a pregnant woman. Usually it is toxicosis.

Edema is a danger to the fetus. With a weak outflow of water from the tissues, the pressure in the system changes, and the child develops hypoxia. The expectant mother may not even know about it.

Puffiness in a pregnant woman is accompanied by symptoms:

  • when puffiness accompanies hypertension, blood from the nose, weakness in the body;
  • in a situation of shortness of breath. Do not confuse shortness of breath when climbing the stairs with shortness of breath that appeared while relaxing on the sofa;
  • after receiving the result of the analysis, there are small traces of protein;
  • swelling from the top spread to the trunk, legs, arms.

Alcohol and bad habits

If there was a feast in the evening, swelling in the morning is a common symptom. The liver and kidneys are full of alcohol, and the excretion of toxic substances is slowed down. Causes of swelling of the face from alcohol:

  • toxic substances found in alcohol impede the work of the excretory organs. As a result of blocking the output from the body, moisture enters under the skin. Runny nose, involuntary tears can also happen as a reaction to the removal of toxic poisons from the organs;
  • in a situation of intoxication of the kidneys, liver, the body tries to remove the toxins itself. As a result, the amount of blood decreases, the lymphatic system slows down, the mucous membranes dry out.

A folk recipe for a hangover is brine. This is the best remedy for edema. The folk drink contains in its composition a lot of electrolyte, which increases the number of blood cells. It is recommended not to drink water before the brine, but to quench your thirst after drinking the brine. It is easy to remove swelling from the face with brine.


If your neck and face are stiff, it may be an allergic reaction. Below are the signs of an allergy:

  • rapid flow of puffiness. Scarlet spots from the head begin to move down. The speed of movement depends on the type of allergen, its quantity, strength. It usually happens from a couple of minutes to several hours;
  • painful discomfort on the face. Itching begins in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe solar plexus and neck;
  • allergies caused by a snake bite, insects are accompanied by shortness of breath, hallucinations, high fever.

Edema will not go away as long as its causes are present. After a bite, you need to bring down the heat and reduce itching at the site of swelling. After a snake bite, it is best to go to the hospital immediately (if possible, take a picture of the snake that bit you on the phone).

Bruises and injuries

After injury, swelling with spots is common. So, our body protects itself from external influences. Such edema occurs after a fight, an unsuccessful fall on a hard surface, after teeth are pulled out (or during a flux, when a gum or tooth is inflamed), and also under other circumstances.

Puffiness is traumatic if:

  • cosmetic effects in the form of intervention in the upper layers of the skin have been made recently. With such exposure, the upper parts of the skin are injured. During recovery, these layers of the skin are covered with edema, redden. A similar effect is observed during the photorejuvenation procedure;
  • after tattooing. The body rejects the pigment introduced into it. The immune system behaves in a similar way. Swelling and redness disappear a week after the procedure;
  • after implantation with gold fibers, beauty injections.

It is not worth treating such consequences. Where there is swelling. some vessels don't work. and some are simply destroyed. It takes time for the body to recover. High-quality rest, with a lot of vitamins will help you get rid of the consequences as soon as possible.


Infectious mononucleosis is a disease in which the face becomes numb as a result of exposure to an infection. This disease is divided into two types:

  • lymphatic;
  • reticuloendothelial.

The surface of the face, the epithelium of the nasopharynx are damaged in both cases. The root of the disease lies in the introduction of a large number of microbes into the human body. This condition has no cure. It disappears by itself, like chickenpox.

Swelling of the face and eyes in the morning after sleep

Why does my face swell in the morning? This is a normal reaction of the body. When we sleep, the flow of lymph with blood to the face is increased. When we stand up abruptly, the blood and lymph do not have time to be distributed throughout the body. The same situation could be created:

  • drinking plenty of fluids before going to bed;
  • a large pillow under your head, or sleeping with your back up, disrupts the patency of the vessels in the neck, which prevents free blood circulation;
  • salted and overcooked food before bed;
  • alcohol, smoking interfere with the movement of lymph.

After tooth extraction

Once you've been in the dentist's chair, the anesthesia begins to wear off on the way home. This is accompanied by swelling of the cheeks. How to remove swelling from the face? It goes away after a few hours. If you apply something cold, the swelling will pass faster. When the swelling does not go away within 3 hours, and pain is experienced, you should consult a dentist. Often this is associated with an infection brought into the mouth.


Diagnosis begins with an analysis of general facts. Next, you need to collect an anamnesis. The patient is specified the time of occurrence of edema, with what frequency and persistence of edema, what sensations, an established lifestyle, what dietary preferences. Upon receipt of answers, conclusions are drawn and the patient is referred to a specific specialist. With various suspicions, different types of diagnostics and studies are used: urine, blood, blood tests for hormone levels, ECG, peptide level determination, echocardiography, computed tomography, x-rays, allergy tests, ultrasound of internal organs. How to get rid of puffiness will become clear after the diagnosis.

What to do with puffiness on the face

How to get rid of a swollen face? Doctors advise not to ignore this symptom if it began to appear in you often. The doctor at the reception will give a referral for tests, make a diagnosis for the presence of diseases, and advise treatment. If the swellings have an accidental appearance, small sizes (drank liquids at night), most often they go away on their own. The smallest swelling is clearly visible when reflected in the mirror, in the photograph. It is worth using some tips that will help in troubleshooting:

  • open the windows, ventilate the premises. Fresh air will nourish the skin well with oxygen, it will return to normal;
  • drink cold water with lemon juice. Puffiness under the eyelids will quickly disappear under the influence of citrus fruits;
  • perform a massage in the area of ​​edema.

Effective methods for eliminating puffiness

There are various ways to eliminate swelling on the skin. There are methods that relieve swelling that bothers us, and there are those that do not have the proper effect on swelling.

Their differences depend directly on the causes that gave rise to these problems:

  • cosmetologists say that the best way to solve the problem is a cosmetic procedure. It can be injections, masks;
  • experienced doctors say that if a problem occurs, you should immediately go to the clinic, where the doctor will prescribe the treatment you need;
  • traditional healers also offer methods on how to remove swelling from the skin using natural ingredients.

The use of cosmetics at home

There is a large selection of products in cosmetology that can remove facial swelling in a short time without leaving home. Most of them, with frequent use, will remove puffiness forever. Cosmetologists distinguish the most popular and effective means for removing swelling:

  • Avon mask. Apply in the evening on clean skin. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with water. It is a prophylactic and also reduces swelling. It produces skin nutrition and a slight whitening effect. It is better to use this mask no more than once a week;
  • branded mask from Garnier. The indelible composition of the cream is applied to the skin near the eyes twice a day. daily. With the help of a convenient roller, the product evenly falls on the skin. The metal ball perfectly massages the skin, relieves swelling around the eyes well;
  • ointment from edema on the face of the company Yves Rocher. It is designed to combat senile changes, removes fatigue, swelling of the skin. The composition includes wheat germ oil, which enriches the skin with vitamin E.

Medical treatment

Ointments for edema are sold at any pharmacy, but they must be used with extreme caution so as not to harm the skin. Creams will eliminate the effects of puffiness, remove the blue around the eyes. In extreme cases, you can use the composition of hemorrhoids. These funds have an instant effect, but often they cannot be used.

You can get rid of bags under the eyes in a short time using special patches, with a base of tonic and moisturizers, camellia extract, aloe. It is very comfortable to use patches, as they can be used every day. The patch is glued near the eyes for 20 minutes. Its healing effect removes stagnation near the eyes. Also, with constant swelling of the eyes in the morning, you need to use a cream with caffeine. It is recommended to use it every day.

Emergency folk remedies for edema

  • birch sap is drunk in the morning, before meals;
  • linen is able to absorb excess moisture.

Diuretics in the fight against puffiness

As a last resort, diuretics can be used. After consulting with a doctor, you will learn how to remove the tumor from the face. List of some resources:

  • horsetail;
  • nettle;
  • violet flowers;
  • Dill seeds;
  • parsley roots.

Removal of long-term edema

You can remove long-term swelling, remove a puffy face using the folk method:

Soda mask with honey. Mix the components in equal proportions. Then apply the composition to the problem area.

Puffiness prevention

Lifestyle changes are the best prevention of edema. The reasons for women and men are the same. The following steps will help you avoid puffiness:

  • healthy food. Less fat, fried, salty, smoked food;
  • winter swimming, hardening will improve metabolism;
  • remove bad habits from life;
  • sleep on your side, on a comfortable pillow.

In contact with

Sometimes, looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning after sleep, you may not see exactly what you expected from your reflection. Namely, a swollen face: the eyes are swollen, the cheeks, forehead and chin are swollen ... In general, you seem unhealthy to yourself.

Facial edema, like any other edema, indicates an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body, which can linger in the intercellular spaces of tissues and internal organs.

Causes of swelling that are not associated with diseases

Although seeing your face swollen and swollen is terribly unpleasant and even scary, and there are suspicions about terrible diseases due to which all this happened, very often the causes of swelling of the face lie in more banal and simple things.

Insomnia and stress

A night without sleep or too little of it, a state of anxiety and anxiety that does not allow sleep and makes you toss and turn from side to side - all this can lead to morning swelling of the face.

PMS and pregnancy

Women may experience swelling of the face shortly before and at the beginning of menstruation. This is due to a lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium in the body, as well as an increase in the hormone - prolactin.

During pregnancy, swelling of various parts of the body, including the face, is not uncommon. Changes in the hormonal background lead to fluid retention, and, consequently, to swelling of the tissues.

Too much sun

Excessive sunburn and sunburn can also cause swelling of the face. Edema is especially noticeable on the forehead, around the eyes and on the eyelids.

Unbalanced diet and drinking regimen, alcohol

If you like to eat and drink at night before going to bed, do not be surprised by morning swelling. Salty, smoked, fried, canned food contributes to fluid retention and, therefore, leads to edema.

Paradoxically, in order to avoid edema, it is necessary to drink one and a half to two liters of pure water per day, but this norm should be distributed mainly in the first half of the day and a little later, ending in the early evening.

The face acquires a fairly swollen appearance even after alcohol, first of all, of course, with immoderate libations. The more drunk - the narrower the slits of the eyes. The older the age, the more noticeable and faster the face swells.

Operations and injuries

Extraction of teeth and facial surgery

Edema is a natural reaction in the postoperative period. In the most pronounced way, the face swells on the second or third day after the operation. Then, normally, the edema gradually subsides.

Tooth extraction also applies to surgical interventions. Therefore, there is a high probability of partial swelling even after such manipulation.

Since postoperative swelling is an almost inevitable phenomenon, it should be treated calmly, helping yourself with cold or other compresses, which the doctor will tell you about.

It is worth paying close attention to postoperative swelling only if they are painful, painful to touch, and also if the swelling increases with time, instead of falling off, and the temperature rises.

This may mean that, either during the operation, or in the first postoperative period, the wound became infected and an early consultation and intervention of a doctor is required.

To avoid the development of such inflammation, surgeons usually prescribe a postoperative course of antibiotics. By the way, antibiotics, even helping to avoid infection and inflammation, however, do not guarantee against swelling, but, on the contrary, can cause it.

An allergic reaction may occur to individual components of the drug, which in itself gives edema.

Consequence of impact

If you are unlucky and you got into a fight, or unsuccessfully fell right on your face, - alas, you cannot avoid swelling. So, for example, trauma to the nose will lead to its swelling with the spread of edema under the eyes.

The matter will not be limited to edema alone, changes in skin color will appear - hematomas, popularly known as "bruises". Moreover, the bruise can be not only blue or purple, in the following days you will be able to observe other colors of the spectrum, including red, yellow and green.

If you are “lucky enough” to get hit right in the eye, then, first of all, it is he who will swim. The picture with hematomas is almost the same "rainbow". The only point: if in the case of a nose injury, bruises usually appear on the lower eyelids, then when hit in the eye, the bruise will “climb” to the upper one.

Diseases accompanied by swelling of the face


Dust, spring blossoms, certain foods, heat or cold, insect bites, household chemicals, and certain types of medications, including antibiotics, can cause facial swelling.

In severe cases, it is possible to develop angioedema angioedema, which first captures the face, and then passes to the larynx. The consequence of such edema is suffocation and asphyxia, which, without timely assistance, can lead to death.

kidney disease

Kidney problems usually lead to morning swelling. Gradually, the face swells, and then pronounced bags swell under the eyes, on the lower eyelids.

An edematous face can be soft, watery, with loose swellings that are easily crumpled and shifted with fingers, but it can also be dense - this depends on the type of kidney failure.

The skin may turn yellow or take on a bronze tint. If kidney disease is chronic, then, most likely, the swelling will not be limited to the facial area, but will also cover the internal organs, since the removal of fluid from the body is disturbed in a complex way.

In addition to everything else, a fairly quick weight gain is possible, just due to the swelling of the internal organs and intercellular spaces.

"Affairs of the Heart" or Heart Disease

If the face swells due to improper functioning of the heart muscle, it looks flabby. The skin of the face thickens, it is difficult to take it with your fingers and move it back and forth. Unlike most other facial swellings, which are most noticeable in the morning, this one matures in the late afternoon, often accompanied by shortness of breath and an enlarged liver.

Often, increased pressure leads to swelling of the face. If at the same time your head also hurts, there is a good chance that the cause is precisely in hypertension. To relieve swelling in this case, it is necessary to reduce salt intake to 3 g per day and make an appointment with a cardiologist without fail.

ENT diseases

Inflammation that causes swelling of the face may be hiding in the nose or in its paranasal sinuses. Prolonged and chronic rhinitis of any nature - viral, allergic or bacterial, as well as inflammation in the maxillary sinuses - may well lead to swelling, especially under the eyes.

Hypothyroidism, tumors on the face

In case of violations of the thyroid gland, especially with hypothyroidism in its advanced stage (when the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are practically not produced), the face can swell quite strongly, and bags appear under the eyes (as in the photo below).

In addition to the thyroid gland, tumors on the face, both malignant and benign, can provoke swelling.

Thrombosis of the superior vena cava

With this disease, the outflow of blood from the head is difficult, the face swells and becomes bluish.


A history of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can also cause edema. The upper eyelids, cheeks swell, vision and hearing may decrease, and headaches may torment.

What to do if there is swelling on the face?

If you rarely encounter such a situation or it arose for the first time, a cold compress or mask will almost always help to quickly remove swelling from the face.

If puffiness appears frequently, but you know exactly what causes your face to swell in the morning, and these reasons are not related to the disease, as in the previous case, an ice compress or a chilled gel mask is the best remedy. Masks from grated raw potatoes or parsley root, washing with decoctions of linden, lingonberry leaves, and mint are also able to remove swelling.

On swollen eyelids, you can apply lotions with a decoction of chamomile or tea, or even used tea bags.

Attention! An exception to cold compresses are chronic diseases of the nose and sinuses, including the common cold and sinusitis. In this case, the cold, on the contrary, is harmful and contraindicated, a doctor is needed here.

If the swollen face is not the only symptom, in addition to it there is shortness of breath, the temperature rises, the swelling persists for a long time and does not subside, breathing becomes difficult - this situation is a good reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.

From allergic edema, antihistamines inside and antihistamine ointment on the skin will help, and again, consultation of a medical specialist - a therapist or an allergist. But if the swelling develops rapidly, it is urgent to call an ambulance!

Prevention of edema on the face

How to get rid of edema or minimize facial swelling as much as possible?

  1. It is necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that the causes of edema are not pathological (it is not a symptom of any disease).
  2. Periodically drink courses of a diuretic: either drugs prescribed by a doctor, or decoctions and infusions of lingonberry leaves, half a floor, stamen orthosiphon.
  3. Reduce consumption of salty, smoked, fried, canned foods, coffee, strong black tea and alcohol - to avoid excessive fluid retention.
  4. If there are no problems with the kidneys, drink one and a half to two liters of pure water per day, finishing the fluid intake no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Establish a regime of work and rest, go to bed no later than midnight, sleep 7-8 hours.
  6. Regularly take a contrast shower and wipe your face with ice, either plain or from herbal decoctions or infusions.
  7. If necessary, use cold compresses and decongestant masks.
  8. Use a high pillow while sleeping - this will improve the outflow of fluid from the head.

Video: several reasons why the face may swell

A swollen face in the morning does not please anyone. In most cases, a person himself knows the reason for such an unpleasant phenomenon, for example, a protracted holiday on the eve or abundant tears after domestic troubles. But it also happens that there were no parties, no stress, but there is an ugly puffiness of the face, and she regularly worries. The main causes of swelling of the face and eyes are always fluid retention in the tissues of the subcutaneous tissue. But a variety of factors can provoke stagnation. In any case, puffiness on the face does not paint anyone and indicates a violation in the body, so it is important not only to remove or disguise them, but to eliminate the true cause.

Note: swelling of the upper eyelids and bags under the eyes are formed if the volume of retained fluid in the body exceeds three liters. Such a state cannot pass without consequences for the whole organism, especially if it persists for a long period. That is why, if the face regularly swells, it is extremely imprudent on the part of the patient to turn away from this alarm signal and not consult a doctor.

What causes puffiness on the face

If the eyes and face are swollen, the causes can be both pathological and physiological. Pathological causes are diseases of the internal organs or organs of vision, which are accompanied by impaired outflow of fluid and its retention in the body. Most often they are:

  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Liver failure.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system in general.
  • Metabolic disorders - beriberi or hypervitaminosis.

Acute renal failure, arterial hypertension, hypothyroidism - all these pathologies, not directly related to the eyes, are accompanied by severe swelling of the face and eyelids

But sometimes the face can swell even in a healthy person, in this case they talk about physiological edema under or above the eye and on the face. Why they may occur:

  • Rigid diet with severe dietary restriction, starvation for various reasons.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation.
  • Stress, tears, nervous tension.
  • Eye fatigue from overuse.
  • Incorrectly selected decorative cosmetics or care products.

Some women have severe swelling of the face before the onset of menstruation. In children, puffiness is often accompanied by colds caused by viruses or bacterial infections. To determine the exact cause of swelling on the face, it is best to go to a doctor's appointment or invite a specialist to your home. If for some reason this is not possible, you need to pay attention to other symptoms that accompany swelling and puffiness of the face and organs of vision.

Other symptoms and signs of swelling of the face

According to the accompanying symptoms, it is possible to determine which diseases caused the edema. Consider what are the most common signs and phenomena of the development of which pathologies and disorders may indicate:

  • Dense, painless swelling on the face and around the eyes that form in the late afternoon, cyanosis of the skin, shortness of breath are possible signs of heart disease. In this case, you should contact a cardiologist.
  • If your eyes are swollen after a night's sleep, the problem could be kidney failure or chronic alcohol abuse. Edema is soft, watery, mobile, and the skin on the face acquires a yellow tint. To remove such swelling, you will need to adjust your lifestyle and drinking regimen, and in case of kidney failure, undergo appropriate treatment by a nephrologist.
  • High pressure provokes the accumulation of fluid not only on the face, but also on the limbs. It is possible to remove edema with high blood pressure only with the help of special preparations that dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation and have a diuretic effect. It is also recommended to limit fluid intake.
  • With allergic edema, the following phenomena are noted: redness of the skin, itching, burning, rashes and peeling. Shortness of breath often develops, lacrimation, runny nose and cough appear. Some medications and foodstuffs, cosmetics, chemical fumes, even poor-quality water, for example, with chlorine, can be the reasons. In severe cases of allergy, the patient begins to choke, may lose consciousness and fall into a coma. The most reasonable thing would be to call a doctor as soon as possible with rapidly increasing allergy symptoms.
  • In case of vascular pathologies, in addition to edema, a red capillary mesh is often noticeable in the eyes and on the skin of the face, bruises form under the eyes, and the head can be very dizzy and ache.
  • If the eyes are red, swollen, watery, purulent discharge has appeared, visual acuity is impaired, most likely, we are talking about ophthalmic diseases caused by an infection. What to do and how to treat swelling along with other unpleasant symptoms, the ophthalmologist will tell you after the examination and determining the type of infection.
  • Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, among other pathologies, can provoke swelling of the eyes and face. Caries, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis are often accompanied by edema and swelling around the eyes, on the bridge of the nose, temples, and in the region of the cervical lymph nodes. Treatment in this case requires complex.

Abscess of the orbit, phlegmon, inflammation of the facial nerves, myxedema - all these pathologies are also manifested by severe, painful swelling of the face, which cannot be eliminated with improvised means and diuretics

Important: Myxedema is a rather rare but dangerous disease characterized by the accumulation of mucous deposits in the tissues of the subcutaneous tissue. Myxedema develops against the background of hormonal disorders and refers to pathologies of the endocrine system. In fact, this is a complication of hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland does not cope with its functions and does not produce enough hormones. The patient's face can change its shape beyond recognition, acquiring the so-called moon-shaped outlines. Treatment of myxedema will be long-term, with the use of hormones, immunomodulators, drugs that normalize metabolic processes in the body.

How to deal with swelling

The choice of an effective decongestant depends on the cause of the swelling. Both pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine recipes are used, various physiotherapy procedures will be a good addition. But you should not try all the proposed means at once. The desired effect is achieved only with consistent, coordinated actions. The basic rules of treatment are as follows:

  • In case of pathologies of the kidneys, liver, blood vessels, undergo the necessary examination and begin a comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease. As the functions of the internal organs are restored, the swelling will also go away. Diet therapy, physical activity that stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph will be a good help.
  • More complex and long-term treatment requires diseases of the endocrine system. It is not so easy to restore the hormonal background, especially in the elderly. To help here there will be various herbal remedies that can be used for a long time without pronounced side effects. With diabetes, diet is extremely important.
  • Treatment of allergic edema, as mentioned above, is based primarily on the identification of an allergen-irritant. Any antihistamines relieve the patient's condition only temporarily, but do not give a lasting therapeutic effect. Therefore, a patient prone to allergic reactions should always have a sheet with a list of hazardous substances with him, and it is also necessary to make an appropriate entry in the medical record.
  • Pain and swelling in case of inflammation of the eyes or infections of the upper respiratory tract are also eliminated in the process of complex treatment. Systemic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs and topical agents are used: various solutions and liquids for washing, rinsing, compresses and lotions.

Pharmacies offer a wide range of different diuretics. Some of them have a rather aggressive effect on the body, have a long list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, resorting to a medical solution to the problem is possible only after examination by a doctor.

For severe swelling, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

  • Furosemide.
  • Triflas.
  • Veroshpiron.
  • Torasemide.

Pharmaceutical preparations with a diuretic effect are enough to take once a day to reduce the amount of fluid in the body, but they have a number of serious side effects.

The simplest, most affordable and safe diuretic is fresh vegetable or fruit juices. Experienced people recommend combining a quarter cup of freshly squeezed carrot, cucumber, celery and lemon juices. Stir the resulting mixture, add 50 ml of warm water and drink on an empty stomach. If you do this procedure every day for three weeks, you can get rid of not only swelling on the face, but also cleanse the intestines and skin of toxins and toxins, lose up to 3 kg of excess weight.

Phytotherapy is an affordable and gentle way to combat swelling on the face and fluid retention in the body

Also in the fight against edema will help such recipes:

  • Mint infusion. Grind fresh or dry mint. Fresh will need two handfuls, dried - two tablespoons. Put the mint in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water, close, leave for one hour. Drink the filtered infusion warm in small sips throughout the day. This tool is suitable for combating edema in children and pregnant women.
  • Flax seeds. A tablespoon of seeds is poured into a bowl, poured with a liter of water, placed on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then cover and let it brew for an hour. The infusion is drained and taken throughout the day in small portions in the form of heat. Seeds can be wrapped in gauze and applied to edema for a quarter of an hour as a compress. The course of treatment lasts two weeks or until the swelling is completely eliminated, if they have not disappeared after 14 days.
  • Bearberry. Two tablespoons of bearberry pour 500 ml of hot water, cover and leave for half an hour. Then the mixture is stirred, filtered. The infusion is taken three times a day for a third of a glass, the course of treatment lasts 14–21 days.

Important: although folk remedies are considered gentle and harmless, you should not violate the recipe and dosage. Herbal infusions can also cause severe allergic reactions, eating disorders and poisoning. In case of increased edema, rash, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, you should immediately rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal and seek medical help.

Darsonvalization, biorevitalization, various types of massages - this is what modern cosmetology offers for its part to combat swelling of the face

Beauty and spa treatments against puffiness of the face

If you need to quickly and radically eliminate physiological or age-related swelling under the eyes and on the face, you can always turn to beauty parlors and spas. Today, a number of effective procedures are offered using various equipment and cosmetics to combat any appearance defects. What can a cosmetologist do in the absence of contraindications and the client's solvency:

  • Darsonvalization. The cleansed skin is treated with high-frequency currents. As a result, lymphatic drainage is activated, congestion is eliminated, tissues are saturated with oxygen, look healthy and toned.
  • Myolifting. It helps if puffiness of the face is caused by sagging muscle tissue after injury, surgery or due to age-related changes. The skin and muscles are affected by dosed current discharges, which tone the tissues and improve their nutrition.
  • Mesotherapy. This method consists in the introduction of subcutaneously special solutions that stimulate metabolic processes and saturate tissues with oxygen and microelements. Immediately after the procedure, swelling may increase. This is a natural reaction of tissues to injections. But a few days after full recovery, the contour of the face and eyes tightens, swelling goes away, the skin becomes elastic, elastic, beautiful even color.

All procedures have contraindications and should be performed only by a qualified experienced master. After the procedures in the spa, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations of a specialist in order to minimize the likelihood of side effects and get the expected result.

What else can be done

Some advise, as an emergency, to lubricate problem areas with ointment against varicose veins and even against hemorrhoids. These products contain active ingredients that stimulate blood circulation and eliminate congestion in tissues. Heparin ointment, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Relief pro proved to be the most effective. Apply the ointment in a thin layer on cleansed and dry skin, without rubbing or stretching it. If you do this 4-5 times a day, in a few days swelling, swelling, bruising under the eyes and on the face will disappear in 2-3 days. But it is not recommended to use such funds constantly to combat puffiness, since they are intended to solve completely different problems.

In the absence of inflamed skin rashes, abrasions and scratches on the skin, you can try to remove swelling with soda compresses. To do this, dissolve baking soda in warm water at the rate of half a teaspoon for every 200 ml of liquid. Cotton swabs or pieces of gauze are moistened in the resulting liquid and applied to problem areas of the face. Compresses are kept for at least fifteen minutes on the face, then be sure to rinse the face with clean cool water, wipe dry and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin so that it does not dry out.

Watermelon diet will help to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and get rid of edema

  • canned food and pickles;
  • spicy, fatty cheeses and sausages;
  • fried, pickled, peppered;
  • chocolate and confectionery with fatty creams;
  • carbonated drinks.

In the fight against edema, sour-milk and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables will help. It is also recommended not to consume anything at all two hours before bedtime, stop using mobile gadgets, tablets, laptops, computers and turn off the TV an hour before bedtime. You should sleep on a raised pillow, you can put a special roller. All these measures will help prevent fluid retention in the body, as well as swelling of the eyes and face.

Thus, swelling of the eyes and face is often encountered by people at any age. This is due to the negative impact of external factors, a large number of allergen irritants, malnutrition, and chronic diseases. You can fight swelling with medications, with the help of physiotherapy or the services of a cosmetologist, as well as proven folk remedies. It is important that the patient understands that it will be necessary to eliminate not only the external symptoms, but also their cause. And for this, you will certainly need the help of a doctor and a comprehensive examination.

Causes of the appearance and methods of treatment of edema after sleep.

Almost every person has experienced swelling of the face. Swelling of the face does not always indicate some kind of pathology, most often it is evidence of the owner’s wrong lifestyle. In this article we will tell you why the face swells after sleep.

Why does my face swell in the morning after sleep?

There are many reasons that in most cases do not speak of pathology. Many of us have already noticed why the face is swollen in the morning.

Why does the face swell in the morning after sleep:

  • Abuse of salty, smoked food in the evening. Salt can linger in the body fluid, attract water. That is why a large amount of fluid appears in the intercellular space, the face swells. There may be swelling of the eyes, eyelids, bags under the eyes, and a general swelling of the face.
  • Alcohol abuse. The fact is that alcoholic beverages in our body turns intoacetone-containingfluids that are poison to the body. He is trying to get rid of alcohol as soon as possible, so a person can go to the toilet many times, the concentration of salts in the urine increases, thus there is a high concentration of salt in the body, which attracts water. That is why the face swells.
  • Too little or too much water. On average, each person should drink about 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body per day. A woman weighing 60 kg should take at least 1.8 liters of water per day. Moreover, it is desirable to use water not in the form of tea, coffee, broth, but ordinary non-carbonated, mineral or purified. But it is best to drink it 30 minutes before meals. This will help reduce appetite, and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Oddly enough, not only an excess, but also a lack of water can provoke swelling. In this case, the body tries mobilize , gather, and therefore there is an accumulation of fluid in the tissues.
  • Abuse of fatty cream, and decorative cosmetics. Some cosmetic products may cause an allergic reaction. Some of them clog pores, due to which external puffiness of the contours is observed.

Why does my face swell after sleeping?

Edema in the face can be triggered not only by an unhealthy lifestyle, but also by the presence of serious ailments. Among them are the following.

Why does the face swell after sleep:

  • Allergic reaction. Most often, swelling does not appear in the face, but in the eye area. With allergies, the eyelids, both upper and lower, often swell. Along with these symptoms, itching, burning, redness can also be observed. Symptoms may include coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes.
  • Renal pathologies. With pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, the salt balance of urine also changes, the amount of salts in it increases, which provokes the accumulation of fluid in the cells on the face and in general throughout the body.
  • Hypertension and heart failure. At the initial stages of the disease, the pressure may be slightly increased. But along with this, there is heaviness during physical exertion, a person cannot perform even the simplest manipulations. He is tired of a quick step, he cannot climb to the third floor. If, along with this, swelling is observed in the facial area, cardiac pathologies can be assumed.
  • Liver diseases. Along with swelling of the face, there may be bitterness in the mouth after sleep, as well as pain in the right hypochondrium. The color of urine and feces may change. The stools become light, almost whitish. If you notice one of these symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor, as this indicates serious pathologies that cannot be treated. on one's own.

Women are more prone to edema than men.

Why does the face swell after sleeping in women?

  • Before menstruation. During this period, there may be slight swelling of both the upper and lower extremities. This is due to the release of a large amount of progesterone into the blood, which accumulates fluid, as well as fat. Often a woman who takes progesterone recovers quickly, and observes swelling of the body and face.
  • The main cause of edema is malnutrition. Not only salty, smoked food provokes swelling on the face. An ugly oval of the face, which floats very quickly, is observed when eating a large amount of fast carbohydrates, sugar, as well as sausages and mayonnaise. These products contain a lot of food waste, in the form of preservatives, fats and simple carbohydrates.
  • As a result, the figure may not change for the better. Changes are visible in the face area. People who often eat sweet foods prone to rashes and swelling in the eyes, cheeks and chin. To normalize the condition of the face, it is enough to adhere to proper nutrition and a low-carbohydrate diet. This does not mean that it is necessary to exclude fruits and vegetables from the menu. These products are the most necessary, useful for our body. We are talking about simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, flour, pasta.

Face swells after sleep, what to do?

In order to cope with swelling on the face, it is necessary to eliminate the main problem and the cause of the disease.

Face swells after sleep, what to do:

  • If there are diseases of the liver and kidneys, or regular overeating, abuse of harmful foods, the underlying cause must be eliminated. In addition, special gymnastics, facial massage are shown. It is performed along massage lines with moderate to strong pressure, but without stretching the skin. Please note that special patches, pieces of ice can be used to relieve swelling under the eyes.
  • The best way to combat edema is proper nutrition, and drinking enough fluids. It is necessary to exclude products that retain fluid in the body. Before menstruation, swelling is a normal situation, almost most of the girls are familiar with it. To get rid of them, you need to move more during this period, drink more water.
  • You can reduce the amount of edema and improve the condition of your face with lingonberry, wild rose and horsetail tea. Please note that diuretic drugs should never be taken. They will only aggravate the problem, contribute to the emergence of new edema, or provoke the emergence of another, more serious ailment.
  • Position during sleep is of great importance. If you sleep without a pillow, while your head is slightly lowered, then there is nothing surprising in swelling in the morning. After all, the liquid under the force of gravity flows from top to bottom. If the head is lower than the legs, then swelling may occur on the face, which disappear in the morning.

Why does the right side of the face swell after sleeping?

Swelling on the right or left side indicates local problems. If, with diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, the entire face swells, then swelling in only one part of the face indicates that there is a lesion of a specific zone that is located in this area.

Why does the right side of the face swell after sleep:

  • Insect bite, allergic reaction
  • Ear or sinus problems
  • Dental disease, caries and suppuration
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
  • Neurological ailments
  • Osteochondrosis of the neck in a certain area

Usually, in order to get rid of such edema, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the exact cause. If the face swells only on one side, then local treatment is necessary. It has nothing to do with salt, fluids, or food before bed. To get rid of edema, which are provoked by an incorrect position in a dream, or by drinking a large amount of liquid, it is enough to make a few simple masks.

How to remove swelling of the face after sleep with folk methods?

Remember, masks work only if the edema is in no way associated with diseases of the internal organs. Otherwise, all folk recipes will be ineffective; to eliminate puffiness, you must take drugs that the doctor will prescribe. Below are recipes for masks that will help get rid of edema.

How to remove swelling of the face after sleep with folk methods:

  • Potato. In order to prepare a healing potion, you need to place a pot of potatoes on the fire and boil for 20 minutes. It is not necessary to peel the root crop from the skin. It is necessary to suppress the vegetable, with the help of a crush to a puree state. Refrigerate until the temperature of the mass is set at 40 degrees. Put warm porridge in the area of ​​​​edema, preferably on the entire face, and not just under the eyes. Hold for 15 minutes, covered with a warm towel. Rinse with warm water and finish with an ice cube.
  • Dill mask. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of fat sour cream with chopped dill. You can grind in a blender. The resulting slurry must be applied to the surface of the face and kept for a quarter of an hour. Remove with a cotton pad dipped in cold water. No need to rub the skin hard, it should leave a slight layer of fat from sour cream. It additionally nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Parsley. It is an herb known for its diuretic properties and also helps to eliminate swelling. It is necessary to mix two tablespoons of kefir with a small amount of chopped parsley. It is best if there is a lot of green juice. To do this, you can pre-grind it in a blender. It is necessary that the entire skin turns green. Put the resulting paste on your face and go to rest for a third of an hour. Wash off with cold water. If the causes of edema lie in cardiovascular diseases, then certain drugs must be taken. Only the normalization of blood circulation will help eliminate swelling not only on the face, but also in the lower extremities.

Many interesting articles can be found on our website: Swollen cheek after tooth extraction, what to do? Does the cheek swell after the removal of a wisdom tooth? How to rinse and what to drink after tooth extraction from edema?

Often swelling of the face is observed after sleeping on a very high pillow. In this case, the nerves are clamped, as well as the large vessels that feed the head and face. Thus, in this zone, blood circulation and metabolism worsen. This may result in fluid retention.

VIDEO: Swelling of the face after sleep

If the face swells in the morning, but after a short time it disappears, there is no serious cause for concern. Perhaps this is the result of pressure on the face during sleep, if you like to sleep with your face in the pillow. But if not, then first you need to understand the physiology of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Edema is an increase or stretching of tissues due to the accumulation of fluid in them or due to inflammation. It can occur anywhere on the face, but is most common on the lips, cheeks, and eyelids, and can also spread to the neck.

In most cases, the cause lies in the accumulation of fluid in the face during sleep for one of several reasons. It can be dehydration, excessive consumption of salt or salty foods, or even hormonal surges.

During sleep, fluid is redistributed. Usually most of it is concentrated in the lower half of the body, pulled down by gravity. But in the supine position, it is evenly distributed throughout the body, which is the most common cause of swelling of the face in women in the morning. The effect disappears an hour after the onset.

Orbital astronauts have a perpetually swollen face due to the lack of gravity pulling fluids to their legs while they are "hanging". As a result, while in space, they lose most of the wrinkles on their faces.

Other physiological causes include:

  1. Water retention A: The most common cause of this trouble is fluid retention. The best way to avoid this is to limit your intake of alcohol and salt (sodium) and, as counterintuitive as it sounds, drink more water (during the day) to flush your body.
  2. allergic reactions. Another common cause of puffiness in the morning is an allergic reaction. Check for possible allergens, including allergies to pillow feathers or pillowcase material, by changing them for a few days.
  3. Lotions and creams: It is not uncommon for sensitive skin to react to lotions or creams applied to the face before bed. Stop using all products for a few days to see if the swelling subsides. Steroid creams are especially likely to cause swelling.
  4. Cushion height: Sometimes puffiness is caused by the level of the pillow during sleep, which causes either pressure or water retention. Try to sleep with two pillows so that the fluid drains well and does not settle in the head and neck area. If it hurts or causes discomfort, try an orthopedic pillow.

More about the reasons

Fortunately, the most common causes do not require specialized treatment and are the reaction of our body to certain factors, by eliminating which we will get rid of puffiness. And in some cases, the swelling goes away without any intervention. The most common of these reasons include:


Dust, animal hair, plant pollen - all this endlessly swirls in the air and can lead to an allergic reaction. In addition to the usual sneezing and watery eyes, allergens can also lead to so-called facial allergies. Symptoms include puffy eyes, peeling skin, puffiness, and chapped lips from mouth breathing.


Sinusitis is inflammation and swelling of the sinuses, which become blocked and filled with fluid during a cold. As a result, there is pressure in this place, accompanied by a dull ache around the eyes, a greenish-yellow discharge from the nose, severe headaches and swelling of the face.
Focus on rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take an antihistamine and you'll be fine.

Abscessed tooth

An abscess (aka infection) leads to a collection of pus and swelling around the tooth or gums. Accompanied by toothache and swelling of the face in the area of ​​the diseased tooth.
At home, an abscess is treated with compresses and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, an appointment with a dentist should be considered, as the abscess must be drained and oral antibiotics must also be taken.
Follow-up treatment will eliminate both the toothache and the swollen cheek.

hot shower

There is nothing more relaxing than standing in a steam shower. But too hot water is actually not so good, and after such a shower, you may find that your face (and not only) has increased in size. Hot water steams and relaxes the skin and muscles.

Too much booze

We all know that drinking too much alcohol dehydrates the body, which is what makes a hangover so bad. But dehydration, in turn, leads to fluid retention, and the next morning you wake up not only with a sore head, but also with a swollen face.

Too much salty

If you've spent the evening lying in bed with a big bag of chips, you may wake up the next morning with severe swelling. Too much salt can cause the body to retain more fluid in an attempt to dilute the salt, making the face look more puffy than usual.


PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is sometimes the cause of fluid retention in the body, which, as we know, can also lead to swelling.

allergy to pillows

Blankets and pillows are another cause of morning swelling. Feather pillows or duvets can be real allergens, especially for women. Agree, it’s not pleasant to wake up in the morning with a swollen face, even if you really love your bedding.


Yes, it is possible to get sunburned even if you don't feel it. And this can cause not only redness, but in some cases swelling. For this reason, sunscreen must be used daily.


This is a painful inflammation at the edge of the eyelid. It can be external or internal, often capable of causing swelling of the area around the eyes. You can treat the sore spot with chloromycetin, but after a maximum of 7 days it will break through and the tumor will come down.

Reactions to drugs

Facial swelling can occur as an allergic reaction to certain medications, such as penicillin or aspirin. If you suspect an allergic reaction, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible about allergy injections or oral antihistamines.

If the face swells and does not subside

But why does the face swell and the swelling does not subside? If the swollen face continues to enlarge and causes severe pain, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, as in this case it may be a symptom of a more serious illness:


Angioedema is an excessive accumulation of body fluids in the skin, often caused by an allergic reaction. Occurs, as a rule, together with urticaria. The most common places of localization are the area around the eyes, lips and face, but manifestations are also possible in other parts of the body, and even in the throat. In particularly difficult cases, immediate treatment with adrenaline is required.

Angioedema can be caused by an allergic reaction to:

  • Latex.
  • Animal fur.
  • Cold or hot temperature.
  • Pollen.
  • Sun.
  • Products.
  • Insect bites.
  • Medicine.


Dermatomyositis is an autoimmune disease in which the skin and skeletal muscles are predominantly infiltrated by lymphocytes. Although it is an idiopathic disease, it may be the result of an interaction between the patient's genetic background (determining the response of the immune system) and a viral pathogen. One symptom is bilateral swelling of the face.

Malnutrition (serious) or obesity

In both cases, swelling of the face is a violation of the functions of the body.

Skin infections

A bacterial infection of the skin is accompanied by swelling in the size of the face or other area of ​​the body, the place becomes inflamed, reddened and hot to the touch. If you develop these symptoms - and especially if the tumor is spreading - go to the emergency room. With timely treatment, only a weekly course of antibiotics is needed, but without treatment, deaths are not uncommon.


Other symptoms in addition to the swollen head include headache, fever, and muscle pain. Most cases resolve within a few weeks as the disease resolves.


The thyroid gland produces a hormone that regulates metabolism and body temperature. If for some reason not enough hormones are produced, metabolic changes can lead to an increase in subcutaneous tissues.
Symptoms that accompany this condition include an increased feeling of coldness, weakness, dry skin, and irregular menstruation.


If the swelling is concentrated around the area around the eyes, then it is most likely conjunctivitis - a nasty infection or inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids.
Most causes of conjunctivitis are associated with viruses, but there are cases of allergies. In addition, there are also bacterial conjunctivitis or even those caused by contact lenses. In addition to swelling, there is redness, watering, or itching. Viral conjunctivitis is usually treated with supportive care that includes cool compresses. Bacterial conjunctivitis requires antibiotic eye drops.


If you have, certain triggers are capable of causing an outbreak. Hot weather, spicy foods, alcohol, and even emotional stress can lead to facial redness, burning, and even swelling.
Mild cleansers, moisturizers, and daily sunscreen can help control symptoms.

Are you taking steroids?

A puffy face can be the result of prescribed steroids - and higher doses can lead to more significant side effects. In this case, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of reducing the dose.

Cushing's syndrome

Yes, cortisol is a stress hormone, but it also helps regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and a host of other processes. But when too much is pumped out by the adrenal glands, it can lead to Cushing's syndrome, a disease characterized by a round, swollen face, easily bruised skin, and increased body hairiness.
Cushing's disease affects women almost three times more often than men and often occurs in people who have received glucocorticoids.
Left untreated, Cushing's syndrome can lead to heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.


Lung cancer causes swelling of the face and neck when the cancer presses on a vein that runs from the head to the heart. This symptom is called superior vena cava syndrome or obstruction.
The superior vena cava is a vein that carries blood from the head and arms to the heart and runs near the top of the right lung and the lymph nodes in the chest cavity. Tumors in or around the lungs or in the lymph nodes can block normal blood flow, leading to an obstruction.
In addition to lung cancer, other cancers that lead to obstruction of the superior vena cava include:
  • mammary cancer,
  • lymphoma,
  • thyroid cancer,
  • thymus tumor.
This condition can also be caused by other non-cancerous conditions:
  • tuberculosis,
  • inflammation of the vein (thrombophlebitis),
  • a fungal infection such as histoplasmosis
  • aortic aneurysm (swelling of the main artery that carries blood from the heart to the body),
  • blood clots in the superior vena cava,
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland
  • constrictive pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart),
  • side effect of radiation therapy in the chest cavity.
Symptoms of superior vena cava obstruction may develop rapidly or gradually. Early symptoms include swelling around the eyes or face, especially in the morning. Common symptoms of superior vena cava obstruction include shortness of breath and swelling of the face, neck, arms, or trunk. Occasionally, superior vena cava obstruction can also cause dizziness, visual disturbances, fainting, and redness of the face, hands, or mucous membranes. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

What to do

What to do? If the edema is not a symptom of the disease and, as a rule, disappears after half an hour, you can start following simple rules that will give an excellent result in a very short time:


Despite the fact that the causes of puffiness are different and the methods of their treatment are also different, preventive measures in many cases are the same:
  • Physical activity helps to “squeeze out” excess fluid from the body.
  • Include healthy anti-edematous foods in your diet: apples, cottage cheese, tea with lemon; in case of food allergies, you need to follow a diet.
  • Limit your salt intake.
  • To avoid swelling of the face, it is recommended to sleep on your back: sleeping on your stomach often leads to baggy lower eyelids.

The best foods for edema

  • Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6 and potassium, two vital minerals that help reduce excess fluid in the body. In addition, it is also an excellent source of natural carbohydrates that provide energy to the body.
  • Sugar, white flour and products made from it (including pasta) are known to increase sugar and insulin levels. A high level of the latter leads to the retention of salt by the kidneys and the subsequent retention of excess water.
  • Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral that can reduce salt levels and increase urine production. This will help flush out excess salt preventing water from being removed.
  • Nuts are rich in natural omega-3 fatty acids, and also contain a lot of magnesium, which prevents the body from retaining water during PMS.