UK school uniform. School uniforms in Thailand are the sexiest

In the UK, school uniforms appeared a long time ago, at the beginning of the 16th century. Most often, school uniforms in blue were used in educational institutions, but over time, this “fashion” began to change.

You can look at the school uniforms of modern Englishmen:

1. This is how a school uniform looks like for elementary school students in one of the schools in Poynton, Cheshire.

2. Pupils of the seventh grade of Burlington Danes School, White City, London are dressed in a school uniform, which, by the way, has one interesting feature. At night or twilight, when students in this uniform walk along the roadsides, the uniform reflects the light of passing cars. Special orafol elements are sewn into the fabric of the uniform. A very correct and original solution for the safety of young Britons!

3. At the London School of Elizabeth Garrett Andersen, students are encouraged to take part in the development of their own school uniforms. This approach allows you to better take into account the wishes of children, and make the school uniform really comfortable and elegant.

4. The fabric used in these school jackets by School Calors is 100% recycled polyester. It takes 30 plastic bottles to make one such jacket. For the first time, such school clothes went on sale in 2008.

5. Pupils of Eton College, in order to better see Elizabeth II during her visit to the college in 1990, climbed onto the fence. Eton College is under the patronage of the British royal house, at one time both Prince William and Prince Harry studied here.

6. Primary school students Mere Brau in Tarleton, Lancashire, play in the schoolyard.

7. The first day of the new school year at Nottingham Akedemi.

8. The set of uniforms of one of the schools in the London district of Harrow also includes a traditional straw hat for this school.

9. Modern school uniforms can also be bright colors.

10. The dress uniform of Eton College, one of the most famous educational institutions in the world, includes a tailcoat and a smart waistcoat.

11. Pupils of the school at the Hospital of Christ must wear the traditional uniform, the cut of which has not changed for 450 years. But the poll shows that the kids really like it and are proud of their "ancient" shape.

12. In this picture, one of the employees of Price and Buckland demonstrates her company's products - a school uniform for girls who profess Islam.

13. A seventh grade student at Oasis Akedemi Media City is starting her studies in the new semester.

14. Former Bexley business school teacher George Plemper, now a photographer, came to take pictures for the school's students' photo albums.

15. There are also schools in the UK where wearing a school uniform is not mandatory. For example, students at the Anthony Jell School in Wirksworth, Derbyshire ceremonial, attend classes in their regular attire.

In the UK, school uniforms first appeared during the reign of King Henry VIII (1509 - 1547). It was blue, because it was believed that wearing such a color was supposed to teach children to be humble, and the fabric of this color was the cheapest.

In modern England, each school has its own uniform, in addition, school symbols are widely used.

(Total 15 photos)

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1. This is how a school uniform looks like for elementary school students in one of the schools in Poynton, Cheshire.

2. Beginning of a new academic year. Seventh grade students at Burlington Danes School, White City, London dressed in their school uniform.

6. Primary school students Mere Brau in Tarleton, Lancashire, play in the schoolyard.

7. The first day of the new school year at Nottingham Akedemi. Each student was given a digital photo frame.

8. The set of uniforms of one of the schools in the London district of Harrow also includes a traditional straw hat for this school.

9. Modern school uniforms can also be bright colors.

10. The dress uniform of Eton College, one of the most famous educational institutions in the world, includes a tailcoat and a smart waistcoat.

11. Pupils of the school at the Hospital of Christ must wear the traditional uniform, the cut of which has not changed for 450 years. But the poll shows that the kids really like it and are proud of their "ancient" shape.

Each school decides on the school uniform and the appearance of students independently. However, the educational institution must not discriminate against a child on the basis of gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, or creed.



The principal of the school may punish your child for not wearing a school uniform. A student may be suspended or expelled from school if they continue to violate the school's uniform policy.


Help with school uniform expenses

Talk to the school principal if your child is not wearing a uniform, including tracksuits, because you cannot afford to buy one. The school should give you time to buy the necessary things.

If you are in England (as an administrative part of the UK) you can also get from the local municipality.



Schools can decide whether girls can wear trousers and whether items associated with a particular faith are allowed. If you think the school's requirements discriminate against your child, talk to the school principal.


School uniform changes

If you would like to make changes to the school uniform, please speak to the school principal, school administrators, or parent committee.

Probably the first thing we associate with the British school is the uniform. In all decent schools it has existed for a long time and serves as a distinction: the more elite the institution, the cooler and more formal their school uniform is. In London, I spent the whole day walking around about a dozen schools, talking to teachers, looking at buildings and children. I will talk about this adventure later.

Photographing children, especially at school, is very difficult. Yes, and it's forbidden. The advantage is that in London, a person with a camera around his neck is ignored so you can easily take belly photos on the go.

London schoolchildren are lucky in the sense that they have at their side best museums in the world which teachers use. There are always several groups of schoolchildren in galleries and museums during the day. They have lunch with them, which they eat on the lawn.


4. Despite the cold weather, although many children are wearing jackets, their legs are not covered. Unusual for Russia.

5. Elite schools are dominated by the white population, while ordinary schools are the opposite. Although it is not customary to talk about it - tolerance.

6. Sitting on the grass is an indispensable attribute of England. The director of one of the schools in Brighton, conducting a tour of the building, was asked where is the canteen, answered: "On the football field. Or in the assembly hall, if it's cold."


8. Guys from QEH School. Cost of education: 400,000 rubles per year.

9. In expensive schools, teachers are more often men.

10. Either Nike or Adidas. No other is given.

11. London has a famous city ​​school for boys. A separate building was built for girls, there is no uniform and no elite.

12. The British always lift their socks as high as possible.

13. Beautiful. The locals don't seem to care about the rain. While tourists, wrapped in jackets and scarves, hide under umbrellas.


15. In museums, lessons are held right on the floor in the corridor. And only impudent Chinese interrupt the usual school day.



18. In one of the schools I found the morning service.


So, what is often found in the form of young Britons:
colors: dark blue, dark green, red, black gray
top: shirt, polo, tie, jumper, jacket
bottom: pants, shorts
shoes: shoes, sneakers, socks under shorts.

I emphasized what I like and what is not in Russia. I think it's worth expressing your opinion about the school uniform. I am for school uniform if she looks like this effectively and sits like this comfortable that there is nothing to even compare with clothes from M&S. Well design should be thought out to the smallest detail: to the stripes on the socks, to every seam and fold. Only then will they be happy to wear it. Examples: 1, 13 and 16 photos.

Since this year, (not) respected Putin has introduced a mandatory form in schools. Wherever I studied, it was already there, but now it seems to be stricter. I don’t know exactly how the form is chosen, but it seems to me that the head teacher (director) just goes to the market and sees what she likes best. Because almost all schools in Russia have the most terrible form of incomprehensible origin, which by no means shows the elite of the institution.

Therefore, the output is different - do not care. If you don't have super-cool uniforms, then you can wear anything (within reason). You can see how they go at my school in my Instagram. And everyone is happy.

P.S. I don't like Zaitsev's new uniform.

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On the question of whether a single school uniform is needed, one can argue to the point of hoarseness. Proponents of the dress code believe that it maintains discipline in the classroom, encourages cohesion and equality. Yes, and parents do not have a headache, what to dress the child in. Opponents argue that this approach to clothing kills individuality and has little effect on the learning process.

website offers not to argue, but simply to see what children in different countries of the world go to school in. Many options look quite stylish and practical, evaluate for yourself.


Japanese school uniform for girls "sera-fuku" occupies a special place in anime cartoons and manga comics and is known throughout the world. A navy-style blouse plus a pleated skirt that gets shorter in high school. Low-heeled shoes and stockings are required, which are worn even in winter. So that they do not slip, schoolgirls glue them to their feet with special glue.

Great Britain

In England everything is strict with the school dress code. The very first uniform was blue. It was believed that this color teaches children to be organized and humble, but it was also the cheapest fabric. Now each institution has its own form and symbolism. Until now, in some schools, everything is so severe that even in the heat it is forbidden to wear shorts. This summer, schoolboys went on strike and came in skirts. Many schools have since introduced gender-neutral school uniforms.


The Australian education system has borrowed a lot from the UK. The school uniform is very reminiscent of the British, only lighter and more open. Due to the hot climate and the active sun, many educational institutions include hats or panamas in the uniform.


In Cuba, the school uniform is presented in several variations: white top - yellow bottom, blue top - blue bottom. As well as white shirts and burgundy sundresses or trousers with an obligatory element - a pioneer tie well known to Soviet schoolchildren. True, it can be not only red, but also blue.


In Indonesia, students' uniforms differ in color at each stage of training. The white top remains unchanged, but the bottom can be burgundy, dark blue or gray. But the most interesting is saved for last. After passing national exams, schoolchildren celebrate their freedom and paint the shape with the help of felt-tip pens and spray cans. Goodbye, school!


Chinese students have several sets of uniforms: for holidays and ordinary days, for winter and summer. The school uniform for everyday wear is almost the same for boys and girls and often resembles a regular tracksuit.


All children in the state must wear a school uniform. At the same time, Ghana, like most African countries, is characterized by low incomes and high levels of poverty. Buying a school uniform is one of the barriers to getting an education. In 2010, as part of its educational policy, the government distributed the form free of charge to communities.


The dress code for elementary and middle school is quite common. But high school students in Vietnam have the right to wear snow-white national costume ao dai. In some educational institutions, it is welcomed only for important events or ceremonies, but in some it is also required for everyday wear.


School uniforms in Syria even before the start of a protracted military conflict for political reasons has been changed from boring khaki to vibrant colors of blue, gray and pink. And it symbolized the desire to establish peace in the Middle East, which is a little sad to hear now.


Another country where students go to school wear traditional national costume,- Bhutan. For girls, the clothes are called "kira", and for boys - "gho" and resembles a robe. Previously, children carried all textbooks and school supplies right in it. Briefcases are now common, but if you wish, you can hide something on your chest.