Arrange a garden plot with your own hands. Arrangement of a summer cottage (54 photos): design of the local area, recreation area, garden and vegetable garden. Garden plot in a modern style or modern

Arranging a cottage with your own hands is a whole range of works that allows you not only to provide an attractive appearance country house and adjoining territory, but also simplifies the use of suburban real estate. Let's figure out how to equip a summer cottage with your own hands, what to look for from the very first steps.

Useful ideas about arranging a dacha with your own hands (photo guide)

When arranging suburban area with your own hands it is very reasonable to combine functional elements with decorative design. This will not only not violate the basic idea of ​​​​buying a summer residence, but will also improve the mood of the summer resident. Rationally located beds, paths, flower beds, and the house itself will greatly facilitate the care of the entire household.

Walkways and driveways

Lack of improved access roads, fence and walking paths in the local area significantly worsens the usability of the dacha, and the suburban real estate itself loses its attractiveness. Access roads can be improved by completing such a road with gravel backfill or laying asphalt.

Paths directly on the backyard can be paved concrete tiles or polished stones. There are many special materials for paving walkways. In each case, the homeowner chooses one or another material, depending on his financial capabilities.

Hedges and fences

The next stage of work is the arrangement of the reservoir. It is believed that such decorative pools and ponds can increase the humidity in the area, which reduces possible temperature drops and improves the microclimate. There are currently special shapes from plastic for decorative pools, and the purchase of all necessary equipment does not differ in complexity. All this allows you to independently equip a full-fledged decorative reservoir on your personal plot without resorting to professionals.

decorative pond can be a great addition to the landscape design of the site. These are small reservoirs in their volume, having decoration. In such reservoirs, you can keep various ornamental fish or simply make an original waterfall. Today, in specialized stores, it is possible to choose ready-made decorative garden ponds, the installation of which directly on the backyard is not difficult.

Equipping green lawn

Breaking down the lawn on the backyard of a country house is one of the milestones arrangement of the territory. In the recent past, when fruits and vegetables were grown in the country, there could be no talk of any lawns and lawns. Today, with the growth of well-being, we are beginning to consider the cottage, first of all, as an opportunity for excellent outdoor recreation.

Emerald green lawn will create the necessary atmosphere on the plot and emphasize its attractive appearance. The lawn beautifully frames the main vistas garden design, flower beds stand out clearly against its background. Yes, and fruits that have fallen on the grass do not get dirty.

It should be said that there are numerous technologies for arranging a lawn in the country. It is possible to use ready-made rolled lawns However, they have a high cost, are difficult to install and subsequent operation. Most homeowners independently prepare the base and subsequently sow the area with varietal grass. Such preparation of the territory involves the removal of sod, leveling the earth and backfilling the fertile soil layer. You will also need to perform regular watering grass and remove emerging weeds. Despite the apparent complexity, every homeowner can equip such a lawn.

Arrangement of beds in the country

It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged cottage without beds. On such beds you can grow fresh vegetables and fruits that are immediately eaten by your household. If you are completely new, then take a look at our tips on where to start your garden at this address, you will surely find something useful.

They try to locate the beds in the immediate vicinity of the fence, which will simultaneously provide an attractive landscape design, and the site will not lose functionality at all. We can recommend immediately not to waste time on bookmarking all the planned organic beds, stretching this "pleasure" over the years. For example, in the first year, lay two, and then increase their number. This will allow you to get an excellent harvest even with small area dedicated to vegetables and fruits.

Landscaping is a complex, time-consuming and lengthy process. It is necessary to properly plan the course of such work and subsequently act according to the plan. All this will simplify such work, and the homeowner will be able to properly start arranging the cottage with his own hands, ensuring ease of use and an attractive appearance of the backyard territory.

A garden is a place where the soul rests and the eye rejoices. Dear summer residents and owners of estates, you are very lucky, because you have room for self-expression. you can arrange your own garden, where you can walk, sit and dream, think.

Yard landscaping scheme: 1 - Ipomoea tricolor, 2 - Jasmine-like nightshade, 3 - Passiflora, 4 - Cardiospermum, 5 - Gregory Thunbergia, 6 - Foreign nasturtium, 7 - Cherry climbing rhodochiton, 8 - Farbitis flower.

We divide the backyard territory into 4 levels:

  • lawn;
  • flowers;
  • shrubs;
  • trees.

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Lawn, flowers and flower beds

The basis of the garden is a green juicy and well-groomed lawn. No matter how hard you try to embellish your garden, but if the lawn is not at the highest level, know that your backyard will not have a marketable appearance. Start "building" from the foundation - from the lawn. There are several main ones. Watering is carried out 2 times a day. Watch the water temperature, it should not be very cold, the water flow should be uniform, and the soil should be saturated at a depth of 15-20 cm. Surface watering leads to weed growth and lawn diseases. Cut the grass when the soil is dry and only sharp knives. When mowing, one row should be parallel to the previous one so that the lawn looks neat. And to make it thicker, you should alternate the direction of the haircut: once cut from north to south, and the other - from east to west.

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Scheme of a fragrant flower garden: 1 - Chubushnik, 2 - Panicled Phlox, 3 - Hybrid Peony, 4 - Tiger Lily, 5 - Mexican Ageratum, 6 - Sea Lobularia, 7 - Turkish Carnation.

The next level is flowers. The range is large, in the choice of colors everyone is guided by purely personal criteria. Each flower has its own characteristics and requires special care. Improper design of flower beds can spoil the whole look of the garden plot. Before planting, it is necessary to cultivate the soil, this procedure will keep the flowers alive throughout the season. The earth must be good quality: loose, uniform, without lumps, stones and weeds. Use mineral and organic fertilizers for irrigation.

Flowers can be planted at any time of the year except winter. The recommended landing time is morning or evening.

Each type of flower needs its own volume of water for full development, so when planting, you need to take into account the level of water consumption.

Plant plants with the same levels side by side.

The soil should always be loose, and do not water with very cold water.

To make the backyard look organic and sophisticated, do not overdo it with the choice of color. Most bright flowers place in those places where you want to emphasize, leave more neutral ones for other places. It is also not recommended to combine everything in a row, that is, do not plant red roses with daisies nearby, and tulips with carnations.

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Shrubs and trees, hedges

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Shrubs will help you. There are 2 types of shrubs: evergreen and deciduous. With them, you can create hedge A: It is not only very convenient, but also beautiful. With the help of bushes, you can divide the entire backyard into zones, focus on the paths and fence yourself off from prying eyes. Many shrubs have a long flowering period, they are unpretentious and not susceptible to disease. Because of their versatility, beauty and because shrubs do not require heightened attention, they are so fond of summer residents. In addition to all the above advantages, some shrubs during the flowering period will endow your garden with a charming aroma.

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We climbed to the top high level- to the trees. Trees are very multifunctional: in the summer they save from the heat, in the winter - from the wind, protect your land plot, in autumn they decorate the garden plot with golden leaves, and fruit trees in summer and autumn enrich you with vitamins.

When you choose a tree, keep in mind that you are signing up for a long-term partnership. Think about what the tree will be like in 10, 20, 30 years. Plant trees further apart so that their crowns do not intertwine in the future and do not go beyond the boundaries of the infield. The choice of trees should depend on the size of the available area. For smaller areas, a pyramidal crown is suitable, and for large areas, a sprawling one.

Do not ignore and forget about coniferous trees. They have a noble and refined appearance, purify the air well and have a fresh coniferous smell.

Cherry, apricot, sweet cherry and peach trees will decorate your garden in spring, during the flowering period they have a fabulous look and aroma.

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We decorate the garden with our own hands

In addition to plants, you can additional decor. The market offers a huge range of garden decorations. If you do not want to spend money and love to create, then you can do it yourself. It will take time, but for that the garden will delight you all year round.

Colored ice balls

This decor is suitable for cold winter with snow. You will need:

  • balloons;
  • food coloring;
  • water.

Pour water into the balloon to measure the capacity. Then pour into a measuring bowl, now you know how much water will be needed for each ball. We dilute food coloring in water, choose the color to your taste, you can mix it. The resulting solution is poured into balls. It is better to do the whole procedure on the street or in the bathroom, because if the ball bursts, then you will spend a lot of time with a mop.

We tie a ball of water well and take it out into the street. We put the tail down and leave it overnight so that the water freezes. In the morning, carefully remove the shell of your decor. Now you have original ice balls. On white snow, they will look very impressive and original.

It is not so difficult to arrange a garden on your own, as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know the basic principles that must be taken into account.

Of course, as an option, you can use template projects, but if you want to create a unique design for your backyard, it’s better to show your own imagination.

This article presents detailed instructions: how to arrange a garden so that it looks beautiful, but also allows you to relax in comfort. Indeed, today it is hardly possible to meet those who are satisfied with strict square flower beds and trees planted in a row.

preliminary stage

It suggests a number preparatory activities, which will make the bulk of the work easier, not to mention the fact that you can avoid mistakes.

Note. Do not rush to make a plan in one day.
Think carefully.
This will help you avoid unnecessary costs for Construction Materials.

In particular, on preliminary stage it is recommended to prepare at least a schematic plan, which will indicate:

  • area of ​​the garden plot;
  • the number of trees and shrubs you want to plant;
  • the proposed location of trees and shrubs;
  • flowerbed layout scheme;
  • layout of paths and paths;
  • the presence of benches and the place of their installation;
  • other details.

So you will immediately understand what exactly is needed for the arrangement, what plant and building materials you need to purchase.

Analyze the soil

Those who want to know how to equip their garden, you must first conduct a study of the characteristics of the soil on the territory.

Note. Special attention give the level of occurrence ground water- in the event that they flow at a depth of about two meters, then you can safely plant fruit trees.
They will grow well and produce a bountiful harvest.

This will allow you to understand in which part of the garden:

  • To plant trees;
  • break flower beds;
  • install a brazier;
  • make a pond, etc.

Enter all the information into the plan immediately. At the same time, keep in mind that free space is necessary for the normal growth of trees. Leave about four meters between them.

Site zoning

Arranging a garden plot will be much easier if you provide for strict zoning, immediately defining several zones:

  • residential;
  • recreation;
  • economic;
  • for growing flowers;
  • for trees, etc.

Note. All zones must - determine the best routes to get to a particular zone without passing others.
Make sure that the paths do not interfere with the arrangement of trees or flower beds.

Recreation area special attention

Pay special attention to the arrangement of the recreation area, adding to it interesting and unusual decors and design elements.

For example, pots and vases look great in which they are planted:

  • petunia;
  • begonia and other flowers.

If you have the opportunity, be sure to provide for a gazebo or bench with a small fence around it. You can plant any climbing plants, which will braid the gazebo or fence and create a pleasant environment around the place of rest.

Naturally, it is necessary to provide for the presence of such necessary items for recreation, such as:

  • benches or chairs;
  • table.

Note. Buy beautiful and original chairs and tables can be found in construction supermarkets, where there is a department of garden tools.
The price of such products depends on the material from which they are made and design features.
If you are not too demanding or know how to use an instrument, it is easy to make benches and chairs with your own hands.


Continuing the story of how to equip a garden plot with your own hands, let's take a closer look at the features of planting plants of various types.

In particular, any crops should not be planted in shady areas - they should receive maximum light and heat.

To determine the most suitable places for landing, you need to create a kind of map of shady areas:

  • take a clean sheet of paper;
  • draw a diagram of the site, determine the cardinal points and draw how the sun moves;
  • put on the diagram all buildings, fences and other structures from which a shadow falls;
  • be sure to indicate the height of such structures;
  • draw shadow zones with a dark pencil;
  • in those places where there will be a shadow for more than half a day, it is not recommended to plant cultivated fruit-bearing plants.

But completely shaded areas are ideal for placing a recreation area and its corresponding accessories:

  • benches;
  • gazebo;
  • table, etc.

Walkways can also be installed in shady areas.

specific style

In this section of the article, how to equip a small garden plot, let's talk about specific styles that are commonly used when ennobling personal plots.

Note. Some allow themselves the luxury of seeking help from professional designers.
In this case, it makes no sense to think about specific styles - the specialist himself will select the most suitable option, taking into account the characteristics of the site and your personal wishes and preferences.

In particular, there are three main areas:

  • landscape or landscape;
  • regular or geometric;
  • mixed.

landscape style

The first of them - landscape - is optimally suited for garden plots, on which there are any hills.

When creating it, you must:

  • ensure smooth bends of the tracks;
  • natural materials;
  • natural outlines of flower beds and a pond.

regular style

This design option is suitable for flat gardens, with a flat relief.

The main characteristics of such a garden:

  • severity of lines and forms;
  • all tracks must be level;
  • ponds or flower beds have the correct shape - a circle, an oval, a square, and so on.

mixed style

This option combines an element of the two styles described above. And it is the most popular among gardeners, because it can be used to bring virtually any idea to life.

And a few more additional tips to help you efficiently and beautiful arrangement garden:

  • if the plot has a slope, then planting should begin at the top and gradually descend to the base;
  • if the garden is narrow, then its arrangement is recommended to start in the middle, gradually moving towards the edges;
  • by the way, on garden beds can be grown not only beautiful flowers but also medicinal herbs;
  • when choosing a place for a recreation area, keep in mind that it should be located so that being in it, you can see all the beautiful places in the garden and admire them resting in the shade of trees.

In conclusion

Now you know how easy, but effective and rational to do your own gardening. We are confident that our advice is guaranteed to help you achieve your goal. Additional video in this article will help to better understand the basic principles of creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the local area.

Every person, for sure, dreams of always being surrounded by beauty. Beauty should surround us not only in the house, but also on the street. Today it is customary to decorate not only inner space dwellings, but also garden plots. Do it all upper class will be able professional designer. But you will have to pay a lot of money for his services. And if you do not have huge sums of money, then you can do it on your own. Indeed, in order to make your courtyard attractive, you do not need to spend a lot of money. In this case, you can get by on a limited budget. Remember that do-it-yourself garden design for the poor can make absolutely any summer cottage attractive.

We plan an economical garden design

It is important to say at the beginning that it is not possible to ennoble the site without spending money at all. Therefore, it is worth first calculating the amount of finance that you can allocate for landscaping. Below we describe the sequence of actions by which your garden will become more attractive.

Looking for building materials.

Old trash, for sure, is in your country house. As a rule, it is stored in sheds or pantries. You will use the items suitable for garden design. In this case, the following can be involved in decorating the garden: boards, logs, old tires from a car, leaky barrels and buckets, pieces of reinforcement. For arranging small mini-flower beds, you can even use holey shoes. And an old bathtub and a broken stroller can be used as a flower garden.

We evaluate the site and future work.

If you are interested in do-it-yourself garden design, then you can look at some photos for inspiration. Thanks to them, you can find for yourself perfect solution. Before you start decorating your garden, it is important to evaluate your site and draw it up. rough plan. In this case, you can use computer program, and if you do not know how to be friends with a computer, then you do not need to despair. Arm yourself with a pen with a notebook and go to your yard. It is necessary to sketch out a rough plan of your site on a piece of paper. Designate in the notebook the house and those buildings that are involved as household. In the plan, it is worth indicating the location of the cardinal points. It is also necessary to evaluate the configuration of the site. Write about your soil and note any irregularities that it has.

If the house was recently built and there are no landings next to it, then this is a good situation. But in practice it is quite different. And so we all want to change the situation and produce an inexpensive landscape design for a summer cottage. As a rule, cheap materials or those materials that are at hand can be used here. You need to think about the layout of the garden plot. What changes will you make in this case? If you intend to move the garden, then think in advance about the work that will be carried out.

On the separate sheet those plants that already grow in the country are written out. In a separate column, indicate those trees and plants that do not make sense to replant. You can quickly and cheaply change the situation in your garden with the help of perennials. You don't need to buy plants. It is enough to ask your friends who can give you their shoots.

Planning details.

Out of hand experienced designer can get out beautiful drawing and a plan for describing actions to improve the garden plot. But even without any skills, you can also do just as well. On a plan in a regular notebook, draw with a pen those details that you want to get. In this case, it is necessary to place explanatory notes on the sidelines.

On the plan, flower beds are indicated by an oval or a square. It all depends on the form that they will have in the future. Straight or winding lines indicate paths in the garden. Large circles are large trees. Small circles are shrubs. A number is placed in the center of the circle. And then on a separate sheet opposite each we put down the name of the plant.

In general, for design elements you need to develop your own notation. This system should be convenient and understandable for you. At the same time, you can change your plan taking into account the possibilities and your desires.

There are a few tips to keep in mind when planning your garden design. In this case, you can make the right decision and make your garden very beautiful.

We take into account the location of the cardinal points.

  • On the garden plot, everything should be located correctly relative to the cardinal points.
  • The north side will always be in the shade. Therefore, in this area it is better to place a place to relax.
  • On the east side Sun rays stay from sunrise until noon. In such a zone, it is most pleasant to drink a cup of tea in the early morning and listen to the birds singing. Therefore, it is recommended to place a table or bench here.
  • The west side is well illuminated by the sun's rays. This usually happens from noon until sunset.
  • The south side is considered the best in the garden. Sun throughout daylight hours is in this part. Therefore, all design elements, as well as flower beds, are recommended to be located in this zone.

We divide the site into zones.

Even the smallest land plot can be divided into certain zones. In this case, you do not have to build huge walls or plant expensive shrubs. Here you can get by on a budget. To divide the site, it is enough to drive in a couple of stakes and pull the twine. Nearby it is worth planting a climbing perennial or annual plant. The effect will be amazing. You can also stretch the twine between two trees.

On a solid support that can last more than one year, you can put: various varieties grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. You can divide the site by means of: arches with looping plants, trellises or some kind of decorative walls.

Paths and paths.

Ordinary paths and paths in the country are not best solution. As a rule, walking on them is not very convenient due to dirt and weeds. Resolving the situation is easy. The paths are tiled. It's comfortable and beautiful. You can also fill them with rubble or gravel. Naturally, the second option is cheaper, but if you have the opportunity, then choose a tile.

An excellent solution for the garden would be a grass path called "highlander". This weed easily masters any surface. He is not afraid of trampling, but in summer time Walking this trail is a real pleasure. This herb is growing at a fast pace. Therefore, its growth can be reduced by trimming with trimmer scissors.

A beautiful and very comfortable path can be made from birch logs. These logs are simply sawn into circles, which should not be too thin. After that, the path is laid out in circles. The result will be very beautiful, and the path will lay you down for a long time.

On a note! You should not lay out a path from birch circles in the place where children play. They can trip over the mugs and injure themselves.

And some more tips for arranging paths and paths.

  • For a solo hike, a path 60-80 cm wide is suitable.
  • For paired paths, a path is constructed with a width of 1.2 meters.
  • To approach the house, a path is built, having a width of 1.2-1.4 meters. What does garden path on the way to the house should gradually expand.
  • The shape of the track must be chosen taking into account landscape features his summer cottage.
  • If the path has sharp bends, then they are masked. Typically, in this case, use ornamental trees or shrubs.
  • From the front door to the gate there should be a flat and wide road.

Let's talk about borders

Borders are an integral part of any suburban area. You can build them from different materials. Suitable in this case: tiles and border tape. But sometimes such materials are not available in the country. The way out is very simple. Take discs and planks of wood. But they should be pre-soaked with used engine oil. This action will prevent the material from rotting. Such borders may not last long. But during this time you can find those materials that will become a replacement and form a beautiful border.

Lawn in the country.

In this article, we list DIY garden design ideas. In addition to tips, you can also see photos here. In landscape design, a lawn is quite common. But this element is considered the most difficult to care for. And if there is no money to buy seeds, but you really want to have a plot with a lawn, then you can get by with a budget option. In this situation, a grassy area is selected, which is regularly mowed. Remember that with constant mowing of grass, weeds lose their ability to grow and also multiply. In a couple of years of such actions, weed grass will completely leave the site, and it will be replaced by beautiful grasses that usually grow in a meadow.

A meadow grass lawn will not be very beautiful. However, it is extremely easy to care for such a site. They mow it once a month, and the grass is not removed at the same time, it will be fertilizer. In addition, it will be difficult for weeds to grow through it. This type of lawn has several other advantages. For example, he is not afraid of trampling and it is so pleasant to walk barefoot on it in the summer to harden the body.

Small forms of architecture.

Auxiliary elements in the decor of the garden plot are MAFs. MAF is small architectural forms. They can be: benches, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other elements. Some of these elements are easy to make yourself. In this case, you do not have to spend huge amounts of money. Here, for example, it is very simple to make benches. And to give beauty or from strong winds, a trellis is installed behind the bench, which is made of slats or slats. Also, for beauty, you can plant vines that will beautifully braid this support.

Quite often on the garden plot you can see gazebos. But it is not so easy to build it with your own hands. And yes, this is costly. You can do it differently. Take reinforcement or high poles, from which form a hut. Climbing plants are planted next to such a structure. Naturally, such an arbor is not capable of protecting from rain and precipitation. But it is quite possible to hide from the sun. In addition, such a product will be an excellent decorative element.

Flowerbeds and flowerbeds.

Just digging up a plot and planting flowers on it is half the battle. It is worth remembering that even the most expensive plant varieties will look ridiculous in untidy beds or flower beds. It is best to use fewer plants in the composition. However, it is worth thinking about their combination.

In the country, flower beds and flower beds can be of completely different shapes. Moreover, the size can also be different. construction beautiful flower garden is not an easy task. But, if you take into account some rules, then you will succeed.

First of all, the chosen place and environmental conditions are evaluated. The site for planting flowers should be consecrated and have fertile soil. Plants are planted only in suitable place. They are grouped according to the requirement for watering. Highly not recommended in this case. moisture-loving plant plant with the plant you like moderate watering. In such a situation, one of the plants will necessarily suffer.

When planting flowers, pay attention to layering. In the foreground are low flowers. But plant large ones in the back. Small plants should frame the entire flower garden if it is clearly visible from all sides. But large flowers are planted in the center.

Throughout the season, the flower garden should play a decorative role. Before planning your flower bed, you need to know the flowering time of the plants you plan to plant. Pay attention to decorative leafy plants. They are quite varied. Therefore, you can easily find everything you need.

Everything in the flower garden flowering plants should match in color. A flower bed should be well-chosen. A good option are flowers white color. They can be combined with flowers of any color. But the 50:50 color ratio isn't particularly pretty. The right combination 1/3 and 2/3.

Flowerbeds from handy material

Do you think that decorating the site with flowers is an expensive undertaking? Then it is worth saying that you are grossly mistaken. Cash you only have to spend planting material, but to create flower beds you will need handy materials. old bath, an unnecessary log and even a leaky bucket - all this can serve you to create an original flower bed.

In arrangement landscape design old shoes and bags may be included. These items are filled with earth and hung throughout the site. Such interesting flower beds Lobelia and petunia grow well.

If you pre-paint the old car tires, then you can plant flowers in them.


In this article, we have listed for readers just a few options for arranging a summer cottage. Of course, we offer you not expensive ideas with which your garden will sparkle with new colors.

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Summer is just around the corner, the season of holidays and vacations begins. And many summer residents are beginning to prepare for the new season. Buy something, plant, paint, make repairs in the country. But what about those who just bought a summer cottage? Of course, to engage in its arrangement.


Cleaning and planning

The cottage should be clean, cozy and, most importantly, comfortable. You need to start the arrangement of the site, of course, with cleaning. The area must be cleared of leaves, tree branches and various household debris. stones and construction garbage should also be removed.

Next, you can plan how to equip the cottage. In this case, you may need landscape designer services. If you do not have the finances to pay for the work of a designer or want to equip your cottage on your own, then you will have to study this area a little.

Everything starts from planning and drafting. You must first figure out what to leave in place and what to redo. It is advisable not to touch the trees, you can only increase their number by planting new ones. This is justified by the fact that it is plants and trees that create a unique country atmosphere.

In most cases, a suburban area consists of the following elements:

  1. Place for rest and leisure. Pavilions, barbecues for barbecue lovers, tents for night rest.
  2. Playground. Sandbox, swings, slides.
  3. Economic area. Garage, barn, bathroom.
  4. Country garden. You can plant different fruit trees, such as apple, cherry or ornamental green trees.
  5. Country garden. You can plant there as you wish. different plants eg strawberries.

Fencing selection

Next, you should move on to fencing the site, since not a single owner wants strangers to move freely in his possessions.

Fencing is best brick or metal mesh . These materials are quite high quality, their manufacturers guarantee a long service life.

But there is also more cheap options . For example, weaving. This option has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • lightweight construction and easy assembly / disassembly;
  • easy disposal (after the expiration date, you can send the fence to the fireplace for the firebox).


  • short service life - no more than 3 years;
  • fragility.

Gallery: arrangement of a summer cottage (25 photos)

Laying out tracks

Paths are a very important element of the interior of the cottage. They are of the following types:

Each of these species is unique in its own way. Concrete paths are distinguished by their simplicity and cheapness so you can make them yourself. Concrete is made up of water, cement, and other ingredients that can be found at any hardware store. Of the tools for creating a design, we need a roofing material.

Stone paths are quite expensive, but this is explained original appearance . If you have stock natural stone, you can use it, and purchase the missing stone. It doesn't have to be identical.

Bricks are laid out by hand and interconnected cement mortar. If you want to do everything qualitatively, you will have to work hard for a long time.

A distinctive feature of stone and concrete paths is that they are characterized long service life and easily withstand loads up to 500 kilograms.

Recreation area

It is desirable to equip a place to relax in the garden or on the lawn. You can put a few benches and a table. For barbecue lovers, we can recommend a brazier, but because of the technique fire safety it must be placed away from the recreation area. Installation of a brazier nearby neighboring plot is also prohibited. Don't forget gazebos and awnings. They can be placed closer to the center.

Now they are very fashionable Garden swing. They are usually designed for 2-4 seats. Another interesting option landscaping is swing sofas, which are perfect for receiving guests and relaxing pensioners. They are designed for 3-4 people, they do not sway much, which makes it possible to ride and talk at the same time.

For children, there are more a budget optionswing made of plastic. These swings are quite stable and are not inferior to other more expensive options. Sustainability is ensured through metal frame. Quite often they are sold complete with a slide for kids.

The most conservative and simple swing is a hammock. Hammocks are of two types:

  • with fastening between two trees or supporting pillars;
  • frame stationary with prefabricated structure.

They are very strong and can withstand weight up to 150 kilograms. When arranging playgrounds for children, safety should be emphasized. They should be located closer to the gazebo or house, so that it is convenient to look after the children. The playground should be light and not hot. To do this, you can install awnings there. Slides, swings, horizontal bars must be of high quality and safe. In addition, do not forget that the playground must be kept clean. Pool, if it is in the country, should be covered with a net because it is considered an unsafe place for children.

Arranging a recreation area in the country is an opportunity to show your imagination. You can even put benches made with your own hands.

Garden decoration

Now it's time to start landscaping your garden. Lawns and flower beds should look harmonious and blend with the house, creating a natural natural area. You need to pay attention to the composition of the soil. If it is dry and hard, it needs treat with fertilizers.

Shrubs and lawns- this is the visiting card of each garden plot. In order not to waste time growing a lawn, you can buy it and just spread it. If you want to grow a lawn yourself, you can purchase special seeds. But for this, the soil will have to be well treated with fertilizers.

When buying ready-made lawns, you should pay attention to their color, drought resistance and freshness. They should be shade-tolerant and trampling-resistant. If you have little experience in such matters, you can contact your neighbors or a specialist in the store where you buy this lawn.

A country shrub can be planted near fences and paths and do not forget to take care of it. Such shrubs are beautiful, but quite whimsical to care for. If you take good care of them, they will bear fruit.

If we talk about flower beds - they delight the eye with their presence. Can choose different combinations colors: tulips, periwinkles, adonis amur. And do not forget that they need to be watered on time, because the flowers growing in the flower beds do not tolerate the sun and heat very well. But it shouldn't be too dark either.

You can do it yourself from cellophane and a balloon.

Design direction

If we talk about which style of landscape to choose, then this primarily depends on your age and hobbies. In addition, your ideas should match your budget.

For retired people, practicality is important. They are likely to grow vegetables, berries and fruits on the land. Therefore, almost all summer they will be in the country.

But for young people, beauty and romance are important. They will not have time to take care of the lawn and flower beds, since they will only appear in the country to relax.

Taking into account these features, the summer cottage should be equipped. At the same time, we must not forget that the personal plot is the face of the dacha.

Most often, plots are made out in the following styles.

  1. Architectural Modern. This style is suitable for young people who love comfort and convenience. Hangings, gazebos, small pond, swing sofas, sandy paths, fountains and, of course, if there is room - a pool. At the same time, do not forget about your financial and technical capabilities. Because this style requires a lot of effort and financial costs. From the architect - the idea, and from you - the resources.
  2. Regular garden style. This style focuses on shrubs and flower beds. They are made and cut in the form of various shapes. It can be a circle, square, oval, triangle. Shrubs need to be cut strictly according to the geometric structure. At the same time, their landing is important. Properly planted shrubs will be much easier to cut. Regularity refers to sufficient spacing between stands.
  3. Rural natural style. This style is suitable for pensioners who like to create vegetable gardens at their dacha. Everything should look natural - flower beds, flowers, sandy paths, trees. As if everything had grown by itself in nature. You can build mini-greenhouses and greenhouses.

Lighting system

The lighting system should be perceived not only as an economic, but also as decorative element. Luminaires play an important role as they not only provide light but also decorate interior or exterior.

Lighting must necessarily capture the house, garage, gazebo, recreation area and paths. In addition, you can create decorative lighting. These are classic lamps near the paths and in the center of the gazebo.

In order for the system to work properly and without interruptions, you need to constantly adjust the central shield. In the backyard it would be wise install automatic LEDs. They are characterized by long service life and easy to use. personal plot should be well lit.

Building a veranda

Many people consider the veranda an indispensable part of their summer cottages. As a rule, the idea of ​​building this element arises after the purchase of the site.

This is a classic place for an unforgettable holiday. The ideal option will be if arranged on the veranda fireplace or stove- it will not only look beautiful, but also allow you to spend your leisure time there in the winter.

So that the veranda is not filled with various unpleasant odors, definitely needed install a quality hood. You can also install a sofa or rocking chair there. On the veranda you can put oval table medium sizes.

In order to enjoy nature in winter, you can decorate the veranda indoor flowers . All of the above features may seem complicated at first, but if you delve into the details, you will understand that there is nothing complicated.

It is important to understand that if you equip the cottage with your own hands, then it will be much more comfortable for you to spend time there. In addition, you do not have to spend money on paying for the services of a landscape designer.

In our time, the dacha remains the only salvation from city life. Here fresh air and Live nature, this is a great place to calm your nerves and relax. And no sanatoriums are needed, because you yourself participated in creating the ideal vacation spot.