Summary of the lesson Topic: “Blossoming spring. Abstract of the lesson on the spring theme in the senior group on the topic: Flowering plants Drawing theme blooming gardens in the senior group

natalia kuzmenko
GCD abstract for drawing in the senior group

Program tasks:

1. Consolidate children's knowledge of the landscape as a genre of fine art.

2. To consolidate the skills of using the method of poking with the end of the brush and applying an imprint with a potato seal (carrots).

3. Lead the children to the fact that the landscape can be draw not only from nature but invent it yourself.

4. To develop the ability of children to create a composition of a plot drawing - to place objects on a wide strip of land.

5. Develop the ability to independently select colors in accordance with the invented plot.

6. To form the skills to use rational methods when drawing homogeneous objects (first draw all the trunks and branches of trees, then the foliage on all trees)

Lesson material:

Illustration with a landscape of a blooming garden;

Album sheet, A4 size;


Potato seals (carrots);

A bowl with an ink pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache;


preliminary work:

Nature observation in spring;

Reading landscape lyrics: T. Karelina "I love when gardens bloom", S. Batyrya "Blooming garden", V. Sharipova "Lilac blossoms in the garden";

Examining illustrations of flowering trees, bushes, colors.

1. Organizational part

caregiver: Guys, look what a wonderful morning greets us today! The sun is trying "dazzle" us with its bright rays, as if playing blind man's blind with us. Trees with blossoming foliage wave their branches to us, inviting us for a walk. The earth, overgrown with grass, calls us to frolic on its soft, green carpet. And all because guys, that all nature rejoices at the arrival of spring and tries to convey to us all the wonders of this wonderful time. Now I will introduce you to another of the most unique phenomena of the miracle of spring, which Nikolai Nekrasov describes:

Like drenched in milk

There are cherry orchards

Quiet noise...

N. Nekrasov

caregiver: Guys, what does this poem say?

caregiver: How do you understand the expression "drenched in milk"?

Examination of a reproduction based on a painting by A. Gerasimov "Apple orchard".

caregiver: What draws you to this picture? /Children's answers/

caregiver: The blueness of the sky, many white inflorescences, green grass - all this merges into a joyful hymn to the blossoming nature. And now let's listen to wonderful poems about flowering gardens.

/ Children recite excerpts from poems by Y. Kul, S. Batyr /

I love when gardens bloom

How beautiful! See all in colors!

Like a bride, an apple tree stands

In the snow-white decoration of spring.

Blooming garden. There are apple and cherry trees.

Bees and bumblebees fly around.

Here - the rustle of branches, the smell of nectar,

And pinkish white flowers.

Educator. Guys, what do we call a picture in which the artist depicts our nature with its forests, fields, rivers, lakes, gardens?

/Children's answers. If it is difficult to recall - by reading an excerpt from a poem by M. Yasnov /

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut,

Be sure to picture

It's called... landscape.

caregiver: Come on, guys, and we will draw landscapes of flowering gardens.

Finger warm-up: Our white flowers open their petals.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our white flowers cover the petals

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.

Only we won't sleep

And we'll start draw.

Slowly unbend your fingers from the cams, swing your hands to the right and left; slowly squeeze your fingers into fists, shake your fists back and forth. Rhythmic compression of the cams of the hands lowered down.

2. Practical part

The work of children, accompanied by the sound of a piece of music.

1. Application of the background / earth, sky /.

2. Painting trees /image of tree trunks and branches/.

3. Painting leaves on all trees /using the method of poking with the end of the brush/.

4. Painting white inflorescences /using the imprinting method/.

5.Making additions to the drawing: /grass, sun, flowers, clouds/.

During work, you should take a break to rest.

Physical education minute

Here we took the paints in our hands, clasp our hands in "lock"

And it didn't become boredom group. Rotational movements in a circle

To make it more fun, Clap your hands

Let's draw a spring garden. Imitation drawing

Spring has come to the wonderful garden

And a light breeze tends the trees

Beauty flowers are scattered all around Squats, hands touching the floor

And in white sundresses

The trees are spinning. Spin around yourself.

3. Summary of the lesson

caregiver: We got beautiful landscapes that can be a spring gift for your loved ones. painted blooming gardens with you will delight you for a long time, even when in nature they have already faded.

Gardens are blooming! And so much love in them -

In the raging, boiling white flowers ...

In them nightingales whistle serenades

About the soon, long-awaited

Abstract of a lesson for children of the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic "The World of Amazing Flowers".

Material Description: I offer a summary of classes for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic "The World of Amazing Flowers". This material will be useful for educators of the older group. This is a summary of a cognitive lesson aimed at developing work skills in children of senior preschool age, contributes to the development of personality traits: observation, responsiveness, independence, diligence, establishing a positive attitude towards the natural world, towards work in nature.

Situation type: discovery of new knowledge.
Subject:"The world of amazing flowers."
Target: the formation in preschoolers of the ability to draw up and read schemes of "successive actions" using the example of a pictorial scheme for planting flowers.
one). Expand:
- basic knowledge about the natural world (on the example of the world of flowers);
- knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants;
2). To consolidate ideas about ecological connections in nature: the dependence of living nature on inanimate.
one). to promote the development of personality traits: observation, responsiveness, independence, diligence.
one). contribute to the formation
- ecological culture of children of senior preschool age; - installation of a positive attitude to the natural world, to work in nature;
2). create conditions for:
- development of respect for nature;
- manifestations of independence in labor activity (labor in nature).
Preliminary work.
1 Conversation "Why do plants need water, sun, earth."
2 Observation of the growth of onions in the ground, water.
3 Examination of flowering plants.
4 Reading and retelling of the Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots".
5 Watching an animated film based on the story of V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik".
6 Memorization of sowing verses, sentences.
Materials for the lesson.
Demo material:
1 cards with the image of the sun, water, soil, air: size: 13 × 13;
2 cards with an image of an empty pot, a pot of earth, a flower bulb with germinated sprouts, a scoop to create a recess in the ground, a pot of earth and a planted bulb, a watering can with water: size: 13 × 13;
3 arrows - 5 pcs.
1 pots, scoops, watering cans with water according to the number of children;
2 flower bulbs according to the number of children;
3 container with a lot of land;
4 aprons for each child.
1 magnetic board: size: 120×100 cm;
2 tables 2 pcs. (placed in a square) or one round table;
3 oilcloths to cover the table;
4 chairs according to the number of children;
5 suit for the Flower Fairy;
6 fabulous flower "Flower-seven-flower";
7 green flooring (artificial) for flowerbed equipment - 2 pcs.;
8 artificial wild flowers - 12 pcs:
chamomile - 4 pcs.;
poppy - 4 pcs;
cornflower - 2 pcs.;
bell - 2 pcs.
9 artificial garden flowers - 12 pcs:
rose - 2 pcs.;
narcissus - 2 pcs.;
tulip - 4 pcs.;
iris - 2 pcs.;
lily - 2 pcs.
10 Flower basket - 2 pcs.
Necessary materials:
1 letter from the Fairy of Flowers;
2 audio recordings:
V. Dashkevich, sl. Y. Kim “Come visit us” from the movie “There on unknown paths” (without words);
P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Snowdrop" from the cycle "The Seasons";
P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker";
P.I. Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Dragee Fairy from The Nutcracker.
3 Screensaver-picture "Flower City" for projection on the screen.

Course progress.

1. Introduction to the game situation.
The children enter the group room.
Guys, we have guests! Let's say hello to them. They are happy to see you and smile at you! Show that you are happy with them too. Get to know them.
Come to me!
- Today a mysterious letter arrived in our kindergarten!
The teacher reads the letter.
"Dear Guys! I beg you to help me in one very difficult but useful matter. Spring has long come into its own, and I do not have time to cope with planting flowers. Hope you can help me!

I live in Flower City. I am waiting for you! Fairy of Flowers.
- Guys, do you like flowers? (Yes.), (Of course we love flowers!), (Very much!).
- Tell poems about flowers that you know!
Children read poems about flowers that they have learned in advance.
- Do you want to help the Flower Fairy? (We want.), (Of course.), (We love to help.).
Who is the Flower Fairy? (Sorceress.), (Storyteller.), (Beautiful girl.).
- Do you think we can help her? (Yes.).
- Why? (We have already helped many.), (We will try, and we will be able to help.).
- What should be done for this? (We all need to plant flowers together.), (It is necessary that each of us plant a flower.).
- How can we get to the Flower Fairy? (With the help of magical words.), (With the help of magical objects: a flying carpet, a magic wand, a magic flower, a pipe.).
- In our group, in a corner of nature, there is a magical plant Flower-seven-flower. Can he help us get to the Flower Fairy? (Of course he will.).
- I think it's time for us to rush to the aid of the Flower Fairy! How can we use the possibilities of the Seven-flower Flower? (Let's take one petal, say the magic words and move to the Flower City.)
To the music of V. Dashkevich, Y. Kim “Come visit us”, children say the words: “Fly. Fly, petal. Through the west to the east. Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, to be in our opinion. We want us to be in the city of flowers.”
2. Actualization in a game situation.
A picture appears on the screen - the splash screen of the flower city. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker.
- What do we see in the flower city? (Flowers.)
- What are the flowers (Garden.), (Field.).
- Let's get acquainted with the inhabitants of the flower city! Select garden flowers from the basket, name them and place them on a green meadow.
The guys take from the first basket, in which there are both garden and wild flowers, only garden flowers, they name and place them on the proposed green flooring.
In a vase on a green flooring, only garden flowers are collected.
- You know a lot of garden flowers. I really want to make sure that you know the wild flowers well. Choose wild flowers from the second basket and place them on another green meadow!
The guys take from the second basket, in which there are both garden and wild flowers, only wild flowers, they name and place them on the proposed green flooring.
In a vase on a green flooring, only wild flowers are collected.
- You know a lot of flowers! I think you can say a lot of beautiful words about flowers! (Multi-colored.), (Graceful.), (Beautiful.), (Beautiful.), (Fragrant.), (Unusual.), (Bright.), (Perfumed.), (Multi-colored.).
- Well done! What wonderful words you said about flowers!
What can't flowers grow without? (Flowers need soil.), (The soil in which the roots are located provides the flowers with nutrients.)
The child takes a card with the image of a pot of soil and attaches it to the board.
What can't flowers grow without? (Without water.), (Water waters the plants, washes them.)
- Choose (child's name), the desired card and attach it to the board.
The child takes a card with the image of water and attaches it to the board.
What can't flowers grow without? (Without the sun.), (The sun warms the plants, gives them warmth.)
The child takes a card with the image of the sun and attaches it to the board.
What can't flowers grow without? (Flowers need air.), (All living things need air to breathe!)
- Take, (name of the child), the desired card and attach it to the board.
The child takes a card with the image of air and attaches it to the board.
What can't flowers grow without? (Flowers need care.), (My grandmother says that without love for them, they grow poorly and dry.).
- Of course, plants need: care, care and love, which contribute to the growth, flowering and beauty of plants!
Let's pretend we're plants!
Psycho-gymnastics "I am a plant."
Against the background of the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" from the cycle "The Seasons" the text sounds. Children perform the indicated movements.
Children's Movement text
Imagine that you are a baby plant. They put you in the ground. You are still very small. Very weak, fragile, defenseless. Children squat down, bending their heads to their knees, portraying themselves as a small plant.
- But someone's kind hands are watering you, wiping the dust, loosening the ground so that your roots breathe. You start growing. The teacher approaches the children and strokes each on the head. The children begin to rise slowly, depicting the growth of a flower.
- Your petals have grown. The stem has become strong, you reach for the light. Children stand up to their full height, stretching their arms up.
- It's so good for you to live with other beautiful flowers. The children sway, pretending to be flowers, and smile.
- Did you enjoy being plants? (Yes.), (I liked it.).
- Why? (We were looked after!), (We were taken care of!).
3. Difficulty in a game situation
The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Dragee Fairy" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".
- Listen, someone is coming. I'll go and see! Just be quiet!
The teacher comes out and puts on the outfit of the Fairy of Flowers. Returns.
- Hello guys! I am the Flower Fairy. Why did you come to my city? (We have come to help you plant flowers.).
- Do you know how to plant flowers? (Not.).
- What are we facing? (There was a problem!).
- Why don't you know? (We don’t know how), (I only saw how my parents planted parsley in the country.), (We didn’t try it.), (All flowers are different: some are planted with seeds, others with bulbs).
4. Discovery of new knowledge
- Can you learn how to plant flowers? (…… (Yes!).
- What is needed for landing? (The soil).
Where should we put soil? (In a flower pot).
- ... .. (child's name), select a card and attach it to the board.
The child attaches a card with an empty pot on the board.
- What do you think we will do next?
(Fill in the soil.)
- Why? (Plants need soil.), (For a flower to feed.), (Nutrients are in the soil.)
- ...... (child's name), select the desired card and attach it on the board.
The child attaches a card with the image of a pot of earth on the board.
- I have sprouted bulbs of tulips and daffodils. Let's take a look at them! Where are the roots, where are the tops? (The tops are green leaves, and the roots are at the bottom, thin, like threads.)
- You see that the first sprouts have appeared. How will we plant a tulip (narcissus) bulb with roots or tops? (Roots.)
- Why? (All flowers have roots in the ground.)
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board as a designation of the next action to be taken when planting flowers.
- ...... (child's name), select the desired card.
The child chooses a card with the image of an onion and attaches it to the board.
- What needs to be done so that the bulb is comfortable in the ground.
(We need to make a recess.), (Dig a hole with a scoop.)
- Well done. Such a hole is called a hole.
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board as a designation of the next action to be taken when planting flowers.
- ... (child's name), please select the desired card and attach it on the board.
The child chooses a card with the image of an owl in the ground and attaches it to the board.
- What are we going to do next?
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board as a designation of the next action to be taken when planting flowers.
(Let's cover with earth.), (Let's cover the roots of the bulb with earth).
- Well done! Choose the right card ... (child's name), please!
The child chooses a card with the image of an onion in a pot and attaches it to the board.
- Have you done everything to make our tulips grow? (Not all.)
- What else needs to be done!
The teacher attaches an “arrow” to the board as a designation for the next action to be taken when planting flowers. (Water.)
What happens if you don't water the flowers? (Dies.)
- Why? (Flowers need water!), (This is their food.), (They grow from water.)
- Who wants to find the right card? Good, …. (child's name), go pick a card.
The child chooses a card with the image of a watering can and attaches it to the board.
- Let's repeat all our actions when planting flowers.
The fairy leads with a pointer along the drawing scheme built on the board, and the children pronounce the algorithm for planting flowers.
- ... .. (child's name), name the first action when planting flowers. (Prepare pots.).
- Further, …. (child's name), what are we going to do? (Pour soil.).
What is our next action... (child's name)? (Sprout bulbs or seeds until the first sprouts appear.).
- Explain, .... (child's name), looking at the diagram of how we proceed. (It is necessary to make a recess.), (Dig a hole with a scoop, which is called a hole.).
- Good. Then, …. (child's name), explain your action. (We will cover with earth, cover the roots of the bulb.).
- And the last action, .... (child's name)? (Must be watered.)

What difficulty did we encounter in class? (We did not know how to plant flowers.).
- What do you tell me now? (We figured out how to plant flowers!).
- Just understood?
The teacher leads with a pointer along the drawing scheme built on the board.
(We made a picture diagram "How to plant flowers?").
- Why do we need a drawing scheme? (Explain to others.), (If you forgot, look at her and quickly remember everything.).
- What is indicated in the diagram? (The procedure for planting flowers.), (We know how to proceed when planting flowers).
- So, we can plant flowers!
5. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system
"Now let's go to the table and get to work!" Let's wear aprons. Each of you has everything you need for planting flowers.
- Get to work.
Children start planting flowers. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers". The teacher corrects the activities of the children, drawing their attention to the pattern of planting flowers on the board.
- Well done! You did everything according to the scheme. To make our flowers grow faster, we will tell you the sowing sentence.
Sowing sentence.
Oh, you, my onion,
You, do not be afraid that the earth!
Lie down in the hole you are at the bottom!
Nothing dark in there.
To the light, to the sun from the earth
You sprout, hurry up!
Like early spring
Let the sprouts sprout with us.
Come out of the darkness to the sun:
"Hello sun, it's us!"
What else do flowers need? (Warm.), (Sun.).
- Let's all put pots with planted flowers on the windowsill together.
Children, together with the Flower Fairy, put the pots on the windowsill.
- You helped me a lot! I am grateful to you and I give you a magic box with a surprise! It can only be opened in the kindergarten group. It's time for us to say goodbye. All the best!
The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Dragee Fairy". The fairy leaves (takes off her outfit). Returns as a teacher.
- Guys, we need to go back to kindergarten!
To the music of V. Dashkevich, Y. Kim “Come visit us”, children say the magic words: “Fly. Fly, petal. Through the west to the east. Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, to be in our opinion. We want us to be in kindergarten, in our group, ”they tear off the petal and return to the group.
6. Bottom line.
- Guys, where were we today? (In the Flower City.).
- Why did we go there? (In order to help the Fairy with planting flowers).
- What helped us cope with planting flowers? (We made a diagram that you could look at and see how to plant flowers correctly.), (We poured soil into pots, made a hole, planted a germinated tulip bulb with roots down, sprinkled it with soil, watered it and put it on the windowsill in the sun.).
- This is very important and useful knowledge. Where can they be useful to you? (We can plant flowers in the country, with a grandmother in the village.), (Teach other children or adults how to plant flowers according to the scheme.).
- Why did you succeed? (Because we learned how to draw and read a diagram.), (We were smart, attentive, diligent, quick-witted.).
- You really were friendly today and together they made and read the scheme for planting flowers.
Let's see what the Flower Fairy put in the box!
- Oh, yes, here are daffodil bulbs that we can plant on the site of our kindergarten! Hey, the Flower Fairy! Great, there are also medals for all the children! This means that you all worked very well! The teacher rewards pupils with medals and praises.
- Say goodbye to our guests and ask them: did they like our flower planting scheme?
Children communicate with adult listeners and say goodbye.

  • learn to draw flowers with gouache paints, mixing them, use various techniques: strokes, priming, whirling.


  • learn to draw with long, short strokes, priming, in a circular motion, bright flowers of various shapes by mixing paints and applying them to each other;
  • convey in the picture the brightness and warmth of summer,
  • reflect on paper their emotions, feelings and moods inspired by music.

Means and materials: drawing paper, gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, a recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", toy "butterfly".

Lesson progress:

AT. Guys, look who came to us today:

What is this miracle bird?

Or a small flower?

colorful, spinning

From petal to petal.

Guessed? Of course it's a butterfly! Although the summer has already passed, while it is warm, the butterfly is spinning and flying over the flowers, itself as bright and colorful as summer flowers. But in autumn the sun warms less and less, and the flowers wither without light and heat. Therefore, the butterfly flew to visit us to warm up and look for flowers, because she is so sad without them.

Let's make the butterfly happy and draw many colorful and bright flowers. And to make it easier for us to remember the summer, I will turn on the music, and you imagine how the butterfly will flutter over the flowers, and then tell me what you imagined and what kind of flowers they were (sounds “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “ Nutcracker"). You hear how light and melodic this music is, it shimmers with different colors, sunny, playful, joyful and bright, like summer. (Children share their impressions of music and their ideas.)

AT. Let's practice before drawing flowers on paper, draw them in the air (children take brushes and make circular movements in the air - one flower, two, three).

Who is ready to draw flowers for a butterfly? Is everyone in a good mood? But remember, the butterfly chooses the brightest and largest flowers, you must try to make her like your flowers. (Music plays throughout the lesson).

The first flower, the largest, we will draw in the center of the leaf, it has a round center and round petals around. At first it was yellow, but when it grew, the sun warmed it and with its rays left red traces - stripes on the petals and dots in the middle.

A second flower grew next to it, it has a small middle and long thin petals. While he was growing up, he was constantly dissatisfied that he was not too bright, so several colors were mixed in him at once: red (children draw long strokes from the center outward, slightly rounding); yellow (in the same technique, some strokes are applied to red, some separately, all this is arbitrary), and blue paint.

The third flower is unusual, it looks like a spikelet, it has a long stem, on which small flowers grow. At first they were blue, but then the sun decided to add red paint, and the flower immediately cheered up (children draw a stem - a long stroke, blue flowers around it, and on top - arbitrarily, not necessarily exactly falling into the contour of blue paint - red paint, using that same reception).

Now you can finish at will any flowers that you saw or came up with yourself, leaves.


The flowers are ready, we will make a clearing for our butterfly. (We lay out the drawings on the floor in a large circle, the butterfly flies, choosing the most successful flowers, the children explain why she liked these flowers, how to make the flower brighter, bigger and more attractive).

AT. Well done! Now the butterfly will be able to live with us all winter, because here it has so many beautiful flowers.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Saransk City District "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 13"

Summary of the final lesson


in the senior group

on the topic:

"Gardens in Bloom"

Lesson held

and developed a teacher of additional education

Makolova S.V.

Program content:

  1. Strengthen landscape painting skills
  2. To fix the technique and methods of working with watercolor
  3. Fix the rules for mixing paints
  4. Fix genres in the visual arts


Water in cups, watercolor paints, squirrel brush No. 4, brush stands, white gouache, palette, cotton swab, napkin, A4 sheet, a simple pencil for each child. Demo material.

Methodical methods:

Artistic word, finger gymnastics, physical education, question-and-answer conversation, drawing demonstration, looking at illustrations.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Hello guys. Today we are going to draw. Let's sit straight, back straight, and put our hands on the table.

Before I start drawing, I want to ask you what season it is now and what month (spring, May)

Well done boys. Did you know that fruit trees are in full bloom in May? What fruit trees do you know? (apple, cherry, pear)


When I went to your group, I found a letter near your door, let me read it to you.

“Dear children from group No._. You write fairy tale characters. There are beautiful gardens in our country. They bloom every spring. But this year our gardens were bewitched by an evil wizard and they stopped blooming. The spell will break and gardens will bloom again if we have painted trees for our garden.”

Guys, let's help fairy tale characters and draw blooming apple trees. Listen to a poem by Elena Atkina.

From the white apple tree in bloom
I can't take my eyes off
Brides of youthful beauty
I see her again.

The poetess compares blossoming apple trees to a bride. Why? (they are also wearing white)

That's right, let's take a closer look at flowering trees.

Look, the flowers of the apple tree are white. From the abundance of flowers, they look like clouds that have descended from the sky.

Guys, what do we call a picture in which the artist depicts our nature with its forests, fields, rivers, lakes, gardens? (landscape)

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut,

Be sure to picture

It's called... landscape.

Finger gymnastics

Our white flowers open their petals.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our white flowers cover the petals

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.

Only we won't sleep

And we will start drawing.

Slowly unbend your fingers from the cams, swing your hands to the right and left; slowly squeeze your fingers into fists, shake your fists back and forth. Rhythmic compression of the cams of the hands lowered down.

Main part

Look at the board, how I will draw.

First, I will draw a horizon line with a simple pencil. What is a horizon? (The line where heaven and earth meet)

Watch as I begin to depict our landscape. Our sky is blue. And to get not dark, but light blue, do I need to add more water or more paint? (more water). We paint over the sky to the horizon line, diluting the paint well with water.

Our grass is green. But the green color was bewitched by an evil wizard. What colors must be mixed to get green? (blue and yellow) Blend and paint over the remaining sheet.

Let's get to work.

I approach children, I help individually.

Physical education minute

You see the butterfly is flying

He counts flowers in the meadow.

One, two, three, four, five.

For a day, for two, for a whole month

Six seven eight nine ten.

Even the wise bee

Now that the leaf is a little dry. We can draw apple trees. We draw the trunk and branches, the trunk with a thick line, and the branches with a thin one. (How can I do it)? (A thin line with the tip of the brush, and a thick line with the whole pile).Show on the board.We draw green leaves using the poke method. We don’t draw a lot of leaves, we need to leave room for flowers. Then I take gouache, I will distribute it to you now. And with a cotton swab I draw flowers on an apple tree.

Let's get started. I approach the children, I help individually.

Final part

Guys, we drew wonderful fruit trees and helped our fairy-tale heroes, and now let's get up and look at our drawings.

Completion, evaluation of works.

By fine arts activities

Synopsis of the directly-educational field
"Artistic creativity" in the senior group
group "Magic tree"

Prepared and conducted by: Ivanova E.M., teacher
1 qualification category MBDOU No. 33 "Forget-me-not", Kaluga

Subject: magic tree ( non-traditional drawing)

Target: Develop artistic and creative abilities.


To consolidate children's knowledge of non-traditional artistic and graphic drawing techniques, to show their expressive possibilities;

Encourage children to convey the characteristics of magical colors,

Achieving expressiveness with color;

To cultivate the ability to find non-standard solutions to creative problems;

Improve fine motor skills of hands and visual-motor coordination;

Continue work to enrich vocabulary, activate adjectives in children's speech;

To develop the emotional and sensual sphere of children.

Vocabulary: alarming, magical, exclamatory, travelers.

Equipment: a square of white paper, gouache, brushes of different sizes, a jar of water, a simple pencil, napkins. Panel "Magic tree". Musical accompaniment. D / and "Collect a flower" for individual work.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with non-traditional artistic and graphic drawing techniques, examining samples;

Drawing decorative flowers, examining them in the products of folk craftsmen; d / and "Collect a flower", "Lay out a pattern"


The teacher gathers the children around him. At this moment, a bell rings outside the door, the teacher opens the door and brings a ringing bell with a letter into the group. The teacher reads the envelope with the address and says that the letter is addressed to the children of our group. The teacher invites the children to open the envelope and read the letter. The letter is written in disturbing colors and all in exclamation marks.

Educator: Why such an alarming letter?

Children: The good sorceress asks for help! Something happened!

The children look at the envelope and the letter. The teacher invites the children to sit down and listen to the letter sent by the kind sorceress.

I am a good witch. Among the many wonders that surround me, there is a magical garden where an extraordinary, magical tree grows. The teacher opens a panel with a tree, the children examine it.

In spring, the tree bloomed with magical, beautiful flowers. When travelers stopped in the garden and sat down to rest under a tree, the incredible happened - they became kind.

Educator: Children, who are travelers?

Children: People who travel, who are on the road for a long time.

But this spring the flowers didn't bloom.

Educator: Why do you think?

Children make different assumptions, one of the assumptions is:

He was bewitched by an evil sorceress.

The evil sorceress also has a garden, but the trees bloom with dark, prickly, ugly flowers. She envied the beauty of this tree and decided: Since I don’t have such a beautiful flowering tree, then let no one have it! And now this tree does not bloom!

I ask you for help. Help disenchant my tree!

Educator: Children, can we help the good sorceress?

Children: Yes, we will help!

Educator: And how can we help the good sorceress?

Children: Let's draw flowers and the tree will bloom!

Educator: You and I will become wizards, and we will draw magical, beautiful flowers

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables, the children examine the materials prepared for drawing.

Educator: What magic ways of drawing do you know?

Children: We can draw with a finger, a palm, a poke with a dry brush, a monotype.

The teacher asks 3-4 children about the magical ways they will draw beautiful, magical, unusual flowers.

Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

Our scarlet flowers (Slowly unbend the fingers from the fists, shaking the hands to the right and left)

The petals are unfolding.

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway. (Slowly squeeze your fingers into fists, sway the fists back and forth)

Our scarlet flowers

Close the petals.

shake their heads

They fall asleep quietly.

Children draw, light, quiet, magical music sounds. The teacher does individual work. At the end of the work, the teacher tells the children that a good sorceress is waiting for us, it's time to finish our drawings.

Children, having finished drawing, hang their works on a tree and admire the work done, showing each other which flowers each of them painted.

Educator: What non-traditional drawing techniques did you use? Children list non-traditional techniques that they used in drawing.

Educator: What flowers did the magic tree bloom?

Children: The tree blossomed with magical, beautiful, bright, unusual flowers. We helped a good sorceress, we became kinder. Children list the colors that they used in the lesson.

Educator: What do you think, which flower is the most magical here? Why? Children's answers.

Educator: At night, when no one saw the flowers, they descended from the tree and danced. Let's try to convey their dance with our hands, body movements (pay attention to the smoothness, softness, ease of movement). Well done children!

A light, calm melody sounds, at the end the children sit down near the tree. The sorceress thanks the children, there are small albums in the bag under the tree. The lesson ends.