Built-in wardrobes on the loggia with their own hands. How to make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands cheaply and beautifully - step by step instructions. Drawings and diagrams

It will be possible to save space in the apartment and carefully equip the balcony by preparing roomy drawers for this room. Everyone can make furniture on their own, if you first figure out what to make a closet on the balcony from and how to proceed. Spacious shelves are suitable for storing conservation, clothes, bulky items, building materials. Making racks for a balcony will not take much time and special skills will not be needed for this work. All the necessary materials are easy to find in a hardware store, and tools can be found at every home.

Construction types

Before proceeding to the manufacture of furniture, it is important to decide what type of product will fit well into the dimensions of the balcony. If the space is small, then you should pay attention to the built-in model. In the process of carpentry, the walls of the balcony will serve as load-bearing structural elements. Shelves and racks are attached to the walls of the balcony without taking up much space. It is not difficult to make a built-in wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands, but before starting work it is important to think through all the details, since it will no longer be possible to move the product if necessary.

When there is a lot of space in the room, then it will turn out to be supplemented with a cabinet. Carpentry work will require large financial costs, since it will be necessary to manufacture all structural elements and the inner wall, including. The product takes up more space on the balcony, but if necessary, it is convenient to move or transport it when moving.

Making a corner cabinet on the balcony with your own hands will be a little more difficult than the two previous design options, but such a product is very roomy. This type of furniture is built-in or cabinet type. This model is made in the form of shelves attached to the corner of the room. An angular type product is installed on an insulated loggia or balcony.

It will be much more convenient to be in the room if, before making a built-in wardrobe or cabinet on the loggia, you decide what doors should be. You can make a design using the following elements:

  • Swing doors. Suitable for the loggia, where there is a lot of free space. You can install doors to the entire height of the structure or divide the structure into certain zones, where each will have its own door;
  • Accordion doors, compartments and roller shutters. This type of door is suitable for a room where space is limited. They will help save space and conveniently use the closet.

What materials will be required?

You can make a cabinet using plywood, wood, chipboard, drywall or plastic. If desired, you can combine several materials with each other. In the process of finishing work, it is important to use PVC or. Using natural wood, making a wardrobe for the balcony with your own hands, is relevant in the case when the room is not glazed. If you pre-coated the tree with waterproof paint or varnish, then it will be possible to prevent damage to the material under adverse weather conditions.

Before deciding on the building material from which the cabinet will be made, you need to take into account the design of the balcony, whether the room is insulated or not, and what load will be on the shelves. A universal option for any type of balcony is natural wood. Materials such as plastic and MDF are also resistant to moisture.

Product frame

Having decided to make a wooden wardrobe for the balcony, you should consider what material to use for each individual structural element. In the manufacture of the product, the main attention is paid to the frame and doors. Some cabinets are complemented by a side rack and trim.

It will be possible to make a cabinet frame using a beam with a section of 50x50 mm or 40x40 mm. A similar option is suitable for a heated balcony. If the room is not heated, then it is better to exclude the wooden frame and pay attention to other materials, since under the influence of moisture the wood will change its size and begin to deform.

A universal way to make a frame is to use galvanized profiles for, as they do not change their appearance under the influence of adverse weather conditions. Plasterboard, chipboard, plywood and other materials are very easily attached to the galvanized profile.

Cabinet shelves

It will be possible to make a high-quality and reliable wardrobe on the balcony if you choose the right building material for the shelves. The main load will be directed specifically to this element of the product, so the shelves will have to be given special attention. Chipboard, OSB or thick plywood is best suited for the manufacture of this part.

If the load on the shelf is more than 5 kg, then it is better to give preference to a wooden board. Such material will perfectly cope with the load in the form of conservation, dishes or books.

Shelves are attached to pre-mounted bars or self-tapping screws. It will not be difficult to make a frame for a cabinet from bars if you prepare all the tools and materials in advance. It will be possible to make a cabinet using metal corners, where you can also attach shelves. If the cabinet is of a built-in type, and the walls of the balcony can be drilled, then it is important to use corners and self-tapping screws.

A do-it-yourself wardrobe on the balcony will look no worse if you build shelves using metal rails and brackets. In this case, changing the height of the shelves is very simple, just hang the brackets on another hole.

Build shelves from the remaining scraps of wooden boards. Before attaching the part to the frame, it is important to pre-prepare the boards. To do this, they are coated with a paintwork material (preferably water-based). Such shelves will not be deformed under the influence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

Preparatory work

Before moving on to carpentry, stock up on the necessary tools. Prepare electrical appliances in the form of: a screwdriver, a jigsaw. You will also need to take a hammer, a chisel, a building level and a square. You can not do without nails, self-tapping screws, a plumb line, a tape measure and a dowel in the manufacture of a product. It will be easier to draw a drawing of a cabinet on a loggia by preparing a ruler and a pencil in advance.

Before you start assembling the cabinet, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Pre-repair the floor surface on the balcony. If it is not possible to repair the entire floor on the loggia, then pay attention to the area where the closet will be located.
  2. In the process of installing a cabinet on a balcony with your own hands, drawings will help you avoid trouble and get the desired design.
  3. If you install the structure on a glazed loggia, then the cabinet will last much longer;
  4. Insulate the balcony (walls and floor) in advance and eliminate the gaps with mineral wool, polystyrene foam or PVC. Such a measure will extend the shelf life of the cabinet.

How to make a product for a beginner?

Having understood what the cabinet on the balcony is made of, and how to properly prepare the room, you should proceed to the next step. Consider in advance where the structure will stand, and also consider whether the balcony is glazed or not. This factor will help you figure out which material is better to use for carpentry.

For beginners, you can make an open cabinet in the form of a bookcase. The process of creating a cabinet for a loggia includes the following steps:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure the exact dimensions of the future cabinet.
  2. Prepare a drawing. Consider the width, thickness and height of each piece.
  3. Buy the necessary materials at the hardware store and prepare the tools.
  4. Focusing on the dimensions indicated in the drawing, make markings on the boards with a pencil.
  5. Using the prepared materials, cut out the details, assemble the frame and attach the shelves.

It will be much easier to make a wardrobe on the loggia with your own hands according to a photo or drawing. Make a frame, adhering to the basic rules. Start assembling the frame, starting from the bottom. First, set the base evenly, and then attach vertical parts to it. After that, fix horizontal parts on the structure, not forgetting to fix the rigidity of the product. Then attach the ledges where the shelves will be located.

When you begin to assemble the cabinet, make sure that the product is level and its parts are arranged symmetrically. If the product will stand on an unglazed loggia, then pre-treat the boards with varnish so that the cabinet lasts as long as possible.

The process of making a cabinet with a more complex design includes the presence of doors. Having figured out what to make a closet on the balcony from, and what tools to use, proceed to the following steps:

  1. Consider a drawing. Decide on the dimensions of each part, the height and depth of the cabinet and the distance between the shelves. Think about the order in which you will assemble the details of the structure.
  2. In order to make hinged or sliding doors for a cabinet on the balcony, buy hinges, handles and fasteners.
  3. Using the drawing, prepare the materials, cut out all the main details with a saw.
  4. Alternately assemble the cabinet, using the building level and plumb line.
  5. At the final stages, sheathe the cabinet with clapboard or plastic (the sheathing should be combined with the rest of the repair on the loggia).

Assemble the wardrobe on the loggia with your own hands according to the drawing, starting from the bottom of the frame. First install the support, and then fix the longitudinal and transverse parts. Then attach the shelves and doors. Try to evenly and accurately fasten the hinges on which the doors will be located. At the end, attach the handles to the doors. To prepare holes for hinges and fastening handles, you can use a drill and a chisel.

Unusual design ideas

It is important to install on the loggia not only an ordinary swing cabinet with doors, but also other options for cabinets with a beautiful design. It will be much easier to develop a wardrobe design for a balcony from a photo and ready-made drawings. Frosted glass inserts will help to make the product as cozy and homely as possible. Unusually on the balcony looks like a cabinet in the form of a kitchen sideboard.

Visually increase the size of the room will help wardrobe with mirrored doors. It will also be possible to equip the product in the form of a workplace. A similar option is suitable for an insulated balcony. A computer monitor and a system unit can be hidden behind the cabinet doors.

It will turn out to complement the closet with fresh flowers or books, if you think over neat shelves on the side in advance. If the loggia is large and it is insulated, then the room can be equipped as a separate room. The lower part of the cabinet can be arranged in the form of a soft bench or sofa. It is important to equip the window sill on the loggia in the form of a table and complement it with a folding chair.

Wardrobe on the balcony - video

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Is it difficult to make a closet on the balcony with your own hands - we compare, assemble in 5 stages and admire

A high-quality balcony wardrobe is the dream of most city apartment owners. Such furniture is not mass-produced, respectively, it is either ordered or made by hand. Let's look at the types of such structures, and home craftsmen will receive step-by-step instructions for assembling an inexpensive and relatively simple cabinet model in 5 steps.


The choice of material depends on the level of thermal insulation of the loggia or balcony. It is pointless to collect furniture on open balconies, in a couple of years it will become unusable, so we do not even consider this option.

The balcony differs from the loggia in that on the balcony all 3 outer sides are open, and on the loggia there are 1 or 2 capital (concrete or brick) side walls.

A loggia with glazing, but without thermal insulation, is protected only from moisture and precipitation, for the January frosts and the July heat, light glazing is not a hindrance. On such balconies, only cabinets made of durable wood or good plastic “survive”, and they are used to store what it is a pity to throw away.

Metal-plastic windows and high-quality insulation of the lower part of the balcony radically change the picture. Even if such a loggia is conserved in winter, it will still have a positive temperature, respectively, you can store canned food in glass in the closet or use it as a vegetable warehouse.

For the construction of cabinets on insulated balconies without additional heating, wood, plastic, MDF and drywall are used. It is not advisable to use laminated chipboard in such a room, since after 3-4 years, due to temperature and humidity changes, the finish will begin to peel off.

Insulated heated balcony, in fact, is a full-fledged living room, there are no restrictions on the materials for assembling the cabinet. If you need beautiful and not expensive, then chipboard is taken. Wood, MDF and high-quality plastic will cost more.

Color solution

The area of ​​our balconies and loggias is limited, so the finish should be light, as the white color visually enlarges the space. The best option is pure white or some kind of light coloring. Natural wood is actively used, but again in light colors.

Shelves and drawers

  • The size of the shelves for the balcony design depends on their purpose. For conservation and small household utensils, a height of 30 - 40 cm is enough. In home-made cabinets, it is easier to install shelves across the entire width of the balcony. The design is already small, so there is no point in dissecting it into many small cells;

  • Some owners prefer to make a closet with two compartments. One compartment is high for bulky items such as an ironing board, and the second consists of standard shelves. The option is convenient, plus with self-assembly it is not much more complicated than the previous one, while the size and proportions of the sections are selected individually;

  • Drawers in homemade designs are rare. Firstly, the master needs to assemble the box itself, which can be problematic for an amateur, and secondly, drawers on the balcony are relevant only if the workplace is arranged. In addition, sliding fittings significantly increase the cost of the cabinet.

cabinet shape

The choice of the shape, filling and facade of the cabinet primarily depends on the financial capabilities of the owner and only then on the configuration of the room. An important role is played by the presence of a tool and the professional skills of a home master.

Embedded structures

If you follow the rules, then built-in cabinets are called cabinets placed in a natural or artificially created niche. In our country, 90% of loggias and balconies have a regular rectangular shape, without any niches.

The only exceptions are new buildings of the P44 type. In them, the balcony has the shape of a "boot" and in this small space people have adapted to build in furniture. More often, a bedside table is installed in these “spouts”, but some build a cabinet there for the entire height of the cell.

Swing structures

If you do not take into account open shelves, then the facade with hinged doors is the simplest in terms of self-arrangement. With the current abundance of awnings, even an amateur armed with a single screwdriver can install a pair of doors. Plus, the price of such a facade is small.

But there is one significant drawback in swing structures - to open the door you need free space in front of the closet, which creates certain inconveniences on small balconies.

Roller shutter options

Roller shutters or as they are also called - roller shutters are considered a good solution for balcony cabinets. A flexible curtain made of horizontal slats is wound on a shaft located under the ceiling of the balcony. On both sides, this curtain is fixed with guides.

There are 3 options for roller shutters, they differ in the material from which the slats are made;

  1. Aluminum is a lightweight and durable curtain that can withstand any temperature, humidity and other hardships, the only negative is the high price;
  2. Steel - steel lamellas are cheaper than aluminum, but the curtain is heavy, so the box will have to be firmly attached to the concrete ceiling slab;
  3. Plastic is the most suitable option for a loggia. The plastic curtain is light, it is not afraid of temperature changes and can be mounted both on the ceiling or walls of the balcony, and on the cabinet body.

There are several types of mechanisms for roller shutters. It makes no sense to describe everything, I can only say that it is better to install a spring-inertial system on balcony cabinets. It opens and closes by hand, plus the curtain itself is fixed in any position.

Insulated structures

On cold loggias, some economical owners are trying to separately insulate the closet. Theoretically, this is not difficult to do, you just need to glue the box from the inside with foam plastic or foam foam, and blow out the gaps with mounting foam. But there is no particular point in such insulation, because in order for the preservation not to freeze, heating must be installed inside the cabinet.

I, like most masters, do not welcome this approach. To ensure a normal microclimate, it is necessary to completely insulate the balcony. Half-measures, such as warming the closet alone, do not give a result, there are a lot of body movements, but little sense.


Lining - these are strips of a special configuration that are joined according to the tenon-groove principle and form a continuous coating. There is a wooden and plastic lining. Both types are suitable for sheathing a balcony, but only wood is used to build a cabinet.

There are a couple of nuances here, firstly, there are 4 types of lining, only the first grade (A) and the highest grade (Extra) are used to design furniture with your own hands. Secondly, on cold loggias it is desirable to cover the tree with waterproof varnish in several layers.


A wardrobe with a metal-plastic facade is done quickly, but it is expensive. You can’t do it yourself at home, you just need to order it from window and door manufacturing companies. The only thing you can save on is knocking down the frame yourself and installing shelves with drawers.

If you order glazing and insulation of a balcony at a company, then it makes sense to immediately agree on the installation of a cabinet. In this case, the cabinet will cost a third cheaper than ordering it separately.

Five stages of self-assembly and arrangement of the cabinet

Of the options described above, you cannot independently assemble only a metal-plastic cabinet. All other models are within the reach of the home master, the only question is the availability of tools and material.

Stage 1: a list of tools needed for carpentry work on arranging wood cabinets

To arrange a wooden cabinet, you need more tools than when working with any other material. We provide a complete list for comfortable work, but it contains some devices that you can do without, especially if you decide to make a cabinet, for example, from chipboard.

  • Perforator or electric drill with impact function - needed for any type of work;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Hacksaw for wood;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • A hammer;
  • Awl;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Laser level (can be replaced with a hydraulic level);
  • bubble level;
  • Plumb;
  • Ruler metal;
  • A set of chisels;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Drill "Fortsner" (used for inserting furniture four-hinged canopies);
  • Fountain drills (for arranging large diameter holes in wood)
  • Plane;
  • Grinding machine (replaced with a nozzle for an electric drill or a hand shoe with emery);
  • Mallet (rubber or wooden mallet);
  • Pliers;
  • Minimum 2 - 3 clamps;
  • Square;
  • File set with round and flat rasp.

Stage 2: what the frame is made of

For self-assembly, 3 frame options are suitable - from chipboard plates, from metal profiles for drywall and wood. I will talk about drywall constructions later. With the rest of the materials, the situation is as follows:

  • The use of wooden bars is the easiest and cheapest option, but you should not expect a luxurious factory look from such a cabinet, the “hand-made” is immediately visible, plus the tree will have to be sanded, impregnated with stain and varnished;

  • Chipboard or MDF boards cost 2 times more than wood, but the price is acceptable. To get the perfect look, you will have to order sawing and cultivation of the ends in a furniture workshop, which will entail additional costs.

Wooden frame assembly
Illustrations Recommendations

Decide on the filling of the cabinet and draw a sketch of the future design. Beauty is not needed, the main thing is to indicate all sizes.

You need a sketch to describe in detail the details (of what and how much you need), lumber is bought according to the details.

Vertical bounce.

On a plumb line, mark where you will have load-bearing racks.

Rack installation.

At first, the racks are attached to the floor and ceiling, and then they are fixed on the walls. The rack is screwed to the concrete with a metal corner.

From above and below, pieces of penofol are placed under the racks, they compensate for the temperature and humidity expansion of the wood.

Shelf frame.

On the basis of vertical racks, with the help of metal corners, a frame is assembled for horizontal shelves


In the budget version, the doors are knocked out of the lining and hung on vertical racks. The easiest way is to use butterfly hinges, they do not require a tie-in and are screwed directly onto the timber and the door, plus the appearance of such canopies is quite decent.

Stage 3: what to make shelves from

Traditionally, shelves are made either from wooden planks 20 mm thick, or from furniture sheet chipboard 16 - 20 mm thick. If a planed board is impregnated with an antiseptic and varnished, then it will stand on the balcony for more than a dozen years. They are placed on the transverse planks of the frame.

Chipboards behave well on a warm balcony, but if you have a room with poor insulation, then it is better to refuse this option. Shelves are fixed to the frame using metal or plastic corners.

Stage 4: selection of materials for sheathing and doors

Since we are talking about self-arrangement, some of the materials automatically disappear. If the balcony is finished with wood, then it is better to knock down the doors from a planed board (20 mm) or assemble from a lining. The slats are assembled on a wooden frame, after which the doors are hung on the base.

It is desirable to order doors from chipboard in the workshop. To cut the slab without chips, you will need a hand-held circular saw, which is expensive, plus it is impossible to laminate the ends with high quality at home.

Stage 5: installation of doors on the built cabinet

Hanging a wooden door leaf on a vertical wooden beam is not difficult. It is necessary to mark the installation points for the canopies, then punch the holes with an awl and screw in the screws.

Installing four-hinged furniture hinges is a little more difficult. First you need to drill a blind hole in the doors under the bed of the canopy. For this procedure, a Fortsner drill is used. Further along the template that comes with the canopy, screw the hinges to the doors and base with self-tapping screws.

Tip - if you want to install compartment sliding doors on the facade, but have never encountered this, then it’s better to assemble the frame yourself, and order the doors ready.

The use of drywall

Assembling a metal frame from UD and CD profiles and sheathing it with plasterboard sheets is a relatively simple task, but I do not advise you to do this for 3 reasons:

  1. Gypsum board is afraid of temperature changes and is used only in warm rooms;
  2. The bearing capacity of the shelves of such a cabinet is small;
  3. After assembling the frame and sheathing it with sheets, the plasterboard still needs to be puttied and painted, and this is long, dirty and troublesome.


I tried to answer all the burning questions that a novice master has when building a balcony cabinet. In the video in this article you will find some valuable recommendations from professionals. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

A closet for a balcony is a convenient and useful thing, but buying or ordering is expensive, which means that there is only hope for yourself. Today we will talk about how to make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands in 2 versions, plus I will talk about assembling facade panels for such cabinets.

Built-in wardrobes on balconies are not only beautiful, but also convenient.

Naturally, before you build yourself a beautiful closet on a balcony or loggia, this room must at least be glazed and close up all the cracks, and ideally also insulated with high quality.

We decide on the model and prepare the tool

There are not so many models of balcony cabinets, but the choice often takes more time than the construction itself. I recommend gathering the whole family and with a tape measure, decide on the spot what you need.

Common Models

Many of the drawings and sketches below have exact dimensions and dimensions, but each balcony is individual, so I advise you to take all these options as recommendations and draw a sketch of your closet according to your measurements.

A simple open case.

Such a pencil case is relevant for a very tiny balcony or if you don’t want to mess around with the assembly for too long. The diagram shows a portable model with a facade lining around the perimeter.

If you mount such a cabinet on a loggia or balcony, then instead of a front lining, you can install doors, plus the bottom, cover and back wall will be superfluous.

Classic two-section layout.

This model is ideal for a closet on the balcony. The arrow in the diagram shows a small gap of 100 mm from the edge of the structure to the beginning of the shelves, just this gap can be used for the installation of sliding doors.

Drawer model.

This model is almost the same as the previous one, the only difference is that there are two drawers for tools, of course, you can make such blocks with drawers as you wish.

Corner wardrobe on the balcony or loggia.

Such a corner cabinet is suitable for those owners who do not want to part with part of the window frame, closing it with the side wall of the cabinet. It turns out that our wide back panel borders on the facade of the house, and the narrow side wall is adjacent to the side wall of the balcony.

Its capacity, of course, is more modest, but such built-in furniture looks very impressive, plus only sliding doors are mounted here, which significantly saves space.

The combined model looks impressive, but more labor will have to be invested.

Any combination option is always more work. If you look, here we see 2 cabinets on the same frame, but the result of such work is worth the time and effort spent, your balcony furniture will clearly differ for the better.

The trade rack is a simple and quick solution to the problem.

For dessert, I suggest you think about purchasing a ready-made sales rack. In this case, you do not have to build a frame, the rack is assembled in 15 - 20 minutes. But here a good facade panel is “asking”, because the appearance of the store shelves will obviously not decorate your balcony.

The big disadvantage of such retail racks is the lack of alternative options, you will only have solid horizontal shelves, no drawers, niches and other interesting solutions.

A few words about the tool

Do-it-yourself work requires a certain set of tools. The figure below shows a standard set of home masters.

Standard set of tools for the home master.

In addition, it is desirable to have in your arsenal a jigsaw, a miter saw, a hand mill, a grinder and a grinder.

Since we will be talking about two design options, I see no reason to list all the necessary material now, you will understand everything yourself in the course of the story.

Two options for assembling a balcony cabinet

After choosing a suitable design, you should not harvest and cut out all the details at once. The fact is that our balconies and loggias are far from ideal, the corners are crooked, the walls are not even, and it is better to measure each closet node in place.

Option number 1. We assemble a structure from wooden bars

Illustrations Recommendations

Cooking the place

Walls, floors and ceilings do not require special preparation, the only thing that needs to be done is to remove the skirting boards.

Keep in mind: the width and height of the cabinet can be any, but the depth is no more than 70 cm.

We will assemble the frame from wooden blocks, the optimal size is 40 × 40 mm;

· If a facade panel is provided, then the shelves can be anything, chipboard, OSB, lining or planed board with a thickness of 20 mm.

I will talk about facade options a little later.

· You should start with markings for the front panel. Usually cabinet doors are placed perpendicular to the front wall of the house;

· Accordingly, you need to attach the square to the wall and draw a perpendicular on the ceiling;

· Now you just have to connect these two markings on the walls.

When marking, it is convenient to use the same frame bars, just make marks with a corner and a tape measure, and then apply the bar and outline.

· We are attached only to the capital foundations, that is, the floor, ceiling and facade wall. On the loggias we fasten the bars to the back wall;

We mark the holes on the bars (step 50 cm);

We apply the bar to the base and make holes with a thin drill so that markings remain on the wall;

We drill holes in the walls and insert dowels into them (drill diameter 6 mm);

We fasten the bars with self-tapping screws.

Vertical stand

On balconies where there is no sidewall, you will need to install a far vertical tie down post. There is nothing complicated here, the photo shows the principle of such an installation.

A polyethylene foam gasket is needed so that the vertical spacer does not warp during temperature fluctuations.

When mounting the frame, you will have to connect the bars together. The diagram shows 3 options, I recommend using the corners, it is much easier.

Shelf layout In order not to measure the shelves with a tape measure, I recommend using a hydraulic level, it is much faster and more accurate.

There are often no problems with installing shelves, just lay sheets or planks on bars and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

Option number 2. Wardrobe on the balcony from chipboard

In this case, we will make a cabinet from solid laminated particle boards. In my opinion, it is much easier to assemble this wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands.

Illustrations Recommendations

The vertical plates are installed first in level.

For these purposes, it is best to take standard furniture plates with a thickness of 16 mm.

By the way, cutting plates to the desired size and laminating the ends is better to order in the workshop. If you have never encountered this, then you will not be able to do it beautifully.

Vertical plates are attached in much the same way as the vertical bars in the previous version.

Install gaskets between the slab and the floor/ceiling;

· Mark and drill holes for fasteners;

Fix the plate with self-tapping screws. Do not forget to check the verticality of the installation with a level at each stage.

The stops for the shelves are marked with a hydraulic level.

The stops themselves are easier to buy at a furniture store, although if beauty is not the main thing for you, then you can use ordinary metal corners.

By the way, the normal distance between the shelves is 35cm.

Now we lay the chipboard plates on the stops and fix them with self-tapping screws.

If the span is too wide, and a large load is planned on the slab, then a transverse wooden block can be fixed from below.

Doors are best mounted on furniture canopies. To install such a canopy, you need to buy a round crown and cut a groove for the canopy.

The canopies themselves are attached with a pair of self-tapping screws. Lay the canopy washer in the groove and screw in the screws.

When the cabinet is assembled, you just have to screw the handles to the doors and use it.

How to make a closet on the balcony video

Choosing a front panel

Now you won’t surprise anyone with a facade made of chipboard or lining, they look beautiful, but everyday. There are 2 options for arranging the facade in a more original way, and you can do everything yourself.

Illustrations Recommendations

Option number 1. Blind doors This idea is more than one hundred years old, but in our country such doors are rarely assembled, so they look fresh and original.

As you can see in the diagram, grooves for thin wooden lamellas are cut in two side planks. The lamellas themselves under the blinds are installed at an angle.

The lower and upper slats of the frame are attached to the side furniture dowels.

You can see the main dimensions in the diagram. On my own behalf, I can add that the angle of inclination of the slats-blinds should be less than 45º, otherwise the contents of the cabinet will be partially visible.

The grooves for the lamellas are made up to 10 mm deep.

The grooves for the lamellas are cut out with a manual milling cutter, the diameter of the cutter is equal to the thickness of the plank.

In order for everything to work out smoothly and in parallel, you need to buy or assemble a special holding frame with your own hands, professionals call such a device a “conductor”.

All bars and lamellas must be sanded before assembly.

The diameter of blind holes for furniture dowels should be 1 mm less than the diameter of the dowels themselves.

All elements are glued together with ordinary wood glue.

Such blind doors are finished in the same way as any wood:

First, you open the wood with a stain to give the desired tone and show the texture;

· Then you varnish, and the more layers of varnish you apply, the better your doors will look, but at least 2 layers are applied.

Such doors are hung on simple butterfly hinges, however, for such a facade it is desirable that the cabinet frame be assembled from bars, they are an order of magnitude stronger than chipboard.

Option number 2

The price of a good sliding mechanism is much higher than for the same doors made of laminated chipboard, but from a technological point of view, it is much easier to install sliding wardrobe doors.

The diagram shows one of the most common models. Here you need to strictly horizontally fix the upper and lower rails to the cabinet frame, and then cut the middle plate into the frame and insert into the rails.

By the way, it is not necessary that such doors be made of wood or laminated chipboard, a mirror or frosted glass is perfect here.


Now you know not only how to make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands, but you can also choose between several options for facades for such a wardrobe. If any points in my story were not clear, write in the comments, I will try to explain.

Trading racks for balcony cabinets is the most democratic and fastest way out.

Built-in corner cabinet on the loggia and cabinet along the window

Every family has items that are needed only in a certain season, or are not suitable for placement in a living space. A balcony or loggia in a small apartment is often the only place to store such things. In modern conditions, loggias are increasingly being decorated, turning into a cozy addition to the room. This custom poses the problem of organizing a special space for storing things.

Properly placed wardrobe will organize the space on the balcony or loggia

Installing a wardrobe on the balcony is the best way out, it will allow you to keep small items in order, and hide large items from view. Things will always be at hand, conveniently laid out on the shelves. You can choose such a cabinet in any furniture store, now there are many varieties that attract with functionality and variety of design. If the loggia is decorated in addition to the main room, it will not be difficult to choose a wardrobe option that suits the general look of the interior. The disadvantage of buying in a store will be a possible size mismatch. This will result in wasted space, which is precious in a small home.

A long wardrobe placed along the entire window is very roomy and compact

Ordering a wardrobe in a furniture workshop will avoid this problem and will also provide a fairly wide selection of models. But of course this method will require more significant costs. Therefore, if you have some carpentry skills, the best solution would be to build a wardrobe with your own hands - you will only have to spend money on materials, and the dimensions, layout and appearance can be made exactly the way you want.

High two-level wardrobe with hinged doors and side cabinet

Complex solution: a tall cabinet with doors and open shelves under the window along the loggia

If you decide to make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands, at the very beginning you need to decide on its design. There are two main design options for the cabinet - straight, the most spacious, and corner, suitable for conditions when there is very little space on the balcony. Cabinets can be of medium size, human height, or occupy space up to the ceiling of the loggia. Shelving cabinets, which are open shelves, as well as closed classic cabinets that protect items from collecting dust, are widespread.

A small cabinet under the window, lined with plastic

Of great importance for ease of use is the design of cabinet doors. Based on this distinction, there are several main schemes.

The internal arrangement, the system of shelves, their depth and height are best developed taking into account the size and types of specific things that will be stored there. For example, ski storage will require a high vertical compartment, winter clothes will need a hanger.

A three-part loggia wardrobe option and an example of its use

Necessary materials

Spacious closet on the balcony in a modern style

An important factor in the manufacture of a cabinet on a loggia or balcony will be the choice of material. We must not forget that even on a glazed loggia, the temperature and composition of the air will most likely differ from the living space and you will need a durable material that is resistant to various influences and changes in humidity. In addition to operational properties, appearance is also important, because the cabinet should not be out of harmony with the design of the loggia, but often is a continuation of the general style of the apartment. The following varieties are the most common.

The design of the cabinet also depends on the color and texture. Laminated panels offer the greatest variety, but a drywall cabinet can be painted or pasted over with a special decorative material, which at the same time has moisture-resistant qualities. In conditions of a small space on a loggia or balcony, it is recommended to choose light colors that visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Another possible option for making a cabinet for a balcony is plastic panels.

Be sure to pay attention to fittings, fasteners - you will need hinges for doors, handles, guides, corners. Accessories can be metal, made of durable plastic. It is best to purchase all the parts in a specialized hardware store, choosing according to the material of the cabinet.

You can make a cabinet from two parts of different widths or depths

Required Tools

List of tools needed for carpentry work on arranging wooden cabinets

When deciding how to make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands, the selection of tools is not the last place. For quality work, you will need the following set:

  • perforator and drills (for wood and concrete);
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws with dowels;
  • a hammer;
  • tape measure, building level.

In addition, you will need paper and a pencil for making a drawing, as well as a marker for marking on parts.

Manufacturing steps

Before starting the assembly, the conditions are checked - the balcony should already be glazed, it is better to pre-close the walls of the loggia with thermal insulation. The most important point is an even base - if there are height differences, the cabinet frame under the load of objects will sooner or later squint. Therefore, before starting work, the base is checked using the building level and, if necessary, leveled - the easiest way is to build a flooring.

If everything is ready, you can get to work. To figure out how to make a closet on the balcony, just follow the following steps.

  1. Drawing up a drawing. Using a tape measure, the height and width of the loggia are measured, the desired depth of the cabinet is measured. A drawing is made on paper, taking into account the size of things for storage, the number of shelves and their height are calculated.

    Sketch of a corner cabinet for installation in a loggia or on a balcony

  2. The drawing is accurately transferred to the selected materials by scaling or marking with a level. After checking, the parts are cut with an electric jigsaw and a hacksaw.
  3. Frame manufacturing. First, marking is done using a marker and a level (or ruler) - guide lines are drawn on the walls where the frame bars will be attached.

    For the frame, mainly two materials are used: a wooden beam and a metal profile.

  4. Boards and guides are attached directly to the wall or sheathing of the loggia. Using a drill, self-tapping screws on the dowel, a screwdriver, installation is carried out. Reliable wooden bars or a metal profile are suitable for fastenings. If the cabinet is made of drywall, be sure to install additional elements from a metal profile to increase the stability of the product.

    We fix the walls of the future cabinet on the bars, install the shelves

  5. Walls of the selected material are attached to the frame. The back of the cabinet, adjacent to the balcony wall, is also necessarily closed with a sheet of plywood or chipboard - this will help keep the inside of the cabinet from moisture and temperature changes. The walls are mounted on self-tapping screws; furniture corners and ties are used for better fixation. If the cabinet is under the ceiling, a simplified version of the design is often used, when the shelves are installed directly on the frame rails, and a frame is assembled to install the doors.

    We fasten a sheet of chipboard as the back wall of the future cabinet

  6. Shelves are installed according to the drawing. The material for them can be wood, chipboard or drywall - it is better to focus on the weight of the things that will be placed there.

    Fasten the shelves to the corners

  7. Hinges or guides for doors are attached. Then the doors themselves are installed, the handles for opening are attached last.

    We hang the doors on the corner cabinet

After completion of work, it is recommended to paste over the cabinet with an insulating coating for additional protection against moisture. It is also possible to conduct an electric lamp to improve ease of use. With the right selection of materials and tools, a careful and responsible approach to the performance of work, the result will delight the owners with its functionality and beauty for many years.

Video: Wardrobe on the balcony

A closet on a loggia or balcony helps to solve the problem of lack of space in the apartment for rarely used, but much-needed things. The right approach to the choice of shape and design will help maintain an attractive appearance of the balcony and maximize its usable area. The existing variety of materials allows you to create a wardrobe that is most suitable for the interior. You can make a closet on the balcony with your own hands quickly, efficiently and at minimal financial cost.

Balcony wardrobe options

Before you start designing a cabinet, you should understand the whole variety of configurations and choose the most functional option for yourself.

Loggias and balconies have different dimensions, so all dimensions on the diagrams are indicative. In each individual case, the drawing should be compared with the actual dimensions.

Embedded and hull structures

A built-in wardrobe is the most convenient and economical option. It occupies every centimeter of the area intended for it, even the space under the windowsill. The side and back wall can be left open, which significantly saves material. The disadvantage of such a cabinet is the impossibility of moving it to another place. But usually there is no need for this. The built-in closet is made from floor to ceiling so that it can fit as many shelves as possible for the necessary things.

You can install ready-made cabinet furniture on the balcony or use an old bookcase with a lot of shelves as a shelving unit. But the option is not ideal, since it is difficult to find furniture of the required size.

Corner balcony furniture

Corner cabinets are quite dimensional, but they can accommodate much more things. The advantage of such structures is the ability not to sacrifice part of the window opening and to maintain light access to the room.

In this version, the wide part of the cabinet occupies the side wall of the loggia, and the narrow part adjoins the front wall. In such cabinets, only sliding doors can be installed, which makes it possible to save the useful space of the loggia.

There is another version of the corner cabinet - more massive and voluminous.

Everyone determines the number of shelves and their location based on needs. Doors are provided for hinged, but you can use roller shutters.

Compact storage containers

Tall cabinets are well suited for loggias with blank side walls, as they allow efficient use of usable space. But such furniture is not suitable for balconies with full glazing around the perimeter of the outer walls. In this case, the best option would be a low cabinet under the window, which can be placed under one or both end walls at once or along the entire length of the balcony under the windowsill.

The choice of model depends on the size of the balcony and the purpose for which the cabinet will be used.

Non-standard ideas for arranging a boot balcony

Many are baffled by a boot-shaped balcony. There are a huge number of original ideas on how to turn an absolutely unnecessary, at first glance, “appendix” into a pantry or a full-fledged built-in wardrobe with a lot of shelves.

To do this, it is enough to install a frame for the shelves, the shelves themselves and sew up the facade. As a door, you can use roller shutters or a swing door made of a material suitable for the interior. Instead of a double-glazed window, you can install a sandwich package (plastic-insulation-plastic).

Video: beautiful do-it-yourself loggia furniture

Doors, frames, shelves - which options to give preference to

Doors - possible executions:

  • sliding doors save loggia space, as they do not require free space to open. It is comfortable, beautiful and practical. The only negative is that this design slightly reduces the interior space of the cabinet;
  • hinged doors make it possible to see all the contents of the cabinet at once, close tightly and are practical to use. The disadvantage is the need for additional space in front of the cabinet for free opening;
  • accordion door with the right design solution can decorate the interior of the loggia. The advantage is saving space in front of the closet. The disadvantage of such a door is that it does not fit snugly and does not have a full view, even with the door fully open;
  • roller shutters have been used in the furniture industry not so long ago, but have already managed to find many fans. The only drawback is the high price. The advantages include easy installation, tightness, full opening, no need for additional space, immunity to sunlight and moisture.

Gallery: types of doors for a balcony cabinet

The frame can be wood or metal.

It must be remembered that if the balcony is unheated and has high humidity, the wooden beam may soon become unusable.

To avoid this, you should choose a beam of large cross-section and regularly treat it with special impregnations.

The best option is to use a metal profile with a galvanized coating. Moisture and temperature changes are not terrible for him, and any finishing material is attached to it quite easily.

To simplify the task, you can use metal guides with brackets on which the shelves are laid. The distance between the shelves can be easily changed using the holes in the rails.

The number and shape of the shelves depend on the size of the cabinet. The built-in closet under the ceiling is usually made two-section. One section contains a large number of shelves and is designed for small items or cans. The second - consists of a compartment for large items and one upper shelf.

In the corner cabinet you can fit a large number of shelves at different distances from each other. Window cabinets with a standard arrangement of shelves are mainly intended for cans or small items.

If you want to give the loggia a more aesthetic look, you can install a cabinet with corner shelves for flowers, decorative items or books.

Material selection

When choosing a material for a cabinet, one should take into account climatic conditions, the overall design of the loggia, the expected load on the shelves, and financial possibilities.

Possible options:

  • wood is the most expensive material. Possesses excellent esthetic and operational characteristics at observance of a temperature condition and rules of leaving. Not recommended for use on cold balconies with high humidity;
  • plastic is a cheap and practical material. Not subject to temperature changes, moisture resistant and not picky in care. The disadvantages are discoloration under the influence of sunlight and instability to mechanical damage;
  • MDF (fine fraction) is an environmentally friendly material, similar in properties to natural wood, but much cheaper. The panels are resistant to moisture and high temperatures;
  • Chipboard is pressed wood chips, but unlike MDF, harmful resins are used in the production, which makes the board environmentally unsafe. Poorly holds screwed parts, can crack. But the price is much lower than MDF boards;
  • Fiberboard (wood fiber board) - not intended for facing work. In the manufacture of furniture, it is used to make the back. The disadvantage is the high hygroscopicity, causing deformation.

Gallery: types of materials used

When arranging a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands, you can combine lumber with plastic and other finishing materials.

Gallery: photo of original cabinets made of wood, plastic, lining

Drawings and step-by-step instructions for making cabinets for a balcony

To equip a closet on the balcony is within the power of a home master who can properly hold a tool in his hands.

Before proceeding with the manufacture, you need to decide on the location, type, size and material. The next step is to create a sketch or drawing with precisely defined dimensions of the cabinet, the number and location of shelves and the design of the door.

When the configuration and material of the future product are selected, you can decide on the fittings and the necessary tools.

Tool you may need:

  • electric saw;
  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • plane;
  • chisels;
  • hydraulic level;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • pliers;
  • construction knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • plumb.

There are three build options:

  • built-in wardrobe. Has no internal walls. The structure for the shelves is assembled using wooden bars or a metal profile. Only the front part of the cabinet and the door is made;
  • portable cabinet. The frame is taken as the basis, which is sheathed with drywall, clapboard, chipboard or plastic;
  • body cabinet. The box is completely assembled from the selected material. Shelves and doors are attached directly to the assembled structure.

Consider all options.

The scheme and procedure for the manufacture of built-in balcony furniture

Such a cabinet is made from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. Before starting the installation, it is necessary to remove the plinth, if any.

The best option for making a frame is wooden bars. They are easy to cut and fairly easy to assemble. You can use a metal profile for drywall. This option, of course, is cheaper, but you can forget about the aesthetic appearance.

Before starting installation, you need to make a markup. To do this, in place of the facade, attach a square at an angle of 90º to the side wall and draw a line on the ceiling. Next, using a level or plumb line, continue the line to the side walls and connect on the floor.

Then we fix the frame as follows:

  1. We apply the bar to the surface.
  2. We mark the beam for fasteners in increments of 0.5 meters.
  3. We drill the bar with a thin drill along the marks so that traces remain in the surface of the wall or ceiling.
  4. We remove the bar and make holes in the base for fasteners with a puncher.
  5. We insert the dowels into the holes obtained.
  6. We fasten the bar with self-tapping screws to the surface.

Thus, the entire frame is assembled. First you need to install the rear pillars on a plumb line. If they cannot be fixed on the walls, then with the help of corners we fix them to the ceiling and floor.

The bars can be connected using figured cutouts, but fastening with corners is the most convenient.

It is better to carry out marking under the shelves using a hydraulic level. Of course, you can use the usual level, but it is more difficult to achieve horizontality with it. The assembly of the base for the shelves is carried out similarly to the assembly of the main frame.

After the frame is fully assembled, you need to sew up the shelves. For this, you can use chipboard or MDF boards, but board shelves look more aesthetic. Simple strips of small thickness are suitable, which are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Using this cabinet design, it is necessary to think over the cladding of the front part. In our case, this is the door.

A classic and convenient option - swing doors. If the inside of the cabinet is made of wood, then it is better to sheathe the door with clapboard. It is necessary to perform work according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take measurements and draw a sketch.
  2. Make a template for cutting the board.
  3. Cut the required number of boards of the same length.
  4. For each door, prepare three bars: two of the same length and one corresponding to the diagonal of the doorway. This is the frame of the future door, shaped like the letter Z.
  5. Lay the frame on a flat surface, lay the lining on top. If all dimensions match, you can proceed with the assembly.
  6. First you need to screw the end boards.
  7. All subsequent strips must be tightly screwed to the horizontal and diagonal bar.

For the manufacture of doors, you can use MDF boards, which will simplify the task. It is necessary to take accurate measurements and cut the plate to size. You can do it yourself, but it is better to order cutting in a special service with end lamination service.

The next step is to install the hinges and hang the door.

To properly install the hinges, you must first fix them on the doors, and then make markings on the racks.

Having made a preliminary markup, you need to cut through the wood with a chisel. The depth of the cavity must be sufficient to sink the metal part of the hinge. Then you should remove the remaining chips with a chisel. Too deep recesses will make it difficult to open the door.

Then you need to plant the loop in the resulting hole and secure with self-tapping screws. It is more convenient to first assemble such a design on the door, and then screw it onto the cabinet.

After assembly, it is necessary to eliminate distortions with the help of special adjustable bolts. After completing the installation of the door, you should attach the handles.

Video: making a built-in wardrobe with your own hands

The procedure for installing small cabinets

It is most convenient to make a low cabinet under the side wall of the loggia from sheets of chipboard or MDF. Initially, you need to draw a diagram with the exact dimensions and cut the plates to the specified dimensions. It is better to do this immediately when buying material.

Assembly process:

  1. Assemble the side walls and bottom with the help of corners.
  2. The back wall can be made of fiberboard. Secure with furniture nails.
  3. Screw the corners in the places where the shelves are attached.
  4. Lay shelves.
  5. Attach an MDF sheet or countertop on top.
  6. Install doors.

A very convenient option is a narrow cabinet under the window. It is beneficial to make such furniture if the window sill is too wide. So that the space under the windowsill does not disappear, it is better to take it with an additional container. It is easy to build from the bars on which the shelves are superimposed. On balconies of great length, intermediate bars should be placed. This is necessary to give stability to the shelves. Swing or sliding doors are installed on the front part.

Video: how to quickly assemble a cabinet from chipboard panels

Order of assembly of corner elements

You can draw up a diagram yourself or find a suitable one and put down the required dimensions.

This option can be assembled without a frame, observing the sequence of operations:

  1. Nail or screw (depending on the quality of the walls) the bars under the shelves.
  2. Make a markup for the front part.
  3. Fix a bar or a metal profile, depending on the intended type of cladding.
  4. Fix the planks to the ceiling and floor timber when cladding with wood. If you use plastic for cladding, then screw a special profile to the ceiling, with which the strips are combined into a single canvas.
  5. Attach the door from the lining to the four transverse bars, install the hinges.

You can make a built-in corner cabinet with sliding doors, which will save a lot of free space. Door installation procedure:

  1. Fasten the rails on the ceiling and floor along which the door rollers will move.
  2. Attach the hardware to the door panel.
  3. After assembling the fittings, check the smoothness of movement along the guides.

The disadvantage of sliding doors is the high cost of fittings.

Making a closet on the balcony with your own hands is easy. Instructions and recommendations will help in the installation of the selected design. The main thing is to choose the right model and make accurate measurements. A little effort - and the new wardrobe will please the eye for many years and help keep the apartment in order.