Colored paths in the country. We make country paths with our own hands! Pouring into special molds

Walking barefoot on asphalt is less pleasant than walking on seashells, polished cobblestones or logs warmed by the sun. The road surface, without which a metropolis is unthinkable, is inappropriate in a country estate. Almost daily, the owners walk around its territory without shoes, and the kids crawl on all fours anyway.

Being engaged in gardening, it is important to pay attention not only to the quality care of fruit plantations, but also to remember the general arrangement and appearance of the garden. Do-it-yourself garden paths not only create the convenience of moving around the household, but are also a special part of the overall design. In this article we will talk about the arrangement of tracks with our own hands.

Garden paths - how to combine beauty and convenience

A dacha, a private house, a cottage require not only the arrangement of the interior, exterior, but also embellishment of the area around. Often, owners want to combine practicality and aesthetics in one project. You can realize the idea by laying garden paths.

What you need to know and consider when building

Any design begins with a concept, a thorough study of the area and a plan. The first step is to determine the directions, length, width of future tracks, imagine their shape, decoration. Next, you need to analyze the bearing capacity of the soil in order to choose the right type of building material and only then plan.

It is necessary to draw up a drawing on paper, there will be an opportunity to correct, redo, supplement. You should pay attention to several important factors:

  • Component parts must be resistant to the aggressiveness of the environment - high humidity, fungi, corrosion.
  • It is good to tolerate temperature fluctuations of different seasons.
  • Provide for a possible increase in loads (car, loaded wheelbarrow).
  • The optimal angle of inclination of the canvas to avoid the accumulation of water from precipitation.

Advice from a landscape designer - in compact areas it is better to lay not straight garden paths, but with undulating bends and turns. This visually expands the space, deepens the niches for plants.

From what to build a track, each owner decides independently, based on financial capabilities, needs and fantasies. Every coating needs a base. An ideal option would be a compacted earth embankment or crushed stone pillow.

The most popular do-it-yourself materials for garden paths:

  1. A natural stone. It looks noble, aesthetically pleasing even with non-smoothed corners.
  2. artificial substitute. The grace of nature, faceted by man.
  3. Clinker bricks will add bright colors to the garden.
  4. Gravel or large polished pebbles will provide originality.
  5. Wood is an affordable, simple, but short-lived species. Looks impressive separately and in composition.
  6. Decking - garden plastic parquet. New material, resistant to UV, water, mildew, rot.

The decorativeness of the structure to a greater extent depends on the methods of laying blanks. The canvas can be solid, even or consist of separately located elements of different geometric shapes. Having laid out a path of large "leaves", "butterflies", "flowers", it is easy to enjoy comfort and a pleasant walk.

Types of garden paths

Everyone who has a dacha and even a small, but own personal plot, will think more than once about ways to decorate and transform it. There is not always enough money to implement ideas and fantasies. Many will ask: “What then to do?” The answer is quite simple: if you want to ennoble garden paths, but there are no funds for a landscape designer and expensive components, then you should pay attention to improvised and more affordable materials.

For arranging garden paths with your own hands, various types of stones, boards, saw cuts, river pebbles and even plastic bottle caps will come in handy. Now a little about each of the options.

Natural stone walkways

They fit into any site design. They look natural, and with proper styling can last for ages.

These tracks look very impressive. If stones are left after the nearest construction, you can use them. Or those that remain after laying the alpine slide will do. They have uneven shapes, which makes them ideal for a scenic path.

Natural stone walkway

Initially, you need to calculate the number of pebbles. One of the methods is a rough layout of stones. So you can estimate whether the amount of material you have is enough.

Sprinkle the place for the track with sand and compact it with high quality. It turned out in some way a "pillow" for pebbles. They need to be processed, adjusted in shape, made more uniform. For good docking and grinding, you can use a grinder or other not too powerful types of tools. Having prepared the stones, they are placed in a mosaic composition.

Since all stones are different in size, they are adjusted to each other with a rubber mallet. At least one of the sides of the stone must be flat for the path to turn out as it should.

When the mosaic is ready, you need to start sealing the seams between the stones. Otherwise, they will start to overgrow. Although some may prefer another option, as natural as possible: a cement-sand mortar is used for grouting.

concrete walkways

They are very similar to stone. First make a bed, the depth of which is approximately 10 cm. Then pour sand on the bottom and tamp it down. Fill the top with a mixture of concrete and sand, set the formwork around the edges. Until the solution has hardened, pour pebbles into it. Lay out the intended pattern from it. A drainage system must be installed next to such a path.

Sometimes a concrete path is made using a ready-made form. It is easy to buy at a hardware store. And then just pour the concrete mixture into the mold in the place you need, level it with a trowel, remove the excess and remove the mold. This is a very easy and fast way, besides, you can lay out such a form at least in several rows.

How to make concrete walkways with your own hands using ready-made forms

wooden walkways

Wooden paths will serve for a long time, but in the beginning they require care. You can lay them out from sawn boards or timber, using what is left of building a house.

wooden walkways

Prepare boards and sticks, the latter can be replaced with steel corners or pipes. Treat them with protective impregnations or bituminous mastic. After soaking, nail the boards to the bars. Mount the track from above, using hemp of various calibers for this. Paint them in one or more colors.

But in domestic climatic conditions, the most modern impregnations will not protect the boards from deformation, rotting and corrosion, therefore, imitation wood is more often used as a material for paths - tiles with an appropriate pattern.

It will be possible to pick up samples so perfect that no one will detect the difference at a distance. It is felt only after tactile contact. The tiles reliably depict the natural texture of pine, beech, oak and other species in the context - as a result, the ersatz is indistinguishable from the original.

DIY gravel garden paths

Gravel is a simple material that has good flowability, allows moisture to pass through, and is relatively cheap. Paths of any width and length can be poured from it, it is even possible to give them a different shape. Such a path looks neat, harmoniously fits into any landscape. Doing it yourself will not be difficult.

DIY gravel garden paths

The procedure for the execution of a gravel path

  • First you need to mark the track on the site. Marking is carried out with pre-prepared wooden pegs. You can stretch a string between the pegs if you find it difficult to determine the direction "by eye".
  • Next, according to the markup, a bed is prepared. To do this, dig a trench in the ground. The depth of the trench can be about 14 - 17 cm.
  • Prepare gravel. It is advisable, if possible, to review it and remove unwanted impurities (broken glass, sharp large stones, etc.). Enumerating gravel should be done with thick gloves.
  • The gravel is backfilled to the depth of the trench. You can level with a rake or with your hands (also use gloves).
  • Next, the laid gravel is rammed.
  • At the end, along the edge of the path, you can lay a curb stone. This will give an even more spectacular and finished look. The stone is fixed with a cement foundation. You can lay it either flush with the canvas, or slightly above it.

This algorithm is also suitable for constructing a garden path made of sand. Accordingly, gravel is replaced by sand, and then all work is carried out according to the same scheme.

DIY garden paths made of bricks

This is a very fragile type of material. Before laying it is necessary to check for strength. First, mark the path with string and pegs.

Remove the soil (25 cm), put the drainage below. In this case, it will be simple, but the main thing is that water does not penetrate. Crushed stone must be poured on top of the drainage system. Boards are laid sideways along the edges. Then the brick is laid. You can come up with many different patterns of bricks.

Clinker path

The garden path lined with brick chips looks great. It is permissible to pour it on a concrete path. A beautiful mosaic is laid out from broken bricks. If the bricks are of different colors, beautiful patterns are laid out of them. You can leave space between them to fill it with small pebbles, pebbles or soil, so that later there is a green island.

Homemade brick and stone walkway

sandstone path

They are made dry or use cement pouring. This method is similar to laying a stone path, and the first one is more natural and original.

Dig a trench, removing some of the soil. Pour sand into it and tamp it down. The middle part should be higher than the edges. You need to go up the slope a bit. This is such a dehumidification system. Next comes the processing of stones.

Sandstone can be of various sizes and shapes. Try on each stone before processing.

Align the stones, making the gaps as small as possible. Processed stones are laid out as you like. For a classic track, you need a bucket of sand and the same amount of mixture with cement. Under each pebble, you must first put the first, then the second. Moreover, the cement should protrude slightly. You need to press the stone firmly. The made path must be washed so as not to spoil the aesthetics with cement residues. Seams are filled with soil or sand.

Walkway made of wood saw cuts

Such a path will look very beautiful and attractive.

Walkway made of wood saw cuts

Saw cuts must be taken of different sizes, stacking them so that there is no free space between them. Before laying, the round timber must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

Saws for a garden path

Another option is to use round timber in the form of curbs, and fill a layer of gravel between them.

Staying in the country, I want to move away from city life, because if not a forest, then a garden, some lucky ones even have a lake or a river. In a word, whatever the surrounding landscape, it encourages rapprochement with nature.

An interesting idea is a path stylized as a forest one. It is fragments of ordinary tree stumps. Round plates of various sizes are laid along the edge of the pond and concreted.

The side of an artificial reservoir is made of them. It is pleasant to sit on such stumps to sunbathe, the contact of the feet with them also gives rise to positive sensations.

Plastic garden paths

Such country paths are sold as modules, ready-made. Their installation does not require preparation and surface treatment. They are very easy and quick to attach, very economical, characterized by durability and long service life. They can be laid out on any site, in the form of any composition. They are environmentally friendly and aesthetic.

River gravel paths

Working with these stones will be difficult, time-consuming and will not end quickly. They are laid in a pre-limited space in wet sand and compacted to the desired depth. The process takes several days.

River gravel paths

It happens that the design of country houses is based on the imitation of the styles of bygone times - the ancient era, British classicism, etc. Then you should choose plates ornamented in accordance with the general concept of the site and the residential building. They may have impressions of Mediterranean pebbles, ancient bricks, etc.

Paths from caps from plastic bottles

The most original and interesting way is to lay out the path or part of it with plastic bottle caps. Due to the fact that the covers have a variety of colors, you can make patterns and mosaics, even coming up with whole pictures.

The only negative of this improvised material is its collection, because you will need a lot of covers.

Garden path made of reinforced concrete tiles

Stages of work:

Do-it-yourself garden path made of reinforced concrete tiles
Mosaic tiled ceramic tiles
Paving stones, stone path
The slabs are laid on a layer of sand, lawn grass is sown in between. Mowing is carried out with a conventional electric lawn mower. The photo was taken 3 years after installation.

These are just the basic materials from which you can make country paths with your own hands. Human fantasy is limitless, so by the next summer season, they will probably come up with something else. Paths for summer cottages are made by hand from any, sometimes unexpected material. For example, from glass bottles. You can create combinations of different types of material in one composition.

Remember that such paths carry not only convenience and benefits, but also beauty, joy for the eyes, harmony. Imagine, invent, create.

The independent choice of materials for garden paths and the driveway to the cottage is sometimes difficult. Then you just need to set aside time for a scrupulous study of catalogs or a means for consulting with specialists. The result will justify all these costs.

Video master classes

The overall impression of the suburban area will be incomplete if it is not decorated with beautiful and comfortable garden paths. Not only the appearance of the territory, but also the organization of economic activity depends on how well they are located and well made. Paths in the country can be made of various materials and in different ways.

The choice of material for the track in the country

Many summer residents are wondering: what is the best way to make paths in the country? The answer to this question depends on its size and material capabilities of a person.

Some paths made from improvised materials have a more attractive appearance than traditional ones made from concrete or concrete slabs. Paving in the country should be economical, practical and durable. The material for country paths can be very different. Most often, common improvised and building materials are used for their manufacture. In recent years, people are increasingly producing. All materials used for this purpose may be different in color, texture and decorative effect. Most often, tracks with a compacted surface layer or with a hard surface are made on their own.

Photo paths in the country is simply amazing with its diversity. The simplest - rammed paths are made of sand, pebbles, gravel, brick breakage. Some summer residents use wooden saw cuts to complete this element of their summer cottage, which give it a special decorative effect.

For this purpose, only hardwoods treated with special impregnations are used.

Video: making a country path from stumps

The hard surface can be made of brick, natural stone, concrete slabs, paving slabs or cast-in-situ concrete. Various patterns can be made from such material, which will give the site an additional decorative effect. Such a track is much stronger and more durable than rammed ones. It is distinguished by its practicality, but it costs much more than the one made from improvised materials.

An important role in creating a path in the country with their own hands is played by the curb. It not only fixes clear boundaries, but also protects its edges from destruction. The border also plays a decorative role. Although a curbstone is a desirable element, it is not considered mandatory. Most often, paths made of concrete slabs with large gaps between them and natural stone with a curvilinear configuration of borders are made without a curb.
When covering sand, pebbles, slag, gravel, a curb is necessary. The most practical and durable concrete curb laid on a concrete base. For curvilinear paths, it is better to choose borders made of brick, flat stone or tiles laid on edge.

By choosing the right material, you can create a harmonious path system, made in the same style and blending perfectly with the overall look of the site.

  • So for decorating a site in a rustic style, a tree is most suitable.
  • Natural stone is ideal for making curved paths.
  • Brick is wonderfully combined with buildings made of it. To make paths, special types of paving bricks are chosen that are not afraid of moisture and cold.
  • Paving stones of different shades allow you to create unique patterns.
  • Paths made of gravel and pebbles are most suitable for garden areas and near artificial reservoirs.

In recent years, people have the opportunity not only to create paths from monolithic concrete, but also to give it an original shape. To do this, it will be enough to buy plastic templates of various configurations in a specialized store, which will allow you to cast concrete elements on your own.

Some of the materials used to make the tracks are perfectly combined with each other. They combine so well:

  • concrete and brick;
  • river pebbles and wood;
  • multi-colored gravel and natural stone.

Country path planning

Before you make paths in the country, you need to correctly draw up a diagram or plan of the site, on which to depict the planned directions, taking into account all the buildings and plantings located on the site.

When developing them, one should take into account the amount of precipitation that falls in this area. Sometimes it is necessary to create a drainage system so that there is no stagnation of water in the area. It should also be remembered that excess water during freezing quickly spoils not only wood, but also materials such as concrete and brick.

Large trees should not grow near the paths, as they can destroy them with their powerful roots. When drawing up a more detailed plan-scheme, a picture of the country landscape will be more clearly presented and it will be easier to make a choice in favor of one or another building material.

For almost all types of country paths, one technology for their laying is observed. All work is divided into several important stages:

  1. Site marking. At this stage, with the help of a cord and pegs, the contours of the track are marked. The edges are carefully drawn along the outlined lines.
  2. With the help of a shovel, the sod is removed along the length and width of the intended path. The soil is taken out to the thickness of the sand cushion, which serves as the basis for paving. The thickness of the base layer must be at least 10 cm.
  3. Sand (sometimes crushed stone) is poured into the dug trench and it is carefully compacted and leveled.
  4. Paving is laid on the sand, carefully monitoring the observance of the level of the track.

Do-it-yourself budget tracks in the country

The following track options are the most popular in the country:

  • Path of gravel or small pebbles. They are made very quickly, but they do not differ in durability. The soil in the trench is treated with herbicides and covered with polyethylene or agrofiber so that weeds do not germinate. A layer of pebbles or gravel is poured on it and the surface of the track is leveled. In order for this material not to crumble over the site, it is necessary to create a border, for example, from tiles or bricks.
  • Walkway made of wood saw cuts. To create it, trunks and thick branches of sawn hardwood trees are suitable. They are cut into circles. The thickness of the material should be more than 10 cm. Well-dried saw cuts are treated with hot drying oil, which is applied with a brush over the entire surface. After the impregnation has dried, the treatment is repeated. A plastic film is laid on a pre-prepared sand cushion. Saw cuts are laid on it with any fantasy pattern and leveled. All voids between them are covered with gravel, sand or soil.
  • A country walkway made of stone can be made not only from purchased material, but also from what can be found in almost any area. When choosing elements, preference should be given to the stone that has at least one flat side. Under such paving, the trench should have a depth of at least 20 cm. Crushed stone (10 cm) is poured onto its bottom. It is compacted, and sand (10 cm) is poured on top and compacted again. Stones are laid on the prepared sand and gravel pillow. To fill the voids between them, sand is poured from above and all the voids are filled with it. At the final stage, the path is thoroughly watered. It may be necessary to refill the voids between the stones with sand.
  • Paving stone path. This option is one of the best. The depth of the trench for such material should be 20-25 cm. The sand-gravel cushion is created in the same way as under the stone path. Paving stones with a thickness of more than 60 mm will protrude above the soil. This path is best done with curbs. Paving stones are laid on a sandy base tightly to each other. In this case, the pattern can be the most diverse. When laying, pavers with signs of marriage should not be used, as they will quickly become unusable.
  • Brick path. It is created according to the same principle as the pavement path. The same brick placed on edge is used as a curb. Paving made of bricks of various shades looks especially attractive.

Concrete path (video):

concrete walkway

Paths in the country from monolithic concrete are still popular. Their manufacture requires a large amount of cement, sand and gravel. But they are durable and practical. When performing them, one rule should be remembered: the more cement in the solution, the stronger the concrete will be. For tracks, the following proportions of materials are most often used:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • crushed stone - 3 parts;
  • sand - 2 parts.

In order for such a path to rise above the ground, it is necessary to make a formwork from the boards under it. Stones, broken bricks or other solid construction debris are laid out at the bottom of the trench. The solution is poured into the formwork and its surface is leveled. Concrete can be decorated with tiles, mosaics or beautiful stones pressed into the uncured mortar.

Tiled walkways

Paths made of concrete slabs of various sizes are very popular. They are easy to fit and are durable. A sandy base is also arranged under them. A country path made of 50x50 or 40x40 cm tiles looks quite impressive, does not take up much space and is very practical. When using smaller tiles, you can create different variations of paving patterns. They can be laid close to one another or at some intervals, which are covered with small stone or soil. They can be planted with grass.

Country path (video)

2014-10-11 113


I am glad to welcome the permanent friends of our design portal! Today, analyzing the statistics of visits, we came to the conclusion that you are actively interested in articles about the improvement of suburban areas. This means that there are a lot of happy owners of hacienda among us. Especially for you, active gardeners, I decided to write this article. Remember, we have already discussed the question of how to choose the right one? I hope you learned this landscape design lesson well. And now it's time to talk directly about the paths, or, if you like, garden alleys.

Main functions

Every self-respecting summer resident does not disregard garden paths. They give the site some kind of, you know, elegance, or something. Well-groomedness, nobility. According to designer fashion, a site without tracks is bad manners. The trodden paths among the thickets of grass do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Such a courtyard reminds me of an untidy person, with greasy curls and dirty hands. Whether it's a dacha with neat winding alleys or geometrically straight and even tile sidewalks. A feast for the eyes!

So, the paths in the country perform, first of all, an aesthetic function. How pleasant it is to walk along a carefully lined alley, enjoying the results of your own labor! And do not be ashamed to invite guests. They will certainly appreciate your efforts. By the way, in this case it does not matter at all whether it will be a simple alley of small squares of concrete or a solid path of paving slabs.

Paths help not only to connect all the buildings together, but also combine individual elements into a harmonious ensemble. Strictly following the chosen style of registration of a suburban area, you can use them to create a unique work of landscape design, the name of which is your dacha.

Variety of species

It is easy to guess that the paths are classified depending on the type of material that is used for their construction. Modern building materials provide a wide choice; wood, plastic, rubber, and paving slabs are used to equip alleys.

The most noble material is natural stone. Garden paths made of stone look expensive, status. Of course, consumables can scare you at a price, but such an alley will last a very long time. This option is suitable for you if you have planned capital construction. By the way, it is not necessary to buy a stone specifically for this purpose. You can get durable paths for giving cheaply if you use the remains of natural stone, for example, from facing buildings or erecting a fence.

Today, country style is in fashion. It is excellent for the general design solution of the suburban area. And wooden garden paths will help to complete the organic ensemble. This material conveys some unusual atmosphere of warmth. Different types of wood are distinguished by a textured pattern on the saw cut - this fact must be taken into account. To extend the life of a wooden alley, use a special impregnation or varnish after installation.

The owners of capital brick houses should not for a second think about how to lay out the paths in the country. The solution to this issue lies literally on the surface. Use a brick! Such a design move will bring the desired harmony to the overall atmosphere. Just keep in mind that it is recommended to take a special paving brick. It is more resistant to moisture and temperature changes than its "regular" white or red relatives.

Paving slabs or paving stones are material for those who want to make paths in the country with their own hands. This option gives you the opportunity to show your imagination to the fullest. The material can be folded like a mosaic, forming patterns and drawings on the alleys. If you draw a laying scheme in advance, noting multi-colored fragments, you will get an absolutely unique ornament. Your cottage will be unique!

In my opinion, the most economical material is gravel. An idea for those who are concerned about the problem: what to make paths in the garden from. Everything is very simple! It will only take an impressive amount of consumables, as it shrinks. The gravel layer should be thick and carefully compacted. I want to emphasize: this option is not suitable for the central alley. A homemade gravel path fits into the wild, so it has a place along the beds, between flower beds, near an artificial reservoir.

This trail evokes nostalgic associations for me. Recall an analogy from childhood. Of course, the path of health in kindergarten! The alley, paved with gravel, is somewhat similar to this invention specifically for hardening babies. By the way, right on the go, an idea was born - why not build such a path near the children's corner on the hacienda? You can use, I give the idea.

Another durable material is concrete. To make concrete paths with their own hands, summer residents use either ready-made solid slabs or special blanks. In building markets, molds are sold for making pieces of concrete of the required configuration. Triangles, squares or asymmetric shapes - you can pour concrete tiles yourself.

Concrete paths are great for weed control. If you're having trouble with an annoying knotweed, or if you want to "thin out" the green carpet of your lawn a bit, lay down large blocks of concrete. In rainy weather, there will be no dirt in your yard, and juicy grass will be a beautiful living edging for the alley.

Forms for garden paths

I would like to talk more about the forms for construction. As I said, they are sold in hardware stores. High-quality tiles for garden paths can be made at home. But this, perhaps, is a task for real masters! Quite a painstaking and lengthy process, but the result is worth it.

How to fill the paths in the country? This is perhaps a topic for a separate article. Speaking briefly about the advantages, then, first of all, it is uniqueness. You have the opportunity to use any type of solution, apply dyes, add decorative elements: pebbles, small pebbles, even lay out patterns from them on the surface of the resulting blanks.

You know, it's like cooking. You can buy a ready-made cupcake in the store, or you can bake a homemade one. With nuts, raisins, fresh fruits, cream - many variations and each time an unusual taste. Similarly, in the question of how to make a track out of concrete using a special form. Experiment, getting interesting results every time.

How to make a path with your own hands

Garden paths are built in two stages. Foundation preparation is a very responsible process. It's like laying the foundation. For the house to be reliable, you need to take care of a strong foundation. The built path will last a long time if you pay attention to the careful backlog of the base.

Along the entire perimeter of the future alley, it is necessary to dig a continuous trench - the so-called earthen trough. Its depth should be at least 10 cm, regardless of what type of coating will be used in the future.

The bottom of the "trough" is covered with rubble. The height of the flooring is up to 3 cm. And then the gravel must be well compacted. Then a layer of fine gravel and a sand cushion.

The next step is laying the pavement. Its individual elements (bricks, tile fragments, natural stone bowls) must be rammed with a rubber mallet.

A compactor is poured on top - sand to fill the gaps. Making paths in the country is not difficult. Women can also cope with this task, because, as you have seen, power moves are not needed here. The main thing is fantasy, diligence and the desire to transform your dacha.

1. The so-called walking trails look cute. They consist of individual elements, such as concrete squares or saw cuts of large diameter. You can arrange them in a row - you get a kind of chain, or in a checkerboard pattern. This approach reminded me of a hopscotch game.

2. Don't be afraid to mix and match! Feel free to combine materials of different textures. Garden paths made of wood perfectly "make friends" with white pebbles or large stones like sea ones. This method will visually brighten up thematic transitions in the design.

I mean the case if a stone path leading to the gazebo adjoins the central alley, lined with tiles.

3. When starting construction work, take an interest in the weather forecast. Don't start building if the weather forecast is for rain. It is especially not desirable for moisture to get into the earthen trough. But at the stage of completion of work, rain is even useful - it will perfectly compact the top layer, wash off excess sand, and polish the stone.

4. Natural stone is the ideal material for a curved garden path. Individual elements are arranged in a random order, which allows you to make even sharp turns and smooth bends. For alleys winding around the site, choose this noble tool of natural beauty.

Perhaps that's all I wanted to tell you about. I invite readers to discuss the topic: what material do you think is most suitable for garden paths. Share your thoughts, ideas, experiences. Let's inspire each other to new design achievements!

The first thing that meets us behind the country gate is the garden path leading to the porch. From it in all directions: to the bathhouse, and to the garden, and to the garage - similar trails and paths scatter. It is always more pleasant to walk on a durable, well-groomed surface, especially when grass or clay soil is wet from the rain. Let's forget about designers and try to make garden paths with our own hands, and for this we only need desire and building material, affordable and inexpensive.

There are no classifications - both by material for manufacture, and by location, and by size. We will take a division into types based on the method of device.

garden paths

This is a natural look, as the paths appear on their own, without special planning. Usually they are trampled by the feet of people or rammed with wheels of garden equipment and serve to connect the most important points of the site - houses, baths, gardens, gardens, gates. The usual dirt trail has disadvantages (mud after rain, puddles, overgrown with grass), so it is only possible as a temporary option. The path, by the way, can also be ennobled: it is enough to lay out a curb of cobblestones or paving slabs around the edges.

Garden paths - the best option for sites located in dry areas

Paths with a backfill base

It is easy to arrange them: you should dig a ditch, about 100 mm deep, lay out geotextiles along the bottom and edges (density of at least 150 g / m²), strengthen the sides with border tape. It will remain on the finished base to fill in pebbles, crushed stone, marble chips or screenings. If this option seems simple, you can additionally lay stone or concrete slabs on the surface - in an orderly or chaotic manner. For ease of movement, the plates should be drowned in the backfill so that they are flush with the surface.

Having picked up gravel or crushed stone of different colors, you can decorate the paths or divide them into zones

Solid fill tracks

The durable coating is ideal for heavy loads. Paving of garden paths takes place on a concrete base with further laying of decorative elements on it: tiles, paving stones, natural stone. The use of material of different colors gives the decor a natural look. It is better if the finished object will rise above the ground by 50-70 mm - this will save it from erosion by water and soil deposits.

Paths made of slabs or stone, laid on a concrete base, are reliable and durable.

Use in the work of saw cuts and bars

A budget and favorite option for summer residents is wooden garden paths. The most popular are two types:

  • using wooden bars;
  • from wood chips.

If the climate is more dry than wet, you can use wooden blocks or thick boards, which are easy to purchase at any hardware store. It is better to stay on hardwoods. Identical segments are cut (100 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15-20 cm thick) and laid on a prepared base - gravel or sand.

Each bar should be treated with fuel oil or a special compound that protects against moisture and decay. For the same purpose, liquid asphalt is applied to the underground part of the bar, and sometimes a standard sand cushion is arranged. Such combined coatings are best laid in the fall, since in winter the soil subsides, due to which natural compaction is performed.

For paths made of wooden blocks, it is better to use fine gravel or crushed stone.

Using saw cuts of different sizes and colors, you can create unique track options.

Old fallen trees in the country are a real find for craftsmen. By sawing the trunks into pieces, from the resulting elements - saw cuts - you can make wooden garden paths that look equally good, crossing the lawn or winding among the flower beds. Not only trunks will be used, but also thick branches, with cuts from which it is convenient to fill the voids between large elements.

Screening strengthens individual elements, and the geofabric protects the path from grass sprouting

In order for wooden products to serve for a long time, they need to be treated on all sides with hot drying oil, it is better to repeat the procedure twice. A piece of geotextile or polyethylene is placed between the saw cut and the ground.

A short master class on laying paving slabs

With the help of pictures and descriptions, you can imagine how to make a noble and durable material.

Irregularly shaped paving slabs look more natural than straight ones.

For work you will need:

  • wooden mallet;
  • rubber mallet;
  • stakes;
  • Master OK;
  • building level;
  • cord;
  • rake;
  • broom;
  • watering hose;
  • channel;
  • manual rammer.

Materials: paving slabs (thickness 50 mm or 60 mm), curb stone, crushed stone (fractions 20-50), dry mix for plaster or cement M400 (M500), sand, geotextiles.

Now consider all the stages of work. The first stage is planning. It includes the creation of a drawing, the choice of a laying scheme and the shape of curly elements, the choice of a color (or several colors). At the same time, they calculate the number of tiles (including spare ones) and the consumption of the rest of the material.

There are many schemes for laying paving slabs based on the alternation of products of different colors.

Next, we do the markup. The accuracy of actions is one of the conditions for proper installation. A tape measure, pegs and a cord will help to determine the boundaries of the work. Sometimes it is necessary to walk along the intended path in order to understand how it is more convenient to lay it.

For the installation of a paving slab track, the accuracy of marking and the sequence of work are important

After marking, it is necessary to prepare the base. First you need to cut to a depth of 20 cm the top layer - turf. If the soil is clayey, drainage will help. Then you should create a sand or gravel cushion and a cement (concrete) screed.

A multi-layered base under the tiles is necessary so that the track is strong, does not settle and is not washed away by water.

Geotextiles can be laid between layers of sand and gravel, making the structure more durable. The top layer is a dry mix purchased at a store, or a self-prepared composition of sand and cement. The layer of the mixture (3-4 cm) should be leveled with a rake and a channel.

Uniform distribution of the cement mixture is carried out using a conventional garden rake.

The channel for leveling the surface can be replaced with an ordinary wooden beam

Now we are laying the tiles. The laying direction is away from you, so as not to spoil the base. Products should fit tightly, but with a gap of 1-2 mm. Each tile must be rammed with a wooden mallet. At the end, you should check the level and trim with a rubber mallet. First, whole elements are laid, and only at the end paving slabs are cut and the missing pieces are laid.

For high-quality laying of paving slabs, simple tools are needed - a rubber mallet and a wooden mallet

For ease of installation, first of all, whole products are placed, leaving voids along the edges

The voids along the curb are filled with pieces of tiles of the required size.

A border is laid out along the edges, fixed with a solution of M100 and covered with sand. The seams between the individual elements are covered with a sand-cement mixture, which is then moistened with water from a hose. Add the mixture to the places where it sank, and repeat watering. In 2-3 days the track will be finally ready.

DIY garden cement paths

Video instruction from 7 parts for working with ready-made forms

Paths made of natural stone: durability for centuries

Spectacular stone garden paths can be made from the material left after building a house or home decor, such as an alpine slide. The picturesque paths are created due to the uneven shape and different sizes of stones.

To create a beautiful path, stones of different sizes and colors are suitable.

The first stage is the calculation of the number of large stones. To do this, they can be laid along the future path. The basis for laying is a pillow of sand poured into a shallow ditch, directly on the ground.

Perhaps, for joining the stones, their processing will be required. A grinder or a more serious tool will help. There are two ways to arrange the finished material: in the form of a pattern (relief, mosaic) or in a chaotic manner, alternating large stones with smaller ones. If you do not fill the seams between the stones with a cement mixture, after a while they will be overgrown with grass. This option is also possible, it looks more natural.

The diagram indicates the approximate thickness of each layer, which should be adhered to during installation.

The combination of stone of different types and plants is an example of a path suitable for a Mediterranean-style site

Stone paths and paths are appropriate when creating a landscape painting of any style.

A modern touch - the use of plastic modules

If there is no time to build a solid stone or tile covering, but there is a desire to quickly install paths in the garden with your own hands, you can use a temporary option - plastic garden paths. Ready-made modules, most often the same in size and color, are sold in the store.

The color of the plastic modules is chosen depending on the area on which they will be laid. Most often these are green or black products.

In addition to low cost, plastic tracks have other advantages:

  • retain their shape and appearance for a long time, wear out slowly;
  • have holes so that water does not accumulate and go into the ground, that is, they do not form puddles and do not create a smell;
  • plastic is practically indestructible;
  • do not require constant care and attention, they are well cleaned and washed with water from a hose;
  • resistant to chemical attack;
  • quickly mounted and assembled according to the principle of the designer;
  • equally easy to fit on any base - sand, turf, clay.

At the end of the summer season, plastic modules are dismantled, washed, dried and stored in a utility room until next year.

Plastic paths are a good option for creating temporary paths on lawns

Paths in the summer cottage are created not only for practical use, but also for decorating the territory

In addition to the options listed, there are other types of garden paths - brick, parquet, concrete blocks, as well as all kinds of combined options. The basic rule for choosing the material for the track: it must be combined in texture and color with the house and other buildings.

Country paths are a kind of transport artery between the house, buildings and other objects. They give the site a well-groomed appearance, prevent trampling of plants and keep shoes clean. We offer you a selection of ideas on how to arrange and what to make paths in the country. Some of these ideas are quite possible to implement with your own hands, while others will require the involvement of specialists.

There are the following types of tracks:

  • By type of execution - solid and prefabricated (from individual elements).
  • Type: straight and twisted. A little design trick: winding paths can visually make the site larger.
  • According to the method of manufacture: permanent and temporary. For temporary use materials that can be easily dismantled - rubber, plastic.

Important! Before you break the tracks with your own hands, you need to think over a plan. Trails should connect not only the main buildings, but also household facilities (greenhouse, swimming pool, campfire site), beds, flower beds.

What can you make paths in the country

From natural stone. It does not have to be expensive granite or basalt, you can use limestone, slate, tuff, dolomite sandstone and other rocks. There are sawn stone and ready-made slabs on sale, but if you wish, you can get by with untreated blocks, the main thing is that at least one side is even.

From a tree. The best option is oak, conifers and larch, but you can take any wood. There are several options for such tracks:

  • Walkways from ordinary boards.

  • Wooden tiles.

  • Saw cut tree trunks - you can use elements of different sizes.

  • Combination: for example, wooden boards with pebbles or gravel.

Construction Materials. This includes tiles, paving stones, asphalt and other materials that are used everywhere. Strong, reliable, but not cheap. In addition, you cannot make such a path with your own hands.

Brick and concrete. You can lay bricks both end-to-end, and herringbone, checkerboard, even ornaments can be made from multi-colored elements. It is better to choose clinker bricks.

Concrete is a classic of the genre, but not solid paths look more interesting, but prefabricated ones. Elements can be made in the form of geometric shapes, flowers, leaves, etc. - there are different forms on sale.

Gravel. Great for winding paths and trails. You can use crumbs, and expanded clay, and round pebbles. Such a path must have a curb.

plastic molds. On sale there is a special plastic tile - it is light, durable and perfect for temporary tracks.

Rubber track. Sold in rolls, sheets and even as modular puzzles. Does not slip, lasts a long time, there are different colors.

Tennis. This is the material that is used for clay tennis courts. It consists of ceramic chips, clay and lime. After laying, a fairly dense surface is formed. Eco-friendly and easy to care for.

Ideas for paths in the country

Unusual shape. If the site is spacious, be sure to experiment with the shape of the tracks. A wide rounded, zigzag or jagged trail looks much more interesting than a regular straight line.

Graceful patterns. Beautiful ornaments can be laid out from fragments of old tiles or multi-colored stone and pebbles.

If brick or paving slabs are chosen for the construction of the path, let the layout be unusual! Checkerboard, circular layout around the central element, herringbone - there are a lot of options!

bridge imitation. Carefully stacked and fitted, the planks resemble a bridge or deck. And to make them stand out from the background of the environment, they can be painted in your favorite color!

Eco style. Eco-style is the embodiment of the harmony of man with nature. What can reflect it better than a tree? At the same time, deliberate negligence is important: aged or randomly laid boards, framed untreated wooden log cabins go well with lawn grass and small pebbles!

Concrete forms. For most people, forms are associated only with paving slabs. However, with their help you can make unusual and very stylish tracks! Imagine how great trails covered with flowers, geometric shapes or intricate patterns will look on your site! At the same time, they will be strong and reliable!

The beauty of the stone. Natural stone is beautiful on its own, but it needs to stand out! The best background for him will be a lawn or small pebbles!

Multilayer paths. The actual solution if the site is on a slope. Such paths can also frame decorative elements - alpine slides, fountains, flower beds.

Emphasis on borders. Along the borders, you can plant shrubs, low-growing flowers, lay out large stones, or simply highlight them with tiles or bricks in a contrasting color.

Bright shades. These tracks will definitely stand out! Maybe you have always dreamed of having a path paved with yellow bricks or painted in all the colors of the rainbow? - Bring your ideas to life!

Beautiful paths from improvised materials. Craftsmen manage to make amazing paths from old tiles, leftover building materials, and even from unnecessary bottles! The paths that seem abandoned or very, very old look colorful.

Stylish and original paths will be not just economic arteries, but also a decoration of the summer cottage!

Here are some more garden ideas.