Useful tips for summer cottages and gardens. The garden and the garden are not like everyone else: interesting ideas Flower beds made of plastic bottles cheer you up

How to make a beautiful garden and garden with your own hands, which would appeal to us with delight and bring pleasure? Today, a garden and a city are not just a land where food is grown for the table, it is a refuge from the hustle and bustle, a place where our soul returns to beauty. And the principles of creating a beautiful garden and kitchen garden can be applied to your summer cottage, as well as to landscaping a balcony, or even to your collection of indoor flowers.

You can be in the garden for a couple of minutes or hours - it does not matter, because. every second you enjoy every cell of your body.
And although our home and garden is a purely personal and private space, a few general recommendations will help you achieve true perfection and create a beautiful garden and vegetable garden with your own hands.

Visually separate the garden and the garden.

Zoning space in the garden will help you create a more coherent and harmonious design. A flower bed with tall ornamental herbs and flowers serves as a kind of partition between the vegetable garden and the garden.

And although the garden is located very close to the garden, separated by such a decorative border, it will turn out to be more comfortable and beautiful.

Consider the view from different parts of the garden.

It is beautiful to admire your garden from a distance, but it is much more important to enjoy it from the inside. Therefore, the views that open both from your gazebo and from a path or a secluded bench in the garden are important.

To create an interesting structure, use curvilinear paths and arches with climbing plants in the garden, carefully fitting them into the general arrangement of shrubs and fruit trees.

It is important to take into account not only the beauty of flowers, but also their aroma, then, walking around the garden, you can feel how the aroma of roses flows into the wonderful aroma of jasmine or lilies.

Use any corner of your garden as a flower garden.

Your garden is not just a place to fight for the harvest. With a little effort, you can always give it a more interesting look - by planting spicy herbs or flowers that repel insects as a border.

Even small corners of the garden, such as the back wall of a house, can be used to set up a cute flower garden with hardy perennials.

The fence is a great place for a flower garden with garden vines, it is enough to strengthen the garden net on it. For the sunny side of the fence, you can plant a weaving rose that will bloom all season.

For a shady place, plant honeysuckle, which blooms, although not for long, but has a very pleasant aroma.

And of course use clematis! This is the most popular garden vine and can transform your garden in absolutely stunning ways. And best of all, clematis will feel on the garden arch, because. he needs shade in the root zone and light for shoots.

A garden is not only decoration, but also, mainly, a harvest. Using grapes to wrap around a garden gazebo, we will solve two problems at once.

Firstly, the grapes will create a pleasant coolness on a sunny day, and secondly, in the fall they will delight us with a generous harvest.

Shade-loving and light-loving plants can be planted side by side.

In any corner of your garden, you can combine your favorite plants, creating the lighting regime that suits them.
It is important to highlight the sunnier side of the light-loving tall plants, perhaps even removing some of the shading high plantings, and plant the shade-loving plants side by side in their shade.

Create a luxurious look.

Don't be greedy and don't plant all the beautiful varieties of flowers that you see in your garden. It is better to choose 1-2 beautiful varieties, but create a truly luxurious flower bed out of them by planting several bushes nearby.
It is important to learn how to grow quite a few plants - for this arch near the gate, two varieties of weaving roses were chosen, but these are really healthy and well-groomed bushes that give abundant flowering.

Add contrast.

Where there is no interesting structure, use color. The mint bushes in the far corner of the garden do not have a particularly interesting aesthetic appearance, adding a container with contrasting foliage to these plantings, got an excellent result.

Moreover, the contrast can be not only color, but also light. So white flowers in a shady corner of the garden will visually make it less gloomy, giving it an almost mystical charm.


A beautiful garden and garden with your own hands means creating an informal relaxing atmosphere. This can be achieved by using a combination of plants in the garden in the most unexpected way.

By adding some simple flowers next to your plantings of vegetables, you can transform a simple vegetable garden into a triumph of the beauty and bounty of nature in your garden.

Agree that a good harvest brings no less aesthetic pleasure than a flower garden?

And enjoying the taste of homemade vegetables is another gift of nature for us.

Use unpretentious varieties of plants.

Do-it-yourself gardening and gardening means organic products, preferably with minimal use of chemicals.

And the best way to avoid chemicals is to choose disease-resistant varieties.

Before bringing a new plant to the site, ask about its resistance to diseases and pests so that it does not create problems for you or the surrounding plantings in the garden or garden.
This applies to both vegetables and fruits and flowers.

You can always find those varieties of plants that will grow well in your conditions, without requiring special attention from you and the use of chemicals.

To each his own place.

Every corner in the garden has its own purpose, has the right to exist and your love.

Therefore, a compost bin and a shed should not be dirty foundlings in your garden, but be as loved and well-groomed as flower beds and a vegetable garden.

In response, every corner in your garden will only delight you.

Think big.

When creating a garden and vegetable garden with your own hands, it is important to plan plantings not only on the plane, but also to use the height difference - then your landscape design will be more rich and interesting. In this regard, those who have a garden on a slope are lucky - if there are certain problems, such a garden will always look better than flat plantings with a vegetable garden and a couple of fruit trees in the corners.

Often the question arises of how to cover climbing roses for the winter. In fact, you make a minimum of movements - you cover the roses with a film right on the arch.

The garden as a place for creativity.

While it may be too late to change anything in the garden this year, it is never too early to make a quantum leap towards a better garden in the future. Analyze what your garden looks like now, whether you want to add, remove or change. Draw a plan.

Think, where are the gaps, where are the errors? Is your garden not as luxurious as you would like?
Visually, fewer varieties in one place creates a greater effect. Plant only one type of vegetables on the beds - then it will look denser.

Surprise yourself. Always try one or two new ideas per season.

Do your best. Don't give up because your space or time is limited. Start small - plant something that arouses your admiration.

True, they say that the most delicious vegetables and fruits are those that have grown in our garden. Gardening and gardening with your own hands will give you the most satisfaction in life than anything else.

Decorating a personal plot is a creative process that allows you to take a break from working in the garden and in the garden. The equipped, decorated territory becomes a wonderful place of rest for the owners of the cottage and their guests.

When you want something beautiful, but there is only an empty piece of land with two old trees, it is not at all easy to decide what to do with this piece. Applying the skills of landscape design professionals is expensive. Is there really no easy budget way to decorate the garden with improvised materials? There is!

"Rainbow" in the rose garden

You will need a small plot of land, ordinary stones and acrylic paint. In this case, the unsuccessfully overwintered remains of the rose garden act as an experimental site.

By the way! Anything can come in handy, for example, tree cuts, from which you can build an excellent path for children and adults. It is better if the wood is dry. At least not wet.

This style of landscape design can be safely called "positivism". It will suit perfectly if you have children, you love flowers and think that summer is the time for bright colors.

Now it would be nice to mulch the hole. But no mulch. But there are stones. Smaller stones can be used as mulch. Around the trunk, carefully place white small pebbles on the leveled soil. The radius is about 15 cm. If they are not white enough or even multi-colored, you can tint them right on the spot after installation with acrylic white spray.

Large stones will have to be painted with a brush. Two layers of paint (one, and when dry - the second) is enough. Stones do not have to be painted on all sides - one of them will still lie on the ground.

Advice! Thin acrylic paints halfway with water, otherwise they will be too thick and lie unevenly. Plus, they last a long time.

A jar of 200 ml of paint is enough for about 60 large stones. Large stones painted in bright colors will serve as a border for roses.

Green trim

After that, the fun begins. Around the rose bushes, according to the idea of ​​the author of the project, emerald lawn grass will grow. This means one more thing is needed. Namely: sand or peat, humus, lawn fertilizer, grass seeds.

It is best to sow a sports lawn immediately, which incorporates at least four varieties of grasses. You need to sow thickly. The area for which the seeds are intended, written on the box with seeds, immediately multiply by two.

Advice! In order for the lawn to lie flat and uniform, grass seeds are mixed with sawdust. It is not worth mixing with sand, it is heavier and will not give uniformity with light seeds.

Before seeding the lawn, complete the placement of decorative pebbles around the white mulch pebbles. Stones do not need to be pressed into the soil, just lay them on the surface. When the grass begins to grow, it will slightly cover the pebbles.

Next to the rose bushes, lay out a path of painted wooden saw cuts. It is not necessary to make a continuous path, there are enough “steps” so that you can walk on them or stand on them to care for roses. While the young grass is growing, do not trample it.

How to seed the perfect lawn

  1. To prepare the soil, loosen it with a rake, breaking all the lumps.

  2. Then sprinkle a thin layer of humus (1 cm) over the surface and sprinkle sand mixed with peat (2 cm) on top.
  3. Nutrient soil is not needed, since you have already laid a layer of humus under the future lawn. But for greater effect, you can sprinkle the prepared area with starter lawn fertilizer in granules.
  4. Then compact the soil. This does not require a special skating rink and even a large barrel. Two small sheets of plywood or any material you can stand on is enough. You put one sheet, stand on it, put the second one next to it, go to it. And so on until the whole area is equal.

  5. Now you need to water the soil well with water and seeds can be sown. They must be dry. When buying, pay attention to the date of packaging, which is on the box. It is desirable that it was no more than two years ago.
  6. Try to sow evenly in all directions. The thicker you sow, the denser the sod will be and the more stable the lawn will be.

  7. Filling seeds with soil. A layer of 1 cm is enough. Watering with shallow sprinkling, so as not to erode the earth.

Advice! If there is neither peat nor sand, buy a construction sieve. Choose a place in the garden with dry soil and sift it through a sieve. You will get a great filling.

If it is cool at night or an invasion of birds is expected, you can cover the crops with a film. Under the film it is warmer by 5-7 degrees, the seeds will sprout faster. And the moisture that the seeds need for spitting will remain better in the shelter.

Advice! Ants from one anthill can take half of your freshly sown lawn to them in a couple of hours. To prevent this from happening, it is worth taking care of the neutralization of ants in advance, as well as slugs, which will eat young grass with pleasure.

Now it remains only to wait for the flowering of roses and the growth of greenery. All the beauty spent one weekend and a minimum of funds. Moreover, success is guaranteed, since there is nothing complicated in creating such a project. Looks very positive. Easy care. Causes the admiration of the neighbors and the stormy delight of the children.

Video - How to plant a lawn

Video - Decorative painting of stones for the garden

Flower "stream"

You have a summer cottage, a vegetable garden, a garden, a lawn, a flower garden, but something is missing. The soul asks for beauty. Here, for example, would be to make an artificial pond with your own hands. No, not a pool, but at least a small pond or stream. But it's so hard! You need to dig a hole, carry cobblestones, buy a film or a plastic container, mess with aquatic plants, purchase all sorts of mechanisms - filters, pumps. Do you think beauty is not simple? How it happens! An easy way to acquire beauty without additional material and physical costs is a stream of flowers.

A flower stream is not even an element of landscape design, but a way. An unconventional way of planting plants is not in the usual flower bed, but in the form of a stream flowing from a container. All costs are to purchase a container. Although, you can use an old clay pot.

Miracle from the pot

To create a flower stream, you will need a part of the site on which you were going to make another banal flower bed. Capacity - it can be: a pot, a jug, a bottle (any container from which the future "stream" will originate) and flower seedlings ready for planting. You can sow a stream with seeds, but in this case, firstly, you will have to wait with beauty, and secondly, it is not known how the seeds will sprout. The stream can turn out to be uneven and with “bald spots”. Seeds can be pecked by birds, washed away by rain, dragged into their homes by ants.

ground cover plants

The choice of plants for a stream is not as obvious as it seems at first glance. You can use ground covers and creeping plants.

Table. The choice of ground covers in accordance with the growth conditions.

growth conditionsTypes of ground cover plants
If the bed of the flower "stream" passes through the illuminated areas of the garden, it is necessary to plant light-loving ground covers.These include: obrieta, creeping carnations, rezuha, carpet phlox, alissum.
If the location of the stream is in partial shade, plant plants that can tolerate shade.Plant dwarf astilba, tiarella, yellow lamiastrum, bruner, tenacious, trifoliate waldstein, ranunculus anemone. These plants will bloom luxuriously and feel great in shading, for example, among trees.
A flower stream can be created even in a heavily shaded area.To do this, use shade-tolerant ground covers: fragrant violet, small periwinkle.
A stream can be created even where there is constant dampness and the earth “does not dry out” even in summer.Moisture-loving plants: goose cinquefoil, hauttuynia, coined loosestrife form a lush and colorful "water stream".


Along with ground covers, many annuals can be used to create a flower stream, but it is worth choosing low-growing varieties, not higher than 30-50 cm. The list of annuals for this purpose is huge. Limit yourself to those that are sown in the ground in your climate. An impressive list - there is plenty to choose from.

By the way! Bulb flowers will look effective. They can be planted close to each other, and weak and defective, if necessary, replaced.

Instead of a pot, you can use a stump

Bulb flowers and perennials

The “bulbous” version of the stream can be made from tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, glamini (miniature gladioli), anemones, freesias, cyclamen and other perennials.

Rooted perennials can also be used. Primrose, sapling, saxifrage, veronica, pansies, Carpathian bellflower, armeria, gerbil, daisies, liverwort will look great in the mainstream.

No slope for "brook"? Create it with a mound of earth

Brook planting

Having decided on the planting material, finding a suitable jug, indicating the length and width of the future flower stream, you can start planting.

  1. The earth is dug up, cleared of weeds, well leveled and moistened.
  2. Then the plants are placed in pre-marked places.
  3. Everyone is watering.
  4. It is important to remember that ground cover plants grow rapidly, so their planting areas must be limited, and shoots emerging from the banks of the stream should be regularly removed.

That's all, the flower stream is ready. It will require no more care than an ordinary flower bed - watering, fertilizing, removing dried flowers. The visual effect that you get will surpass all your dreams of beauty. Still think that beauty is not simple?

Creation of a dry stream on the site

growing up

Lianas occupy a special place in the hierarchy of ornamental plants. Their stems are flexible and unstable (herbaceous annuals, among perennials there are tree-like vines). But vitality and the desire to grow “to the sky” are unparalleled. They only need support. Give the vines a foothold and they will turn your yard into a fabulous blooming kingdom.

Vertical gardening, for which creepers are used, is a very important part of landscape design. If most plants can “cope” with horizontal surfaces, then fences, walls, pillars, balconies, terraces can be decorated only with the help of vines.

Too hot in the summer in the gazebo? Create shade with climbing crops

What are good lianas

  1. For the most part, vines do not require a large feeding area. They only need a little soil (two times less than any other plant) to give you much more than any other plant, leaf mass and flowers.
  2. Creepers can grow near the wall of the house, where the foundation passes and a layer of soil above the concrete is only 15 cm.
  3. Creepers can grow in tubs and flower pots.
  4. Creepers are very resistant to drought, to excessive moisture, many to cold.
  5. They do not require highly nutritious soil. Of course, they will not refuse fertilizers, but even without top dressing they will grow and bloom, and some will also bear fruit.
  6. Annual creepers are beautiful in that their growth rate is up to 5 cm per day.

Advice! If you urgently need, already this summer, to decorate an unsightly wall or to envelop a pergola, gazebo, terrace with flowering greenery, seek help from morning glory, dolichos, sweet pea, kvamoklit, kobee, nasturtium, decorative beans. These fast-growing vines will cope with decorating the site perfectly.

Table. Annual creepers and their characteristics.

This climbing annual grows up to 4m tall or wherever you point it. If you don’t direct, it will “direct” itself. It will braid everything that can and cannot be braided - a fence, a neighbor's fence, a tree, a sunflower, grapes.
It is a climbing annual from the legume family. Its stems can grow up to 3-3.5 m. The stems are thin, ribbed. And the flowers are from 3 to 5 cm in diameter, of all kinds of tones and colors and with a delightful subtle but strong aroma.
Grows up to 5 meters. The flowers are not large, but very interesting shape. The colors are also very different - from white to red and variegated. Beans can bloom until frost. Its foliage, along with flowers, looks very decorative and, at the same time, elegant.
This plant is interesting not only (not so much) with flowers, but with its openwork leaves. Quamoclite also has flowers. They are funnel-shaped, intensely red in color, quite numerous. But the foliage of the plant, bright green, dissected into many “lobes”, resembling either the needles of evergreen trees, or an acacia, helps the quamoclite flowers to appear in all their scarlet beauty.
This plant is exceptionally elegant. It has large, trifoliate leaves, dark green with a purple hue. Flowers are bean-shaped. Large, purple and emitting a magical aroma. Dolichos blooms late - at the end of summer. But it blooms until frost, until the end of October.
Kobe climbing - differs from other vines in very beautiful and large flowers. The flowers, up to 9 cm in size, are simply fantastic. In the form of bells, slightly elongated, and long stamens peep out of them far beyond the flower. Kobeya blooms from mid-summer until frost. The flowers are milky and purple in color. Purples are first greenish, then creamy, and only then turn lilac (or acquire a bluish tint) and become purple. Therefore, on one vine, you can simultaneously see flowers of three different shades.
A very useful and highly ornamental flower. Leaves, flowers and fruits of nasturtium are used in cooking, cosmetics, and folk medicine. Grows up to two meters. Grows very fast. The leaves are large, wide, beautiful irregular shape. Flowers - "gramophones" of sunny colors - from maroon to lemon yellow. They bloom all summer and half of autumn.

Growing annual vines

There is nothing complicated in growing herbaceous annual vines. You can sow them directly into the ground (since these plants develop rapidly, it is better that the soil is loose and fertilized).

  1. Sow at the end of May.
  2. Make shallow holes, 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole.
  3. If the seeds are small, you can sow in the grooves. Depth - about two centimeters.
  4. Water the crops and wait.
  5. You won't have to wait long. After one and a half to two weeks, sprouts will appear.
  6. After another two weeks, it is worth preparing supports for them (pulling ropes, installing pergolas), along which they will climb.

If you want to get flowering of annual vines earlier, it makes sense to grow seedlings first, and then plant them in open ground. Seedlings are planted for seedlings in April, in separate peat pots (most herbaceous vines have a weak root system that should not be injured during transplantation).

Video - Do-it-yourself gypsum mushroom house without special tools and forms

A garden, a kitchen garden, a dacha, all the brightest and most interesting things with your own hands can be done very simply, the main thing is not to forget about imagination and demonstrate perseverance, and you will definitely succeed. Our ideas will be able to whip up your imagination, and then the thing is small, to bring ideas to life. It will not be difficult to make such crafts from improvised materials, because in almost every courtyard or cottage there are suitable ones that no one needs: tires, stumps, plastic bottles, or stones, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with photo and video materials on this topic, so that later on from your own experience make sure these steps are easy.

We have repeatedly written about what can be done for a summer cottage, but since this material is in great demand, and there are quite a lot of ideas, we will touch on this topic a little today. In view of their availability, tires adorn almost every suburban area, so you will have to try hard to stand out. You can get original ideas from the following photos:

But, you can do a lot of other interesting things from tires, for example, to please children with a fun swing, you won’t need much time for this, but you will make a real holiday for children.

But not with tires alone, to make a garden, a vegetable garden, a cottage the brightest and most interesting with your own hands, you can also use stones, it is also very cheap and simple. You will only have to buy paint and brushes, so that later you can paint the cobblestones to your liking.

Garden crafts made of stone, photo:

What original crafts in the garden and in the country can be made from plastic bottles.

You have probably already seen areas decorated with plastic bottles more than once, this phenomenon is becoming more and more popular, so in order to stand out, you need to show remarkable imagination. But if you don’t have any thoughts yet, we suggest that you get acquainted with the ideas that are original in our opinion, the execution of various decorations from plastic bottles.

We also offer to decorate your garden with a useful figurine, make a scarecrow that will not only add color to your site, but also scare away unwanted feathered guests. Here you can make funny and original scarecrows with your own hands:

How to make an original and bright flower garden for a garden, garden, cottage with your own hands.

Elementary can be made from the same old tires that can be painted in any color you like using ordinary paint. It often happens that it is this decoration that your guests remember in the first place.

In addition to tires, ordinary boulders and stones, or very small pebbles, can be used to decorate a flower bed. They are often decorated with paints, it looks very cool, while you do not spend a lot of resources on such decor. Also, you can use an ordinary tree by making a small, neat fence.

Beautiful flower beds can be made more original in appearance, but no less simple in execution, the so-called flower streams. When a person looks from the side, it seems that a whole stream of flowers flows out of a large container, it looks really very beautiful. How to plant such a stream? Yes, it's very simple, outline the route of the stream, and plant flowers in it, also make a place at the beginning from where the stream will begin. For such a flower bed, it is better to choose so as not to replant them from year to year.

You can plant flowers in the most unexpected objects that only come to your hand. See for yourself by looking at the following photos.

They use for this, even old bicycles, ears and unnecessary bedside tables, it turns out very well.

Often, in order to make a garden, a garden, a summer house, all the brightest and most interesting things with their own hands are also used by special weaving plants - creepers. This is a well-known move in landscape design, it allows you to do it simply and beautifully, while being quite cheap, you just have to buy plant seeds, plant them and take care of them properly after that. Lianas will very quickly completely change the appearance of your summer cottage, braiding everything in its path.

How to make bright country and garden furniture with your own hands from improvised materials with your own hands.

You can make beautiful country furniture very simply, there are a huge number of options for how to do this, you can even use ordinary pallets to get a decent result that will be both practical and spectacular. As an example, such a comfortable sofa, and a table for a snack.

You can make a whole kitchen set from stumps and beams, while it will not look cheap at all. And from stumps you can make comfortable chairs, simply by equipping them with soft upholstery.

You can make beautiful tables from large stumps, first they are polished, and then varnished.

To make a garden and a vegetable garden, in your summer cottage, bright and original with your own hands, decorate the furniture made with bright colors, this will give a good mood to everyone who is visiting you.

High bed, do it yourself in the garden, photo:

To streamline their garden, summer residents very often resort to the formation of high beds, this not only looks more attractive and compact, but also greatly simplifies plant care. In addition, the sun's rays penetrate better into such soil, and thus contribute to the rapid growth of vegetables. The walls for the beds are made from improvised materials, they use: slate, wood, bricks and stones.

That's actually all that we managed to tell you. A garden, a kitchen garden, a dacha, all the brightest and most interesting do-it-yourself things are done very easily, if a creative person, armed with knowledge of his craft, is taken to work, a little inspiration, you probably took from this article, it remains only to realize what was planned, and make the dream of a beautiful garden come true into reality. On this we say goodbye to you, all the best, until we meet again and good luck!

Do you want people to open their mouths in amazement when passing by your land? It's possible. Our article on Garden, garden, cottage: all the brightest and interesting things with your own hands" will show you the best ways to transform your possessions. We have selected the most spectacular and easy-to-implement ideas, thanks to which every trip to the suburban area will make you happy.

Bright crafts for a garden, garden or cottage with your own hands: photo

Dacha, garden or vegetable garden will be decorated with bright crafts made from tires. And even though the idea is not new, the main thing is that it looks very interesting. By connecting all your creative potential, you can create a real masterpiece. If imagination is lacking, here are ideas for you, by copying which you can make your garden, or garden bright and attractive.

No less impressive will look on the lawn near flowers or trees, here are such interesting pebbles, decorated do it yourself. For such crafts, it is better to use acrylic paints. A 200 ml can of acrylic paint should be enough for 60 large stones.

Interesting crafts from plastic bottles are a hot topic for the garden in recent years. You can easily find workshops on creating pigs, birds, bunnies, bees and other various animals from plastic containers. Here are some bright decorations for a garden, cottage or garden you can create with your own hands.

To scare away birds in cottages and gardens, they often install a scarecrow created by their own hands. Why not make it not only useful, but also a pleasant element on the site by connecting a little imagination?

An interesting flower garden will decorate any garden, garden or cottage

Flowers framed by stones, logs or bottles look interesting in the country house, garden or garden. They can be painted with bright colors or left as is. The main thing is to neatly and tastefully decorate the territory with their help with your own hands.

A flower stream is an excellent replacement for a banal flower bed. Creating it is not difficult at all. On an elevated place, you need to lay a flowerpot, bucket or other suitable container, and plant the flowers in such a way that they resemble a stream flowing from it. Creeping and ground cover flowers are perfect for creating a stream: periwinkle, violet, carpet phlox, coined loosestrife. To make the "stream" uniform, plant plants with seedlings, not seeds.

The wealth of imagination of the owners of summer cottages is especially noticeable in the variety of flower pots. What summer residents and gardeners do not plant flowers in! By the way, the results are quite interesting - you can take note for reproduction with your own hands.

Do not forget the old, like the world, but the idea that has not lost its relevance is the use of climbing flowers (lianas) in landscape design. Ipomoea, sweet pea, dolichos, kobeya, nasturtium looks interesting. Thanks to the widest range of vines, it will not be difficult to make a choice according to your taste. Plant them in the country house, garden or garden so that they braid the fence, walls of the house and other buildings, columns or gates. Such a bright design always attracts the eye of passers-by.

Original furniture for a summer house or a garden with your own hands

There are many ideas for creating interesting country or garden furniture. This does not always require expensive materials or tools, so that you can do without special financial costs. For example, such a compact table, chairs or sofa for a summer house or garden can be built from pallets.

photo furniture ideas from pallets

Hemp and beams are excellent materials for creating country furniture. By covering the stumps with soft saddles, you can get comfortable stools for the garden.

Every amateur gardener, summer resident, just people who grow vegetables and fruits, flowers and various plants on their garden plot always try to keep their garden clean and tidy, while everyone has their own invaluable experience, and, so to speak, various developments and chips to transform your land into a wonderful miracle garden and into a cozy and beautiful cottage, and your garden into a fruitful abundance.

And here are just some of the tricks that we managed to peep and capture are presented below, and which we will continue to collect and publish on the expanses of our site, in the hope that someone will like it and come in handy. So, let's look.

Planting seedlings in plastic bottles

A great idea is to use empty plastic bottles of various sizes as planting trays for seedlings and seeds. They are made simply, easily and quickly, and the seedlings grow beautifully in them (one side of the container is cut with a knife or blade)

While winter lasts, collect used coffee and tea leaves in a separate container or plastic bags (you can continue to collect and not only during the winter period, but always), this is a very good fertilizer for plants, rich in nutrients, nitrogen and vitamins. Plants where this fertilizer was applied grow much faster and give a good harvest.

Even if you observe ladybugs, bees, bumblebees, lacewings on your site, which belong to the category of beneficial insects for plants, it will not be superfluous to lure such insects additionally, even more. Well, whoever has few of them on the site, then all the more it is necessary to attract and lure. As you know, ladybugs feed on aphids, and bees and bumblebees pollinate plants, while they themselves do not eat or spoil flowers, leaves, or crops. Some gardeners advise using an aqueous composition of sugar syrup for bait, spraying the soil around the plants with it. But, with this method, there is a risk that, along with beneficial insects, ants can be attracted at the same time. Therefore, it is better to spray the plants themselves with sugar syrup, and not the soil.

The fact that harmful insects find plants that are tasty to them by smell suggests the idea of ​​​​creating seeds and seedlings in a combined, mixed form, which includes spicy and fragrant plants - garlic, mint, calendula, wormwood and nasturtium. Such spicy plants repel harmful insects, thereby protecting vegetable plants from uninvited guests, making it possible to get a good, full-fledged harvest.

Such a hanger for garden mittens is easy to make, it can be cut out of plywood or a piece of tin, with the attachment of ordinary clothespins, which can be not only wooden but also metal, and the shape of the hanger itself is any. Lightweight and portable, the Hanger can be mounted even on an ordinary wire, and in any convenient place - on the fence, on the veranda, on the wall of a barn or pantry, on a tree trunk (only not clogged, but wrapped with wire). As a result, gloves and mittens will always be in a conspicuous place and at hand, and at the same time they will dry better and faster.

When you work in the garden or in the garden, you usually leave the phone anywhere in the room, on the side, and when it suddenly starts ringing, you drop everything and run to the negotiations, which is very inconvenient, especially when such calls-calls for negotiations are far away more than once. Therefore, you can create such a cuff-pocket from an ordinary sock or gaiter, cutting it off to the right size so that you can put it on your arm above the elbow or leg at the knee and fold it in half, thus creating a pocket. In which you need to put your mobile, which will always be with you and not interfere when working in the garden.

For those gardeners who have a lot of old tires, or who can purchase them, you can give them a practical and useful use by creating litter bins. Tires can be painted (apply patterns or drawings through a stencil), it will look beautiful, or you can not paint it - that’s also good. By stacking the tires one on top of the other of two, three or four tires, placing the urn anywhere in the corners or edges of the site. Litter bins will securely fix garbage or bags of garbage in themselves and will not allow the wind to spread it throughout the garden or vegetable garden.

Beautiful and original flower beds from stumps

If you have stumps in your garden or vegetable garden, or you may have them in the future, then do not think about how to get rid of them, because very beautiful flower beds can be made from stumps. In addition, it will save you from the grueling work of uprooting a stump from the ground, which is not so easy to do. It is very simple to make a flower bed from a stump and does not cause any difficulties. You just need to cut out the core (which is often rotten and weak - rake at least with your bare hands) or cut it with a chainsaw, electric saw, knock out a small depression with a chisel (chisel) and a hammer (cm 15-20) and fill it with earth, planting flower seeds, which will sprout and bloom with a beautiful and bright flower garden.

Type sand, gravel or small pebbles into an ordinary bucket or tank, place the container in a place convenient for you - on the veranda, in the pantry, garage, or in the yard on the street, and place all the small garden tools there - secateurs, scissors, choppers, shovels, knives, etc. point down - sticking them in. Take it when you need it and stick it back in place. This will allow the tool to always be sharp and clean and in one place.

Form markers for sowing seeds are easy to make yourself, they are so good that they allow you to make several holes at once with one click. And the forms themselves are created from improvised means easily and simply, for example, from corks attached to plywood, or you can use cardboard egg lattices fastened on a piece of board by attaching a handle on top (can be attached to the grout for plaster) like shown in the photo.

Tomatoes will be sweet and tasty

In order for the fruits of the tomato to be juicy, sweet and tasty, first treat the tomatoes themselves with a tasty treat for them, namely, dilute baking soda at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of water at room temperature, and pour into the root of the plant. One liter jar for each tomato bush. Water the tomatoes in this way with each regular watering, completing the watering itself with a soda solution.

When planting seeds in the soil on beds and on a flat surface, mark the places of their sowing in order to know exactly where and what is planted in a particular place, and creating an indicator that there and there the land is not empty, but contains plantings . For such marks and markers, you can use small plastic or plastic forks, spoons, spatulas, sticks, knives, pebbles painted in different colors, or wooden planks, pointed towards the bottom.

You can plant and multiply rose flowers on your site in an original and interesting way. It is necessary to cut small cuttings from the shoots of an already flowering rose bush, about 20 cm long each, make a hole in the potato with the tip of a knife or drill, sticking a rose cutting into a young potato and planting it in a certain designated place, watering it. Young potatoes are good because they will not begin to germinate, and will create a kind of microclimate for the rose cutting, maintaining the desired level of moisture and nutrients, being a fertilizer. From which the cutting will quickly take root and take root, will grow. If you do not use young potatoes, then you must first peel the potato from the eyes and peel with a scrub or knife. Otherwise, it will be possible to harvest potatoes, and not get a new young rose bush.

Thus, you can plant not only roses, but also lilacs, indoor lemons, currants, raspberries, gooseberries.

Video "Planting cuttings of roses in potatoes

Washing for feet in the country

Form of stones or pebbles for washing feet

A useful and necessary thing in any country house is a foot washbasin. After they worked in the garden, on the beds, on the ground, or the children played in the sand, before entering the cottage itself, they rinsed their feet and come in. Just as it will be convenient before getting ready to go home from the dacha, wash your feet, hands, change clothes, and hit the road. The washbasin itself is easy to make from boards, knocking them together into a square frame, and filling them inside with pebbles and stones. You can put a chair next to it to sit down, a bucket of water, or you can run a hose to the place. This form of pebbles will also be good as a floor for an outdoor shower.

It happens that a large number of wasps and hornets appear in the country, especially in drought, in warm weather without rain. Wasps can interfere with work in a summer cottage in a garden or vegetable garden, and pose a danger to children who play in the yard. Therefore, to combat wasps, many methods and methods have been invented to get rid of them. And here is one of them, simple, but effective and reliable. The trap is made from a plastic bottle, the top of the bottle is cut off, the cap is removed, and the cut part is inserted in the form of a funnel from top to bottom. Syrup, honey water or jam diluted with water is poured into the bottom of the bottle. Wasps freely penetrate inside, but they can no longer go back (without finding a way out). But in order to prevent useful insects from falling into such a trap, for example, bees that pollinate plants (and indeed make honey), you need to drop one drop of vinegar into this trap - the wasps will all climb there smoothly, and the bees will fly around (you can also wipe the outside of the bottle with a swab dipped in vinegar). It is best to make several such traps, and not just one, by hanging or installing them in different places in the garden, and at the entrance to the cottage.

Video how to make traps for wasps and hornets

Another video on the topic of wasp traps

Banana peel for fertilizing flowers and plants, seedlings

Banana peel is a very good and effective natural fertilizer for any plant. It is rich in nutrients and trace elements, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. Banana peel can be used in different forms - fresh, dried, frozen, prepare compost for watering plants at the root, or add fresh peel to the soil itself (adding eggshells to a banana is even better) Just like finely chopped banana peel, collect in a jar, pour water, and let it brew for several days (compost will turn out) and water, diluted with water by half, houseplants.

Video about banana peel as a fertilizer

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