How to choose a chandelier in the living room - the search for the perfect solution. How to choose a chandelier in the hall: advice from professionals Which chandelier to choose for a man

Those who have ever dealt with repairs know that sooner or later they have to choose a chandelier. This is where the problems begin. Having entered the store, it is difficult to find exactly what you need because of too large an assortment. Consultants are happy to help you, but without knowing the layout and features of the house, this will not be easy. How to be in this situation?

How to choose the right chandelier for the interior

The choice should be taken with all responsibility, because it depends on it how the room will look. Do not forget to consider the interior when choosing.

Attention! Do not forget that light walls reflect light much better than dark ones. Therefore, if the interior is in a dark tone, the chandelier should be more powerful in order to fully illuminate the room.

Ceiling height plays an important role. If they are high, the lamps should be large, but of low power. If low, then “plate” lamps are best suited. In addition, wall or table lamps can be added to the room. If the room is spacious, it is best to install a switch to the chandelier in order to be able to change the lighting and turn on only the required number of lamps.

Particular attention should be paid to the size of the chandelier, as well as the combination of its size with the size of the room in which it will be located. In addition, you should pay attention to the number of lamps so that the room is evenly lit.

Pay attention to the color of the chandelier. Designers advise choosing a color based on the overall color scheme of the room. It is best to choose warm colors.

We select a chandelier in the bedroom

The situation in the bedroom should be comfortable, because in this room you spend a lot of time. Lighting plays a very important role. In order to choose the right chandelier for the room, you need to know its dimensions. In a small room with low ceilings, you should not hang a large chandelier. So it will seem larger than it actually is, and the room will visually become even smaller. The function of the main lighting will be able to perform lamps, their light will be gently scattered throughout the room.

Important! If you still decide to buy a chandelier - the shades should be made of colored or frosted glass, this will help make the light not so bright.

For large rooms, a classic chandelier is suitable. Light bulbs can be bought in the form of candles, they will emphasize the design of the room and add a little tenderness. Make sure that the light is scattered throughout the room, and not just in the center. Pay attention to chandeliers with a paper lampshade, you can easily pick up wall lamps or lamps for them.

You should not buy multi-lamp chandeliers for the bedroom, a lot of light will come from them.

Choosing a chandelier for the kitchen

A chandelier is an important element of any kitchen. In order to choose it correctly, you should build on its style.

If the kitchen is made in a modern style, then the chandelier should be the same. Most often, these are designer chandeliers with graceful balls, cones, cylinders.

For a classic kitchen, something simpler is suitable, for example, from colored or transparent glass, it can have crystal pendants. You can also use ordinary chandeliers with fabric shades. But this type is not suitable for everyone. If the kitchen is small, the chandelier will be close to the cooking place - the ceiling lamps will quickly become dirty and eventually lose all the sophistication of their appearance.

In an Italian-style kitchen, a wrought-iron chandelier with light bulbs in the form of candles will look good.

A Japanese-style kitchen will suit lamps made in the same style - chandeliers or lanterns made of wood.

How to choose a chandelier in the living room or hall

Lighting in the living room is very important, which is why when choosing a chandelier it is worth remembering that if you make a mistake, the light will overshadow the main design of the room. Chandelier and lamps should fit the size of the room and be combined with each other.

Attention! Remember that the chandelier should match the style of your living room.

A chandelier is an important interior item, and it should emphasize its features, and not overshadow them. That is why it is worth remembering a few simple rules for choosing a chandelier for the interior.

  1. Remember, there are many styles, each has its own characteristics and distinctive features. When choosing a chandelier, this must be taken into account first of all.
  2. In order for the chandelier to harmonize with the interior, it is necessary to choose its size correctly. So that this can be done correctly, the designers have developed a simple formula:

(Width of the room, m + length of the room, m)x10 = chandelier diameter, cm

  1. When choosing a chandelier for the interior, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme of the room. If its color does not fit into it, it will begin to stand out too much, which will divert attention from the room itself.
  2. Don't be afraid to experiment.

The very phrase “chandelier in the hall” already makes the mind draw a lighting device that is larger, brighter and “smarter” than lamps from other rooms of the house. This is not surprising, since the hall or living room is a place for family evenings, solemn meetings and feasts. This means that the chandelier should not only match the surrounding interior, but also be presentable, helping to create a certain atmosphere.

Lighting manufacturers understand the versatility of a room such as a living room, so they offer customers a huge variety of models to choose from. They differ not only in design, materials or colors, but also in construction.

The catalog of the online store "VamSvet" presents suspended and ceiling models. You should probably start a conversation with them.

What to choose: ceiling or pendant chandelier?

Here the choice will be quite simple, since it depends solely on the ratio of the height of the chandelier to the height of the ceiling of a particular living room. You can choose a model based on a specific formula: the height of the chandelier from the mount to the extreme point of the shades or the body in the lower part should not exceed? overall height of the living room. Otherwise, you can simply touch the chandelier with your head. And the device itself will look disproportionately massive, bulky.

You need to talk about the width of the chandeliers. It is considered optimal if the width (diameter) of the chandelier at the extreme points does not exceed 1/3 of the width of the room. This formula applies to square and rectangular rooms. Only in a rectangular living room, the ratio of the diameter of the lighting device to the width of the room is calculated on a short wall.

For example, for a living room with sides of 4 by 7 meters, you should look for a chandelier with a diameter of no more than 133 centimeters.

The design of pendant models involves the use of chains or the cord itself with fastening at the end, with which the lamp is attached to the ceiling. The advantage of this design is that if you need to reduce the length of the chain, then it will be enough just to remove the extra links, and the cord can be shortened or rolled up and hidden under a special cap.

Ceiling models are fixed to the ceiling, they have a small height and are located in a horizontal plane.

A conditional disadvantage of the ceiling model can be considered that, in comparison with pendant chandeliers, they do not look so impressive - their size is smaller, they do not have so many decorative elements, etc. But even here there are exceptions.

It should be noted here that ceiling and pendant chandeliers with flexible mounts are the most well-known options for a wide range of buyers. But for several years now, chandeliers on a bar have been rapidly gaining popularity.

The chandelier on the rod is located vertically and is motionless. Instead of a chain, she uses a metal tube. It is firmly fixed on the base, so this chandelier will not sway.

As for the possibility of adjusting the height of the case, it is provided in most modern models. You can lower or raise the level of the ceiling lights in just a couple of seconds!

To summarize: in a living room with high ceilings, it is better to use hanging chandeliers on a rod, chain or cord. But in those rooms where the room with a ceiling height of up to 2.8 meters, it is better to stay on the ceiling version.

Key selection factors

The type of construction is the first thing you will have to decide in the process of choosing a chandelier for the living room. Now let's move on to the following factors, based on which, buyers make a choice in favor of a particular model.


Design is very important when choosing a chandelier. It is the appearance of lighting fixtures that attracts the greatest attention of buyers - this is a fact. Therefore, it would be right to immediately tell you how to find the perfect model for a particular interior.

Product design is not something abstract.

It is a combination of specific elements:

  • stylistics (shapes, lines, decorative elements);
  • colors;
  • materials.

And the quality of design can be determined by the ratio of "showiness-efficiency". In other words, the design of the chandelier is good, which looks beautiful and does an excellent job of lighting.


In order not to miscalculate with the purchase, you need to choose a chandelier in accordance with the style of furniture and living room decor.

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of styles, but they all fall into four main categories:

  • traditional;
  • modern;
  • modern;
  • ethnic.

The traditional ones include those that clearly indicate any historical era - Baroque, Rococo, Empire, Victorian, Romanesque, classicism. Each of them is unique in its own way, but they all look spectacular, expensive, classic.

Modern styles are already neoclassical. These include art nouveau, art deco, modern, which have absorbed the features of traditional and modern styles.

In modern ones, the simplicity of forms is inextricably linked with functionality, and the coldness of some materials (glass, metal) is diluted with the bright warm light of lamps.

African, Moroccan, Mediterranean, Oriental, Scandinavian, Provence are all examples of ethnic styles. Among the features inherent in such styles, elements are found that are characteristic of the cultures of different peoples. Therefore, buying a chandelier in a hall in this style implies some knowledge of the history, culture, and traditions of individual ethnic groups.

A few illustrative examples

To make the style of the main categories more understandable, consider examples from the catalog of the VamSveta online store.

The Elvan Russian pendant chandelier is the perfect example of traditional style. Thin weightless forms, gently curved lines, complex image. Faceted pendants imitating crystal and the snow-white color of the case add "classicity".

Such a chandelier would be appropriate in an interior with a predominance of white, with furniture with carved legs, ornate patterns on textiles, wallpaper.

The suspended version of Eurosvet is made according to the canons of the modern Art Deco style. To understand this is quite simple - in her design at the same time there was a place for ornate classical elements, pendants, a lampshade, chrome-plated metal, and colored textiles. It is easy to imagine such a model in a living room that replicates the interiors of the early 20th century.

A modern apartment or house with this chandelier will be filled with warm light, a chic atmosphere, and will become much more elegant.

The Style SP5 Clear pendant chandelier fits perfectly into the framework of the modern loft style.

The model of the Spanish brand Crystal Lux attracts with simple shapes, lines, materials. But from this simplicity, the designers managed to create a spectacular solution that combines minimalism and utility.

The ceiling version of Citilux Kyoto will delight lovers of oriental style. At first glance, it may seem that the model is made in a modern minimalist style. In fact, its design is a slightly modernized "reading" of Japanese traditional forms.

For a more complete imitation of Japanese style, Citilux Kyoto is made of brown wood and white frosted glass.

If you like the ancient East, Japanese culture, natural materials - feel free to choose this model. For convenience, you can simply go to the subsection "Oriental chandeliers".

Help for the buyer

We understand how difficult it is to choose a chandelier or other lighting fixture for an interior designed in a particular style. Therefore, we are pleased to present you with a model selection service. Experienced consultants of the online store "VamSvet" will carefully study your project, listen to your wishes and requirements in order to choose exactly the model that will easily, subtly merge into the interior, becoming its visual and stylistic center.


In design, color plays a much larger role than buyers are used to relegating to it. Choosing a chandelier in the hall should be based not only on the rule "like - dislike." It is necessary to take into account the colors of furniture and decor that dominate in the interior, the types of finishing materials, as well as the level of influence of a particular color on the mood, psyche, and emotions of a person.

If at the moment the choice of the color of the chandelier is not yet limited by rigid frames, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main colors and their roles:

  • a chandelier with shades, white lampshades gives light that is associated with freshness, open space, lightness. This color will not visually clutter up the space of even a compact living room;
  • beige, cream, yellowish shades of plafonds, chandelier lampshades will make the light warmer, "home". They will be appropriate in the interiors of a wide variety of styles;
  • black - the choice for an interior with a claim. The black chandelier looks solid, expensive, spectacular. Black and white are two truly versatile colors that suit any room style;
  • red, blue, green, lilac and other colors are most often chosen by people who seek to give the living room originality and expressiveness. And if the model is chosen successfully, then the result will impress every viewer!


The list of materials used by manufacturers to create chandeliers is pretty standard:

  • metal;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • textile;
  • natural wood;
  • crystal.

Of course, manufacturers offer other materials, but so far concrete, fur, marble can only be seen in individual design models.

As for more traditional materials, we note that the trend of the last decade - environmental friendliness - does not lose its position even today. Therefore, textiles, wood or crystal are still more popular than even the highest quality plastic.

Materials, like flowers, can also influence the emotional perception of the chandelier and the entire interior of the living room.

Chromed metal, for example, makes the lighting fixture more rigorous and the light colder.

Forged chandelier bases look solid and strong. A classic (Romanesque, Empire) interior with a wrought iron chandelier looks historically more authentic.

Crystal sparkling with millions of rays adds solemnity and palatiality to the room. Textiles or natural wood “warm”, giving the living room an atmosphere of homely warmth and comfort.

Light direction

When choosing a chandelier in the hall, you need to consider the direction of light propagation. In other words, you need to know exactly where such a chandelier will shine.

The bottom line is this: shades, floor lamps of various models can be directed up, down, to the sides. Therefore, the light will not spread evenly, but in certain directions more intensively.

To make the right choice, consider: for what purposes the living room will be used most often and in which area the chandelier will be located.

If the hall is a place for a relaxed family vacation, a place for watching TV or listening to music, choose models with a luminous flux to the ceiling. Or chandeliers that give muted uniform lighting.

Choose the type of light bulb

Manufacturers from around the world vying with each other offer customers thousands of various models of chandeliers for the hall. Among them are also lighting fixtures with different types of light bulbs. The modern buyer, in addition to style, color, materials, model sizes, can choose which sources will give light to his living room:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • halogen lamps;
  • compact fluorescent lamps ("energy saving");
  • LED lamp.

All types have their advantages and disadvantages. Now we will dwell on each type in more detail in order to provide readers with maximum information for review and reflection.

Incandescent lamps

Incandescent lamps are a classic. Yes, uneconomical. Yes, short lived. But for many buyers, these shortcomings pale in front of a few strengths.

In particular, incandescent lamps:

  • affordable;
  • sold everywhere;
  • do not contain mercury and other harmful substances;
  • give light with a pleasant warm shade, which makes the interior more "home";
  • give light that does not strain the eyes, does not cause fatigue.

Here it is necessary to mention one more point: any incandescent lamp heats up relatively strongly. It is difficult to call this a disadvantage, but when choosing a chandelier for a living room, you need to study the instruction manual. In it, the manufacturer certainly indicates the maximum allowable power of incandescent lamps for a particular model. If everything is done correctly, heating the bulb will not lead to deformation of the shades or melting.

Halogen lamps

This and other types of light bulbs are easiest to compare with conventional incandescent bulbs. Such a comparison will be the most clear and understandable to the average buyer. We will do the same.

Compared to incandescent lamps, halogen lamps are more economical. They have a similar "warm" shade of light. They also get very hot.

The disadvantages are usually attributed to the poor tolerance of voltage drops. If the voltage in the electrical network is unstable, such light bulbs quickly fail.

In the light of halogen lamps, ultraviolet radiation is present. Therefore, experts do not recommend using them without special filters. This issue is especially relevant for families with small children and people whose skin has an increased susceptibility to UV radiation.

Compact fluorescent lamps

Compact fluorescent lamps are called energy-saving light bulbs, the popularity of which has increased significantly in recent years. Needless to say, it's not unreasonable.

This type of bulbs:

  • about five times more economical than incandescent lamps;
  • can work up to 15 thousand hours;
  • perfectly tolerates high voltage in the electrical network;
  • has a bright white glow;
  • at the same power as incandescent lamps, it illuminates a large area;
  • heats up less.

There are also disadvantages. "Energy savers":

  • at the end of the operational period, they gradually lose the level of light output;
  • do not turn on immediately, but with some delay;
  • do not turn on if the voltage in the electrical circuit is lowered by more than 10 percent of the nominal value;
  • create radio interference;
  • contain free mercury in the flask, which, if the integrity of the flask is damaged, will become a source of danger to the health of others.

Most importantly, the eyes get tired quickly from the light of such lamps. And many hours of being under the light of "energy-saving" negatively affects vision and health.

LED lamps (LED, LED)

The popularity of LED lamps at this stage is growing rapidly.

Still would! Just take a look at their benefits:

  • 10 (ten!) times more economical than incandescent lamps. When compared with compact fluorescent models, LEDs will be 3 times more energy efficient;
  • record duration of work (some manufacturers promise up to 11 years of continuous glow of LED lamps of their own production);
  • do not contain harmful substances (such as mercury).

Unfortunately, the disadvantages of LED lamps are also significant. LED lamps:

  • cost 10 or more times more than incandescent lamps;
  • have a spectrum of luminescence, which 80 percent of respondents call unpleasant, inanimate. This drawback is eliminated with the help of special equalizing filters. But their use will reduce the luminous flux, which will reduce the area of ​​​​illumination and the very efficiency of the lamps;
  • LEDs require a stable, even voltage in the electrical circuit. So far, our power grids are not able to provide such conditions, which is why the degradation process is observed in LEDs. As a result, brightness and durability decrease.

By and large, these are all the main advantages / disadvantages of various types of light bulbs. Which one to choose for the living room chandelier is up to you. Our task was simply to provide information for reflection.

Can't decide? Call the online store "VamSvet" - our consultants will help you choose based on specific conditions and requirements.

Lighting area

A distinctive feature of chandeliers (pendant, ceiling, on rods - not the point) is that they illuminate the interiors with at least three light bulbs. The manufacturers themselves, as a rule, offer customers a choice of identical models, differing only in the number of horns.

This is done so that the buyer can independently choose a model, the light of which will be enough to place a certain area.

In other words, if you like a chandelier but it has 9 arms, which is too much for your 22 sqm living room, look for a similar model with fewer arms and light bulbs.

And to understand how much light you need in the living room, use the following information: for bright lighting 1 sq.m. The hall needs an incandescent lamp with a power of 20 watts.

A halogen lamp will illuminate 1 "square" with 13 watts, and an energy-saving lamp with only 4 watts.

Multiply the indicated numbers by the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour living room, write down the result or remember it. It will definitely come in handy when choosing.

Useful Features

Let's talk about the useful function that is present in the models of modern chandeliers. This is remote control.

At first, this feature was perceived by buyers as a fun, but unnecessary excess. However, over time, it became clear that the remote saves the time of the owners. With it, they also adjust the lighting to the mood and depending on the need.

The boards are different. It depends on the capabilities of each chandelier provided by the manufacturer, on the number of lamps, the presence of dimmers, timers, etc.

The most fully functional remotes for the most expensive chandeliers allow you to:

  • turn on / off the chandelier;
  • turn on / off the light bulbs in separate groups;
  • turn off the chandelier with a delay. This function allows you to turn off the device, but leave the room 10-20 seconds before the power goes out, leaving the remote control itself on a table or cabinet away from the door;
  • create a "presence effect" - when the chandelier is off, the lamps turn on for a while with a certain frequency. Thus, from the street it seems that someone is at home. And this is an important factor in ensuring the passive safety of an apartment or house.

Agree, it's nice to adjust the brightness of the lighting without getting up from the couch. But it will be even more pleasant to come home and find the premises safe and sound, frightening the thieves with the “presence effect”.

In conclusion

That, in fact, is all that we wanted to tell you about chandeliers. Therefore, now the question "How to choose a chandelier in the hall?" you yourself will be able to give an accurate, competent answer and be sure that you bought the ideal device. And it is not difficult to find a suitable model in the VamSvet online store. Choose, find, call, order.

The chandelier in the living room is not only a lighting device, but also one of the main decorative details of the interior. It is important to choose a chandelier that suits your room, not only in style, but also in size, and do not neglect the location of the chandelier. Let's go in search of the perfect ceiling lamp for the hall.

Chandelier and room size

The first thing to consider is the practical side of the issue. A large chandelier in a room with low ceilings will cause inconvenience to tall people. You will cling to the chandelier, raising your hands during dressing or morning exercises, and the light from the low-hanging chandelier will hit your eyes. Choose a ceiling chandelier - it does not hang from the ceiling, but is attached closely.

Advice: When using a ceiling chandelier, keep in mind that often the bulb in it is completely covered by the ceiling. For full illumination of the entire room, purchase light bulbs with high power.

If your living room does not have a large area, opt for a compact lamp - a spreading classic chandelier will create a feeling of tightness. In a spacious living room, on the contrary, it is worth hanging a large chandelier with several shades - otherwise the light will simply not be enough to illuminate the entire room.

In a room with high ceilings, only hanging chandeliers are hung, hanging at a distance of half a meter to one and a half meters from the ceiling.

A few words about the layout of the room

If your living room is elongated, consider the option of two paired lamps. This solution looks stylish and harmonious, while providing an even distribution of light throughout the room.

If your living room doubles as a dining room, hang the chandelier directly above the center of the table, even if the table isn't in the middle of the room. The chandelier above the table can and should be used suspended, even if the ceilings are low. To illuminate areas remote from the dining table, it is customary to install floor lamps or hang sconces.

If you have a large living room combined with a dining room, and both rooms are decorated in different styles or different colors, use two chandeliers. The chandelier in the dining area should be above the dining table, and the second chandelier should be in the center of the living area, both lamps should match the design of each of the zones and can be completely different in style and design.

When choosing a lamp for the living room, you need to consider a few simple rules, as well as be aware of the differences between the types and varieties of chandeliers. All lamps fall into two main categories: pendant and ceiling.

Hanging chandeliers

Hanging products are the classic chandeliers that everyone is used to. Their main difference is that there is space between the light sources and the ceiling, and the product itself is mounted on a "leg", a chain or just a wire. This feature makes the lamps quite large.

The choice of such a chandelier for the hall will be justified if the room requires good lighting. Since the light sources are located lower, the light they give is more directional. A good solution would be a hanging chandelier over the dining table in the hall - it will be comfortable to eat, and the interior will acquire a certain comfort.

The disadvantages of this type of fixtures also stem from the design features. Lamps located not just under the ceiling can create glare on TV and computer screens. With low ceilings, the light of lamps from such a chandelier can cause discomfort.

ceiling chandeliers

Ceiling is the opposite of suspended. They fit snugly to the ceiling and usually have modest dimensions. Therefore, the question of which chandelier is suitable for a small room can be confidently answered - suspended.

Ceiling chandeliers do not have the disadvantages that suspended ones. They are well suited even for rooms with low ceilings. They also have disadvantages - a high arrangement of lamps will give more diffused light, and due to their modest dimensions, the illumination may be insufficient. However, for large halls, more powerful lamps can be installed in the ceiling chandelier.

LED, cascading and crystal chandeliers

In addition to these two categories, three more interesting chandelier designs can be distinguished. All of them can be both suspended and ceiling. LED lamps are those chandeliers in which LED lamps are installed. Such light bulbs are very powerful, economical and durable, and also have small dimensions. LED chandeliers can be both with standard E27 and E14 socles, and have an unusual design, where LEDs are implanted directly into the body. Whatever chandelier you decide to hang in the hall, it will give a lot of light and will last for several years without the slightest complaint.

Cascade chandeliers, also called "waterfalls", are models that have many pendants that fall like water. “Earrings” are equipped with numerous decorations made of glass or metal, so when the lamps are on, the illusion of flowing water is created due to the shine. Such designs of lamps are very popular, but they require high ceilings, since at low "waterfall" can interfere with people.

Crystal chandeliers are timeless classics. They are so popular that they even stand out as a separate type. To the question of what kind of chandelier to buy in the hall, they often answer without hesitation - crystal! They are very beautiful, elegant and prestigious. However, at the same time, crystal lamps are expensive and difficult to maintain - without regular cleaning, crystal can fade. This is a clear example of the proverb "Beauty requires sacrifice."

Popular styles of chandeliers for the hall

After you have decided on the type of lamp, the question arises of its stylistic affiliation. How to choose the right chandelier for the hall? You need to look for a model that fits in style with the interior of the living room. Fortunately, modern online stores divide their catalogs by style, and you can easily find the required products.

What are the most fashionable chandeliers in the hall today? In recent years, "modern" reigns supreme. This style offers both imitations of classic chandeliers using modern materials and futuristic lighting designs. In addition, there are several more popular styles that are easier to divide into two categories: classic and modern.

Popular modern chandelier styles for the hall

Which chandelier is better to buy for a modern hall? There are several interesting styles of lamps to choose from. "Hi-tech" are high-tech chandeliers with maximum practicality and ease of use. The style of "minimalism" is very popular - such chandeliers have a simple but elegant design, as well as modest dimensions. People also often choose "Scandinavian style" (aka "Scandi") - minimalist lamps using natural materials, often spherical in shape.

Popular classic chandelier styles for the hall

What chandeliers for the hall have not lost popularity for more than 100 years? The answer is simple - "classic". This term means not only the “classic” style itself, but also a whole range of designs that are close in spirit. For example, people prefer a successful compromise between modern and classical style - "neoclassical". Chandeliers in this style both look solid and are easier to maintain than the "regular" classic. In recent years, the "antique" style is gaining popularity - the use of wooden frames, massive chandeliers with candles, woven lampshades and other things. Chandeliers in the style of "country" and "Provence" are in high demand - choosing such chandeliers in the hall, as you can see in the photo, will be a good decision, because they can be used not only for the corresponding interior designs, but also for a number of other styles.

Popular colors of chandeliers for the hall

Before choosing a chandelier for the hall, it is recommended to learn about colors, their combinations and more. There are several popular colors for fixtures.

White chandeliers in the hall

White is truly versatile. It looks great in any style with very rare exceptions, gives the chandelier a good combination with other interior elements and so on. Therefore, to the question of which chandelier is best suited for the hall, there can only be one answer - white. In care, such lamps can be difficult, depending on the material of the lampshade and the design of the model, but this slight inconvenience is completely covered by the virtues of color.

Black chandeliers in the hall

Various types of chandeliers in the hall can use black, but completely black models are rare. The reason is that this color scheme is difficult from a design point of view - it is not easy to fit it into the interior, as it "dictates" the use of only compatible shades. Nevertheless, the color looks very stylish, and if the designer can correctly use the advantages of a black chandelier, then such a room will look very unusual.

Green chandeliers in the hall

Green color can be either "light" or "heavy" depending on the shade. Therefore, a chandelier in this color is perfect for both serious classical halls and modern “cheerful” living rooms. Plus, this color has a relaxing effect on the human psyche, so it will be just nice to be in such a room.

Lilac chandeliers in the hall

Lilac color in terms of design is not entirely successful. If he dominates, then the interior will turn out to be too colorful and “ripple in the eyes”. However, its moderate use gives the room freshness and originality. Lilac chandelier will be a great addition to a modern room.

Golden chandeliers in the hall

For a classic interior, you can buy a golden chandelier in the hall. This color has not lost popularity for several centuries, so it’s hard to come up with something more suitable for classic living rooms. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about this color - just look at photos of the interiors of palaces, castles and luxury apartments, and everything will become clear.

chandelier price for hall

The price of the model consists of several components. Basically, the cost is influenced by the dimensions and materials used. Obviously, a large Murano glass chandelier will cost more than a small lamp made of plastic and metal.

Inexpensive chandeliers are mainly modern models with a modest design. Chandeliers in the hall are also sold cheaply by companies that are just entering the market. They need to earn a name, so they offer discounts on their products.

Premium or elite chandeliers are created by well-known brands from the finest materials. These are woven lampshades, and frames made of real bronze, expensive woods, unique designs. You can buy such lamps inexpensively only at a sale, which is sometimes announced by manufacturers.

Features of choosing a chandelier in the hall

There are several basic rules for choosing fixtures for various hall configurations. For example, if the living room has low ceilings, then a pendant chandelier will not work - it is too long, and tall people can either touch the decor of the lamp or feel uncomfortable under the close light of the lamps. In this case, the best choice is a ceiling chandelier.

For a small hall, both pendant and ceiling lamps are suitable, however, when choosing, you should take into account the combination of sizes - if the chandelier is too large, then the room will turn out to be uncomfortable. If it is too small, then the light will not be enough.

In the large hall, you can also choose any chandeliers. Suspended fit "as is", but the ceiling, most likely, will have to be used in several copies. It is necessary to install such lamps with equal intervals between each other and relative to the walls. Such a solution will look very stylish. Also, the advantage of this option is that ceiling chandeliers are generally cheaper than pendant ones, and it will be possible to purchase lamps for a large hall inexpensively. If you need a cheap pendant chandelier for a large hall, then the best choice would be a model from a little-known brand and with a simple decor.

Photo of chandeliers for the hall in the interior

About which chandelier to choose in the hall, the photo of the corresponding interiors will best tell.

The modern cascading chandelier looks great in the living room in the Art Nouveau style.

The Scandinavian chandelier goes well with modern halls.

Classic is always beautiful. The special shape of the ceiling allows you to install a sufficiently long lamp with a relatively low height of the room.

A large hall in the "classic" style with a small chandelier. The lack of lighting is compensated by the installation of additional lamps.

Art Deco with matching chandelier. Original design for creative people.

Buying a chandelier in the hall in an online store: advantages and disadvantages

Today you can order a chandelier in the hall both in the "regular" store and in the online store. The second option is becoming more and more popular every day, so the question of the advantages and disadvantages of online stores becomes natural.

The advantages of ordering online are numerous. Firstly, the buyer is offered a low price, since he does not have to pay out of pocket for the rent of retail space, the salaries of a large staff of sellers and cleaners, and the storage of goods. A "regular" store invests all this in the price, and on the Internet the cost is spared from this extra charge. Secondly, you can buy a chandelier quickly and as conveniently as possible - there is no need to drive around the city and visit various retail outlets. The entire world assortment is available on the screen of a computer or smartphone. Thirdly, the purchase is brought directly to the house.

The disadvantages include the so-called purchase of a "pig in a poke". On the picture on the Internet, everything looks great, but what will be in the box is unknown. It is especially offensive to those who make an advance payment - it will be difficult to return it if the goods are not satisfied. However, this drawback only applies to those online stores that do not care about their reputation. The site site can offer you the largest range of chandeliers with a guarantee of quality. You can pay for the purchase from us to the courier - after examining the lamp and testing for performance. If it does not suit you, then you can simply not pay and return the chandelier back!

Our online store is an official partner of dozens of lighting manufacturers from Russia and other countries. Because of this, we offer a manufacturer's warranty on all products, as well as affordable prices on popular and lesser-known brands.

Chandeliers are the most popular type of lamps for houses and apartments. To date, there is a wide range of products, different in shape, style, number of bulbs, material of manufacture and many more criteria. The comfort of being in a particular room will depend on how correctly you choose the design and characteristics of the lamp. Next, we will talk about how to choose a chandelier and which one is better for the kitchen, hall, bedroom, and other rooms.


The first and one of the most important criteria for choosing a chandelier is in terms of power. Too bright a lamp will tire you when you stay in the room for a long time. In the same turn, dim light inclines a person to sleepiness, which is also not very good. That is why you need to choose the right power of light bulbs so that you can spend time in the hall or bedroom without undue discomfort.

Example - too dim light

As a rule, the power of the lamp is determined taking into account that per 1 sq. meter room need 15 watts of lighting. This calculation is relevant if you select as light sources. A more modern option - LEDs, have a higher efficiency and therefore the calculated value can be safely divided by 10. For example, for a hall of 20 square meters. meters, you need to choose a chandelier with a power of 300 W if incandescent lamps are used and 30 W if you decide to use LED bulbs. As for standard conditions, 120-150 W is enough for a regular-sized kitchen, 300 W for a hall, and no more than 100 W for a bathroom. The calculation, again, is carried out for Ilyich's bulbs.

Ceiling height

The next factor that you need to build on when choosing a quality chandelier is the height of the ceiling in the rooms. The variety of lamps knows no limits, however, by design, they can be ceiling-mounted (fixed on a rod) or classic (suspended on a chain). Depending on what ceiling height you have in a private house or apartment, you need to choose the right case design.

As a rule, for low ceilings, you need to choose the first option - the ceiling one, so that the bulky lamp does not burden the interior and does not visually reduce the room. Most often, chandeliers on the bar are installed in such small rooms as the bathroom, corridor, bedroom and nursery.

As for hanging products on a chain, they, of course, have more voluminous dimensions and are used with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. This option can be chosen for the living room, hall and sometimes for the kitchen (especially if the kitchen is represented by a studio).

We immediately draw attention to the fact that not always the choice of a chandelier is carried out only by the height of the ceiling. At the same time, you need to take into account the size of the room, because. depending on the area, everything can completely change (it’s not logical to choose a chandelier in a small-sized kitchen with high ceilings, it’s better to use directional light lamps here).

In a private house with a standard ceiling height of 3 m, this type of lamp can be used in almost any room, because. There will be no height restrictions. We advise you to watch a video in which experts provided their own advice on this issue:

Video review of fixtures

Interior style

Of course, it is very important to choose the right chandelier for the style of the interior. It all depends on many factors, but we will try to list the most important ones.

So, when choosing a chandelier by style, consider the following recommendations:

  • We do not recommend experimenting with colored lamps that, when turned on, emit a certain range of light. Very often, such a decision can aggravate the interior of the room by changing the color of the furniture, wallpaper, ceiling to ugly. The color should be selected exclusively by the designer or a person who is a specialist in this direction.
  • For a classic interior, it is best to choose a crystal chandelier, five-horned or two-tiered. In this case, you will make the interior harmonious, the main thing is not to overdo it with the luxury of the product.
  • A chandelier with a lampshade will look beautiful in the bedroom. In this case, the light will be slightly dimmed, because. a fabric or paper lampshade absorbs the luminous flux (this can be clearly seen in the photo).
  • To date, there are high-tech style lamps that will complement the design of modern apartments and houses in a very original way. Chrome-plated rods, minimalist shades and bright light will give the interior a so-called "zest".
  • Plastic shades can add a cheap touch to a room's style, especially if the product is of poor quality. When choosing a plastic chandelier, keep in mind that it will not look good everywhere. It is most practical to use plastic in the kitchen, bathroom and nursery, taking into account safety and ease of care.
  • It is far from always necessary to choose the color of the lamp to match the wallpaper on the ceiling and walls. So your purchase will merge with the interior and nothing good will come of it. It is better to choose a contrasting shade so that it stands out on the ceiling and shows harmony with the design of the room.

These were the main points to consider when choosing a chandelier for your home and apartment. It remains only to tell you how to choose the most suitable version for each of the rooms, and what points you need to pay attention to when buying. We will talk about this now.

Another interesting review:

What should be considered before buying?

To your attention the most necessary tips from designers on choosing an inexpensive, but high-quality chandelier for your home and apartment:

  1. Pay attention to product quality. Before buying, you should check how the joints are soldered, whether there is any play in the cartridges, how reliable the chain is, and other little things. Also make sure the chandelier is odorless, as plastic Chinese ceiling lamps can smell unpleasant for a long time. Another nuance is the diameter of the wires coming out of the case. According to modern requirements, the cross section of the cores should be at least 0.75 mm2, better than 1.5 mm2. If you see that the strands are thinner, refuse this purchase, because. it may not withstand current loads, especially if powerful light bulbs are installed.
  2. To hide defects in the ceiling, we recommend choosing a luminaire design in which the bulbs are directed downwards, not upwards (especially if the ceiling is stretched). Light bulbs with bright light, directed upward, will give out every flaw in the ceiling - curvature, spots, joints between sheets of wallpaper, etc.
  3. If you decide to choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling that has already been made, pay attention to what kind of fastening the installers provided. For example, if a hook is released from the ceiling, you will not be able to hang a chandelier with a plank mount.
  4. For a false ceiling (plasterboard), you need to choose a lamp no heavier than 5 kg. Otherwise, drywall may not support the weight and burst. Although if the chandelier is attached to a concrete floor, this requirement is no longer necessary.
  5. Please note that in some rooms you need to be very light (for example, in the kitchen). Here you need to purchase bright powerful light bulbs, because. cooking in dim lighting will be inconvenient and problematic.
  6. Pay attention to cartridge size. No need to buy a model with a non-standard cartridge, because. then it will be difficult to find. It is better to choose a chandelier with a standard cartridge - e27. The same requirement applies to the bulbs themselves. There are designer models of lamps in which non-standard shapes of light bulbs are installed, which are difficult to find later if they fail. Even in the store, check where you can later buy a replacement and how expensive it is in order to know whether the choice of such a chandelier is rational for a house and apartment.
  7. For you do not need to buy glass or crystal products from safety conditions (for example, if a child accidentally breaks the body with a soccer ball). Here, as we have already said, it is better to dwell on the plastic version.
  8. In the living room, you can choose a chandelier with a fan, which will give the room an original design. In addition, the fan will save in the summer heat when watching TV or relaxing.
  9. A modern solution is to control the lamp from the remote control. We recommend choosing a chandelier on the control panel in the bedroom so that you can turn off the light after you lie down in bed.
  10. We do not recommend buying a device with incandescent or halogen lamps. These light sources have a short life and also low efficiency. Diodes are much more economical, although at a higher cost. Still, it’s better to spend money once, but don’t change cheap light bulbs every six months. At the same time, you can buy a halogen chandelier for the dacha, because. You won't use it very often.
  11. In the corridor, choosing this type of lamp is not always appropriate, especially if it is an old-plan apartment, where the corridor is narrow and long. Here it is better either ceiling lamps.
  12. In a small kitchen, you can pick up a chandelier with two shades on movable rods. So you can direct the light flux to the required area: work or dining.
  13. It is not recommended to use chandelier lighting above the stairs in a two-story cottage. Here sconces and have proven themselves better, as shown in the photo.
  14. There are many ideas for choosing Feng Shui techniques, sometimes such techniques allow you to make the interior practical and original, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant tips on the Internet.
  15. If you decide to choose a chandelier in the hallway, be guided by the footage of the room. Sometimes you can make a combined version using an additional.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to choose a chandelier and which one is better for the kitchen, hall, bedroom, and other rooms! We hope that from this article you have emphasized a lot of important and new things for yourself. Finally, we recommend that you watch a video review of those products that are better not to buy:

What are the best options to avoid?

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