We choose track lighting for the house and apartment. Track lights: main technical characteristics and features Main advantages of track lighting systems

The problem of lighting worried modern people. Of course, every person wants the lighting device to perform its functions efficiently.

The modern system of track lights is able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding user. What are its principles?

Key Features

These lighting devices are considered a special type of LED lamps. They were developed for use in industrial premises.

Track lights are based on bright LEDs that allow you to achieve suitable technical indicators. You can install such a device both on a stretch ceiling and on a wall surface.

You can independently adjust the height to which the track lamp will be hung. It is easy to manage it, because a special box has been developed for this purpose to control the brightness of the lighting.

A person who does not have the proper experience will be able to install the devices. It is also easy to remove the track light. On any surface, this lighting device is fixed securely. The cost of the device is affordable for everyone, and the quality of the product is maximum.

You can choose a track light with any power level. This indicator depends on your needs and the characteristics of a particular room.

Track lights can be installed in almost any room. The height of the ceilings does not play a major role, so you can easily manage the space of the building.

These lighting fixtures are quite popular nowadays. But what are their main advantages:

  • track lights do not require special maintenance;
  • the lighting device lights up immediately after you apply voltage;
  • the process of turning on the device does not create a sharp voltage drop on the power grid;
  • track lights do not harm the environment and human health;
  • during their manufacture they did not use mercury and other substances that could harm human health;
  • track lights do not tire your eyes;
  • lighting devices work absolutely silently;
  • you will save on electricity bills;
  • track lights last a very long time.

These are the main points that relate to track lights. If you make a choice in favor of these lighting fixtures, you can get a lot of significant benefits.

Track lighting system in video:

Every year, the lighting market is replenished with new models. This is facilitated by the rapidly advancing progress, as well as the increased requirements of the buyers themselves. One of the latest developments in this field of lighting are track lights. We will talk in detail today about what it is and why these lighting fixtures are a huge success.

Design features

Modern lighting systems, called track lighting systems, are in fact a complex of single lamps placed on a busbar. It turns out that several completely identical lamps are located on the bus at once. All of them work on the principle of combining into a single electrical system.

Individual tracks in such a system are connected using tires, that is, special elements with power systems, as well as using special calipers.

They can be of the following types:

  • Rectangular.
  • Direct.

  • L-shaped.
  • cruciform.
  • U-shaped.
  • Flexible.

It is thanks to the calipers and tires that the luminaires are not only securely connected to each other, but also work synchronously and safely.

It is this design that is the main feature of such lighting devices. The second nuance of their design is the presence of a special plug, which is located on the side of the tire and performs exclusively decorative functions.

The third design feature lies in the fact that such lamps usually have the following components:

  1. The lamp itself, which can be powered by a particular type of lamp, usually uses LED models.
  2. A conductor of electric current, through which, in fact, the current flows to each lighting device located on the bus.
  3. A special transformer that adapts the mains voltage to each type of luminaire.
  4. Connection elements that can be both purely decorative and aesthetic in nature, as well as practical.
  5. Devices for hanging such lamps.

It is especially worth noting that all the components included in the track lights have a great practical use. Their use makes it possible to place devices at any height, turn on all the lamps located on the bus at the same time, or separately. It is not surprising that such modern track lighting fixtures with truly unique structural properties have become the most popular.

Scope of application

Room lighting plays a big role today. Initially, track lighting devices were created for industrial premises and large trading floors. Due to their unique design, they made it possible to illuminate a large area with a small number of fixtures. Today, such lamps are actively used:

  • In the shops. Often, designers place them in places where they need to attract a buyer, because it has been scientifically proven that brighter light subconsciously attracts a person.
  • Museums or art galleries. They are used not only in all halls, but also near specific objects that need special attention from visitors.

  • In private houses and apartments especially with a large area. Track lights are ideal for illuminating all rooms in a home, but they are most used in the bathroom, kitchen or living room.
  • In entertainment centers, cafes, bars and even in pharmacies, such track lighting devices are used again in order to obtain high quality lighting and draw people's attention to certain things.

That is, such lighting devices are used not only to get enough light in the rooms, but also to get people's close attention to something.

Many interior designers today also actively use such devices in their work, because track lights help to quickly and easily divide the whole space of an apartment into several separate zones.

It is not surprising that such a wide range of applications and functional features and capabilities immediately attracted the attention of buyers to this category of products.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, like many other lighting devices, track lights also have their pros and cons, and you should definitely be aware of them if you decide to use them too.

Perhaps their most important advantage can be called versatility, and versatility not only in possible areas of application, but also in terms of use. By moving the devices themselves along the rail and pendants, you can create a directed stream of lighting where it is needed most at the moment. In this case, you do not have to spend extra money on creating focused or, conversely, diffused light. All this can be done using just one track light.

No less important advantages of such devices are the convenience and easy principle of operation. With the right choice of such a device and its correct installation, you can visually change the size of the room only with the help of its light illumination. This helps to save a decent amount on repair work or design techniques.

The tracks and tires themselves are also quite versatile, because with their help you can use not only light bulbs of different lighting intensities, but also different lamps, thereby playing in different ways with lighting.

Despite the complex design of this lighting device, it is easy to install and does not cause any inconvenience during its operation. And this is another big plus. Low power consumption also cannot go unnoticed and sets track lights apart from all others.

In addition, track lighting devices have a high level of fire safety and security, which, together with a strong and reliable design, provide the product with a long, almost unlimited service life.

Such a large number of pluses of track lighting devices, combined with a wide variety of models of various types and sizes, make them one of the most popular today. After all, such models can be used not only as an additional source of light, but also as a decorative decoration.

If we talk about the significant disadvantages of such devices, then only one can be identified - high cost. Indeed, the price of such busbar lighting devices is quite high, but it is more than compensated by the advantages of the device itself.


It has already been said earlier that track models of an additional light source are divided into several groups and are commercially available in various models. Now we need to dwell on this in more detail. These devices are divided into several types depending on the lamps that are used directly for lighting.

According to this criterion, lighting fixtures can be:

  • LED, that is, working with an LED lamp.
  • Halogen.

  • Working with a fluorescent lamp.
  • With metal halogen bulb.

Also, these devices are divided into two large groups, depending on whether it is possible to change the number of simultaneously working lamps in a particular model or not. Models that have this feature are called dimmable track lights. The same lamps that do not have such an opportunity belong to the category of ordinary ones.

Depending on the type of the busbar itself, these devices are divided into the following groups:

  • Single phase track light.
  • Two-phase.
  • Three-phase.
  • Minitrack devices with a power of not more than 12 watts.

The exact number of phases in this case shows exactly how many lamps can be used at the same time. At the same time, all of them can work both jointly and separately from each other.

There is another criterion by which track lighting devices are divided into two groups - this is the way they are installed.

In this case, the lamp can be:

  1. Built-in, that is, installed in niches or in a permanent place. Built-in models are more often used at home or in museums.
  2. Portable. Such devices are actively used at concerts, in bars or shops. They can be easily moved around the entire area of ​​​​the room.

Such a variety of types allows you to choose the perfect track lamp in accordance with the main selection criteria.

Connection and installation

Most of the track lights are sold complete with the necessary blocks and sockets for connection, they are also accompanied by a special diagram, which illustrates in detail how the installation itself should be carried out. If the device was purchased without them, then the procedure will be as follows:

  • Power outage throughout the building. This is necessary for the safe dismantling of existing lighting fixtures and the correct installation of track devices.
  • Now you need to install the fixtures themselves on the track case. This must be done in accordance with the instructions that are attached to each model.

  • The contacts of the tracks and the devices themselves need to be connected through intermediate contacts. Care must be taken to ensure that the ends of the contacts go to the busbar itself, otherwise the electric current will not reach the devices.
  • Make sure the wires connected to each other matched in color.

Now it is necessary to consider in more detail the procedure for installing lighting devices directly on the busbar.

This work is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • The frame is installed and fastened either with brackets or suspension elements, in some cases it is permissible to mount with suspension cables.
  • Proper wiring installation. It consists in arranging the wiring of the fixtures in such a way that they coincide with the location of the tracks themselves.
  • Wires that match in color are twisted together.
  • Bare wires must be carefully insulated.

  • Now you need to install the earliest fully assembled lighting fixture according to the diagram. The adapter should be inserted into a special bosom until a characteristic sound appears, which will become evidence of proper installation.
  • At the final stage, it is necessary to adjust the angle of incidence of light and the intensity of the illumination itself.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the installation of track lighting fixtures.

The main thing to remember when assembling the system is that the adapters for the left and right sides have different sinuses, so it is important not to confuse them during the assembly process.

How to choose?

Having decided to purchase such a track lamp, each potential buyer is faced with the fact that he does not always understand how to choose it correctly. To make this task easier, we offer you some useful tips that will help you make the right choice easier and faster.

Pay attention to the country of origin. It is better to give preference to domestic, German or American lamps. The same models in which the country of origin is China, especially at a low price, are best avoided. A track light is a purchase that you should not try to save on.

It is necessary to pay attention to such an indicator as the luminous flux - the higher it is, the more the room will be illuminated.

And if you need to save on electricity consumption, you should choose low-power models. The supply voltage should also be taken into account when buying and be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations on this issue.

The number of phases of a track light and the angle of dispersion of its light are two important indicators. The more lights there are in the track, the more illuminated the room will be, and the smaller the scattering angle, the less concentrated the luminous flux will be.

If you plan to regularly move the lamps along the bus and in the whole room, it is better to purchase models on a spring. They are more durable and flexible than static track models.

Stylish interior solutions

The fact that today track lights are actively used both in crowded places and in private homes was mentioned at the very beginning of this article.

Below are the most original and unusual examples of their use in the interior.

  • A great design option for kitchen lighting for a small room with a bar counter. Black fixtures stand out against the background of a light ceiling, while they immediately illuminate three areas of the kitchen. Their color visually increases the height of the room itself, and the minimalist style, on the one hand, attracts attention, and on the other hand, does not distract from the general interior of the room.

  • Another clear example of the successful use of track lights on cables in an ordinary apartment. Thanks to the double design of the tire itself, these devices managed to create perfect lighting in the room, and most importantly, also very stylish. With his help, here too, it was possible to visually stretch the space of the room up, to make the kitchen itself unusual, but at the same time cozy and restrained.
  • A cozy living room in bright colors has become even more attractive and gentle thanks to such lighting. White track lights of small size, placed directly on the ceiling, do not focus the light in one place, but distribute it evenly throughout the room. Their color is fully consistent with the overall color scheme of the living room and gives it a special comfort and warmth.

  • Fans of the loft style that is popular today will definitely like this lighting design for the kitchen. In this case, track lights are chosen very well, they both stand out in the overall interior of the room and emphasize its style. Their exquisite metallic color immediately attracts attention with its unusualness, and due to the fact that the lamps have a swivel mechanism, you can easily change the angle and intensity of light at any time.
  • A clear example of how beautiful track lights look in crowded places, in this case in a restaurant. They allow you to illuminate all parts of the room as efficiently and correctly as possible, while the light is carefully scattered and does not provide visitors with any comfort. At the same time, it is this kind of lighting that makes it possible to profitably allocate free tables for customers.

  • Another clear example of the successful use of track lighting in a bar. In this case, the lamps on cables are located directly above the bar. They allow you to carefully study the menu and immediately allocate empty seats at the counter. But with all this, they do not blind the eyes and do not distract attention from the most important thing.

It is not for nothing that track lights are in high demand among buyers today, and these examples once again confirm this. With the right choice of such a lighting fixture and its correct installation, it can not only provide the right and necessary lighting, but also become one of the main decorations of the room.

When buying, you should always keep in mind the useful recommendations that were given at the beginning of this article, as well as choose the right power and intensity of lamp lighting and remember that for home use, you should purchase models with a lower glow intensity than for public places.

In general, we can safely say that track lights are the lighting fixtures of the future, because they have a universal purpose, a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and a long and safe service life.

Today, track lights have managed to become quite a popular type of lighting. Such a system is considered an indispensable attribute of large trading floors, small boutiques and shops, exhibition areas, workplaces, cafes, restaurants and, of course, residential premises. If earlier the use of metal halide lighting devices was the most common, then at the moment the LED sample has given "growth" to the functionality of lighting systems on the so-called tracks. In this article, we will try to consider in as much detail as possible the installation of track lights and do-it-yourself connection.

System overview

A track light is a light fixture that is fixed on, the contacts of which go to the current-carrying tracks of the track. Among its main advantages are:

  • relatively simple and quick installation with connection;
  • the ability to quickly replace or install the lamp in another place;
  • possibility of connection to independent electric groups.

The disadvantages of such lighting devices include their rather high cost.

Track lighting is considered an excellent option, allowing not only to make the interior stylish, but also to minimize the “digging” in the wires. Its design has a minimalistic design, while pleasing with various color shades.

The track light can be mounted in several ways. The most common is wall mounting or mounting on a ceiling surface (for example, on a false ceiling).

Thanks to cables or chains, the track system can also be brought to a stretch ceiling (as shown in the photo below). Alternatively, you can install such a backlight under the ceiling to illuminate it from the inside.

A nice nuance is the fact that you can install a track lamp already after the completion of the finishing stage of repair work. This does not require the services of specialists at all - you can connect the system with your own hands.

By the way, the price for the work of the master who will install the fixtures on the tracks will be at least 900 rubles per linear meter. So isn't it better to save money and do the mounting and connecting to the network yourself?

Mounting Features

Installing and connecting track lighting systems is a fairly simple process that you can do yourself.

The luminaire has an easy installation thanks to the busbar. In this case, it is necessary to determine in advance the mount used for this. After all, in order to install a track spotlight, for example, on a suspended ceiling, you will need certain brackets, and connecting fixtures to a stretch ceiling will require special chains or cables.

The installation of this lighting system can be divided into the following stages:

Installation of the busbar itself. There are several nuances here. When assembling the suspension system, the busbar will have to be mounted on the floor. Installing an overhead or built-in track system is possible immediately on the ceiling. To cut the busbar, which can be from 1 to 4 meters long, you can use a regular hacksaw. The installation of a lighting "base" may require the use of internal joints or corners (depending on the linearity of the structure). The elements are connected to each other by a simple snap, as shown in the diagram below.

If the installation of the busbar trunking involves the use of cables, then you should take care of special brackets that serve as connectors for the busbar trunking with cables. Cables can be from 1 to 5 meters long, it is not difficult to cut them and adjust them. Connecting the overhead track requires screwing the busbar to the ceiling using self-tapping screws into pre-made connectors at intervals of 20 cm.

Connecting spotlights. Connecting a track light to an already assembled busbar is easy enough. This process consists in snapping the spotlights themselves into the busbar with their subsequent fixing at the base near the busbar rail by means of rotary elements. The luminaire (on the adapter) is equipped with a switch (wheel or rotary element), which must be used if the luminaire does not light up when the system is turned on. Thanks to this mechanism, the spotlight is connected to one specific power phase (only in 3-phase busbars).

You can also learn how to connect a lighting fixture on a track in these videos:

Step by step installation instructions

Correct connection

If you plan to install a controllable busbar trunking that involves the use of LED track lamps with control, then the installation of such a system will be similar to conventional 3-phase and 1-phase busbars. However, connecting controlled track lighting requires a controller output. It is recommended to connect it to a system of touch control of the level of illumination and color temperature of light.

A track spotlight can become an addition in ready-made systems. In this case, it is only required to combine the busbars of 2 lamps by connecting them in series with subsequent connection to the mains. The connection diagram of such a system assumes the correct distribution of the load level between the lamps.

That's all I wanted to tell you about installing and connecting track lights with your own hands. As you can see, installation is not difficult!

If you have already decided to install track lighting in your home, office or apartment, this is a great idea. You will be interested to learn more about such systems in order to make the right choice. We do not want to overload our readers with unnecessary information, so we will try to pay attention to the most important points when choosing track lighting.

Select a standard track

Any lighting system on the tracks starts with the track itself. So what is this track? A track, also often called a tire, busbar or rail, is a frame - a base in the form of a metal rail mounted on a ceiling or wall, on which track lamps are installed.

Track types

There are several track standards: 1 phase track, 3 phase track and a low voltage track rated for 12 volts.
1-phase track systems can be powered by 220 V and 12 V. In the case of 12 V technology, the track system comes with a decorative transformer (a small device for converting voltage from 220 V to 12 V), which can create some inconvenience during installation.
Types of single-phase track.
It should be noted that 220 V systems are more common, as they are more convenient and easy to install, and if used correctly, they are no worse than 12 V systems in terms of safety. Low-voltage lighting systems for 12 V are being more and more forced out of the market by systems for 220 V every year, as they no longer have clear advantages over 220 V technology.
3-phase track system powered by a conventional 220V voltage output.
This type of rail makes it possible to turn on different categories of luminaires installed on the same rail separately or together using two switches. This can be useful when you sometimes need to highlight some objects, for example, highlight something with track lights from one group for a short period, and use another group of track lights for general lighting the rest of the time. Also, on a 3-phase track system, you can turn on all the lights at the same time - by using 2 switches.
Types of three-phase phase track.
Each of the above tracks can be presented in different variations and performances depending on the manufacturer. Remember that lights are not interchangeable, those that fit one track standard will not work on another track system. Although there may be exceptions, it is better not to neglect the general rules when completing track lights. However, within the same standard, this is not a problem, you can change the lights on the track whenever you want.
Usually the tracks are made in the form of straight sticks with a standard length of 1 to 3 meters. The rails can be shortened to fit the size of the busbar trunking to suit your lighting needs. Further, these tracks (rails) are interconnected using linear, angular and other components. The shape and section of tires can have a different appearance, design, shape and size, all this depends on the manufacturer. The cross section of a 1-phase track often has a smaller size compared to a 3-phase one.

Ways of fastening track systems

The track is fixed to the wall or ceiling and holds the lamps. For ceilings, the track system can be installed on rigid plumb lines, suspension wires, or attached directly to the ceiling. The choice of one or another fastening depends on your wishes for the appearance of the busbar system and the technical tasks of lighting. For example, with a ceiling height of 5 meters, when you need to lower the track to the illuminated objects quite strongly, this can only be done using cables, on which the entire track system is suspended. The use of rigid plumb lines is advisable only from an aesthetic point of view, because their use increases the overall cost of track lighting.

We choose lamps for the track and what they are

Track lights, sometimes referred to as spotlights or track lights, are the most important part of a track lighting system. So, first you have to decide what you need the light for. If you want to highlight an object, the best choice would be lamps with directional lighting, the so-called directional spots. These luminaires have small beam angles and are specially designed to illuminate objects such as paintings, posters, works of art, paintings, photographs, statues, figurines, etc.

Examples of track lights for directional lighting and accent lighting.
To illuminate the whole space completely, for example, a kitchen, a corridor, a bedroom or a living room, you need to create not only directional, but also diffused light, and for this you will need lamps with wider dispersion angles. Such lamps are called diffused light track lamps, designed to increase the overall illumination of the space.

<Примеры трековых светильников рассеянного света для общего освещения
It is possible to use both types of fixtures on the same track system either simultaneously or separately on separate rails.

Options for using systems on tracks

Let's look at some of the most common examples of using track lights in home lighting. From the areas of application of track lamps in a house or apartment, lighting of living rooms, corridors, bedrooms and most often the kitchen has recently gained popularity. When illuminating the kitchen area with track lights, the most popular solution is when 3 types of lights are installed on one busbar system. Busbar luminaires with diffused light are suitable for general kitchen lighting. Tire directional lighting fixtures, as a rule, are directed to the cooking area and interior elements, exactly where you need to make a bright accent. Hanging track lights are placed directly above the kitchen table, dining area or bar counter. Pendant track lights attach to the rail via an adapter and look like regular pendant lights. The use of such a combination of tire lamps succinctly complements the interior of the kitchen, creates coziness due to favorable lighting with the arrangement of light accents and carries a unique functionality. When you get bored with the interior or there is a technical need, you can always easily change the combinations of lamps on the track and get a new lighting concept. This is the main advantage of lighting with track lights, in contrast to lighting with stationary spotlights, pendant lights and chandeliers.

An example of lighting a kitchen with track lights: a combination of pendant and directional lights on one track.

An example of lighting a kitchen with diffused light track lights.
If we consider the lighting of the corridor, then the main emphasis is on the use of directional spots, sometimes the track is supplemented with diffused lamps.

The use of accent spots in the corridor is due to the fact that there are almost always paintings, posters, engravings, reproductions, photographs, facades of built-in wardrobes and other interior items on the walls, which need to be emphasized, and directional spots placed are best suited for such lighting. on the track. Usually, when lighting a corridor, they are limited to using only directional lamps, and they are enough, since the corridor does not require bright general light.

Diffused lamps are rarely used here and may be required only if there is a need for uniform illumination of the room, but at the same time, light accents may be blurred and become not so obvious.

The concept of lighting rooms, bedrooms, living rooms and offices of an apartment with track lights can be purely individual and often depends on your preferences and the need to make light accents on certain objects. Below are a few examples of using systems on tracks in various rooms.

Small track lights to illuminate pictures in the interior of the bedroom with wall mount

Another example of accent lighting for paintings in the bedroom is track lights mounted on the ceiling.

Using white track lights to light up a minimalist living room.

An example of lighting a studio apartment with lamps on a bus.

An example of lighting a living room with a track system directed around the perimeter of the room.

An example of a combination of pendant lights and spotlights on the same track to illuminate an apartment.

The main feature of track lighting is the ability to easily change the interior design by simply replacing the fixtures or swapping them on the rail. You can change the interior lighting without changing the track system itself. The track system is convenient, simple and relevant for modern interiors.

How to choose lamps for track lights

Choosing a lamp for a track light is very simple than it might seem at first glance. Track lights are LED (LED), halogen, metal halide (MHL), with energy-saving (fluorescent) lamps and incandescent lamps. If you have already decided on the fixtures and the type of track system, it will not be difficult to choose light sources (lamps) for fixtures. But there are a few important things to note here. If you decide to buy LED track lights, then pay attention to the type of lamps. Luminaires can be with built-in (non-removable) lamps or luminaires already equipped by the manufacturer with removable lamps with standard sockets (a socket is a socket for installing light bulbs). Fixed lamps cannot be changed, only the entire lamp, the second option may be more convenient if after some time you decide to replace the bulbs, for example, with a cold glow for a warm one. The main advantages of track lights with LED lamps include lower power consumption (from 3 to 10 times less electricity consumption compared to halogen lamps), long service life, low lamp heating, and the ability to choose the glow color: warm, neutral or cold light. The disadvantages include, perhaps, a slightly higher cost of such lamps compared to traditional lamps.
If you have chosen metal halide lighting for your home, then you should think carefully about why you need it. This type of track luminaire gives a very powerful and bright beam of light, suitable exclusively for commercial lighting of shops, exhibitions and museums. In apartments, rail-mounted metal halide luminaires may only be used as an exception to the rule.
The third type of lamps is energy-saving. All luminaires equipped with energy-saving lamps are luminaires with removable lamps. Such lamps are easy to replace with halogen, LED or incandescent lamps. Energy-saving lamps are also quite efficient and durable, like LED lamps, but due to the fact that they contain a small amount of mercury vapor in their composition, they cannot be thrown away as ordinary household waste, but must be handed over to specialized organizations for recycling. Energy-saving lamps, like LED lamps, can have different color temperatures: 2700 K - soft warm light, 4200 K - neutral daylight, 6400 K - cold white light, which distinguishes energy-saving lamps from halogen lamps and incandescent lamps. Thus, the consumer gets the opportunity to choose the lighting with the desired shade.
Halogen lamps are a modern variation of incandescent lamps that have a buffer gas added to the housing to increase lamp life. With soft start, the service life can be extended up to 20,000 hours. The choice of halogen lamps is very wide and the price is low. The glow of a halogen lamp, like an incandescent lamp, is close to the sunny warm color of the glow. Warm light is perfect for illuminating the kitchen and other living areas.
It should be noted that if you want to buy track lights with the ability to adjust the brightness, then not all lamps are suitable for this purpose. Can be used: special dimmable LED lamps, all kinds of halogen lamps and incandescent lamps. Most LED lamps and energy-saving fluorescent lamps are not dimmable. Dimmable LED lights and lamps are quite expensive.

How to install a track system

Another indisputable advantage of tire lighting is the ease of installation. If you are doing repairs from scratch, then everything is simple: a voltage output is thrown and the bus power is connected to it. If you decide to replace an existing ceiling light in a room, you will need to follow a few simple steps to replace it with a busbar lighting system. First you need to remove the old lamp. Then attach the track to the ceiling (usually with self-tapping screws, screws, or plumb and hanging wires). After that, you need to connect the installed system to the power outlet. It's best to hire a qualified electrician if you're not sure you can do it. Now all that's left is to install the lights on the rail in the right places and the busbar lighting system is ready to go. You can move and turn on the lights exactly as you want, and create a lighting scheme that is comfortable for you.
Below, using the Paulmann U-rail track system as an example, you can see the installation stages of track lights.

In conclusion, we note that you should not worry about the number of track lights on the bus, if it seems to you that there is not enough light, you can always buy and install lights. After all, this is the whole charm of lighting systems on the track - this is its excellent and concise appearance, applicability in any interior, mobility, functionality, and ease of installation.
With full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required, a specialized center for track lights.

Modern lighting technologies offer more and more economical and efficient lighting systems, among which track lights occupy a separate niche. The track system is a practical and versatile way to install lighting fixtures, providing for the unobstructed movement of fixtures within the track (busbar). Such lighting systems allow you to create truly unique interior solutions, therefore they are widely used not only in commercial, but also in residential premises, to create spectacular, accent lighting.

Track lighting systems include several basic elements in the design:

  • directly the track itself, or the conductive bus (busbar, ","),
  • connecting elements,
  • adapter for connecting lighting devices,
  • lamps or spotlights.

A feature of track lighting systems is the ability to simultaneously equip lamps and spotlights for different light sources. The busbar is a special profile with high fracture and twisting strength, which makes it possible to create lighting structures of almost any length and the most intricate configuration. In addition, the ability to connect three phases to one track system, allowing the creation of several groups of luminaires independent of each other.

Practical! Profitable! Effective!

The track lighting system is an ideal solution for lighting retail and exhibition spaces, showcases, halls, showrooms and any premises with high ceilings. Also, such systems look very expressive and harmonious in living quarters made in an ultra-modern style, such as constructivism, techno, hi-tech, etc. Track systems can be mounted directly to the ceiling, to remote brackets, and it is also possible to mount the lighting system on suspensions. Additional connecting parts make it possible to model a system of any geometric configuration, turning even the most daring idea of ​​the designer into reality.

The main advantages of track lighting systems:

  • simplicity and ease of installation,
  • lamp mobility,
  • the possibility of changing the type of light source,
  • versatility of the mounting system,
  • the ability to quickly change the number of lighting fixtures on one profile,
  • absolute security;

The ability to install lighting equipment of different types, power and design on one track opens up endless possibilities in interior lighting. By easily changing the intensity or direction of lighting of track lights, you can emphasize the individual style of the interior of the room, focus on the showcase with products and effectively zone the space.