Attention parents! How to improve the performance of a child in school - Document. How to improve academic performance

The brain of each person differently receives and processes information coming from the outside world.

A friend of mine recently complained to me that her son, a second grader, gets very bad marks. Moreover, he was always a very smart and quick-witted boy. Since the poor grades were very upsetting for both himself and his parents, it came to the point that the boy simply began to refuse to go to school.

How to improve your child's performance in school

What to do if you hear from your child "I'm tired of going to school!" or even worse "I hate school"?

Usually, school-loving kids do well in many, if not all, subjects. This process also works in the opposite direction, that is, it often happens that if a child's grades improve, then his attitude towards school improves. Your child's lack of enthusiasm for school and, consequently, poor grades may mean that the school program is too difficult for your child, and he simply does not keep up with it. Every child is born with its own way of thinking and its own ability to learn. The brain of each person differently receives and processes information coming from the outside world. And what one learns in a few minutes, another may take several hours. But this does not mean that one or another way of thinking is worse, just in the second case, a person needs a little more time to study. Besides, different people have different powers of concentration. And if one child can spend hours coloring contour map, then another simply cannot afford to sit in one place for such a long time.

Teaching Methods for Visuals, Audials, Kinesthetics

Some children have visual memory, that is, they better absorb visual information. Usually they can easily reproduce what they saw. These children are better at concentrating and remembering educational material when it is accompanied by visual drawings, graphs, diagrams, and the main points in it are underlined or in bold.

Mode for first graders

The first of September - with asters and joyful faces of children going to school behind. The holiday ended, giving way to weekdays. Many families in which first-graders have appeared, I think, are familiar with the situation when, already at the beginning of September, a little schoolboy in the evenings barely crawls to his bed, and in the morning he wakes up for a very long and painful time.

Other children have auditory memory and absorb information better when they hear it or discuss it. Often, in order to remember, they need to say the information received, silently or out loud. If your child occasionally moves his lips during class or whispers to a neighbor, it may be because he is repeating information he just heard. For better assimilation of educational material, teachers and parents need to discuss it with such children.

Some children need to be active during lessons. Such children love training sessions, during which you can do something with your hands, conduct visual experiments and experiments, build models, and in mathematics, for example, count on the abacus. At the same time, it seems that their brains work only when the body moves. They just can't sit in a chair for hours on end. Therefore, during classes with such a child, small breaks should be taken during which the child would actively rest.

These children are often described as hyperactive, and school teachers usually try to rein them in. Often the child is labeled as "difficult" or even "unteachable", but in reality the teacher simply cannot find the right approach to such a child.

When studying with a child, at school or at home, you need to consider what type the child belongs to, and choose the methods of presenting information accordingly. Unfortunately, most of our teachers do not take this into account, and most of our schools are not adapted for this. And if the class uses methods that are not suitable for your child, then he may not be able to keep up with his studies for this very reason. And in this case, parents themselves, after the main classes, will repeat the material covered with the child at home for its better assimilation, already using the appropriate methods.

School environment

Often, a child's grades depend not so much on his mental abilities, but on the school environment, his relationship with teachers and classmates. If your child does not like school, then this may mean that there is some kind of conflict. Try to encourage your child to be honest. If he really feels uncomfortable with any of the teachers or classmates, try to discuss the situation together, find out the causes of the conflict and find ways to resolve it.


It is known that our ability to concentrate attention manifests itself differently in a given environment. In a favorable environment, the ability to mental activity increases. Most people's performance improves in a quiet, calm environment, but many children prefer other conditions, they can better absorb information while being on fresh air or when music is playing softly in the room. It is important to find out in what environment your child feels best. Moreover, his preferences may differ significantly from yours.

Times of Day

Do you work better at dawn? Or are you a "night owl" who prefers to work in the evenings? Time of day - very important factor, which affects the performance of a person, and is different for everyone. In addition, it can change as a person grows up. It is necessary to plan the child's schedule in such a way that the most difficult tasks for him fall at the time at which his performance is maximum.

is your child ready for school?

Although September 1 is still far away, however, the enrollment of future first-graders in schools already underway with might and main. And often parents find themselves literally at a crossroads: send their child to school this year or next? What is better to start school life sooner or later? Some say "the sooner you start, the easier it will be," while others say "you should not deprive a child of childhood." Who is right? Actually there is no general rules- it all depends on a particular child, on his desire to learn and on his personal, individual readiness to become a first grader ...


Have you noticed that during any hard work you want to drink a cup of coffee, chew gum or something else? For many, this really helps to concentrate on the task at hand. For others, food is just a distraction. Experiment. Find out if it helps or hinders your easy for the child snack.

Desk or something else?

Are you surprised that your son likes to do his homework while lying on the floor? Do you feel like sitting desk much more convenient? Even if a position seems uncomfortable to you, this does not mean that you should demand that your child change it. It may be easier for him to concentrate in this position. Therefore, let the child decide for himself where it is more convenient for him to do his homework.

We are all born with our own character, habits and preferences. Therefore, if your child is different from others and does not do well in school, you should not scold him for bad grades. Instead, watch your child. Try to find out how it is easier for him to absorb information, his preferences and habits. Get creative with his learning process, and then his grades will increase, and he will go to school with pleasure.

Marina Al Rabaki

Is he barely coping with the school curriculum? Do you think that the child can learn much better, but he does not live up to your expectations? Below we present a few useful tips for those parents who find themselves in a similar situation.

  • Trust your parental intuition. You know your child better than anyone else. If you suspect that your child is suffering from a particular disease, contact your doctor immediately. Some parents do not take their child's school failures seriously - it seems to them that all problems will disappear by themselves when the child grows up a little. This is a very dangerous delusion! Early diagnosis and proper treatment play an important role in a wide range of diseases.
  • Talk to the teacher, ask his opinion about the abilities of your child. Listen carefully to all his advice and recommendations. Trust the experience of the teacher.
  • Does your child look confused in class? Maybe he is frankly bored in class, or, on the contrary, behaves defiantly? Such inappropriate behavior is usually a symptom of the disease. In such a situation, the child needs appropriate treatment. You should be on your guard if your child systematically fails exams and tests, if he constantly has problems with academic performance.
  • Ask your child how he does in a particular subject. Here is a sample list of questions: Reading. “Are you good at reading? Do you like to read? Do you remember what you read? Letter. “Do you have good handwriting? Do you have difficulty when you have to copy text from the board or from a book? Are you spelling the words correctly? Do you follow the rules of grammar and punctuation? Are you on par with your classmates on writing assignments, or are you constantly falling behind? Maths. Do you have problems doing basic arithmetic operations(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)? Can you add, subtract, multiply and divide double figures? Do you understand the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division? Does it happen that you suddenly forget all the rules of arithmetic? Has it ever happened to you: you started solving a problem, and then you forgot about it and you just can’t remember what you should do next? Language skills. “When a teacher tells something in class, is it difficult for you to follow his explanations? Do you understand what the teacher is talking about? Do you remember his explanations? When you talk about something, can you concentrate, collect your thoughts? Has it ever happened to you: you are trying to talk about something, to answer the teacher's question, but you cannot find the right word? Have you been in similar situations with your friends? With adults?
  • The answers to these questions may indicate that your child has a learning disability. However, you should consider other aspects of the problem as well. How diligent is your child, does he devote enough time to his homework? Does the child show interest in learning, is he proud of his success? Maybe you make too strict demands on your child, expect only excellent grades from him, and this negatively affects his academic performance? What are your child's priorities in life, what is the main thing for him - relationships with peers or family? Has your child experienced severe emotional stress? Did he feel despair, hopelessness, helplessness ("No matter how hard I try, I still can't learn it")?
  • Think back to your own childhood. When you were a child, you probably had the same problems in school: learning disabilities are hereditary disease. You will help your child cope with this problem if you treat him with understanding and compassion. Accept your child for who he is. Your family should cultivate a positive attitude towards learning, school, and children will take an example from you.
  • Talk to teachers, other representatives of the school administration. The headmaster, teacher consultant, school psychologist, parents of your child's friends - all these people can provide you with the necessary information about your child, give you some useful advice.
  • Seek advice from your pediatrician. The doctor knows the physiological characteristics of your child well and has extensive experience in diagnosing childhood diseases. It will help you formulate questions that you should address to your child's teachers.

The pediatrician can also help you determine if your child has any physical problems (such as vision or hearing problems). Sometimes these diseases can significantly affect a child's academic performance.
If necessary, the pediatrician will refer you and your child to a specialist consultation. Your child may need to be officially tested for the disease. The examination procedure is carried out by independent experts (teachers and psychologists). If a child does not cope with the school curriculum, then under the law of most states, the school is required to conduct an official examination of such a child, and, if necessary, provide him with additional educational services.
If the school refuses to provide your child with all the necessary educational services, contact the pediatrician - he can become your child's lawyer in court.

Additional education as an option to improve school performance

If your child is experiencing learning difficulties due to a medical condition, please contact the school administration. The school is obliged to provide your child with additional educational services free of charge (we mentioned the official examination procedure above). Teachers and school principals are sometimes reluctant to seek expert advice. If you feel that the school is not providing your child with all the educational services he or she needs, be assertive. U.S. federal law of 1975 requires public schools to provide additional educational services to individuals with mental or physical disabilities. Each state and each school district is required to establish an appropriate process for providing additional educational services (after formal evaluation) to students aged 3 to 22 with certain medical conditions. If there is no such procedure, the school district will not receive financial assistance from the state budget. Children with the widest range of diseases fall under this law (reduced learning, diseases of the organs of vision and hearing, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injuries, mental retardation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (limited mobility), mental illness that impedes the learning process). The law provides US citizens with five basic rights, namely:

  1. right to receive free education in a municipal educational institution;
  2. Eligibility for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). An individual educational plan is accepted with the approval of the parents after appropriate legal procedure;
  3. the right of parents to get acquainted with school records reflecting the progress of their child;
  4. the right of parents to participate in the procedure for the official examination of the child and to express their opinion on this matter;
  5. the right of the child to receive an education in an educational environment that will maximally correspond to his mental and physical capabilities.

The procedure for official certification
When the official examination procedure is carried out, psychologists assess the child's cognitive abilities (IQ test), and teachers - his performance in basic school disciplines (standard academic achievement test). In some cases, other tests may be required, such as tests that examine basic mental functions human (memory, attention, motor skills). If necessary, experts will analyze the social environment where your child is (family, school).
An official examination is a complex, lengthy procedure, many points of which often remain incomprehensible to both the child and his parents. If you have used the services of independent experts, your costs may increase significantly. First of all, your child must be examined at the school where he studies. If the school is unable to invite necessary specialists, seek the services of private experts (your school district must reimburse you for all costs). Testing carried out by specialists will be of great benefit to you and your child: you will receive reliable information about the nature of the disease in your child.
People of various professions are involved in the official examination procedure, so you may have to use the services of a coordinating manager (pediatrician, psychologist, speech pathologist). The coordinator will help you develop a treatment plan for your child and analyze its effectiveness, and in addition, will take over the organizational side of the examination procedure. In such a situation, as a rule, the efforts of a whole team of specialists are needed.
At the end of the evaluation process, school officials will discuss the results of the evaluation and develop an appropriate educational plan for your child. Teachers of the child, a teacher-consultant, a teacher-defectologist, a school principal, a school psychologist - all these people will express their opinion. Sometimes the child is allowed to attend such a meeting. If necessary, you can ask your pediatrician to participate in the discussion and support your position. If you have a friend or relative who is well versed in the ins and outs of this legal process, ask them to come and support you and your child. Ask lawyers to tell you about decision in simple and understandable language, without using special legal terms.
Your child will probably ask you to explain to him what his problem is. In no case do not use such negatively colored label words as unteachable, mentally retarded, hyperactive. Help your child to objectively assess his strengths and weaknesses, cultivate in him a positive attitude towards himself and others.
If the child is correctly diagnosed and given the appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease, as a rule, are significantly alleviated. A carefully thought-out treatment plan includes a course of psychological assistance that helps parents and the child get rid of guilt, focus on everyday, pressing problems. The child begins to cope much better with such tasks that previously remained inaccessible to him, he gains self-confidence, interest in learning. You will do your child a great favor if you introduce him to your relatives, friends, acquaintances who also suffered from learning disabilities in childhood, but later completely got rid of this disease and achieved significant success in one area or another.

Options for improving your child's performance in school

After reviewing the results of the survey, ask the school administration to tell you what additional educational services, special teaching methods it can offer your child in this particular case. You must be clear about your child's learning strategy.
In deciding which educational plan to choose, consider factors such as the nature of your child's illness, material resources schools and school districts.

Lessons according to an individual program. Your child can study according to an individual program in a specially equipped room. Such individual lessons are held only in those disciplines of the curriculum that are weak point child. At the same time, the child remains in his class and studies all other subjects on an equal basis with his peers. During individual lessons Teachers should set only realistic, achievable goals for the child. Sometimes the child will need extra time to cope with this or that task. If necessary, the child can work out with a speech therapist, undergo a course of physiotherapy.

Individual approach. In this case, the lagging student remains in his class, he continues his education on a par with his peers. Sometimes a child performs well enough on tests, which means that, according to federal law, additional educational services cannot be provided to him. However, such a child may have certain problems with academic performance. In such a situation, the teacher has to make certain adjustments to the learning process, for example, give the child an individual homework, apply a special approach when explaining new material, change topics control works etc. It is very important to give Special attention dignity of the child, strengths, in every possible way to encourage his successes and achievements.

Training in a special way. Some children need special teaching methods and techniques. With this approach, the shortcomings of the child, his weak sides are neutralized, and their influence on studying proccess is reduced to a minimum. For example, if a child for one reason or another cannot master the technique of writing, the teacher allows him to complete written tasks using a computer. If the child is good at oral speech, he is allowed to perform orally even the final tests.

Home schooling. This method has a number of advantages: you yourself create comfortable, favorable conditions for learning for your child, you set only realistic, achievable goals for him and, if necessary, you can provide him with any help. Adjust your daily routine so that the child can turn to you for help during class hours. When a child is learning lessons, silence should be observed in the house. Studying should become the main thing for the child - perhaps, for the sake of studying, he will have to give up some entertainment. You should notice every, even the most insignificant success of your child: be sure to praise him if he has achieved success in one area or another (for example, in his hobby).
In such a situation, it is very useful to hire a tutor for the child. If your child is with a teacher, there will be no conflicts in your family about homework. And one more piece of advice: realistically assess the capabilities of your child - the workload should be feasible, and the child needs not only to study, but also to play, have fun, and communicate with peers.

Therapeutic treatment. If your child is experiencing depression, you need to see a mental health professional. Sometimes a psychologist recommends that all family members undergo an appropriate course of psychotherapeutic treatment. Such treatment will bring great benefits to your family: you will understand each other better, your children will stop quarreling, truly friendly relations will be established between them.
If your child has impaired concentration (symptoms of this disease are restlessness, impulsiveness, absent-mindedness), he will be helped by appropriate medications. The course of treatment also includes sessions of psychotherapy. Sometimes a child suffering from learning disabilities has other comorbidities (central nervous system, organs of vision or hearing).

Alternative treatments. There are many alternative treatments for learning disabilities (patterns, eye exercises, special diets, megavitamins, and supplements).
The American Academy of Pediatrics considers these alternative methods ineffective and do not recommend their use. Remember: only a certified specialist - a pediatrician, a psychologist, a psychiatrist - can prescribe a course of treatment for a child.

Track progress in "underachievement" disease

You should regularly monitor the dynamics of the development of the disease: the child grows, develops, and the manifestations of the disease can also change. Sometimes the symptoms of learning disabilities appear in a child only in extreme situations (for example, a large flow of information falls on the child). In some cases, the symptoms of the disease disappear with age. Often, the child's psyche builds a kind of protective mechanisms that help him adapt to his disease. Such children have excellent intuition, they know their own inner world their capabilities, their strengths and weaknesses.
It also happens, however, that the symptoms of learning disabilities become more and more noticeable with age and not only impede the learning process, but also have a significant impact on the child's social adaptation, his behavior, and relationships with people around him. If your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability, he or she should be screened at regular intervals. The doctor monitors the dynamics of the development of the disease, checks the effectiveness of the prescribed course of treatment, gives recommendations to parents and teachers.
Meet regularly with the teacher, discuss with him all the successes and failures of your child. This will show teachers that you are determined to give your child all the help they need. If you think that the school administration is not fulfilling its obligations towards the child, state it directly and firmly. Make sure your child gets all the educational services they need, as required by federal law. Sometimes, after an appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of learning disabilities may be somewhat alleviated, but this does not mean that the disease has completely disappeared. Thus, the school is obliged to provide the child with the opportunity to receive the educational services that he needs. Many children with learning disabilities successfully graduate high school, which in itself is already a significant achievement: now they can choose for themselves the profession that best suits their interests and inclinations.
In our country there are many public organizations that can give you and your child the necessary psychological help. Contact the school principal or other representatives of the school administration - they will provide you with all the necessary information about such organizations.

What to look out for

Here are some key points that parents need to pay attention to.

  • This disease has many different symptoms, and each of them can manifest itself in a child to a lesser or greater extent.
  • If a child suffers from learning disabilities, this is reflected not only in his academic performance, but also in his physical condition. Among other things, the child experiences difficulties in social adaptation, he does not develop relationships with other people. Inappropriate behavior, emotional disturbances, low self-esteem, psychological stress - these are typical companions of this disease.
  • If the child receives appropriate Treatment, the symptoms of learning disabilities may improve over time. However, when a child enters stressful situation they may reappear. Sometimes the symptoms of learning disabilities persist in a child for life.
  • Children with learning disabilities often do not find understanding from others. It seems to parents and teachers that the child does not show sufficient diligence, is lazy, and evades from fulfilling his duties. Teachers can insult, humiliate, severely punish such a child for no reason. And the children themselves, and their parents, and teachers often do not realize what is the essence of this not quite ordinary disease. Pediatrician or child psychologist must explain to the parents of the child and his teachers what is the true cause of all his problems. It should be emphasized that neither the child nor his parents can be held responsible for these problems, since they are symptoms of the disease.
  • The disease of the child is reflected in the relationships within the family, in turn, intra-family relationships affect the course of the disease. If a child does not cope with the school curriculum, he constantly finds himself among the lagging behind, he experiences disappointment, anger, mental pain, he has a feeling of guilt. The same feelings are experienced by the parents of the child. Thus, the state of mind of the parents, their emotional mood most directly affects the state of mind of the child. If the family cultivates a positive attitude towards school, to study, to the people around them, then the child will most likely form exactly the same positive emotional mood.
  • Think about the real reasons for your child's failure: the disease is not always the only and main reason his school failures. Maybe your child is having problems in relationships with peers? What is the internal psychological climate in your family? Is it good for the child? Emotional condition child directly affects his academic performance, so if necessary, you should seek the help of a specialist psychologist.
  • Children with learning disabilities are guaranteed assistance and support from the state: the school is obliged to provide them with additional educational services free of charge. A sick child needs the help of a whole team of highly qualified specialists.
  • Your child should be able to assert himself, to express himself in one area or another. In every possible way encourage any of his interests and hobbies. If your child is successful in his hobby, be sure to praise him.
  • If you find any symptoms of the disease in your child, contact your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are crucial in such a situation. It should be borne in mind that the child needs systematic treatment - sometimes the course of treatment takes several years. It is very important to support the child in a positive emotional mood: he must be sure that you are always ready to help him. Reassure your child that together you will overcome any problems that arise.

All parents want their children to do well in school. It does not depend on how successful they themselves were during their school years. Everyone wants their child to be successful both in life and in school.

Many people are concerned about whether we should help our children get good grades and how much this help should be extended. Should we do homework together? Should academic achievement be financially rewarded? What do teachers and psychologists advise?

How to help our children

Expectations must be real. Of course, the school and academic performance for the child should be one of the first places. But do not overestimate the requirements, let everything take its course. You must be an authority for your children, if necessary, provide assistance in fulfilling various tasks and projects. High goals are important, but do not put too much pressure on children.

Provide home help . Help with tasks, but do not do everything for the child. Ask leading questions on which he himself will be able to get to the point.

Encouragement and praise

AT recent times there is a lot of discussion about praise and rewards. Learning is a natural process that everyone goes through. Success must be celebrated, but it must be done thoughtfully. The usual "You're great!" won't fit here. Celebrate each achievement and justify your position. It is better to say: "It was not in vain that you learned the rules late yesterday, today's "five" is the result of your efforts, you deserve it!"


Even before going to school, the child must be motivated. Knowing why he goes there, what goals he wants to achieve, it will be easier for him to master the school curriculum and move forward. Each person should have motivation, then he clearly goes through life and believes in achieving his goals.


Many parents financially reward their children for good grades. Is it worth it? Opinions differ here. Someone believes that this is equivalent to the fact that adults receive money for their work. Others argue that in the future the child will try to get a good grade just for the sake of money. It can be concluded that if a child has a good motivation in life, he does not need rewards for grades. He understands that he studies in order to gain knowledge.

If you still provide your child with material rewards for good grades, then heed some advice:

  • Don't let it be permanent. Tell your child that the reward is just for this occasion.
  • Be firm in your words. If your expectations are not met, cancel the promotion. Always keep your word.
  • Sometimes children compare their awards with other students. You must firmly explain that the financial situation in all families is different, and you act according to your wealth.

It is possible to encourage the efforts of the child not only financially. As a reward, you can organize a trip to the cinema or to the park. You can give freedom of choice to the student himself. What could be better than having fun and having fun together?

Probably, the question of how to improve student performance is of interest today not only to teachers, but also to those “future specialists” who, for certain reasons, are on the verge of expulsion. However, to be honest, it seems to me that at such moments there is only one thought in my head, how to “not fly out” from the university.

And, nevertheless, the problem I have raised in today's students is quite relevant, so it is worth paying special attention to it.

Causes of underachievement at the university

Before talking about ways to improve student performance, it is worth noting the reasons why this problem arises in principle. global problem. You should not say: “Well, I'm a fool, what can I do now?”, Because in fact, the arguments for low ratings are more objective. But what are these fatal reasons?

1. As a rule, normal study has always been hindered, hindered and will be hindered by personal life, which, as you know, is in full swing during student years. Indeed, it is the most beautiful time for love, especially since the circle of new acquaintances has noticeably expanded against the backdrop of monotonous school years. And when love creeps into the heart, then it’s certainly not up to formulas, exams, tests and passing term papers.

2. Misunderstanding with the teacher can also cause low grades. In this case, two plots of further events are possible: according to the first, the student begins to voluntarily skip pair of unloved teacher; and based on the second version, the teacher, out of personal dislike, constantly underestimates to his unloved student, each time finding a new explanation for this. If “a scythe has hit a stone”, then this situation can bring the matter to expulsion.

3. Many representatives of today's youth, having somehow finished school and "miraculously" entered a higher educational institution, mistakenly believe that teachers, like teachers, will make every effort for the successful study of newly minted students. However, the reality becomes unexpected, and at the end of the first semester comes the understanding that this study may end unexpectedly. So that it is important to understand where and why you went to study.

4. Student hostel is the enemy of all students because the evenings that should have been devoted to studying turn into mass celebrations; and the most surprising thing is that the reason for this is found almost every day.

Today, the roommate successfully passed on the rights; tomorrow the guys from one floor mastered a difficult exam; well, the day after tomorrow - God himself ordered, because, as you know, the day of receiving a scholarship is always a holiday. So in the "hostel" there is always a reason for fun and festivities until the morning - there is certainly no time for studying.

5. And, of course, one should not forget about one's own laziness, which, although it is the privilege of all great mathematicians, has brought more than one student to expulsion. This feeling is very insidious, because it is addictive, like alcoholism: it is worth relaxing a little, as the desire to learn is gone for a long period of time and does not always return.

So, summing up, we can conclude that it is not the irresponsible young men and women who are to blame for the expulsion of a student, but the eternal circumstances that stood in the way of achieving and mastering new knowledge. However, such excuses in the dean's office certainly do not work, so you will have to look for something more original, or better - not to be allowed to be expelled.

It is also important to know how to improve your own academic performance in a timely manner, and such information will come in handy more than once in the long five years of student life.

Dangerous periods of student life

I know from my own experience that a student cannot always be on the verge of dropping out, but there are dangerous periods in his studies when academic performance can drop sharply. It is desirable to avoid such moments, and for this, activate all your diligence and potential.

First critical periodfirst semester. At this stage, the freshman does not quite understand that the university is not a school where teachers constantly inflated grades in order to release even the most inveterate loser as soon as possible. This will not happen in a higher education institution, since teachers take their responsible work too seriously, and the huge number of students who visit their couples every day, in most cases, remains a gray mass. You'll have to work hard to remember your last name in the first year.

Second critical periodfifth semester. As you know, at the end of it, we can assume that half of the path has already been passed, and the second seems to be not so terrible. In different universities, the end of the fifth semester is called differently: for some it is the equator, for others it is a hill, but still others call it the border.

However, the meaning is the same: the student served half of the allotted time for receiving higher education term. This is where problems can arise, since it is so usual that the session at the end of the fifth semester is the most difficult, and many, having relaxed, graduate ahead of schedule.

Third critical periodend of fourth year. As a rule, students at this time consider themselves already qualified specialists and look forward to receiving a “crust”. They are sure that no one will put a spoke in the wheels, but there are those principled teachers who prove the opposite to them. Therefore, it is too early to relax - the defense of the diploma is ahead.

In general, it is quite possible to increase a student's academic performance, but three components are important for this: perseverance, a desire to learn further, and patience. Simply put, the main thing is to set a goal and follow it steadily.

However, sometimes it’s very difficult to get into a rut yourself, so below are the tips that will help you stay at the university, at least until you receive the coveted diploma and the proud title of “specialist” (bachelor).

1. Most effective way in this case is a close friendship with an excellent student. As a rule, these are modest and shy people who always lack friends and communication, but at the same time they easily make contact.

So why not start with the main thing - go to one of these "walking encyclopedias" and ask for help with your studies. It will be fair, and you won’t have to break a comedy with sincere friendship either, and an excellent student will definitely respond to such a sincere and not quite familiar request.

2. Very useful be friends with the leader of the group, who, as a rule, knows everyone and is on friendly terms with many teachers. If desired, he will be able to organize a retake, and put in a good word for the unfortunate student. So with those helpful people at the university you should always be in good relations, and then suddenly you have to turn one day.

3. To improve academic performance, more often is recommended visit couples and visit the library regularly. If you become familiar with the teacher, and even say a couple of smart phrases in the topic, then you don’t have to worry too much about your final work.

As a rule, even the most strict and picky teachers are loyal to diligent students who do not break the pair, make interested and smart look take notes and regularly attend lectures. The main thing here is to become familiar and remembered on the good side, then a positive assessment in the test book will be guaranteed even in the absence of a capacious baggage of knowledge.

4. To study desirable in a timely manner, step by step dissecting new material. As you know, however, a misunderstood topic pulls the next one, and the knowledge gap in the head only increases by leaps and bounds. If some information remained incomprehensible, then after the pair it is worth contacting classmates or friends, or rather, the teacher himself for clarification. This will allow both the new topic to be understood, and the strict lecturer to be remembered as an interested and inquisitive student.

5. If during the entire semester a student’s performance was noticeably lame, then at the session it's time show off your knowledge, proved to the teacher his qualifications and illumination in a particular topic. Of course, it is not always possible to do this, however, for many "loafers" who were miraculously admitted to the session, this is last chance in order not to leave the ranks of students ahead of schedule. So a couple of days before a responsible exam, it is important to sit down for books, while on the night before a responsible day, do not forget to hide a couple of useful textbooks under your pillow, for reliability, so to speak.

6. You can always hire a tutor, which in individually will take care of your poor performance in a particular subject. Of course, you will have to spend a little on such a mentor, however hourly payment sure to make your brain think much faster. Jokes aside, but sometimes it is the tutor who helps to improve academic performance, and sometimes a couple of lessons are enough for the once dark topic to become quite obvious to consciousness.

In any case, there must always be logic and motivation in the head of every student, otherwise all further studies will turn out to be just a poorly thought out plan that unexpectedly failed. If the conscious student understands why he came to the walls of higher educational institution, then problems with study should certainly not arise. He will direct all his forces and opportunities to stabilize his precarious position and will not allow the repetition of such incidents in the future.

In my memory, there are many examples of students who were considered lagging behind, however, when it came to the session, they immediately activated all their forces and extended their coveted status of a “student”. So maybe it's time to think about improving your academic performance?

Conclusion: In this article, you learned about how to improve student performance. As you can see, if you really want to, then you can solve the problem of poor academic performance quite quickly and without any problems. I wish you success in your studies!

Now you know how to improve student performance.

Children stop going to school too quickly for . Their main goal is to get high grades, which are a sign of good school performance. But even this goal does not become a long-term goal for most children, since learning difficulties and problems in relationships with teachers make it difficult to achieve.

At the same time, improving academic performance does not become too difficult if not only children, but also parents make an effort for this.

Help your child organize the learning process itself by monitoring their homework. To a certain extent, this option is somewhat difficult for the parents themselves, since they must do this regularly, and not from case to case. In the pursuit of good grades, it is important not to start doing written assignments for your child. It won't lead to anything good. In addition, the control of homework will allow parents to very clearly understand in which subjects or topics there is a lag that will need to be overcome with the help of additional classes.

Go to school more often and talk to your teachers about your child's progress and the steps your teachers want you to take to improve your child's progress. Of course, try to follow these recommendations. Do not forget also about the gratitude signs of attention to teachers, which include sweets, bouquets and other material goods and services.

Arrange with teachers about personal lessons with the child. Sometimes this is possible and free of charge, due to intra-school reserves, but in most cases you will have to pay for it by hiring a teacher as a tutor. It will be especially positive for the child's progress in the subject if the same teacher who teaches the child at school becomes a tutor.

To develop the child's memory, thinking, attention. This will allow him to more easily and quickly assimilate the educational material, which will certainly lead to an increase in the child's academic performance at school and increase his interest in the learning process itself. To do this, find out the address of the nearest center for the development of cognitive abilities and check the possibility of your child's classes there.

Pay special attention to the mode of the child. If he does not get enough sleep, getting up early in the morning for school, then you should not expect him to crave for knowledge during a light nap in the classroom. Make sure your child gets at least 8-9 hours of sleep.

For high school students, the need for future admission to a university becomes a strong motivation. They themselves are already trying to improve their academic performance by studying harder and independently finding approaches to teachers. The task of parents is to help the child decide on the university and “warm up” the child’s desire to go there. However, be aware of the reality of your choice.

Sometimes parents stimulate their child's desire to learn by giving them money for good marks at school. This approach should be used with caution. This practice is usually quite effective for initial stage when a child, through significant efforts, improves his performance in school. But if this process is not organized correctly, assessments can become even worse and overall academic performance will decrease.
When trying to improve your child's performance in school, remember that your child's performance should be compared to their own performance in the past, not to other children's performance.