What flowers can be planted directly in the ground. Flowers in the country for the lazy. Wonderful flowers for a "lazy" and beautiful flower garden in the country What flowers are planted in the ground

Flowers are an important element of decorating a summer cottage. They delight the eye, give the atmosphere a unique charm, fill the air with aroma. But if you plant flowers haphazardly and thoughtlessly, instead of a beautiful, well-groomed flower garden, you can get a dull, neglected area with plants dried up in the middle of summer.

Consider how you can beautifully plant flowers so that they are in harmony with the design of the site and bring joy until the end of the summer season.

garden flowers Source wallpaperscraft.ru

Autumn flower garden: examples of planting flowers in flower beds

The main disadvantage of most flower beds and flower beds is that with the advent of autumn they begin to thin out, and the flowers fade on them. To avoid this, you need to consider planting in such a way that the flowers delight with their beauty right up to the very frost.

Flowering of late plants begins in early September and continues until the end of November. There are many varieties of late flowers, each of them has its own advantages. Before you equip a flower bed, you need to carefully study the features of the development and growth of each plant, and in the spring choose options.

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of winter, and after the end of flowering of summer flowers, plant seedlings in the ground. Choose varieties that are unpretentious, do not require much care, since in the fall most people do not go to the dacha very often and cannot carefully care for the plants.

There are many varieties of flowers that are suitable for an autumn flower garden.

Bright yellow spot on the plot Source www.geraniumrozanne.com


This flower has already become a classic in our flower beds. White, pink, burgundy, lilac and yellow varieties up to 0.5 meters high look the most spectacular, although there are many other colors.

Chrysanthemum begins to bloom at the end of August and stands until the first frost. Varieties with small heads are especially unpretentious, for example, the Korean chrysanthemum, which is a low bush completely covered with small bright flowers.


Late varieties of phlox are low bush plants. The color of the heads varies from pink to purple. Striped phlox look especially impressive. Blooms in the first half of autumn. It will be necessary to periodically remove the dried inflorescences. They like loose, well-drained and moist soil.

Phlox paniculata Source www.podmoskovje.com


Serves as a real decoration of the flower garden. This is a shrub up to 0.5 meters high with very beautiful bright yellow, red-orange and brick-purple flowers. It looks great in a hedge, they are decorated with areas near the pool or a small pond.

It does not require special care, but the soil needs to be fertilized and periodically loosened. It is desirable to provide a lot of sunlight.

bright helenium flowers Source videosite1.ru


It resembles a large chamomile with huge yellow and bright orange flowers. It is better to plant it in the background of a flower garden; it looks organically next to coniferous plants. Care is not required, it is important to ensure regular watering.

Rudbeckia perennial Source cveti-rasteniya.ru

Pansies, or tricolor violet

A low plant, does not exceed 15-30 centimeters. Pansies are unpretentious, grow well in the shade, but bloom better and more abundantly in the sun. Among the most common varieties are white, yellow, blue, red, purple, there are even black ones. Due to the variety of shades, the flower garden with pansies turns out to be especially bright and interesting.

Viola in the garden Source www.how-to-choose.rf


Tall plant with pink, red, yellow, white flowers. The center of the flower bed is suitable for planting it, as it is a fairly large plant, and shorter flowers favorably emphasize its height and beauty. It needs regular watering, although it tolerates drought well.


The queen of any autumn flower garden, blooms long and profusely. There are a lot of varieties of this plant, they differ in the height of the bush and colors - you can find asters of white, blue, pink, purple and many other colors. It is unpretentious, does not require special care, breeds easily and tolerates cold well. The best solution for a flower garden is to mix annual and perennial varieties.

Colorful asters Source pxhere.com


Can grow well anywhere in the garden, loves moderate watering. More than 2000 species of dahlias are known - pion-shaped, spherical, needle-shaped, collared, nymphaeal. The largest heads reach 10-12 centimeters.

Marigolds, or tagetes

There are more than 50 different varieties, including annuals and perennials. They are distinguished by an incredible color variety, ranging from rich yellow to reddish brown. Terry and two-color marigolds are especially beautiful. Their height does not exceed 20 centimeters, flowering does not stop until the first frost.

yellow marigolds Source zen.yandex.ru


Differs in large beautiful inflorescences and an upright stalk. Flowers are simple and double. Likes good lighting, does not tolerate drafts. Great for borders.

Zinnias in garden design Source www.gartenschau-badlippspringe.de

The scheme of planting flowers in a flower bed

A flower garden not thought out and not planned in advance rarely looks beautiful. It is necessary to follow a specific planting scheme, taking into account the characteristics of each plant species. This needs to be taken care of even in winter, in order to purchase seeds in early spring and plant them for seedlings.

Before buying seeds, you should consider how you can plant flowers beautifully, what flower beds you plan to break - they come in several types.

Regular flower beds

Differ in straight lines, geometric shapes, complex patterns. Various types of classic flower beds, borders, modular flower beds are considered regular.

Irregular flower beds

They consist of several groups of plants with different flowering cycles. They bloom in turn, due to which the flower bed is filled with flowering plants all season long.

Mixborder for giving Source mieropdesign.com


These are ordinary elongated, rectangular-shaped beds, which consist of several rows of plants. This makes it possible to create picturesque stripes like carpet paths.

Multi-level or mixborders

Plants are planted in tiers, which allows you to focus on the beauty of each type of flower.

After choosing the shape of the flower bed, you should consider its color design. Designers distinguish three basic types of flower beds.

Monochrome flower garden. Plants of the same color or the same color scheme are planted. This solution is especially organic for a small flower garden. Enough 2-4 varieties of flowers, the highest are placed in the middle, and the lowest - along its edges.

white flower garden Source www.ogorod.ru

Contrasting flowers. You should choose combinations that are opposite in location in the color spectrum. For example, yellow with blue, green with red, pink with blue, orange with blue. For special showiness, you need to choose flowers of bright saturated colors, although muted colors make the flower bed elegant and sophisticated.

Varied flower bed Source ogorodniki.com

Complementary colors. They are selected in such a way as to ensure a smooth transition of shades. It is important to choose 2-3 colors that are adjacent in the color palette. For example, blue with blue, pink with lilac, red with purple.

Now you can draw up a diagram of the flower garden. By tradition, the tallest flowers are planted in the center, then their height gradually decreases to the edge of the flower bed.

How beautiful to plant flowers in a flower bed Source www.mkumodels.com

If the flower beds are located along walls or fences, the background is planted with the tallest plants, the lowest ones are placed in front. Near tall perennials, several medium-sized perennials are planted.

Retaining walls with plants Source nearsay.com

It is desirable to sow all the free space of the flower bed with undersized ground cover plants or lawn grass, which form a kind of carpet.

You can choose one type of flowers or several, the main condition is that they fit in tone and size.

Multi-tiered flower beds are good for a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. For example, they build vertical wooden shelving, with which you can hide an unsightly place, decorate a fence, and zone the territory.

Vertical flower bed Source erp-mta.ru

Vertical flower beds can be in the form of flower pots fixed on special frames or rods. Growing, the flowers usually cover the entire wall with a solid carpet, especially if some kind of climbing plant is planted here.

You can use old car tires of different diameters and put them on top of each other. It is allowed to build a stepped structure from boards.

Flower arrangements for the garden and cottages

Beautiful combinations of flowers of various heights and colors are the centerpiece of any summer cottage. They help to dilute the monotonous environment, create an exquisite design.

When creating a composition, you need to consider that a suitable environment is important for it. It always attracts attention, so you should not place it in a place that looks unsightly. For giving, it is better to make a composition of a landscape type, that is, to use all the elements of a suburban area.

economical flower garden Source www.pinterest.com

With any type of composition, two principles are applied to create it - the creation of contrast or similarity.

For a contrasting composition, plants are chosen that differ sharply from each other in shape, color, texture.

Sitting area in the garden Source www.flickr.com

When using the principle of similarity, plants also differ, but only slightly, and the differences here are stepped. For example, a color transition is used from saturated red to light red, from it to pink.

A selection of red flowers Source cz.123rf.com

Another important point is the size of the composition. It should become an organic part of the site, so you don't need to make it too big or too small. The large size does not make it possible to appreciate the beauty of the flower garden as a whole, and the small one will look frivolous.

First select the main element. It can be a tree, a tall bush on the site or a tall flower. The composition with spruce looks very nice. Shrubs or perennials should be planted at different distances from it. At the same time, it is important to observe symmetry and remember that plants with picturesque, lush crowns are not always appropriate here. Although in the landscape composition any options are possible.

Flowers under the tree Source www.mkumodels.com

The central element is usually one in the composition, its frame is chosen in several copies. And the number of plants of the lower level is not even counted, they are taken in the amount necessary for decorating the background.

Selection of colors for compositions

The basis of the flower bed is made up of large flowers with tall stems. They are placed in the center. Background flowers are lower than the central ones, their inflorescences are usually not so bright and large, but they play an important role in building a composition: they are used to create a beautiful frame for the central part of the flower garden.

In general, plant height plays an important role. All flowers are divided into several main groups:

  • Ground covers: purslane, saxifrage, pansies, periwinkle, muscari, primrose, Turkish carnation, blue forget-me-not, phlox. They look organically as borders and rabatok, they sow the free spaces of flower beds.
  • Nikorosloe, do not exceed 30 centimeters: nasturtium, petunia, marigolds, lobelia, calceolaria, iberis, Chinese carnation, alpine asters.
  • Sredneroslye: geranium, chamomile, cosmea, zinnia, escholcia, delphinium, gladioli, astilbe, peonies.
  • High: ferns, ornamental shrubs, trees. The most beautiful and popular are hydrangea, rhododendron, jasmine, tree peony, conifers, for example, yew, thuja, juniper.

In order for the flower garden to retain its beauty at any time of the year, it is advisable to choose flowers taking into account their flowering periods. In early spring, daffodils, forget-me-nots, primrose, violets, blueberries and snowdrops bloom.

spring flower bed Source: flo.discus-club.ru

By the end of spring, it is the turn of lilies, tulips, peonies, irises, bluebells.

Bright tulips and daffodils Source sovetclub.ru

To make the flower garden look beautiful in summer, it is advisable to plant non-flowering perennials on it: hosts, stonecrop, feather grass, reed grass, chistets, basil, oregano, mint.

Marigolds, hydrangeas, begonias, morning glory, lavender, petunias, lavender bloom in summer.

Gorgeous hydrangea Source www.goodfon.ru

All summer the queen of any garden pleases the eye - a rose. It goes well with conifers, which beautifully emphasize the brightness of rose buds and inflorescences.

White roses in mixborders Source www.pinterest.ru

Flower beds look original, where one type of flower plays a decisive role. For example, in a flower bed along a wall or fence in the background, one row of tall panicled red-purple phlox is planted.

The foreground on the left is decorated with blue-violet phlox, and on the right - pink. Then surround them with low flowers of pink, red or white flowers, for example, penstemons.

White and red phlox

To complete the picture, plant a flower bed with a border of yellow-green soft cuffs.

Soft cuff Source domkeeper.ru

If the site is an open free space, it is decorated with closed fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

Violets in a flower bed Source superdom.ua

Beautiful combination of dark red and purple colors. To do this, purple scabiosa is planted next to lupins or red peonies. All remaining space is planted with ornamental grasses.

The choice of flowers for the country flower bed Source: johngrimshawsgardendiary.blogspot.com

The flower garden is sown with lupins, lobularia or saplings, and in order to create bright accents, white-purple bearded irises, blue aquilegia and phlox are planted.

A combination of bright yellow coreopsis with white flowers of pyrethrum and yellow yarrow will provide a joyful mood. In the middle of the flower garden, you can place a rose bush.

tall flower garden Source cs-systemhaus.de

Tall gladioli look very beautiful in summer, which perfectly coexist with low perennials - bluebells, delphiniums, anemones, yarrow, sage.

Gladiolus in the flower beds Source www.pinterest.com

Photos of the best compositions of planted flowers for a summer residence

cottage decoration

It can be recreated with beautiful floral arrangements that simultaneously mask unattractive elements of the landscape. Therefore, you need to know how to choose and plant flowers correctly so that they please the eye and soul throughout the summer season.

The popular phrase about beauty that requires sacrifice can be fully attributed to the dacha: in order to make it truly beautiful, gardeners often sacrifice their strength, time, money ... But what if there is not enough time or experience yet, but do you want beauty? It's nice to relax among elegant flower beds and flower beds - is it really possible only at the cost of titanic efforts? Not at all!

Botanical tulips are hardy flowers. A photo

Of course, it will not do without difficulty at all, but decorating your dacha with unpretentious flowers that do not require much trouble either during planting or in care is a very real task. And if you choose the right plants, taking into account their seasonal decorative effect and the characteristics of the site, you can make your dream come true and enjoy the beauty that does not require special sacrifices from early spring to late autumn.

Unpretentious flowers - beauty that does not require sacrifice. A photo

bulbous plants

Since it is before everyone else that they meet spring in the country, we will start with them. And believe me, there are many wonderful flowers here that will not cause you any worries - except that you need to protect the bulbs from the ubiquitous ones, but for this there are special planting baskets - convenient devices that, over time, will make digging out overgrown bulbs much easier.


Colchicum is born completely "at the wrong time." A photo

Bloom: from August to November (depending on the species).
Landing: July or August, to a depth of about 10 cm.
Height: 5-20 cm.
Growing conditions: sun or partial shade; permeable soil (for autumn colchicum - slightly moist, for other species dry is preferable).
Garden use: along shrubbery, on the lawn, in rock gardens, in flower beds; can be grown as a container plant.

It is not in vain that this flower got its name: it is born completely “at the wrong time” - in late autumn, when the foliage from the trees has almost flown around, and the garden has become completely empty and sad. And here, among the general withering, these flowers suddenly bloom, very reminiscent of crocuses.

Such late flowering plus exceptional unpretentiousness is done (or colchicum - lat. Colchicum) welcome guests of the garden. They are planted in July-August, choosing sunny areas or places in partial shade. And then you can forget about any troubles for a long time - Colchicums feel much better if they are not disturbed at all. Isn't it a wonderful property?

Colchicums are beautiful, but poisonous. A photo

However, it is worth knowing and considering that (regardless of the type and variety). All parts of it contain colchicine, a potent poison, so reasonable care must be taken when planting it. Although in my garden, for example, colchicum appeared long before I learned about their possible danger, and they grow to this day.

Colchicum bulbs can be found in our catalog, which includes offers from various online stores.

botanical tulips

Late botanical tulip (Tulipa tarda), photo

Bloom: from March to May (depending on the species).
Landing: autumn
Height: 10-50 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: sunny areas with nutritious permeable soil; it is desirable that in summer it be dry, and in spring - moderately wet, but without stagnant water.
Garden use: group plantings in flowerbeds and in discounts; relevant in; look very good on the lawn; suitable for growing in pot culture.

They say that botanical tulips are not only blue - nature has endowed them with all other colors and shades. Then the works of breeders were added to this, and today we can admire these charming little ones, choosing the shape and color scheme to our taste.

Tulip botanical, photo

Unlike their other relatives, they do not require annual digging of bulbs. You can plant them in a flower garden or in the middle of a lawn, and year by year they will only become more spectacular, thanks to the expanding nests of bulbs and an abundance of flowers.

In our gardens more often than others are found ( Tulipa greigii), Kaufman ( Tulipa kaufmanniana), Foster ( Tulipa fosteriana), as well as late tulip ( Tulipa tarda), forest ( Tulipa sylvestris) and Turkestan ( Tulipa turkestanica).

Tulip Turkestan (Tulipa turkestanica), photo

Due to their small stature, these tulips are suitable for planting in rockeries and rock gardens; they look great on the edge of shrubbery in, on lawns, but are no less spectacular in or on. They are planted in autumn, like most bulbs, and flowering begins already in April (the earliest are Kaufman, Foster, Turkestan; Greig's tulips bloom at the end of April, forest and late ones bloom more often in May).

Iridodictiums are undemanding babies. A photo

Bloom: April, in warm regions - from the end of March.
Landing: from August until the first frost.
Height: 10-15 cm
Growing conditions: open sunny areas with light permeable soil; if the soil is heavy, sand should be added when planting. A neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction is preferred; wetting is unacceptable, even temporary.
Garden use: excellent plants for rockeries, rocky gardens; grow well and feel good under deciduous trees with a light crown; successful planting in groups on the lawn. suitable for forcing.

We talked about these plants in more detail in the article, and indeed, his flowers in the garden appear among the first. In combination with unpretentiousness and undemanding, this is an excellent reason to settle them in your country house.

Heralds of spring - crocuses. A photo

Bloom: from March to May, depending on the type and variety; there are also species that bloom in autumn.
Landing: spring-flowering crocuses are planted in autumn (from August to the first frosts), autumn-flowering - in early spring; when planting, it is advisable to use special baskets, because crocus bulbs more often than other small-bulb ones become prey to rodents.
Height: 7-20 cm
Growing conditions: areas in the sun or in light partial shade (for example, under deciduous trees or shrubs) with permeable soil.

You will find a large assortment of crocuses in our catalog, which combines the offers of many garden online stores. .


Muscari Armenian, photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety)
Landing: Aug. Sept; at the beginning of summer, after the leaves have completely died off, the overgrown curtains can be divided.
Height: 10-30 cm.
Growing conditions: preferably a warm sunny place, but partial shade is also acceptable; the soil can be damp in spring (without stagnant water), but during the dormant period the bulbs should be in dry soil. The plant does not tolerate well, use for top dressing.

You will find a good selection of muscari bulbs of different varieties in our catalog, which includes offers from many online garden stores. .

Use in the garden: excellent flowers for planting under deciduous trees and shrubs, in rockeries and rocky gardens, on lawns; look great in group plantings in flower beds, in combination with other bulbs; suitable for forcing.

Daffodils are popular bulbous flowers. A photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: end of August - September.
Height: 30-60 cm
Growing conditions: areas in the sun or in partial shade, with loose, fertile, permeable soil without stagnant water.
Garden use: successfully used in the design of flower beds, mixborders and discounts; look good under deciduous trees; can be grown in container culture; suitable for forcing and cutting.

Narcissists need no introduction. A photo

This flower, probably, needs no introduction - there is hardly a gardener who does not know him. I will note only one curious and useful feature of them: rodents do not touch the bulbs of daffodils. Moreover, it is believed that they, like them, scare away these animals, therefore it is recommended to plant daffodils around the perimeter of flower beds with other bulbs.

Daffodils in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Flowering: April-May.
Landing: end of August - September.
Height: 10-20 cm
Growing conditions: preferably a place where in spring, during the flowering period, Pushkinia will be in the sun, and in summer they will be in light shade (for example, under the crowns of deciduous trees).
Use in the garden: group plantings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; in borders along garden paths, in flowerbeds and spring flower beds; the plant is suitable for forcing.


Chionodox - stars in the grass. A photo

Bloom: April May.
Landing: September.
Height: 15-25 cm.
Growing conditions: chionodoxes are relatively undemanding to lighting: they grow well both in the sun and in light shade; the soil is preferably fertile, well-drained; excess moisture is unacceptable.
Use in the garden: very good in rockeries and rocky gardens, because, unlike many small-bulbous ones, they do not tend to grow violently, capturing space; successful group plantings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; can be used in flower beds; suitable for forcing.

And also unpretentious and quite simple to grow, white flowers.

Beautiful flowering perennials

Perennials are remarkable in that you do not need to take care of their sowing or growing every year. At the same time, from year to year they become prettier, growing and becoming more magnificent. If such a plant, moreover, is undemanding to conditions and care, this is a real find for an inexperienced or busy gardener.

Blooming aquilegia are charming. A photo

Bloom: from May to August.
Growing conditions: in partial shade; on moist soils, aquilegia can grow in the open sun.
Garden use: flower beds and flower beds; undersized species can be used in shady rockeries; These plants look good on the shore of reservoirs.

Astilba has attractive flowers and foliage. A photo

from June to September (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: spring (April-May) or autumn (September).
Height: 20-120 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: penumbra; moist permeable soil with a high content of organic matter.
Use in the garden: group and single plantings in the rarefied shade of trees and shrubs, on the banks of reservoirs, in flower beds; compact forms suitable for container growing.

Astilbes in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of large online stores of planting material and seeds.

This amazing plant is untouched by pests, it is exceptionally resistant to diseases, and the only thing that is required for care is pruning of faded inflorescences. In dry summers, watering may be required, but in wet soils this is not necessary either. Sometimes it is recommended to cover plants for the winter, but my astilbes, for example, wintered without shelter - however, here it is worth focusing on the characteristics of the species and climatic conditions.

Periwinkle - unpretentious ground cover perennial, photo

Bloom: April May
Height: 5-20 cm (ground cover).
Growing conditions: partial shade or shade - heat and direct sunlight are contraindicated for this plant; the soil is loose, fertile, without stagnant moisture.
Garden use: ground cover plant for shady corners of the garden.

In our gardens, the periwinkle is more common ( Vinca minor), which is found in European forests as a wild plant. Based on this species, numerous varieties have been developed that differ in various decorative features: some have especially large or double flowers; others have an unusual coloration (there are varieties of periwinkles with white, red and purple flowers); still others have variegated foliage. This type of periwinkle loves moisture and shade.

Various varieties of small periwinkle are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

Brunners grow well in partial shade. A photo

Bloom: from the beginning of May.
Landing: spring (April-May) or August-September.
Height: 30-50 cm
Growing conditions: penumbra; nutritious moist soil; Brunner grows well on clay and loamy soils.
Garden use: under trees and shrubs that give a rarefied shade; at the foot of fences and walls, along the banks of streams and reservoirs.

Delicate blue brunner flowers in the spring garden create a joyful mood, enliven its shady corners. Having planted this plant once, you can not worry about it for many years afterwards. The only thing is that it is advisable to immediately give him more space, since the brunner grows well under favorable conditions.

Breeders have bred variegated varieties - with silver or creamy white patterns, spots or borders on the leaves. Please note that such plants need protection from sunlight and strong winds - they are more demanding on conditions than the usual green leaf brunner, which can only suffer from drought.

Perennial cornflowers sometimes bear little resemblance to their field "relatives", Photo

Bloom: June to September (depending on the species).
Landing: late April - early May or August-September.
Height: 20-100 cm depending on the species and variety.
Growing conditions: most cornflowers prefer sunny places, but some (mountain and round-headed cornflower) grow well in partial shade; undemanding to soils.
Garden use: in flower beds, in combination with other herbaceous perennials.

All cornflowers are good in their own way. A photo

There are several types of perennial cornflowers, and each of them is good in its own way. Cornflower mountain ( Centaurea montana) has several varietal forms - with white, pink, dark purple and purple-lavender flowers. Cornflower large-headed ( centaurea macrocephala) is distinguished by bright large "shaggy" flowers of sunny yellow color.

Geraniums grow well in partial shade. A photo

Bloom: from May to August (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: April May.
Height: 10-100 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: Geraniums are very diverse, and you can choose a plant for almost any conditions, both in terms of illumination and soil types.
Use in the garden: all types of geraniums grow well along shrub plantings, in light partial shade; this is an excellent flower bed plant; undersized species are used in borders and as ground cover plants; some species are suitable for rocky gardens and rockeries.

Wild geranium can also live in the garden. A photo

Wild species have long settled in my garden, which you can read about in the article. You will find interesting information in the article. And no matter what kind of this plant you choose, geranium will not require you to pay special attention to your person, but, despite this, it will endow you with bright flowering.

Choose charming geraniums in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .


Derbennik loves wet areas. A photo

Bloom: July to September
Landing: April-May or August-September.
Height: 60-140 cm
Growing conditions: ideal option - a wet area in the shade in the afternoon; loosestrife can grow even on very heavy soils; tolerates short-term flooding, needs good soil moisture.
Garden use: suitable for planting in low-lying, wetlands; looks great on the banks of reservoirs; can be used in borders and mixborders, provided there is enough moisture in the soil.

Sunny flowers - doronicums. A photo

Bloom: May June.
Landing: April May.
Height: 30-80 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: sun or partial shade; permeable nutrient soil
Garden use: spring flower beds and flower beds; successful placement of doronicum on the edge of shrubbery.

When doronicum blooms, other plants are still gaining strength. A photo

Sunny mood is guaranteed when doronicum blooms! These bright daisy-like flowers are very spectacular in flower beds, because at the time of flowering doronicum, most garden plants are still gaining strength, and the bulbs are already fading.

When planting, keep in mind: at the end of flowering, most doronicums fade - they begin a dormant period. At this time, strongly growing bushes can be divided and transplanted. If you are planting doronicum in a flower bed, combine it with perennials or annuals that can hide fading foliage in early summer.

European bathing suit, photo

Bloom: from April to August - depending on the variety; more often - May.
Landing: April May
Height: 50-90 cm
Growing conditions: a site in the sun or in partial shade, with well-moistened soil; not suitable for planting hot and dry places with loose calcareous or sandy soil.
Garden use: design of the coastal zone of reservoirs, streams; moist semi-shady corners of the garden; well located bathing suits along the bushes, near the walls and fences.

On sale, you can easily find planting material for hybrid bathing suits, the flowers of which have various shades of yellow or orange. Less common is the Chinese bathing suit - a tall (up to 1 m) late-flowering (June-August) plant.

Kupena is an elegant plant for shady areas. A photo

Bloom: May June
Landing: April-May or September.
Height: 30-100 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: this plant is for shady and semi-shady areas; tolerates sun on moist soil.
Garden use: design of shady areas, group plantings on the outskirts of tree and shrub plantations, under trees.


Meadowsweet meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is not only beautiful, but also a medicinal plant. A photo

Bloom: June-September (depending on the type)
Landing: May
Height: 30-250 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: the meadowsweet grows both in the sun and in partial shade, but the soil must certainly be moist; heavy clay soils with a high humus content are preferred.
Garden use: spectacular plant for the coastal zone of reservoirs and streams; meadowsweet (or meadowsweet) can grow in wetlands, and common meadowsweet is suitable for rockeries or rabatok with calcareous soil.

Choose meadowsweet in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.


The color of lupins is very diverse. A photo

Bloom: June July; re-flowering - August-September
Landing: April May
Height: 80-100 cm
Growing conditions: sun; permeable, slightly acidic soil; lupins do not like calcareous and highly fertilized soils.

You can find perennial lupine seeds in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Small-sized puppies require virtually no maintenance. A photo

Bloom: June to September
Landing: May
Height: 20-80 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: the best option is open sunny areas with nutritious loose soil.
Garden use: in sunny areas.

The small-flower is remarkable for its long and abundant flowering, and caring for it consists only in installing props for tall varieties - they tend to fall apart, especially in rainy weather. Yes, and keep in mind: the small-scale hybrid, or erigeron, is a rather aggressive plant; once in favorable conditions, it actively grows and can capture vast spaces, so it is better to immediately limit its growth.

Enotera can grow very strongly. A photo

Bloom: June to September (depending on the type)
Landing: April or September
Height: 15-100 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: sunny areas with rather poor soil; evening primroses tolerate drought well, although with moderate moisture they bloom longer.
Garden use: evening primrose - an excellent plant for flower beds and mixed flower beds; some species are suitable for rocky and gravel gardens and rockeries.

You will find more useful information about this plant in the article and comments to it.

It is worth planting in the garden and such unpretentious plants as goldenrod, some types of milkweed.

Biennial and annual flowers

Despite the fact that most annuals are grown by seedlings, that is, they still require some trouble, there are those in this group of plants that are loved by gardeners precisely for their unpretentiousness, ease of cultivation and care.

A beautiful flower garden requires a lot of effort and time. If you visit the country house no more than once or twice a week, then take a look at the wonderful, beautiful and unpretentious flowers that you can grow for a “lazy” flower garden - that is, a flower garden that does not need to be given so much time.

One of the most undemanding flowers to grow is Echinacea. This is a perennial plant with beautiful tall flower stalks that can tolerate drought and severe frosts. Today, there are many types of echinacea for every taste, and each of them is characterized by unpretentious care.

Stonecrop will delight summer residents and gardeners with beautiful flowering for a long time. This hardy plant tolerates adverse weather conditions, but prefers to grow in a well-lit place. Both dwarf and tall flowers are unpretentious in care and very beautiful.

Decorative onion is another plant that can please summer residents with its incredible flowering. From early spring to late autumn, decorative onions will delight you with stunning flowers. This perennial does not require much time and effort to care for, it also does not need frequent watering, rather, on the contrary, they are strictly contraindicated for it.

Carnation grass is a close relative of the garden carnation. It is drought tolerant, requires little to no maintenance, easily propagated by self-sowing, and can last up to 7 years without a transplant. Carnation-grass forms small, but very beautiful flowers-asterisks. Depending on the variety, the plant can produce white, pink, purple, crimson or red flowers.

To please yourself and your family or to surprise your neighbors?
Each of these plants is able to cope with these tasks.


Unpretentious creepers with a varied palette of colors for every taste. Stunningly beautiful flowers that bloom profusely throughout the season will decorate any hedge or gazebo.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences, less often solitary. Flower color ranges from white and yellow to purple, blue, carmine red, with many shades.

Now this crop is grown in Siberia, the Far East and even the North. Clematis are divided into 2 main groups: small-flowered clematis with a flower size of 2 to 5 cm and large-flowered with a flower size of up to 15 cm. Small-flowered clematis species are less known in floriculture, although they are very decorative and at the same time unpretentious, more winter-hardy and drought-resistant than large-flowered.


If you really like orchids, but there is no way to give them proper care, you can plant flowers very similar to them and called "garden orchids".

A genus of flowering herbaceous plants of the Liliaceae family, native to Japan and the Himalayas.
Tritsirtis has another name - toad lily. This is because the natives of one Philippine island use the sap of the plant to attract edible frogs. They rub their skin with it, which makes it much easier to catch.

It prefers semi-shady moist forests and soils rich in humus.
Its flowering is long, but it begins only at the end of summer. Early frosts may prevent the flower from appearing in all its glory. Therefore, it is often planted in a tub.

Grouse (fritillaria).

In the spring, lush bluebells of hazel grouse will be the first to decorate the garden. The flower is very respected by gardeners, especially the imperial hazel grouse.
Fritillaria flower is called hazel grouse, because the petals of most species of these plants are dotted with small specks, like a bird of the same name.

Grouse Mikhailovsky.

Perennial bulbous flower.
There are several types: imperial, chess, radde, Russian.

Grouse Persica.

The plant prefers chernozems in well-heated, but shaded areas.
All types of hazel grouse can be used not only for growing in flower beds, but also for decorating alpine slides or planting in groups on borders along paths. They look just great, especially because they bloom when there are no other bright colors in the garden yet.

Chess grouse.

Beautiful fruit (callicarpa).

And this plant will please a little later. In autumn, it will be a bright eye-catcher against the backdrop of yellow fallen leaves and brown branches.

This shrub, unfortunately, is not as common in our areas as other ornamental shrubs, but recently it has become more and more often the highlight of flower beds. As it becomes clear from the name of the plant, the main thing in the bush is beautiful fruits. The purple-violet berries of the beautiful carp, which it does not shed for almost the entire winter, can decorate your landscape, while bright green foliage in summer and red and golden in autumn and purple, pink or white flowers in the leaf axils create mood and the necessary decorative effect in the rest seasons.

It is a shrub or small tree of the Verbena family. It grows wild in Southeast Asia (where most species grow), Japan, Australia, Madagascar, southern North America and South America.

The height of beautiful fruits, depending on the species, ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 meters.
Planting is possible throughout the season.
So far, these are all the unusual flowers that caught my attention.

Thank you for your attention!

The most unpretentious flowers for summer cottages are annuals. Unpretentious flowers for giving

City residents who go out to their dachas only for weekends are often limited in time. Caring for a personal plot, working in the beds, good rest - it is difficult to find free minutes for flower beds and flower beds.

In order for the summer cottage to please with an abundance of flowers all season, novice gardeners and experienced people choose the most unpretentious varieties of flowering plants. You can decorate the territory and avoid unnecessary trouble by choosing varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

Reproduction of flowers is carried out in several ways:

  • bulbs;
  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • self-seeding.

Depending on regional characteristics, plants are selected with which there will be no problems later. If it is possible to buy or grow seedlings yourself and plant them after the threat of frost, the flowers will bloom much faster than their counterparts grown from seeds.

Bulb crops in the northern regions are dug up for the winter period; in regions with a warm climate, such flowers remain in the ground and reproduce naturally. Flower crops are divided into two types: annual and.

annual flowers

Annuals are sown by seeds or grown by seedlings. They bloom only one season, so it is important to choose varieties that will delight you from early spring to late autumn.

The choice of flowering annuals should be carried out taking into account the timing of flowering, plant height, color palette.

Such species are most suitable for decorating flower beds. You can choose a picture for the composition, shades to your taste. With each new season, it is possible to change the filling of flower beds at will and mood.

There are many varieties of annuals that do not require special care, unpretentious to the soil, watering, regular fertilizing.

  1. Marigold. The most common annuals in the world. They can be found in summer cottages, city flower beds and in foreign resorts. They vary in color from light yellow to bright orange. Resistant to dry weather, do not require regular watering. Unpretentious plants easily take root in any area, perfectly tolerate shading.
  2. Aster. Colorful autumn flowers, with different shapes of petals. Frost-resistant, undemanding to the quality of the soil. Inflorescences shrink with thickened plantings.
  3. Nasturtium. The leaves and flowers look pretty too. Climbing bushes look great in flowerpots and flower beds. Calmly tolerate heat, resistant to diseases.
  4. Salvia. It is recommended to grow in areas with good sunlight.
  5. Calendula (marigolds). In addition to the aesthetic purpose, it has medicinal properties, repels pests from vegetable crops in the garden.
  6. Petunia. The most popular flower. It is used to decorate flower beds, grows well in flowerpots and planters. It has a very long flowering period and a huge number of varieties. Propagated by seedlings, self-sowing seeds, which greatly facilitates the task of gardeners.
  7. Asperula blue. Shade-loving species, does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  8. Loburyatia. Spreading shrub of small size with many small inflorescences. It differs from analogues in a short germination period and early friendly flowering. The color palette is from white to purple.
  9. Mathiola is bicornuate. Frost-resistant plant, seeds can be sown immediately after the snow melts. Flowers open only in the evening. Aromatic honey smell is the main distinguishing feature.
  10. Sweet pea. Variety of colors and long flowering period. Does not require regular watering, unpretentious to the soil.

When thinking about what flowers to plant in the garden, consider this option. According to their growth, these flowers are divided into three main categories: short, medium and tall. Let's briefly consider each of them.


Unpretentious perennial flowers for summer cottages include several popular species. These are, first of all, large-flowered flax, oak sage, cinquefoil, soft cuff, panicled gypsophila, geranium, gentian, dwarf phlox and some others. They do not require strict daily care and can be safely recommended for planting in a summer cottage. They can be used in the arrangement of flower beds or mixborders.

medium height

If we talk about the growth of such plants, then it is, as a rule, 0.3-0.8 meters. They are quite versatile, and such a significant difference in size makes them suitable for almost all types of flower beds.

Noting the names of medium-sized flowers for giving, I would like to highlight the following types:

  • Day-lily.
  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Yarrow.
  • Astilba.
  • Double Monarda.
  • Cornflower.
  • Panicled phlox.
  • Peony (choose later varieties).


This group of perennial garden flowers includes some of the most popular names. Their height starts from 80 centimeters, which, on the one hand, somewhat limits the possibilities of their landing, and on the other hand, on the contrary, makes them more unique compared to their lower counterparts. Popular types:

  • Tricyrtis purple beauty.
  • Rose stock.
  • Helenium hybrid.
  • Vasilisnik.
  • Veronica long-leaved.
  • Willow sunflower.

Remember! Such plants can be used for flower beds, as well as for flower beds.

The use of perennials in a summer cottage is justified for many reasons. One of them is that it can take a long time to lay out a beautiful, well-formed flower garden, especially a mixborder. It often takes several years. Therefore, perennial plants will come in handy, just for such cases.


A hardy beautiful flower that is planted in flower beds, gardens, in the foreground of flower borders, in flowerpots on terraces and patios.

Pictured is a dimorphotheque

Dimorphoteka feels good on fertile and well-drained soil in high light. The flowering period is quite long - from the beginning of summer until October. Appreciate the magnificence of the dimorphotheca in the photo.

Dimorphoteka - a flower that blooms all summer until the frost

Unpretentious, photophilous and cold-resistant plant. It does not require special fertilization of the soil, but it should be light and loose.

In the photo - terry cosmea

Cosmea gives self-sowing next year, without reducing the decorative qualities.

Cosmea - a popular flower for giving

Eschscholzia Californian

Although it is a perennial, we use it as an annual. Beautiful flowers are often used for cutting. The photo provided shows that all parts of the bush have a high decorative effect: flowers and openwork leaves.

In the photo, Californian escholcia

Eschscholzia Californian begins to bloom from the very beginning of summer and fades in October, gives self-sowing. Shows special decorativeness when landing on a well-lit area with sandy soil. Additional soil fertilization is not required.

Eschscholzia California blooms all summer until October

Mattiola bicorne

The garden flower, popularly nicknamed the night violet, won the hearts of many gardeners not so much with its appearance as with its most delicate aroma. Being at the dacha in the evening, you will plunge into the world of fabulous fragrance, spreading everywhere. As you can see in the photo, night violet can have different variations in color and structure of flowers.

In the photo, Mattiola is bicornuate

Mattiola bicornu feels great on sandy soils with good drainage, located in open areas. Blooms all summer.


The second name of the flower is snapdragon. The popularity of the plant is increasing every year. The variety of varieties is striking: bushes can have different heights, colors and structures of flowers.

In the photo antirrinum

The wide variety allows each year to experiment with new varieties of the plant. Antirrinum will bloom luxuriantly all summer if planted in a sunny area.

Summer residents who have recently joined the ranks of flower growers, as a rule, start from the same thing - from visiting all kinds of garden centers, Internet sites, exhibitions, collectors' sites. After all, there are so many interesting plants (mostly perennials) on offer, which “well, you just can’t pass by”!

Alas, the “buying rage” at the same time is often far ahead of planting planning and understanding which plants will actually feel good and look beautiful in your garden.

Therefore, the first advice to gardeners (and especially beginners): do not rush to immediately acquire a lot of perennial flowers! Limit yourself to those whose landing sites have already been prepared. And the craving for diversity can easily be satisfied by annuals. Most of these crops are easy to grow and can be restocked annually to change the look of the garden - a great planning aid! In addition, annuals are so bright and beautiful that it is difficult to imagine any garden or flower garden without them: from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

These luxurious dahlias can be grown from seed! F1 ‘Hello Gorgous Shades’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Raising the "virgin"

Letniki are especially useful when you are about to plant a flower garden on a new site with uncultivated soil. Many novice flower growers have an opinion that it is better to start with perennial plants: they say, once planted - and no worries. But what is really happening? After all, even if you don’t mess with capricious crops, of which there are quite a few among perennials, but plant the most undemanding species and varieties, but in a poorly prepared place, then:

In perennial flower beds, you do not have the opportunity to dig deep into the soil with organic fertilizers and thereby improve it;

Weeds, the seeds and pieces of rhizomes of which are difficult to get rid of in one digging of the soil, are intertwined with roots with cultivated plants, and it can be very difficult to remove them;

In new areas, it is difficult to immediately plan flower beds, and moving perennial bushes from place to place is often not very easy.

The second advice naturally follows from this: “development of virgin lands”, start with the planting of annual flowers. Indeed, as a result of autumn or spring digging of flower beds with the introduction of organic matter, it is possible to significantly increase the fertility and structure of the soil and clear the site of most weeds.

Convinced? Already going to the store for seeds? And for what?

Calendula medicinal series ‘Pacific’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

The smart choice

When choosing letniki for spring planting, you should not buy all the bags of seeds with the photos you like in a row. First evaluate your capabilities: can you grow them without too much hassle?

It is better for an inexperienced or busy grower to pay attention to those species that are sown directly into the ground. These are: helipterum pink (acroclinum), calendula, cosmos, clarkia, lavatera, annual poppies, matthiola, blue cornflower, godetia, dimorphoteka, escholcia, venidium, nemesia, iberis, mignonette, etc. In central Russia, you can immediately go to the flower garden sow some "seedling" crops - callistefus (annual aster), marigolds, especially - b. rejected, helichrysums, zinnias, Drummond's phloxes, sweet peas and some other species, but their flowering in this case will come late, only in the second half, or even at the end of summer.

Crops grown through seedlings are somewhat more complicated than the previous ones. However, they, in turn, can also be divided into several groups. Seedlings of species such as marigolds, zinnias, amaranths, annual dahlias, coleus, celosia, annual chrysanthemums are easiest to grow. Their seeds are sown in boxes (on window sills, loggias) or in the soil of greenhouses in mid-April, and planted in the ground at the end of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed.

The next group of flyers has a longer period of getting quality seedlings and requires a little more patience and experience. Their seeds are sown about a month earlier - in mid-March, boxes with crops are placed on bright windowsills or in greenhouses, greenhouses. Such crops include ageratum, alissum, arctotis, annual aster, verbena, gazania, Chinese carnation, helichrysum, sweet pea, cochia, levkoy, lobelia, snapdragon, perilla, petunia, salvia, fragrant tobacco, Drummond's phlox.

And finally, the last group includes species that have the longest period of development in seedlings. They are sown in January - February in heated greenhouses or at room conditions on special racks with light installations. For the first month or two, boxes with crops and seedlings must be illuminated with special lamps, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and die. These crops include: Shabo carnation, tuberous begonia, viola (Vitrocca violet), statice, heliotrope, fuchsia and some other species. I would not recommend inexperienced flower growers to grow them from seeds.

living rainbow

Let's get acquainted with the most interesting and relatively uncomplicated annual flower crops for beginner flower growers.


Calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis) is one of the most common and well-known plants that blooms in many flower beds and rural front gardens. Over many centuries of cultivation, dozens, if not hundreds, of calendula varieties have been created, differing in plant size - from low, curb, about 25-30 cm tall, to large bushes up to 80 cm high; the form of inflorescences, which can be non-double, chamomile, and double, tiled and even anemone. But the greatest variety is in its color: from common yellow, orange, apricot to cream, dark brown, burgundy, pinkish or greenish, plain or variegated.

Calendula officinalis ‘Apricot Twist’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In the garden, calendula looks good in front gardens, mixborders, in flower beds, in ornamental gardens, on annual flower lawns. Low-growing varieties can be grown on balconies and in containers, made into borders and borders. In addition, its inflorescences are excellent for cutting.

How to grow?

Calendula is an extremely undemanding and easy-to-cultivate culture. Its seeds are sown in open ground from April to June inclusive, as well as before winter - in November. It is better to choose a bright place for her, but she is undemanding to soils, although she prefers neutral loams. If the shoots turned out to be too thick, it is advisable to thin them out to a distance of 5-10 cm. Plants should be watered moderately, only in dry times. On nutrient-poor soils, it is advisable to feed them every 2-3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers. Flowering of plants begins 45-50 days after sowing and continues until late autumn.

What's in a name?

At home, in the Mediterranean countries, calendula blooms all year round, for which it got its name: calendae in Latin means "the first day of each month." The Russian name - ‘marigolds’ was given to the plant for the shape of the seeds, which really resemble the claws of animals and birds.

Calendula officinalis ‘Orange Button’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

It is interesting

Calendula is a valuable medicinal plant. Gargling with an infusion of its inflorescences perfectly heals a sore throat, compresses with a decoction of calendula will help heal wounds, bruises and dislocations faster, and calendula extract is widely used in skin and hair care cosmetics.


Cute multi-colored "daisies" of cosmos, or space (Cosmos), can often be found in home gardens and rural front gardens. They have long won the hearts of flower lovers with their cheerful disposition, diversity and unpretentiousness.

Currently, two types of cosmea can be found in our gardens. The most famous and familiar to us species is double-pinnate (C. bipinnatus) forms powerful (or not very) branched bushes 50-120 cm high, with strongly cut leaves and rather large inflorescences (from 5 to 12 cm in diameter) chamomile-shaped. The color of reed flowers can be white, pink, red, burgundy, the disc of tubular flowers is yellow.

Another species that appeared with us relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among flower growers, is gray-yellow cosmos (C. sulphureus). It has smaller inflorescences (4-7 cm in diameter), the petals of which are slightly bent inward in the form of a rose and are colored yellow-orange-red. Plant height can be from 30 to 150 cm.

Cosmos is double-pinnate terry. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In terms of application in the garden, cosmeas are very similar to calendula. They are grown in flower beds and in mixborders, in the front gardens of rural houses. It is convenient to make scenes from high grades of kosmey, decorate fences and walls of buildings with them. From low grades, especially sulfur yellow, you can create borders, decorate containers and balcony boxes with them. Low, small-flowered forms of double-pinnate are often part of annual flower (Moorish) lawns.

Cosmos is doubly pinnate, a mixture of colors. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

Cosmos double-feathered - the plant is cold-resistant and light-loving, to. Sulfur-yellow - more thermophilic and feels good only in relatively hot summers. Both species are drought-resistant and undemanding to soils, but grow better on loose, not too nutritious - "overfed" plants grow powerful, but bloom poorly.

Just like calendula, cosmea is sown in open ground starting in April.

What's in a name?

Сosmos is translated from Greek as "decoration". Indeed, the name matches the plant!

Space yellow. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


The bright three-month-old lavatera, or khatma (Lavatera trimestris), always attracts attention in the garden. But not only for this, gardeners love her so much, but also for her long, abundant flowering and complaisant nature. Lavatera is a rather powerful, branchy, fast-growing plant with a height of 60 to 150 cm. At the time of flowering, from the end of June until autumn, it is covered with large (6-10 cm in diameter), funnel-shaped flowers, painted white, pink or red.

Lavatera three-monthly ‘Novella’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Long, generous, bright flowering and unpretentiousness make lavater desirable for any flower garden - flower beds, borders, borders, mixborders. The flowers are well cut. Compact varieties can be arranged in containers or garden vases.

Lavatera three-month-old ‘Mont Blanc’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

Lavatera is cold-resistant, photophilous, drought-resistant, does not like waterlogging. It grows well on various soils, but feels better and blooms more abundantly on light fertile soils.

Seeds are sown directly into the ground in early May, in nests of 2-3 seeds at a distance of 25-30 cm. It is also possible to sow seeds in a row at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. In dry weather, plants must be watered, otherwise their growth will slow down, and flowering will not be plentiful. In May - June, it is desirable to carry out 3-4 feedings with complex fertilizers at intervals of 10-15 days.

What's in a name?

Lavater got its name in honor of the Lavater brothers, famous German doctors and naturalists.


The multi-colored silky flowers of the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) are very similar to small poppies, for which they received the popular name California poppy. The plant forms a low branched shrub 15-30 cm high with numerous, rather long (up to 60 cm), decumbent shoots. At the top of the shoots are bright, shiny, large (up to 5-8 cm in diameter) single flowers: double or non-double, with smooth or corrugated petals of various colors - creamy white, yellow, orange, salmon, red. The leaves of the escholzia are also exceptionally elegant: strongly dissected, openwork, covered with a bluish wax coating.

Eschsholtzia Californian terry. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

California poppy can be grown in flowerbeds, in flowerbeds, mixborders, made from it borders, planted in patches on lawns, rockeries, ornamental gardens. They look beautiful in vases, containers and balcony boxes. Eschsholzia is often included in mixtures for annual flower ("Moorish") lawns. The flowers are well cut.

How to grow?

Eschscholzia is cold-resistant, photophilous, drought-resistant and very unpretentious. Prefers dry, sunny places and does not tolerate excess moisture. Blooms best and remains compact in nutrient-poor soils. In rainy weather, the flowers close.

Propagated by seeds, which are sown in early May in open ground. In areas with light soil, winter crops can be done. It is desirable to thin out too dense seedlings at a distance of 5-10 cm. Flowering begins in the first half of July and continues until frost. Some varieties of escholcia can produce abundant self-seeding.

What's in a name?

Eschsholzia is named after Dr. I. F. Eschsholz, a naturalist from the Baltic states, who lived in 1793-1831.

Eschsholzia Californian ‘Apple Blossom’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Marigolds, marigolds, tagetes (Tagetes) are one of the most famous and loved by many annuals.

In horticulture, two types of marigolds are most often used: b. rejected, or French (T. patula), - with a strongly branched, spreading form of a bush 15-50 cm high, with non-double or double inflorescences of a single or variegated color, and b. erect, or African (T. erecta), - with more powerful and less branched plants 30-120 cm high and densely double inflorescences of a single color with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Recently, one more species can be found in gardens - b. thin-leaved, or Mexican (T. tenuifolia, sin. T. signata), with thin stems 20-60 cm high, graceful strongly dissected leaves and a huge number of small non-double inflorescences 2-3 cm in diameter. Monochromatic or with a contrasting spot in the center, they painted in bright yellow, lemon, orange tones.

Marigolds rejected ‘Carmen’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Marigolds look harmonious in any flower beds, flower beds, borders, mixborders, ornamental gardens. They can be used in containers and hanging baskets, planted in balcony boxes. Despite their love of light, they can tolerate slight shading, so they can be used to decorate areas on the north side of buildings. In addition, they have a sanitary effect on the soil, destroying or repelling nematodes with the secretions of their roots. For the same purpose, crushed marigold leaves can be added to the soil.

Marigolds are thin-leaved, a mixture of colors. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

All marigolds are thermophilic (do not withstand even slight frosts), photophilous (but can tolerate slight shading), drought-resistant and very undemanding to soils. They easily tolerate transplanting in any phase of development, even during the period of full flowering.

Propagated by seeds, in the conditions of central Russia - through seedlings, in the southern regions - by sowing in the ground. For seedlings, seeds are sown in the second half of April in greenhouses, but for earlier flowering, sowing is possible in March and even in February. Seedlings dive into boxes, pots or ridges of greenhouses at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. During the period of growing seedlings, it is desirable to make 2-3 fertilizing with nitrogen or complex mineral fertilizers with an interval of 7-10 days.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in early June, when the threat of spring frost has passed. The distance between plants during planting is from 15 to 40 cm, depending on the variety. Care consists in weeding and loosening the soil around the plants, and on weakly fertile soils, another 1-2 complex top dressings are carried out.

Flowering at b. rejected begins 2-2.5 months after sowing, b. upright - after 2.5-3 months and b. thin-leaved - after 2 months.

What's in a name?

The common name - marigolds, or marigolds, was given to these plants for the velvety flower petals, especially in dark-colored varieties, and they received the scientific name Tagetes in honor of the Etruscan god Tages, famous for his beauty and ability to predict the future.

Marigolds are upright. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Who does not know the slender beauties of dahlia (Dahlia) with huge bright inflorescences that bloom in our gardens in late summer and autumn? True, most large-flowered varieties are perennials, and their tubers must be dug up and stored in cool rooms before the onset of cold weather. But doing this is not always possible, so annual dahlias can be a great substitute for them.

For a long time there was an opinion that annual dahlias are medium-sized plants with medium-sized non-double flowers, painted in various shades of white, yellow, orange and red. The people called them that - "Merry Fellows", after the name of the most famous, old variety. To date, many annual dahlias have been created, which are not inferior in beauty and variety to their perennial relatives.

Dahlia is an annual, collar form of inflorescences. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Annual dahlias are planted in flowerbeds, in discounts, and arrays. Low grades can be grown in containers and balcony boxes.

How to grow?

Dahlias are a rather demanding crop in terms of cultivation conditions. They are very thermophilic, love fertile, moderately moist soils and sunny, windless areas.

Dahlia annual ‘Art Deco’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Seeds are sown in boxes in the first half of April, later seedlings are planted at a distance of 7-8 cm in pots or boxes. Young plants tolerate transplanting well. They are planted in open ground in early June. The distance between plants depends on the variety and can be from 20 to 40 cm. It is very important to loosen the soil around the bushes in a timely manner, in hot weather - water abundantly and periodically, once every 2 weeks, feed with complex mineral or organic fertilizer. In August, feeding is stopped. Annual dahlias bloom in the first half of July and bloom profusely until the first frost.

What's in a name?

Dahlias, natives of Mexico, appeared in Europe in the 18th century, where they received two names at once - dahlias and dahlias. The first of them was given in honor of the famous Swedish botanist A. Dahl. And in 1803, the German botanist K. L. Vildenov gave the plant another name - dahlia (Georgina), in honor of his friend, botanist J. G. Georgi. Both names existed together for a long time, but recently the name of dahlia has become the official botanical name of the genus. The name "dahlia" has taken root only in our country.


Annual aster, or Chinese callistefus (Callistephus chinensis), is perhaps the most beloved "folk" flyer in our country. In nature, this plant is about 80 cm high, with chamomile inflorescences of lilac-lilac color. However, over several centuries of cultivation, the appearance of this culture has changed very much. Many hundreds of varieties have been created, differing in plant height (from 20 to 100 cm), bush shape (spherical, oval, columnar, pyramidal, sprawling), leaf color (from light green to dark green with a purple bloom), flowering time ( from early, blooming on the 70th day after germination, to late - on the 120th-130th day).

But the inflorescences of callistefus have undergone the greatest changes - in color, shape, size, doubleness, their number on the plant, etc. What colors are they not painted in! White, pink, red, salmon, yellow, blue, purple - almost every color of the rainbow, except for bright orange and black. There are varieties with two-color inflorescences.

According to the method of application, asters can be divided into casing (border) - low, compact, abundantly flowering, cut - high, with long strong peduncles and universal - suitable for both landscaping and cutting. Most varieties of asters belong to the latter group.

Callistefus chinensis, ‘Milady’ series. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In garden plots, annual asters are planted in flowerbeds, rabatka, in mixborders, low varieties - in borders, containers, balcony boxes, rock gardens. Dwarf varieties are used as a pot culture. And, of course, do not forget that annual asters are one of the best garden cut crops.

Callistefus Chinese ‘Gala’. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

One of the main reasons for the huge popularity of the annual aster is its undemanding nature. This plant is cold-resistant (it can endure frosts down to -3-4 ° C), photophilous, prefers sandy or loamy, loose, nutritious soils with a neutral reaction.

Astra is propagated by seeds both in seedlings and in seedlings. In the first case, the seeds are sown in late March - early April. Seedlings can be planted in open ground from mid-May. With seedless cultivation, seeds are sown in the ground in early spring, as soon as the soil is ready. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out or seated at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Depending on the variety and method of cultivation, asters begin to bloom from late June to mid-August and continue until frost.

Callistefus Chinese ‘Minuet’, a mixture of colors. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

What's in a name?

The name callistefus was given to this flower by the French botanist Antoine Jussier: translated from Latin, it means “beautiful wreath”.