Bordeaux mixture. Bordeaux liquid and features of its use in the summer cottage Instructions for the use of Bordeaux liquid 100 ml

Among the time-tested drugs that effectively protect plants is the Bordeaux mixture. Its development dates back to the end of the 19th century, when the fungicidal effect of an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide and copper sulfate was discovered.

Initially, the drug was used to treat vineyards, and later began to be used for spraying other green spaces.

When to use?

Bordeaux liquid in horticulture helps to effectively deal with most pathogenic lesions on the bark and leaves. In fruit and berry crops, after processing, a greater number of fruits ripen, and deciduous and coniferous species significantly intensify their growth. In places where the bark is removed and on saw cuts of branches treated with Bordeaux mixture, rot crusts and darkened areas of wood will not form.

The mixture should be used with caution, since copper compounds are toxic to humans. Processing of fruit and berry trees is recommended 2-4 weeks before harvest.

This improves the quality and shelf life of fruits while reducing the residual concentration of copper on their surface. Until now, there are disputes regarding the advisability of applying the composition at the dacha during the growing season, since the components of the drug can get on earlier fruit-bearing trees or shrubs.

Bordeaux liquid can lead to the appearance of a mesh structure of fruits and a change in their size. This effect is especially noticeable on cherries. A win-win option is to process trees before bud break. During this period, the mixture destroys most of the microorganisms at the initial stage. Do not confuse liquids for early gardening and those used during the growing season. A high concentration of active ingredients from the first 3% solution will adversely affect the development of a plant that has already thrown out its leaves. For the treatment of green plants, a 1% solution is used.

The composition and principle of action of the drug

The finished mixture is an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide and calcium sulfate containing suspended copper hydroxide. The classic formulation of the drug includes three initial components - copper sulfate, quicklime and water. The concentration of the solution is understood as the content of the initially taken copper sulphate based on the final aqueous mixture.

The mechanism of action of Bordeaux fluid is the effect of residual copper ions on pests and fungi, which occurs at the cellular level. The mixture is effective not only in the treatment of shrubs and trees, but also flowers with affected inflorescences. There is a repellent effect of the composition on many harmful insects, which are repelled by the presence of the drug from damage to the plant.

A solution of pure copper sulfate would be much more effective if it did not destroy the plant. Calcium compounds play the role of a binding component, neutralizing the negative effect of copper to an acceptable level.

For humans, the Bordeaux mixture is harmful. The main routes of its entry into the body are:

  • swallowing causes the most dangerous poisoning, which can occur after working with the drug or eating contaminated fruits. Treatment consists in gastric lavage, ingestion of protein and saline solutions, as well as cardiac drugs;
  • inhalation of aerosols causes a fever that lasts 2-3 days and is accompanied by bloating, tachycardia and nosebleeds.

If you suspect copper poisoning, you should call a doctor who will adjust the treatment and prescribe important stimulant drugs.

How to prepare a mixture at home without harm to health?

Preventing poisoning with a mixture is quite simple if you follow the general recommendations:

  • use a respirator, gloves, headgear and protective outer clothing when preparing and spraying the drug;
  • do not smoke, drink or eat between sprays;
  • do not spray the mixture in close proximity to fruits and vegetables that will be harvested within 2-3 weeks;
  • always rinse the crop with water before use.

Keep in mind that during the spraying process, individual portions of the aerosol are spread over tens of meters. The result may be the ingress of substances to trees and shrubs remote from the place of processing.

Preparation of liquid at home

The scheme for mixing the components and obtaining the finished composition consists of several stages:

  • initial weights of copper sulphate and quicklime are dissolved with stirring in a small amount of hot water. A separate container is taken for each solution. Lime slaking is not carried out in plastic buckets, since they can melt, and metal containers are not suitable for dissolving copper sulfate and storing Bordeaux mixture;
  • both solutions are diluted with water to a volume of 5 liters, after which they are mixed;
  • a solution of copper sulphate is poured in a thin stream into a continuously stirred solution of lime;
  • the finished mixture is an opaque blue suspension. Its suitability for plant treatment should be checked by measuring the pH with litmus paper. If an acidic environment is detected, a small amount of lime mortar must be added to the Bordeaux liquid. The readiness of the drug is indicated by a weak alkaline or neutral environment.

The colors of the litmus indicator: in a neutral environment - does not change color (yellow paper), in an acidic environment - acquires a raspberry hue (some mistakenly consider it red), in an alkaline environment - shows a blue coloration.

Component ratios (for a final volume of 10 l):

  • copper sulfate - 100 g (1% solution) or 300 g (3% solution);
  • quicklime - 100 g (1% solution) or 300–500 g (3% solution).

After preparation, the drug should be used immediately (do not insist), until the fine particles of copper hydroxide have combined into larger conglomerates. Periodic stirring allows you to maintain the dispersed state of the solution. Long-term storage causes hydroxide particles to stick together and precipitate, which will clog the sprayer nozzle. To keep the mixture for use for a couple of days, 5-10 g of sugar is added to it.

The process of preparing and using the liquid, see the video:

It will cost less to buy the ingredients for the Bordeaux mixture separately. A ready-made kit, including all components and litmus paper, is simpler, but more expensive.

Application features, dosage and consumption

The drug suspension is applied to the surface of plants in early spring and summer by spraying. The finished solution is poured into a tank, which is then pressurized (manually or from a carbon dioxide cylinder). Spray the mixture evenly on trees and shrubs, trying to get the liquid on all sides of the leaves and branches.

Features of using the tool:

  • the composition should be sprayed carefully, avoiding spills on yourself and on the ground;
  • before work it is necessary to make sure that there are no people without protective clothing (especially children) and animals in the spraying area;
  • do not carry out work with a high probability of precipitation;
  • application should be carried out strictly in the wind.

The number of treatments is:

  • before the appearance of the kidneys - 1 (3% solution);
  • during the growing season - 3-4 (1% solution);
  • frequency of treatment (liquid validity) - 10-14 days.

Mix consumption:

  • for trees (fruit and berry, deciduous and coniferous) and large shrubs - 15–20 liters per 100 m 2;
  • for medium shrubs and grapes - 10–15 liters per 100 m 2;
  • for small bushes (strawberries, potatoes) - 5–10 liters per 100 m 2.

Large trees that have external signs of fungus damage can be sprayed with a 1% solution of the mixture at the rate of 10-15 liters per tree.

The liquid remains an effective and cheap drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases of green spaces. Its widespread use in horticulture is facilitated by the availability of components and the ease of self-preparation. The versatility of the product allows for the joint processing of most plants and contributes to the overall improvement of the site.

Every gardener wants to have trees pleasing with greenery, lush berry bushes on his plot and hopes to get a good harvest of fruits in the fall. Everything changes when the plants begin to get sick with fungal diseases: the leaves become stained and fall off, black dots appear on the fruits, their shape and size change.

Plants need to be urgently treated with protective fungicidal (fungus-killing) pesticides. Among the effective and time-tested drugs used for the treatment and protection of plants is the Bordeaux mixture.

This mixture was developed at the end of the 19th century in France, when a combination of two chemicals was found, the aqueous solution of which is able to treat and destroy fungal plant diseases. It turned out to be a universal liquid agent that allows for the joint processing and spraying of various horticultural crops throughout the site, which contributes to their recovery.

Ingredients of the Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux liquid is prepared from copper sulphate powder (copper sulfate), lime mixture (calcium hydroxide) and pure water.

A powder that is diluted with water forms a weak copper compound solution and is an active ingredient that protects plants from diseases caused by various pests, mold, fungi. The lime mixture neutralizes the negative effects of copper on plants, making it safe and acceptable.

A solution of Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions is prepared immediately before use, mixing sachets of lime and vitriol in the necessary proportions to avoid violation of the chemical composition.

The concentration of the solution is determined by the content of copper sulfate in the finished water mixture. Its excess in Bordeaux mixture and insufficient amount of slaked lime may cause burns roots and leaves of plants.

Bordeaux mixture - instructions for use

Preparation of Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions

You should strictly follow the sequence of actions on how to prepare Bordeaux mixture

Processing is best done in the early morning or evening in sunny and dry, but not hot weather. At high humidity, spraying is not carried out. Before starting the spraying process, make sure that there are no animals or people nearby. Primary treatment of plants with a solution containing 3% Bordeaux mixture (300 grams) held in early spring when there are no buds or before flowering. In exceptional cases, spraying with Bordeaux liquid can be carried out immediately after the opening of the buds and the first leaves.

Carry out spraying carefully and strictly in the wind. Contact with the solution on the ground and clothing is unsafe. In the spring, during the growing season and before the ovaries appear, a 1% solution (100 grams of the mixture) is re-sprayed with Bordeaux liquid at intervals of 10–15 days.

Summer, do not spray plants, trees, horticultural crops in the next 2-3 weeks before harvest. The fruits of trees, shrubs, berries from liquid-treated plants should be washed very thoroughly.

Bordeaux liquid according to the instructions can be used for treatment and treatment indoor plants in winter gardens and greenhouses. For spraying, use a spray gun in this case.

In the autumn period, after the end of leaf fall, it is good to treat and spray the plants with a 3% solution for preventive purposes.

Seasonal processing and spraying of horticultural crops with Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid instruction for the treatment of green spaces recommends that when spraying, you need to completely cover the tree or plant with a solution. The treatment is carried out with a 1% percentage solution of 100 grams of Bordeaux mixture.

Protective mechanism against Bordeaux mixture solution works for a long time, about one month. It adheres well to the surfaces and leaves of plants even in rainy weather. Its repellent properties affect insect pests.

Precautionary measures

In specialized stores you can buy branded Bordeaux mixture making kit according to the instructions (100 grams and 300 grams) or purchase all components separately. This is an effective and cheap tool that has a wide spectrum of action.

Using ready-made Bordeaux liquid in bottles

Recently, the production of concentrated Bordeaux liquid has been launched, which is bottled in plastic bottles with a capacity of 100 ml to a liter.

Using ready-made Bordeaux liquid in bottles More comfortable for preparation and use. The required amount of liquid from the bottle is diluted with water, mixed and the spray solution is ready.

The instructions indicate that in order to obtain a 3% solution of the mixture, use 10 liters of water and dilute 250 ml of concentrate. To obtain a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, 100 ml of the concentrate must be diluted in the same volume of water.

Destroying the vineyards of Bordeaux, the French botanist accidentally added lime to the copper solution. The accident turned out to be a happy one: the mixture saved hundreds of acres of grapes, saves orchards to this day. Note to the farmer: the use of Bordeaux mixture and preparation, instructions for use, compatibility, safety information.

Dry Bordeaux mixture - copper sulphate mixed with lime. An aqueous solution of the mixture is called Bordeaux mixture. It is available as a ready-to-use powder solution. The active substance is copper ions, lime acts as a neutralizer.

Depending on the concentration of the Bordeaux mixture (liquid), three processing methods are practiced:

  • blue spraying (eradicating) - processing of fruit crops in the dormant phase, before the buds swell or after leaf fall, in October-November;
Tree processing
  • green cone - garden treatment with a 3-4% solution in the bud opening phase;
  • spraying at the stage of vegetation of fruit and vegetable crops, berries with a 1% solution.

Compound 2 safety class: when working with reagents, protective equipment is required. The waiting period is about 15 days.

Preparation of a working solution: how to dilute correctly

The basic composition of Bordeaux liquid:

  • water 10-10.2 l;
  • quicklime 100-110 g;
  • copper sulfate 100-110 g.

The optimal ratio of components is 1:3.5.

Attention! You can not change the order of introduction of reagents, the concentration of components, the percentage, dilute the mixture with water.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Copper sulphate powder in the indicated amount is dissolved in a small volume of warm water (t up to 50 C).
  2. Bring the volume to a full 9 liters, cool.
  3. An excess solution of lime is obtained: calcium hydroxide is diluted in a small volume of chilled soft water.
  4. They are preparing the so-called. milk of lime: the total volume of the creamy mass is adjusted to 1 liter, filtered.
  5. The copper solution is introduced into lime water (i.e. filtered milk of lime), mixed.
  6. Check the pH.

Advice! When working with the mixture and reagents, metal utensils are not used to avoid oxidative processes.

A properly prepared preparation is a suspension of colloidal particles, absolutely stable, without sediment, light blue in color. The pH reaction is neutral or slightly alkaline. A solution with an acidic reaction leads to burns, with a strongly alkaline one, it almost does not linger on the leaves. Lime water is added to neutralize the mixture.

Bordeaux mixture is diluted before use. The mixture is stable for about 6 hours, after which a precipitate forms.

Application rates and use cases

Application rates and percentage concentration depend on the type of crop, on the stage of vegetation, on the condition of the plants. In the orchard, on shrubs for blue spraying, a 3% solution is used. Consumption in the orchard - up to 20 liters per 100 m2.

The mixture is effective for the following crops:

  • on a pear, quince, apple tree - against scab, moniliosis, etc .;
  • on cherries and sweet cherries, plums and other stone fruits - against coccomycosis, moniliosis, curliness, clasterosporiasis;
  • on berry bushes - against fungal spotting.

Attention! Processing is not carried out with dew, in wet weather, at high temperatures. Spraying after rain, in the heat, threatens with an extensive burn of the leaves.

At the time of vegetation, a 1% solution is used. Up to 6 treatments are carried out on apple, vine and pear, ornamental and flower crops. On cherries and apricots, plums and cherries, potatoes, tomatoes, the maximum multiplicity is 4 treatments. Strawberries and raspberries, cucumbers and beets, onions, watermelons, flower crops are processed three times.

Application, consumption rates of 1% Bordeaux mixture depending on the crop and the harmful object:

  • in vineyards: against mildew, black rot, rubella and anthracnose - up to 1.5 l / 10 m2;
  • on fruit-bearing apple, pear: against leaf spots, moniliosis and scab, etc. - up to 9-10 liters per tree;
  • on all stone fruits: clasterosporiasis, moniliosis, coccomycosis - up to 10 l;
  • currant, gooseberry: septoria, rust, anthracnose - up to 1.5 liters per bush;
  • strawberries, raspberries: white, brown spots up to 1.3-1.5 per 10 m2;
  • potatoes: late blight, macrosporiosis - 1 l / 10 m2;
  • tomatoes: late blight, etc. - 2 l / 10 m2;
  • cucumbers, melon, watermelon: anthracnose, olive blotch - 1-1.5 l / 9-10 m2;
  • beets (all types): peronosporosis, rust, cercosporosis - 1 l / 8-10 m2;
  • onions (not feather): transfer, rot, rust - up to 1 l / 10 m2;

Features of use and disadvantages: what is important to know

  1. Bordeaux mixture is not compatible with any protective preparations, except for colloidal sulfur.
  2. You should not use soap as a “sticker”: an alkaline environment will shift the pH of the mixture.
  3. The use of copper-containing fungicides inhibits the growth of vine shoots, dries the bark of rootstocks.
  4. The mixture can cause burns, mesh on the fruit, yellowing of the leaves.
  5. Frequent processing provokes phyllosticosis on the apple tree.
  6. Some varieties of grapes, berries, roses, apricots, cherries are prone to burns - they use copper-containing analogues of HOM, Kuprosat, etc.
  7. Frequent use leads to an excess of copper salts in the soil.

A short-term effect can also be called a disadvantage: on an apple tree, the mixture provides protection against the same scab for 6-8 days. The protection time of eradicating spraying is up to a month, but possible burns should be taken into account.

Given such negative reviews as vine growth inhibition, bark drying, incompatibility with protective equipment, growers often choose fungicides that do not contain copper or sparing copper-containing fungicides. And not every gardener today will go for total irrigation with vitriol of an apple tree in the garden and potatoes in the garden. The remedy is remembered if eradicating spraying is necessary, in search of an extremely inexpensive drug. And, in general, effective - this cannot be taken away from the mixture from Bordeaux.

Preparation of Bordeaux mixture: video

The most effective means of combating numerous diseases of fruit, berry and vegetable crops remains Bordeaux mixture.

Its solution is used to treat apple and pear trees from scab and fruit rot, stone fruits - from perforated spotting and gray rot, raspberries - from purple spotting, currants and gooseberries - from anthracnose and septoria, tomatoes - from late blight, peach - from curly leaves, grapes - from mildew, etc.

The best results are obtained by early spring spraying. Before bud break (on bare branches and vines), a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture is sprayed, and during the growing season (on leaves), a 1% solution is prepared so as not to burn the foliage.
The leaves are sprayed no more than 3 times, and the treatment is stopped on berry bushes 25-30 days before picking berries, on apple trees - 15 days before picking the fruit.

During the period of flowering and fruiting, Bordeaux liquid is not used and copper-containing preparations are not used, since from them the fruits are covered with a brown mesh and crack.
In autumn, it is used after the final harvest.

Solution preparation

The effectiveness of spraying plants largely depends on the quality of the solution. A properly prepared working solution has a light blue color, a uniform consistency (no flakes) and a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, which is checked using indicator paper or any metal product (bolt, nail, nut, metal strip) without rust.

Litmus paper turns red in an acidic environment and blue in an alkaline environment. A metal object in an acidic environment is covered with a reddish-copper coating, and in an alkaline environment it acquires a blue color.

In order to bring the finished solution of the Bordeaux mixture with an acidic reaction to a neutral or slightly alkaline state, a solution of lime (milk of lime) is gradually added to it, and after each addition its reaction is checked.

When used for spraying a solution with an acidic reaction, there is a high probability of burning the leaves, which then fall off. It is best to use a solution with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction.

Contains in the ratio 1:1 two main components: copper sulphate and slaked lime. To prepare Bordeaux liquid, they are dissolved in water, each in a separate container, and then a solution of lime is poured into a solution of copper sulfate in a thin stream and they are constantly mixed with any wooden object.
At the time of connection, both solutions should be cold. And the colder the better.

Quicklime is poured with water and the container is immediately covered with a lid, because a violent reaction occurs. 100 g of lime is poured into 1 liter of water, and after quenching, it is diluted to the desired volume. The solution is allowed to cool.

You can pay off more lime at once, because it will come in handy during the season. Unused slaked lime can be stored until next year in a room with positive temperature. Frozen lime loses its properties.

For the preparation of solutions, any glass, wooden, ceramic, enameled container is used, except for metal containers (the exception is copper, but in our time such dishes have become very rare).

In most cases they use 1% Bordeaux mixture solution: for 10 liters of water 100 g of copper sulfate and 120-150 g of slaked lime.
In 1 liter of water, 100 g of copper sulfate is diluted and adjusted by volume to 5 liters. It dissolves well in water, so there is no need to use hot water.
In another container, slaked lime is diluted in a small amount of water (2-3 l), stirred well, and then brought to the desired volume - 5 l.
The solutions are combined as described above, and the reaction of the finished mixture is checked.

More concentrated 3% Bordeaux mixture solution prepared in the same way: for 10 liters of water, 300 g of copper sulfate and 400-450 g of slaked lime.

The prepared solution is filtered and used immediately. It is stored for no more than a day, as it quickly changes its composition.

The mixture settles easily, so it must be filtered from sand particles and stirred well immediately before use.

Knots for memory

  • It is impossible to mix concentrated solutions of the components of the Bordeaux mixture with their subsequent dilution, or pour a concentrated solution into a weak one.
  • In no case do not pour quicklime with hot water, because you will not have time to cover it with a lid and you will get burned. You can use slightly warm water (room temperature or slightly warmed up to 25-35°C).
  • Bordeaux liquid after preparation is not diluted with water, because it will begin to delaminate.
  • Bordeaux mixture solution is best not to be mixed with other preparations.
  • It is best to buy a ready-made Bordeaux mixture, dilute it according to the instructions and not engage in amateur activities. Industrial packaging contains copper sulphate, lime and indicator paper.

Bordeaux liquid It is used to protect fruit and berry crops from fungal and a number of other diseases. The drug belongs to the category of contact fungicides and is a water-suspension concentrate (VSC) of tribasic copper sulfate. Finished Bordeaux liquid in a bottle, it is distinguished by its effective action and ease of use, due to which it has been widely used in personal subsidiary plots and summer cottages.

Application features

The drug must be dissolved in water according to the attached instructions: first in a small amount, and then add it to the required volume. The prepared liquid cannot be stored and must be used immediately.

First processing Bordeaux liquid carried out during the green cone phase, when leaves begin to emerge from the buds. During this period, horticultural crops are especially susceptible to fungal diseases. Early spring spraying begins to act after two hours and protects trees and shrubs for the next 50 days.

The treatment can be repeated during the growing season, after flowering, and then weekly. It should be borne in mind that a certain time must pass from the time of the last spraying to harvest. It is called the waiting period and is indicated in the instructions.

Bordeaux liquid used to protect the garden from septoria, scab, moniliosis, klesterosporiosis, columnar rust and other common diseases. Subject to the recommended standards, it is not phytotoxic, that is, it does not inhibit the growth and vital activity of horticultural crops.

To buy Bordeaux liquid just contact our partners. The site has a list of stores selling drugs from the company "August" in the section.