How to properly install a cold water meter. Who installs water meters in the apartment. The hot water meter broke - what to do

The advantages of installing a water meter are obvious. This is not only a significant financial savings, since you do not have to overpay for unused cubic meters, but also the ability to control costs and calculate the approximate cost of upcoming utility bills. Installation will not take much time and effort, the main thing is to know how to register water meters.

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This procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. Calling a specialist to compile a list of required accessories.
  2. Acquisition or selection by the master of counters.
  3. The process of installation and connection to central communications.
  4. Preparation and registration of a package of documents.

Let's consider each stage in more detail. After all, it is very important to follow the correct procedure for registering water meters.

Preparatory work

If you decide to put a meter on the water, you must apply with an application to the district DEZ(an organization that deals with municipal orders), management company(ZHEK) or other organization that has the right to carry out such work. In just a few days (it all depends on the number of applications), a master will come to you, who will analyze the state of the water supply system and determine the equipment and the type of meter that is right for you.

The specialist may offer to purchase everything you need yourself. But you have the right to refuse and make a choice on your own, guided by the recommendations and the necessary characteristics. So you can save money and buy a better meter.

How to choose a water meter?

Before you buy a counter, you should understand their classification, properties and purpose. It should be remembered that the meters for cold and hot water are different! They differ in the materials used for the elements of the system, although the principle of operation is the same. For cold water, the measuring device is designed for temperatures no higher than 40 degrees. For hot - 150 degrees. There are also universal counters.

According to the type of power, devices are divided into volatile (work from the mains) and non-volatile (do not need a power source).

According to the principle of operation, the counters are divided into 4 groups:

  1. electromagnetic- the magnetic field is induced in proportion to the speed of the passing fluid.
  2. Vortex- a part is placed in the water flow, which displays the flow rate. The counter registers the frequency of these vortices.
  3. Ultrasonic- ultrasonic vibrations that appear during the passage of a stream of water are recorded by the acoustic system of the meter.
  4. Tachometric- a rotating impeller is placed in the flow, which is connected to the mechanical counting device of the counter.

The device can be used for domestic and industrial purposes. In apartments, electromagnetic or tachometric devices are most often installed.

It is necessary to buy a counter only in reliable places that are licensed for their activities. Check all the documents so that the serial numbers match and there is a registration certificate.

Installation of water metering devices

Naturally, this important step is best left to a specialist. But if you think that you can handle it on your own, or just want to know all the intricacies of the upcoming work, here is an approximate meaning of the actions:

  • From the "risers" (central water supply pipes), which most often pass through the bathroom, two smaller pipes depart - branches, on which there are valves that block the water;
  • the master after the valves cuts the pipe in order to install the mounting assembly;
  • the assembly consists of 7-12 components (coarse water filters, check valves, meters themselves, inserts, etc.);
  • the system is connected.

Registration procedure

When everything is installed and summed up, the most crucial moment comes - to collect and take the documents to where you must register the water meters. The company that carried out the installation is obliged to provide you with a complete package of documents. On the basis of their DEZ registers an act on the acceptance of metering devices into operation.

Next, with these documents, you need to go to the Unified Information and Settlement Center ( EIRC) and conclude an agreement under which you undertake to pay for water supply services. Registration of water meters in the EIRC usually does not take long, the time depends only on the number of visitors available.

That's all, now you can pay only for the amount of water that you consume, and not according to the standards.

Documents for registration of water meters:

  • an agreement with a service organization for the installation of devices;
  • act of acceptance of work done;
  • act of putting the meter into operation (3 copies);
  • passports for hot and cold water meters (serial number and readings at the time of installation are indicated).

During registration, the following information is entered:

  • year of manufacture of devices;
  • serial numbers of meters;
  • installation date;
  • starting scores.

If you are concerned about the question of how to register self-installed water meters, the answer is simple. Also contact the DEZ or another organization that deals with this. A master will come to you, check whether you have installed everything correctly, seal the counter and issue the documents necessary for registration.

Consider the legal framework and aspects of the practical implementation of accounting for the consumption of hot and cold water. We will analyze the rules and procedure for installing water meters in an apartment.

Accounting for the consumption of water consumed is regulated by paragraph 5, 13 of the article of the Federal Law "On energy saving and on improving energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ: "Until July 1, 2012, owners of residential buildings, owners of premises in multi-apartment buildings put into operation on the day this Federal Law enters into force are obliged to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices for used water, heat energy, electric energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation.

At the same time, “multi-apartment buildings within the specified period must be equipped with collective (common house) metering devices for used water, thermal energy, electric energy, as well as individual and common (for a communal apartment) metering devices for used water, electric energy.”

Legal subtleties and practical solutions

The interpretation of the meaning of the act implies that the owners of the premises are obliged to ensure that the resources supplied by the relevant organizations are taken into account. This means that a consensus must be reached between the supplier and the consumer on the order of accounting for resources and the equipment used. The accounting procedure is ensured by the integrity of the device, that is, the meter, which is sealed by a representative of the organization supplying water. In the general case, this is a management or housing and communal office.

Measuring equipment approved for the installation for accounting for water consumption is entered into the database of the Federal Information Fund to ensure the uniformity of measurements and is available for review at the address - The passport of the purchased measuring device must contain the registration number of this equipment sample in the database of the Information Fund. Additional testing or verification of the purchased device is not required, but in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, you should first coordinate this issue with the operating organization.

Meters may not be installed if the building is recognized as dilapidated and there are relevant documents stating such a situation. The building with a significant degree of wear has communications of the appropriate state.

Installing any equipment on them is simply dangerous. It should be added that the refusal of the homeowner to install water meters is not a punishable action. In this case, payment at an increasing rate is provided, but no administrative or penal sanctions are expected.

Mounting elements of the system.

When installing a water meter in an apartment or house, two related procedures arise that can be performed separately or simultaneously, depending on prevailing local characteristics and practices. The first procedure is the installation of equipment on the water supply system.

The owner of the premises can do it on his own or involve specialists, including those associated with the operating office that supplies drinking water to his apartment or house. This does not violate the rules and procedures for installing water meters in an apartment. The work is carried out at the expense of the owner of the premises.

The second procedure is the acceptance of devices into operation by the managing organization, which will receive money for the resources received, based on the readings of the installed measuring instruments. Sealing of meters and, if necessary, other elements of the system, is carried out by a representative of the management office. The procedure should be performed by them free of charge.

If the installation of the measuring equipment is carried out by a company authorized by the resource supplier to take it into operation, both procedures can be completed in one step.

Installation of control devices

Water accounting should be carried out along all highways transporting it to the points of water intake. The number of metering devices must correspond to the number of supply pipes. In an apartment with one riser of cold and hot water, two meters are required, one for each riser. If water is supplied through separate lines to the kitchen and bathroom with bathrooms, then the number of meters will be equal to the number of risers.

In apartments with gas or electric water heaters that do not have a centralized hot water supply, the meter is installed only at the risers supplying cold water. When performing work, it is necessary to turn off the water supply to the main pipe. If it is not possible to block the outlet from the riser, the water supply through the riser should be shut off.

The meter is mounted as close as possible to the riser, by inserting into the outlet main pipe. The complexity and cost of inserting into an existing system depends on the materials from which the internal wiring is made and its technical condition. It will cost more to install the meter in a copper pipeline and, if necessary, to rebuild the distribution manifold.

Connection to risers.

For reliable operation of the water meter and branches of the water supply system, the following are also installed:

  • pressure regulator (optional);
  • mechanical cleaning filter;
  • fine water filter (optional);
  • check valve.

All these elements are mounted in series with the orientation of the products along the water flow, according to the markings on the body. It is desirable to use pipe connections that make it easy to dismantle the assembly if necessary.

After completing the installation of meters, it is necessary to check the regular operation of all points of water intake of cold and hot water supply systems. During operations, outside contamination or internal rust may be present in the pipe. It is necessary to check the tightness of the joints, the absence of leakage or seepage of liquid from the joints.

Putting the system into operation

The installed equipment is presented to the organization that supplies water to your apartment or house, to start accounting for resources in accordance with the readings of measuring instruments. If the work is done, observing the rules and procedure for installing water meters in the apartment, this is not difficult. There may be some regional peculiarities of the procedure itself.

The owner of the premises must provide passports for all installed equipment in order to register it with the organization. Further actions depend on the accepted order. In most cases, a representative of the management office arrives at the site, authorized to assess the correct installation of the equipment and install the seals of his enterprise.

After completing the physical inspection and evaluation of the installed measuring instruments, the representative of the resource supplier or the operating organization draws up the appropriate certificate of acceptance of the system into operation. At the same time, the starting readings of all devices are recorded. Having completed these formalities, the owner of the apartment or house can begin to pay for the services received according to their actual number, and the supplier is obliged to accept payment in accordance with the indications of the control and measuring devices he has put into operation.

The decree of the government of the Russian Federation obliges all citizens of Russia to install water meters in the apartment. Moreover, all apartment owners are required to install a water meter, the technical conditions of which allow installation. At the same time, it is worth remembering that, according to the law of the Russian Federation, there are no penalties for those who decide to do without a meter. In this case, in relation to incorrect users of water resources, they will only apply a multiplying coefficient for water at the rate per person per month. And by 2017 it threatens to reach 60% of the initial tariffs for 2015.

Only those owners whose apartment is located in an emergency building are exempted from installing meters and this is confirmed by the relevant act. In this case, the multiplying factor, even in the absence of a water appliance, will not be applied.

Well, for those who nevertheless decided to install a water meter, the material below contains all the legislative provisions and rules for installing water meters.

Important: all actions related to the installation of a water meter must be documented in order to avoid friction with the water supply company.

Buying a counter

If you decide to install and connect a water meter in an apartment, then you need to know a certain procedure for doing so. First of all, you should buy a water meter yourself. Since the decree clearly states that the installation and connection of devices is carried out at the expense of the user of the device.

The modern market for sanitary equipment offers a wide selection of mechanisms from the simplest vane to complex ultrasonic. Professionals recommend choosing the simplest one. The service life of the impeller mechanism is about 12 years. And the principle of its operation is the rotation of the impeller under the influence of the water flow passing through the pipe and the device.

It should be noted that water metering devices are made in a red or blue case, depending on the purpose. So, meters in a blue case are designed for cold water and are able to work with a liquid whose temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. The meters in the red case work on a hot pipeline with water, the temperature of which can reach 150 degrees. Corresponding marks of the temperature mode are available on each device in the lower left part of the case under glass.

Important: there are also so-called universal metering devices suitable for working with both hot and cold water. At the same time, the temperature range for such PUs varies from 0 to 90 degrees. Universal water meters are made in a gray case.

The new meter must have a technical passport, in which the serial numbers will match the number on the device case.

Choose an installation method

After the water meter is purchased, you need to decide how you will mount it. For this you can:

  • Use the services of a master from the housing office, management company or DEZ;
  • Conclude a contract for the installation of a meter by a private company;
  • Handle the installation yourself.

Let's take a look at all three options in detail.

If you decide that you want to invite a specialist from your own management company, DEZ or ZhEK, then you need to write an application to the appropriate organization for the visit of the master. As a rule, a specialist arrives within 3-4 business days. In this case, the master installs water meters for cold and hot water, after which he seals them. In the hands of the owner of the apartment, the master must issue an act on the installation and sealing of the devices. Such a document is called the “act on putting the meter into operation”. The document must contain the serial number of the meter, the date of its installation and the primary readings of the dial. The owner only needs to take the documents to the company that supplies water to the house, so that from that moment the water bills are formed based on the readings of the water meter.

Important: now every month from the 23rd to the 26th, you must provide meter readings to your water utility.

If you invite a master from a private company

The procedure for the work of a private master in an apartment and the requirements for it should be as follows:

  • You need to select a trusted private organization that has the appropriate license to perform work in the apartment for the installation of metering devices. It is the presence of such a license that guarantees that the representative of the Criminal Code will not find fault when sealing the meter. And often, even a license from a master from a private company gives him the right to seal the meter.
  • Be sure to conclude a contract for the performance of a certain type of work. Moreover, in the contract, try to exclude the clause on the maintenance of the water meter. Because as such it does not exist, but pay the money. And, in addition, the law prohibits the inclusion of this clause in the form of the contract.
  • After the contract is concluded, we stipulate the time of the visit of the master and entrust him with metering devices for cold and hot water for their installation.
  • The specialist must install water meters and issue you an act of work done. If the master has the right to seal the metering devices, then he does this, after which he issues to the owner an act on putting the meter into operation. If the master does not have the right to do this, then the owner must declare the installation of a water meter to the Criminal Code or the DEZ in accordance with the requirements of the law, and invite the master to install the seal.
  • The document on sealing the meters, as in the first case, must be taken to the ERC or the water supply company. From now on, water bills will have amounts to pay in accordance with the readings of the device.


If you decide to install the meter yourself, then you should know that it is not forbidden by law to do this. There are no requirements to install a water meter only with the help of specialists. But for sealing it will be necessary to invite a specialist of the DEZ. Otherwise, the water meter in the apartment will be considered non-existent, and water bills will be generated based on regulatory data.

So, before starting plumbing work in the apartment, agree with the management company the time at which they can turn off the water in the riser. This must be done without fail, otherwise a flood is guaranteed both in your apartment and in the apartments of neighbors from the lower floor at the time of cutting out the pipeline section.

As soon as hour X is set, you can get to work.

The process of self-installation of a water meter

First of all, it is worth preparing all the components of the system. Those requirements are:

  • Stopcock. The device is installed on a section of the pipeline in front of all other structural elements in accordance with the flow of water in the pipe. Thanks to the stopcock, it will be possible to shut off the water in the system if it becomes necessary to carry out repair work in the apartment. It is better to choose a crane according to the type of lever or butterfly. They are the strongest and most durable. A valve tap can also be used, but only if a partial supply of water to the system is provided.

Important: the silumin stopcock, which may be supplied with the water meter, is not suitable for installation in the system.

  • Coarse filter. This element is designed to protect the meter from small debris getting into it. Especially if the water in the pipes is of poor quality due to the condition of the pipeline or for other reasons. To connect the meter, it is better to choose an oblique filter. It can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.
  • Water meter for cold / hot water or universal.
  • Check valve. This element prevents water from flowing back to the meter after the tap is closed. Thus, inaccuracy and failures in the readings of the water meter are completely excluded.

Important: the check valve is always installed last in the design along the flow of water in the pipes. The only case when the check valve changes its position is a vertical pipeline with water flow from bottom to top. In this case, the check valve is installed immediately after the stopcock, but before the water meter.

  • In addition to all of the above elements, it is worth preparing union nuts with gaskets. Moreover, rubber gaskets are suitable for a cold water meter, and it is better to purchase paronite gaskets for a hot water meter. You also need to prepare tow and plumbing paste. The use of a sealant is not recommended, since it cracks during operation and violates the tightness of the entire structure.

So, we lay out all the structural elements on the floor in the right order and in such a way that the arrows on each of them accurately simulate the flow of water in the pipeline. Otherwise, the water meter will count incorrectly.

In order to calculate which section of the pipe needs to be cut, you first have to assemble the entire structure with a counter. So, first we twist together the stopcock and the coarse filter using tow and plumbing paste. In this case, the filter nozzle must always look down. Do not overtighten the threaded connections so as not to break them.

  • Now we mount the union nut on the filter nozzle also using paste and tow.
  • On the other side of the union nut, we mount the meter in such a way that its body looks up with the glass. Don't forget the lining.
  • It remains to connect the check valve to the water meter. To do this, first twist together the union nut number 2 with the check valve nozzle. And after that, using the desired gasket, connect the valve to the meter. The structure is ready.
  • Now we measure the length of the entire system and set aside a segment on the pipeline equal to the length of the structure.

Important: the cut of the meter must be made as close as possible to the inlet section of the pipe to the apartment. In the future, the inspector should not have suspicions that the owner may independently wedge himself into the pipeline in front of the meter without authorization.

Now you need to cut off the desired piece of pipe, not forgetting to substitute the basin. If the pipes are metal, then you will have to cut the threads for mounting the entire structure with a counter. If the pipes in the apartment are plastic, then you can use special adapters for installing a water metering system.

It is necessary to check the mounted meter carefully, slowly, opening the taps. This will prevent water hammer.

Further actions

If the water meter is working normally, and there are no leaks in the system, it remains to invite the master from the DEZ or UK to seal the water meters. To do this, we write an application to the right organization and wait for the master. It must arrive within 15 business days. If this does not happen, we write another statement. If the master does not install the meter again within 15 days in accordance with the requirements of the law, the meter is considered to be put into operation from the day the first application was written. To do this, you need to have on hand a copy of it with the incoming registration number written in the corner.

If the master nevertheless came, he must seal the meter and issue a paper on the commissioning of the water meter.

The document, together with a copy of the technical passport for the water meter, is provided to the DEZ, UK or ERC.

Rules for the installation of water meters are necessary in order to keep an individual account of the consumption of the resource and pay only for the water used.

Otherwise, it is likely that you will have to pay for the water that neighbors use, because general house accounting is carried out using average indicators.

Procedure for installing water meters

Controlling wastewater disposal and paying for only used cubic meters is an important part of budget planning. Apartment meters can be installed by specialists from housing departments, third-party companies, or by the owners themselves.

It is important to understand sequencing:

  1. When buying a meter, it is important to check its series and number and pick up all the documents attached to the meter.
  2. Arrange a disconnection of the water riser, hot and cold, with a service company that works in this house. It is necessary to appoint a day and time and pay for the procedure.
  3. Install a meter and turn on the water.
  4. Registration from the representative of the water utility is required. For this, a specialist will come for sealing.
  5. You should collect documents for the meter, an act from an employee and contact the water utility for registration.

After reviewing the papers, payment begins exclusively on the counter. His data must be entered on the receipt regularly, not forgetting to indicate the exact figures.

Put water meters on your own or through a company

Many users are afraid to do the installation themselves. There is a prejudice that such a procedure is illegal.

However, in fact, only the residents decide whether to do the work with their own hands or turn to professionals.

In the first case, you will need to have some tools and deal with the water supply system, but this is a money saver. When choosing the second option, the user is waiting for monetary costs, but he will save his own strength and time.

Do-it-yourself water meter installation

Replacement or installation of meters can be done by residents. Changing the device is much easier, and there may be some problems with the initial installation.

The most important thing is to correctly draw up documents and carry out installation with special attention.

There is one suitable place for installation, this is immediately after the riser, on the very first straight section of the pipe. This applies to hot and cold water.

It will be necessary to install three elements: a meter, a faucet and a coarse filter. After the circuit is completed, the wiring is installed.

All modern elements are threaded and installing them is not difficult. The main thing to know is that the tap will need to be opened, access should be provided to it; the filter must be directed downward, and the counter must be clearly visible.

Which company to entrust the installation of a water meter in the apartment

Only those firms that have a license have the right to replace or install a meter. The easiest way is to take a list of companies in the DEZ and choose the right one.

However, not everyone is represented in this list, so you can also find specialists using the Internet.

The right decision for each tenant may be different. Some prefer to purchase the meter and all spare parts on their own and save money. Others don't have time to go to plumbing stores.

Any company that has the experience, license and technical means to implement the installation will be able to connect the device with high quality. It remains to choose from the general list those companies that have all this.

Scheme of installation of water meters

There are several options for installing a water meter.

simple circuit

Consistent installation of all necessary elements.

Faucet, filter and counter.

Scheme with check valve

A check valve is added to a simple circuit to stabilize the meter reading.

Scheme with shut-off valves

For convenience, a shut-off valve is installed, with its help you can always turn off the water supply in order to replace the meter.

Scheme with pressure reducer

Precise pressure regulation allows you to get the right readings, regardless of the water supply.

Q&A rubric

When installing counters with your own hands, most users have questions. Let's answer the most common ones.

  • How to register self-installed water meters?

To pay according to the indicators obtained, it is necessary to call a representative of the water utility to seal the meters. Then, with the collected documents, go to the water utility and subsequently enter the indicators from the meter into the receipt.

  • Is it possible to put water meters for free?

Plumbing work comes with a price. Depending on the choice of the company, it may be different. You can do this procedure yourself for free by paying for registration.

  • How to properly seal a water meter?

Only a representative of the water utility has the right to seal, for this you need to call him, show the installation and all documents for the meter.

Control over the accounting of resource consumption by the state has tightened. Payment for water consumption with an extra charge of 10 or 20% of the cost of the calculated norm leads to the conclusion that water meters must be installed without fail. It is better to pay for exactly spent resource, especially since the prices for utilities are regularly rising.

The homeowner, in order to avoid future troubles, needs to know certain rules, procedures and water meters in the apartment.

Rules for installing water meters in an apartment

The regulations governing the use and installation of metering devices are binding on all participants - users, resource providers and service companies.

Requirements for metering devices. Devices manufactured in accordance with GOST R 50601 and 50193, entered in the register of measuring instruments, are allowed for installation. The diameters of the nozzles of the device must correspond to those common in the territory of the Russian Federation. The design of the device should exclude the technical or physical possibility of changing the readings.

Technical requirements for the operation and installation of water meters in the apartment. The rules prescribe:

  • where to install water meters - the location of the devices should be accessible to both the resource provider and the user himself, and the temperature in the room should not fall below 5 ° C;
  • sealing the device, the procedure is free for the consumer;
  • registration of the installed device;
  • regular transmission of testimony to regulatory authorities;
  • verification, repair or replacement of the meter by the homeowner;
  • for organizations that carry out CVS, the obligation to install, replace and verify water meters at the request of the consumer and at his expense, but with a possible installment payment;
  • service companies to carry out work on the installation of metering devices to have an appropriate license.

The homeowner should be aware that neither the water supplier nor the condominium authority can impose any meter model or service delivery service. If housing is recognized as dilapidated, the project for installing a water meter must be agreed with the responsible organizations.

Water meter installation procedure

Information on how to install water meters in an apartment can be found in Moscow faster than in small towns. From the huge number of metropolitan firms offering all types of work and full service, you can get confused. But, in any city, the installation of water meters is divided into two stages:

  • installation work;
  • registration of devices.

Water meters in an apartment or private house

Work begins with the preparation of a project for the installation of water meters in the apartment. It is necessary to determine how many supply pipes (risers) are available in the dwelling. The number of devices to be installed also depends on their number. Further, the optimal place for mounting the devices is selected in accordance with the current rules.

The device is installed at the branch of the apartment water supply from the riser, at a distance of 20 cm from it. In private households, no further than 0.2 meters from the central heating main. Installation sequence:

  • check the reliability of connections and the integrity of plumbing devices for possible leaks;
  • turn off the water supply in the serviced area;
  • installation - filtering the water flow entering the meter from debris and rust will extend the time of reliable operation of the device;
  • connection of the metering device - it is recommended to install with rubber gaskets and so that the flow direction through the device goes according to the marks on the case;
  • for hot water meters operating at temperatures up to 90 ° C, it is necessary to take sealants and sealants that can withstand such a regime;
  • installation is an optional design element, but it will prevent unmotivated checks of devices by regulatory authorities, as it eliminates unauthorized intervention in the operation of the device.

Specialists perform such work in 1-2 hours, if there are no difficult moments in the apartment water supply system. For individual housing, the installation of a water meter can be complicated by the arrangement of a special well for placing appliances.


Registration and commissioning can be carried out by the service departments that installed the meters. But, in most cases, the consumer independently notifies his HOA about this and applies for sealing the devices. The responsible organization must complete the application within three days. Commissioning is carried out from the beginning of the next month and from that time you can pay according to the meter readings.

Guided by the rules and procedure for installing water meters in an apartment, you can avoid many troubles, not succumb to provocative offers and not run into unscrupulous performers. Know how to protect yourself.