How to sheathe a balcony with plastic panels. DIY wall cladding with plastic panels How to make walls with plastic

Nowadays, it is fashionable and modern to decorate walls with PVC panels, which are made of polyvinyl chloride in the form of wide strips for cladding ordinary walls.

They are light in weight, practical to use and will be a wonderful decoration of any room for a long time.

For correct installation panels and their contents in the future, it is worth knowing some details.

Pros and cons of PVC panels

PVC panels, or in common terms plastic panels, have a number of positive properties. Because of this, they are in great demand in repair and construction work.

Experts prefer PVC panels for the following advantages:

  • they do not contain harmful chemical elements, which means that there are no toxic fumes, which allows them to be used for living rooms;
  • have beautiful facade, thanks to a huge assortment of different colors and patterns, which is an adornment of any wall surface;
  • paint can be applied over them, fabric materials or special images can be glued;
  • are heat-insulating material, since they consist of cells;
  • modular panels are made very precisely, as a result of which work on finishing large-scale surfaces is carried out quickly;

  • easily attached to the ceiling in any direction: vertical, horizontal or diagonal;
  • frost-resistant, therefore it is used for finishing balconies;
  • ideally combined with fittings: sockets, switches, ventilation, etc.;
  • suitable for wet areas as wall and ceiling finishes for swimming pools, showers, bathrooms, etc.;
  • for wall decoration decorative panels their preliminary refinement is not required;
  • it washes well, the seams are practically invisible and the dirt does not clog in them, therefore, this great option for kitchen

But besides the advantages, plastic panels also have disadvantages:

  • a lot of time is spent on the installation of a flat crate for the installation of facing panels;
  • in the processing of panels, a certain tool is used that requires diligence and attention;
  • being artificial material, the panels do not breathe, so they are not recommended for use in bedrooms and similar rooms;
  • surface glare can irritate the eye;
  • burns poorly, but in case of fire it can release toxins during smelting, therefore it is prohibited by the requirements fire safety be used in corridors or passageways during evacuation

Varieties of plastic panels

There are a lot of differences between the panels, but they are mainly distinguished by the way the facade of the panel is decorated and by the dimensions of the modules.

According to the dimensions, the panels are divided into subspecies:

  • lining. It looks like a long rectangular sheet. The panel consists of 2 plates with partitions and empty grooves between them. The length varies from 3 to 12 m, and the width from 100 to 500 mm, with a thickness of 8 to 12 mm. Used in wall decoration ceiling surfaces. Fastened to a pre-prepared crate.
  • panel. It differs from the previous subspecies in dimensions. The length is 1220 mm, width 2440 mm, thickness 3.2 mm. The facade looks like a tile surface.
  • tile. Produced in the form of a square 30 x 30 cm or 100 x 100 cm.

Methods for applying the facade pattern of panels are as follows:

Thermal transfer of the picture. Special thermal films are applied to the panel and fixed with varnish to protect against different kind damage. Such panels have bright colors that last for a long time, and they can be selected for different styles and interiors.

Offset print. With a special roller in the form of an impression used in printing houses, an offset print is applied to the facade of the panel and fixed with a two-layer varnish coating.

Lamination. The drawing quality is excellent. Thanks to a certain film, for which special glue is used, the pattern looks voluminous and textured.

Due to lamination, the panels become more moisture resistant and less vapor permeable. Of everything model range they are the most used.

According to the types of butt joint, the panels come in three options:

  • Seamless. The most sought after of all, are produced in widths of 20, 25, 30 and 33 cm. They have a perfectly smooth appearance, but are inferior in quality stretch ceilings in terms of barely noticeable connecting seams. The ideality of the joining of the seams must be checked even in the store before buying. The crate should also be done with high quality.
  • Embossed. They have a relief connection of modules, it is used for unstable surfaces such as house shrinkage. Available in width: 10; 12.5; fifteen; twenty; 25; 33 cm
  • With rust. These panels are similar to the first and second options, but the grooves at the ends of the panels have been replaced with chamfers.

Rules for choosing PVC panels

In order not to get lost among huge selection plastic panels When buying in a store, pay attention to the following factors:

  • No damage to the facade in the form of scratches, defects, stains, etc.
  • The greater the thickness of the facade sheet and the more stiffeners, the heavier, stronger and better panel PVC.
  • The side ribs of the panels must be straight without bends, as the overall appearance depends on this. It is not recommended to use PVC panels in public places.
  • Stiffeners must not be visible on the front side.
  • Panel joints must be tight and reliable, practically invisible in seamless panels.
  • The drawing must be clear.
  • Quality is expensive. Panels with a low price can release toxins and cause allergies.
  • Give preference to trusted manufacturers.
  • Bend the sheet by 30-50 percent and check the place of the deflection, if there are no traces left, you can take it.
  • Remember: for ceiling - the strength is lower than that of the wall. The length of the ceiling is 6 or 12 m, and the wall is 2.7; 3; 6 m

  • Thickness ceiling panels less than wall (from 10 mm).
  • Among the diversity color solutions it is difficult to decide, in this case, opt for white. Bright colors can get bored quickly.
  • Panels with images need to be bought with a margin, taking into account the docking of the drawings.
  • The quality of the material does not depend on the finish of the facade layer.

Technological process of installation of wall panels

The method of mounting plastic wall panels depends on many nuances: quality, weight, purpose, etc.

Each method has its own characteristics, but they are united by the choice of tools and the purchase of additional parts.

Make sure you have:

  • finely serrated circular saw or electric jigsaw, but it is better to choose a saw so that the cut is even.
  • a construction stapler to fasten the panel to the timber batten.
  • rubber mallet, in case of unforeseen dismantling, so as not to deform the profile.
  • spatula for plastering works for bending the last profile when mounting the final panel.
  • electric screwdriver for fastening;
  • level to control the evenness of the surfaces of the crate and panels.
  • electric drill for drilling holes for fasteners.
  • Profiles: start, finish, outer corner, inner corner and docking.

The order of work can be considered in detail from the photo and video materials of wall paneling.

Photo of wall decoration with PVC panels

Interior decoration with plastic panels is becoming increasingly popular, primarily due to its simplicity. installation work. Such panels are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - a material that is strong, durable and, most importantly, cheap.

To positive qualities panels include:

But there are also disadvantages that you also need to be aware of. First of all, it is:

  • specific smell, especially in the first few days after installation;
  • synthetic origin, which is why PVC is not recommended for use in residential areas;
  • deformation during sudden temperature changes;
  • low strength (the panel can be damaged even with a slight blow).

We also add that PVC panels, when compared with other finishing materials, are not considered prestigious.

Having dealt with the features of the coating, you can proceed with the installation.

What will be required in the work

  1. Building level.
  2. Guide rails, which are made of wood or metal.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Marker.
  5. Hacksaw.
  6. Perforator.
  7. Square.
  8. Mounting stapler.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Stationery knife.

Panel selection

For determining required amount panels measured total area(ceiling or walls), and a small margin is added to the resulting figure in case of unforeseen expenses. The thickness (0.5 cm or 1 cm) and width (from 20 cm to 50 cm) are also determined.

Note! The surface of the panels can be of two types - matte and glossy.

Taking into account the chosen thickness, it is selected plastic cornice and moldings (profiles for joining panels). If not only the ceiling, but also the walls are sheathed, then corner docking profiles will also be needed.

The length of PVC panels varies between 2 m and 6 m. The length should be chosen so that after installation there is as little waste as possible. Ideally, it should be equal to the length (or width, depending on the installation method) of the wall or ceiling.

It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of products. The surface of the panels must be even, without any differences, otherwise the joints will be visible even to the naked eye. In addition, all panels must be from the same batch and have a uniform color.

There are two ways to fix the panels, the choice of one or another of them depends on the level of humidity in the apartment.

  1. At frame mounting panels are attached to a pre-assembled frame.
  2. Frameless installation means fastening directly to working surface.

Both methods differ as strengths, and negative qualities. To find out which one is better, take a closer look at frame and frameless installation.

Video - Finishing with PVC panels

Frame installation

Suitable for rooms with increased level humidity (bathroom, toilet), s uneven walls or, if necessary, the installation of hidden fixtures.

Stage 1. Surface preparation

any special preparatory work it is not necessary to carry out, but some procedures still have to be performed.

Step 1. First, all protruding elements are removed from the walls - paintings, lamps, shelves, etc.

Step 2. If the walls were previously tiled, then it must be removed, and if with plaster or wallpaper, then nothing needs to be done.

Step 3. The evenness of the surface is evaluated. All detected defects (recesses or protrusions) are sealed with putty.

Stage 2. Assembly of the frame

Depending on the material, the frame can be of three types:

  • metallic;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

In most cases, wooden slats are used, but in too wet rooms this is unacceptable (in extreme cases, the tree is treated with an antiseptic). The frame for such premises is assembled from metal or plastic profiles.

Note! There are two ways to assemble the frame - vertical and horizontal. The first method is used for horizontal installation panels, the second - vice versa.

Often the panels are installed horizontally, so this article describes vertical mount guides.

Step 1. Horizontal lines are drawn on the working surface in increments of 0.5 m. To do this, you can use the building level.

Step 2. Mounting brackets are installed along each line (they come with rails) in increments of 60-70 cm. Screws are used to fix the brackets.

Step 3. The staples located at the lower and upper points are bent in the form of the letter "P".

Step 4. Slats (metal or wooden) 2x5 cm in size are inserted into the brackets and fixed with 25 mm and self-tapping screws. It is important to observe the plane, so the level is used again.

Note! The frame assembly technology is the same for walls and ceilings.

Stage 3. Sheathing

After checking the strength of the assembled frame, you can proceed to its sheathing.

Step 1. An L-shaped profile is attached to the rails along the entire perimeter.

Step 2 Corner profiles are installed at the joints of the walls.

Step 3. Measure the distance between external parties guides, 5 mm is subtracted from the resulting figure.

Step 4 Installation of panels should be started from any corner of the room - this will reduce the consumption of materials. Panels are attached to metal rails screws, to wooden ones - with a mounting stapler.

Note! If there is no stapler, then small nails can be used.

Step 5. Each next panel is installed in the corresponding grooves of the previous one. Due to the well-thought-out design, even an inexperienced person can handle the installation.

Step 6. The most difficult step is installing the last panel, since it will most likely have to be cut. For this you need a hacksaw. The cut panel is first inserted into the profile, and only then into the grooves of the previous one.

Step 1. First, pre-cut plastic baguette. In the corners, its segments are joined at an angle of 45ᵒ, and they are attached to the frame in the same way as when sheathing walls - with screws or a stapler.

Step 2. Then the first panel is taken, bent in the middle, inserted with the ends into the grooves of the baguette, pressed against the frame and advanced until its narrow shelf completely enters the groove of the parallel baguette. Next, the panel is fixed with a mounting shelf.

Step 3. The second panel is installed in much the same way, except that its narrow mounting shelf is docked with the groove of the first.

Step 4. All panels are attached in the same way. Traditionally, when installing the last of them, there may be difficulties with the size - you will have to cut the panel.

In dry rooms with fairly even PVC walls Panels can be installed directly on walls using liquid nails. Blend in this case applied in the same way as when laying tiles– dotted or straight lines in the center and along the edges of the panel.

This installation method saves time and money, but it is worth considering a couple of important points:

For cleaning PVC panels from contamination are used soft fabric and detergent (necessarily without solvent). Do not use a washcloth or hard cloth - they will damage the surface and leave scratches behind. At the end of washing, the walls are rinsed with water, the remnants of the detergent are removed.

Video - Finishing the bathroom with plastic panels

To date, polyvinyl chloride has managed to establish itself as a reliable and quality material, deserving of use in various repair and construction areas. This is confirmed by PVC application panels not only for outdoor, but also for interior decoration premises, which, as you know, implies a much more rigorous selection of suitable material.

In such cases, great attention is paid not only to technical specifications raw materials used, but also its aesthetic features. From this point of view, plastic panels are suitable option for various purposes. Among other things, finishing is gaining popularity PVC panels bathroom.

Plastic lining for finishing the surface of the walls in the bathroom is considered the most optimal solution for several reasons. The material has a wide range of possibilities and a long list of advantages.

Disadvantages of plastic lining

PVC paneling tools

In order for the renovation of the bathroom to do without unpleasant surprises, you must immediately stock up necessary set suitable tools and accessories, which include:

  • moldings;
  • crate;
  • self-tapping screws (alternative - glue);
  • ruler and level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails (dowel-nails);
  • joint sealant.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing with PVC panels

In order to completely change the look of the bathroom and make the room comfortable and functional, you need to make quite a lot of effort, but all of them will be rewarded. long term services of PVC panels and pleasant emotions received from being in the room.

Mounting panels with self-tapping screws

Usually, craftsmen are invited to finish the surface of the walls with plastic clapboard, however, the ease of installation makes it possible to try your hand and make repairs yourself.

First of all, you should choose the method of fastening. There are two main options - glue and self-tapping screws. The disadvantages of the "glue" method are that, if necessary, "tear off" the panels from the walls, it will be extremely difficult to implement the idea, but installation will be quick and hassle-free.

Self-tapping screws eliminate the hassle of dismantling, but you will need to drill into the wall to install them a large number of holes. This is reflected in the amount of time spent on repairs. In this case, you need to make a decision based on your personal considerations.

Stage 1. In the event that the choice has stopped on the wireframe method, you must first take care of creating a special metal structure. To make a frame from metal profile, you should first mark the surface of the wall with a level and mark the top and bottom points.

Stage 2. The profiles that belong to the main frame are fixed perpendicular to the plastic panels. Further actions depends on how the PVC panels will be attached. If the elements are arranged vertically, then the next step will be direct installation plastic lining. The horizontal arrangement, on the contrary, requires additional effort, since you will have to make jumpers in metal frame. For this method of fastening, among other things, you will have to do additional profiles to fix the inner corner.

The fastening clip is snapped into the “grooved” part of the profile, pressing the wide part of the clip with the “baiting” of the panel

Stage 3. In some cases, a decision is made to use the so-called combined technology, within which plastic panels are mounted both vertically and horizontally. In this case, the vertical panels must be attached to the horizontal frame, and the remaining elements - due to the jumper. This is especially true for the seam line.

Stage 4. At this stage, you can proceed directly to finishing the wall with purchased panels. First fix with a level ceiling plinth and inner corner ok, then measure desired height lining (based on the distance between the upper and lower points), cut off the remnants and insert the panel into the inner corner. It is important to top part parts were inserted into the ceiling plinth.

PVC panels - trim strips (moldings)

Stage 5. We fix the panel on the frame by using self-tapping screws. They are screwed in from the side of the wide mounting shelf.

Stage 6. We prepare new panel, we fasten by inserting a narrow shelf of the element into the groove of the previous one until there is no joint, we fix it by analogy with the previous step.

Step 7. The last panel must be cut in such a way that the size of the part matches the size of the resulting gap. The width of the panel should be about 1 centimeter less than the distance from the last plastic lining to the inner corner. We insert the PVC panel in such a way that it is securely fixed between the final element and the previous panel.

Mounting by gluing

For PVC bonding panels are most often used liquid nails. However, this option is relevant only if the surface of the wall does not differ in numerous defects and irregularities.

Step 1. We prepare the wall before finishing - remove it from the surface old plaster, paint, wallpaper and other residual materials.

Step 2 After that, we prime the wall with a special adhesive primer.

Step 3. We use the technology described for wireframe method, however, instead of self-tapping screws, we use liquid nails to fix the elements.

If you perform the work with due attention, then there should not be any problems during operation. Plastic panels are a great opportunity to quickly and effectively transform the aesthetic and functional parameters of the bathroom, making it high-tech, comfortable and enjoyable. PVC panels are also used for finishing loggias and balconies. The technology for finishing these rooms is actually no different from the basic installation algorithm presented above.

Also read about installing PVC windows with your own hands.

Video - Finishing the bathroom with PVC panels

Video - All about PVC panels in the bathroom

Plastic is one of the most used materials in modern construction. Therefore, PVC technology products are produced in a huge assortment. As for wall decoration, wide panels are used for these purposes, which can be selected according to color, pattern, and even the properties that they should have. If you decide to decorate the surfaces with such a finishing material, we will tell you how do-it-yourself wall cladding with plastic panels is made so that they lie flat and serve you for more than one year.

The whole truth about plastic

Before starting work, you should first evaluate the characteristics of this finishing material and debunk all the myths associated with it.

True Facts:

  • The plastic is completely harmless. Thanks to modern technologies, PVC panels, which are intended for interior decoration, have become absolutely harmless to humans. This is due to the fact that now in the production of this material, such chemical components as asbestos and cadmium are not used. In addition, due to this, the price position of plastic in the building materials market has become much lower.
  • Aesthetics. Thanks to a huge range of different colors, patterns and textures, a wall sheathed with plastic panels looks stylish and original.
  • Versatility. Plastic panels are convenient to use in places where the use of other finishing materials is problematic or impossible, for example, when cladding walls. irregular shape or various architectural delights.
  • Reliability. Such material is quite capable of withstanding a TV, sconce or picture.
  • Organic. Plastic, regardless of its texture and color, looks organically with various ventilation grilles, split systems and sockets.
  • Persistence. Even though plastic is pretty lightweight material, which can be pierced, with proper care, it will last for decades and is able to withstand moisture and different temperatures.

Dispelling myths about plastic

Today, there are many “myths” about this material, for example:

  • Plastic panels do not require special conditions from the wall surface. As for the plastic itself, it is a rather undemanding material. But the crate should take place already on the surface cleared of the old finishing material and on an absolutely flat wall.
  • Cladding with plastic panels is very light and does not require much effort. Indeed, the sheathing process is simple, but efforts and care will have to be applied in order for the finished result to be of high quality and even.
  • The hygiene of this material. Unfortunately, this is not true. Plastic does not have moisture and vapor permeability. Therefore, the walls that are sheathed with plastic panels simply do not breathe.

Important! Plastic panels are best used for cladding bathrooms, kitchens, balconies or loggias. It is not recommended to carry out such wall decoration in the bedroom, nursery and living room.

  • Unattractive to insects. Due to the fact that the plastic is hollow inside, various spiders and other insects can live in it.

Important! Plastic panels for correct styling are airtight, and if you do not break it, then nothing terrible will happen, and “uninvited guests” will not settle inside such a finish.

  • Flammability of plastic. Such a finishing material does not ignite from heat or matches. However, if the room is completely on fire, then the plastic panels are also exposed to fire, while releasing toxic substances.

Types of PVC panels

To date, plastic panels are divided into the following types:

Important! In order to visually enlarge the room with plastic slats, wall panels must be installed vertically.

  • PVC panels imitating tiles.
  • Sheet materials. They appearance similar to plywood.

Such a finishing material is mounted on special adhesive mixtures or fixed with small self-tapping screws, and the joints are smeared at the end of the work.

Important! When choosing a material for wall cladding with plastic, first pay attention to color scheme and drawing.

How to sheathe walls with PVC panels?

For decorative finishes walls with this material should be stocked special tools. You will need:

  • Electric jigsaw or circular saw;

Important! It is best to opt for a saw. This is due to the fact that when working with a jigsaw, it comes across stiffeners - the cut at the end can turn out to be wavy.

  • A miter box for a jigsaw with angles of 90 and 45 degrees;
  • Staple gun - you will need it if the sheathing will be made on a wooden crate;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Plaster spatula.

Important! When choosing a stapler for working with plastic, pay attention to the fact that the slot of the extruded staple is located as close as possible to the toe. This will make installation much easier.

Preparatory work

Before you make wall paneling, you first need to make a crate - the manufacture of the main frame. This will allow in the future to easily replace the panels and ensure their reliable fastening. Most often used for wall sheathing wooden bars or metal profile.

Important! Small cells that are located directly behind the structure can also be used for laying insulating materials.

Such a crate is attached to the surface of the wall using clamps or self-tapping screws in dowels. In order for the frame to be strong and you do not have problems when installing plastic panels, the crate process must be carried out following the following sequence of actions:

  • Using a level, make a preliminary markup.
  • Place the transverse battens of the crate at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from each other.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the lowest rail should be located so that it is in maximum contact with the floor, and the upper one with the ceiling.

  • In order to hide the corner joints, install guides and fittings.

Important! If the wall is not completely level, you can put a piece of wood or some other durable material under the rail.

We mount PVC panels

In order to make wall cladding with plastic panels with your own hands, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Fix the start and finish profile of the structure vertically.
  • Bring the first board into the top profile, bend it slightly.
  • Set the board fully in place, fix it with staples or screws.

Important! In order for the walls to end up smooth and without gaps, do not forget to use the building level.

  • Install the rest of the PVC panels in the same way.

Important! A cheap profile from such manipulations may remain bent or crack along the edge of the corner. In order to correct such a defect, it is necessary to use household hair dryer heat the deformed area and press it with a cold iron.

  • From the side of the large mounting shelf, cut the last board to the size you need. After - bring it under the niche allotted for it.
  • Hide the cut part. To do this, carefully bend the shelf of the finishing profile and slide it under the board.

How to care for PVC panels?

After you have finished the walls with plastic, it is very important to provide this material with proper care. This will significantly extend its aesthetic appearance and long service life.

Basic rules for the care of walls sheathed with PVC panels:

  • This surface should only be washed with a soft cloth.
  • Try to use to wash detergents without the presence of an abrasive or solvent in the composition.

Important! The most acceptable option for caring for plastic wall cladding is a regular soap solution.

  • In the end, the surface should be wiped with plain clean water.

Despite the fact that plastic for wall cladding is quite easy to install, there are still nuances, failure to comply with which will lead to a significant reduction in the operational life of such a finish and the appearance of gaps due to an uneven surface:

  • It is impossible to work with cold material, therefore, if the plastic is brought from the street, it must be allowed to stand for 30-60 minutes before starting the process.

Important! Should not be produced PVC installation panels in rooms with temperatures below 20 degrees.

  • The crate should be divided in such a way that there is a distance of about 50 centimeters between the slats.
  • For more better ventilation it is necessary to make cuts in the rails themselves.
  • Despite the fact that PVC panels are a rather unpretentious finishing material, it is still necessary to clean the walls of old finishing material and debris before starting work.
  • If there is a need to cut the panels into pieces, this should be done “face down”.
  • The protective film can only be removed after the installation work has been completed.
  • If you are attaching the panels to the crate, it is best to use special thermal washers to fix them. This is pretty secure fastening that can withstand high temperatures.
  • If the PVC panels are patterned, then the installation should start from the left corner, gradually moving to the right.
  • Installing PVC panels is a fairly simple and not too laborious process. However, even such an easy-to-use finishing material requires certain rules to be observed during its installation. Applying our advice in practice, you can make decorative wall cladding with plastic without much physical effort and material costs. In the end - you get perfect smooth walls, stylish design and warm atmosphere comfort in your home.

Modern market building materials offers a huge variety of building materials, including finishing. However, with all their diversity, when, when renovating an apartment, the owners begin to discuss what kind of material they want to line the walls in the bathroom, toilet or even the kitchen, the choice often falls on plastic panels. Wall decoration with plastic panels - simple and affordable way update your interior.

Decorative plastic panels

Plastic panels are a material made from Polyvinyl Chloride, which is used for surface cladding work. Wall decoration with PVC panels is often chosen because they have a low weight, low cost, and the material from which they are made does not contain harmful substances asbestos and cadmium, dangerous to humans.

Polyvinyl chloride is a versatile polymer that is used to produce bottles, syringes, linoleum, hoses, water pipes. Products made from this material have a smooth, easy-to-clean surface, which allows them to be used, for example, in hospitals or kitchens. PVC panels are lightweight and have a cell-like structure.

In order for the PVC plastic panel to catch fire, it needs to be heated to almost 400 degrees, and in the process of burning it does not emit toxic substances.

PVC panels - waterproof facing material, and they can be used in domestic areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, toilets.

Decorative PVC panels are soundproof and do not allow heat to pass through. To protect against exposure sun rays and moisture, the panels are impregnated with a lacquer coating, which gives them smoothness and repels dust. On the front side, PVC plastic panels are covered with different patterns that imitate natural materials(wood, stone, etc.).

Wood-like plastic panels are often installed in the kitchen, and stone-like panels are often installed in the hallway. Such panels can be easily cut both lengthwise and across, so there are no problems during their installation. It is also easy to connect them, and you can make them in such a way that they will be a continuous canvas, or you can leave gaps by inserting some interesting decor between them.

Types of PVC panels

PVC can be used for finishing:

Decorative panels that are produced for wall cladding (wall plastic panels) have a thickness of up to 10 mm, unlike ceiling panels, the thickness of which is not more than 5 mm.

In addition, PVC panels designed for the ceiling have thinner walls and partitions.

Clapboard is often used for exterior decoration of the house. However, it can also be used for interior decoration. It is also easy to install and easy to clean. Clapboard, as a facing material for exterior walls, is quite justified - it is frost-resistant, does not lose its beautiful appearance at low or high temperatures.

It is better not to use ordinary plastic panels when decorating external walls, since they do not tolerate very well ultra-violet rays sun.

In appearance, PVC panels for walls are divided into:

  • matte;
  • mirror;
  • glossy.

All these panels differ both in color and in texture, have a different pattern, and different coatings.

According to the shape, PVC decorative plastic panels are divided into:

  • rack;
  • tiled;
  • leafy.

Slatted plastic panels look like lining. They can be mounted to the wall both horizontally and vertically. These panels are up to 3 meters long, 13-30 cm wide, and their thickness varies from 8 to 12 mm. They are connected to each other with a special lock "thorn groove".

Tiled plastic panels for walls are rectangular or square tiles, ranging in size from 30 to 98 cm. They are fixed to the walls like racks, but visually they look completely different.

Sheet panels for walls are chipboard sheet printed on the front side. Such panels are glued to the wall, or nailed.

The size along the long side of such panels varies from 1.22 m to 2.44 m, and the thickness varies from 3 to 6 mm. Such panels are not plastic, but their decorative layer also has a polymer coating.

According to the method by which the pattern is applied, PVC plastic panels are divided into:

  • laminated;
  • with a pattern applied with a film;
  • with a pattern applied by direct printing.

Lamination is the application of a film with a pattern to the surface of a plastic panel. It is laminated panels that imitate natural stone or a tree.

The method in which the pattern is applied using a thermal film is that the white panel is covered with any color, after which the thermal film is glued on top.

The method of direct printing (it is also called offset) is that the image is first transferred to the front side of the PVC panel, after which it is varnished on top.

Plastic panels are also divided into types according to the presence of a panel seam:

  • seamless;
  • embossed;
  • with bevel.

Seamless panels have no visible joints when installed, and they give the impression of an ordinary smooth wall. In relief panels, the seam is clearly visible, and is part of the decor. Wall panels chamfered - these are the same seamless panels that have a small recess for decoration, which makes them embossed.

In addition, separate varieties include mirrored plastic panels, and plastic panels made to look like bricks.

Mirror plastic panels appeared relatively recently, but have already gained immense popularity. These panels are covered with a special reflective film, so they are used not only in apartments, but also in restaurants, hotels, bars, and other public places.

The advantages of mirror plastic panels are undeniable:

  • they visually increase the space due to reflected light;
  • they can be installed on the surface of the different shapes, including round ones;
  • they look great with any design ideas;
  • such panels are mounted on various bases;
  • You can wash them in the same way as washing ordinary glasses.

To disadvantage mirror panels can be attributed to the fact that they do not like moisture. Therefore, in rooms such as a bath and a kitchen, they are not recommended. Also, mirrored plastic panels do not like high temperatures.

Wall decoration with plastic panels under the stone looks very elegant. brick or stone wall it always looks very beautiful, but due to the high cost of the material and the complexity of the masonry, not everyone can afford such a lining. But plastic panels under a stone or PVC panels imitating brickwork are not only easy to install, but also easy to care for.

The advantages of such panels include:

  • a variety of types of imitations for any stone and any masonry;
  • light weight and easy installation;
  • simple care;
  • duration of service life;
  • price.

These panels look great in the kitchen, and in the hallway, as well as in public places.

How to choose plastic panels for wall decoration

Even if you know exactly what color plastic panels you want to see, for example, in your kitchen, and have chosen a pattern, nevertheless, pay attention to some more points so that you do not regret your choice in the future.

When buying, you need to track the following:

  • carefully inspect the cut and pay attention to the thickness of the jumper. The strength of the cladding depends on this - the thicker the jumpers and the polymer itself, the stronger the finish will be;
  • plastic everywhere should be the same thickness;
  • cells and edges should be even and look neat;
  • the pattern on the surface must be clear and uniform;
  • keep in mind that panels from different boxes may have different shades;
  • pay close attention to the quality of the polymer. Take one panel and bend it.

After the plate has been unbent, no joints or damage should remain on it.

Installation of plastic panels on the wall

It is not difficult to install decorative plastic panels on the wall with your own hands, and one of the most pleasant moments is that such an installation does not require wall preparation.

You will also need the most common tools.

Preparatory work

Before going for plastic panels in hardware store, you should calculate exactly how much finishing material you need.

To calculate, you need to decide how exactly you will install the plastic panels - vertically or horizontally. If you are going to mount the panels vertically, then you just need to measure the perimeter of the room, summing the lengths of all four walls, and subtract the width from it doorways. The value of the perimeter must be divided by the width of one panel, and add three or four more pieces to the resulting amount for trimming and “just in case”.

If your room has two 3m walls and two 5m walls, then the perimeter will be (3+3+5+5 = 16m). If the width of the plastic panel is 0.5 m, then you will need 16 / 0.5 = 32 panels. So take 35.

If you plan to install the panels horizontally, then you need to determine not the perimeter, but the area (by multiplying the length of each wall by its width, and then adding the resulting values), and then also take away the door (and window) openings. After that, you need to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone panel, and divide the first value (room area) by the second (panel area).

For the same room size and standard height ceiling 2.5 m, the area of ​​​​the two walls will be equal to 7.5 m (3 x 2.5) and 12.5 (5 x 2.5) m, respectively, that is, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will be equal to (12.5 +12, 5 + 7.5 + 7.5 \u003d 40 sq. m). The area of ​​one panel 2.5 m high and 0.5 m wide will be equal to (2.5 x 0.5 = 1.25 m). Accordingly, you will need 40 / 1.25 = 32 panels.

Scraps, by the way, with this method of installation will be much larger. So the stock also needs to be increased. Take 37 pieces.

You also need to calculate the number of rails that will be needed for the crate. To do this, you need to divide the height of the walls (2.5) by the distance that you will need to leave between the elements of the crate (usually leave 0.5 m). That is, in our case, we get 2.5 / 0.5 = 5.

Now you need to find out the length of all the rails in running meters. To do this, we multiply the obtained value by the perimeter of the room (in our case, it is 16 m). Accordingly, the length of the rails in linear meters is 5 x 16 = 80 m.

Wall marking

Do-it-yourself wall paneling involves marking, since the crate must be fixed strictly according to the level, otherwise you cannot avoid distortions. It is in order that you do not have to measure each purchased rail and you need to make a markup.

The bottom row of plastic panels is located exactly 2 cm above the floor surface.

Accordingly, having measured this distance, you need to put a point, and then draw a horizontal line around the entire perimeter of the room using a level. Exactly the same straight line must be drawn along the edge of the future finish. From the line drawn below, you need to measure up 50 cm, and mark this place. So you need to put marks to the very top. Through these marks it will be necessary to draw horizontal parallel lines along the entire perimeter of the walls. The markup is ready.

Lathing installation

Before installing the crate, prepare the walls. Careful leveling of the wall surface is not required, however, you need to remove the old Decoration Materials and everything that can fall off and come off. If there are large recesses in the surface of the wall, it is advisable to repair them. If something sticks out, these parts of the wall need to be chipped or hemmed.

After that, the wall should be treated with an antifungal coating. And then you can proceed directly to the installation of the crate.

The elements of the crate must be located strictly perpendicular to the plastic panels. If you will mount the panels horizontally, then the battens of the crate must be mounted vertically, and, accordingly, vice versa. Reiki are installed at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other, and even less is better. The shorter the distance, the less the wall of plastic panels will “walk”. The crate is attached to ordinary dowels.

If you want your cladding to look even and beautiful, the crate for plastic panels must be set in the same plane. If there are irregularities somewhere, you need to put pieces of plywood. Then the lining will look decent.

Installing profiles

The installation of plastic panels itself begins with the fact that the selected profiles must be installed in one of the corners. They are attached to the elements of the crate.

As a result of such fastenings, a kind of frame is obtained. Plastic panels are inserted into this frame.

DIY wall decoration with plastic panels

Now you need to install the plastic panel, cutting it to the height of the wall if you install the panels vertically, and, accordingly, to the length of the wall, if you choose horizontal way installation. You can cut off the panel with a conventional saw with a metal blade.

With the cut side, the plastic panel is inserted into the frame at the corner, driven all the way (to do this, you just need to knock on it with your hand), and check with a level how strictly this panel stands vertically. Then this panel is attached to each element of the installed crate.

Note that you need to start from the farthest corner of the room, since it is visible from the entrance in the first place, and it is impossible for any extra joints or edges to be visible there.

Having fixed the first panel, a second one is installed next to it, then a third, and so on. No difficulties should arise, it will be a little more difficult only with the very last panel, because it will have to be cut in width and immediately fixed to the profile. It is not always possible to do this evenly, and the plastic may be slightly wrinkled. But with appropriate skill and accuracy, this small difficulty can be overcome.

Installation of moldings

After you have installed all the plastic panels, and your wall has acquired a beautiful and neat look, you need to close the corners and joints. This can be done with the help of special plastic moldings that will complete your work.

After finishing work, the same plastic molding must be installed around the perimeter of the ceiling, and a plastic plinth should be installed on the floor.

When installing plastic panels, holes for sockets and switches should be made in the lining. It can easily be made normal sharp knife. Your wall of plastic panels is ready.

By the way, if desired, you can install plastic panels diagonally. It turns out quite interesting, but the work will become more complicated, and there will be much more waste.

However, this method of installation is quite popular.