Installation of decorative MDF panels. Installation of MDF panels on walls: do-it-yourself installation and lathing. We calculate the amount of materials

MDF wall panels - boards made from wood fiber by dry pressing wood chips. This building material has a medium density, and to give it a high degree of strength, sawdust is mixed with carbamide resins and processed using high temperature and significant pressure. Finally, the MDF panel is further processed to obtain an aesthetic appeal.

Features and Benefits

MDF for walls is harvested using the same technology, but their surface finish is always different, in connection with this, several types of these wall panels can be distinguished:

  1. created using natural veneer as a decorative finish. Products differ not only in excellent durability and reliability, but also in the high price.
  2. panels are the most popular and sought after of all types of material. To create these panels, pasting with melamine film is used. This allows you to imitate the structure of natural wood, which is so popular when decorating the walls of a room. To improve the appearance of the plates, they are pasted over with a high-gloss film.
  3. Technical, service rooms, workshops and garages are finished using painted MDF panels. In this case, the decorative coating is a layer of paint. On such models, there is no imitation of the tree structure.

MDF panels are distinguished by improved technical characteristics. When creating them, the manufacturer does not use harmful resins rich in phenol.

After crushing and processing wood chips, the resulting dust is processed under the influence of high temperature in special furnaces. The process lasts until the release of lignin, which ensures the bonding of raw materials.

The main advantages of the MDF panel are:

  • attractive price;
  • the possibility of using both for leveling the surface of walls and for decorating;
  • ease of installation without the help of a qualified specialist;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of maintenance.

There are several ways to fix MDF wall panels in the course of work related to decorating the surface of the walls inside the room. One of them requires the assembly of a frame and battens, while the other requires a special adhesive for wall panels.

Mounting on the frame

To assemble a high-quality frame and battens, wooden bars or a metal profile are used. Both designs are necessary for fastening decorative material in the design of residential and office premises. The methods of attaching panels to the frame allow not only to visually change the interior space, but also to hide certain defects found on the surface of the walls. When choosing how to fix, you need to take into account the degree of unevenness of the base. Significant flaws in the form of voids, dips or bumps can be corrected with a high-quality frame and crate.

Fastening wall panels to the frame is necessary in the course of work related to leveling the surface. In rooms with high humidity, only a metal profile is used to build the frame. The construction of the crate allows for the installation of additional insulation. The frame for fastening the panels with your own hands in a dry and warm room is assembled from a wooden beam: prepared wood (bars with a section of 30x40) must be installed and fixed strictly vertically around the entire perimeter of the room.

The very first (starting) profile is attached directly to the floor, the second - to the ceiling. Having installed horizontal profiles around the entire perimeter of the room, they begin to mount the vertical guides. The distance between the bars does not exceed 60 cm. This is due to the fact that the dimensions of the MDF panels are as follows:

  • width is from 153 to 200mm;
  • the length depends on which company is the manufacturer; this parameter reaches from 2 to 2.6 m;
  • thickness from 5 to 14 mm.

Installation Features

Installation of MDF panels, metal profiles or bars starts from any corner of the room by laying individual elements vertically or horizontally. If it is necessary to create additional noise or heat insulation, insulation boards are placed between the battens of the crate.

The distance between the rails in this case depends on the parameters of the thermal insulation material used. It is less than the width of the insulation by 2-3 cm, which allows you to tightly lay the mineral wool slabs.

Each MDF panel is equipped with a special groove for installing clamps and fastening to the frame. The frame itself is fixed with the help of "crabs" and brackets. Fastening MDF panels to the wall cannot be called a complicated process if the frame of the structure is assembled correctly and strictly according to the level.

When creating a crate, it is important to remember that the fasteners (self-tapping screws), or rather their length, are selected taking into account the thickness and height of the bar or profile. The self-tapping screw must be inserted into the wall to a depth of at least 40 mm.

Before constructing the frame, you need to determine the highest point on the wall surface and set the vertical and horizontal from this value. All work is carried out under constant control of the building level, equipped with a spirit level. It is necessary to check not only the horizontal and vertical, but also both diagonals on each sheathed wall.

The dimensions of MDF panels are of great importance when it is decided to attach them to the wall using a frame, and when performing work using a special adhesive composition, certain types of panels are chosen.

It is more difficult than to sheathe a correctly assembled frame with such panels.

Glue mounting

Before attaching MDF panels to the wall, you must:

  1. Clean the surface of any dust contamination, remnants of the old coating in the form of paint, wallpaper or cracked plaster.
  2. Re-plaster all areas to be restored.
  3. After the solution has completely dried, prime the wall for maximum adhesion.

Knowing how to fix MDF panels to the wall, you can complete all the work in the shortest possible time. It is necessary that the surface was not only carefully prepared, but also absolutely flat. It is necessary to glue the MDF panels on the wall in such a way as to ensure a complete fit and avoid air from entering under the components of the structure.

If a tile or ceramic tile is glued to the walls in one motion and cannot be dismantled and re-glued, then the peculiarity of the process of gluing MDF panels is that the future sheathing cannot be glued immediately. It must be pressed against the wall, held for a few seconds and torn off. After that, allow the glue to dry slightly and reattach the panel to the wall surface. MDF can be glued only by applying considerable force when pressing the panel.

With improper or poor-quality preparation of the wall surface for gluing MDF panels, the fixation will not be strong and durable.

Panels with adhesive applied to their surface must be laid on a clean, dry, absolutely even and smooth wall. The quality of the sheathing also depends on how correctly the first panel was glued. It must be fixed in strict accordance with the vertical mark made using a plumb line or laser level level.

The final stage is the installation of plugs and other decorative elements. The inner corners are fixed with glue. Its color is selected exactly to match the finishing material and applied with a thin snake, trying to avoid the appearance of excess on the panels after pressing the corner.

You can study in detail all the stages of the work by watching the video.

Interior decoration using MDF wall panels is very popular due to the many positive qualities that this finishing material has. This is not only an opportunity to perform all manipulations without the involvement of qualified specialists, but also to increase the strength and reliability of the structure. MDF wall panels allow you to change the interior space of the room, giving it attractiveness and increasing its aesthetics.

The decoration of any room should be carefully thought out. Design must be not only beautiful, but also functional. For example, MDF panels can subsequently be washed, they will not quickly become dirty and age. In addition, this material has additional advantages.

Finishing for which MDF is used can be ideal. Do-it-yourself installation is quite simple. Special knowledge is not required here. So even a non-professional can do the job.

What is MDF?

For the manufacture of which very small chips are used. Production requires high pressure and temperature. In order for the chips to stick together into one mixture, carbamide resins are added to it, which are considered a link.

MDF wall panels (even an amateur can do it yourself) are used for sheathing vertical surfaces in residential and office premises. Other types of material can be used for making furniture, arranging partitions, laying flooring. Very often acoustic systems are made from plates. The thickness of the material reaches 4 mm. There are some conditions for storing these products: humidity - no more than 70%, temperature - no higher than 25 degrees.

Material Advantages

Sheathing with MDF panels has some advantages:

1. High level of moisture resistance. Some types of materials can even be used for bathroom decoration.

2. Good durability. The boards are well pressed.

3. Low cost. You can buy them at any hardware store at an affordable price.

4. Resistance to temperature changes, biological effects. Mice will not be able to gnaw through such a skin.

5.Ease of processing and use. You can cut the material with a regular jigsaw or circular saw.

6. Good soundproof qualities.

7. Products retain heat well and also they can be painted, laminated, varnished.

8. Ability to create an original design.

9. Easy panel cleaning.

MDF wall panels, do-it-yourself installation of which is done only after assembling the necessary tools, are made of natural material, so they are environmentally friendly.

Product Disadvantages

Among the disadvantages of this material are the following:

Amenable to combustion.

Quite a large mass. This feature does not allow the use of shields for all walls.

The presence of synthetic resins in the composition of the product. Although they do not evaporate and are not harmful to health.

These shortcomings are not significant in the correct operation of the material.

What types of plate fixings are there?

Before that, you need to understand the connection methods. They are like this:

  • Tenon groove. This is the simplest type of locking elements. Laying is done end to end. A feature of this installation is the need for a base made of metal profiles or a wooden crate.
  • Groove-groove. This also requires special training. The wall will need to be reinforced with U-shaped profiles.
  • Glue. This method is used quite often. However, the panel should be light in weight, and the wall should be perfectly flat. It requires a special adhesive to work. Naturally, during the installation process, dust and dirt await you. But if you have a small room at your disposal and the availability of free centimeters is fundamental, then it is better to choose this particular method.
  • profile. It allows you to level the base and attach large-format products.

What tools are needed for the job?

If you purchased MDF wall panels, do-it-yourself installation should be done only after all the necessary material and fixtures are ready. You will need:

  1. Building level.
  2. Reiki for the construction of the crate.
  3. Locksmith's square for the correct determination of the angle.
  4. Plumb.
  5. Drill, as well as a special nozzle for tightening self-tapping screws.
  6. Hammer and pliers.
  7. for cutting panels.
  8. Special fasteners.
  9. Screw, self-tapping screw in the required quantity.

These tools should be enough to install the panels. Surface preparation may require other tools.

Varieties and features of panels

In order for the finish to serve for a long time and with high quality, it is necessary to choose the right facing material. There are such types of panels:

  • Ordinary. They have high strength, but do not have special protection against moisture. Therefore, such products can be used for wall cladding in dry rooms: hallways, living rooms, bedrooms.
  • For rooms with a high level of humidity. Such MDF panels for the kitchen are suitable. It is in this room that moisture often accumulates and there are temperature drops.
  • Heavily loaded. They can be mounted in bathrooms, as they have the highest level of protection against the harmful effects of moisture.

Naturally, one should not lose sight of the decorative properties of MDF boards. Thanks to different patterns and colors, you can work wonders. For example, in order to make a room visually larger, use light or white panels. To get an original and unique interior, you should pay attention to the material with an individual design pattern.

Naturally, during the selection, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics and quality. Buy material only from licensed stores. It is better to choose those manufacturers who have a good reputation and customer reviews.

Features of surface preparation

Before that, it is necessary to prepare the base. In principle, this is not difficult to do. First, remove the previous finish or its fragile parts. If the basis for fixing the plates is a wooden crate, then it will not be necessary to level the wall. It should be pre-marked.

The adhesive method requires a perfectly flat surface. If the defects or level differences are small, then you can use a regular plaster mortar. Naturally, the walls will then need to be primed in order to maximize adhesion with glue.

Most often, a wooden crate is still used. Making it is easy. Rails are installed vertically and horizontally. The distance between them should not exceed 30-40 cm. A screw, self-tapping screw or nail is usually used to fasten the rails. Please note that all wooden elements should be treated with a special antiseptic.

If metal profiles are used for the crate, then the space that remains between them can be filled with mineral wool or other insulation. In addition to keeping warm, you can provide additional sound insulation.

Mounting Features

Interior decoration with MDF panels has a certain sequence:

  1. Fixing the first panel. It is screwed at the inner corner with self-tapping screws. If necessary, cut the slab to length. Since each panel has a comb, it will have to be grinded down a bit. For additional fixation, metal fasteners are used.
  2. The next strips need to be screwed back to back with the previous ones. From the side of the side groove, the product is fixed with additional fasteners.
  3. Installation of the last panel. If necessary, it is cut to length. This element is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws.
  4. Next, you need to repeat the above steps for each wall. After completing the work along the upper edge, a narrow baseboard should be installed. It is fastened with nails or screws.

As you can see, you can do this job yourself.

MDF panels are in very high demand. However, improperly mounted material can degrade the interior of the room. Therefore, try to follow the recommendations of experts.

For example, when laying slabs, always use a plumb line and this will help you attach the products evenly.

You can sew up with such material the entire wall or part of it. For example, you can only mount panels half the height of the base. This will make it possible to use additional finishing materials, as well as diversify the interior.

If there are small irregularities on the wall, then small pieces of plastic can be placed under the wooden slats. They will strengthen the crate. That's all. Let your home be beautiful and unusual. Good luck!

The modern interior provides a beautiful and original finish, which in a special way emphasizes the style of housing. Therefore, recently, MDF wall panels have been very popular among designers. Unlike wooden planks, they are inexpensive, come in a variety of colors and are easy to install, giving the room an ennobled look.


MDF is a unique building material produced in the form of panels from medium-density fibreboard. Since the boards are produced by dry pressing wood shavings under high temperature and pressure with the addition of carbamide resin, they are ultra-strong and durable in operation.

Decorative finishing with such panels has many advantages.

  • Easy installation. The material can be fastened in any direction: diagonally, across or along the wall surface. In addition, for the installation of panels, it is not necessary to carefully prepare the working base. The condition of the walls in no way affects the quality of the cladding.
  • Aesthetic look. A huge range of colors and textures allows you to use MDF for any style. In addition, during installation, a small space remains between the plates and the base of the walls, which can be used to hide insulation and wiring.
  • Good thermal insulation. The material is characterized by excellent heat preservation, therefore, after fixing the MDF, the room acquires additional insulation.
  • Easy care. To clean the panels from dust and dirt, it is enough to wipe them with a soft sponge dipped in warm water. If damage occurs during operation, then there is no need to completely change the casing. To do this, the panel with defects is removed and a new one is attached in its place.
  • Durability. Such a lining will reliably serve for more than a dozen years.

Despite the presence of positive characteristics, MDF has some disadvantages.

  • Low moisture resistance. Under the influence of moisture, the material is subject to deformation. Therefore, for finishing rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to use special plates with a protective layer.
  • Instability to mechanical damage and stress. Decorative panels need careful installation and maintenance.
  • High risk of fire. Electrical wiring that is laid under the trim must be placed in the fire box.
  • Formation of hollow walls. Since the MDF is fixed to the frame, a “void” is obtained between the sheathing, therefore, when you need to fix furniture to the walls, you have to use long nails or dowels.

Before you purchase facing plates, it is important to consider that they are produced in different sizes depending on the model range of each brand.

As a rule, products with a thickness of 7 mm to 14 mm and dimensions of 2600 × 200 mm, 2600 × 153 mm, 2600 × 325 mm are most often found on the market. Wall blocks are usually fastened to glue or a crate made of wooden beams and metal profiles. At the same time, the installation of plates on a wooden frame is made much easier, but before starting the installation, the wood should be covered with antiseptic solutions that protect it from the formation of mold and fungus.

To date, MDF boards have found wide application in various fields. They are sheathed with walls, door panels, window sills, ceilings, and screens for heating and ventilation systems and arches are also made from the material. This finish looks chic in a modern interior, as the panels imitate not only expensive woods, but also natural stone.

Material Quantity Calculation

The installation of MDF, like any other material, must begin with a preliminary calculation of the number of panels. To do this, first of all, determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room: all the necessary measurements are taken, and the perimeter is multiplied by the height. It is also important to consider the presence of doors and windows in the room. Their quadrature is calculated in the same way, multiplying the height by the width, the result obtained is subtracted from the total area of ​​​​the room.

Then, knowing all the numbers, you can go shopping for wall panels. Since the products are sold in different sizes, you will have to additionally calculate how many square meters are in each plate. Usually manufacturers write this on packs. If, for example, a panel is purchased with a width of 900 mm and a length of 2600 mm, then it is enough to multiply 2600 mm by 900 mm. As a result, it turns out that in one plate 2.34 m2. Then the area of ​​​​the room, which is planned for sheathing, must simply be divided by 2.34 m2, and the required number of panels will be obtained.

Instrument preparation

An important point before starting the MDF sheathing is the preparation of the tool. Since the installation of wall panels is not particularly difficult, it is quite possible to do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

To do the job quickly and efficiently, you need to have a basic set of tools at hand.

  • Roulette. It is best to use a 5-meter tape measure.
  • Level. It can be either purchased at the store or made from jute, to the end of which a nut is tied.
  • Drill with a full set of nozzles. It will perfectly replace the screwdriver and simplify the task of fixing the plates.
  • Metal square. For installation, one that has various legs and is usually used by locksmiths is suitable. Using a square, panels for cutting slopes will be measured.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw. It is recommended to stock up on both at the same time. In this case, the hacksaw should be chosen with fine teeth having a transverse and longitudinal washed down.
  • Bulgarian. It is needed for cutting metal profiles, if the frame is planned to be assembled from metal.

In addition to the above, you will also need the usual tools that everyone has in the house: a screwdriver, a knife, a hammer, drills and a marker.

Mounting methods

Before sheathing MDF walls, it is necessary to determine how to fix them. You can install decorative panels with glue or on the crate. Each of these methods is characterized by its installation technology.

Before choosing, you should evaluate the condition of the surface, taking into account some of the nuances.

  • The boards are made from wood fibers, so the material must be protected from contact with mold-damaged substrates. Mounting on walls in rooms with high humidity is not recommended. In addition, the panels must be mounted on a flat base.
  • In the event that the walls are well cleaned of the old finish, dry, then MDF can be installed on them with glue or liquid nails without assembling the crate. This will simplify fastening, but exclude the possibility of replacing individual plates if they are mechanically damaged.

The installation of wall blocks on the frame is as follows: guides are attached to the surface, which serve as the basis for installation, then MDF is fixed to the metal profile or bar.

This technique has many advantages.

  • The crate hides the defects of the base, so the walls do not need to be leveled and leveled. This in turn saves a lot of time and money.
  • The formed "void" between the skin will serve as an ideal place for laying important communication systems and laying a heat-insulating layer. In addition, additional sound insulation is created, which is especially important for apartments in which inter-wall partitions have poor sound absorption.
  • The ability to quickly repair the finish if individual panels have been damaged.

As for the disadvantages of such a sheathing, it significantly reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and if you need to hang furniture or decorative elements on the walls, then it is worth considering that the design will not withstand such loads.

Unlike the previous technique, landing on glue does not have significant disadvantages. MDF boards are attached directly to the wall, in this case glue is the connecting element. To fix the panels together additionally, clamps are also used. Thanks to this finishing option, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not decrease, installation is carried out quickly, without damaging the material with self-tapping screws or nails. But if the surface of the cladding is damaged during operation, then not one fragment of the finish, but the entire wall, will have to be restored.

When deciding on the choice of a particular method, it is worth considering not only the features of the room, but also calculate the cost of sheathing. For example, in some cases it is much more economical to putty the walls and not build a frame. For large rooms, of course, it is best to install a crate, since it will be problematic to perfectly align their walls.

Execution of works

Due to their performance characteristics and aesthetic appearance, MDF panels are widely used in finishing works. Wall panels can not only decorate the ceilings of the corridor, the passer-by, but also originally sheathe the doorway or window slopes. Furniture fittings and wall corners are also easily made from the material at home. Since the product is easy to install, it is quite possible to do all the work with your own hands. Before fixing MDF, you should prepare the surface for finishing by cleaning it of the old coating and eliminating all defects.

Regardless of whether it is planned to be sheathed on concrete, wood or brick, the base must be primed, this will protect the finish in the future from the appearance of mold and fungus.

For additional thermal insulation of window slopes, walls and doorways, it is recommended to lay insulating material, it will not only serve as a good insulation, but also cope with the task of vapor and waterproofing.

To install the panels on the slopes, they can be fixed along or across, it all depends on the size of the slope. This finish, made from a combination of light and dark pieces of slabs, looks original. Installation of panels on walls and ceilings is carried out both on glue and on a pre-assembled frame. To do this, first the starting profile is attached, and then the guides, along the length of which it is necessary to properly join the decorative details. To make a beautiful corner, before installation, trim the material, rounding its edges.

Sawing or cutting panels is recommended using special tools for working with wood. A jigsaw is considered the best option for this, but if it is not at hand, then a saw with fine teeth will do. Having decided on the direction of the MDF sheathing, the panels are measured and cut to the desired length. At the same time, it is necessary to cut off the spike along the entire length of the first plate, if this is not done, then difficulties will arise when installing the corners.


When choosing a method for attaching MDF to a crate, you will first have to make a solid frame from a metal profile or wooden beams. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the wooden structure requires pre-impregnation with antiseptic solutions that will protect it from rotting and mold. If it is planned to lay thermal insulation, then the thickness of the bars is chosen according to the thickness of the insulating material. For sheathing brick walls and rooms with high humidity, a wooden frame is not recommended.

So that the wooden beams do not deform during installation, it is worth choosing a well-dried tree. They fix the structure perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels, leaving a small margin of 5 cm from the floor and 3 cm from the ceiling. First of all, vertical elements are fixed, which are placed along the edges of the recesses, in the corners and next to the openings. Planks should be located at a distance of 700 mm from each other. For fastening the structure, self-tapping screws or nails with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm are usually used.

To assemble a metal structure, UD racks and CD horizontal profiles are used. The pitch of the crate is similarly 600-700 mm.

The CD profile is inserted into the rack and everything is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws. Metal profiles can be cut with a special circular saw. If the ceiling is trimmed with panels, then the frame must be assembled only from horizontal elements, using additional fasteners.


After the frame structure is ready, proceed to the paneling. MDF boards are fixed to each other using a tongue and groove lock, consisting of a recess and a ridge. The parts are fastened to the wooden crate with small nails, they are hammered obliquely with a hammer. To install the material on the metal profile, clamps are used, they are placed in the groove of the plate and fixed with self-tapping screws.

When installed vertically, MDF begins to be fixed from the corner, smoothly redirecting to the left side. The first plate is attached to the beam with nails, and from the side of the groove, fixation is carried out with clamps. Then the crest of the next plate is placed in the groove of the first. The last panel should be cut to length, leaving a small margin of 5 mm, and its comb cut in half. It must be inserted into the groove of the previous panel and secure the free edge.

For sheathing slopes, pieces of wall slabs are used. To beautifully close the skin, use special corners. They are planted on liquid nails or glue, decorating the edges near doors and windows. In addition, MDF is great for finishing the ceiling surface, in this case, the panels are installed in a direction perpendicular to the base of the walls.

The option of facing surfaces using MDF panels is currently gaining popularity. The reason is that with their help you can quickly carry out facing work on a large area. An additional plus is that when working with them, the wall will not require additional finishing in the future. It is also worth noting that do-it-yourself wall paneling is doubly economical.

An important advantage of the panels is that their installation is simple and understandable to everyone, and anyone can install them.

MDF - what is it?

MDF - finely dispersed faction. From this faction are made wall panels for interior decoration. The stages of production are as follows : wood shavings fine in terms of the composition of the granules are sent under a dry press . An important point is processing using high temperature and high pressure.

In order to fasten the particles together and make the panel monolithic, special resins (usually carbamide) are added to it, which are modified with melamine.

The undoubted advantage in choosing MDF panels is that they belong to the class of highly environmentally friendly materials. According to the principle of installation and installation, use in a home interior, finishing using MDF panels resembles the process of working with lining. However, at a price such panels come out cheaper.

Installation is usually carried out in two ways - mounting on the crate, which acts as a frame, or mounting on the wall using various adhesives or "liquid" nails.

Such compositions are used for the installation of wood materials, as well as for sealing various holes and lye, because their structure contains a filler in the form of sawdust.

The main thing is to choose an adhesive composition that is suitable in color, since otherwise the places of the "grease" will stand out inharmoniously against the general background.

It should also be noted that MDF plates are made in a huge range of colors and tones, they can have patterns that are different in relief structure. You can find imitation stone. All this suggests that such panels can be suitable for almost any interior. Their indisputable advantage is that during installation the panels can be combined both in vertical and horizontal positions.

It is worth noting that often, when the room seems not high enough, the vertical arrangement of the panels on the wall will help visually “grow” the finished wall. For high, but narrow rooms - all recommendations are exactly the opposite.

When choosing, it is important to consider that such panels are produced in different formats (length and width), so first of all it is necessary to decide what result we want to see in the end.

Required Tools

For convenience and ease in the implementation of finishing work, it is recommended to prepare in advance, collect the tools necessary for the work. They will speed up the installation of panels and make it quite easy. So, we need:

  1. A jigsaw or a special saw that will allow you to cut vertically.
  2. Ordinary bubble level.
  3. Measuring tools - rulers, corners, pencils and markers.
  4. Drill or ordinary screwdriver.
  5. Stapler (better construction).
  6. A hammer.
  7. Pliers.

General rules for installing panels

Mounting MDF panels on any surface is carried out in two ways - using adhesives and installing a frame.

Both of the installation options can be easily used for MDF paneling and private houses, and simple residential apartments. When working with adhesive compositions, it is important to take into account one important nuance - the surface of the wall under the cladding must be perfectly flat and smooth. In this case, it is first recommended to carry out with the help of drywall or with the use of plasters or putties.

When mounting panels on adhesive compositions, only adhesive compositions or “liquid” nails, some fittings will act as additional materials.

For the case when you want to hide communications under MDF panels or insulation, it is better to use the option of installing lamellas on a frame base. In addition, such a frame will make an ideal plane out of any, even the most uneven surface, which will become an important foundation for the reliable installation of MDF panels.

The frame itself can be assembled from bars (wooden) or a profile (metal). It should be noted that the fastening of panels to a wooden frame is much easier than to a metal one. In the case of a tree, ordinary nails or staples of a construction stapler will do. For a metal frame, self-tapping screws are required, which necessitates the use of an additional tool - a screwdriver.

When a frame is used, a gap is formed between the wall and the cladding, wires, pipes can be removed into it, or insulation materials can be laid. However, it should be understood that such gaps, dark and sometimes damp, are attractive to fungal settlements such as mold. So it is very important to dry the wall before the installation process, if it is wet, and additionally treat it with special protective compounds in order to avoid the formation of fungi.

So, for the construction of the frame we need:

Surface preparation

You can start preparing the surface only when it is pre-dried (of course, if such a measure is required and the wall in the room is wet). We have already stressed earlier why this is important. The main thing is to never carry out facing work on top of a damp wall.

The process of preparing the walls consists in the following simple steps:

  • Wall cleaning. When the surface is pasted over with wallpaper, it is important to remove them, because in a closed space, old wallpaper will become a very attractive environment for the appearance and reproduction of fungi and mold, and sometimes pests. If the wallpaper is glued well enough, you will first have to soak them or steam them with the same clothes iron, then removing them will not be difficult if you use an ordinary spatula. In rare cases, it may be necessary to use a special composition that will help get rid of the wallpaper layer. In the case when the wall is plastered or well painted over with water-based paints, cleaning work can be skipped.

  • Surface treatment. In cases where your wall has already been attacked by mold or other types of fungi, or maybe insects, it is recommended to thoroughly treat it. It is desirable to use compositions such as "anti-mold" or "whiteness". Before the treatment process, you can scrape the surface with a spatula. After applying antiseptics and healing compounds on the wall, it is recommended to walk with a spatula again, then repeat the processing process. The ideal option would be when the affected surface is cleaned to the ground: all traces of fungi or insect activity are completely removed.

It is important to understand that such work is best done when using personal protective equipment such as respirators or masks. After all, in case of unintentional inhalation of plaster particles or suspensions affected by the fungus, unpleasant health consequences can be obtained.

  • Crack processing. If, after removing the wallpaper layer or poorly applied plaster, cracks are found on the surfaces, it is recommended to carry out work to eliminate them. This procedure is especially important if it is planned to place heat-insulating or sound-insulating materials under the MDF panels. It is important to understand that unsealed cracks can become “bridges” for the cold to enter the room; factors favorable for the formation of mold are created there, such as dampness, darkness. In order for the layer of plaster or putty to hold well, it is recommended to widen the crack a little and, if possible, deepen it. Next, you should get rid of traces of old plaster and use a deep penetration primer to treat the crack. After the primer dries, the cracks are sealed with putty or plaster. It is important to fill the crack to its full depth.

  • Soil application. When the first three stages are completed, you should start priming the entire surface. It is important to choose soil compositions in such a way that they contain antiseptics. This choice will help prevent the formation of mold, fungi and protect against insects from settling under the panels. In the case of sheathing wooden walls, it is necessary to select a primer, which also includes special flame retardants. They are designed to increase fire resistance. It is important to remember that the application of the primer is carried out in two or three layers, each previous one must dry thoroughly before applying the next one.
  • Installing a heater. We go through this stage if the installation of MDF is carried out on the crate. Penofol is ideal for this purpose, it is usually glued to a primed surface.

Frame installation process

It is important to correctly and correctly install the frame. First you need to decide how the frame elements will be installed - vertically or horizontally. For horizontal orientation, the guides are set vertically, and vice versa for vertical orientation.

The frame is attached to the insulation layer. You should choose a step between the guides of 5-6 centimeters. It is important to observe and control the evenness of the installation.

In order to determine the vertical (ideal), a plumb line is used. An ordinary level is suitable for determining horizontal lines. After marking it, it is not difficult to install our guides for the future crate. It is important to consider that it is better to install the first guide in the corner of the room or along the floor area.

Installing MDF panels on the frame

When the frame is ready, and communications are divorced and hidden properly, we begin the most important process - the installation of panels.

This work begins with the preparation of the panels themselves. Using measuring tools, markings are made, along which a cut is made using a jigsaw or an ordinary hacksaw.

It is important to remember that:

  1. The first MDF panel must be mounted in a level for an ideal horizontal or vertical, otherwise the cladding and installation of other, subsequent elements will be crooked and uneven.
  2. Starting panels are installed with spikes in the corners and fastened with self-tapping screws. When using a metal frame, the clamps are fixed with small self-tapping screws with a small cap.
  3. The tenon of each new panel is closely fitted to the groove of the already mounted one. Next, it is important to correct the position of the panel using the level.
  4. In this way, paneling is carried out to the end of the surface. It is recommended to fix the final panel with self-tapping screws. We will hide them in the future with the help of decorative corners.

Adhesive mounting

It should immediately be noted that this option for installing panels is much simpler and easier than the first, frame mounting method.

Particular attention should be paid to adhesive compositions. They must meet certain requirements. Among them:

  1. The plasticity of the adhesive must be maintained even after its initial drying, otherwise the MDF panels may deform. It is important to choose the composition so that it is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.
  2. By its consistency, the composition should be thick in order to be able to apply it in a thin layer or a thicker layer.

These requirements are ideally met by "liquid" nails, which can be easily found in any hardware store.

So, let's begin. On the inner surface of the panel, apply glue in a thin layer or in waves. After that, the panel is tightly pressed against the wall, torn off, settled for 5 minutes, then re-pressed to the desired location. Hold it in this position for half a minute to securely fix it.

Finishing panel, if necessary, is measured and cut to the desired size. The last panel is fixed with a self-tapping screw.

At the end of the work, we install fittings. We fix pre-prepared corners and skirting boards at the junctions of planes and at doorways.

Pros and cons

Do-it-yourself wall decoration with MDF panels is good, but it is worth considering the nuances.

Pros: ease of installation, a variety of colors and textures, the possibility of installing communications when choosing a frame method of installation, no additional finishing in the future, ease of maintenance, accessibility.

Minuses: the presence of protrusions and gaps, when choosing a frame, the formation of gaps between the wall and the lamella, which reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and also makes it possible for the development of fungus and mold - if the wall is not carefully treated, insufficient mechanical strength, minimal moisture resistance.


Now that you are so familiar with the features of MDF panels and the intricacies of their installation, it remains only to make your choice of the most suitable lamellas in terms of design. Wall decoration with MDF panels is a good choice for your home. Good luck! And may your home be beautiful and comfortable.

Wall decoration with MDF panels is a method that has many advantages over other types of construction work. The fact is that the technology allows installation in a fairly short time. An essential advantage is that there is no need to carry out additional processing of the coating. Facing is carried out in different ways: glue and frame. It is the latter method that is considered the most laborious.

This material has numerous advantages that make it indispensable for. These include the following indicators:

  1. Ease of installation work. Even if you use the longest frame method, the work will be much less than when laying drywall.
  2. Large selection of shades and textures. MDF wall panels allow you to choose an option that will appeal to any person, will be able to create a completely unique interior.
  3. Possibility to get several results at once. Namely, to build a crate that will hide numerous communications and serve as the basis for insulation, as well as create a flat decorative surface.
  4. Durability and reliability. The density of the MDF board exceeds some types of natural wood, and the decorative surface is made in such a way that it is very difficult to damage it.
  5. Ease of care. Indeed, cleaning is carried out with a damp cloth. Any stain is removed with alcohol solutions (except for cosmetics).

MDF panels allow you to create a unique interior design, in addition, they are easy to care for.

On a note! Wood fiber material is covered with a decorative layer due to lamination or veneering. And often the problem arises that after removing stains with alcohol mixtures, numerous stains remain on the surface. Get rid of them by re-applying the solution. The main thing is to continue mashing - until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Naturally, such positive properties indicate that MDF wall panels are a great option. But we must not forget about some disadvantages:

  • Getting a perfect smooth finish is simply impossible. There will always be a small seam between adjacent elements. If desired, it can serve as an excellent decorative component.
  • An improperly erected frame is a threat to the safety of human health. The resulting gap is an excellent breeding ground for mold and fungi. The adhesive method has the same drawback.
  • A damp room poses a threat to the coating material and frame. The risk of warping is quite high.

Thus, we can conclude that it is advisable to finish MDF panels when it is planned to comply with the laying technology.

Despite the ease of installation, MDF panels have their drawbacks.

Preparation of tools and material

For quick and comfortable work, it is necessary to prepare the tool in advance and purchase materials. The event is performed using the following devices:

  1. An electric jigsaw with a set of files that must be selected specifically for wood.
  2. Plumb and level. Well proven laser tool.
  3. Pencil and tape measure. It is better to have a flat rail or profile for accurate marking.
  4. Screwdriver. A drill that can switch to low speed is suitable.
  5. stapler. A simple option for homework is used.
  6. A hammer.

Installation of MDF panels requires a special tool

The frame method of attaching panels to walls requires more materials than glue, which requires only a special mixture and self-tapping screws (for mounting the first MDF element).

For cladding with a frame method, you will need:

  • The bar is wooden, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. It is better to choose options with a section of 20 * 40 and 20 * 50. If possible, then a metal profile is used - they select the same one as for laying gypsum boards.
  • Insulation that is glued directly to the wall. You can use the options that fit into the cells. They need to be secured first.
  • Metal hangers.
  • Kleimers - for fixing panels.
  • Dowel. It is necessary to take into account the condition of the base.
  • Panels and additional elements that are used to create beautiful corners and transitions.
  • Consumables.

In principle, the installation of MDF panels will require a limited amount of money. Of course, if you do not pay attention to products that are covered with veneer of valuable wood species.

Surface preparation steps

Before sheathing the walls, you need to prepare the surface. It consists of several stages, each of which begins only after the previous one has been completed. The most important rule, the observance of which makes it possible to obtain the desired result, is a completely dry wall.

Work cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  1. Even slight damp areas are observed.
  2. The surface is covered with frost.
  3. There are traces of mold and mildew.
  4. The top layer is destroyed.

If there are no such troubles, then preliminary preparation can begin. It is completely identical for all methods of mounting MDF wall panels.

Complete cleaning

One gross mistake is often made - wallpaper remains glued on the walls. This is absolutely unacceptable. They serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. And with the adhesive method - they will not give the opportunity to securely fix the elements.

You should completely get rid of old wallpaper and whitewash

The whitewash layer is also removed, although many masters claim that such a procedure is not necessary. In fact, when it becomes necessary to apply a primer, it is the old layer that will interfere with its absorption. Therefore, it is better to clean the wall completely.

Fighting mold and fungus

Unfortunately, this problem is found everywhere, especially in new buildings and old wooden houses. It's pretty hard to fight her. There are recommendations that indicate that it is enough to treat the damaged areas with special solutions. Many manufacturers even release them in spray form.

After removing the old coating, it is necessary to remove the fungus and mold

It’s worth mentioning right away that you can defeat the fungus only by destroying all of its mycelium. Therefore, there is only one way out - removing the plaster to the base, thorough impregnation with special solutions. Of course, the amount of work increases, but there is a possibility of complete elimination of the threat to health.

On a note! Fighting mold (fungus) is a very long undertaking. It is necessary to eliminate sources of constant moisture penetration, as well as to treat all infected apartments in an apartment building. This will allow you to produce high-quality sheathing with MDF panels.

This procedure is necessary even if the frame is planned to be installed. The fact is that any cracks can reduce the thermal insulation effect. Works are carried out according to the following technology:

  1. The putty mixture is being prepared. It is better to choose gypsum or acrylic compositions.
  2. Seams and cracks must first be expanded. They are thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of the old solution.
  3. The site is well impregnated with primers.
  4. Further, when the soil dries, the mixture is smeared. All voids must be filled.

Installation of MDF panels requires complete wall tightness

Primer coating

This event allows you to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as to carry out the installation with your own hands more efficiently. For work, compositions are selected that have deep penetration. To further protect the surface, the mixture should contain antiseptics. The primer is applied in two layers, each of which dries well. The walls are especially carefully impregnated before mounting the MDF panels with glue.

On a note! Processing of wooden surfaces should be carried out according to a similar technology. But the composition of the mixture should contain fire retardants, which will give the lumber fire resistance.

Surface priming is an obligatory stage of preparatory work

Frame erection

It is impossible to sheathe walls with MDF panels without a well-built frame. It is necessary to create a reliable design that will withstand the load. Installation is carried out in several stages.


Before starting the markup, you need to decide on the layout of the elements. They can be mounted: horizontally, vertically and diagonally. All positions can be combined, but this requires the installation of separating decorative elements. For a horizontal arrangement of fragments - the crate is laid vertically on the wall with your own hands. Accordingly, for vertical cladding - vice versa.

The markup is performed according to the following principle:

  1. A plumb line is used to obtain vertical markings. According to its location, points are marked between which lines are drawn.
  2. If horizontal marking is required, then a level is applied.

To apply vertical markings, you will need a plumb line

Mounting rails

Sheathing of walls with MDF panels on the crate is carried out in two ways. The choice of a particular method depends on the state of the base.

  • Laying guides is carried out directly on the wall:
    • This option is suitable for a wooden beam, in which holes are drilled in increments of 30-40 cm.
    • The guides are applied to the marking lines and the holes made are marked.
    • Drilling and installation of dowels is in progress.
    • Racks are securely fixed with screws. Next, you can install MDF panels.
  • The frame is erected with the help of additional suspensions:
    • The technology is used in cases where the surface has significant irregularities and drops.
    • Suspensions are installed according to the existing markings. Mounting step 40-50 cm.
    • The upper and lower guides are fixed around the perimeter.
    • Racks are installed and fixed.

Installation of panels on the frame

Wall cladding with MDF panels begins after full preparation. The crate is once again checked for strength, the joints are stretched. If necessary, communications are carried out, the locations of sockets and switches are immediately marked. The cable is laid in cable channels, which are corrugated hollow tubes. They are fixed on the walls with their own hands.

Cladding work begins with cutting products. But if there is a significant curvature of the ceiling and floor covering, which has not been previously corrected, then each element is cut off after careful measurement.

On a note! The facing material has a decorative front side, which can be significantly damaged when cutting off excess. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the location of the teeth on the jigsaw file.

Installation of MDF panels on walls has the following technology:

  1. A comb is cut off from the first fragment, which is used for installation in a groove.
  2. The element is installed in a corner and screwed with screws along the edge, which is located directly in the corner.
  3. Further, the installation of MDF is quick and easy. Kleimers are installed in the groove of the first part, which are fixed on the crate with a stapler or self-tapping screws (studs).
  4. The next fragment is installed exactly in the groove. If required, the location of the kleimer is trimmed (on one or both sides), this is necessary in order for the fixation to be reliable.
  5. The last element is cut with a small gap to the wall. If this is not done, then it will be difficult to insert it. It is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  6. To close the corners and the location of the screws, decorative elements are glued.
  7. Wall cladding with MDF elements requires the preparation of holes for sockets and switches. Such reaming is carried out before the installation of each part. For this, drill bits are used.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that laying material from MDF is not a laborious procedure, but it requires compliance with certain rules.