Metal rack suspended ceiling. Ceiling rail advantages and disadvantages of metal and wood products. Wooden batten ceilings

Metal types are made of durable sheet steel or aluminum alloy. Due to the external treatment of the material with zinc and polymer powder or anode paints, low weight and flexibility, such structures have the advantage of ease of installation and quick assembly.

Metal suspended ceiling is produced in the form of a prefabricated module, consisting of fastening elements and a decorative outer skin in the form of a cassette or rails.

The parameters of these elements have strict proportions and are controlled during production: deviations from the norms in minor detail, such as suspension, lead to instability of the entire structure.

Ceiling construction with rack panels

The range of sizes of modular elements is limited. Despite this, the metal suspended ceiling has a wide range of colors and textures, which are used to achieve design combinations. The main technical characteristics include:

  • High resistance to moisture, fire, frost, corrosion and minor external damage (scratches);
  • Can also be installed on uneven ceilings
  • Durability and ease of care;
  • Plastic;
  • Wide model range;
  • The ability to moderate light reflection;
  • Light weight - used for installation in large-sized premises - retail, office, factory, while the load on the native ceiling is minimal;
  • Maintainability - dismantling of the structure or individual fragments;
  • Resistance to odor absorption;
  • Installation in rooms with low ceilings;
  • Soundproofing properties and easy access to maintenance.

Despite a number of similar characteristics, the metal ceiling has distinctive features, which depend on the material and type of processing during production outer element for sheathing the structure.

Suspended metal rack ceilings in the interior

Modular slatted ceilings

The decorative slatted suspension module is made of enamelled aluminum alloy covered with high quality lacquer. The surface of the elements has a smooth, perforated or corrugated texture. The minimum length of the rail is 1.5 m, the maximum is over 6-8 meters. The width of the rectangular rails forms 2 types of modules:

  • 8-12 cm - standard;
  • 5-2 cm - narrow modules.

Slatted ceiling kit

The frame for the rack ceiling is a set of 5 required elements:

  • metal panels;
  • Decorative profile for closing gaps;
  • Special mounting rail (lamella) for fixing panels to the profile and hangers;
  • Angle profile;
  • Adjustable anchor hanger.

Read also: type, its advantages and disadvantages

What do the parameters depend on?

Parameters and Quantity necessary elements under the rack frame is selected at the factory and depends on the parameters of the room and the requirements of the customer. So the profile for closing the gaps in the kit may not be supplied if the installation is selected open system frame, in which all fragments of fasteners are visible. Such a system is more often used for bathrooms, where it is necessary to increase the level of ventilation. For closed system framework is characterized by the presence decorative profile, which comes in the same color scheme as the panels or contrasts with them.

Rack designs are not only practical, but also very attractive.

During manufacture, the rack element is stained with polymer resins, therefore it has a lasting color and a wide palette of shades, which is performed in the factory. Among other things, the painting technology allows you to combine external decorative elements with materials of different structure: a mirror, chrome plating, etc.

Also, the rack element differs in the shape of the edges:

  • Direct (German module), present in the brands Agger, Geipel, Ceiling Group, etc .;
  • With rounded edges (Italian), which are presented in the Luxalon collection.

Ceiling covering in the form of typesetting cassettes

Cassette Specifications

The basis of the modular cassette suspended structure is cassettes - typesetting elements square shape from galvanized steel, which are produced with dimensions of 300X300, 600X600 or 600X1200 mm and a thickness of 0.4 to 0.8 mm.

A distinctive feature is the laying technology, where the elements are not fixed to the ceiling with the help of suspensions, but are laid in ready-made metal cells from guides and transverse profiles without the use of various fasteners and hold their position on the ceiling under their own weight.

There are smooth and perforated cassettes. The first are installed in the ceiling of private residential buildings, the latter are preferable for installation in medical, school, sports and office space. They normalize the microclimate, creating an unhindered movement of air masses from the ceiling to the floor, reducing the risk of dampness and corrosion, and also enhance the sound insulation in the room by forming an air cushion in the interceiling space.

What else will complement the design

Not only cassettes - ceiling components. To decorate it and comply with security measures, special lighting- raster and LED lamps, grilles for ventilation, outlets for infrared heaters and other elements. They are square or rectangular shape with dimensions identical to the skin elements.

Cassette mounting scheme

Popular brands that produce cassettes and related equipment for suspended ceilings include:

  • Caveen - whose metal ceilings are equipped with climate control devices, have the ability to connect musical equipment, which makes them preferable for installation in cinemas, recording studios, etc.;
  • Cesal - have a surface resistant to wear and reagents, are easily disinfected, designed for installation in medical facilities.

Mounting Features

Rack panel or cassette cellular suspended ceiling is installed with minimal physical effort. The main condition for its reliable fastening is the correct calculation of the parameters of the room and the marking of the material according to the results obtained. You can find out how the installation of such ceilings takes place from the stages of preparation to connecting the backlight in the video below.

In addition to the instructions described, work is carried out on the insulation and soundproofing of such ceilings, for example, by gluing fiberglass or installing mineral wool. Lighting is selected separately for them. It is recommended to cut holes for the fixtures after the element is temporarily installed on the frame to mark the wiring outlet. For these purposes, use a crown for metal of the same diameter as the intended lamp.

It is necessary to monitor the compliance of these parameters with responsibility, otherwise spotlight loosely adhere to the basis of the skin and an attractive appearance with a monolithic metal coated will deteriorate.

In contact with

It is presented in following colors: white (matte and glossy), gold stripe, beige stroke, mirage, chrome lux, etc. The collection includes light and pastel shades, optimal for decorating most rooms. The panels look organic, neat, beautiful. The insert is decorative material, which gives the ceiling individuality and sophistication. Mounted between the main aluminum rails. The installation of the rack ceiling is carried out with and without inserts, forming a continuous surface with thin blind gaps.

Slatted ceilings have a number of advantages: relatively inexpensive cost, versatility (can be mounted in places with high humidity, on open areas), environmental friendliness, durability (service life is from 25 years), fire resistance, hygiene, soundproofing, light reflection, ease of installation of climate systems and electrical wiring, and quick access to them, wide selection color solutions. A variety of options for connecting rails allows you to create not ordinary artistic constructions - the so-called multi-level rack ceiling. It can be wavy surfaces from slats various colors, geometric figures, hemispheres and stepped hinged structures. Lacquered aluminum panels they are easy to clean, always look aesthetically pleasing, besides, they can be dismantled and transported to another place at any time.

Accessories for slatted ceilings

Stringer in another "comb" - is the main bearing element rack ceiling. Attach directly to the ceiling or with hangers. It is made of stainless steel and has a special serrated shape for attaching rails and inserts. U-shaped profile - installed around the perimeter, usually at the border of the ceiling and wall. U-shape allows not to fix it to the wall, due to which sagging is excluded. The wall corner completes the rack ceiling, it must be fixed to the wall. Analogue of the U-shaped profile.

The metal slatted ceiling is a very attractive and convenient design that makes it possible to finish various premises. It is most often used to form cozy interiors in the bathrooms.

Lightweight and durable aluminum is ideal for rooms where there is always high humidity. Therefore, such material for ceiling structures is now very popular.

Aluminum slatted bathroom ceiling

Aluminum rack ceiling for the bathroom is characterized by the following operational advantages:

  • Durability. Light alloy structures last 25–30 years. They are covered with protective and decorative materials that protect the ceiling from fading, rusting and warping.
  • Hygiene. Aluminum ceiling structures do not contribute to the formation of dampness in the bathroom, the appearance of mold over time. They are not subject to decay processes. Dust does not accumulate on such ceilings. It is enough to wash them regularly with ordinary water (it can be slightly warmed up) with a foaming, low-abrasive composition in order to always enjoy them. beautiful view and absolute hygiene.
  • High level of light reflection. Aluminum itself reflects well daylight. And if done, it will bring the atmosphere of a real holiday into the room. The bathroom will always be beautiful and at the same time it will be possible to save a lot on electrical energy, including a minimum of fixtures.
  • Environmental friendliness. Any modern false ceiling is made from a material that is absolutely clean from an environmental point of view. Coatings applied to it also meet safety standards.
  • Fire resistance. It is allowed to build different types of climate systems and lamps into ceiling structures, due to the fact that aluminum is included in the group of non-combustible materials, which, moreover, do not emit compounds that adversely affect human health when heated. Since the ceiling is suspended, space can be left under the floor slabs to accommodate all engineering communications.
  • Moisture resistance. Aluminum ceiling structures are ideal for open balconies and verandas, bathrooms, where the humidity is always high.
  • High degree of sound absorption. Exist special types aluminum ceilings - they are called perforated or acoustic, which guarantee excellent absorption of extraneous sounds.

Perforated aluminum cover

Another important advantage of suspended ceilings made of light metals is their simplicity and quick installation. The clear arrangement of aluminum structures and standardized technical specifications make it possible to install them with minimal manufacturing skills. repair work. Of course, it is better to entrust the installation of the ceiling to a trained person. But if you wish, all the work is easy to do personally.

Suspended rack ceiling is available in three types:

  • closed;
  • open;
  • with inserts.

Installation of open structures is carried out so that small gaps remain between the main panels. These gaps make it possible to arrange a well-ventilated space under the cladding plane. Also, special inter-rail inserts can be installed in the slots. different shades giving the room a special and original design. A closed false ceiling should be fastened without gaps between the battens, forming an unbreakable surface.

In the bathrooms of residential buildings and apartments, experts advise to install closed structures or ceilings with inserts. The use of the latter allows you to create chic interiors thoughtful and unusual design projects. Open rack ceilings are best done when the height of the room is more than four meters.

Installation of a closed structure

Regardless of the type, the aluminum ceiling structures we are considering have a number of common elements:

  • directly panels - slats;
  • traverses (combs, stringers) - tires necessary for fixing aluminum panels on them;
  • perimeter profile - decorative corner element, it allows you to "hide" the sections of the structure connection between the walls and the ceiling of the room;
  • suspensions with a regulating mechanism - they are fixed to the main surface of the traverse, and also make it possible to mount them in one plane.

As you can see, the device of rack structures is quite simple, which makes them easy to install. Specifications aluminum products are also approximately the same for different types ceilings. The inserts between the rails and the rails themselves are made of sheet aluminum. Some enterprises use metal with a thickness of 0.5-0.6 mm for these purposes, while others use thinner (0.3-0.4 mm). It is better to buy designs with thick rails. After installation, they will not deform and sag, which often happens with thin ceilings.

Device rack design ceiling

The length of the rails is usually 3-4 meters. Less common are 5-6-meter panels. The width of the rack elements varies between 9–20 cm. The most popular panels are 10–12 cm wide. They are the easiest to work with, especially when it comes to arranging bathrooms in city apartments with standard areas and sizes.

Ceiling installation should begin with the wiring device for fixtures. We beat off the plaster from the wall using a hammer and a chisel, connect the cable from the switch to a new wire, isolate the resulting connection, and then close the seam on the wall.

Laying wiring for lamps

After that, we drill holes in the aluminum corners (every 60-80 cm), into which you will insert the fixing dowels. We cast a glance ceiling surface. If it is even, you can additionally not take any action. If the ceiling is far from ideal, perform the following operations:

  • cut the stringers of the required length (you can use scissors for metal);
  • determine the places where we will fix the guides;
  • at the selected points we drill holes (the drill on the drill should not be very thick).

Now you can put the stringers parallel to each other. The distance between them is minimal - about 1.5-2 millimeters. It is best to fix the installed traverses with self-tapping screws. Next, we continue the installation of the ceiling according to the following scheme:

  • install an interpanel profile in the panel grooves;
  • we put the extreme slats on the places provided for them;
  • cut ribbed panels.

Cutting must be done very carefully. First, we apply the required geometric parameters(we mark the product), with a knife (optimally, if it is a construction one) we draw along the planned line along the panel, and then we cut it every 3 centimeters.

After all these procedures, we separate the incised piece of the rack product (bend it and carefully tear it off) and press it wrapped in soft tissue pliers the lower part of the rail up. We make a small incision at the point where the guide will be placed. You can mount the panel! First, we put whole rails in the center of the ceiling and near the walls, we snap them onto the traverse. Then we carry out similar operations with other panels.

At the final stage of installation, you need to align the installed ceiling structure. We do this with self-tapping screws and check the standard. We think you will not have any problems with this procedure.

The classic metal rack ceiling is made on the basis of aluminum elements, which combine two important properties: corrosion resistance and low weight. It is these qualities that make the structures resistant to operation in conditions high humidity for several decades without the risk of failure. The installation of aluminum rack ceilings is appropriate in the premises of the for various purposes, including bathrooms, toilets, swimming pools, kitchens, hallways and others.

Why suspended structures are made of metal: about the benefits

Slatted metal ceilings are made of moisture-resistant aluminum that can cope with temperature changes, so during active use, they not only do not lose appearance, but retain their functionality. Manufacturers claim a 15-year warranty period, during which the structures will not completely lose their original qualities even under extreme operating conditions.

An equally weighty argument in favor of choosing aluminum suspension systems is the variety of textures and colors of panels. They can be used to create unique systems, complementing and improving interior design in any style. There are over 30 colors and textures on the market for any type of room.

An important point is the safety and environmental friendliness of the material. Modern metal suspended ceilings are often made of special aluminum used in the food industry.

The material meets hygienic, sanitary and fire regulations, does not pose any health hazard, can be used in children's rooms, canteens, medical institutions.

The design of the suspension system: what it consists of

To understand how to install a suspended metal rack ceiling on your own, you need to thoroughly study its device. The whole structure is a frame and slats with a surface in different versions:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • with perforation;
  • imitating natural materials.

Panels differ in form. They are rectangular and rounded.

Structural elements can be located diagonally, along or across the ceiling to visually change the proportions and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Metal rack ceilings are mounted with several options for joints, which can be without gaps, closed or open. Closed joints imply that the slats go behind each other, open - the formation of gaps with a width of up to 1.5 centimeters, without gaps - the installation of slats close to each other.

A separate important part of the design is the suspension system, built on a combination of a carrier rail with profiles, a suspension and a comb.

Tire is steel bar with grooves provided for fastening rails. The design of the suspension includes a bracket and a rod. The first is attached to the carrier rail, the second - to the rough base. The distance between the suspension system and the main ceiling should not be less than 5 cm or more than 12 cm, it all depends on the number of communications intended for masking.

Tools and materials for ceiling installation

Install the ceiling metal panels it’s easy with your own hands, but only after the repair of wet work, the installation of windows, the installation of the floor. Before starting work, it is important to fix electrical cables on the surface draft ceiling thus making it safer and easier to operate.

It will be possible to independently install a rack ceiling, having a standard set of tools and system components:

  • level and tape measure;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • slats;
  • guide profile;
  • bearing tires;
  • suspensions;
  • fastening elements.

Start the installation process with markup. To do this, note the approximate location of the new ceiling, not forgetting the minimum distance from the main ceiling of 5 cm. Using a level (preferably laser), put marks on each wall. Connect the designations with a horizontal line, measure the length of the wall, cut off right amount corner profile.

Along the line drawn before, the guide profile is fixed with dowels and screws, at a distance of 50-60 cm. Internal corners profiles are fixed end-to-end, external - at an angle of 45 degrees.

The next step is the installation of suspensions. The places of their fastening are marked using a tape measure, observing the requirements for a step between marks of 90-100 cm. The suspensions are fixed with dowels and screws into pre-prepared holes.

Following the suspensions, the base of the frame is fixed - tires at a distance of 1-1.2 meters, they are connected with screws to the suspensions, using a power tool for convenience and speed of work. With a minimum distance between the ceiling and the structure, it is allowed to mount the tires directly on the rough base.

Between corner profile and the carrier bar maintain a distance of 1 cm. If necessary, the tire is extended, fixing the suspension at the beginning of the new traverse, screwing the next one butt to it.

After the completion of all the above actions, they proceed to the installation of the rack structure. To do this, unpack the slats, give them the desired length, given that the final version should be 0.5 cm more than the distance between opposite walls.

Each new rail is attached next to the previous one, the height of the tires is adjusted by changing the screwing depth of the screws or hangers. The last rail, if necessary, is cut in width along a line drawn along the entire surface. Fasten the trimmed panel with wooden spacers or corner profile particles.

The finishing touch is ceiling plinth. Playing the part decorative element, complementing the composition, the plinth will also cope with the masking of unaesthetic joints between the slats and walls. The more uneven walls, the wider you need to choose a plinth.

The installation of baguettes is considered the completion of the installation of the rack structure. The process will not take much time, it will require a minimum of effort to restore cleanliness and order in the room before starting operation.

From what they just do not make a suspended ceiling: from drywall, wooden panels, vinyl sheathing, glass, cellulose and even gypsum modules. Among all this diversity, metal ceilings also take their place.

Rack ceiling: device

The structure belongs to the usual suspension systems and involves fastening to the base floor on suspensions. The latter are adjustable, thanks to which it is possible, firstly, to free up the necessary subceiling space for communications, and secondly, to achieve a perfectly horizontal flat surface.

The difference is the structure of the guides to which the rails are attached. They have special teeth, the lamellas are fixed on the guides without additional fastening. This method greatly facilitates do-it-yourself work, but makes it difficult to access ceiling communications.

Varieties of metal ceilings

Reiki or lamellas are made from:

aluminum - lighter, absolutely not subject to corrosion. Actively used in rooms with very high level humidity - swimming pools, water parks, and, of course, in the bathroom;

from steel - from galvanized steel. Also protected from corrosion and have a greater mechanical strength. Steel is used for finishing at airports, railway stations, sports complexes and so on.

The width of the slats ranges from 10 to 400 mm. Lengths up to 6 m: as the size increases, the laths are too hard to work with and there is a risk of sagging, especially for steel products.

As additional protection lamellas are covered polymer layer. Without additional decoration, they create a mirror, very spectacular ceiling. If this option does not suit you, you can use another material:

powder-coated - creates the widest color scheme, does not fade in the sun and is insensitive to moisture;

lamination - forms an imitation of any natural materials- wood, stone, fabric;

aluminum sputtering - rails with a matte shimmering finish. In the photo - a colored metal ceiling.

Mounting method

The rail is fixed on the guide with the help of curved edges. There are two ways to place a lamella on a traverse:

with stitching - or insert. The slats are fixed on the guide in series, and an insert is fixed between them, as a rule, a mirror one.

without jointing - the insert is not used, and the lamellas can be installed at a certain interval. This method is usually used in large public spaces - the same station, to ensure good ventilation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a metal rack ceiling are explained by the material and method of fastening:

absolute incombustibility of finishing;

excellent moisture resistance, not susceptible to mold or fungi;

strength and durability;

high light reflection - only the material imitating wood does not reflect light, other options significantly increase the level of lighting in the room;

simple installation - does not require a complex frame and does not need in large numbers fasteners;

decorative properties - metal can not only be painted or laminated, but also given any shape. Metal lamellas are laid both horizontally and at an angle, and in the form of a wave or other relief. In the latter case, elements of greater width are used. In the photo - a mirror wavy rack ceiling.

The disadvantages of the product include:

rather high price;

height reduction, like any other suspension system;

quite a difficult repair. The slats are fixed sequentially and in order to replace one of them, all the slats before it must be removed in succession.

Mounting technology

Thanks to the mounting method, the installation of a suspended rack ceiling takes much less time than, for example, plasterboard sheathing.

Room preparation

Standard procedures for the preparation of the base floor are applied: cleaning, removal of the old layer of paint and plaster. If the plaster is strong, then it is not removed.

The surface is treated with an antiseptic primer. If moisture does not pose a particular danger for aluminum rails and suspension systems, then the floor material cannot boast of this, so a primer is required.

If necessary, all hidden communication is started, cables are laid for the lamps.

Frame device

Installation begins with a level marking - about 20 cm. Then a guide profile is fixed around the perimeter of the room.

With the help of a fishing line and a pencil, the places for fixing the suspensions are marked. The step between them is 1–1.2 m, the extreme suspensions should recede 30 cm from the wall.

Traverses are inserted into the guide profile - a profile with teeth, and fixed on hangers. Metal screws are used. Traverses are placed perpendicular to the direction of laying the rails.

If the base floor is even and communications are not hidden, then the traverses can be fixed directly on the ceiling.

Lamella laying

The rails are cut to size. As a rule, it is necessary to adjust the extreme panels.

The lamella is inserted end-to-end into the wall profile and fixed on the traverse - until it clicks.

Installation of all the following strips is carried out according to the same scheme. It is recommended to install the jointing together with the rails.

The last lamella is trimmed and inserted before the penultimate one.

On the video installation rack metal ceiling covered in more detail.