Making a 3D floor step by step instructions. Applying a polymer finish

Self-leveling floors in 3d format can become a decoration of the room, but also contribute to a visual change in the parameters of the room: the ceilings will appear higher / lower, the space expands depending on the pattern. Making such a design with your own hands is somewhat more difficult than a conventional coating. But if you stick to the technology, the result can be no worse than that of professionals.

What they consist of, an overview of the characteristics

The self-leveling floor in 3d format is created in stages. First, the foundation is laid, then you should fix the picture on it or draw it with your own hands (invite the artist). A three-dimensional image can be made using finish coat.

The thicker this layer, the stronger the 3d effect. The material for the base of self-leveling floors is used by any (polymer, mineral compositions). But the top layer must be transparent.

The main properties of such coatings:

  • Strength;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • Immunity aggressive environments(acids, alkalis), but given property not inherent in all types of compositions for self-leveling floors;
  • Versatility (3d coating can be installed on different objects with any interior);
  • Thermal and moisture resistance.

But if mistakes are made during the manufacture, then the self-leveling floor will lose its properties.

Preparation and calculation

First of all, you need to determine the amount of materials. The consumption of the composition depends on its structure and components. This information is usually indicated on the packaging of the mixture. The layer thickness also plays a role. To make a self-leveling floor in 3d format with a thickness of 3 mm, an average of 4 kg of composition per 1 sq. m.

Grinding a concrete floor with a special machine

It is necessary to prepare a primer and adhesive composition, the last of which is useful if the drawing is printed on vinyl sheet. In the case when the pattern is transferred directly to the base, prepare acrylic paints and protective compound.

A drill is useful in the work, as a rule, a plastic niche (material is kneaded in it), a spatula and a roller with a needle-like surface, a grinder for grinding. The self-leveling floor must be covered immediately after completion of work plastic wrap. After polymerization of the top layer, the cover can be removed.

Step by step work

For those cases when the installation is done by hand, created step-by-step instruction, revealing the main nuances of manufacturing a 3d coating. The work can be divided into several stages: preparation concrete floor, pouring the draft layer, fixing the pattern, forming the upper transparent layer, finishing with a protective compound.

How to properly prepare the surface?

First of all, you need to assess the condition of the floors of the room. If the surface is broken, prone to destruction, it has a lot of chips, cracks, you need to completely remove such a coating with your own hands, leveling the rough base as much as possible. For reliability and in order to ensure long-term service of 3d self-leveling floors, the surface is covered with waterproofing materials.

Applying a primer to the base. If there are cracks and dents on the base, they must be repaired with epoxy fillers or cement.

Next, knead cement mortar, with which all the irregularities of the rough base will be hidden. After laying the screed, you should wait until the coating is completely dry. Then do the surface correction with your own hands: grinder/ grinder remove small irregularities, significant potholes are filled with mortar.

To continue the installation of 3d floors, you should wait until given layer does not dry out completely, it usually takes about a month. The fact is that the coating applied to the wet screed will begin to collapse very quickly.

Application of the first polymer layer

At this stage, you need to control the level of humidity in the room (no more than 15%). This is done, again, in order to obtain quality coverage. The finished screed is covered with a primer, after 5 hours you can do the installation of the first polymer layer with your own hands.

Applying the base coat

The composition is mixed with a special mixer in small doses. If you immediately use the entire mixture for self-leveling 3d floors, it will quickly harden and be unusable.

In the work, a rule is useful, which aligns the material, as well as a spiked roller. The main task of the second of the tools is to remove air bubbles from the polymer layer. Used to control the surface building level. It takes 5-7 days to wait for the complete polymerization of the floors, which is affected by the brand of the composition and the thickness of the layer.

How to fix a drawing?

You can make a 3D picture for laying on the floor with your own hands. And it is recommended to start working with it within a day after the installation of the first polymer layer was completed. If you have skills, do a 3D drawing with your own hands right on the surface. Otherwise, the pre-printed image is pasted.

The substrate for the picture can be used vinyl film, banner fabrics with thermal printing. The image is pasted with adhesive composition or primer coat

The size of the 3D canvas should be larger than the floor. The material is spread on the surface, using an adhesive for bonding. It is necessary to control that there are no air bubbles under the canvas.

Filling the second polymer layer

To make this coating even, a rule is used, and to remove air, you need to walk over the surface with a spiked roller. Installation at this stage is carried out in the same way as when pouring the first layer of material. The difference lies in the thickness of the coating, and in addition to the fact that the top layer is made transparent.

When the composition is distributed over the entire area, the coating must be rolled out with a roller with needles: this will help remove air bubbles from the resulting surface.

The term of its polymerization varies from 1 to 3 weeks. It is possible to increase the strength qualities of the coating by covering the finished polymer layer with a polyethylene film.

Applying a protective compound

A 3D floor will last longer if it is varnished on top with certain properties (shockproof qualities, anti-slip effect). The thickness of this layer is much less - 0.5 mm. Mounting protective coating also do to protect 3D floors from rapid abrasion.

Issue price

The production of volumetric coating will be quite expensive. To a greater extent, this will be felt by the apartment owners, because the cost of finishing small areas higher than large objects. So, professionals make 3D floors within the amount of 6,000 rubles / sq. m (for premises less than 10 sq. m).

If the order is for an area over 10 sq. m, the coverage will cost several times cheaper (2,800 rubles / sq. m). These prices are based on the materials used. Everything shows that the independent production of 3D floors will result in a smaller amount.

Thus, the installation technology of a multilayer floor structure is quite complicated. To simplify the task of arranging a 3D floor, step-by-step instructions can be used. The second stage of work is the most important - preparation of the base, since it is necessary to control the level of humidity not only in the air, but also in the rough screed (installation is carried out on a completely dry coating). 3D floors will last longer if a protective layer of material is applied on top of the three-layer structure.

Watch video: Create a drawing

A photo
For modern and stylish interior different types can be used floor covering including parquet or massive board. But there is more original variants- these are 3D floors, which you can create with your own hands. These are coatings made of polymer mixtures that are poured in liquid form, creating a special three-dimensional layer with an ornament. After solidification, it forms durable coating, which is resistant to almost any type of impact. Mechanical strength and adhesion to the base base is high. If the dismantling of the polymer floor is required, the coating will be knocked together with pieces of concrete.

With the help of 3D floor technology, you can realize any fantasy in the interior design of any room.

You can make such a floor yourself, although you need to follow the numerous recommendations of specialists. Otherwise, correcting the error will not only be difficult, but also expensive. It is much easier to clearly follow a simple instruction than to try to redo the coating again.

3D floor device

To create an unusual three-dimensional floor base, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

3D floor device.

  • a container in which mixtures will be mixed, a construction mixer;
  • trowel, doctor blade for applying solutions;
  • needle roller;
  • roller for primers;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • scissors;
  • simple brushes;
  • safety studded shoes;
  • two-component primer mixture;
  • base layer;
  • means for decorating 3D floors;
  • finishing transparent material:
  • protective varnish of the selected type for the top coat (glossy, matt, anti-slip).

The preparation of the base consists in the fact that it is necessary to close up all the cracks and potholes in the concrete, to cut off large bumps. After that, the surface should be dried, cleaned of dust and residues. construction debris, solutions that were used for leveling. After the base is dried and cleaned, it must be covered with a layer of a special primer. This will not only improve the quality of the polymer application, but also increase the adhesion of the concrete base and coating. The primer will properly prepare the base for work, give it required characteristics. If microcracks remain, the primer will fill them, make the surface smooth and ready for work.

The first layer is the base

The first layer of the polymer floor is the base, it provides the necessary basis for all further work. It is important that only quality materials, their application must be treated carefully, following the technology and recommendations of manufacturers exactly.

During application, the temperature of the substrate must be at least 10°C and humidity up to 60%.

The base layer is applied strictly according to the marks previously made on the walls, so that its thickness clearly corresponds to the established one. It takes 7 days for the first layer of polymer to dry, until this moment it is impossible to start decorating.

Create a 3D layer

To obtain a three-dimensional effect, various materials can be used, there are the widest possibilities for fantasy. There are several options for decorating floors, among which stand out:

A three-dimensional layer of the floor is drawn with acrylic or a special stencil is laid.

  1. Using the floor surface as a canvas. For decoration, designers or artists are invited to create real paintings with acrylic paints. Such author's works are expensive, but the effect is impressive. After filling with a transparent layer of polymer, real works of art remain.
  2. To create a three-dimensional effect, special stencils can be used. They can be ordered from specialized companies, after choosing a floor ornament is printed on a film of the required size. You can choose any, for bathrooms shells, fish, any marine motifs, for living rooms lawns, flowers, city panoramas. When choosing a future three-dimensional coating, it must be taken into account that its resolution must be good in order for the ornament to turn out to be clear.
  3. To obtain the desired effect, materials such as sequins, beads, bulk materials, special chips, pebbles and more. First you need to develop a pattern, and then start applying it carefully, in accordance with the drawn up scheme.
  4. Sometimes a combination of several colored areas is used. Fill materials used different color, they create unusual stripes, geometric or abstract ornaments.

It is necessary to apply a 3D drawing on a completely dried base layer. For films, it is sometimes recommended to use a thin layer of PVA glue so that they do not move during the pouring of the finishing polymer. The same applies to the use of various decor items that cannot be moved from the place intended for them. It is this stage of decorating that is trusted by professionals, since it is difficult to do the work with your own hands without proper experience.

Finish coat

The final coating of the 3D floor is a transparent layer, it is leveled with a spatula so that there are no air bubbles.

After the film is laid correctly, they are accepted for finishing. These are special two-component transparent mixtures that are applied with a layer thickness of up to 3-4 mm. The polymer can be taken completely transparent if the 3D layer is colored, or with a certain shade, when it is provided in order to obtain a specific effect.

It is necessary to apply the polymer from the far corner, carefully pouring the mixture onto the floor and distributing it with a spiked roller. It is necessary to apply a layer according to previously made marks on the surface of the walls, using a building level. Only in this case the coating will be uniform and properly distributed. Walking on the surface at this time is necessary only in special studded shoes. During drying, the coating must not be moved.

When the floors are partially poured with their own hands, i.e. combined flooring is used, it is necessary to use special technology. It is important to take care of smooth transitions between various materials so that they are invisible to the naked eye, look beautiful and harmonious. After pouring and drying, a cut should be made at the future junction of the coatings with a depth and width equal to 5 mm. The seam is cleaned of dust, filled with a primer, which must dry thoroughly. After that, you can fill the adjacent area with a colored polymer, remove the adhesive tape and completely process the entire floor with a finishing transparent polymer. After this final pouring, the coating must dry.

3D floor is recommended to be covered with a special clear varnish, which can be glossy or matte, special anti-slip. The number of layers is 2, the varnish is applied with a roller, each layer must dry before applying the next.

To make a 3D floor with your own hands, you need to follow these simple recommendations:

The mixture for the 3D floor is prepared strictly following the instructions.

  1. When choosing a dry mix, preference should be given only to high-quality compositions from well-known manufacturers. When calculating the volume, the consumption rates of a particular mixture are taken into account, after which approximately 5-10% is added. This is done so that the finished polymer composition is sufficient for work. The floor must be poured at once, the process cannot be interrupted.
  2. When diluting the dry mix with water, the recommendations should be strictly followed, since a violation of the technology will lead to the fact that the floor will turn out to be of poor quality.
  3. The drawing should be chosen in such a way that it fits organically into general interior. In this case, the 3D floor with your own hands will turn out to be attractive and bright.
  4. When pouring each layer, it is required to strictly observe the drying time and conditions specified by the manufacturer. Under no circumstances should these requirements be violated.
  5. When applying each new layer, make sure that there are no foreign objects and debris on the surface. This is an important condition that affects the final quality of the coating.

Polymer floors today have taken a strong place. They are used not only for commercial facilities, but also for residential premises. 3D floors with an unusual three-dimensional effect look especially beautiful and stylish. The 3D effect is obtained due to the fact that the selected polymer or decorative elements are applied to the base layer. After drying, a durable and hard surface is obtained, creating an extraordinary visual effect of depth.

Stunning three-dimensional paintings on the floor, which have gained immense popularity around the world, appeared thanks to the development of 3D self-leveling floor technology. You can decorate the floors in an unusual style with the help of specialists, but not everyone can afford such expenses, since the wages of qualified craftsmen should be added to the prices of materials and tools. The question of how to make 3D floors with your own hands worries many adherents self repair of their homes, and professionals began to train those who wished with the help of detailed lessons in which they willingly share their secrets of craftsmanship.

achieve desired effect quite difficult: you need to buy according to the list building mixtures, Decoration Materials and tools, choose a three-dimensional drawing or make it, process it in a graphics editor and print a photo, carefully study each stage of work, see how experts make 3D floors with their own hands (video).

Step-by-step instructions for making self-leveling 3D floors from a to z with drawings and a video lesson will help beginners complete all the steps without any problems.

Tools and materials for self-leveling floor 3D

At self-assembly self-leveling floor you will need:

  • wide spatula;
  • rule;
  • needle roller;
  • ordinary roller;
  • wide brush;
  • grinder or grinder with a disc with a diameter of 18 cm;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • construction mixer;
  • perforator;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • paint shoes (shoes with spikes);
  • construction laser level;
  • water level;
  • primer;
  • wallpaper knife;
  • drill with a nozzle;
  • containers for mixing the composition;
  • two-component polymer composition;
  • photo or drawing in 3D format on vinyl backing;
  • colorless varnish;
  • industrial vacuum cleaner.

What is a self-leveling floor and how to make it

Self-leveling floors are seamless floor coverings made of polymer compounds - cement-acrylic, polyurethane, methymethacrylate, epoxy. Filling technology consists of several stages.

Stage one - preparing the foundation

How to make a self-leveling floor? First you need to prepare the base for it:

  • remove all furniture, remove skirting boards, doors with boxes, dismantle the old floor covering to the screed, remove dust and debris;
  • lay in rooms with high humidity;
  • on top of the waterproofing layer, make a concrete screed or cover the surface with a mixture of cement and sand;
  • completely dry base to process with a grinder or grinder;
  • remove notches and irregularities with a perforator;
  • fill cracks with a mixture of cement and sand;
  • check the horizontalness of the screed surface with a rule or a laser level;
  • after drying, thoroughly clean the room - it is advisable to use a construction vacuum cleaner. Special attention should be given oily spots, which must be removed with a solvent and acetone.

Proceed to further work on the design of the self-leveling floor with your own hands is possible only after complete drying concrete screed which can take up to 30 days.

Stage two - primer

For high-quality adhesion of the polymer bulk coating to the base, it is necessary to cover the surface of the screed in two layers:

  • pour the primer and evenly distribute it over the entire surface with a spatula, roller or brush, leaving no gaps at the joints of the floor with the walls;
  • apply the second layer of primer when the first one dries, and smooth it thoroughly;
  • leave for at least 24 hours for the last coat of primer to dry.

Stage three - pouring the base layer

At this stage of the installation of the self-leveling floor, you must perform the following steps:

  • Prepare the polymer composition for the base layer by mixing the components with the solvent in a container in a ratio of 2:1. It is necessary to use a construction mixer, since manually mixing the composition to a homogeneous consistency is almost impossible due to the many small lumps and the rapid solidification of the polymer.

Important! You can not immediately mix the composition in one large portion, as it will harden and become unusable. It is better to cook in small batches alternately.

  • pour out ready mix for a self-leveling floor on the base, quickly and very carefully distribute a thin even layer over the surface with a spiked roller. Make sure there are no bubbles.

Advice. AT big room the self-leveling floor should be poured in strips, starting from the corner opposite the entrance. Smooth the borders with a wide spatula. Ensure that there are no overlaps during pouring. We must try to spend no more than 10 minutes processing each strip.

Stage four - installation of a 3D image

When the base layer of the self-leveling floor hardens, you can start laying the decorative layer:

  • dilute the polymer composition with a solvent and apply a thin layer on a dry surface;
  • place a pre-prepared drawing or photo on a vinyl basis on the treated surface, align the edges, which should protrude beyond the perimeter of the base and lie on the walls;
  • pin the image element to self-leveling floor with a dry roller and, starting from the center of the room, roll out over the surface so that there are no air bubbles between the base and decorative layers, which will subsequently lead to cracking of the decorative layer;
  • when the decorative layer sticks to the base layer, carefully cut off the excess with a sharp wallpaper knife;
  • Carefully clean the treated surface from dust and grout residues.

Stage four - finishing the self-leveling floor

The last step in the design of the 3D self-leveling floor is the application of a finishing layer, which will help emphasize the effect of a three-dimensional image and keep the coating from scratches, dents, and deformation for a long time. To fully comply with the technology will require:

  • by using construction mixer mix a transparent polymer composition with a solvent in the same proportion that was when connecting the components of the base layer of the self-leveling floor;
  • pour the composition and carefully spread it over the surface with a roller so that the layer thickness does not exceed 0.3 mm;
  • the polymerization process will take about 30 minutes, after which it is necessary to cover the self-leveling floor twice with a colorless varnish.

Not worth it immediately after completion finishing actively use the room, drag furniture there and put it on the newly made self-leveling floor. It is necessary to wait until all layers dry evenly, the polymerization processes will end, which depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, season, weather. If you managed to make 3d self-leveling floors in the apartment with your own hands in all rooms, you will have to ask to live for one or two weeks with relatives, friends or go to the country. It is better to make a self-leveling floor in stages - first in one room, then in another, and so on.

Important! At each stage of work with bulk coating a respirator, gloves and goggles should not be neglected, since dispersed dust and vapors of polymer compounds settle on the skin of the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, get into the eyes and throat, causing skin irritation, a feeling of sand in the eyes, runny nose, cough.

Cost of work

The price of a self-leveling floor with a 3D image in Moscow ranges from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles. for 1 m2, in St. Petersburg from 4,500 to 6,500 rubles. for 1 m2. This cost, as a rule, includes material and payment for work, and depends on the footage of the room in which the self-leveling floor is made: the larger it is, the lower the price.

To finally understand how to make self-leveling 3D floors with your own hands, the video presented on the site will help.

Literally twenty years ago, the only way to make the floor decor unusual was to use the "calico" method. In this case, the fabric was simply laid on the floor and varnished - it turned out beautiful and unusual. Over time, such stylish flooring as linoleum and laminate completely replaced the "valuable ideas of covenants", and the opportunity to create something exclusive was forgotten for a long time. But modern manufacturers they took the idea into circulation, but only with their proven building materials and other work techniques.

And today 3D floors are a wonderful revival of ordinary interiors, harmonious combination new technologies and home comfort. Dreaming of these? You can realize such an idea thanks to our portal!

Three-dimensional illusions: from the streets to luxury houses

So where did this amazing idea come from? Well, let's start from the beginning. Many centuries ago, a noble count decided to play a joke on his guests and asked a familiar artist to depict non-existent doors, windows and furniture on the walls. The idea was a success - the guests got confused and tried to push non-existent curtains. And all because everything was drawn very believably - this is how a new style in interior design "mannerism" was born.

A few centuries later, urban artists took over the baton to create optical illusions with the help of art - they painted the walls of buildings, streets, objects in a similar style, as if “removing” a wall. And one day a new style was born - Madonnari, or Street Painting. These are drawings on the pavement, which are made with such an idea that from a certain distance the depicted seems to be three-dimensional, real. But from other angles, something stretched and awkward was visible. Interesting, isn't it?

And it has been a long time since Madonnari's breathtaking style appeared in public buildings, then in residential buildings and here today profitable idea picked up by manufacturers of self-leveling floors. They hide the secrets of technology quite carefully, but someday everything becomes clear, and it was our portal that was the first to really put everything on the shelves for you.

This art has always amazed the imagination with the realism of the idea - the very sharks that “broke through” the asphalt made it possible to take amazing photographs. And today, toothy predators are already waiting for guests and their owners in the bathrooms, corridors, mini-pool - to cause the same “wow effect” that modern interior designers love to create.

It's all about the picture!

Why does not everyone order such a work of art, if nothing is better for ordinary apartment can't think of? It's just a matter of price. So, a 3D coating from a company will cost you at least 5 times more expensive than styling tiles and 10 - laminate. Yes, really difficult technological process, but the price here is so high just because of ... the picture.

You will be very surprised to know that most of the price of a 3D floor comes from making the image itself! Yes, it's true - many of those who are fired up with such an idea look through thousands of sites on the Internet, but they still cannot find detailed description the technology itself. So, to take - and you're done. How to make the base layer, how to prepare the base and what varnish to fill in - this is not difficult to figure out, but how to make the dolphin in the bathroom really look like a living one - that's the secret. But let's put it this way: you're really lucky to have landed on this site!

So, let's start from what 3D actually is. In simple terms, 3D is the picture that our eye sees and perceives as three-dimensional, three-dimensional. As an example, any 3D program on your monitor is just a 2D image that creates an illusion. That's the main task a designer who makes a layout for 3D floors is to create the illusion of volume, which already has its own functions modern aesthetics. Look at this selection of photos of 3D floors - isn't it amazing? Isn't it worth building something at home to shock guests and cheer yourself up in the morning? Can furniture or wall decor cause such a “wow effect”?

So, there are as many as three methods to make 3D floors out of ordinary floors: this is a photorealistic image, small objects poured into the floor like shells or coins, or an optical illusion. In all three cases, you will perceive the flooring as voluminous. Let's take a closer look at how these ideas are implemented.

3D floor: technology from A to Z

So, 3D floor - step by step!

Stage I. We select a picture

So, to get started, select the 3D picture you want to pour into the floor of your house. Yes, at first it will be the most ordinary photograph or painting that you will make illusory-volumetric. Have you chosen? Now you need photoshop. Take a look at our step by step photos how exactly these illusions are created, and follow the provided step-by-step instructions. Pictures on 3D must have high resolution- at least 300 dpi. And there are enough of them on a variety of online photo banks - choose!

So, the most effects are 3D drawings with a depth effect: these are water, an abyss, a descent. Especially Marine theme, where, thanks to a special airbrush technique, a truly impressive realism of such images is achieved.

  • All images where dynamics are felt. That is, the illusion of movement. For example, something falls, or a wave covers.
  • Aggressive, predatory and evil. True, sharks do not apply here - if in your life you have not had to deal with them and you associate them exclusively with comedy-adventure horror films. After all, it's really funny when a guest suddenly notices an absolutely natural toothy fish near the pool in the bath. But monsters, what really frightens, it is better not to use it - it will not be reflected in the subconscious in the best way.
  • Too bright, bulky, with an abundance of red elements. For the reason that it is a strong irritant for the psyche. In such a room it will be difficult for you to concentrate, there will be unmotivated aggression and you won't sleep well.
  • Small objects enlarged to absurd shapes. A huge tangerine in the kitchen, thanks to an optical illusion comparable in size to a table, is not only tasteless, but also quickly boring. On the very first evening.

Stage II. Changing perspective

Process step by step:

  • Step 1. So, the picture is selected, let's get to work. First of all, take a picture of the room where the 3D floor will be made - naturally, from the “right” angle. But remember that many cameras distort the perspective a little - try to choose the distance so that the photo shows exactly what you see from the threshold with your own eyes.
  • Step 2. Now in Photoshop or a similar graphics program, overlay your favorite picture on the photo of the floor - exactly the way you want to place it in reality. So you have already created that 3D illusion, for which construction firms take such fabulous money! Now pin these two images into one - now you should see an image of your room with a real 3D volumetric floor.
  • Step 3. Now cut off everything in the picture, except for the floor itself with the picture. You will get, as it were, a trapezoid: at the bottom (in front) expanded, at the top (behind) narrowed - after all, this is how we see the room according to all the laws of perception.
  • Step 4 Using the Perspective tool, correct the trapezoid into a perfectly even rectangle. If you have not coped with such a function, simply stretch its narrow part in a regular editor.
  • Step 5. Now you see exactly how you will need to print the image for the floor. Another option: load the image into Photoshop, click the Vanishing Point filter responsible for correcting perspective and the Create plane tool. Drag the center markers with the cursor as you need. Export the image. Save the file with *png extension.

This is how it looks like:

This is exactly how Madonnari artists draw on asphalt. They print a distorted picture, divide it into squares with a pencil, and then divide the asphalt with chalk. Further - a matter of technique: each of the squares is carefully sketched according to the original.

Take a close look at the process itself:

If you are experiencing difficulties, or do not know how to use graphic editors at all, contact any designer you know, or find one on freelance portals. Yes, this is also a waste, but in the end you will still spend at least 4-7 times on the manufacture of such a floor. less funds than when contacting a specialized construction company.

Stage III. We print the image on banner fabric

So, once the desired file is already on your flash drive, contact any outdoor printing agency. Why exactly there? Firstly, they have experience working with similar graphics, and secondly, you will need a material for pouring the floor, which will not lose its properties and color when in contact with varnish or a transparent polymer. And this is a canvas-banner, which is designed for both rain with its impurities and snow. By the way, such a banner is not expensive at all - about $ 20 per m2. And companies today most often print such images on vinyl self-adhesive film and on ordinary banner fabric.

Tip: first, be sure to print the same image for a small fee, but on plain paper and in black and white - in order to put it on the floor and assess whether the distortion angle is correct, the same dolphin really seems voluminous and alive. Adjust the perspective if necessary. And only after that - pay for a real banner-canvas in color.

The companies involved in the production of such floors themselves print their images on a two-layer polymer fabric, and fill it with a transparent polymer layer. Note that you will not find exclusivity with such companies: although their catalog contains many images, they are not willing to work with new ones. After all, as you already understood, to calculate desired angle distortion is a little tricky, though everyone can do it.

Also pay attention to the following point: printing on a banner or paper that you order must be done with non-fading colors. After all, the sun will constantly shine on your floor, plus, when using polymer solutions those get a little warm due to the mixing.

Stage IV. Preparing the foundation

So the foundation. On our site there are already a lot of articles on how to fill in a polymer floor. And here is the same polymer floor, but with a picture and a transparent top layer:

The most important thing that you should not miss in any way is that there are no stains on the old concrete base from engine oil, grease, detergent or bitumen. And it is actually possible to remove oil stains to their entire depth - this is precisely for this purpose there are methods such as milling, grinding or cutting down.

Stage V. Paste the picture

Photographic fabric or special paper with a pattern are glued to the base polymer layer, after which they are filled with a so-called super-transparent plastic lens and a finish wear-resistant layer. A special volumetric effect can be achieved with the help of special super-clear lenses - you can order them from an advertising agency.

Stage VI. Finishing layer

So what is the basis for pouring your drawing? We recommend the most suitable for this polyurethane varnish PUR Aqua Top (M or SG) which is the most abrasion resistant known so your 3D will never fade. Pay attention to the letter in the name: M is a matte layer, SG is a silky-gloss. Another option: fill not with varnish, but with Eneklad CFS, one layer under the image, the second on top after three hours. This coating will dry after 4 hours. Choose what suits you best and what fits within your planned budget.

As for the transparent layer on top of the 3D image, give preference to imported brands - such floors are much more difficult to scratch, and they please with their appearance much longer.

Optical illusions: step to the left - no effect anymore?

So, a 3D floor is a flat picture under a transparent base, which at a certain angle seems to be voluminous. And here is a certain subtlety, note: it’s much easier to create something like this on the street - you yourself will still come up to take a picture with a toothy shark at the distance you need to make it seem real. Therefore, the artist is more free in terms of distorting the original image and scaling. But at home, you and your guests will always see the picture only from a certain point and at a certain angle. For example, on the threshold or from a sofa angle. Many people don’t like this in modern 3D floors: they say, move a little to the side, and everything will already be distorted and ugly…

In fact professional designers interior, as well as landscape designers, are well aware that there are only two or three important focus points in a certain space, and sometimes even one. After all, you do not inspect the room for the first time, standing at the window or in the corner, but only from traditional points - most often at the threshold. And as you move, you certainly don’t get acquainted with the image of the floor for the first time - but switch to the accessories of the walls or other people. This is exactly what the 3D floor decor is designed for.

In addition, they get used to the interior, and literally on the third day you will not care from what angle you need to look so that the lily on the floor is stretched as much as possible. The floor will simply be bright and beautiful, although it will once remind you of Picasso's painting from the “wrong angle”, if you suddenly decide to look closely. And the 3D drawing itself is more designed for guests and friends, their “wow effect” and admiration, and for the first time they will see it right from the doorstep.

In perspective

Modern manufacturers working with 3D floors are very interested in this moment“stereovario” technique: when several pictures of one three-dimensional object are taken from all sides, and the images are applied to ribbons of microprisms, which give their image at different angles. This is something like those same Soviet calendar cards with the illusion of movement, called "vario".

This is how you can ensure that the 3D floor looks equally impressive from different sides, and not just from one. But for now, there is one catch: any transparent top layer completely fills these ribbons. Although it is not surprising if in the next ten years this problem will be solved, and toothy sharks and huge abysses will forever settle in our bathrooms, equally impressive from all angles.

In fact, this question arises not only for those who are interested in modern views apartment renovation. Indeed, when you first see such a floor with your own eyes, you involuntarily begin to think: how can it be done and what kind of miracle is this? But, everything is in order. You will find the answer to this and many other questions in this article.

3D self-leveling floors look very impressive

The use of self-leveling polymer floors as a finishing coating is widely used in warehouse buildings, trade fairs, supermarkets and even garages, where high demands are placed on the wear resistance of the coating, the absence of dust or sparks (this is extremely important in rooms with flammable liquids and materials) . In addition, ordinary self-leveling floors in the above buildings look much better compared to traditionally used coatings.

Currently, when renovating apartments and private houses, the most fashionable and popular design solution finishing flooring is the use of self-leveling 3D polymer floors. Actually, do do-it-yourself self-leveling 3D floors quite difficult and for these purposes it is better to invite specialists. But, with a certain approach, skills and the knowledge that will be outlined below, you may well take a chance and try.

Unlike ordinary self-leveling floors, which are used in public, industrial and warehouse buildings, self-leveling decorative polyurethane 3D floors have their own exceptional appearance, which creates a pseudo 3D effect.

This is achieved in the following way. First, any pattern you like is applied to the base layer, which is then covered on top with a finishing polyurethane layer. The "depth" of the resulting 3D image depends only on the thickness of this transparent layer.

At the same time, the boundaries of fantasy are not limited only to drawings. Inside the coating, you can make a special decorative layer made of various natural materials, such as colored sand or marble chips. It all depends on your preferences and taste.

If you still dare to do do-it-yourself self-leveling floors 3D, then in the process of work you will understand that it is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the technology of work and know some of the nuances.

3D self-leveling floor device technology

In general, for those who are familiar with the technology of laying a conventional polymer self-leveling floor, there should not be any difficulties, because in order to create a three-dimensional effect, you will only need to know some of the nuances.

So, here is a list of stages of work:

- ground preparation

- base primer

- floor leveling

- application of the base layer

- drawing an image or decor

- applying the final layer

- applying a protective layer

Foundation preparation

The base for the self-leveling floor will be a pre-made concrete or cement-sand screed. The sequence of preparation is as follows:

- remove sagging, bumps and irregularities from the screed by means of grinder, perforator or chisel;

- the discovered cavities, cracks and potholes are filled with a cement-epoxy composition;

- dedust the surface with an industrial or conventional vacuum cleaner (which is not a pity);

- remove oil stains from the surface (if any);

Foundation primer

Highly milestone. The primer penetrates into the pores of the concrete, fills them and promotes better adhesion of the concrete and the base layer material.

Any primer can be used suitable formulations, for example, KNAUF Betokontakt, which is applied with a conventional flat brush or roller. After some time, the process must be repeated. After four hours, you can start applying the base coat.

Important! The interval between the second priming and the application of the base layer should not exceed one day!

Applying the base coat

So everything preparatory work behind. Now comes the turn of the construction of your planned floor. The base layer serves as a base before applying a pattern or a decorative self-leveling floor made of natural (artificial) materials. If you are thinking of using a decorative floor, it is very important at this stage to consider the background of the base layer.

As a base layer, it is better to use a polymer composition. The leveling of the surface is carried out using a rule and is checked by a level.

Important! Check for evenness and absence of air bubbles. Failure to comply with this condition will nullify all your efforts!

Drawing an image or decor

At this stage, unfortunately, you will not save. The whole appearance will depend on the quality of the image or decorative layer. But there are two ways here. If you have selected an image, you can use following decisions: a self-adhesive picture, or a direct drawing using acrylic paints that are resistant to fading under the action of ultraviolet rays.

It is optimal (but quite expensive) to hire an artist who will create a unique drawing that no one will definitely have. But, if you have a certain talent, you can work on your own and create that masterpiece that you will definitely be proud of. always compare favorably with those made by someone else.

The simplest and cheapest option would be to use a banner fabric with thermal printing and vinyl film as a pattern. In this case, the picture can be chosen by yourself (for example, on the Internet) and printed on the appropriate media. Further pasting the base layer will not be difficult.

Of course, not everyone has the required equipment. Therefore, you can print the image in any suitable printing house. However, don't forget to make the image slightly larger than required. After all, it is always easier to cut off the excess than to try to hide the gluing points under a transparent layer of the top coat.

Let's say a few important words about the process of transferring such an image to the base layer.

First you need to prime the base layer using a brush or roller. Finishing coat can also be used as a primer. polymer material, diluted in a ratio of 2: 1 with solvent 646. At the same time, for 1 m 2 of the surface you will need about 300 g of material. It will take about a day for the primer to polymerize.

Next, take the printed image and carefully paste it on the base. Avoid air bubbles between the primed base coat and the self-adhesive. To do this, carefully smooth the drawing and press it with a dry roller.

If you use a pattern based on banner fabric, it must be glued to the base with a thin layer of finishing polymer coating.

Important! If you are using acrylic paints, they must dry completely before applying the top coat!

Applying the final layer

At this stage, it is necessary to calculate the amount spent on finishing layer transparent polymer. Usually, the thickness of this layer is 3 mm (for a greater "depth" of the self-leveling 3D floor, you can increase this value). Therefore, for 1m2 of surface you will need about 4-5kg of transparent polymer.

Applying the final layer will not require much labor. You will only need accuracy and a sequence of work, which includes next order.

First with a drill and special nozzle mix the ingredients of the transparent polymer. Then, in an even layer and very carefully, pour the mixture onto a pre-made drawing and, in accordance with the technology, level it over the surface.

For subsequent work, we need a needle aeration roller. With it, we roll the entire layer to complete removal air bubbles. Rolling with a roller must be continued until the initial thickening of the polymer mass (usually about 15-30 minutes). Next, cover the floor with plastic wrap or foil. This is necessary for the polymer to acquire the required strength. The time of complete hardening is directly proportional to the thickness of the layer.

Important! When leveling and rolling the floor with a roller, in no case do not walk on the floor in ordinary shoes! Use only shoes with high spikes on the sole!

Applying a protective layer

That's practically all. There is only one simple step left. When the polymerization of the transparent finish layer is completed, we apply a protective varnish of any manufacturer you like. The protective layer will provide additional protection from various kinds of damage and extend the service life.

Maintenance and care of this floor is very simple. It does not absorb dirt and does not accumulate odors. Protective properties almost all varnishes allow wet cleaning by any detergents.

We congratulate you. Do-it-yourself self-leveling 3D floor made! We sincerely hope that if the presented material does not make you a super-specialist, then at least it will help you to do all or most of the work with your own hands. Or maybe you really will become a truly excellent specialist?

And in conclusion, I suggest you watch a video that clearly shows how to make self-leveling 3D floors with your own hands.

Self-leveling floor 3D

Self-leveling 3D floors

How 3D self-leveling floors or dolphins are made in your bathroom

3D flooring technology