What needs to be processed in the steam room. How and with what to process the shelves in the bath - proven means for processing. Professional Tips for Applying Protective Acrylic Lacquer

Wood is a traditional finishing material for a bath, which requires increased attention at all stages of the construction and arrangement of the structure.

Opinions differ on the advisability of pre-treatment of the lining: some argue that without special protection, wood is subject to decay and destruction; others are confident that the material has the necessary resistance to elevated temperatures and moisture.

If a decision is made on additional protection, then how to process the lining in the bath to ensure a long service life of the decorative finish?

What are the characteristics of the surface of the tree in the bath

When choosing a wooden lining for finishing inside the bath, it is important to consider the main characteristics of the material:

  • High moisture resistance. The tree should not only absorb well, but also give off excess moisture, which ensures the necessary balance of humidity in the premises.
  • Low thermal capacity. Heavy wood species are able to accumulate thermal energy, increasing the internal heating temperature of the fibers. The material with a low level of heat capacity provides not only sufficient heat accumulation, but also does not cause overheating of the premises.
  • Resistance to biological and chemical attack.
  • Durability and practicality in extreme conditions - with temperature extremes and high humidity.

To ensure a long service life of the decorative coating, it is necessary to choose high-quality types of wood that can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Available ways of processing lining

As a rule, the lining in the steam room is left unchanged, and in the dressing room and washing department it is treated with protective agents. The material without additional processing loses its attractiveness and performance faster, therefore, it needs to be replaced every 3-5 years.

If you need to protect the decorative board in the steam room, then you should know what special products are intended for use in rooms with a high level of humidity.

Processing lining inside the bath is performed:

  • varnishes;
  • impregnations;
  • oils;
  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants.

For a steam room, it is recommended to use safe natural products that create a protective wear-resistant layer on wooden surfaces. The composition of such preparations includes special fungicides and insecticides that can prevent the development of fungi, mold and pathogens.

Oils and impregnating compositions for lining in a steam room

To protect the lining from the negative effects of high temperatures and humidity, safe and effective compounds are used. For decorative finishing of the steam room, aspen, oak and linden lining is used. How to process a similar type of wood in order to improve its performance?

For these purposes, impregnations and natural oils are used - sunflower, hemp, linseed, rose, lavender and anise. Such processing allows you to create a protective coating that prevents the penetration of dirt into the wood fibers and protects against decay.

Impregnation for deep penetration lining has similar properties, which provides maximum protection of wood fibers from destruction.

To prevent the lining from darkening and rotting, reliable and safe preparations of imported and domestic production are recommended for processing.

The products of the famous Tikkurila brand are especially popular:

  • Saunasuoja Supi is an acrylic water-based finish that provides protection against mildew and discoloration. It has a colorless structure, but with the possibility of tinting to any shade. The composition is applied to a clean surface with a brush or spray gun in several layers. It is not used for processing bath furniture.
  • Laudesuoja Supi is an oil-based impregnation for the treatment of wall surfaces and furniture.
  • Saunapesu Supi is an antiseptic impregnation for removing lime deposits and bleaching wood.

Among domestic analogues, the following drugs can be distinguished:

  • "Eurotex Sauna" - oil for wood, provides protection against high moisture and decay.
  • "Manor (U 409)" - an impregnating composition that prevents contamination and darkening of wooden surfaces.

Protective varnishes for lining processing

When deciding how best to impregnate the lining in the bath, it is important to consider that conventional paints and varnishes cannot be used for these purposes. Paint and varnish reduce the breathability of the wood, which can lead to excessive moisture accumulation in the fibers and further decay.

The optimal choice is water-based moisture-proof varnishes with high thermal insulation characteristics, used to create a resistant polymer coating.

Lacquers are of the following types:

  • Acrylic. Universal products designed for the treatment of bath surfaces. They protect the wood from dirt, are easy to apply and dry quickly. The only drawback of the compositions is the appearance of an unpleasant odor when heated, so they can be used for a dressing room and a rest room.
  • Alkyd. Provide reliable protection against high humidity and hot steam. The disadvantages include: a long drying time, an unpleasant odor.
  • Water emulsion. Environmentally friendly and safe formulations, dry quickly and do not emit a strong odor when heated. It is allowed to process the lining in the bath in the washing and steam department.
  • Polyurethane. They are used for internal and external protection of bath surfaces from color fading. They are completely transparent or colored.
  • Acrylic polyurethane. Formulated to fight mold and pathogens. In addition, they give the wood an attractive sheen and polishing effect.

How to cover wooden lining in various functional areas of the bath? To do this, you can use the following compositions:

  1. "Eurotex Sauna" is an acrylic-based varnish, which includes wax and an antiseptic. It reliably protects a wooden surface from high temperature conditions. In addition, the varnish prevents the accumulation of moisture, the formation of mold and the development of microorganisms. The product is absolutely safe, has a neutral smell.
  2. Interier Sauna is a clear, antiseptic acrylic compound designed to protect wooden surfaces. Not used for ceilings.
  3. "Pirilax" is a complex of antiseptic preparations used in old and new baths to protect the lining from pollution, fire and corrosion. The compositions are ideal for rooms with special operating conditions - a steam room, dressing room and washing.

Features of processing lining in the washing department and dressing room

Decorative finishes in the washroom are constantly exposed to the negative effects of steam and water. Therefore, providing protection with antiseptic compounds is a top priority.

You can cover the lining in the bath with the following preparations (our recommendations):

  • "Senezh Sauna" - from the defeat of fungi, mold and wood-boring insects. It is designed for processing wall, ceiling surfaces, as well as doorways in rooms with high humidity and temperature changes.
  • Dulux Celco Sauna is a water-based lacquer with good moisture and heat resistance. It is allowed for use in rooms with a temperature regime of +70 to +120 degrees. The varnish is steady against darkening, has no unpleasant smell, quickly dries.
  • "Snegurochka 2" - a two-component antiseptic composition prevents the formation of mold and fungus, provides sanitation of wood, helps to brighten the lining, which has darkened during prolonged contact with water.

To paint the lining and prevent the negative effects of moisture, steam and temperatures, it is necessary to use safe protective compounds for wood. The technology of processing wooden surfaces in a bath can be mastered even by a novice master who has minimal experience with painting tools.

The traditional material for building a bath is wood. And this is no coincidence, the benefits of bathing procedures are most fully manifested in a log steam room, which creates a special microclimate filled with the healing aromas of natural wood. But on the other hand, the high humidity and extreme temperatures typical for a steam room do not have the best effect on wood, which quickly deteriorates under such conditions. To prevent destructive processes will allow the treatment of the bath with oil. In this regard, in the article we will focus on two main points: which oils and impregnations are better to use in a steam room, as well as how to properly treat the internal surfaces of the bath with oil compositions.

As noted above, a bath is a room with special conditions in which high temperatures and humidity are constantly present. Wood is highly hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture very strongly.

In the steam room, the tree becomes an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic processes. Microorganisms appear in it, insects settle, mold and fungus form. As a result, the tree can completely turn black and turn into dust.

The process that has begun is very difficult to stop, especially when it comes to a fully functioning steam room. To prevent the occurrence of such manifestations, it is necessary to protect in advance at the stage of construction and finishing all the internal parts of the log house of the bath, treating them with special compounds.

There are many funds for and baths. This review is dedicated specifically to oils, so we will consider only oil formulations.

What oils are suitable for baths

Oil is a traditional bath treatment. In the old days, when there was not yet such a variety of wood protection products, the steam rooms were covered with expensive oils of anise, rose, and lavender.

These compositions not only protected the log walls from moisture and rot, but also filled the room with a special natural aroma. For processing, they also used inexpensive hemp and linseed oils and wax, which have not lost their relevance today.

All oil compositions used in the steam room can be divided into two large groups:

  1. For processing walls and ceilings.
  2. For impregnating benches and other surfaces in direct contact with the skin.

General requirements for oils for steam room treatment

  1. Oil impregnation should provide reliable protection for the wood, and at the same time should not deprive it of the ability to breathe.
  2. An important condition is the environmental friendliness of the oil composition. Therefore, to cover the bath room, you need to choose natural products. Synthetic impregnations contain chemical components that, under the influence of high temperatures, form harmful volatile compounds released into the atmosphere. In a small enclosed space, harmful substances are especially dangerous and can cause serious poisoning.
  3. For a bath, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant impregnations that are well absorbed into the wood structure, protecting it from moisture.

Means for processing walls and ceilings

When choosing a wood protective agent for coating the internal surfaces of the steam room, in addition to the special conditions of the bath room, it is necessary to take into account the type of building material. Usually it is logs or lining. For floors, walls and ceilings made of these materials, you can use non-toxic acrylic-based varnishes that do not emit any odor at high temperatures, natural oils and waxes, as well as special impregnations for saunas.

Acrylic varnishes form a protective film that withstands temperature extremes, exposure to water and steam. The composition of varnishes includes antiseptics, so the surfaces do not need additional antiseptic treatment. Natura Teknos acrylic lacquer proved to be excellent, forming a translucent protective coating, under which the woody pattern is clearly visible.

One of the best means for internal processing of wooden surfaces of a log cabin of a bath and a house from a bar is linseed oil. It is an inexpensive natural product with antiseptic and hydrophobic properties. The oil penetrates into the deep layers of wood, providing it with reliable protection. The composition can be used both in pure form and in the form of a mixture with beeswax.

In addition to the pure product, there are various linseed oil-based impregnations on sale, which include natural resins and pine turpentine. The most popular are products under the brands Caparol, Tikkurila, Remmers.

Bath curtain oils

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of composition for impregnating the bath canopy. The canopy is in direct contact with the human body, when using a low-quality composition, a rash and burns may appear on the skin.

Manufacturers produce special oils for shelves that do not form a film on the surface, since when heated it can cause burns. In addition, the impregnation should be of high quality, and should not cause allergic reactions on the skin.

  1. Sauna Natura oil compositions from the Finnish manufacturer Teknos, Supi Laudesuoja brand Tikkurila, Eurotex Sauna have proven themselves better than others in this group of products.
  2. A good wood preservative is carnauba orange oil wax. The composition of the product includes linseed and orange oil. The composition is very thick and looks like mastic. It is used to cover benches and backrests in the sauna.
  3. Another tool used to treat the shelf is beeswax. In addition to wax, the composition includes linseed oil and gum turpentine. This impregnation is less resistant to high temperatures than carnauba wax, so the coating will have to be updated periodically, because. over time, its protective properties weaken.

Rules for applying oil impregnations

  1. Before applying the impregnation, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt and, if necessary, the old coating is removed.
  2. Then the wood is sanded, dried and dust and chips formed as a result of grinding are removed.
  3. The impregnation is well mixed and applied to the surface with a brush with short bristles.
  4. Within 7-10 minutes after treatment, remove excess with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  5. The surfaces are allowed to dry and then polished.
  6. If necessary, the processing is repeated.

The drying time of each layer is from 4 to 24 hours. The exact time required for the drying of a particular product is indicated in the instructions. In addition, the duration of drying is affected by the humidity and temperature of the room, the absorbency of the wood species. In any case, it takes at least a day to completely dry the surface.

Remember! Wood is reliably protected from moisture only when it no longer absorbs.

Features of oil treatment

Regularly exposed to extremely high temperatures and high humidity. In such lining deteriorates, the wood may darken, stains may appear on it, it may warp, rot, fungi, mold and other microorganisms may develop in it. It is possible to avoid changes in the appearance and destruction of the wood structure if it is treated with a special protective compound.

The lining should be treated with special impregnations for baths and saunas. Processing of lining with furniture varnish is not recommended, because. at high temperatures, varnishes emit harmful substances, and the varnished surface is chipped during operation.
Modern protective products extend the life of the sheathing, preserve the natural structure and appearance of wood, prevent the development of microorganisms, are made from natural materials, do not emit harmful substances and odors during evaporation, and are safe to use even when exposed to high temperatures.

On the domestic market, there are a variety of impregnations for the protection of baths and saunas, which can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: for the treatment of walls and ceilings and for the treatment of elements in contact with the skin, i.e. benches, regiments, beds.

Treatment of ceilings and walls of the bath.

Numerous group of impregnations for the protection of ceilings, walls, partitions, doors in steam rooms, sinks and other interiors of baths and saunas. Among the most common are the following tools:

- "SUPI Saunasuoja" (SUPI SAUNASUOJA) from the company TIKKURILA - water-borne protective impregnation, prevents the formation of mold and blue stain on wood, forms a transparent protective film against dirt and water.
- Belinka Interier Sauna - colorless azure based on acrylic resins and water. Provides protection for wood in wet areas.
- "KRASULA" protective composition for baths and saunas" - prevents the wood from darkening, protects against microorganisms, dirt and water. Contains natural wax, due to which it repels water, but allows steam and air to pass through.
- "Eurotex Sauna" produced by "NPP Rogneda" - scuba with wax and antiseptic, protects surfaces from fungi and mold, creates a transparent waterproof film.

Processing of benches and shelves.

Benches should be treated with special compounds, because. bench treatment agents should be well absorbed into the wood should not create films on the surface to avoid skin burns. The following impregnations are popular:
- Supi Laudesuoja (SUPI LAUDESUOJA) from the company TIKKURILA - oil for shelves and benches, protects against moisture and dirt, has an antiseptic effect, makes the natural color of wood deeper and richer.
- SAUNA-NATURA by TEKNOS is a colorless protective oil for regiments.
- "Eurotex Sauna Shelf protection oil" produced by "NPP Rogneda" - based on natural oils, protects against dirt and water.

No one doubts that the best finishing material for a bath is wood. And almost all are used for interior decoration. But here it is necessary or not to process the lining in the bath, everyone decides for himself. Opinions are divided here: some say that without treatment with special means, the wood darkens, loses its attractiveness, rots and is affected by diseases. All this is so. But their opponents are definitely right: the combination of high temperature and humidity in the steam room, to which fumes from processed boards are added, cannot be called a healing effect. But people come to the bathhouse for their health.

For the most part, lovers of baths and saunas make a compromise: they leave the lining in the steam room without processing, and for the rest room, the washing room uses special tools. Lining without processing, of course, eventually becomes unusable, but it will have to be changed no more than once every 2-5 years (depending on the type of wood and the intensity of use of the steam room). These are not such big costs, especially since rarely anyone has a steam room that is large. For those who decide to process wood in the steam room, there are several folk recipes or special (mandatory !!) compositions for a bath / sauna.

How to process the lining in the washing and dressing room

The most popular ready-made products are special impregnations and oils. Favorites in this segment are Finns: Sauna (Belinka),

Domestic producers also try to lag far behind world manufacturers.

The product of the domestic company "- impregnation for baths, saunas, wet and residential premises. All these compositions are made on the basis of natural ingredients. They create a thin film on the surface, which makes the removal of contaminants easier.

Also, the impregnation contains fungicidal and insecticidal additives that prevent the formation and reproduction.

"Eurotex Sauna" - antiseptic with wax for saunas and baths. This is a colorless coating that creates a protective film on the surface of the wood. The composition is ideal for benches and shelves (for those who decide to process them).

Important! What definitely cannot be done is to use ordinary varnishes or paints for a bath or sauna. The tree must "breathe", first absorbing excess moisture, and then giving it away. When using conventional compositions, wood is completely deprived of this property, in addition, evaporation of the chemicals included in the composition is added, which are very dangerous to health at high temperatures and humidity. It's like covering a steam room with linoleum or siding: the materials are good, but not for these purposes.

If you use the steam room correctly, ventilate and dry it in time, then fungi and bark beetles will not start in it. They die at high and low temperatures:

  • At a temperature of 70-80 ° C, spores of all fungi and protozoa die within 10 minutes.
  • At -15 ° C, young larvae of the shashel perish, and if the temperature is below -15 ° C for a week, then adult larvae also die.
  • A temperature of +60 ° C is the upper limit at which bark beetles survive.

If you then heat the bath to high temperatures, then freeze it, then no misfortunes are terrible for it, and you can deal with the remaining problems quite simply: clean or cover the most used surfaces with natural compounds more often.

Each finishing master will say that it is ideal for cladding a bath. This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that easily withstands high humidity inside the shower and high temperatures in the steam room.

Due to the low density of wood, the lining does not overheat and does not burn the skin even at a temperature of 80-100 degrees. Therefore, it is safe and comfortable to use. And when heated, linden gives off a pleasant sweetish aroma, which has healing and relaxing properties. It has a positive effect on the well-being of a person and clears the respiratory tract.

Narrow and thin rails are easy to install. If necessary, they will level the walls and ceilings, close the wires and other communications. Lining will create good heat and vapor barrier. To prevent moisture from accumulating between the boards, it is recommended to lay the lining in the bath vertically. And the ceiling can be mounted diagonally. It looks beautiful and original. For more information on how to properly sheathe a bath with clapboard, read.

However, wooden materials have one drawback. Wood is negatively affected by external factors, including exposure to moisture and insects. This shortens the life of the materials. To preserve the original properties and color of the lining, the surface must be treated with special protective agents. Let's find out how to cover the lining in the bath.

Which tool to choose

  • Many people think that the lining in the steam room does not need to be covered with anything. But it's not. Without processing, the lining will have to be changed every 4-5 years, and with intensive use of the bath, the service life of the products will decrease to 2-3 years;
  • Previously, lining inside the bath was processed using natural materials, including wax, linseed and hemp oil. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of modern products that protect wood from moisture and pollution, rotting and fungus, and insect damage. Experts recommend taking materials from Russian and Finnish brands;
  • Do not use standard varnish or wood paint in the steam room, as they cannot withstand high temperatures. When heated, the products emit an unpleasant odor and toxic substances that are dangerous to humans! In addition, a tree with such processing will not be able to “breathe”, it will absorb moisture and deteriorate;
  • To process the walls inside the steam room, foreign manufacturers suggest using acrylic varnish. It creates a water-repellent surface that does not rot or change over time. Acrylic varnish easily withstands temperatures of 100-120 degrees, effectively resists the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • Russian manufacturers offer to treat the surface inside the steam room with a colorless varnish based on water and wax. This lacquer retains the natural color of the wood. After processing, the lining does not absorb, but repels moisture, which prolongs the service life of products. Antiseptics in the composition of the protective varnish prevent fungus and mold. In addition, such a varnish is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic fumes when heated;
  • Experts recommend painting a shower or washing room, a rest room inside the bath with a semi-matte or matte water-based varnish. It effectively protects the wood from moisture, does not emit odor and does not fade over time. For a steam room in a sauna, take specialized odorless impregnations with a composition that is stable at especially high temperatures.

Acrylic processing

Acrylic lacquer is suitable for processing lining in the steam room. It does not emit an unpleasant odor, effectively protects wood from the negative effects of the environment and is safe for humans. Acrylic is colorless and tinted. You can choose the color and shade you like, or keep the natural color of the wood.

Advantages of acrylic varnish:

  • Differs in the increased stability and small specific weight;
  • It has a dirt and water repellent effect;
  • Prevents the occurrence of mold and fungus;
  • Not afraid of high temperature;
  • UV resistant;
  • Dries quickly and does not crack;
  • Creates a smooth elastic and high-strength film on the wood surface;
  • You can choose a varnish of any color to give the desired shade to the wood. Natural wood lovers can choose a clear lacquer, which will retain the natural color and enhance the layered pattern of the wood.
  • You can process both wood and concrete structures.

Acrylic varnish is applied at temperatures above five degrees above zero. Before painting, clean the lining from dirt and dust, sand the surface. Apply varnish to dry wood in two layers. Colored varnish is diluted with water up to 20%, transparent varnish is not diluted. To paint the lining in the bath without bumps and overlays, let the layer dry before applying the next one.

Oil treatment

Among the variety of oils and impregnations, experts distinguish linseed oil. It impregnates wood and makes products resistant to external factors. Linseed oil is especially suitable for porous woods. The oil forms a film that protects the wood from dirt and water.

Flaxseed oil benefits:

  • Environmental friendliness and safety. Even wooden utensils are treated with linseed oil!;
  • A universal tool is suitable not only for processing walls, floors and ceilings inside the bath. The oil is used for painting and protecting shelves and shelves, bath furniture and cooperage products;
  • Deeply penetrates into the structure of the tree;
  • Repels dirt and moisture;
  • Retains the color of the wood and adds shine to the surface;
  • Protects wood from rotting and darkening, mold and mildew.

Before processing, the surface is also cleaned of dust and sanded. The oil is heated to 50-60 degrees and applied in 5-6 thin layers with variable grinding, with each new layer being done after the previous one has dried. Linseed oil is used in its pure form or with wax or tar to improve performance.

Both linseed oil and acrylic varnish are easy to apply. Even a non-professional can paint the lining inside the bath! After painting, ventilate and dry the room. Impregnation is recommended every 3-4 years. Note that acrylic is more expensive, but it also dries much faster than oil. As a rule, it takes two weeks for the oil to dry completely.

If you don’t know which tool to choose for processing the lining inside the bathhouse, the craftsmen of the Drev-Market company will help you choose the right varnish, oil or paint and tell you how to process the lining. Ask a question online or call a company consultant! In addition, in the company's online store you will find high-quality and inexpensive lining from the manufacturer! Contacts "Drev-Market" you will find.