Projects of houses from a sandwich panel. Sandwich panel houses. Video2. Pros and cons of metal sandwich panels

Country houses made of sandwich panels are constantly gaining popularity due to good reliability and quality indicators, as well as due to fast and simple construction technology.

  • High energy efficiency;
  • relatively low price;
  • convenience and comfort

- this is not a complete list of the advantages of this method of building houses.

We will talk about the features of the technology and show you how to build a country house from sip panels yourself.

Features and Benefits

Technology Description

Wall panels for a country house are typical or original parts, which consist of the following elements:

  • Calibrated beam. It can be a massive or glued timber, which will serve as a supporting element;
  • Insulation. Most often, expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam is used;
  • Double-sided sheathing made of OSB-3 or other type of moisture-resistant plywood.

They also use floor panels and roof panels, which are made according to the same principle with some technological differences.

Important! There are panels without timber that require the construction of a frame during the assembly process of the house, but today sip panels are more often used, which include load-bearing structures.

So, the technology for building a panel house includes the following steps:

  1. Design. There are several ways here: look for typical projects of country houses from sip panels, hire a private designer or use the services of a design organization. Often manufacturers of building kits also provide design services;
  2. Foundation construction. According to the project, a pile, columnar or strip foundation is built. As a rule, a shallow strip foundation or screw piles is sufficient;
  3. Laying and fastening of zero overlap, tying with timber. The floor panels are laid on a grillage or foundation tape, then they are tied around the perimeter with a board and through the board and the panel they are fastened to the foundation with anchors;
  4. Wall assembly. The panels are assembled like a designer and fastened with self-tapping screws;
  5. Laying the attic floor beams and assembling the ceiling from panels. The beams of the attic or interfloor floor are laid in the grooves, the ceiling is assembled from panels and the Mauerlat is mounted;
  6. Installation of gables, ridge purlins and intermediate roof purlins, roof assembly from panels;
  7. Roofing material;
  8. Laying communications;
  9. Installation of windows and doors;
  10. Clean finish.

Important! Panel buildings are not temporary country houses made of block containers, but full-fledged capital housing, the service life of which can easily exceed a hundred years.


Country houses made of sip panels are popular due to a number of unique advantages, the main of which we will list in the list:

  • The light weight of the structure allows the use of lightweight types of foundations, which reduces the cost of the project;
  • Low thermal conductivity of walls, ceilings and roofs saves on heating and air conditioning;
  • The modular assembly method significantly speeds up construction, the construction of a turnkey house takes no more than 2 months;
  • The absence of wet processes simplifies, reduces the cost and speeds up assembly;
  • All modern parts, panels and frame elements comply with European quality, environmental and fire safety standards;
  • The manufacturer is able to produce a complete set in accordance with a standard project or on an individual order. The possibilities of architecture design are practically unlimited;
  • The ability to do the main work with your own hands with the help of one or two assistants.

Important! The listed advantages apply only to original and high-quality goods of well-known manufacturers. Beware of fakes that do not meet the standards and are not able to provide the qualities of finished structures indicated above.

Building a house

If you are interested in this technology, and you intend to build, our step-by-step instructions will help you:

  1. We build the foundation according to the project. Poles should be made with an expanded sole, especially in heaving soils;

  1. We lay two layers of roofing material on a tape or grillage and begin to fold the overlap of the panels. To do this, we put them on the tape of the base of the house, we process the joints with mounting foam before docking. When the ceiling is assembled, we lay the strapping beam around the perimeter and through it we fasten the panels to the foundation with anchors;

  1. Let's start assembling the walls. From the corner we first put one panel, then perpendicular to it, we connect them with self-tapping screws to each other and to the strapping board. We assemble the first floor box with partitions;

  1. We mount the floor beams and assemble the attic floor from the panels;

  1. We install roof gables, mount ridge and intermediate runs, mauerlats and assemble the roof from panels. We lay the roofing;

  1. We insert windows and doors, proceed to interior work and fine finishing.

All work is performed with a simple power tool. If there is no electricity supply yet, then renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help you.

Important! Floor slabs of the ground floor should be treated from below with bituminous mastic. All joints between the panels are treated with mounting foam, and all slots and joints are also foamed.


The technology for building houses from sip panels is simple, effective and allows you to build buildings within one season ().

To better master the method, we suggest you watch the video in this article.

Previously inherent only to the Canadian population, and now to the whole world, houses made of sandwich panels are now very popular among Russian residents. Small-sized dwellings of this type are being built in the Moscow region, in the regions of the country, in the southern regions and in the most remote, northern ones. Building a house from sandwich panels is easy, simple, fast, and most importantly, not so expensive. Therefore, below we will consider in detail the process of building such housing, and also ask the price of materials that, due to their excellent quality, give us the opportunity to live in warmth and comfort all year round.

Brief description of the material

The sandwich panel itself consists of three parts. These are two dense layers (chipboard, MDF or something else) and a soft layer of insulation that is located between them. Each layer is attached to the other by means of a hot press, so they will not be able to separate in the future. The very construction of houses from sandwich panels suggests that two types of such material are needed. The first is referred to as wall. Its surface is either completely smooth or profiled on one side, which gives the walls a certain decor. They are used for arranging roofs. They can be profiled on both sides, or only on one side - the outer one.

Material Application

Nowadays, many construction companies offer the population to build a house from sandwich panels in the shortest possible time. People's feedback on this account, as a rule, depends on the company that took on the work, and on the quality of the work. The material itself, which is used in this process, is undoubtedly good both in quality and price. Similar projects are built by domestic construction companies in about two to three weeks. The most difficult stage in this work is the arrangement of the foundation. Further construction of walls and ceilings is as easy as shelling pears. Such houses can be sold on a turnkey basis, which is most often observed in our country. Less often, people order frame housing for themselves on an individual project. Externally, houses made of sandwich panels look like full-fledged brick cottages, mansions, with a chic appearance and impressive facades. However, it is not chic at all - the main criterion for such housing. According to your sketches, workers will be able to build both a medieval castle from such panels and a hut with one window.


Before starting work, you should definitely draw up an accurate drawing of your future home. If such work is beyond your power, then sketch out a sketch, and a professional will take care of the calculations, with whom you will clarify all the details. Note that there are also ready-made projects of houses made of sandwich panels, for which prices have already been set in advance. Also, those buildings that are made according to standard drawings are the most economical in terms of building material consumption. Therefore, if you first of all want to save money - take note of this. The project itself, which you will draw up as a result, will consist of two parts, which we consider in detail below.

Drawings of parts and products for further installation

Here we include an explanatory note with all the transcripts that will be present on the following pages. Then we put in all the data about the floor panels, the same must be entered about the wall panels of the first floor and the attic. We note the parameters of the details The next item is data on roofing materials. As a rule, houses made of sandwich panels are always complemented by wooden elements. These can be racks on the porch, balcony, in the house itself, etc., therefore, in this section, we also indicate all the data on them.

Installation drawings for further assembly

As soon as you have calculated all the data for the house from the sandwich panels, we assemble the project into one. To do this, you need accurate pictures that will display the scale and each line exactly. Let's list what we need specifically:

  • ground floor plan;
  • attic plan;
  • sketches of facades (according to axial directions);
  • plan and ;
  • foundation section;
  • plan for mounting panels that will cover the foundation;
  • plan for mounting wall panels on the ground floor;
  • installation plan for floors that relate to the first floor;
  • installation plan for wall and floor panels of the second floor (or attic);
  • installation of roof panels;
  • incision in the area of ​​the stairs;
  • incision in the region of the ridge;
  • plan and

Stages of construction. Foundation and initial work

The construction of houses from sandwich panels begins, like any other, with a foundation. In this case, the requirements for it are not so high due to the fact that the walls and floors of the future house are light and unpretentious. The depth depends strictly on the terrain and type of soil. Ideally, in this embodiment, a strip foundation or a column foundation is suitable. At the same time, workers begin to make an assembly system for the house. Its essence lies in the fact that a solid beam is attached to the foundation with the help of anchor bolts. This material is impregnated with antiseptics and other protective mixtures, which makes it possible to keep the house always clean, dry and comfortable in the future. It is on this strapping beam that the panels will later be mounted.

Installation and installation of walls and ceilings

To begin with, let's take a look at what unfinished houses made of sandwich panels look like. The photos clearly show us that although they are considered “cardboard huts”, they still have their own frame. It consists of boards, which are a connecting element that runs between each panel. It is on such a “lattice” that the panels themselves are attached, and all the slots are blown out with mounting foam. Assembling a finished house always starts from the corner. In order to mount such a dwelling, no more than two workers are required on the site. The floors of the house always provide for blowing, which provides natural ventilation. Due to the fact that the house is based on a timber frame, it is easy to mount window panels and door panels.

Roof installation

At the very end, the roof of the house is mounted. The process itself is no different from the standard one used by our ancestors. The bottom line is that sandwich panels are nailed to the skates and beam ceilings. Sometimes the roof is also equipped for additional protection (especially if you have one).

Your house from sandwich panels. Owner reviews

Everyone in our time who has acquired this type of housing has never complained about it. People say that the house is always warm, cozy, comfortable. It is made of environmentally friendly, high-quality and durable material. Another huge plus - the cost of finished housing does not exceed 30-33 dollars per square meter. An important place here is also occupied by communications and equipment. All pipes, wires and other details, without which a comfortable existence in our world is impossible, are hidden in such dwellings either in special boxes or behind false walls. And, of course, each consumer is pleased with the free space, which allows you to install any furniture in the house. The height of the ceilings is on average 2.8 m, and you can determine the footage of the rooms for yourself.

It is a fairly widely used material in the construction of houses. Its design assumes the presence of two sheets of metal along the edges, as well as a layer of insulation between them. For the manufacture of panels of this type, galvanized stainless steel is most often used, as well as polyurethane foam, basalt fiber and a number of other materials with good thermal conductivity.

The "layers" of metal and insulation are interconnected using a special adhesive or self-tapping bolts (the specifics of fastening depend mainly on the characteristics and properties of the materials used for their manufacture).

Application area

Sandwich panels are used most often in cases where a construction company is faced with the need for the fastest and highest quality construction of houses and some other residential structures. They are ideal for commercial premises, warehouses, car washes, hangars and some other buildings based on metal structures.


Depending on the type of insulation used, there are three types of sandwich panels:

  • Sandwich panels using mineral wool are the safest because the material used for their production is highly fire resistant. This minimizes the risk of fires. However, the high ability of cotton wool to absorb moisture often leads to the fact that the structure sags, deforms and eventually loses its original shape. Subsequently, this can lead to metal peeling. The use of sandwich panels with mineral wool in construction also leads to an increase in the load on the frame of the house, as well as its foundation. The installation of such sandwich panels is quite complex and requires a large amount of physical resources.
  • Expanded polystyrene used in construction is moisture resistant and environmentally friendly. Due to its light weight, it is safe for both the foundation and the building frame. Sandwich panels of this type are quite easy to install; they are quickly produced and are distinguished by an affordable price. However, when comparing it with mineral wool, it is necessary to note the lower fire resistance.
  • The third type of sandwich panels is made using polyurethane foam. Due to the low thermal conductivity, this material is ideal for freezing equipment. However, at the same time, it is not environmentally friendly, and also has the lowest fire resistance of the presented materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

Houses made of sandwich panels have the following advantages:

  • The light construction of sandwich panels significantly reduces the load on the supporting structures of the building.
  • The high speed of the construction of the building is achieved due to a fairly simple technology.
  • The low cost of sandwich panels allows you to significantly save on construction.
  • Good fire resistance indicators allow houses made of sandwich panels to have a higher fire safety.
  • The materials used for the production of sandwich panels guarantee a high environmental friendliness of the house.
  • High flexibility gives the owner of the house ample opportunities for modernization.
  • Good heat and sound insulation significantly increase the comfort of living in a house made of sandwich panels.
  • Installation work related to sandwich panels can be carried out at any time of the year convenient for you.

However, at the same time, houses made of sandwich panels have the following disadvantages:

  • Despite the strength of sandwich panels, they are categorically contraindicated for long and heavy loads.
  • If the installation work was carried out during the cold season, the panel joints may freeze.
  • The service life of sandwich panels most often does not exceed 50 days.
  • If the insulation for sandwich panels was produced with the addition of basalt, this may adversely affect its thermal insulation and strength characteristics.
  • To protect the supporting frame, it is necessary to use materials that protect against corrosion (metal) and from rotting and fungus (wood).
  • The presence of expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam in sandwich panels significantly increases the fire hazard.


The construction of houses from sandwich panels is multi-stage, and each of them has its own rules and regulations.


  • At the first stage of construction, the installation of the foundation is carried out. The depth, as well as its type, depend on the geographical features of the area, the location of groundwater, and the relief. The cost of a sandwich panel house foundation is about a fifth of the cost of building a house as a whole.
  • The installation of the house building itself takes place almost in parallel with the construction of the foundation. At the beginning of construction, beams pre-treated with an antiseptic are attached to the foundation. Most often used for fastening. The sandwich panels themselves are interconnected using wooden boards, the thickness of which is usually about 4 cm. Subsequently, it is this design that will play the role of the frame of the entire building. To strengthen the structure, as well as to process the joints, a special mounting foam is applied to the joints of the sandwich panels. Particular attention should also be paid to "cold bridges", namely, places where condensate can form due to increased heat loss. Every two panels require about one bottle of foam. To improve the waterproofing of the panels, it is also possible to cover their undersides. The installation of other floors of the house is carried out at a similar level.
  • Installation of the roof using sandwich panels is carried out by traditional methods, taking into account the load on its constituent elements. After the construction work is completed, be sure to consider covering the roof with waterproofing material.
  • Installation of engineering systems can be carried out at almost any stage of construction, however, it is best to carry out such work after the entire box of the house has been assembled. It is desirable that all communication systems be as accessible as possible, and the external surfaces in contact with the pipes must be covered with insulating material.
  • Since the sandwich panels do not precipitate, the installation of doors and windows is already permissible. All other finishing works can be carried out autonomously from each other.


  • It is best to start the installation of panels from the corner of the house; moreover, the maximum deviation can be a value from 1 to 1.5 mm.
  • The second panel is attached to the first strictly at a right angle using self-tapping screws.
  • Corner panels are mounted with the participation of a maximum of two assemblers.
  • Installation of wall panels with doorways, as well as solid wall panels, is carried out using the same technology.
  • The thickness of the sandwich panels used for the internal partitions of the living space is approximately 120 mm.

Sample projects

The design of buildings from sandwich panels is carried out depending on the characteristics of the material used for the construction of the frame, the distribution of loads on the load-bearing elements of the building, as well as environmental conditions.

Construction cost

The cost of building a house of this type depends mainly on the amount of work performed, the area of ​​​​the premises, as well as the cost of sandwich panels. However, it is worth noting that the construction of houses from sandwich panels is much lower than similar houses made of bricks or any other materials.

We are all used to the fact that warm, environmentally friendly, fireproof, reliable houses are built for a long time, sometimes for several years. Houses were built of brick, wood, sometimes concrete, which required significant financial and time costs. With the development of technology, materials began to change, houses made of aerated concrete, houses made of glued beams appeared, but construction from these materials still takes a lot of time.

A real breakthrough in construction was the invention of sandwich panels. Sandwich panel is a building material consisting of three layers. The outer 2 layers are made of hard materials. It can be metal, OSB, PVC, fiberboard, magnesite board. The third, central layer is the insulation layer. As a heater, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is often used. All layers of the sandwich panel are glued and pressed using cold or hot pressing. As a result, the plate is very durable and warm. By appointment, sandwich panels are divided into wall and roofing. The invention of sandwich panels made it possible to build warm buildings very quickly and at minimal cost.

Our campaign is construction of residential buildings from metal sandwich panels, on a metal frame. This is our main difference from many campaigns for the construction of houses from sandwich panels. Our houses are very reliable. are built on a metal frame, we practically do not use wood. Our main specialization is the production of metal structures. The almost complete absence of wooden elements in the construction of our houses allows us to avoid many problems associated with the quality of wood and such phenomena as wood drying out. The use of a metal frame and metal sandwich panels, allows you to build durable, warm houses at any time of the year.

The difference between a house made of metal sandwich panels and a house made of SIP panels

Now on the market you can find many campaigns that build turnkey houses from SIP panels. SIP panel(eng. Structural Insulated Panel (SIP)) is structural insulation panel. As external layers, in such a panel, there is Oriented Strand Board (OSB). These plates are impregnated with special compounds that prevent combustion and other harmful factors. Foamed polystyrene is used as a heater in SIP panels. In Canada, which has a rather harsh climate, most houses are built from SIP panels. The only problem is that in SIP panels, wood shavings are used, and with poor-quality manufacturing of SIP panels or poor-quality installation, which happens not infrequently, a lot of trouble occurs. There are very few companies in Russia now that have a certificate issued by Canadian specialists for the construction of SIP houses.

Another problem faced by residents and builders building houses using SIP technology is the low quality of the wood used in the construction of SIP houses. Now there is a very high demand for lumber and manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, often sell low-quality lumber, for example, undried wood. In a house built using SIP technology, from undried wood, over time, due to drying, cracks appear, often hidden, which leads to a loss of thermal insulation qualities of the house and a host of other problems. You can look at the problems with SIP houses on youtube or read articles on this topic.

To avoid the problems that SIP panel houses suffer from, massively built in our country, we do not use SIP panels in the construction of our houses. We build houses from metal sandwich panels, on a metal frame. Our homes use a minimum amount of wood or no wood at all.

Our houses are durable, made of metal and metal sandwich panels. They will not be led, they will not be broken by the wind, they will not burn out, they will not lose their tightness and will remain warm even in the most severe frosts.

At your request, we can produce part of the structural elements of wood.

Sandwich panel for building a house

When building a residential building, we can use metal sandwich panels with various types of insulation, different thicknesses and textures. Now on sale there are metal sandwich panels with wood texture. As a heater, our sandwich panels use either foamed polystyrene or mineral wool. Sandwich panels with mineral wool are heavier, but they are absolutely fireproof. When building a house from panels filled with mineral wool, the thickness of the sandwich panel will be 150 mm. Sandwich panels made of mineral wool, 150 mm thick, will keep the heat in the house, even in the most severe frosts.

Sandwich panels are now used in both residential and commercial construction.

  • Housing construction. In residential construction, sandwich panels serve as the basis for a prefabricated frame building. Now on sale there are a lot of metal sandwich panels with metal wood veneer. Our customers most often choose just such metal sandwich panels for the construction of a frame house.
  • Commercial building. During the construction of commercial buildings, such as warehouses, concert halls, sports halls, car washes, car services, most often customers choose simple metal sandwich panels, without wood-like painting.

Metal sandwich panels are highly durable, which allows them to be used as the basis for frame houses. Such houses are also called modular houses or frame-panel houses.

Depending on the purpose, the panels are divided into wall and roofing.

Wall sandwich panels

One of the important advantages of wall metal sandwich panels, in front of SIP panels, is the presence of locks:

Figure 1. Metal sandwich panel lock.

A special sealant is laid in the recesses of the locks which prevents moisture from entering the panel. The sealant is placed in the locks before the panels are installed. As a result, beautiful, neat and tight joints are obtained:

Figure 2. Joints between metal sandwich panels are neat and tight.

Wall panels are used not only in the construction of walls, but also for load-bearing partitions and floors. Such panels are also used as a finishing material.

The external profile of wall panels can be:

  • Smooth
  • profiled simple.
  • Profiled decorative. Decorative profiles come with a wood or siding effect.

Wall sandwich panels, in addition to the construction of frame buildings, are also used for the reconstruction of existing buildings and the insulation of existing buildings.

The main parameters of the steel panels are:

  • Strength
  • Thermal insulation properties
  • Fire resistance class
Roof sandwich panels

Roofing sandwich panels are used both for the construction of roofs and for other roof structures. For roofing sandwich panels, one metal profile is smooth and the other one is wavy. The wave-shaped profile significantly increases the rigidity of the panel.

Basic requirements for roofing sandwich panels:

  • High bearing capacity
  • Thermal insulation properties
  • Fire resistance class
  • Durability
Decorative or finishing sandwich panels

Decorative sandwich panels for the home are widely used in the cladding of window and door openings and facades of houses. Shaped elements have a very beautiful appearance and reliably protect the building from moisture. When building ventilated facades, moisture protection is very important and decorative panels come in handy. These panels are UV resistant.

Decorative panels can be made from the following materials:

  • Metal. Metal panels are used in the construction of houses, decoration of balconies, loggias, in the repair of buildings.
  • Plastic. Such panels are practical and affordable. For this reason, many choose these decorative panels.
  • tree. Decorative wood panels are often used for interior and exterior decoration.

Materials and design of sandwich panels

There are many varieties of sandwich panels on the market, depending on the purpose and budget, for the construction of houses, one or another type of panel is used. Below are the main types of panels and a brief description of their purpose.

Figure 3. Composition of a galvanized roof panel.

Panel Outer Layer

The outer layer of the panel has high strength and is made of:

  1. Galvanized steel or metal alloy. We make houses from such panels. Houses made of metal sandwich panels have high strength and durability. The thicker the zinc layer of a galvanized metal panel, the longer the panel will last.
  2. Drywall. Drywall panels are highly fire resistant and environmentally friendly. They are mainly used for interior decoration. In a plasterboard panel, the gypsum layer is covered with a special cardboard.
  3. Plastic. Panels with an outer layer of plastic, depending on the type of material, serve as reliable protection against moisture, mechanical stress and temperature extremes.
  4. PVC. The outer layer of polyvinyl chloride is a popular type of plastic with great rigidity and is used for the manufacture of window slopes.
  5. OSB. Panels with an outer layer of oriented strand boards are the main element of SIP panels. SIP panels are made from wood chips glued together under high pressure. About the shortcomings of SIP panels, and houses from SIP panels, we have already written above. Due to the high risks when using SIP panels in the construction, we build houses from metal panels. it is much more reliable and safer and cheaper. you do not need to spend money on the exterior decoration of the house, but just choose metal sandwich panels with the desired decorative texture.
Sandwich panel insulation

As a heater, in sandwich panels use:

  1. mineral wool. Mineral wool or basalt fiber is an environmentally friendly, fireproof material with high noise insulation properties. It is a very warm material, also used in fire barriers to prevent the spread of fire. Our customers very often choose metal sandwich panels made of mineral wool for building a house. The disadvantages of such a panel include the relatively large weight and often require a crane to lift these panels, but the advantages of this panel, as a rule, outweigh this disadvantage.
  2. Fiberglass. This is the second most popular filler for sandwich panels. According to its characteristics, it is very close to mineral wool, but has better sound absorption.
  3. Polyurethane foam. Abbreviated PPU or PUR. Polyurethane foam or its modifications is a very light and at the same time durable material with a cellular structure. Polyurethane foam has a high protection against moisture. This material is absolutely non-flammable. Watch the video where they try to set it on fire:

Video1. Attempt to set fire to polyurethane foam.

  1. Styrofoam or foam. Sandwich panels made of expanded polystyrene, as a rule, are cheaper, have a low weight, and do not absorb moisture. Expanded polystyrene is used as a heater in the construction of swimming pools, warehouses, hangars, industrial buildings and residential buildings. The disadvantages include its flammability. When burned, polystyrene foam releases toxic substances. When using expanded polystyrene in metal sandwich panels, the disadvantage in the form of flammability becomes minimally significant. to set fire to polystyrene foam, you will first need to somehow burn through a sheet of iron or set it on fire from the end of a sandwich panel, which will also be closed with iron after installation. In SIP panels, the problem of the fire hazard of expanded polystyrene is more relevant. during the installation process, the SIP panel is closed from the end with boards that burn perfectly. That's why fire safety of SIP at home (Canadian technology) filled with polystyrene foam is a myth. SIP houses have already burned down more than once. On the net, you can find videos on this topic. The combustibility of SIP houses for many is another argument in favor of houses made of metal sandwich panels that we build.

Fixing metal panels

Metal sandwich panels are fastened with special self-tapping screws and screwed directly into the metal column.

Figure 4. Self-tapping screws for fastening sandwich panels.

An important advantage of houses made of metal sandwich panels is that no need to spend money on the exterior of the building. This gives significant savings compared to houses made of SIP panels.

All joints of sandwich panels are covered with flashings

Between the flashing and the panel, a PSUL tape is laid, which prevents air from entering the flashing.

Figure 5. PSUL tape to prevent cold air from entering under the flashing.

The joints of the flashings with sandwich panels are treated with sealant.


As a foundation for a house made of sandwich panels, a tape, shallowly buried foundation, a slab and a foundation on screw piles can be used. For the foundations of houses, we order high-quality concrete from proven concrete plants.

Terms of construction of a house from metal sandwich panels.

Since almost all parts of the house are manufactured at the enterprise, the assembly of the house is carried out in a very short time. For example, if there is a foundation, two-story house made of metal sandwich panels, assembled in 12 working days!

Stages of construction of a prefabricated house from sandwich panels

Choosing a place to build a house

Now a lot of city dwellers are thinking about moving to their own country house. At the moment, the development of technology allows you to get in your home all the communal benefits that we are used to in the city. As a result, your home is much better than a city apartment. The main thing is to choose the right place for construction, and entrust the construction of a house to a proven company.


Obviously, a country house should be in an ecologically clean place. If there is a factory, a landfill, a highway, etc. next to your house, then one of the most important advantages of a country house will be lost. One of the main advantages of a country house is clean air and the absence of gas pollution.


For a full life in your chosen area, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Availability of a school, kindergarten, hospital, etc.
  • The presence of a bank, a restaurant, a swimming pool.
  • Remoteness of the police station.
  • Remoteness of utilities.

natural objects

Your big advantage will be the location of your site in a picturesque place. The presence of rivers, lakes will be a good help for a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Transport accessibility

When choosing a place for a future home, it is worth considering the distance to the city and the presence of traffic jams at the entrance to the city. Usually, if the house is located at a distance of 50 - 70 kilometers from the city, then this is enough not to spend a lot of time on the way to work. You will overcome such a distance by car in an hour and a half. If you do not have your own car, then you need to find out if there is a bus stop nearby and the bus schedule.

Availability of communications

Make sure that at the construction site of your house, there are necessary communications, such as:

  • Electricity
  • Water pipes
  • cellular
  • Sewerage
  • Mail
  • Fast wired or wireless internet

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made of metal sandwich panels

Houses made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame have proven themselves to be durable and warm houses. Among the advantages of such houses are:

  1. Price. Compared to a brick, wooden or any traditional house, the cost of a turnkey metal sandwich panel house is 2-3 times lower.
  2. Short construction time. Building a house from metal sandwich panels on a metal frame is several times faster than building a traditional house. In the presence of a foundation and manufactured structural elements of the house, a 2-storey house is mounted in just 12 working days!
  3. All seasonal. If there is a foundation, the installation of the house can be done even in winter.
  4. Life time. The service life of houses made of metal sandwich panels is up to 100 years. The average service life is 60-70 years. After 60 - 70 years, the building becomes obsolete more morally than physically.

Figure 6. House made of metal sandwich panels.

  1. Strength. Houses made of metal sandwich panels, made on a metal frame, are not afraid of either winds or hurricanes. The constructed building can withstand a vertical load of 10 tons per square meter and a transverse load of 2 tons per square meter.
  2. Thermal efficiency. Houses made of metal sandwich panels home thermoses. They are warmer than traditional houses several times. The most important thing is to assemble a house taking into account technology and from the right materials. The absence of gaps in the joints is a must for houses of this type. Wood is almost completely absent in our houses. We do not use SIP panels. We make houses from metal sandwich panels on a metal frame, this avoids problems with drying out of wood and the formation of cracks during installation at any time of the year.
  3. Tightness and moisture resistance. There are practically no wooden elements in our houses, which allows you to mount the house in any season and not be afraid of the appearance of cracks after a year of operation due to the drying effect, which is present in wooden houses and SIP houses made of poorly dried wood.
  4. Resistant to temperature extremes and ultraviolet. Metal sandwich panels are not afraid of temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Environmental Safety. We use metal sandwich panels in our houses. Unlike SIP panels, metal panels, when heated in direct sunlight, do not emit formaldehyde fumes that are harmful to health. It is known that adhesives used for gluing chips in SIP panels, when heated, emit substances harmful to human health. This fact is another argument in favor of building a house from metal sandwich panels.

Disadvantages of sandwich panel houses

  1. Every element of the future home requires fine tuning. If a tree is used, then it should be well dried, not shrink. The use of metal panels, a metal frame and metal trusses allows you to precisely fit the structural elements in any weather and in any season, without fear of cracks appearing over time.
  2. Insufficient soundproofing. When using mineral wool or fiberglass filler, this problem almost does not arise. In other cases, sound insulation is improved with interior and exterior finishes.
  3. Frame features. It is important that the metal frame of the house is treated against corrosion. In SIP houses, the frame is wooden and it must be treated with anti-rotting compounds.

Figure 7. In a house made of sandwich panels, ventilation is a must.

  1. Insulation features. Mineral wool can absorb moisture and deform. Therefore, during installation, it cannot be wetted and must be protected from moisture during operation at home. As mentioned above, polystyrene foam is flammable. The use of metal panels and metal flashings reduces the fire hazard of expanded polystyrene to a minimum.
  2. Sensitivity to mechanical damage. A damaged sandwich panel is difficult to repair and often has to be completely replaced.
  3. Low level of ventilation. Sandwich panel houses are thermos houses. For a comfortable stay in such houses, there must be a well-thought-out ventilation system.
  4. Unprofessional installation. Poor installation and the use of raw wood and its subsequent drying out are often the cause of freezing of joints in SIP houses, leaks, and mold. We build houses from metal sandwich panels, on a metal frame, which allows us to build absolutely hermetic houses at any time of the year.

The project of houses from a turnkey sandwich panel

In Russia, more and more houses from sandwich panels appear every year. Warm houses made of sandwich panels require a very low power of heating devices, which allows you to significantly save on heating. Such houses are quickly built and serve for a long time. There are many standard projects of houses made of sandwich panels, designed for different budgets. We build both small, one-story houses for summer cottages, and two-story houses for permanent residence.. When drawing up a contract, our campaign prepares a contract and a house project, taking into account the wishes of the customer. Our campaign performs a full range of works. The construction of the house takes place in several stages. For each stage, an act on the work performed is drawn up. As a result, the customer is left with a complete package of documents.

Figure 8. Finished standard project with calculated cost and price.

Choosing a house project

The customer can choose either one of the standard, well-calculated projects, or order an individual house project. Frame technology of construction, allows you to translate into reality any architectural solutions. The metal framework will provide necessary durability even to the most non-standard building.

After choosing a project, a detailed calculation of the cost of work is done. Houses made of metal sandwich panels can significantly save on:

  1. time. The speed of installation of a finished two-story house kit with a foundation is only 12 working days!
  2. Foundation. For the construction of a house from metal sandwich panels, no need to dig a pit and make a massive expensive foundation.
  3. Heavy equipment rental. When building houses from sandwich panels, heavy equipment is not required. Often only a crane is required to unload and place heavy sandwich panels filled with mineral wool.
  4. building materials. When building houses from metal sandwich panels, you significantly save on the exterior finish of the building. there are metal sandwich panels with a siding or wood texture. Additional materials for wall and roof insulation are also not needed.
  5. Wages. You do not need to pay for the work of an entire construction team for a long time, as is done with classical construction. When building houses from metal sandwich panels, only a few people cope, and in a very short time.
  6. Recycling. When building a house on a metal frame, a minimum amount of waste and construction debris is generated.

Figure 9. Installation of a box of a one-story country house made of metal sandwich panels.

  1. Finishing work. Metal sandwich panels form perfectly even walls and do not require alignment.
  2. heating. Houses made of metal sandwich panels are thermos houses. The heat losses of these houses are minimal and very little energy is spent on heating such a house, which allows significant savings on the operation of the house in the winter.

Site preparation for building a house

Before building a house, it is necessary to assess the terrain, groundwater level, soil type. To perform an accurate assessment, perform:

  • Geological surveys. Geological surveys are needed for the correct choice of the type of foundation for the house.
  • Geodetic work. Geodetic work is necessary to assess earthworks and correctly link the house to the terrain.

Video description

Video from our partners about the pros and cons of metal sandwich panels:

Video2. Pros and cons of metal sandwich panels.

Project approval

After choosing a project, the details of the project of the house are approved. These details include:

  1. foundation type. It can be a slab, a shallow strip foundation or screw piles.
  2. Type of wall metal sandwich panel. The texture, color, type of panel profile, panel filler, panel thickness are selected.
  3. roof view. Single-sided, double-sided or with a complex configuration.
  4. roof type. The type of roofing sandwich panel, filler, panel thickness is selected.
  5. Decoration Materials. As a rule, finishing materials outside the house from metal sandwich panels are not required, but inside you can use a wide range of finishing materials on the market.
  6. Glazing option. The size of the windows, the type of profile and glass are selected.
  7. Features of engineering solutions. All other works not listed above are discussed.

Figure 10. A house made of metal sandwich panels, as a rule, does not need external finishing.


After clarifying the details of the project at home, the paperwork follows, including:

  1. Technical task. The technical task includes drawings and plans of the house. Stages of building a house with a list of works.
  2. Final calculation of the project budget. All expenses will be calculated and the exact amount of building a house will be determined, including transportation costs.
  3. Construction contract. The contract will specify the terms of the construction stages, the cost, the payment procedure and the deadline for the final delivery of the turnkey sandwich panel house.

Construction works

After the conclusion of the contract, a complex of works on the construction of the house begins, including:

  1. Production of a house kit. The house kit is manufactured in the workshops of our enterprise and is prepared for shipment to the installation site. For small two-story houses, the stage of house installation, in the presence of a ready-made house kit and foundation, takes only 12 working days and can be carried out at any time of the year.
  2. Foundation preparation. Depending on the type of foundation chosen, the foundation will be poured from high-quality concrete prepared in a concrete plant, or screw piles will be screwed. The stage of pouring the foundation can take place in parallel with the manufacture of the house kit.
  3. House installation. Installation of the house includes welding of the metal frame of the house and installation of walls, roofs and interfloor ceilings. During installation, all joints and locks of the panels are treated with sealant to prevent moisture ingress. Building foam is also used to seal the house. All corners are closed with metal strips using PSUL tape. Installation of a two-story house takes only 12 working days.

Figure 11. A house made of metal sandwich panels with a wood texture.

  1. Windows installation.
  2. Door installation.
  3. Installation of engineering communications. Sewerage, heating, plumbing is being laid. Automatic water shut-off systems are installed in case of leaks. Ventilation is installed.
  4. Internal finishing works. An important advantage of a house made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame, over SIP houses, is the absence of the effect of wood drying out. Also, our houses do not shrink. This allows you to start interior finishing work immediately after the construction of the house.

Video description

Video from our Moscow partners about installation of roofing sandwich panels.

Video3. Installation of roofing sandwich panels.

Features of building houses from metal sandwich panels

When building houses from metal sandwich panels, using a metal frame, some features should be taken into account:

  1. Load bearing capacity. When designing a house, the bearing capacity of the walls and roof is calculated, taking into account wind loads, precipitation, depending on the climatic zone in which the house will be located. All parameters are calculated with a margin, in case of abnormally snowy winters, and take into account not only the weight of the snow, but also the weight of the person who will remove this snow if necessary. The number and type of fasteners are also calculated.
  2. Thermal efficiency calculation. Houses made of metal sandwich panels have very good thermal insulation. These energy-saving houses - thermoses, practically do not lose heat, which allows you to significantly save on heating in the winter and on the air conditioning system (electricity) in the summer. The main indicator on which the thermal efficiency of the house depends is the width of the sandwich panel and the type of thermal insulation material. The thickness of metal sandwich panels varies from 50 to 300 millimeters. The length of such panels is limited only by the possibility of transportation and usually ranges from 2 to 13 meters. The width of sandwich panels is usually from 0.8 to 1.2 meters.
  3. Air exchange. As already mentioned above, houses made of metal sandwich panels are houses - thermoses. For comfortable living in such houses, a well-thought-out ventilation system is required.

Figure 12. House made of metal sandwich panels in modern style, with non-standard exterior finish.

The price of houses made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame

As a rule, the cost of building a house from metal sandwich panels is much lower than the cost of an apartment of the same size in a new building, even if you buy an apartment at the construction stage. The construction time of a house is many times faster than the construction time of new buildings. There is no risk that the construction will turn into a long-term construction. The absence of neighbors from above and below, and other advantages of your home, speak of the validity of the choice in the direction of the house, and not the apartment. Another advantage is that houses made of sandwich panels are easily modified and you can easily add space to them due to an extension.

What affects the cost of a house on a metal frame

The main factors affecting the cost of a frame house are:

  • House area
  • Number of floors
  • Project complexity
  • House layout. The presence of a balcony, garage, porch.
  • The uniqueness of the project. Development of a completely unique house project at the request of the customer.
  • Changes in the standard project. Such changes include an increase in the area of ​​​​rooms, the addition of partitions, an increase in the height of ceilings, etc.

Video description

We invite you to look video about building a house from sandwich panels in the winter season, from a good campaign - a partner from the Yaroslavl region, with 20 years of experience and qualified personnel:

Video 4. Construction of a two-story house from metal sandwich panels in winter.

Metal sandwich panels on the Russian market significantly outperform houses made of glued laminated timber in terms of performance. Why is there a clarification about the Russian market? The fact is that glued laminated timber is often supplied not dried. A house assembled from such a bar will be perfect at first, there will be no gaps, everything will look good, but after a year the tree will begin to dry out and gaps will appear, the house may begin to lead. Such a situation cannot occur with houses made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame. We practically do not use wood Therefore, our houses will remain airtight throughout the entire period of operation.

In the manufacture of a house set from metal sandwich panels, each structural element is made to the nearest millimeter and fits snugly to each other. Locking joints are used in metal sandwich panels, which gives additional tightness.

Figure 13. A house made of metal sandwich panels with a wood texture and installed solar panels and thermal panels.

The house - a thermos made of metal sandwich panels, with solar and thermal panels on the roof, practically does not need gas and electricity from the public power grid. Modern solar and thermal panels provide enough electricity and heat, even in cloudy weather.

The cost of houses on a metal frame made of metal sandwich panels, for the Nizhny Novgorod region, starts from the following values:

  1. Houses made of metal sandwich panels up to 100 square meters: from 576 thousand rubles.
  2. Houses up to 200 sq. meters: from 816 thousand rubles.
  3. Houses up to 300 sq. m.: from 1374 thousand rubles.
  4. House with an individual project and area up to 500 square meters, will cost from 3144 thousand rubles. The houses of 500 square meters can comfortably accommodate two families.

An example of building a house from turnkey sandwich panels

Below are the construction steps a country one-story house made of metal sandwich panels at their summer cottage. The example house below is an excellent budget solution for a warm country house.

After talking with the client, the following project of the house and layout of the premises was drawn up:

Figure 14. Project of the house. View from the entrance.

Figure 15. Project of the house. Appearance.

Figure 16. Interior layout of the house.

After the approval of the project and the estimate, the construction of the house began.

At the first stage of construction of a warm country house, columnar piles and a welded metal frame.

Figure 17. The first stage of building a house. Installation of a columnar foundation and a metal frame.

At the second stage, the installation of wall sandwich panels is carried out, with sealing of the joints.

Figure 18. Installation of wall sandwich panels.

Figure 19. When installing wall sandwich panels, only a few people are required. This allows you to significantly save on building a house.

Figure 20. Assembly of wall panels.

Figure 21. Assembled wall panels. Inside view.

Figure 22. Interior finishing of wall panel joints.

Figure 23. External view of the assembled wall panels.

Figure 24. View of the assembled walls of the house.

Figure 25. Fastening the top of the wall panels and protecting the top end from moisture.

Figure 26. Fastening the top of the wall panels. This type of fastening provides excellent rigidity of the house and protection against moisture.

Figure 27. The construction of the internal walls of the house from metal sandwich panels.

Figure 28. The construction of the internal walls of the house.

Figure 29. Construction of the rooms of the house.

Figure 30. Self-tapping screws used in the installation of sandwich panels.

Figure 31. Mounting the ceiling of the house.

Figure 32. View of the rooms of the house.

During the construction of this house, to reduce the cost of construction, the customer insisted on using wooden trusses for the roof of the house. In most cases, we manufacture metal roof trusses because they are more reliable and take up less space in the attic. But the desire of the customer for us is the law.

Figure 33. Wooden trusses for the roof - this is the desire of the customer. We recommend using metal trusses of our production.

Figure 34. Installation of roof sandwich panels.

Figure 35. Ready-made warm country house. View from the entrance. The customer wished to make the porch himself.

Figure 36. Finished one-story house made of metal sandwich panels.


Metal sandwich panels are a very reliable and correct material for building a house. Houses made of metal sandwich panels are energy-saving, warm, save the budget during operation, both in winter and in summer. We build houses on a metal frame, as a result, the house turns out to be very durable, does not shrink, there is no drying effect, like in wooden and SIP houses. Our houses remain airtight from the moment of construction until the end of the operation of the building.

When building a house, many processes run in parallel, which reduces the overall duration of building a house. In parallel, both the processes of manufacturing a house kit at the enterprise and work on the ground are going on. For example, in parallel with the pouring and drying of the foundation, a house kit is manufactured at the enterprise. As a result, a house made of metal sandwich panels is built in record time and in any season.

After the construction of the house is completed, we will be happy to build for you warm garage made of sandwich panels or decking garage, as well as veranda for your children.

The rapid development of building technologies leads to the regular appearance of new materials. Sandwich panels can be counted among them: having appeared on the construction market not so long ago, they quickly gained great popularity.

Sandwich panels have a complex structure that includes several layers. Inside there is an insulating base, for the manufacture of which a foamed or extruded polymer or mineral wool is used. The extrusion filling is very durable, and has higher insulating characteristics. The heat-insulating core is closed on both sides with protective PVC sheets. On the front side, a better glossy or matte plastic is used, on the inside - a durable rough sheet, on which an adhesive is smeared. In addition to PVC, OSB board or steel sheet can be used to make the outer walls of the sandwich.

Sandwich panel device

A simpler version of the sandwich consists of two layers (there is no back protection). External walls and internal thermal insulation are securely connected with a special hot-melt adhesive: Hot-Melt technology is used for its manufacture. As part of a two- or three-layer structure, there are no toxins harmful to the body: this opens up wide opportunities for the use of sandwich panels in the social and housing sectors.

Appearance of sandwich panels

Multilayer panels can be safely attributed to universal materials that are used both in decoration and in the construction of buildings.

Sandwich panels are perfect as a building material from which various low-rise buildings are constructed:

  • Industrial. The material is used for the construction of warehouses, hangars, production areas.
  • Public and household. We are talking about office space, retail outlets, change houses.
  • Filling, repair, washing stations for vehicles.
  • Sports. Gyms, indoor skating rinks, etc.
  • Agricultural. Farms for breeding poultry, animals, various greenhouses.
  • Refrigeration and freezing warehouses.
  • Medical and other sanitary facilities.

Sandwich panels are used in various types of structures

In addition, panels of this type are often used in cases where reconstruction or thermal insulation of dilapidated houses with insufficiently strong ceilings is carried out.

The main classification of sandwich panels - according to the type of internal filler:

In addition, there is a classification of sandwich panels according to the material of the outer sheets: they can be metal (galvanized), PVC or oriented strand boards (the so-called "SIP panels").

The undoubted advantages of sandwich panels include the following characteristics:

The material also has weak points:

Thanks to the sandwich panels, the emergence of the technology of rapid construction of buildings, which is very popular today, has become possible. Thus, it is possible to equip an object in a short time, regardless of the weather. Prefabricated buildings are built, as a rule, within 2-3 weeks (including the time for drafting the project). The complexity of the structure being erected in some way affects the duration of the construction.

Installation of sandwich panels

However, in any case, this happens much faster than when using bricks, foam blocks and other traditional materials. Such fast construction time is explained by the small total mass of the object. In this case, there is no need for a monolithic powerful foundation, the laying of which usually takes a lot of time and resources: and it is the foundation device that “eats up” a significant part of the time and money. The construction of prefabricated buildings is carried out by a small group of installers (3-4 people) without the involvement of specialized equipment. In this case, it is quite possible to do with manual devices.

The order of construction work:

  1. Design. To save time, one often goes by using a suitable standard project, which can be modified individually.
  2. For sufficiently large structures, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete panels as a foundation. However, if the building is small and light enough, consider a brick or concrete stone foundation with an additional layer of waterproofing.
  3. To install individual elements, you will need a reliable frame, for the construction of which lumber or a metal profile can be used. The installation procedure is carried out with a screwdriver and a special lock. With the proper qualification of the performers, the build-up of the structure occurs very quickly.

Sandwich and SIP panels are also used in the construction of the so-called. "inertialess" (frame) buildings. This technology is characterized by the use of materials with good insulating properties with low heat capacity. Such objects are distinguished by a very rapid increase in the air temperature in the premises, during which the camps remain cool. They try to make them as airtight as possible, which makes it possible to spend minimal money on heating.

Frame building from sandwich panels

Inertialess structures made of SIP panels operate on the principle of a thermos: their walls cool down quickly, and the air remains warm for a long time even after turning off the heating. This technology is widely used in the construction of modern dachas and country cottages with temporary residence. Given the tightness requirements, such houses will require a rather complex ventilation system, the air ducts of which are constructed from ceramic pipes or brick ducts.

From the point of view of efficiency, frame structures are the cheapest (especially if SIP panels are used). Even taking into account the mandatory use of expensive forced ventilation, the costs of building a frame house are inferior to brick counterparts by about 1/3. It should be borne in mind that any prefabricated building in terms of durability is an order of magnitude inferior to brick or foam block structures. Strictly speaking, such structures are intended for one generation.

In order to maintain the overall style prefabricated buildings from sandwich panels, began to produce special products for roofing. In such cases, mineral wool acts as an inner layer, and the panels themselves have higher load-bearing characteristics. Using such products, designers have ample opportunities for a natural complementary overall design, when not only the appearance is maintained, but also the method of building the object. For the manufacture of roofing sandwich panels, only fire-resistant materials are used: basalt insulation, profiled steel sheathing, non-hot glue.

Sandwich panels for roofs and walls

Considering sandwich panels as a material for the construction of a building, first of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the object. As the main material, this material is most often used in the construction of industrial or social facilities. We are talking about various pavilions, hangars, gas stations, warehouses, etc. At the same time, the so-called. "industrial" style.

These materials are also used in the residential sector (frame construction), which can significantly reduce the construction time. However, buildings of this type are not very durable, so if you want to get a cottage for centuries, it is better to use traditional brick or blocks. Sandwich panels in private construction are more appropriate to use for the construction of minor buildings (except for baths, due to the low heat capacity of the walls).

Bath from sandwich panels

cost of sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are fairly inexpensive materials.

The final price depends on the following factors:

  • Manufacturer. Domestic samples are much cheaper than Western ones.
  • type of heater. The most expensive are products based on basalt wool.
  • Facings.(Type of material, number of layers).