Rosemary, or the freshness of the sea on your site. Growing rosemary in open ground and in an apartment How to plant rosemary in open ground

By planting rosemary in a pot or in the yard, you will delight yourself with the freshness of the sea breeze and get a fragrant seasoning for various dishes. How to plant and care for rosemary.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus) is an evergreen perennial shrub of the Lamiaceae family with narrow fragrant leaves, green above and white below, similar to coniferous needles, blooms with small blue-violet flowers.

Rosemary officinalis is a very valuable plant. It is used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology. Rosemary leaves contain an essential oil that has bactericidal, wound-healing properties.

Rosemary has the ability to remove toxic substances from the liver. It is also used as a diuretic plant, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Tea and infusion of rosemary greens are used for headaches, for gargling.

Mediterranean cuisine is hard to imagine without rosemary. It has a pleasant spicy-spicy taste with a pleasant bitterness. Fresh greens are added to soups, meat hot dishes. Dried shoots and leaves can be added to various spicy compositions.

Rosemary in landscape design

In southern countries, rosemary is often used as a green fence. Decorating fences and walls with rosemary on the south side is also a good design option. There are varieties of rosemary with creeping shoots. They are well suited for landscaping, steps. They are used for landscaping and strengthening slopes.

Creating a Mediterranean-style garden is impossible to do without roses, lavender and rosemary. But if among the huge number of varieties you can always choose winter-hardy enough for almost any, then rosemary can be planted in a container. Classic garden vases will successfully fit into the design and emphasize the style features.

Rosemary is a fairly hardy plant and does not require special care. Like lavender, rosemary is a photophilous drought-resistant plant. However, it is worth remembering that it does not withstand frost.

In northern regions with frosty winters, the best way to grow rosemary is outdoors in summer and in a pot in winter. In the open field, it grows faster and looks much better, healthier. In autumn, the growth of new shoots stops, the plant is cut and transplanted with a clod of earth into a spacious pot. Watering - minimal, keep in a cool room up to 10 degrees Celsius all winter.

Lighting and fit. When grown outdoors, rosemary should be planted in sunny (southern) places. It grows well on the southern slope. If overwintered in a pot, they are taken out into the open air when the threat of frost has passed. Planted in open ground after a short period of acclimatization.

Watering. Rosemary tolerates drought well, but requires good watering to thrive. Water regularly in spring and summer. If the bush grows in a container, then be sure to ensure that there is no overflow, rosemary does not like wet soils.

The soil. The soil for rosemary needs loose, nutritious, with good aeration. In nature, it grows on dry sandy and gravel soils. The root system is powerful, highly developed, penetrates deep enough into the soil. Does not tolerate excessive moisture and acidic soils.

pruning. Rosemary bushes need to be shaped if you want them to be beautiful. This is usually done in March-April before the start of active growth. Once every 7-8 years, the bushes are cut to the level of the soil for rejuvenation.

In addition, in the summer, young shoots are cut and used as a seasoning. Harvesting of greens is also done in the fall, when it comes time to bring the plants into the house or greenhouse. When transplanting into a pot, the shoots and roots of rosemary are pruned quite strongly.

Reproduction and planting. Rosemary can be propagated in 4 ways: seeds, layering, cuttings or dividing the bush.

It is not difficult to propagate with cuttings; after pruning a bush in spring or summer, cuttings are rooted in loose soil under a film. The length of the cuttings should be 8-10 cm. The lower ends are deepened into the ground at an angle. There should be a distance of at least 10 cm between the cuttings. They take root quite quickly.

Seeds can be bought at the store, you can sow seeds in February-March. The correct time for sowing is 6-12 weeks before the onset of warm weather. Seeds germinate at temperatures from +12 to +22 °C.

It is convenient to sow in transparent plastic containers with a lid for food. Be sure to ventilate or close tightly. Germination time is quite long, seedlings appear unevenly. When most of the seeds have sprouted, the lid is removed. Seedlings after a month can be planted in separate pots.

After the end of frost, young plants are planted in the ground. The distance between the bushes is about 50 cm. If grown as a cutting spice, then a distance of 10 cm will be enough.

Fertilizer. Fertilizers are usually used only for plants wintering in the ground. Complex mineral and organic fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen are suitable. Once a month is enough.

During winter wintering and subsequent transplanting into open ground, it is not necessary to fertilize if fertile soil is introduced into the planting hole.

Growing in a container requires regular fertilizing with complex fertilizer.

Shelter for the winter. In a mild climate (Crimea, the Black Sea region, the Caucasus), rosemary winters successfully. If there are frosts down to -10 degrees, it is necessary to cover. Minus 5 - the temperature is detrimental to rosemary.

Harvesting. What is harvested and used as seasoning? Naturally, greens. It is advisable to do this in sunny weather. During the flowering period, young shoots are cut from rosemary, densely covered with leaves with flowers, dried in the shade and crushed. So the aromatic seasoning for meat is ready.

This culture grows on the Mediterranean coast and absorbs its flavors. We are talking about rosemary - a plant that simultaneously smells of eucalyptus, pine and lemon, as well as a subtle light breeze. But even if your dacha is not located on the seashore, but, for example, in the suburbs, growing the most popular varieties of exotic shrubs in the open field is also possible, albeit troublesome. Of course, after planting, the plant will need some care, the rules of which you will learn from the article.

Description: varieties and varieties of rosemary

The evergreen perennial rosemary is a relative of basil, mint, lemon balm, lavender and motherwort. A few of its varieties can reach a height of 0.5 to 2 m. The leaves of this culture are needle-like, outwardly resembling needles. Flowers are small, bluish-violet, white, pink. If you admire them from afar or look at the photo, you can take them for a carpet.

In total, there are no more than 5 types of rosemary in nature. The most popular of them is medicinal. It is divided into several varieties. Among the domestic ones, the most famous are:

  • Dewdrop;
  • Tenderness;
  • Veshnyakovsky Semko.

Foreign selection offers the following varieties:

  • Severn Sea;
  • prostratus;
  • Roseus;
  • Albiflorus and others.

Planting a plant in open ground

Choose a place for landing bright and protected from drafts. The soil is loose, light, preferably calcareous. It should be warm enough outside - then rosemary will take well and will not cause trouble with care. Usually it is the second half of May. If you want to grow large bushes, plant rosemary 0.5 m apart. Otherwise, even a minimum distance of 10 cm is sufficient. After planting, watering is required.

Advice. A shrub can grow in one place for many years. If you want to uproot it and occupy this area with vegetables, plant carrots, onions, and garlic after rosemary.

culture care

Rosemary is a drought-resistant crop, but without watering it will not live long. Observe moderation: with abundant moisture, the plant will begin to get rid of leaves, with a lack of moisture, it will turn yellow. After watering, loosen the soil and remove weeds. In March-April, engage in the formation of a bush. If your rosemary is about 7-8 years old, rejuvenate the bush by cutting it back to soil level.

The varieties of this ornamental culture do not like the cold, so winter in the Moscow region can be disastrous for them. If you live in central Russia, remember: full-fledged care for exotic rosemary is impossible without protecting it from frost. The surest way is to dig up the plant, transplant it into a container for the winter and bring it into a bright room, the temperature in which does not fall below +16 oC. If this is not possible, cut the rosemary to ground level, cover with sawdust or leaves. From above, build a small dome of coniferous branches.

Fertilizer and top dressing of rosemary

In the phase of active vegetation (from spring to autumn), the plant needs regular fertilizer. Suitable complex mineral preparations. The frequency of their introduction is twice a month. In the spring, rosemary will also need nitrogen fertilizers, in the fall - phosphorus. Some summer residents use cow dung: organic matter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Advice. In winter, rosemary can do without top dressing. If you think that the plant needs fertilizers, apply them no more than 1 time in 1-1.5 months.

Plant propagation by cuttings and other methods

Nature has provided 4 ways to propagate ornamental shrubs:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • with the help of seeds.

Cuttings are the most reliable and proven method by many gardeners. It's easy to master it:

  1. In autumn, cut 8-10 cm long segments from annual shoots. Each should have 3-4 internodes.
  2. Remove the bottom leaves. Treat the lower sections with a preparation that stimulates the formation of roots.
  3. Place the cuttings in water, river sand, or loose, fertile soil.
  4. Provide suitable conditions and care:
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • warmly;
  • daily spraying.

The cuttings will take root in about a month. After that, plant them in separate containers, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 cm. After a week, pinch the tops to activate branching.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is used mainly for indoor rosemary. The other two methods can be used outdoors. If you have seeds, put them in water for a few hours: let them swell. Then sow in wet sand to a depth of 0.3-0.4 mm and cover with a film. Spray future shoots regularly and keep them warm (about +22…+25 C).

With such care, the sprouts will hatch in 1.5-2 months. After that, remove the film and place the containers closer to the light. Do not forget about watering with settled water. Rosemary will be ready for planting outdoors when it reaches a height of 7-8 cm.

Reproduction by layering looks like this:

  1. The shoot, which grows close to the ground, is tilted and fixed in this position.
  2. The layer is added dropwise, leaving only the top free.
  3. The shoot is watered along with the whole bush.
  4. When the tip begins to grow, the layers are separated and planted in a garden bed or in a container.

Diseases and pests of culture

Surprisingly, but true: in open ground conditions, the plant is extremely resistant to most ailments and insects. Some summer residents believe that good "immunity" is associated with a strong aroma that the shrub exudes. After all, the smell of this culture even repels some pests: slugs, snails, aphids. Whatever it was, but this undeniable advantage greatly facilitates the care of rosemary.

Attention! If you are growing a crop not in open ground, but on a windowsill, be prepared to protect it from whiteflies and white powdery mildew.

Rosemary: combination with other plants and use

To grow this fragrant perennial, you can pick up a plot next to which curly beans and other legumes, different varieties of cabbage, carrots, onions, and hot peppers are planted. There are many good combinations. Rosemary improves the taste of vegetable crops and favorably affects their growth. It is worth avoiding, perhaps, joint planting with cucumbers, which, in principle, do not like the neighborhood of fragrant herbs.

Rosemary is not just an exotic ornamental plant that can be grown and propagated outdoors or on a windowsill. It is useful for many diseases, and is also widely used by cosmetologists to create skin and hair care products. This fragrant culture is added to a variety of dishes. Their recipes with photos can always be found in cookbooks or on thematic sites. Its combination with cheese is considered especially harmonious, but the combination with red vegetables is unsuccessful. A large number of advantages is a good incentive for planting and propagating different varieties of rosemary in your summer cottage.

Planting rosemary: video

Growing rosemary: photo

Growing rosemary at home in a pot is not only interesting, but also a useful activity. The plant is used both as a spice and as a natural medicine. The decorativeness of the bush allows you to decorate the apartment.

If comfortable conditions are not created for the plant, it begins to gradually lose its attractiveness and useful properties. Ideally, grow a flower in a winter garden, but if it is not available, you can do it in an apartment. Rosemary in good conditions becomes a tree, which should be considered when choosing a plant.

It is also worth remembering that if improper care is taken, it begins to hurt and may die. In the summer, it is necessary to take the flower to fresh air. This will improve the development of the bush, increase the content of nutrients in it.

Planting a plant

From how correctly the flower is planted, its further development depends. Mistakes at the planting stage lead to the fact that rosemary begins to wither and may die.

Soil and pot requirements

The result of growing a plant depends on the correct choice of a pot and soil. Rosemary root is very branched and needs a large container. The roots have a high need for oxygen, and therefore the material of the pot must be porous. It is best to give preference to clay. Coated pots should not be used. For a young plant, a pot with an average diameter of about 20 cm is suitable.

The plant needs special soil. Lime-based rubble substrate can be purchased at a flower shop, but it is better to prepare the soil for rosemary yourself.

To do this, the following components are connected:

  • leafy soil - 2 parts;
  • soddy soil, from which all roots have been removed - 2 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part.

Before the plant is planted, the soil must be very well shed with water.

Rosemary care at home

In addition to proper planting, the plant needs proper care, in which fragrant grass will receive everything it needs. By the attractive appearance of the plant, you can immediately understand that he is well and that care is sufficient for him.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

During the growing season, the plant requires an air temperature of +23 to +25 degrees. In winter, rosemary goes into a dormant state, and therefore it needs a decrease in temperature. It should be in the range from +6 to +15 degrees. In an apartment, it rarely happens to create the optimal temperature. In order for the rosemary growing in the apartment not to suffer from overheating, in winter it should be placed as close to the window as possible. Also, for cooling, you can put a bowl of snow or ice next to it, which, when melting, will slightly reduce the temperature around the plant.

Humidity is an important indicator, since when it is insufficient, the indoor flower begins to turn yellow and wither. In summer, in most cases, additional air humidification for the plant is not required. In winter, due to heating, the air in the room becomes drier, and therefore it is necessary to increase the humidity. To do this, expanded clay is poured into the pallet with the plant, which is abundantly moistened. Water should not reach the drainage holes of the pot, so there is no risk that the plant will rot due to excessive soil dampness. At the same time, due to the evaporation of water, the air around the rosemary becomes moist enough for its normal state.

The plant is photophilous and requires intensive lighting for at least 6 hours a day. In order for the crown of the shrub to develop evenly, and not one-sidedly, once every 2 days it is necessary to turn the pot 180 degrees. In the summer heat, in order for the grass not to get sunburned, it must be slightly shaded. In winter, lighting should be as intense as possible. It is good to use phytolamps to illuminate the flower, the light spectrum of which has a beneficial effect on the growth of indoor plants.

Watering the plant

When growing rosemary at home, it should be remembered that it tolerates overdrying more easily than waterlogging. However, despite this, the flower should be watered regularly, using well-settled water at room temperature.

If the plant does not have enough water, its foliage begins to turn yellow. When there is too much of it, then rosemary begins to drop leaves, which at the same time retain their green color.

The signal that it needs to be watered is the drying of the top layer of the earth. Waiting for the soil to dry completely is unacceptable. In extreme heat in summer, it is useful to spray the grass early in the morning or late in the evening, but not more than 1 time per day. For this, the same water is used as for irrigation.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Rosemary is fed during the growing season from spring to November once a month, using a complex fertilizer for indoor plants. It should be diluted in double the volume of water compared to the directions in the instructions. It is also useful to pour 2 times per season with an aqueous solution of bird droppings prepared at the rate of 1:30.

In winter, feeding rosemary is highly undesirable. If it begins to weaken due to a nutrient deficiency, then one-time feeding with a complex composition is allowed. This phenomenon usually occurs when the plant was not transplanted in a timely manner.


Up to 5 years, rosemary is very actively building up the root system. For this reason, in the early years, it must be transplanted every April into a pot that is 5-7 cm wider than the previous one. After 5 years, the flower is transplanted 1 time in 3 years, also in April. The pot in this case should be 10-12 cm wider than the previous one.

Rosemary propagation

Breeding a plant through seeds at home is quite problematic, and therefore the cutting method is mainly used. To obtain new plants, apical shoots 7.5 cm long are cut off. They should be cut with sharp scissors at an angle of 45 degrees. The cuttings are moistened in clean water and the cut point is rolled in root powder. Then the excess powder is shaken off and the cuttings are planted in wet peat. The container with them is covered with a plastic bag, since greenhouse conditions are necessary for rooting. Roots appear in a month or a little earlier. Further care is carried out according to the standard scheme.

The main problems in growing

The main problem that a florist may face is powdery mildew. She, because of the peculiar leaves of rosemary, does not manifest itself in the usual way. As a result of this, remaining unnoticed, the disease progresses, and the plant dies from it. You can suspect the presence of a problem by browning leaves. Growing rosemary in an apartment can also be complicated by higher than required temperatures during the winter, when the plant should be dormant.

Pests and diseases

Rosemary is not prone to diseases, and only with excessive moisture does downy mildew develop on it. This problem is eliminated by normalizing the irrigation regime.

Pests may appear:

  • scab;
  • spider mite.

Growing rosemary on your windowsill is not easy, but it is quite possible.

Rosemary is one of the types of exotic plants.

Many people fell in love with this plant, it has an original taste and aroma, and also belongs to the medicinal.

In addition, rosemary is a very interesting and beautiful plant, its leaves resemble needles.

Such a bush will become a real decoration of any garden.

This article discusses the features of growing rosemary in open ground.

Growing rosemary is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

To do this, you first need to choose the right place in the garden or garden. Site requirements:

  1. Any excess moisture adversely affects the growth and development of the plant. That is why the place is selected even, where there is no stagnant water.
  2. The site must be sunny. The lack of light leads to the fact that the taste, aroma of the plant become less pronounced, the concentration of essential oils is significantly reduced.
  3. The east or south side of the plot is the best place to plant rosemary.
  4. Much depends on the climate of the region, the plant does not like cold, temperature changes. It is advisable to choose an open area for it without strong winds.

As for the composition and quality of the soil, the shrub does not tolerate acidic and clay soils.

The best option would be to pick up a light, preferably lime.

You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix equal amounts of river sand, peat, black soil, dry leaves. You also need to add lime.

For 10 buckets of prepared soil, 100 g of crushed lime is enough.

1-2 weeks before planting rosemary, beds are prepared. They are first moistened, after 3 days mineral fertilizers are applied.

Wintering rosemary in open ground at temperatures below -10ºC is impossible, the plant simply will not survive.

If it is necessary to grow it as a perennial, then prepare a greenhouse.

Rosemary is often grown as an annual. When spring comes, bushes are planted, in the fall they begin to harvest.

Rosemary seeds begin to germinate in spring. Propagation of rosemary is possible through seedlings or cuttings.

If seeds are sown directly into open ground, it is possible not to have time to get a good and high-quality crop.

Most likely, the shrub will grow only by late autumn.

To grow rosemary from seeds and harvest in mid-summer, it is recommended to start sowing seeds as early as late February.

First, the seeds are germinated. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Gauze is folded several times, well moisturized.
  2. The seeds are laid out and covered.
  3. Harvest until full germination.
  4. The optimum temperature is +18-22 ºC.
  5. During this time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the gauze. She must not dry out. If this happens, gently spray from a spray bottle.
  6. After a few days, shoots will appear. This usually happens on the 3rd or 4th day.

Note! When you get the seeds out of the cheesecloth, be very careful. The sprouts are very fragile and thin, they can be easily damaged! In addition, they are often confused among gauze fibers.

  1. Prepare containers. It can be special pots, plastic cups, wooden boxes and any other container. Each gardener has his favorite containers where it is convenient for him to grow seeds.
  2. They fill them with earth, moisturize, make grooves.
  3. Gently spread the seeds along the grooves, sprinkle a little earth on top.
  4. Cover the containers with glass or film and clean in a dark and warm place.
  5. Watered about 1 time in 2 days. You can determine if watering is needed by the condition of the soil. If it is dry, watering is required. Too wet soil is best not to water, as this can lead to rotting of the plant's roots.
  6. When sprouts appear on the surface, the glass or film is removed. Move containers to a sunny location. Plants now need it for normal growth and development.

When the seedlings get stronger, the plants can be planted in open ground.

As a rule, this happens 45-60 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Rooting cuttings

It is much easier and faster to grow rosemary by propagation from cuttings.

Cut shoots from an already adult plant will do.

In addition, you can take the purchased greens.

The optimal time for cuttings is the end of April or the beginning of May.

Carried out as follows:

  1. Take a few branches, strip some of the stems, remove the leaves from the bottom of the branch.
  2. Now you can go two ways. The first is to place the seedling in the ground, the second is to put the branches in the water. In both cases, you need to wait until the plant takes root.
  3. If the branches are in the water, change it after 3 days.
  4. When rooting in soil, moisten as needed, usually after 1 day.
  5. Roots will begin to form in about 21 days.

Now the seedling is ready for planting in a permanent place of growth.

Planting a rosemary seedling in the garden

When the seedlings grow up and get stronger, they are ready for planting in open ground.

As a rule, this falls on the middle of May.

Rosemary should be transplanted when the weather is more or less warm at night, without frost.

The soil is best prepared in the fall. Before the onset of cold weather, it needs to be dug up.

For fertilizer use humus.

This distance will be optimal for shrubs. After that, you need to take containers with seedlings, carefully, so as not to damage the root system, get the plant with a clod of earth.

Place it inside the prepared hole and sprinkle with earth.

Under the condition of growing from cuttings, planting a seedling is as follows:

  1. When the plant has taken root, it is ready for transplanting. First, prepare the wells. Choose a depth such that the roots enter there.
  2. Water the soil generously.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole, sprinkle with earth.
  4. Follow-up care - regular watering.

Propagation by cuttings is considered the fastest and most successful, since almost all seedlings take root and subsequently give a good harvest.

Features of rosemary care

Proper care of rosemary is an important point during the development of the shrub.

The health of the seedling, as well as the quality and quantity of the crop, depend on it.

With proper care of the plant, you will get a delicious and very fragrant rosemary, which still has medicinal properties.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering rosemary in the country should be constantly. At the same time, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil.

The plant cannot be flooded.

Most often, watering is carried out 1 time in 3 days.

In general, the regularity depends on the climate. In hot weather, watering is increased, and in rainy weather, reduced.

An important point here is also the timely removal of weeds, looseness of the soil.

Weeds prevent the shrub from growing, as they take some of the nutrients from the soil. They need to be removed.

It is better to loosen the soil after each watering. The earth is saturated with oxygen, which enters the roots of the plant. This makes rosemary strong and healthy.

Loosening the soil should begin immediately after the snow melts, when it warms up a little.

Also, do not forget about fertilizers for rosemary. Use mineral, organic top dressing. Fertilize the plant every month.

During active growth, the shrub needs nitrogen. Watered with infusion of mullein, the ratio is 1:5. In autumn and winter, you can fertilize with phosphorus.

Pruning rosemary and preparing for winter

A perennial rosemary bush is sheared. In spring, the stems at the top of the plant are carefully removed with pruning shears.

Thus, the bush will be beautiful, spherical. You also need to update the greens.

To do this, all shoots must be removed, cut right under the root.

In the warm regions of our country, the shrub does not need special preparation for winter.

However, where the climate is more severe, it is better to take care and protect rosemary from frost.

The plant is covered so that it does not freeze in winter.

Many gardeners do it differently: they dig up the plant and plant it in pots, boxes or similar containers. After that, they bring it home and leave it until the winter is over.

Disease and pest control

The shrub contains essential oils that repel most insects.

With proper care, as a rule, rosemary diseases should not occur.

However, sometimes it happens that various pests or diseases still appear, for example:

  • white spots on leaves- they indicate that the soil is too wet.

It is necessary to stop watering for a while. Stagnation of moisture leads to the fact that rosemary loses some of its taste, becomes less fragrant;

  • spider mite - for the prevention of it, moistening the air near the bush will help. If the plant is already affected by the pest, chemicals are used. Foliage is periodically sprayed.

Note! So that chemicals and poisons do not get inside the soil, it is recommended to protect the earth before spraying the plant. Directly on the soil you need to put a plastic film or other material, only then begin to treat the shrub with chemicals. After processing, it is necessary to carefully remove the protective material from the ground so that drops of the solution that fall on it do not spill onto the ground.

What to plant after rosemary

Rosemary is often grown as a perennial in the garden. Sometimes gardeners decide to free the site from it and plant other plants in this place.

Then you need to remember that you need to carefully remove all the remains of the plant, dig up the soil. It is also recommended to add humus.

Best on the site after rosemary will grow:

  • carrot;
  • garlic.

How to save rosemary in winter

In winter, in the northern regions of our country, the plant will need shelter.

So that the shrub does not freeze and survive the cold, professionals advise preparing a plastic greenhouse.

In addition, sawdust, straw or hay will help protect the root system.

Under the condition of home cultivation in winter, rosemary should be watered 1-2 times in 7 days.

Growing an exotic plant in winter depends on the region of the country. In southern places, the plant winters well on the street.

It does not require additional shelter for the winter, as it is short, not frosty.

Rosemary is a wonderful perennial plant, it is used in cooking and has medicinal properties.

Depending on the variety, the plant can be miniature or tall. A beautiful shrub with needle-shaped leaves will decorate the garden or vegetable garden.

We recommend to know:

Rosemary rightfully occupies one of the first places among spicy-aromatic plants. In most European countries, it is grown everywhere, both in large agricultural firms and in private estates. And those who do not have their own plot of land cultivate rosemary as a houseplant in order to always have their favorite seasoning on hand. With us, it is just beginning to gain popularity, so many simply do not know how to grow this valuable crop from seeds at home. Meanwhile, this is not at all difficult to do, although you will have to be patient.

Rosemary belongs to the evergreen shrubs of the Lamiaceae family. Wild-growing representatives of this species are most common in the northern regions of Africa, southern Europe, and Cyprus. It was brought to Russia at the beginning of the century before last, and since then it has been growing here only in culture. In the wild, rosemary is not found on the territory of the Russian Federation, because it does not tolerate the climatic conditions of the middle zone.

Rosemary - description

The plant is a lush bush with a height of 50 to 200 cm (depending on the variety), with tetrahedral pubescent stems and small leaves similar to needles. Violet, slightly elongated flowers are collected in 5-10 pieces at the tips of short shoots. After flowering, smooth, small, rounded nuts-fruits of a brown color are formed. Rosemary blooms in April-May, the seeds ripen in mid-September.

The leaves contain tannins, alkaloids and acids, but the most valuable component is the essential oil, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Depending on the region of growth, when harvesting raw materials, from 0.3 to 1.2% of the oil is obtained from the total mass of the plant. The maximum content of essential oil is observed during abundant flowering and shedding of mature seeds.

The chemical composition of the aerial part of the plant

NameQuantity in 100 g
Carbohydrates64.06 g
Squirrels4.88 g
Vitamin C61.2 mg
Thiamine0.514 mg
Riboflavin0.428 mg
Vitamin B61.74 mg
Potassium955 mg
Magnesium220 mg
Phosphorus70 mg
Iron29.25 mg
Selenium4.6 mg
Zinc3.23 mg

Growing from seed

Growing this crop from seeds requires a lot of time and patience, unlike propagation from cuttings. It's just that getting seeds is much easier than getting good cuttings if rosemary is not grown anywhere nearby. The best way to grow a spice at home is to grow a bush from seeds, and then propagate it vegetatively.

Preparation and sowing of seeds

Rosemary seeds tend to germinate for a very long time, therefore, sowing should be started no later than a month and a half before the onset of stable heat. Usually this is the second half of February or the beginning of March, depending on the region. To speed up the germination process, the seeds must be properly prepared.

Step 1. Seeds are placed in a glass and poured with a small amount of warm settled water. Leave to swell for 5-6 hours.

Step 2. Prepare the soil substrate: 2 parts garden soil with neutral acidity, 1 part river sand, 1 part rotted compost. If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, use a ready-made substrate for indoor plants.

Step 3 They take containers for sowing up to 15 cm high, expanded clay or small pebbles for drainage are poured onto the bottom, filled with a prepared substrate.

Step 4 Swollen seeds are distributed over the surface, slightly sprinkled with earth (no more than 0.4 cm), moisten the substrate with water from a spray bottle.

Step 5 The container is covered with a film or a transparent lid and placed in a warm place, for example, above the battery. The optimum temperature for germination is 25-30 degrees Celsius.

The first shoots will begin to appear no earlier than in a month, and for full shoots it will take from 6 to 8 weeks. All this time they maintain a stable temperature, and periodically check the humidity of the substrate under the shelter. If necessary, the surface of the soil must be moistened with a sprayer. When shoots appear, the film must be removed to avoid the death of tender sprouts from the black leg.

Seedling care

The main condition for the normal development of seedlings is good lighting and heat. It is best to put a box with seedlings on the windowsill on the south side, and in cloudy weather, also illuminate with a phytolamp. The temperature in the room should not fall below 18 degrees. Watering is very moderate, through a sprayer, preferably in the morning.

If the distance between the seedlings is at least 3 cm, it is not necessary to dive them into separate containers. With sufficient light, they can grow quite normally for a month without thinning. If the seedlings are too thick, you can not do without a pick. As soon as two true leaves are formed, the seedlings dive into separate cups or small pots with loose and nutritious soil.

When the sprouts reach a height of 3-4 cm, the seedlings can be gradually hardened off. Choose a warm windless day for this and put rosemary by the open window for a few minutes. It is very important to avoid drafts, otherwise the seedlings may die. Gradually, the hardening time is increased, you can take pots with plants to the balcony and leave them outside for longer and longer. Outdoors, be sure to protect seedlings from wind, rain, and direct sunlight. During this period, plants are very vulnerable, and therefore their care must be especially careful.

Disembarkation to a permanent place

When the seedlings are strong enough and grow up to 7-8 cm in height, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. It can be both open ground and a large flowerpot. If you are going to grow rosemary outdoors, choose the right place for it: it should be a well-lit area with well-drained light soil, preferably with an admixture of limestone. In a lowland, in a shade, in a blown place, rosemary will not grow, you will only waste your energy and destroy the plant.

Step 1. The soil is well loosened, holes are made for the roots, a handful of rotted organic matter is brought into each hole and mixed with the ground.

Step 2 Seedlings are carefully separated and removed one by one along with a clod of earth to minimize injury to the root system.

Step 3 Carefully lower each sprout into a separate hole, level and sprinkle with soil from all sides. Water, add soil again and lightly tamp it with your hands.

When planting for decorative purposes, the minimum distance between the bushes should be 10 cm. When planting in order to collect raw materials, at least half a meter is left between plants. If rosemary is planted in pots, everything is done in much the same way, but first a few small holes are made in the bottom for drainage. Instead of the usual soil, it is better to take a mixture of vermiculite and sand, so you can maintain optimal humidity in the flowerpot. After transplanting, flowerpots are placed in a light shade for a couple of days, so that it is easier for plants to adapt to new conditions.

plant care

One of the most important conditions for care is proper watering. The earth in a pot or in a garden bed should not be wet, but it also cannot dry out. Carefully observe the plant: if the lower leaves have brightened, begun to turn yellow, the roots do not have enough water. If the leaves fall off, this means an excess of moisture. Water should be poured directly onto the soil to keep the leaves dry. Plants intended for use as food should be fed only with organic fertilizers, no more than once every 2 months.

Rosemary is resistant to most diseases and pests, but is sometimes affected by spider mites, scale insects and leaf spot. If the tick has just appeared on the plants, it is enough to wash the leaves with soapy water, and the pest will disappear. In case of severe damage, only insecticides, for example, Fitoverm or Agravertin, will help. When affected by spotting, the bushes should be sprayed with copper-containing preparations.

"Fitoverm", instruction

In room conditions, the plant needs to provide maximum light. Periodically, the flowerpot should be turned to the window on the other side so that all shoots receive enough light.

Also, do not forget to regularly ventilate the bushes, exposing them to the balcony in warm weather. Over time, rosemary grows and requires shaping pruning. It should be done at least twice a year - in early spring and early autumn.

With the onset of cold weather, plants in flowerpots should be brought into the house. In order for the bush to continue to develop normally in winter, the temperature in the room should not be above 16 and below 10 degrees Celsius. Rosemary, planted in beds, in the southern and central regions can winter in the ground under cover. It is best to sprinkle the soil at the roots with a thick layer of sawdust or dry foliage, and this must be done before the first frost. So that thin shoots do not break under the snow, you can bend them to the ground and cover them with spruce branches on top.

Reproduction by cuttings

By autumn, bushes grown from seeds can be propagated by cuttings. By the way, this is an effective way to save the plant for next year.

Step 1. The strongest shoots are selected and cut from them into cuttings 9-10 cm long.

Step 2 Prepare the soil: mix 1 part of sod land with 2 parts of sand and 1 part of peat. The resulting substrate is heated for at least an hour in the oven to destroy harmful microorganisms.

Step 3. They take a pot, pour a layer of expanded clay for drainage, then fill it with soil mixture, water it abundantly.

Step 4 The lower ends of the cuttings are dipped in root or other root formation stimulator, and planted in a prepared container. The cuttings are buried in the soil by about 3-4 cm.

Step 5 Cover the pot with a transparent bag in which ventilation holes are made, and place it on the windowsill on the south or west side. Be sure to shade from direct sunlight.

Rooting will take about three weeks. All this time, monitor the temperature in the room, do not allow it to fluctuate sharply. Carefully inspect the cuttings, immediately remove rotten branches. When the root system is formed, you can start transplanting plants into separate pots. Do everything as described above, but only take more containers so that the roots have enough space.

Rules for the collection and procurement of raw materials

Rosemary is used for food in the second year after planting. By this time, the bush will already be strong enough and grow, and many useful substances will accumulate in its leaves and young shoots. For drying and freezing, raw materials are collected during the flowering of the bush.

Only young healthy stems are cut, both with and without flowers. Cut shoots are laid out in a thin layer under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area with low humidity.

Dry rosemary separately from other aromatic herbs so as not to mix smells. When the stems are dry, they can be chopped for convenience and stored in a glass jar with a tight lid.

If you'd rather freeze your herbs than dry them, use clean plastic bags, place dry, clean rosemary sprigs in them, remove any excess air, and seal tightly. Now you can put the bags in the freezer. With this method, the greens are stored for several months without loss of taste, but in a dry form and in an airtight container even longer - about 2 years. But it is best, of course, to use freshly cut shoots, and growing rosemary indoors provides such an opportunity.

Video - Growing rosemary from seeds at home

Video - Planting rosemary in open ground