Interior decoration of the house from a bar - the main types. How to sheathe walls inside a wooden house - the right choice of material

Wood is widely used in residential construction as the main material for walls, ceilings and floors. In our country, chopped huts were distributed everywhere.

The log was replaced by a new material - profiled timber. It is more convenient and more technologically advanced in work. Finishing the interior of the house from a bar is made at the request of its owner and is not mandatory.

Wood itself has an excellent texture and unique properties in the field of decoration. The bar undergoes preliminary and finishing processing on industrial equipment.

After grinding and applying special primers and varnishes, the surface of the material does not need any decorative coatings. However, this does not mean at all that in such houses it is impossible to make finishes to your liking.

A completely logical question arises: how to decorate a house from a bar inside, and what material is better to use? The answer is both simple and difficult at the same time. The reason for this is that almost any finishing technology can be used in such houses.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to ensure reliable insulation of wood from moisture. Based on this, the use of techniques with the application of plaster or putty is not recommended.

The choice of material for finishing

A beam profiled in cross section is an almost perfect square, in which the opposite sides are flat, and on the mating surfaces a groove is made on one side, and a comb on the other.

These elements are necessary to ensure the tightness of the joints. The right angles of the squares are beveled along the entire length of the timber. The connection of parts of one row in the corners of the building is carried out by means of special tie-ins.

The smooth sides of the beam, after their qualified laying, form an almost perfect plane. It does not need any preliminary preparation and alignment. So, for example, lining, plastic sheets, MDF panels and drywall can be screwed directly to the beam without a special frame.

Practice shows that even unskilled workers, which, in fact, is the vast majority of homeowners, can do all the work on their own. The internal space of the house is formed by three planes: floor, walls and ceiling.

The finish of each of these surfaces has its own characteristics. A simple observation shows that it is the lower plane that deserves special attention.

Floor finishing

The location of this surface is such that it needs additional hydro and thermal insulation. The design of the house from a bar provides for the presence of a power set, on which a draft floor is laid from a board or OSB plywood. On this surface, another supporting structure is made and a decorative floor covering is laid.

In expanded form, the work program looks like this:

  1. We lay waterproofing material on the surface of the subfloor. It can be: both roofing material and film polymer membrane;
  2. We mount a power set from a rectangular beam 50 × 100 mm, mounted on an edge. This design has a different device, depending on what is intended as a finish. Under a regular board, the beam is installed in parallel with a step of 500 mm, and under plywood - in squares with a side of no more than 500-600 mm;
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the fastening of the power set to the floor, it must be sufficiently reliable and completely exclude the possibility of even minimal movement of the elements. The best means to achieve this goal will be self-tapping screws of the appropriate size;
  4. We put insulation in the free space: polystyrene foam, mineral fiber mats or rolled glass wool;

  1. We cover with another layer of a vapor barrier made of a film membrane;
  2. We produce flooring of a finishing coating from a pre-selected material.

Useful advice: the floor from the board, laid with your own hands and varnished, looks the best in a house made of natural wood. When laying such a coating, it becomes necessary to create a tight contact between the individual floorboards. It can be achieved by using wedge technology.


This surface in houses made of timber is formed by the supporting beams of the floor and the boardwalk between them. Finishing a timber house inside along the ceilings mainly comes down to their grinding and opening with special primers and varnishes.

In the bathroom or in the kitchen, the air humidity is high and the floor wood needs additional protection. PVC film suspended ceilings will cope with this task in the best way.

The choice of texture and color is determined by the overall style of the design of this room. The choice of films for ceilings is huge and allows you to harmoniously fit them into almost any interior.

Advice! Before installing such a ceiling, it is necessary to carry out work on the installation of waterproofing. A membrane made of polymer material is best suited. It is fixed to the ceiling using rails and self-tapping screws.

This will prevent condensation from forming on the wooden surface. The price of this operation is relatively low, but the protection is reliable.

Wall decoration in a house made of profiled timber

Given the decorative properties of this material, you can generally leave everything as it is, after careful grinding and opening with a protective varnish. However, in some rooms with high humidity, ceramic tiles on the walls will not look superfluous.

It cannot be laid on wood, so you must first create a base for it. For these purposes, moisture-resistant drywall is suitable, which can be fixed directly to a beam or to a supporting structure made of steel profile.

There is a detailed instruction for working with this material, the repetition of which within the framework of this article is inappropriate. The second finishing option with a frame looks more preferable, because it will allow you to discreetly place engineering communications.


How to do this is described in sufficient detail above. The video in this article will help to visually demonstrate the described processes, which will allow you to get a complete picture of them.

The use of profiled or rounded timber during construction is one of the best solutions for building an environmentally friendly, beautiful and comfortable home. But it is important to create not only a beautiful appearance - it is important to create a solid and reliable design. In this case, the right interior decoration will help.

What are the popular finishing materials and how to mount them correctly? Where is it better to use certain materials? We will try to understand all these issues and find the best solutions for the interior decoration of a house made of timber.

The interior of the house from a bar: the most popular finishing materials

Finishing works can be divided into two groups: external and internal. Exterior decoration of a wooden house is used very rarely - wood is a very beautiful material that does not need third-party refinement or decoration.

Interior decoration is used everywhere, since it is it that is designed to insulate and strengthen the walls of houses.

Builders use a variety of materials for the interior decoration of a house made of timber. The most common are:

  • Decorative rock
  • Plastic lining or panel siding
  • Wooden lining
  • Block house
  • Drywall and other materials

As a rule, when decorating a house from a bar, all materials are used inside. A bathroom, hall or kitchen can be covered with waterproof plasterboard, a corridor, hall or living room can be covered with decorative stone inserts, wooden lining can be a universal background material for walls. In general, great opportunities open up for the realization of your own fantasies and design solutions in the interiors of country houses made of timber.

If you are planning to build an extension to the house from a bar, then you can read about it. The article contains all the features of the construction of extensions.

Video about the interior decoration of the house from a bar

Detailed instructions for laying decorative stone

Video about various elements of interior decoration

How to properly and quickly make a plasterboard partition with your own hands

The interior decoration of a house made of timber (photos are given) includes all the improvement of the interior of a private or country house built from timber of various types. Wooden houses of this type are very popular, and many people are interested in the features of their interior design. In principle, a frame house with an imitation of timber (photo 1) or the interior decoration of a house made of profiled timber (photo 2) differs little in terms of the materials used from landscaping, for example, a brick building. However, certain specifics are observed, and these nuances should be taken into account when doing work on your own.

In general, the interior decoration of a residential building means a number of measures to create an interior, external flooring, walls, ceiling, arrangement of door and window openings, organization of communication systems.

Houses made of wooden beams have a number of characteristic features associated with the properties of wood. The main features include the following factors: significant shrinkage within 4-7 years after the completion of construction work and high sensitivity to moisture, which causes a change in all material properties and destroys wood.

These factors largely depend on the type of timber used. When building a house, as a rule, profiled or glued beams are used. Profiled products can have different degrees of drying, which determines the degree of shrinkage. The change in height occurs both as it dries and due to the sealing of the gap between the layers. As a result, shrinkage can reach 2.5-4 cm.

Glued laminated timber is much more expensive than a profiled counterpart, but its shrinkage is minimal. As for the problem of moisture resistance, this is a property of the wood itself, and to increase the resistance, external protection against moisture penetration is necessary.

What other nuances should be noted? First of all, the purpose of finishing is essential: the arrangement of a new house or premises that has existed for many years. In the first case, it should be borne in mind that wood is usually used in construction because of its attractive appearance: special texture, naturalness, environmental friendliness, originality.

Given these important properties, it should be noted that cladding a new timber will take away all the attractiveness of wood. For a new house, finishing is more typical, while maintaining the external attractiveness of the tree, but ensuring its protection from moisture and taking into account shrinkage phenomena.

After operating the house for a long time, the timber may lose its attractiveness, get deformed and damaged.

When repairing an old room, it is more rational to use coatings that completely cover the damaged surface and form a completely new interior.

The choice of the type of interior decoration largely depends on the type and quality of the construction timber. So, the interior decoration of a house made of glued laminated timber (photo 3) should take into account the high quality of the product used. Such a beam has an almost perfectly flat surface, an emphasized texture, a fairly high resistance to moisture, and its shrinkage is negligible and is completely completed in 10-12 months. Such a beam should not be covered with dense coatings, but, on the contrary, it is necessary to emphasize the texture.

Another thing is when ordinary or profiled timber is used without much drying. In addition, often for the purpose of economy, products are used that have various surface defects and slight deformation, which leads to the formation of uneven gaps. Under these conditions, an interior finish is required that can hide defects.

What types of finishes exist

Depending on the purpose of interior decoration, various technologies and materials can be used. The following main types of such an event can be distinguished:

  • Coatings that preserve the appearance of the timber are designed to protect wood from moisture and other external influences. In this direction, methods such as varnishing and wood impregnation with special compounds stand out, incl. providing wood tinting, i.e. reinforcing its textural appeal.

  • The interior decoration of the house with an imitation of timber (photo 4) completely covers the surface of the log house, but forms a new surface that imitates wood in appearance. The main methods of imitation: the use of lining, block houses and wood-like siding. Such coatings are good for facing old timber or creating the desired interior. In addition, with their help, additional thermal insulation of the house is provided.

  • Coatings that completely change the appearance of a wooden surface are used when it is necessary to mask a defective wooden surface or additional thermal insulation is required. The main methods: plastering, painting (photo 5), finishing with drywall, artificial stone. These technologies completely hide the timber, and the style associated with wooden elements is not used in the interior. An important advantage is the formation of a perfectly flat surface and the possibility of decorating in any style. In addition, dense coatings allow for the wiring of various communications and lighting, and enhance thermal insulation.

The use of various compounds

For the interior decoration of a wooden house, several types of compositions are used: varnishes, paints, mastics, oils. They can be transparent, tinted and impregnating, but all have the main purpose - protecting wood from moisture and decay.

For use glossy, matte and semi-gloss varnish compositions. The most commonly used materials are water-based, which eliminates strong odors, although it slightly lengthens the drying time. If you need quick drying, you can use nitro-varnishes that require thorough ventilation after completion of work. The glossy variety is intended for hallways, living rooms, common areas. The matte version is more suitable for bedrooms, especially for children.

Paints are used to create an opaque finish and are often combined with plaster overlays. The main advantage is the ability to provide any color scheme in accordance with the chosen interior. Acrylic paints and enamels are widely used.

Wax mastic can be transparent or with different shades to emphasize the wood texture. It reliably protects the beam from moisture and retains the natural pattern of the structure for a long time. Such material has an increased cost, but it does not form a surface film, which provides a breathing effect for wood.

Impregnation with an oil composition protects the wood from decay and provides a golden hue while maintaining texture. Oils on a natural basis are used: flaxseed oil or the so-called Danish oil, obtained by cold pressing.

How to imitate a tree

In some cases, it is necessary to completely close the wall of beams and create a space between the wall and the coating (production of thermal insulation, laying communications, ventilation, etc.), while maintaining the appearance of the tree. For this purpose, various technologies for simulating a log house from a bar are used.

One of the most common options is clapboard lining (photo 4). At its core, lining is wooden slats of different widths and lengths. Before their installation, a crate and a wooden beam are installed on the wall, in the cells of which heat and vapor barrier, waterproofing are placed. Produced wiring communications and wiring. On top of the crate, the lining strips are fastened with screws. Planks can be placed both horizontally and vertically. After completion of the work, the impregnation and varnishing of the coating is carried out.

Another common imitation option is the use of block houses. This product is a wooden or plastic (wood-like) panels that imitate rounded timber or logs. The principle of its installation does not differ from lining with clapboard.

Sandwich panels for interior decoration are used less frequently. However, they also perfectly imitate a wooden beam and may well be used.

Full surface finish

There is no dispute about tastes, and some home owners want to have interior spaces in a wooden house with walls that resemble, for example, a city apartment. In other words, the interior of a house made of timber can have a cladding that completely hides the tree. In this case, chipboard sheets and artificial stone, decorative plaster are widely used.

Decorative artificial stone well imitates natural material, and of various breeds - granite, marble, torn stone, shell rock, etc. Compared to natural stone, it has a significantly lower weight, while maintaining high strength and natural appeal. The fastening of such a stone to the wall is carried out using crates. For its manufacture, a bar measuring 5x2.5 cm is usually used.

Thermal insulation material (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.) is placed in the cells of the crate. Fastening is carried out using a special adhesive composition. The seams between the elements are sealed with sealant. Of course, the use of masonry in the bedroom is undesirable, but in the living room or hallway, it creates a beautiful view. In addition, the combination of wood and stone is considered an important element in a number of popular interior styles.

Cladding walls, floors and ceilings with sheets of chipboard or drywall has an important advantage: such cladding hides all surface irregularities and ensures the formation of a perfectly flat surface. Any additional insulating materials and communications will perfectly fit under the skin, and the outer surface allows for any design - wallpaper, painting, ceramic tiles.

The installation of the cladding begins with the installation of a crate made of wooden beams or aluminum profiles. As a rule, it is sufficient to install vertical racks in increments of 45-60 cm. Chipboard or drywall sheets are fastened with screws. The evenness and verticality of the coating is controlled by a plumb line and building level. Perhaps, only one serious drawback of the method can be singled out - the sheathing “eats up” the living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and is not advisable in small rooms.

Plastering wooden surfaces has a certain specificity. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface, namely, to fix the boards or mounting grid on a wooden surface. Plastering can be done in 3 main options: simple, improved and high-quality variety.

A simple option is performed in 2 layers: spray and plaster with a total thickness of 11-12 mm. The improved version provides for 3 layers: spray, primer, top coat with a total thickness of 14-16 mm. In the manufacture of high-quality plaster, the primer is carried out in several layers - until perfect alignment, and the total thickness of such a coating is 19-22 mm.

The interior decoration of a house made of timber has its own specifics. Different technologies can be applied, and the type of arrangement depends on the desire of the owner and the quality of the log house. It is quite possible to carry out the work on your own.

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Asking how to finish the walls of a log house, the owners, despite the limited budget, dream of seeing their own building presentable and expensive. This can be put into practice by affordable methods, using inexpensive finishing raw materials for this purpose. Which is described below.

Overview of inexpensive material for the interior decoration of a log house

Raw materials will be considered in detail in terms not of cost, but of the complexity of the laying process. After all, it will not be easy for home-grown builders who have not made a career in the field of repairs to navigate the multifaceted actions. So:

  • Drywall. A popular coating for any decor - the raw material itself does not represent any presentability. It not only levels the walls, but also insulation and communications can be laid under it.

After installing it and grouting the joints, the interior decoration of the walls of the house from the timber will lie on a perfectly flat surface so that the process will not be difficult even for non-professionals - you do not have to adjust the decor due to curvature.

Drywall is presented in several options - from simple to fire resistant. For a wooden structure, a predominantly moisture-resistant option is purchased. The price is absolutely acceptable, and the large areas of the sheets will allow you to finish the decoration in a matter of days.

Wallpaper is glued to drywall, plaster is laid, painted. It can be the base for laying stone, ceramic tiles and other things.

  • Wall plastic panels. An indispensable coating in aggressive rooms such as a bathroom or kitchen - moisture does not come into contact with them in any way and does not affect the structure. As for the decorative part, such panels successfully imitate stone, wood, brick.

The variety of fantasy patterns will help to create pictures that are not related to natural patterns. Laying is not difficult - all panels are equipped with tongue and groove locking joints, the length allows you to close standard walls of 2.5 m from floor to ceiling. Wires or thin water pipes can also be laid under the coating.

It is unpretentious to wet cleaning. The cost allows you to finish large areas with such material. The disadvantage will be the lack of environmental cleanliness. In addition, in case of fire, they are capable of emitting caustic gases that are harmful to humans.

  • Plaster. Some styles of a wooden house suggest the presence of simple plastered walls - a wooden hut, chalet, modern. Therefore, such wall decoration in a log house does not lose popularity, although it is laborious in execution.

This is connected, first of all, with the difficulty of accepting wood of a wet cement composition. Therefore, before the base layer is exposed, several stages are completed - leveling the walls with moisture-resistant drywall and laying the reinforcing mesh. The plaster itself is laid in several stages - the base, leveling, decorative layer, which is made smooth or textured with the help of tools.

During the process, it is necessary to use the level and beacons - so the coating will be perfect. The disadvantage of plastering in a wooden house can be considered the fact that it cracks during shrinkage, and the walls will have to be constantly updated.

  • Plywood and veneer. Contrary to the natural origin of the components of these materials, they do not possess ecology. This fact is associated with a large amount of glue used to pair the sheets or pasting the walls themselves.

However, the decor from such raw materials is at the level - it does not have to be constantly painted or varnished - it is enough to carry out the procedure once every few years. Finishing the walls of a house from a bar using such raw materials will visually create the effect of an expensive mansion, where valuable types of wood were used.

  • Lacquer products. You can decorate your own house inside without the use of any coatings. These are well-known varnishes and coatings based on an aqueous emulsion.
Some of them may even contain protective components in their composition - they will have a beneficial effect on wood. Such raw materials are suitable for interior decoration when the owners do not want to lose the natural beauty of wood. So:
  1. Laying compositions. They do not hide the natural pattern, penetrate deeply into the structure. They give rooms a matte or glossy effect.
  2. Lucky. Drying, they form a polymer film, which makes the wood shine in the light. However, the minus of such processing is that it does not allow natural raw materials to breathe and cracks during shrinkage.
  3. Coating compositions. Reliably protect the beam, may contain pigments or be without them, giving it a gloss. Colored paints are popular with owners whose home is made from simple sanded or planed raw materials.

When using paint and varnish products for a house from a bar, wall decoration from the inside, in general, will not be difficult for the owners - you just have to purchase the appropriate tool, material labeled as eco and study the layering algorithm.

You can make your home bright and presentable without expensive coatings. It is only necessary to apply your own imagination to the existing products of the construction industry, so the premises will become individual without investing an impressive capital.

Immediately after the completion of the construction of a wooden house, it is worthwhile to forget for a while about the implementation of interior decoration, as the building will shrink for some time, this can adversely affect the finishing materials if they are used for their intended purpose before a certain period. Finishing in the interior of a log house should be carried out based on the characteristics of this kind of building. The interior decoration of a wooden house can be made using the same materials that are used in an ordinary brick house. However, wood has some features that should be considered when finishing.

An obligatory stage after the construction of a house from a bar is its interior decoration.

There is an opinion that the shrinkage of the building is completed 2 years after the completion of construction, but this is not entirely true - shrinkage can continue for 6 years. This process entails a decrease in the height of the walls, which can reach 3 cm. If plaster was used for finishing, it may become cracked, moreover, individual elements of the layer may move away. If you want to finish the interior space of the house as soon as possible after the completion of the development, you should prefer glued laminated timber as a material, it guarantees the completion of shrinkage processes a year after the start of operation of the new house.

Features of finishing the walls of a wooden house inside

In order to increase the protective properties of the tree, it must be treated with an antiseptic.

Wood is a good finishing material, for this reason, the surface of the walls in the rooms can be left unfinished if they are free from obvious flaws. However, the tree will have to be treated with the appropriate composition, which will help give the surface of the walls the necessary shade. Some owners do not adhere to such a design of the premises of a log house. Regardless of which method of wall decoration you prefer, their surface will need to be coated with an antipyretic and antiseptic. If these requirements are neglected, the wood will soon become unusable.

If the finishing process is supposed to be carried out in a house that was built more than 6 years ago, any materials can be used for work, and for new buildings it is not recommended to use finishing materials that do not tolerate deformation processes, among them can be distinguished, for example, tiles.

Interior decoration of wooden houses is also carried out by means of paint, which is able to decorate surfaces and additionally protect them from external influences.

Surfaces in the house can simply be plastered. In this case, special attention should be paid to waterproofing. Plastering walls is not recommended in a newly built house; such processes can be carried out no earlier than a year after the completion of the building.

If the walls in the log house have an unpresentable appearance, their surface can be lined with a block house or clapboard. Such materials are able to decorate the premises with the natural beauty of wood. This method of finishing is also recommended to be used only after shrinkage of the building. Initially, it is necessary to equip the frame system, on which the trim panels will then be installed. This approach will somewhat reduce the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The inside of a log house can be finished very traditionally - with the help of wallpaper. Such a coating requires a flat surface, which can be achieved by installing drywall sheets. This option can be considered one of the most common and universal among the rest. After installing drywall sheets, their surface must be leveled with putty. The GKL base can be covered with paint instead of wallpaper. Drywall shows its versatility in that it is even permissible to lay tiles on it.

If the conditions in the premises are characterized by high levels of humidity, drywall can also be used to finish such rooms, but it is worth choosing a moisture-resistant type of this material, its sheets can be distinguished by a greenish tint.

The log house has many important advantages over traditional buildings. Among them is the ease of installation of communications. Wires and pipes can be run in the space between the main wall and the drywall sheets.

If the finishing of a house from a bar will be carried out with drywall, then this material can be used in tandem with a heater.

Features of finishing the ceiling of a wooden house

Finishing the house in the ceiling area can also be done using drywall. It is permissible to use seamless tiles, stretch ceilings or plastic panels.

Wooden beams on the ceiling emphasize its naturalness.

Drywall will provide the house with a ceiling that has a multi-level design. This type of coating can be combined with wooden beams, which will emphasize the naturalness of the building. For ceiling sheathing, products based on chipboard, fiberboard or plastic can be used; in the latter version, the finishing material can be represented by polystyrene tiles.

If you want to save money, then the log house in the ceiling area can be equipped with plastic panels. Such products are quite simple to install, and choosing a specific shade from the huge palette presented by stores is quite simple. The advantage of this finish is also easy maintenance. The panels fit perfectly into the kitchen or bathroom. If you need a more durable finish, then you should prefer the upholstery of drywall sheets to PVC panels.

The surface of the ceiling can also be sheathed with wood if you are an adherent of everything natural. A lining can act as such a finish. When attaching it, you should use the same technology that is used when mounting this material on the walls. If the house, which is based on timber, needs to be given a higher degree of heat and sound insulation, then before installing the finishing material on the frame, it is necessary to install a slab insulation, the size of each sheet of which should be equal to the distance between the elements of the crate or several millimeters more.

To carry out finishing work in a wooden house, you may need the following tools and materials:

  • antipyretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • putty;
  • drywall;
  • wallpaper;
  • wood for lathing;
  • lining;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • capacity;
  • brush;
  • roller

Features of the arrangement of the floor

A wooden house can be equipped with almost any floor finish, it can be laminate, ceramic tiles or, for example, parquet. If a water heating system is used, it is not recommended to combine it with parquet or solid board, which do not tolerate temperature changes and have low thermal conductivity. The most common option for a private house is the base on the logs. The main thing to be done when arranging the floor in this case is to eliminate vibration and insulate well. For wooden houses, the most recommended flooring is a massive board made on the basis of natural wood. Often used are parquet, laminate and cork, the latter of which is a modern, natural, environmentally friendly material that can provide the floor with additional insulating characteristics.

When finishing, a wooden house has many advantages compared to traditional buildings, due to the fact that walls, floors and ceilings do not need to be insulated as carefully as in the case of brick houses. Since wooden houses are much warmer.