Ventilation in the bath: the best schemes and professional advice. Ventilation in the dressing room: project development, work technique and expert advice Which one is better to put the hood in the dressing room

Starting the construction of a bath, you need to understand that one of the important stages of work will be the creation of high-quality ventilation. Moreover, this applies not only to the steam room, but also to other premises (for example, a dressing room). The time spent taking bath procedures should bring only moral and physical satisfaction. Air ventilation in the dressing room is necessary to protect the wooden bath from decay. Self-made ventilation will minimize the effects of high humidity and extend the life of the entire structure.

The work of ventilation in the dressing room is carried out due to the flow of air through special vents or door (window) openings. In the first case, flow control occurs with the help of special sliding plugs.

The ventilation system of the dressing room must meet several requirements:

  • Ensure absolutely equal inflow and outflow of air;
  • The movement of air masses should occur only from the living room to the utility room (for example, from the dressing room to the toilet). Otherwise, comfort may be disturbed by foreign odors;
  • The ventilation grill must be located at least 2 meters from the ground;
  • Hot air that will come out of the steam room is recommended to be used for heating the entire bath. This will save some of the resources. At the same time, in the dressing room it is better to ensure the joint operation of forced and natural ventilation;
  • Air circulation in the room should be carried out as efficiently as possible - according to the three-time exchange formula. Thus, if the volume of the dressing room is 5 squares, then in one hour it must “take in” at least 15 m2 of clean air.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the dressing room

Before creating a ventilation system in the bath, it is required to develop a scheme for the movement of air in the room. But for the dressing room, this requirement can be neglected.

Self-creation of the ventilation system in the dressing room occurs in a certain sequence:

  • Even at the construction stage of the bath, it is necessary to consider the location of the door from the steam room to the dressing room. It is better if it is located near the stove, which will ensure the safety of the high temperature regime;
  • On the opposite wall from the steam room, you need to create a rectangular hole 20 × 15 cm and equip it with a sliding plug;
  • Install a fan in the vent, designed to accelerate air exchange;
  • An outlet with a fan can be replaced with an exhaust pipe through which humid air will be vented;
  • Then you need to cut out the vent, designed for the influx of fresh air masses. It should be located at a height of 50 cm from the floor;
  • If the firebox "goes" into the dressing room, then under the floor covering it is necessary to equip a ventilation duct.

How is additional ventilation of the dressing room

Fresh air enters the pre-bath room through the lower vent, located 50 cm above the floor covering. And the recycled heated air is discharged through a ventilation pipe, an upper vent or even a window in a window opening.

Signs of improper ventilation

Improper arrangement of the ventilation system threatens with many troubles. For example, the temperature in the room will rise for a very long time, and in some cases, it is simply impossible to raise it to the required levels. In addition, there is a high probability of carbon monoxide concentration and excess humidity.

The fact that ventilation was created incorrectly is indicated by several signs:

  • Accumulation of condensate on walls and ceiling;
  • There is no greasy coating on the exhaust pipe;
  • There is an unpleasant, musty smell in the room;
  • When a burning splinter is brought to the vent, the flame does not deviate to the side.

When constructing a dressing room, it is necessary to take care not only of its ventilation, but also of insulation. The room should be provided with a comfortable temperature and the absolute absence of drafts.

The parameters of the dressing room should be sufficient so that at least 2-3 people can fit in it. Approximately 1.3 squares are calculated for each visitor. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in significant inconvenience.


Dressing room - a room that plays an important role in a comfortable visit to the bath. In this regard, it is necessary to take care of its functionality and comfort, which cannot be provided without creating a high-quality ventilation system. Good ventilation will have a beneficial effect on the health of visitors and ensure the long-term operation of the premises.

To determine the value of ventilation in the bath know its purpose:

  1. Rapid heating of the room, uniform distribution of heat. Savings in heating costs.
  2. Constant air renewal during soaring. This is necessary for the comfort and health of vacationers.
  3. Rapid removal of moist air. Implementation of mandatory drying of the premises.
  4. Preservation of the building for a longer time. No fungi or mold appear. Objects are not deformed, do not change color under the influence of moisture.

No or insufficient ventilation unpleasant odors gradually accumulate in the room, the air becomes damp. Fresh air is not supplied, it becomes difficult to breathe. There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Without ventilation, all the warm air will gradually go up, and the cooling air will accumulate below.

Proper ventilation system in the baths

In baths made of natural logs any punching of holes to provide ventilation is considered superfluous. The lower crowns of the walls are laid with the installation of holes through which a moderate amount of fresh air passes. If there is a stove-heater in which the blower is simultaneously designed to bring air out, you can limit yourself to its presence. They let in air through the open door, a gap of 5-7 mm is enough.

Ventilation is designed for regular entry into the bath of fresh air, outflow of cooled and moist. For fresh air flow need to build vents. If they are not, then you can use the vents, doors. The hood also takes place through special openings; a furnace blower can be used; a chimney is of great importance in the outflow of steam. In order to be able to fully control the air exchange, the openings are equipped with shutters, by adjusting which you can stop or resume the flow and exit of air.

There is a wide range of ventilation systems:

  1. For inlet and outlet located opposite each other, one level is used. In some cases, the low placement of the inlet helps to retain heat for a longer time. To activate the air exchange, a fan is installed, an air duct or a deflector can also be used. You can not place holes with an exact match in level. As a result of the rapid release of air, accumulations of cold at the bottom and warm in the rest of the bath can form.
  2. The air currents directed by the operating ventilation device lower the pressure inside the duct. Exhaust air is drawn out due to a decrease in pressure inside the bath. To raise the pressure again, fresh air is supplied.
  3. The vents can be arranged in this way: the supply air is 30 cm from the floor, the outlet located opposite does not reach the ceiling by 30 cm. Fresh air immediately heats up from the stove, rises, gradually leaving the room.

To ensure constant control over the speed and volume of incoming and outgoing air, dampers are created. It is advisable to make them retractable, slightly opening to the required distance. The length of the duct is determined by the dimensions of the bath, as well as the maximum volume of required incoming air.

When the room is only heated with a preheated stove, all openings should be covered. When the temperature becomes optimal for vaping, the shutters open slightly and are immediately regulated so that the air exchange does not change the temperature in the room. Both inlet and outlet openings must have a connector close to the same. To make the influx of fresh air stronger, you can slightly increase the outlet.

The inlet connector must not be larger than the outlet. This leads to a reverse draft, which contributes to the release of fresh air from the bath, and not its active circulation.

Ventilation in the Russian bath

In a classic bath, created according to the Russian model, no special holes, so air exchange should be performed in a more natural way. Normally, conventional ventilation is used to supply fresh air. You can open the door leading to the street and the window opposite to it. Sometimes forced exhaust is used with the door open. To better get rid of the accumulated dampness, you should sweep the leaves from the broom in a timely manner. Benches and other wooden objects can be dried when wet, sometimes sheets are swept. These procedures will not allow the formation of heavy steam, remove unpleasant odors and decay products from the room.

After the bath is ventilated and dried, need to start steaming. To do this, pour water on the stones in small portions. The prepared steam rises quickly and stays there for a long time, so it may turn out that it is already very hot at the top, and still cool at the bottom. With a strong temperature difference, you can wait until the steam sinks or use artificial methods to lower it.

It is enough to work with brooms to create movement in the steam room, the air will immediately mix. Waves with a towel or broom should be carried out closer to the ceiling.

You can make a fan: on the wooden handle there is a stainless steel loop, on which the fabric is stretched. Horizontal or vertical movements are made by this device to move warm and cold air. Sometimes they begin to use it in the manufacture of steam. To do this, one person pours water on the stones, and the second works with a fan.

in the steam room

In classical bath ventilation schemes, it is assumed air flow in the steam room from below. The hole is usually located below half a meter from the floor. The hood can be placed close to the ceiling by equipping a hole on the opposite wall. The regulation of the level of humidity and heat of the air is carried out by extending or closing the shutters.

The best option, especially for a small steam room, is to create an air inlet next to the stove. This is necessary to instantly heat the incoming fresh air. This arrangement will not allow strong drafts to form, helps to avoid a large temperature difference in different parts of the steam room. The heat from the steam room can not only be taken outside, but also moved to other rooms for their high-quality heating.

Proper ventilation works by bringing fresh air under the box. Air masses leave the device through the top opening. The steam room warms up quite evenly until the warm air reaches the bottom of the box. Hot air will gradually displace colder air, providing warming before leaving the room. The steam room simultaneously heats up and dries out.

In the bathhouse

The ventilation channel is directly connected to the duct, the diameter of which usually exceeds the chimney by no more than 20%. With such parameters, oxygen fills the room, and does not leave it. Air intake from the underground is not needed.

The walls of the stove, if it is in the dressing room, should be close to the floor. Shelves are not necessarily placed in a strictly horizontal position. They are able to slow down the rise of heat to the ceiling. For better absorption of warm air, it is better to equip the stove with several chimneys.

Sometimes during the heating of the bath in the room a large amount of smoke is formed and retained. This means that the air inside the dressing room is colder than in the environment. Cold air is somewhat more massive than warm air, so it often creates a shell in chimneys. In order to push out this air, it is necessary to equip an additional door for burning ash.

Forced ventilation

Ventilation in the bath with the help of electronic systems is carried out if it is impossible to provide good air circulation in natural ways. Fans can be installed on both supply and exhaust openings. They accelerate the movement of air masses, providing the room with fresh air, quickly removing moist.

Exhaust ventilation

In the design of this ventilation is always present exhaust fan. For air circulation, a supply air is also necessarily constructed. Sometimes cracks in the walls are used for fresh air to enter, windows or doors are slightly opened. The advantage of exhaust ventilation is to reduce the pressure in the bath. The action must be compensated by a constant flow of air from outside.

Ventilation with a powerful hood perfectly removes harmful gases, humid air with an unpleasant odor. It is possible to build such a ventilation system not only in the steam room, but also in showers, washing rooms, departments with a pool or in bathrooms. Usually, the basic set of the exhaust ventilation system includes a fan and a box. If the device is too noisy, a silencer can be used.

Forced ventilation

It is installed according to the exhaust principle, however the fan must be placed on the inlet. When the supply ventilation system is activated, an increase in pressure in the room is observed, which should be compensated in a timely manner by the release of air through the hood or gaps in the walls, floor, ceiling, through the windows, the door.

Supply fans are not considered convenient if they will operate in cold temperatures. In winter, they supply icy air, which must be additionally heated by pre-installed air heaters. If it is necessary to purify a large amount of incoming air, filters can be used.

Supply and exhaust ventilation

Combination of artificial inflow and exhaust air is often equipped with recuperators, silencers, filters. Additional devices provide comfort while in the bath, at the same time there is a constant, good air circulation. In order not to worry about ventilation, you can equip it with an automatic control unit.

Creating a design for supply and exhaust artificial ventilation often causes difficulties. It is necessary to calculate the optimal air exchange in all rooms of the bath at the design stage. The amount of outgoing air must match the incoming air. Sometimes air flows are not specifically balanced. In order to prevent the spread of excessive humidity or unpleasant odors from a certain room, the pressure is artificially reduced in it. To do this, the hood is mounted with greater intensity than in other rooms.

When arranging ventilation in the bath, you should take care not only of the steam room, but also of other important rooms. To save heating costs, you can use the warm air generated in the steam room, taking it out not to the street, but through other rooms. By adapting the ventilation system to specific requests, you can make the most successful option.

Like any construction project, the Russian bath is being built according to the project. It is necessary to provide for the arrangement of ventilation for comfortable adoption of procedures, achieving a healing effect, and ensuring the durability of the design of the bath itself.

The specifics of air ventilation in the bath

Ventilation in a Russian bath from a bar with a heater, leaks between the stacked logs and gaps between the threshold and the door occurs naturally. You don't need to think of anything extra. Another thing is if the room is built of brick, concrete, foam block, etc. The heat-shielding functions of wood are replaced by additional thermal insulation. Although, in a bath of foam blocks, it retains heat no worse than in a wooden frame.

A modern building called a bathhouse is a zoned room, lined from the inside with the same eco-friendly wood. The Russian bath is distinguished by the generation of hot steam. Under its influence, the body releases toxins, salts, washed off with water. For a long stay in the same steam room with a large crowd of people, fresh air is needed.

Important! Proper ventilation in the bath must comply with the requirements of GOST 21.602-79 and SNiP 2.04.05-91 for heating, air conditioning and ventilation.

In particular, ensure at least two complete air replacements every hour. Moreover, this is also true during the downtime of the structure: the wet surfaces inside must dry completely, the wood does not rot, its appearance is preserved.

Ventilation in the bath and dressing room - channel layout

Thus, the ventilation device in the bath provides:

  • an additional source of heating for the dressing room when the air duct with hot air passes through it;
  • adjusting the speed of air flows (incoming and outgoing);
  • regulation of their movement: air must circulate from the steam room outside it, but not towards the dressing room or resting place;
  • correct installation of the hood (above the roof) for effective removal of vapors for any type of ventilation;
  • grid positioning: 0.5 m from the top layer of soil with natural air movement, at least 2 m - with mechanical ventilation;
  • increased air exchange efficiency with a combination of different types of ventilation.

Air exchange in different zones

dressing room

Ventilation in the dressing room when installing a stove in it is the simplest and most effective type of air exchange. Air circulates through the furnace. But the proximity of the room to the steam room leads to the deposition of condensate on surfaces: walls, ceiling. In order to preserve the wooden cladding, to prevent its decay, the dressing room is well insulated. Drafts are excluded. It is necessary to maintain the dimensions established by the norms: for 1 washable at least 1.3 sq.m. area. The simplest ventilation scheme in the bath for this room is to remove the exhaust air masses through the bathroom or washing area. But it is best to provide a forced type of air exchange in the dressing room.

Ventilation in the bath in the steam room

Complete replacement of air in the steam room should occur 3 times per hour (at least). This is due to oxygen deficiency during bathing procedures and its constant replenishment by ventilating the room. Air is sucked in from below at a height of 1.5 m from the floor directly from the street, and not from the interior. If a stove is located in the steam room, dampers that specifically regulate the flow of air, a valve for ventilation in the steam room, etc., then these are natural ways to regulate air exchange. Air exchange can also be controlled by adjusting the duct section. The movement of air streams of different temperatures depends on the places where the ventilation holes are arranged. The layout in the steam room - on the same wall, but at different heights or on opposing wall surfaces with different levels of location.

Attention! To prevent drafts, do not equip vents at the same level opposite each other.

In the best case, the arrangement of air vents is carried out as low as possible: this way heat is better retained. But for the intensity of the exchange of air masses in the steam room, it is necessary to equip forced ventilation (deflector, fan).

Determining the ventilation system in the bath

Being engaged in construction on your own, you need to know how to make ventilation in the bath so that it:

  • did not interfere with the rapid heating of the room;
  • effectively removed carbon dioxide, fuel combustion products;
  • provided complete ventilation in the shortest possible time.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath can be aeration, mechanical or combined. Depending on this, the location of the channels and their size are selected. The volume of air flow is directly proportional to the cross section of the channel. The system should be assembled even when the base is being formed. The transport air channel is available with a square or round section. In the latter case, it, like the junction box, can be made from a 100 mm plastic pipe. The outlet and inlet openings are closed with a fine-mesh insert, preventing debris and insects from entering the pipe.

Popular ventilation schemes

  • The supply air gap is located at the bottom on the wall opposite the stove. The blower plays the role of an exhaust hood, subject to the constant functioning of the stove during bath procedures.
  • Scheme with openings into the wall along the inflow and exhaust in the steam room on the same wall, but at different levels: 0.3 m from the ceiling, air removal, 0.3 m from the floor - inflow.
  • The same distances (30 cm each) for inflow and exhaust, but air enters the steam room immediately behind the stove, and is removed through a channel on the opposite wall.
  • The inflow is behind the stove (0.3 m from the floor), the exhaust with forced air removal using a fan is opposite on the wall, below at the same height.

Algorithm for the device of a system with a fan

The step-by-step installation guide for the combined version provides for increased fresh air injection with a special wide-blade fan.

  • To work, you will need tools: a hacksaw, a drill, three-wire wiring, etc.
  • A fan of rated power and performance is purchased.
  • In a wooden frame, a drill with a special funnel makes adjacent holes.
  • With the help of a hacksaw, the membranes between them are cut off, the holes are combined into one hole.
  • In the same way, the channel for the inlet (outlet) of air is made.
  • The vector of motion of the air flow is experimentally checked. For this, the holes are all clogged, the stove is heated. When the temperature in the bath exceeds +50°C, the holes open. Air flows are being studied.
  • Rigid wiring is laid in a waterproof corrugated sheath to power the fan using an RCD.
  • A fan is installed in the center of the vent. Attaches with screws.
  • Dampers are manufactured or purchased to prevent heat loss, reduce the heating time of the stove. Inserted into fixed skids or mounted on hinges. If the bath is located autonomously, the shutters are also hung from the side of the street.

Important! All fittings for installation work must be made of stainless material, and the fan must be made of heat-resistant polyamide that can withstand temperatures up to 130°C.

So, do you need ventilation in the bath - yes, you need it. Is it possible to arrange it yourself without the use of complex equipment - yes, quite. But, with the obligatory study of the theoretical foundations, the development of a project and the drawing up of a scheme for the production of work.

There are many reasons for the formation of condensate in the bath, the main ones are:

Air vent device diagram

All these factors negatively affect the level of condensation, forming moisture on the walls, ceiling and floor, which can adversely affect the quality and strength of the materials from which the bath vaults are built.

Scheme of formation of condensate in the dressing room

To avoid side effects from the effects of condensation on the surface, you should know what to do to save the room. This will help special tools, equipment or just proper care of the bath space.

Condensation is not just innocent moisture on surfaces. This phenomenon may result in:

All these moments are extremely unpleasant for those who erected a wonderful structure for a pleasant pastime in their private sector.

Scheme of insulation of various rooms in the bath

Nevertheless, you should not sound the alarm, if you think in detail about the methods of dealing with the “disease” of a room with high humidity, then everything will work out and you can forget about this problem forever.

The steam room is never a stand-alone element in the bathing system, it is necessarily combined with several functional rooms. Since the dressing room is an obligatory building for the bath complex, it is also necessary to observe all the conditions of comfort in it. The ventilation in the dressing room is designed to provide this room with an influx of clean, oxygen-enriched air. A constant flow of air in the dressing room is also necessary for effective drying of bathing items.

Several systems are suitable for ventilation of the dressing room: mechanical (forced), natural and combined. Forced mechanical ventilation consists in installing a fan in the room, which will force clean air into the room.

The natural way of ventilation is to ventilate the room through open windows. It is advisable to open both windows and doors in the room at the same time.

The combined air ventilation system consists in installing a forced system for supplying clean air and exhausting exhaust air through the toilet or washing room.

Bath ventilation does not end only at the dressing room and steam room, it must also be installed in the washing room. Air circulation and condensate outflow will help prevent the accumulation of dampness in the bath sink.

The ventilation of the washing compartment has certain nuances. In addition to clean fresh air that enters through the ventilation openings, it is necessary to provide an outlet in the floor. A specialized exhaust hole between the rough and finish floor is equipped with a fan, and the exhaust pipe is led to the roof of the washing compartment of the bath complex.

Thanks to this scheme of ventilation in the washing room, the greatest comfort for rest and washing procedures is achieved.

No matter what type of bath complex is chosen for construction, a quality installation of an air ventilation system is what really matters. In a bath of foam blocks, a log house or a frame steam room, it is necessary to install only a combined or mechanical type of ventilation, since natural ventilation does not guarantee the safety and durability of the structure.

The combined type is also suitable for those steam rooms that are located directly in the house, and not in a separate room. There are several typical schemes for organizing the inflow and outflow of air, depending on the type of steam room.

Combined type of ventilation - the ideal choice for steam rooms located directly in the house

Most often, sauna lovers choose the Swedish type of construction, called bastu, for their steam rooms. In such convection steam rooms, clean air is taken from the street, and it is also brought out into the street. The exhaust duct is installed under the stove or next to it, and a damper is installed on the duct itself.

The box is installed at least thirty centimeters from the floor, and a pipe is led up the wall, which goes into a through hole just under the ceiling. A valve with a damper is also installed on the vent.
Air intake equipment is installed on the wall opposite the furnace. The air intake duct is best chosen from wood.

Ventilation of the steam room according to the bastu type is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Cool clean air from the street circulates along the stove from the intake box, heats up and rises.
  2. As the stove heats up, warm air masses near the ceiling begin to gradually put pressure on the cold air at the bottom of the room and gradually warm up the walls of the steam room.
  3. Hot air masses press on cold air and gradually, increasing pressure forces hot air out into the vents.

The popularity of this type of baths is high due to the comfortable conditions inside the steam room. And the undoubted plus lies in the possibility of installing bastu at home, in any convenient place. There are even apartments equipped with baths according to this principle.

The principle that must be followed if you started building a bath is to ensure air circulation and the absence of stagnation. The supply and exhaust ventilation system is the most suitable option for a frame bath. It will allow free movement of clean air throughout all the premises of the bath complex, and will effectively remove polluted air to the outside.

Supply and exhaust ventilation is ideal for frame baths

Two air channels are required for the system to work properly. With the help of the first channel, clean air enters the steam room, and the second ensures the effective removal of heated air. The first channel must be placed almost flush with the floor, when the second is placed under the very ceiling. This difference in hole arrangement provides effective traction. Not holes need to install dampers of small sizes, this will allow you to control the movement of air masses.

The basic scheme for constructing ventilation for a frame room includes: channels for pipes, pipes from the furnace, dampers, doors, through holes.
In a frame wooden bath, the principle of a supply and exhaust system is relevant only if at least one wall has a connection with the street.

Since ancient times, the correct Russian bath was built from a wooden frame. Logs were used only from a winter log house, since all its pores were sealed with resins and the movement of juices stopped. Such baths served for several decades, even with the use of natural ventilation in the form of through ventilation.

Modern log baths can stand for more than one hundred years, and it is not at all necessary to choose a certain type of log house, thanks to the correct ventilation system.

Starting the construction of a bath, each builder must clearly take care of the quality. As a rule, a building of this type must be periodically heated, and besides, it is intended for long-term use. Hours spent in this wonderful place must bring physical and moral satisfaction. Proper ventilation in the dressing room can quite cope with such tasks.

No one will argue about the fact that the process of airing this room is able to regulate the degree of air humidity, coordinate the ambient temperature, fill it with clean air and heat it. Of course, this cannot be done without significant financial costs.

Calculation of the required parameters

It is known that the ventilation of this building is directly dependent on the operation of the stove. Taking into account the fact that the area of ​​the steam room is calculated based on the parameters for each person 4 meters squared. Regarding the height of the ceiling, the opinions of many people are divided. While some make it minimal, others decide exactly the opposite.

Of course, a small and low room heats up much faster. However, it will be difficult to be in an overly cramped bath, in a bent and uncomfortable position, the back and shoulder girdle will quickly get tired. Still, a small amount of space must certainly be above your head. In this case, you can easily wave a broom and take a steam bath with pleasure.

Ventilation in the dressing room of the bath, relating to the firebox of the room, is located in the underground zone and is represented by a specially constructed channel. Its removal can be observed in the place where there is a sheet of metal that protects the bath from possible ignition.

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Ventilation device: features

The construction of the ventilation duct is associated with the systematic operation of the duct, the diameter of which will be greater than the chimney within 20%. In this embodiment, oxygen will fill the room. The inflow of air from the subfloor is completely excluded. The bath will always be fresh and clean.

In addition, such ventilation can also have an underground purpose. The ventilation box will be located on the outside of the building and clearly face the street. From the inside, it is closed with a special lattice, and from the inside with a mesh material that protects against insects.

The presence of a firebox in the steam room indicates the construction of 2 such boxes, each of which performs its own functions: the first one lets air into the room, and the other acts as convection. A very comfortable destination will be the arrangement of the podium. For such purposes, near the wall with the proposed ventilation, a row of bricks in 3 rows is placed on the side. Its height should correspond to 24 cm. This method is built up to the brick screen. The upper part should be covered with a brick. Bricks are not laid at the location of the furnace. In this way, air flows should go under the furnace. Then the end part is mounted. Another box is being built to its logical end, the blower of the stove is fixed in the end part. In order for the floor surface to remain intact and not damaged by accidental hits, something is placed under it.

At the time when the podium is built, a furnace is installed on its base. The heating structure built into the corner space makes it possible to systematically delimit the load of the brick box. It is possible to install the furnace at corner points on iron plates. After that, the heated equipment of the bath should be overlaid and a protective screen made of bricks should be erected. It must be equipped with two doors. They provide the steam room with high-quality ventilation and uniform heating of the air.

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Air outlet: additional points

All heating walls of the stove in the dressing room of the bath, called mirrors, are located near the floor.

In this way, you can warm up this part of the building well. Floor heating is obtained due to the radiation of infrared rays of a radiant mirror.

The location of the shelves differs in some nuances: they do not have to be in a vertical position and block the heat from this element in the ceiling area. Furnace equipment is certainly supplied with chimneys in several versions. This will help to absorb the heat in the process of burning the fuel in the best possible way.

Sometimes in the process of warming the bath, you can observe a large amount of smoke in the room. In this case, we can talk about the presence of cooler air in the room compared to the outdoor temperature. As you know, cold air is much more massive than warm air, so its weight is greater. A cool shell of air appears in the chimneys. It must be pushed through so that the furnace is kindled. For such purposes, it is imperative to build a door in the outlet pipe of the stove to help remove unnecessary ash. You can burn paper there. These simple tips help to save the stove equipment of the bath from excess smoke.

The absence of such a device gives rise to airing the locker room in the usual way - by simply opening the doors for a while. As soon as the temperature balances, the stove will heat up. It is quite possible to re-ignite the furnace.

Bath ventilation options: a - air intake above the floor; b - air intake from above; c - air intake from under the floor; d - air intake from the recess.

In such premises of a small area, the dressing room can perform several purposes at the same time. This room is a room for dressing and undressing, rest after taking procedures, a transitional area for going outside. This room can also be adapted to store firewood. Here you can install a washing machine. When calculating the dimensions of this room, it is necessary to assume how many people will take water procedures here. It is necessary to take care of the convenience and comfort of people. They must undress and dress without difficulty.

Speaking of window openings, it should be understood that they must be of medium size, their location should not be lower than 1 m from the floor surface. For better heat retention, it is necessary to take care of double glazing of these structures. The doorway should be well finished and usually open outwards. The materials for its manufacture will be traditional bases. Upholstering the door in the dressing room should be from the outside. Additional arrangement of the veranda will also bring significant convenience to the use of this room. In this part of the building you can comfortably relax by placing the necessary furniture for this. In addition, the veranda will keep the bath warm.

Very often, the equipment of the bath is associated with the location of the heating in the next room. This is often done when building a Russian bath. Ventilation with this method is calculated based on these facts:

  • service comfort;
  • lack of smoke, litter and burning in the room;
  • no need to lay firewood every time, moving around the entire bath, thereby letting in cool air;
  • heating the steam room, you can also heat the adjacent room, the temperature of the hot compartment should not be changed;
  • you can stack and store firewood without problems;
  • as a result of installing a tempered glass door, you can add some zest to the interior design; here you can put a fireplace, as moving flames noticeably calm the nervous system, creating additional comfort and peace.

To combine the stove with the firebox in the next room, a slot is made from the plane of the wall, which is 3 cm larger than the tunnel for the firebox, finished with bricks. After that, warming measures are carried out with the help of basalt wool. This material contributes to the fact that the wall does not come into contact with a very heated stove, therefore, it is protected.