How to properly install pvc ceiling panels. Fastening plastic panels to the ceiling with your own hands. Mounting tool kit

The ceiling made of plastic panels has gained wide popularity, which is facilitated by both its aesthetic and practical advantages.

Numerous manufacturers offer a huge range of plastic finishing panels, which allows you to choose a product for every taste.

The technology for installing PVC panels is quite simple, and therefore all work can be done independently, which will reduce repair costs.

The most common option for the manufacture of suspended plastic ceilings is the installation of PVC panels. In fact, they are 2 plastic tapes interconnected along the entire length, between which stiffening ribs are formed.

Panels are divided into 2 main types - wall and ceiling models. In the first case, increased mechanical strength is provided, incl. and due to the thickness of the plastic layers. The ceiling version has thinner plastic, because. the strength characteristic for the ceiling does not play a significant role, but light weight is more attractive.

In principle, both types of panels can be used to finish the ceiling, but wall products have a higher cost.

Another important classification is type of panel joining, i.e. view of the seam between the elements in the ceiling covering:

  1. Seam variety. In this case, a decorative chamfer is made on the edge of the panel, and during installation, the joint seam is clearly distinguished. In this way, for example, a wooden floor can be imitated.
  2. Seamless panels. During their installation, the seam is almost invisible, which is ensured by a special connecting profile.

PVC panels and in form:

  1. Long panels (strips) of plank type. They have a length of 6 meters or more with a width of up to 30 cm. The strips can be made in the form of one wide board (for seamless technology) or divided by longitudinal grooves into several narrow boards (seam variety).
  2. Rack panels (plastic "lining"). They have a length in the range of 0.9-3 m and a width of 13-30 cm, and the wide panels are divided by longitudinal grooves into 2-4 slats. Lath technology is used for seam finishing and allows you to imitate the lining.
  3. Plastic tiles (rectangular and square). The size of the side of the panel can be from 30 cm to 1 m.
  4. Sheet plastic. It looks like plywood sheets. When finishing ceilings, this option is rarely used - most often with a complex ceiling relief.

decorative types

Plastic panels are available with different designs, which are mainly characterized by the type of surface:

  1. Matte white panels. This is the cheapest product, without decorating products.
  2. White glossy and semi-gloss products. The front plastic in such panels is coated with a special varnish, which provides a glossy surface. They have a more attractive appearance, but also a higher price. In addition, some people do not like the glare from lamps on a glossy surface.
  3. Colored and patterned panels. With a single-color version, just the top layer is made of colored PVC. Drawing can be done in several ways - offset printing (thermal transfer) followed by varnishing or lamination, i.e. coating on the outside with a thin, high-strength film imitating natural material.

Decorative panels give a special look to the ceiling, but they must be in harmony with the decoration and the overall style of the interior. Mirrored plastic elements stand out in particular. They are made by laminating with a special film. Mirror ceilings contribute to the visual expansion of the room.

What attracts in plastic panels?

The wide popularity of the type of finish in question is provided by such advantages of the ceiling made of plastic panels:

  1. High water resistance, no rotting and resistance to mold, fungi and other microorganisms and small pests, low weight of the structure allows the material to be used in any premises, incl. with high humidity.
  2. The possibility of finishing the ceiling from any material, as well as in the presence of large defects on it.
  3. Ease of installation and the ability to do the work yourself. Use of standard fasteners.
  4. Masking communications and electrical wiring. Possibility of installation of original, spot lighting.
  5. The appearance of space for laying insulation, sound insulation and protective coatings.
  6. Low cost of PVC panels and components, a wide range of products. Possibility of using various design styles and combinations with other materials.


When choosing a method for arranging an apartment, one should also remember that plastic ceilings have such disadvantages:

  1. "Eating" the height of the room due to the frame and the panels themselves.
  2. Reduced mechanical strength and brittleness, which requires care when transporting panels and their installation. Decorating elements, such as flowers, cannot be hung on the ceiling. The material is easily scratched and pressed through. This is especially important to consider when installing fixtures and cleaning from pollution.
  3. The low flexibility of the panel limits its use in domed or irregularly shaped cladding. Problems arise when forming multilevel structures.
  4. Thin panels allow light from recessed fixtures to pass through, which can create unplanned light scatter.

It is important to consider that most types of PVC panels belong to the economy class. They are not suitable for chic living rooms, and their use is often limited to hallways, loggias, bathrooms and bathrooms. We must also remember that plastic has low air permeability, which means that the plastic ceiling is not able to "breathe". To exclude condensates and accumulation of exhaust air, you will have to think about good ventilation.

Panel selection principles

The appearance and durability of the plastic ceiling depends on the correct choice of PVC panels. When conducting it, it is recommended to take into account the following rules:

  1. external quality. Panels must have precise geometry and a flat surface. Unplanned lines, irregularities, surface influxes are not allowed.
  2. Stiffening rib. They provide the strength of the panels and maintain their shape. When buying, you should check their condition. The more edges there are in the material, the more reliable it is.
  3. Strength characteristics. The quality of the plastic used should be checked. Firstly, when pressing on the surface, there should not be ravines and cracks. Secondly, you should check the strength of the corners. To do this, they bend in different directions. After that, there should be no cracks and bending lines.
  4. Registration Accuracy. Strips of plastic must be attached to each other. It is important that there are no noticeable gaps.

When choosing colored products, it is necessary to check the quality of the color. The color background over the entire surface should be uniform, and the pattern clear. Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the front layer of plastic. The translucent stiffening ribs indicate the excessive thinness of the element.

The dimensions of the panels are important not only for the appearance and speed of installation. The economic side also depends on them. The less plastic you have to cut, the less waste there will be. To do this, you need to accurately measure the ceiling in advance. The width and length of the panels must be chosen so that they fit entirely along the length and width of the room.

Material Requirements Calculation

The main material for finishing are PVC panels. They must be purchased in the optimal quantity. If suddenly they are not enough, then the purchased goods may differ in shade, which will be noticeable visually.

Overstocking causes unnecessary expenses. In addition to the main material for installation, you will need a metal profile for the frame of several types and a ceiling plinth as a finishing touch.

The calculation of the need for PVC panels is carried out based on the area of ​​​​the ceiling and one panel. Most common elements 4 m long and 2 cm wide.

Their area is 1 m². If you divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe panel, you get the right number of them. Next, you should consider the margin for cutting and waste. He makes up 12-15% .

On the ceiling surface, a crate is made of guide profiles (CD). They are mounted in steps (h) of 50-60 cm. In other words, N UD profiles are required, while N = (B / h), where B is the width of the ceiling, each with a length equal to the length of the ceiling. The total need for guide profiles is NxL, where L is the length of the ceiling.

Another necessary consumable - ceiling plinth. It is fixed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling and is designed to mask the gap between the wall and the panels (starting profile). Its need is equal to the perimeter of the room. Taking into account the need for cutting and a neat joint at the corners, a margin of about 5-6 percent is taken.

Required Tool

To install a suspended ceiling made of PVC panels, you should prepare such a tool in advance:

  1. To assemble the frame - a puncher, an electric drill, a grinder, a hacksaw.
  2. For mounting panels - a screwdriver, a construction knife, metal scissors, a cord for marking.
  3. For measurements and quality control - tape measure, metal ruler, square, building level.

In addition to the specified basic, structural materials, consumables are required for installation. To mask the junction and ends are used plastic moldings- starting and connecting.

If the ceiling has a complex shape (including protrusions), then corner moldings will also be required - internal and external. To fix the false ceiling, clamps and brackets, as well as dowels are used.

Technological features of installation

Installation of a plastic ceiling is carried out in two main ways - fastening to the crate or gluing directly to the ceiling.

The first option is most often used, because. it allows you to ensure reliability and high quality, as well as hide all defects in the ceiling surface.

Ceiling preparation

The thoroughness of the preparation of the ceiling surface depends on the method of attaching the panels. If a frame with a crate is assembled, then perfect alignment is not required.

Dirt, dust and gross defects are removed from the surface. Damaged coatings should also be removed. An audit is being carried out to assess the condition of the floor - the presence of cracks and other damage.

Before starting installation, you must dry the ceiling. Particular attention is paid to areas where there was flooding. In the presence of mold, it is removed, and the area is treated with a special compound.

Careful alignment of the ceiling is necessary for the adhesive method of fastening the panels. All cracks and dents are sealed with putty. Then, cement-sand plaster is applied. It is recommended to apply a primer layer on top of it, which will improve adhesion to the adhesive.

Markup for the start profile

The quality of the plastic ceiling largely depends on the correct installation of the initial UD profile. That is why the marking for the starting profile must be carried out carefully and accurately. The lowering of the false ceiling in relation to the main ceiling depends on the evenness of the surface. The optimal clearance is considered to be 50 mm.

Marking the fastening of the starting profile is carried out in the following order. The lowest angle is determined first. In it, 50 mm is measured from the ceiling and lines are drawn from this point on adjacent walls parallel to the floor. Their horizontality is best checked. Further, the lines continue on 2 other walls. This markup indicates the level of fastening of the UD profile.

Full markup also includes determining the installation locations for guide profiles. To do this, on the longest wall between the starting profiles, the fixing points of the CD-elements are measured. The distance between them should be the same, within 50-60 cm. From these points, strictly parallel lines are drawn on the ceiling. Points for installation of suspensions (kleimers) are marked.

Frame device

First of all, the UD profile is installed. In its quality, profiles for the installation of drywall with a width of 28 mm are usually used. They are attached to the wall with dowels. To do this, using a puncher or an electric drill, holes of the desired depth are made in increments of 35-50 mm. Plastic dowels are tightly inserted into them. The profile is fixed with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

Mounting the frame for fixing the panels consists in installing various types of crates. For their manufacture, the following types of metal profiles are used:

  • F-profile for fixing and masking the ends of the panels;
  • H-profile for connecting panels when increasing the length;
  • G-profiles (angular) is designed to connect panels in the corners.

Installation of guide profiles is carried out using suspensions. They are installed on the ceiling in one line with dowels. The step of fastening the suspensions is selected 50-70 cm.

The ends of the guide elements are brought into the starting profile in the marked places and fixed with self-tapping screws. The most commonly used standard profile type CD 27x60 mm.

Laying electrical wiring

After installing the frame, you need to take care of laying the electrical wiring. Its branching depends on the lighting system.

When installing spotlights, their installation points are evenly distributed throughout the ceiling. The wires are collected in one bundle and placed in a plastic corrugated hose. It is better to attach it to the elements of the crate.

How to fix plastic panels?

Laying the panels on the frame consists in inserting their ends into the groove of the UD profile and fixing them on the CD profile with self-tapping screws. The recommended direction of the strips is perpendicular to the wall with the window. In this case, the luminous flux will not overly highlight the joints. Work begins with cutting strips of the desired length (4-5 mm distance between the walls).

The plastic strip is slightly bent in the center and inserted into the groove of the profiles, after which it is aligned strictly parallel to the wall. Fastening to the guide profile is provided with metal screws. The attachment point is recommended to be placed in the region of the spike, which will make the fastener invisible.

Subsequent strips are installed in the same way. When docking, make sure that the spikes are fully inserted into the corresponding grooves.

Crack sealing

Quite often, in the absence of proper skills, the need arises for the final stage - sealing gaps and other defects. For this operation, white acrylic sealant is used. A tube with this material is placed in a mounting gun, with the help of which the gaps are filled. Gaps usually occur in the corners, at the junction of the strips, at the place where the plinth fits.

The seal is made in small sections 25-35 cm long, with the elimination of excess and accurate smoothing. It should be borne in mind that acrylic hardens in 10-15 seconds, and during this period it must be leveled.

Excess mass is removed with a damp sponge. Complete hardening of the mass occurs after 7-10 hours. After hardening, shrinkage of the sealant may occur. In this case, the procedure is repeated.

Installation of fixtures

Fixtures in the ceiling made of plastic panels should be in harmony with the overall design. The scheme of their location must be developed in advance and before laying the plastic, lay the electrical wiring. The project should take into account the number and power of fixtures, their type and location on the ceiling.

The following lighting options are used:

  1. With lamps for 220 V. Conventional incandescent lamps continue to be used for lighting. Light bulbs with a power of no more than 60 W can be installed in a plastic ceiling, but even such bulbs significantly heat up the adjacent plastic. To avoid accelerated aging of the material, the body of the lamp will have to be covered with a heat insulator. Usually devices with ceramic cases are used. The degree of their protection must correspond to the category IP44.
  2. Halogen and LED lights. They belong to the category of energy-saving and safe devices. 12 V is used for power supply. The range of such lamps is huge, which allows you to choose the best option. The main problem is the installation of the transformer. 3-6 light bulbs can work from one transformer, and the length of the wires from it to the lamp should not exceed 3 m. The optimal length of the wires is 2.3-2.6 m. With a longer line length, the glow weakens due to a voltage drop.

The choice of lighting system depends on the purpose of the room. Quite often, several spotlights are used, arranged in a certain order, which provides additional design.

It should be noted that a massive chandelier does not fit in with the plastic ceiling. Plastic panels provide a modern style and all decoration should correspond to it.

PVC panels on the ceiling - practical and convenient. Work on the installation of a ceiling made of PVC panels can be done independently quite simply, so there is no need to involve a team of builders. We will talk about how to fix PVC panels to the ceiling and how to choose them correctly and what is the price of PVC panels in this article.

Moreover, the ceilings are not much different from the installation of other suspended structures. All works include the same stages of marking the premises, calculating the required amount of material.

PVC panels on the ceiling - what is it

PVC panels - a finishing material made from polyvinyl chloride - a plastic that does not burn well and has chemical resistance. Now consider the design of PVC panels.

PVC panels for the ceiling consist of two thin sheets of plastic interconnected by many stiffening ribs. Along the length of the PVC panels, there is a large mounting shelf on one side, and a small mounting shelf on the other. The first is used to fasten the PVC sheet to the ceiling frame, and the second is used to connect the installed sheets to each other.

So why have PVC ceiling panels become so popular? Below is a list of the advantages of this finishing material:

  • PVC panels are resistant to moisture. Is the plaster starting to peel off from the ceiling due to dampness? With plastic plates, this will not happen! Do you live in a high-rise building where plumbing problems are not uncommon, and you are afraid that the neighbors from above may flood you? For PVC panels, this is not a problem - after a local flood, they can be taken, dried and simply installed back.
  • Durability. By themselves, high-quality PVC panels can last for decades. And replacing damaged or outdated panels is not difficult.
  • It is easy to care for the ceiling made of PVC panels - you just need to regularly wipe it from dust with a sponge dipped in soapy water. But at the same time, it should be remembered that to clean such material, you cannot use products containing abrasive particles or strong alkalis and acids.
  • To fix the PVC panels, it is necessary to mount the frame. As a result, a hollow space remains between the suspended and real ceiling. It can be used both for electrical wiring, and for sound or heat insulation. This is especially important if there is an attic and a “cold” roof above your room.
  • PVC panels are an easy way to level the ceiling without resorting to time-consuming and complex plaster work. This saves time, effort and money.
  • Plastic panels are versatile and well suited for living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, loggias and other residential and non-residential premises. In addition, a large number of different colors and textures of the material will allow you to choose plastic panels that are best combined with the rest of the room design.
  • Suspended ceilings made of PVC panels are extremely convenient for creating modern lighting systems with many lamps placed around the perimeter of the room and in other places you need.

PVC panels on the ceiling - how to choose

When choosing PVC panels for the ceiling, you need to pay attention to their appearance. It can be used to determine the method of decorative coating used at the stage of finishing the elements. The rough surface is represented by a matte texture and white color of the material. The most budget options in the construction markets are presented in this design. To make PVC panels on the ceilings glossy, a layer of protective varnish is applied to them.

Others acquire in the process of pasting with thermal film. The heat dissolves the image on the sheets and transfers it to the plastic. The drawing is obtained on special equipment.

The variety of types of PVC panels can put the buyer in front of a difficult choice. However, if you know the main criteria that are indicators of quality, it will not be difficult to understand the assortment:

  • The surface of the panels must be smooth, even, without cracks and chips, well painted, not bent.
  • Fastening joints - without gaps, easily entering into each other, providing a single monolithic structure as a result.
  • Thick outer walls, stiffeners - indicators of the strength of the material.

Size is also of no small importance when installing panels on ceilings. Products are represented by plates, the length of which is from 2300 to 6000 mm, and the width is from 100 to 920 mm. Volumetric plates have a thickness of 5 to 10 mm.

The standard product size is 2700 mm - length, 250 mm - width, 10 mm - thickness.

As for the thickness, in standard sizes it is indicated in full. However, the design of PVC panels is complex and consists of three layers: external, rigid polyvinyl chloride, internal stiffeners. The edges of the panels are decorated with complex configurations that provide reliable adhesion of PVC panels to each other on the ceilings.

When going to the hardware store, you should pay attention to the following points. For small rooms, PVC panels of the "lining" type will be the most suitable. They should also be preferred if you want to have a plastic ceiling stylized as wooden boards. And for larger rooms, it is better to take panels or sheets of polyvinyl chloride. As for the thickness, it is mostly the same for all types of PVC sheets and is 10 millimeters.

  • The stiffening ribs of PVC panels should not be visible from the front side. Also count their number - the more ribs, the stronger and more durable the panel design.
  • The surface of the material must be perfectly flat, without any defects, chips or damage.
  • Mounting and fixing shelves must be flexible enough and not break when you try to bend them.
  • Try pressing lightly on the PVC panel. If a crack or dent appears on the surface, then you have a poor-quality copy, which it is advisable to refuse to purchase.
  • Take a few panels and try to put them together. Good material fits smoothly and without gaps.
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the purchased PVC panels - copies from all packages must be plain and have the same texture. In some situations, PVC sheets from different batches have slight color differences.

In addition to the PVC sheets themselves, you will need to purchase an installation profile. It consists of two "shelves", one of which is attached to the frame, and the other is connected to the plastic panels. Both starting and finishing PVC sheets are attached to the installation profile. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the thickness of the plastic and whether the profile has any bends or defects.

Do not forget to also buy a ceiling plinth - it not only serves as a decorative element of the future ceiling, but also closes the gap between the wall and the ceiling made of PVC panels. Usually such skirting boards are called fillets, they are made of plastic and attached to glue. As for the appearance of the purchased PVC panels, you must determine it yourself, based on the design project for decorating the room and your own taste. Your attention will be presented with many options for panels of various colors and textures. Here we can advise you to use a color matching table so that the appearance of the ceiling blends well with the color of the walls and furniture.

Do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels on the ceiling: we make markings and prepare the material

Before proceeding with the collection of structures for the ceiling, it is important to understand its functionality and purpose. Namely, why is the installation of a ceiling made of PVC panels carried out - to make the original decor of the room or to hide possible communications?

Important! The more various communications are laid under the ceiling, the greater the distance required from the rough surface to the plastic parts.

It is better to apply the markup using a hydraulic level. If the room where it will be installed is small, the hydraulic level can not be used. Its alternative will be the usual rail or building level. According to the established marks, a flat horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room.

As materials you will need:

  • Panels of the required size and quantity.
  • Plastic strap for fastening.
  • Ceiling skirting boards.
  • Wooden beam for lathing or profile and metal.
  • Dowels, self-tapping screws, screws, staples, construction stapler.

For plastic panels, one of two options for mounting the frame is used:

  1. From wood beams.
  2. From metal guides.

Wooden crates are more suitable for rooms with low humidity, where the possibility of good ventilation of the room is provided. Metal profiles are used in wet rooms - bathroom or kitchen.

Before mounting them, the ceiling must be treated with a primer and with a bacterial effect. If the bars are wooden, they also need to be coated with special compounds.

If you plan to install overhead lights, there is no need to lower the frame. It can be mounted directly on the rough surface of the ceiling. Recessed lighting fixtures require a reduction in the crate by 10-12 cm from the draft ceiling space.

We mount the frame initially along the perimeter of the room, setting a plane for the entire ceiling. Then we install the longitudinal and transverse bars. In those places where lamps or chandeliers will be placed later, we put two beams and bring the wires, isolate their ends.

Bars are fastened across the ceiling surface in increments of 30-40 cm from each other. To make it more convenient to work, you can pre-apply markup. Then by installing the bars, it will be possible to immediately align them. The process will go faster if you stretch the threads along the room between the bars that create a common contour. Then it will be easier to arrange and fasten the parts.

You can proceed to laying the panels.

Simplicity is the main advantage of installing PVC panel ceilings

In addition to the fact that plastic panels allow you to end up with a beautiful ceiling, their installation does not require the use of special equipment and tools. Plastic is easy to drill or cut to the required size and shape.

Panels can be positioned in three directions:

  • Along the premises.
  • across the room.
  • Diagonally.

According to experts, the installation of ceiling panels along is the easiest and most reliable way of laying. With this arrangement, the joints between the tiles are practically invisible.

Diagonal laying is difficult to work with. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to professionals. In addition, with this method, material waste will increase significantly.

First, we mount the starting profile, it will set the beginning of the rest of the structure. In appearance, the profile resembles a plinth, differing from the finishing element of the finish only by a deep recess along the length. The first panel will be inserted into this gap. Next, the tile is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws or small nails. Today, builders are more likely to use a stapler with metal staples. Such a product greatly simplifies the work.

Important point! The panels are connected to each other according to the tongue-and-groove principle. Since the starting profile has a groove, the plastic tile must be turned to it with a spike.

When installing panels, it is necessary to observe maximum accuracy. Even if at first glance everything seems perfect, as a result, the overall structure may shift and gaps will appear.

How to install the latest pvc panel on the ceiling

When installing PVC panels on the ceiling at the final stage, difficulties may arise when it is necessary to include the last tile in the design. If it does not match the size of the remaining space in the frame, it must be cut with a clerical knife to the required size.

Then mount in the ceiling so that the cut side is in contact with the wall surface. Possible defects will hide the finishing of the ceiling with skirting boards.

Important! All PVC parts, both panels and skirting boards, are very brittle. Therefore, careless handling can lead to damage to the elements.

Frameless fastening of PVC panels to the ceiling

This is the simplest method, which does not require the preliminary construction of ceiling structures. However, this method is acceptable only in cases where the ceiling surface is perfectly flat and smooth, and there is no need to build in fixtures and hide communications.

In this case, the panels are attached to the ceiling with polymer adhesives or. It is necessary to work quickly, because the mixture seizes instantly.

Among other things, an important point is the preliminary marking according to the type of laying tiles, then the plastic will lie beautifully and evenly.

PVC panels on the ceiling sagged - what to do

PVC panels may sag. Several factors influence this:

  • The frame is made unevenly, so at the exit the plastic ceiling turned out to be skewed.
  • The planks of the crate on which the panels are attached are located at a distance of more than 60 cm from each other.
  • Tiles made of low quality plastic, different geometry, uneven.

In the first and second cases, you will have to dismantle the entire structure and assemble the ceiling on a new one.

If a low-quality material is purchased, the cracks that have appeared over time can be sealed with acrylic glue.

Thus, in the installation of panels, the most difficult stage is. It takes a lot of time, but it directly affects the quality of the ceiling, which is the most important indicator of work.

The ceiling in the bathroom in 15 minutes do it yourself video

Due to the abundance of modern finishing materials, the ceiling surface is decorated not only with whitewash. Various suspended ceiling systems are especially popular, allowing you to hide defects in the base and communication, quickly mounted and well leveling the surface. The ceiling of plastic panels is used in different rooms. We will tell you how to finish the ceiling with PVC panels with your own hands.

Are plastic panels harmful to the body?

Some people claim that plastic ceilings in our apartments are harmful to health. But is it really so? Confirmation that plastic does not emit harmful substances is the fact that this material is used to make medical syringes and food is packaged in it.

Plastic belongs to the group of non-porous materials, therefore, pathogenic microorganisms cannot settle in its structure. In addition, the smooth surface of plastic products is easy to clean. That is why finishing the ceiling with plastic panels is considered hygienic and is allowed by sanitary standards for use in medical institutions.

The disadvantage of this material is its combustibility. Plastic supports combustion at temperatures ranging from 360 degrees. Although compared to wood products that ignite at 250 degrees, plastic materials are less combustible. Compared to wood, plastic emits 50% less smoke, but it contains toxic substances.

As for the low vapor permeability of the material, the problem is solved by installing ventilation grilles in the ceiling. Moreover, in high-rise buildings, ventilation of the ceiling space is not as important as in private houses with an attic.

Scope of ceilings made of PVC panels

The reasonable price of the material and good performance characteristics allow to significantly expand the scope of its application. The cost of the most inexpensive white panel starts from $0.21 apiece. The price of PVC ceiling panels with a decorative coating, a pattern and a relief surface is in the range of $ 2.1-3 per element.

Installation of plastic ceilings is carried out in the following rooms:

  • swimming pools, toilets, bathrooms and other areas with wet processes;
  • loggias, balconies, verandas, including those without heating;
  • kitchens and kitchen-dining rooms;
  • corridors and hallways;
  • storerooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Installation of plastic ceiling coverings provides the following advantages:

  1. The main advantage of PVC board ceilings is their moisture resistance and unpretentiousness in care. Contaminated coating is easy to clean with detergents. The material is not susceptible to mold and other microorganisms, which is very important for rooms with high humidity. The product does not absorb odors and pollution, does not attract dust.
  2. Plastic coatings have all the advantages of suspended ceiling systems - they allow you to hide defects in the base and communication, do not require careful preparation of the base surface and are suitable for installing built-in lighting.
  3. Installation of the coating is carried out quickly, without the help of specialists. All work can be done independently.
  4. The coating will not suffer as a result of flooding by neighbors from above. Simply wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  5. The product does not require special care and is durable.
  6. Behind the ceiling, you can install materials to increase the heat and sound insulation of the room.
  7. The coating retains its technical characteristics even in conditions of high humidity and temperature changes.
  8. Reasonable price of the material is an additional advantage.
  9. Possibility of installation of multi-level structures with straight and curvilinear transitions of tiers.

Worth knowing! The disadvantage of a suspended plastic ceiling is that when it is installed, the height of the room is reduced by at least 5 cm. With built-in lighting, the ceiling is lowered by 15 cm, which is not very good for low rooms.

Additional disadvantages of such coatings include the following:

  • budget appearance (although there are more expensive and respectable panels with original surface texture, colors and patterns on sale);
  • cheap products transmit light from built-in lamps, deform and turn yellow during operation;
  • seams between individual elements are visible on the surface.

Installation technology of PVC panels

Before starting work, prepare all the necessary materials and tools. In addition to plastic panels, you will need metal profiles or bars to assemble the crate.

The following tools will also come in handy:

  • perforator;
  • short self-tapping screws for metal work (if a metal frame is being built);
  • construction stapler and staples to it (when installing a wooden crate);
  • dowels and screws;
  • guide and ceiling steel profile for drywall systems or wooden bars with a section of 20x40 mm for the construction of the frame;
  • starting bar or ceiling plinth;
  • levels (laser and building);
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;
  • ruler, tape measure and pencil;
  • a hammer;
  • drill;
  • suspensions.

Foundation preparation

Before you make a ceiling of plastic panels, you need to prepare the base. When installing suspended ceilings, special preparation of the base ceiling surface is not required. It is enough to dismantle the old coating, which does not adhere well to the base. If there are traces of mold on the ceiling, then these places are additionally treated with antifungal solutions.

Important! Before installation, cables for lighting fixtures are laid under the ceiling. Bases are prepared for hanging lighting.

After that, you need to apply the markup. To do this, determine the height by which the new ceiling surface is lowered. If there are no utilities passing under the ceiling, and it is not supposed to install built-in lighting, then the surface is lowered by 50 mm. Otherwise, they proceed from the dimensions of communications and the socles of lighting fixtures.

On the walls of the room you need to draw a line that indicates the location of the new ceiling surface. To do this, find the lowest corner of the room and lay down the height of the lowering of the ceiling from it. The mark is transferred to other corners using a level. All marks are connected by longitudinal lines on the walls.

Frame installation

Before attaching plastic panels to the ceiling, you need to assemble and install the supporting frame. The process of assembling a wooden frame is simple and straightforward, so we will describe the installation of a crate made of metal profiles.

Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. We cut off the supporting profile according to the length of the wall and drill holes in it with a step of 500 mm.
  2. Then we apply the profile with holes to the wall according to the marking and drill holes in the wall surface. We fix the profile with dowels and screws.
  3. Cut the ceiling profiles to the width of the room. Do not forget to take into account that the plastic panels are attached in the direction perpendicular to the profiles.
  4. Insert the ceiling profiles into the groove of the guide elements on the wall and position them in 40 cm increments. If the installation distance is larger, the ceiling panels will sag.
  5. If the width of the room exceeds 1.5 m, the profiles are additionally fixed to the ceiling on suspensions. They are attached to the base with a pair of dowels and self-tapping screws and mounted in increments of 1-1.5 m. We bend the “protruding ears” of the perforated suspension up.

Installation of plastic skirting boards

Before starting the installation of the trim along the perimeter of the room, we fasten the starting bar or a special plastic profile with a groove for installing panels to the wall profile with screws. We screw the screws into the upper shelf of the starting element or plinth.

In addition, these same parts can be attached not to the frame guide profile, but to the wall. But in this case, you will have to drill additional holes in the wall surface and install dowels in them. If the walls in the room are finished with ceramic tiles, then plastic baguettes can be glued to them with liquid nails.

Fixing PVC panels

After assembling the frame, PVC panels are installed on the ceiling. For fixing the coating, short self-tapping screws for working on metal or staples of a construction stapler are used. Staples are used when fixing plates to a wooden crate, and self-tapping screws are suitable for screwing the lining to a metal frame.

The process of installing PVC trim looks like this:

  1. First, the ceiling tiles are cut to the required length. Then the end of one element is inserted into the groove of the plastic baguette, the panel is slightly bent and the second end is inserted into the starting profile on the wall. It is important to mount the element with a spike away from you. The longitudinal side with the spike is completely inserted into the groove of the plinth or baguette.
  2. The element is screwed to the crate with a self-tapping screw in the place where the shelf of the product is located above the frame rails.
  3. Similarly, the installation of all subsequent plates. They are wound with a spike into the groove of the previous product and attached to the crate.
  4. The last plate is cut in width to the required size and inserted with the cut side into the groove of the starting profile or plinth until it stops. Then a spike is inserted into the groove of the previous plate, slightly pushing the panel out of the baguette on the wall.
  5. Finally, the installation of lighting fixtures is carried out.

If you decide to make a ceiling from PVC panels with your own hands, the video instruction will help you visually understand the installation process:

PVC panels are an excellent solution for finishing the ceiling of a private house: they are easy to install, they do not require special operating conditions, they are easy to clean and look great. In addition, do-it-yourself installation of pvc panels on the ceiling can be done without buying an expensive tool, and even a novice home master can handle it.

Ceiling panels

PVC panels are panels made from polyvinyl chloride by extrusion.

Their design can be varied:

  • matte and glossy surface;
  • varnish surface;
  • imitation of wood, marble, plaster.

PVC panels are made with grooves and spikes along the edge, which facilitates their assembly and improves mutual adhesion.

The main difference between ceiling panels and wall panels is their weight - ceiling panels are light and less durable, which makes the process of how to attach plastic panels to the ceiling easier.

Advantages of panels over other finishing materials

Fixing pvc panels to the ceiling is preferable to finishing it with other materials due to the following advantages of the panels:

  • strength and long service life;
  • plastic;
  • resistance to water, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, bacteria and fungi;
  • color fastness;
  • additional isolation from noise;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • environmental safety for health and the environment;
  • resistance to burning, high temperature, chemically active substances;
  • lack of smell;
  • safety during the installation of various fixtures;
  • low cost and wide availability;
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • panels do not oxidize and do not crack;
  • hiding irregularities in the ceiling and communications.

The disadvantages of installing a ceiling made of pvc panels include:

  • release of substances harmful to health in case of fire;
  • instability to mechanical damage;
  • white panels may turn yellow with prolonged and constant exposure to ultraviolet light;
  • pvc panels for many people are associated with the office, not the house;
  • such a ceiling will reduce the height of the room by a couple of centimeters.

Calculation of the required amount of material

Before attaching pvc panels, you need to calculate the required number of them for purchase. The average thickness of the panel is from 0.5 cm to 1 cm, the width is 25-50 cm. The minimum standard length is 2.7 m, the average maximum length is 3 m. The length of additional mounting elements is 3 m.

To calculate the volume of material purchases, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone panel (it can be measured in a store or found on the packaging). To the resulting number, you need to add about 10-15% of it for cuts, possible marriage, installation errors, and then round up.

It is better to buy all the necessary material with a margin in one place to avoid differences in colors and textures.

The number of metal profiles for mounting pvc wall panels with your own hands is as follows:

  • having measured the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, draw it on a piece of paper proportionally reduced;
  • taking into account the average distance between profiles of 60 cm in natural size, this number is proportionally reduced;
  • the resulting number will become the distance between the profile in the figure - parallel lines are drawn from one of the walls, the width of which is also proportional to the width of the real profile;
  • the resulting number of straight lines is the number of profile strips to which you need to add one or two in case of marriage or installation errors.

For mounting the frame around the perimeter, a more rigid profile will be needed. The number of fasteners must be calculated based on the number of profiles. To calculate the amount of ceiling plinth, the ceiling perimeter is divided into three parts.

Fixing the panels to the ceiling

To fix PVC panels on the ceiling, you need to purchase them in the amount calculated earlier, pick up a tool, prepare the surface and get down to business.

We select a tool

To install pvc panels with your own hands you will need:

  • drill or perforator;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • knife, hacksaw and metal scissors;
  • miter box;
  • clean cloth;
  • glue or liquid nails;
  • level and tape measure.

Preparing for installation

Before fixing the plastic panels, the surface of the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned of everything that could damage the planned finish crumbling, breaking off, catching fire. The ceiling must be covered with a primer, after which it dries, markings for the frame are drawn on it.

The resulting space between the ceilings is used to accommodate communications, and, if necessary, insulation

Using a level and a tape measure, a perimeter line is drawn on the walls, at the level of which the future pvc ceiling will be located. The height of this line depends on the unevenness of the floor (the measurement must be taken from the lowest point of the ceiling), the size of the selected fixtures, communications and wiring.

For wiring separately, you need to leave an empty space with a height of at least a couple of centimeters. After affixing several marks on the walls, they are extended into a continuous line. A chalk rope will help with this, but you can also mark the line with a pencil.

Next, a grid is drawn on the ceiling itself, indicating the location of the frame so that the profile is located at right angles to the direction of the panels, and the distance between its slats is 60 cm.

Panel frame installation

A metal profile is attached to parts similar to the letter "P", installed in increments of 0.6-0.8 meters with anchor bolts. They are attached to the profiles with screws or self-tapping screws. Jumpers are not placed between the carrier bars of the frame, installing them only in those places where it is planned to mount the fixtures.

After mounting the frame, wires for lighting fixtures are laid, hidden in a corrugated pipe. For spotlights, you can leave a loop no more than 20 cm long.

Another option for mounting the frame is to use a plastic crate: the U-profile is fixed so that its lower side is at the level of the perimeter line outlined on the walls, joining the corners with a saw and a miter box. The plastic profile is mounted in increments of 30 cm.

An even cheaper option is to install a wooden frame on the ceiling with dowels or screws in increments of 0.6 meters.

Installation of pvc panels

Installation is carried out according to the instructions on how to fix pvc panels to the ceiling:

  • the length of each plank must be reduced so as to obtain a value 10 cm less than the length of the ceiling - a gap is left between the end side and the wall;
  • the first bar of the panel is inserted into the U-profile and fixed with screws to each support profile on the frame. To facilitate further finishing, you can cut off its extreme latch;
  • if the size of the panel needs to be adjusted, it is cut with a knife or a hacksaw;
  • the second bar is inserted into the gap of the first panel at an angle and fixed with screws on its other side;
  • when almost the entire ceiling is covered with panels, the last of them can be cut from the side where the groove is.

Plastic panels are easy to cut with a clerical knife by making an incision and then breaking the panel along it

Alternative - glue the panels

If the ceiling is even and does not have significant defects, panels can be glued to it. To do this, draw a medium-sized grid on the surface with liquid nails and install the first panel. Next, a second one is inserted into its groove and advanced to the end of the ceiling.


Next comes the problem of how to fix the ceiling plinth for pvc panels. To do this, one side of the plinth panel is covered with glue or liquid nails and applied so that the glued side touches either the ceiling or the panels.

Installation secrets

Installing pvc panels has its own secrets:

  • it is desirable to cut and drill individual elements from the front side;
  • if some panels cannot be fixed with screws, liquid nails can be used to install them;
  • when screwing panels or driving nails into them, you need to be careful with the fragile front surface of the plates;
  • after installation, the panels must be washed using only a soapy solution and not using abrasive cleaners, hard brushes or solvents.

How to work with pvc panels during do-it-yourself installation is shown in the video: