Double roof house facade. Beautiful projects of houses with a flat roof: catalog, photo. Flat roof base

Modern low-rise architecture gravitates toward geometric shapes. The trend has found expression in the construction of houses with a flat roof. Such buildings are aesthetic, functional, allow you to usefully equip additional space. Unlike pitched surfaces, the slope of the top coating is no more than 3-5 °. This causes increased requirements for hydro and thermal insulation, precipitation removal, and structural strengthening. With proper design and selection of building materials, a house with a flat roof is not inferior in reliability to single and gable buildings.

In the company "COUNTRY SEASON" you can order the construction of a private house with a turnkey flat roof. We implement standard projects, as well as carry out individual development of design, technical, regulatory documentation.

Projects of cottages with a flat roof

Finished projects of flat roof houses differ in the type of upper structure:

  • exploited roof - used for arranging flower beds, recreation areas;
  • unused - suitable for installation of antennas, solar farms, other technical objects with a relatively low weight.

Modern flat-roofed houses are beautiful structures with trendy designs close to high-tech and minimalism. Buildings are equipped with bay windows, terraces, balconies, panoramic windows. For permanent residence, options with a boiler room are used. Car owners prefer dwellings with a built-in garage for 1-2 cars.

On the site "COUNTRY SEASON" there are photos and approximate prices of one-, two-story cottages. To calculate the cost and buy a project, order a call back. We develop design, carry out individual design, build housing in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Flat roof house designs have recently become more popular all over the world. Some instances of houses can be safely called masterpieces of architecture. In our country, this direction is still developing, therefore, choosing such a solution for construction, you become the owner of an exclusive modern home.

Flat-roofed houses look spectacular, and are also endowed with a number of advantages:

  • roof construction will take less time and cost less;
  • ease of maintenance, cleaning and repair work is carried out easier and without the use of special equipment;
  • the possibility of useful use of the roof area, for example, to arrange a terrace, tables for relaxation, a flower garden or a sports place.

Construction of houses with a flat roof

Despite its apparent simplicity, the strength of the house will be achieved only with careful carrying out of the necessary calculations, especially with regard to ensuring a sufficient level of waterproofing and water drainage, in case of an error, the structure may collapse. That is why for the design and construction of houses with a flat roof, it is necessary to contact specialists who have sufficient experience and comply with the required building codes and standards.

Our catalog contains many ready-made projects of houses with a flat roof. Using a convenient filter, you will find various houses by area, number of floors and material of execution (brick, aerated concrete, frame) with a photo and price for construction.

If no cottage project in the catalog fits, we will be happy to develop an individual project for you, where we will take into account and implement all your wishes.

Cooperating with Villaexpert, you can be sure that the construction of a turnkey flat roof house will be carried out at the highest level and at a reasonable price, and you will receive a house project as a gift.

How quickly time flies! It has been 4 years since I built an unusual country house with my own hands. Many non-standard technical solutions were used in the house, which were practically not used in individual construction in Russia before. Firstly, the house is heated with help, and secondly, the house has a flat roof.

From the very beginning of construction in 2012, I was constantly told that a flat roof is not for our climate (but for what?), that it will definitely leak (why?), and in general, with such a roof, the house looks like a transformer box (poor Europeans, they have to live in transformer boxes).

But most often they tried to prove to me that it is necessary to constantly remove snow from a flat roof (I wonder why?). Of course, if anyone wants to, you can clean it up, no one forbids it. But on flat-roofed houses, there is no need to remove the snow. For example, now I have more than 80 centimeters of snow on my roof! And hid somewhere under the snow.

2. Snow on the roof is an additional and completely free insulation.

By the way, as it turned out, many do not know that a flat roof is not a plane in the direct sense, but a surface with a slope of about 2-4 degrees (in fact, a roof is considered flat if its angle of inclination is from 2 to 20 degrees). And on any flat roof, there is a drain. It is more correct for a flat roof to make an internal drain, but you can get by with a classic external one. At the time of construction, I did not have sufficient knowledge to design and implement an internal drain, so I made an external one. The advantage of the internal drain in the absence of pipes on the facade.

3. Summer 2013, just made. A flat roof is significantly cheaper than any pitched roof (at least because its area is on average 1.5 times smaller than that of a pitched one). With it, there is no loss of space and such a useless place in the house as an attic. It is easier and easier to insulate - everything is in the same plane.

Let me remind you the design of the pie of my roof (from bottom to top):
1. Prefabricated monolithic ceiling filled with aerated concrete blocks - 250 mm;
2. Insulation with extruded polystyrene foam - 150 mm;
3. Warming and creating a slope with the help of wedge-shaped plates of extruded polystyrene foam - 0-150 mm;
4. Cement screed - 50 mm;
5. Two-layer built-up waterproofing (top layer with dressing).

4. Another huge plus of a flat roof is that it is not afraid of a hurricane. Look at the chronicles of hurricanes and how easily it tears off the coating and breaks the truss system on classic pitched roofs.

5. In the summer of 2016, I completed all other landscaping work on the adjacent territory and decided to do it.

6. By the way, if anyone does not know, then any concrete floor by default has a bearing capacity of at least 400 kg per square meter (usually 600-800 kg / m2). While the snow load for the Moscow region is only 180 kg per square meter. This is the maximum design snow load, which in reality is rarely achieved, but it is obvious that any overlap has a huge margin in terms of bearing capacity.

7. Another important advantage of a flat roof is that it has completely sealed seams. While on a pitched roof the seams are not tight and if the pitched roof is covered with snow and it starts to melt from below (due to insufficient insulation), the pitched roof will leak (especially at the junction of two slopes - valleys). Look at the neighboring houses with pitched roofs - surprisingly, they also have snow!

Why does a flat roof made according to technology not leak? Everything is very simple. Because it's insulated!

It is insulation that determines the durability of the roof. It is known that the roof accounts for an average of 40% of the heat loss of the entire building. If the roof is not insulated, or not well insulated, then the heat will rise up, and the snow lying on the upper roofing carpet will melt. When frost sets in, the melted snow will freeze again, and when it freezes, as you know, water expands in volume. These multiple freeze-thaw cycles will eventually rupture the waterproofing (after 2-3 years) and the flat roof will begin to leak.

8. In the last century, when building houses, they did not think about energy efficiency and saving energy resources, therefore, roof insulation was usually not done. This led to the fact that the waterproofing of the roof was constantly destroyed and the roof was leaking.

If the roof is qualitatively insulated, then it has only one "enemy" - the sun and its ultraviolet radiation. But to protect against this, waterproofing is used with a package, or with special additives (if used). And the most effective way to protect waterproofing from damaging ultraviolet radiation is to make a lawn on the roof, fill in pebbles or lay tiles. By the way, a more promising waterproofing today is a polymer membrane.

A flat roof is even easier to operate than a pitched one. With a flat roof, snow will never fall on your head and gutters will not tear off. Snow does not need to be cleared, and if there is a lawn, there is no need to monitor the cleanliness of the gutters (all water is filtered through geotextiles and they will not clog with fallen leaves).

Therefore, a flat roof is the most reasonable roofing option, especially for a house from. The main thing is not to break the technology and not save on insulation.

And cleaning snow from a flat roof is not only useless, but also harmful - you can accidentally break the waterproofing with the sharp edge of a shovel and the roof will start to leak.

You can familiarize yourself with all the reports on the construction of a country house with your own hands in chronological order.

Looking for beautiful flat roof house designs with photos and layouts? Our catalog contains many projects of thoughtful houses, among them there are those with a flat roof. This category is a real highlight of our catalog. Modern houses with a flat roof are in particular demand among wealthy people who keep up with the times, who are not afraid of experiments and innovative ideas in suburban construction. Not everyone likes the original designs of flat houses, many people think that such cottages are not functional and not beautiful, and living in them is not comfortable. However, this is not so, let's take a closer look at this type of houses. In the photo, they all have an impeccable appearance, to which we have already become accustomed when visiting foreign resorts, because most modern villas are made in this architectural style. Successful planning solutions in finished projects are not inferior to typical classic houses, but a large glazing area is available through the use of French windows to the floor. Some people are confused by a flat roof, how to care for it and clean off the snow in the winter. However, the coating is made of a PVC membrane, which lasts a long time and does not require special care, and the snow from its surface is melted by special heating elements. Buildings with a flat roof are very easy to build, especially if gas silicate blocks (aerated concrete) or large-format ceramic bricks (warm ceramics) were chosen as the building material. When choosing a project, consider your needs, the number of bedrooms, the presence of a garage and terraces, whether you want

Residents of the post-Soviet space steadfastly associate a flat roof with multi-storey typical houses. Modern architectural thought does not stand still, and now there are many solutions for private houses and cottages with a flat roof that look no less interesting than pitched structures.


The one-story flat-roofed house has a stylish and modern look. Basically, such designs are stylized in a special way, choosing the direction of minimalism or hi-tech. Traditional styles for buildings with such a roof will not work, since such roofs have been properly beaten quite recently, therefore, any of the classic directions will look ridiculous here.

Of particular interest is how exactly the roof will be used: either for its intended purpose, or as an additional open tier-terrace. It is necessary to determine this issue in advance in order to correctly draw up a project plan.


For the construction of 1-storey flat-roofed cottages, various materials are used, but it should be borne in mind that not all of them are suitable for the Russian climate. In winter, a large amount of snow falls on almost the entire territory of Russia, which greatly increases the load on a flat roof. Therefore, it is impossible to make walls from light and insufficiently strong materials. In this regard, popular frame buildings will not work, but there is another prefabricated option.

Different materials for floors and walls. If almost all durable types (monolith, brick, wood) are suitable for walls, then for the roof you will have to choose the type of building materials more carefully.

Reinforced concrete slabs

Hollow or flat reinforced concrete slabs are used in modern construction for floors. They are strong enough to support the weight of a flat roof.

Plates have many positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • installation speed;
  • resistance to corrosion phenomena.


The main disadvantage of the material is that it is produced only in standard sizes, this must be taken into account even when creating a project. Reinforced concrete slabs are suitable for floors only in a house that has a reinforced foundation.


For floors, a special corrugated board is used, which is called a carrier. Like the previous version, it is great for laying as a flat roof. The bearing corrugated board is very popular mainly because of its cheapness. This material costs significantly less than all the others. However, the low price has not prevented it from establishing itself as a durable and versatile material that has an excellent ability to withstand the heavy loads that a flat roof is subjected to.

Bearing corrugated board weighs much less than reinforced concrete slabs, therefore it is optimally suited for creating flat roofs in the middle climatic zone with little rainfall in winter.

Monolithic concrete

This material is used for floors quite rarely due to the complexity of installation. Here you first need to prepare the mixture, after which you can fill. This is only possible for true professionals in their field. However, it should be noted that monolithic concrete as a flat roof is perfectly exploited, but only on condition that the manufacturing and installation technology has been fully observed.

Modern one-story houses with a flat roof are not customary to build from traditional materials. For this, modern developments are best suited, which can withstand both the harsh winter and the summer heat. At the same time, it is easy to work with them, and the construction itself does not take much time.

SIP or sandwich panels

In the catalog of every self-respecting construction agency there are standard projects of one-story houses with a flat roof made of SIP panels. Please note that it is best to order cottages made of this material. Construction requires compliance with a special technology, so it can be difficult for a beginner to work with sandwich panels.

Speaking about the advantages of panel houses, one can note their low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation characteristics. Construction costs much less than brick. At the same time, the rejection of pitched roofs also plays a significant role.

Flat roof

We are all accustomed to seeing flat roofs only on Soviet-built high-rise buildings. Among many, there is an opinion that such roofs are boring, and a real house should only be equipped with a pitched roof. In the light of recent architectural developments, this belief can be argued, especially considering the many advantages of such roofs.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that one-story houses with a flat roof can be stylized only in a modern direction. By itself, a flat roof looks futuristic, and you need to use this free space.


Among the advantages of flat roofs there are many characteristics.

  • Ease of installation. Flat roof structures can be completed in record time.
  • Reliability. If you organize the roof in the right way, it can withstand a lot of weight. Moreover, in which case, repairing such a structure is much easier to perform than repairing the truss system.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. No matter what type of flat roof construction is chosen, it will keep the heat inside the house great.

  • Cheapness. Compared to pitched, flat structures are much cheaper both in terms of materials and time.
  • Easy to install equipment. Antennas, air conditioners, various service communications on the plane are much easier to arrange than under a slope.
  • Interesting view. If the house itself is decorated in the style of "minimalism", then a laconic roof without a slope will perfectly complement the overall look.
  • Additional area. If desired, the roof can be strengthened and used to organize space for a playground, garden or recreation area. Some even make a pool here.


There are not so many cons, but still they are.

  • No matter how good the roof is, there is always a chance that it will leak. In the case of a flat structure, the risk increases many times over, because it is subject to heavy loads due to the fact that the snow does not roll.
  • If you plan to use the cover for your needs in the winter, snow and ice will have to be cleaned manually.
  • The construction of a flat roof should be carried out in full compliance with the technology, otherwise there is a risk that it will leak or fail to withstand loads and collapse.


Pitched roofs are divided according to several criteria, among which are the method of use and the type of laying of materials. As a rule, the name of each of the characteristics speaks for itself.

By way of use

Roofs are operated and non-operated.

Exploited roofs are those that are used not only as roofs, but also as additional space for spending time. Reinforced systems are used here, which allow not only placing heavy equipment on the roof, but even organizing a “green corner” here, planting a lawn, flowers and even trees. Equipping a structure of this type costs quite a lot, and it is important to lay down in advance in the project what weight load the roof will be subjected to.

Unexploited roofs are much cheaper due to the fact that they do not need to be additionally strengthened and equipped with waterproofing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the snow loads that the roof will be exposed to in the winter.

By type of laying materials

There are classic, inversion and breathable roofs.

Classical types are usually used in the design of non-exploited roofs. This is due to the fact that they have a lower load resistance coefficient. Moisture or mechanical influences can be detrimental to these roofs.

The layout of the layers looks like this (top to bottom):

  • top deposited material (waterproofing);
  • bottom deposited material (waterproofing);
  • screed (if provided);
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • overlap.

Thus, an unprotected waterproofing layer quickly becomes unusable.

The inverted roof looks exactly the opposite, which can be understood from the name:

  • ballast (gravel, crushed stone or other heavy material);
  • vapor barrier;
  • hydrophobic insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • protective substrate (primer);
  • overlap.

Such flat roofs have a long service life and are optimally suited for exploited roofs.

Breathable can be both classic and inversion designs. They are equipped with aerators or deflectors to provide additional ventilation, because there is no gap between a flat roof and the house, as is the case with pitched roofs. This leads to insufficient air exchange, which is why the organization of the ventilation system is so important.


When designing a one-story house with a flat roof, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the type of roof. Here the roof is the most important component. Russian firms have been engaged in such design not so long ago, so contact only trusted agencies.