How to drill a hole in ceramic tiles. How to drill a tile without cracking? Tile drills

At a certain stage in the renovation process in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen, it inevitably becomes necessary to drill technological holes in ceramic tiles.

Regardless of the cost of the tile, you don’t want to violate the beauty and evenness of the finish, but at the same time you need to hang a shelf or install an outlet.

The ideal option is to drill holes in the tile before installation, but this procedure is not always possible. Let's look at how to drill tiles glued to the wall, avoiding the risk of cracking and chipping.

Difficulties in working with ceramic tiles

Tiles can crack when drilled

A tile is one of the most durable finishing materials. It is resistant to aggressive environments, withstands operation in high humidity conditions, has a hard and often slippery surface. The tile successfully withstands constant physical pressure, while the material is quite fragile to fracture.

All these properties create certain difficulties in working with tiles. The glossy surface of the tile also creates additional problems: the drill can slip and scratch the surface of the material, and if voids in the adhesive solution were allowed during the laying of the tile, then such a tile will probably crack when drilling.

To make holes in the tiles, it is necessary to use nozzles made of a material that is more durable than ceramic tiles. You need to know the technology of working with tiles, follow some rules and use the right tool.


To drill a hole in a tiled wall, several tools are suitable:

  • mechanical or hand drill;
  • electric drill with the ability to adjust the number of revolutions;
  • screwdriver with speed mode selection function.

It is important that the drill has the ability to adjust the number of revolutions

You can use a hammer drill, provided that the tool has a function to turn off the impact mode. Especially since it can come in handy for drilling a hole in a concrete or brick wall behind tiles.

Depending on the modification of the selected tool, an adapter may be required.

It is fundamentally important that the working tool has the ability to work at low speeds, because it is worth starting drilling from a low mode, increasing the speed to 200 rpm.

To make a couple of holes, a hand drill is ideal: you can control the pressure, and the tool will not vibrate.

Nozzles and drills

After you have decided on the tool, you need to choose a drill or nozzle. The choice depends on the size of the required hole and the number of drilling points. You should not use ordinary concrete drills: ruin the tile and the drill, and the result will be deplorable.

Possible types of drills and nozzles for working with tiles

Device typeNozzle materialRecommendations for use
drillwill winThe most budget option. Suitable for working on a couple of holes.
crownwill winCan be used for drilling holes with a maximum diameter of 150 mm. 1 nozzle is designed for a maximum of 20 drillings.
Spear-shaped (feather-shaped) drillWolfram carbideSuitable for drilling a small number of holes. More expensive than victorious, but somewhat more effective.
drillDiamond coatingExpensive tool. The hardness of the tip material exceeds the strength of the tile surface. It is convenient in work with any type of a tile.
crownDiamond coatingSpeeds up the work process. Drilling should be as accurate as possible, starting at low speeds.
ballerinaIt consists of a central pulley, a pilot drill, a transverse rod and a carbide tooth cutter.Ability to drill holes of various diameters. The cutter is set according to the size of the radius of the required hole.

Drilling technology

Having prepared the necessary tools and nozzles, you can proceed directly to the drilling process.
The sequence of actions, regardless of the diameter of the hole, is the same:

If a power tool is used for drilling, then it is necessary to monitor the level of heating of the drill. If you smell smoke, stop work and let the drill cool down. The drill overheats from increased friction, which means that the load is too high, and the tool cannot cope. In this case, the efficiency of work is quite small. For more information on how to carefully make holes in the tile, see this video:

Before you start working on ceramic tiles, soberly assess your skills and abilities. Drilling a hole in a tile is not difficult, but if the walls are lined with expensive material, it may be best to hire a professional who is guaranteed not to ruin the finish and does a quality job.

After finishing the walls of the bathroom with tiles, it's time to install accessories and bring "life" to the bathroom. How to choose a drill and make holes for installing decor so as not to damage the tile? There are a few tips that will help you learn how to drill simply, accurately, avoiding cracks and chips.

What is required for drilling

An electric drill or a screwdriver will be needed in any case. When choosing a drill, it is important to pay attention to whether the intensity of rotation can be adjusted. The higher the speed, the more difficult it will be to achieve a quality result. The ideal tile drilling mode is low speed, i.e. low speed drill. For screwdrivers, this indicator is at the optimal level, so there are no problems, but not every tool is able to withstand a long load. To make large holes, it is still better to use a drill.

A low-speed drill will need a set of cutting and measuring tools. For markup you will need:

  • square, to maintain a right angle;
  • tape measure to accurately transfer the specified dimensions;
  • a pencil, or better a marker, for marking the glossy surface of the tile;
  • building level to achieve perfect horizontal or vertical lines;
  • masking tape.

The selection of the cutting tool depends on the material of the tile, the size and number of holes. A couple of holes can be made with not the most adapted tool. If you need to drill a lot, then it is better to stock up on the necessary materials and tools in advance.

Choice of drill or drill

Tile is a hard surface material that requires a special tool to process it. These are drills of various types:

  • with carbide soldering;
  • spear-shaped diamond-coated;
  • crown (diamond-coated tube);
  • drill with SDS shank (for perforator).

The most affordable option is a carbide-tipped spade bit. In the sharpened state, it copes with the task quite well, but quickly “sits down” and requires periodic sharpening. Poor contact with concrete and metal.

A spear drill with two or four edges is more expensive due to diamond coating, but it also lasts longer. It is used for drilling ceramics and glass.

A drill in the form of a tube with a diamond edge (crown) is more often used for drilling porcelain stoneware. Such a tool has a minimum cutting area, makes the process easier, but requires some skill. The tube is thin-walled, with excessive force, it is easily damaged. But diamond plating is capable of cutting any materials.

If there is only a puncher from the power tool, then a hole can be made in the tile using a drill with an SDS shank. This is an extreme case that requires more effort.

The diameter of the drill should correspond to the size of the dowel under which the hole is made.

What other tools can be used

It happens that you need to make a large hole. How to proceed in such a case? A ballerina drill will help here. This fixture is equipped with a central (axial) drill and carbide cutters that can be adjusted to the required size. This is a versatile tool, as each "ballerina" has its own range of possible drilling sizes.

There is no such flexibility in size with a carbide cutter. Here is a fixed diameter. As a rule, cutters have standard (most common) dimensions, so they are often sold in sets.

When the tile is not yet glued to the wall, but you need to make a large hole, you can use a hacksaw. To do this, you need a tungsten-coated canvas.

How to protect tiles from chips and cracks

Careful handling of the tool and compliance with the optimal mode ensure that no chips or cracks occur on the tile.

Drilling procedure for tiles with large diameter holes

As the hole size increases, more force must be applied. This leads to overheating of the tool, which complicates the work. To facilitate the work, with diameters above 19 mm, a circular drilling method is used, when only a thin strip is made in the ceramic body, leaving the entire central part.

Crown - a metal bowl, the cutting edge of which is coated with diamond, tungsten carbide or ceramic chips. In the center of the structure is a small drill that acts as a drilling axis. The central drill is slightly longer than the main bowl. This makes it possible to accurately drill in the intended place.

The order of work is as follows:

  • markup;
  • center punching;
  • pre-drilling a central hole of small diameter;
  • milling of the main diameter with periodic cooling of the tool.

It is always necessary to drill only at low speeds of the drill, especially when working with large diameters.

Drilling with a ballerina

The ballerina drill is designed for large and non-standard sizes. The order of work is different in that you need to set and securely fix the movable cutter to the required size. The distance between the center of the ballerina and the cutting edge is half the required diameter.

The rest of the procedure is similar to drilling with a crown.

When using a ballerina, it is important to monitor the tilt of the drill - it must be at a right angle, the applied force and the uniformity of the holes. With careful, accurate execution, an excellent result is obtained.

How to drill tiles for dowels

For a more accurate result, dowel drilling is performed in two stages: pre-drilling a small diameter, then reaming to the required size.

Features of drilling holes of small diameter

Making small holes requires moderate effort. After marking, you should drill the body of ceramics with a pen or spear drill. Then replace it and at the base continue to work with an ordinary carbide-tipped drill. This will help maintain the cutting ability of the tool. Pobedit soldering, which is effective on ceramics and especially glazed tile coatings, suffers when it comes into contact with concrete.

If you do not make a hole in the tile a little larger than the dowel in the base, it is easy to damage the edge of the tile and cause chips.

If, for example, it is necessary to install a 5 mm dowel, then a hole is made in the tile with a 6 mm diamond drill, and at the very base under the tile, already with a 5 mm drill. This will prevent damage from occurring.

What is the best drilling

A good choice for holes in a tile on a wall for a dowel is a diamond-coated drill bit. The special shape and very hard coating help to work effortlessly, hitting the markings very precisely. With this drilling, there are no difficulties with the coincidence of holes and fasteners on accessories.

Work order

First of all, you need to determine the location. The hole in the tile is not smeared, so you need to carefully determine the drilling locations. When marking, a building level is used to get a good result.

It is necessary to prepare the necessary tools: a drill, drills, an extension cord if the socket is far away, a vacuum cleaner to collect dust, a small container of water to cool the cutting edge. It is necessary to provide sufficient lighting in the room to prevent a mistake.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to carefully drilling the tiles. First, a small diameter drill is used, then a tool of the desired size is taken and the required hole diameter is made by re-drilling.

Only the body of the tile is drilled to save the cutting tool. The base under the tile can be drilled with a puncher.

During operation, you can use a vacuum cleaner so as not to stain the tile joints with dust.

Drilling tile on the wall is not that difficult. When there is an appropriate tool and an understanding of what needs to be done, the task is completed without problems. When working, you must follow the listed tips and then everything will work out.

It seems that all the difficulties are behind, but it was not there, perhaps the problems are just beginning. After all, you need to hang a mirror, a shelf, a hook on the wall. For those people who have never done this, the question immediately arises: "How to drill tiles?" After all, this building material is very fragile, and you need to work with it carefully and accurately.

Acquiring tools

Choosing the right tool is half the battle. In order to drill a hole in a tile, the following tools will come in handy:

  • Drill manual. Usually this product is used if you have to make a small hole.
  • An electric drill that can operate at low speeds.
  • Screwdriver working at low speed.
  • Drill.

How to choose the right drill

Remember: in order to make a hole in a tile, a drill for concrete or wood will not work. So, you need to decide which drill to drill the tiles with.

  • Drill with a diamond dusting. It is convenient and efficient. True, it is quite expensive, and most often it is used by professionals.
  • Drill with a pobedite tip. It is perfect for working with tiles, and its price is low.
  • Drill for tiles. If you have to make a lot of holes, then stop your choice on this product.
  • If you need to make a large hole, use a crown drill.

Currently on sale you can find tile drills, the diameter of which is from three to fourteen millimeters. They have a hex shank and an arrowhead.

Choosing a drill

Decided on the drill. Now you should pay attention to the choice of a drill. Of course, if you have never drilled a hole in a tile, it is best to entrust this to a specialist. But if you have a great desire to do this work yourself and you are sure that you will figure out how to drill tiles, then proceed. It is best if you purchase a hand drill. In this case, the pressing force and speed of revolutions depends only on you. The hand drill does not vibrate, the work will be smooth and slow, which means that the tile will not begin to crack and be damaged. If you have not found a manual one, then choose an electric drill, where the speed is smoothly regulated.

Rules to follow

How to drill tiles correctly? The answer to this question is in the tips below.

  • When choosing the location of the hole, remember that the distance to the edge must be at least fifteen millimeters.
  • If the tile is not yet glued to the wall, then soak it in water for half an hour. If it is already on the wall, then just moisten it with water. In both cases, the risk of cracking will decrease.
  • To prevent the drill from slipping off the tile, use masking tape. Glue the tape where the hole will be and drill through it.
  • Work should be done at low speeds.
  • When you see the drill turning red and smoking, stop and let the tool rest and cool. Change the speed, reduce it. Dip the drill periodically in clean engine oil, so it cools faster.
  • If you had to use machine oil, then wipe it thoroughly before using the drill again so that there are no stains.
  • Do not put pressure on the drill under any circumstances. It may slide off and leave a scratch on the wall or floor.

Getting Started

You have received tips on how to drill tiles. Now you can get to work. The drilling process must be carried out carefully and carefully.

  • Mark the place where you want to make a hole.
  • Stick on tape.
  • Check if the percussion mechanism is disabled on the drill.
  • The drill is held at a ninety degree angle to the wall.
  • Set the minimum rpm.
  • Gradually increase the speed as the drill goes deeper into the tile.
  • Where work takes place, it is not bad if there is a vacuum cleaner nearby. Well, if at this moment someone will help you.
  • The hole in the tile is made, the drill should be changed. After all, then you have to work with concrete, stone or wood. Just remember that the diameter of the new drill should not exceed the diameter of the old one. Otherwise, the tile may crack.
  • Blow out the resulting hole from concrete dust and insert the dowel.

Before starting work, check if there are voids behind the tile. This can be done with tapping. If the sound is deaf - drill, if it is sonorous - go to another tile. The void increases the risk that the tile may crack. Now you know how to properly drill tiles. You can get to work.

Large hole

You already know how to drill tiles on the wall if you need a small hole. But sometimes a large diameter hole is needed. For this work, you will need a diamond-coated crown or a special circular nozzle. The process itself is as follows:

  • Mark the place where the hole will be.
  • Install the correct size crown.
  • Drill from the face of the tile.

If the tool is of good quality, then it will take you about five minutes to work.

If you need to make a non-standard hole, then you will have to spend a little more time. For work, use a special circular drill. What to do:

  • Set the desired size.
  • The circular drill should work at low speed.
  • The tiles must be held firmly.
  • Hold the drill perpendicular to the tile.
  • To prevent the tool from staggering, use a special tripod for the drill.
  • Observe safety precautions when working, wear goggles.


If you're not sure you know how to drill tile properly, you can practice on pieces you don't need or on a piece that isn't yet attached to the wall. In this case, you will not be afraid that you will not succeed, but you will simply gain experience, which will be very useful to you in the future.

In all cases of drilling tiles, you will need determination, a firm hand, attentiveness and patience. When working, do not be distracted, hold the tool confidently, because if you spoil something, you will not be able to fix it.

Theoretically, you already know how to drill tiles, it remains to put your knowledge into practice.

The comfort and appearance of the room largely depend on the finish. Tiles are often used for kitchens and bathrooms. After the tiling of these rooms is completed, the question often arises of how to drill tiles in order to hang various holders, hangers, mirrors and other necessary items. The fact that the tile is fragile and can easily crack with inaccurate mechanical action is known to everyone who has come across this finishing material. But there are ways to make a neat hole without damaging the tile. Let's consider them in more detail.

Tools and materials for drilling tiles

How to drill a tile? In order to successfully drill a tile without damaging it, it is necessary to select the necessary tools, appropriate drills and materials. Would need:

  • electric or, in extreme cases, a hand drill;
  • a drill bit with a spear-shaped tip, especially for tiles;
  • base drill;
  • adhesive mounting tape (paper tape);
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • marker.

If necessary, drill a hole in the tile with a large diameter, for pipes, a mixer or installing an outlet, for example, then use a circular ballerina drill or a carbide cutter.

Ballerina drill - this is colloquially called a circular adjustable drill with cutters, which are set at an equal distance from the center with a hex key. The drill in this design serves for centering. The cutters can be moved to different distances. Thanks to this design, holes of different diameters can be drilled. It is enough just to set the desired diameter, make markings, and, holding the tile tightly, drill at low speeds of the drill.

The cost of such a drill is low, you can buy it almost everywhere, the service life is long. There are several modifications of this drill, which one is the most convenient, is determined empirically.

A carbide cutter for tiles is much more expensive. With it, you can drill through ceramic tiles, as well as concrete and stone. When drilling tiles, it is also used, but the main drawback is the fixed diameter, which cannot be adjusted.

If the tile is already on the wall, then it becomes necessary to drill not only the tile, but also the wall behind it. In this case, it is better to use a drill and puncher. For a drill, it is better to use a carbide spear-shaped drill for tiles and glass, and for a perforator, a carbide drill for tile and concrete.

As in any business, the procedure for drilling tiles has its own nuances, subtleties and little tricks, the knowledge of which will facilitate the task and allow you to give a clear answer to the question of how to drill a hole in a tile without any hassle.

  • The hole should not be made at the edges of the tiles, in the crosshairs and in the gaps between adjacent tiles, since the likelihood of chips and cracks in this case is very high.
  • In the process of drilling, you can, by turning off the drill beforehand, periodically moisten the drill with water to avoid overheating.
  • If the necessary drill or cutter was not on sale, and you need to make a hole, you can use "handicraft" methods.
  • Sometimes you can use a drill and a drill for a puncher. The drill is clamped into the cartridge, first they drill a tile with it (mode without impact), then switch the mode and drill the wall. Drilling is carried out at low speed.
  • For drilling tiles at low speeds, you can also use a drill for metal. True, it is enough for one time.

Operating procedure

The drilling method is used to get a small hole. Before drilling a tile, you need to lightly tap on the tile and listen to the sound, if the sound is dull, dense, then you can proceed to the procedure fearlessly, otherwise there is a high risk that the tile will crack.

Then you need to plan exactly where to drill the hole. Mark on the enamel of the tile with a marker.

It is important to ensure that the drill does not slip on a smooth surface. Solve this problem in several ways:

  • In the center of the hole, the enamel is lightly chipped; this can be done with a drill at very low speeds, or a file, for example.
  • At the drilling site, a masking tape (adhesive tape) or a translucent adhesive plaster is glued, which hold the drill at the initial stage and prevent it from slipping. If the mark is not clearly visible through the tape, you can make a mark directly on it.
  • Sometimes, to prevent slipping, a jig is used - a thick plate of steel or wood with holes of different diameters. It is applied to the tile in the right place, pressed, and drilled through the hole. This fixture can be made independently from plywood or a metal plate, in the absence of a store option.

Before drilling tiles, you need to make sure that the impact mode function is disabled, if there is one on the drill. Further, at an angle of ninety degrees, and at minimum speed, they begin to drill. Gradually, the speed can be increased and drilled to the base. In this case, it is very important to immediately remove the resulting dust. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner, which must be installed so that it does not interfere with work, and dust quickly gets inside. If possible, it is better, of course, to resort to someone's help.

Having reached the base of the tile, the drill is changed to one that corresponds to the type of material: for wood, concrete, etc., and a hole of the required depth is drilled. It is important to consider that the second drill should not be larger than the first, otherwise damage to the tile is inevitable.

If it is necessary to drill through a tile that is not glued, it must be ensured that it lies on a level surface.

Under it should be a wooden, concrete, but not a metal surface. Since in the latter case it is easy to spoil the cutter.

In custody

Since tile is quite popular as a material for interior decoration, it is important to know the methods of processing it, including drilling, since in everyday life it is often necessary to hang all kinds of cabinets, shelves, holders, etc. on a tiled wall. In this article, we looked at both traditional tile drilling methods and alternative ones that are used less frequently. This procedure requires the performer to be careful and observe safety precautions, but is not difficult. If desired, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Despite their strength, tile remains fragile as it is made of clay. You can't drive a nail into it, you can't screw in a screw. However, holes in the wall often have to be made: to hang furniture, interior accessories, to pass pipes or install a socket, switch, etc. But how to drill tiles on the wall so as not to damage it? The work is simple, but requires a special approach.

Drilling tools

There are different ways to drill through ceramic tiles. The problematic of the work lies in the process of creating a tile. It undergoes high-temperature firing, has a high density, the tile is not plastic and rather fragile. If it is not properly cut or drilled, cracks or chips may form.

Note! When processing ceramic tiles, the material itself has a negative abrasive effect on the working tool. Therefore, a simple drill will become dull very quickly.

As a result, in order to drill holes in ceramic tiles correctly, you do not need to make a lot of effort, vibration actions or use a tool at high speeds. The drill is bought from a high-strength material that will drill through the dense structure of ceramics and will not become dull. Consider the tools used in drilling:

Note! Some tile cutters are equipped with a hand compass, which is very reminiscent of a ballerina. The principle of operation is the same.

One question is how to drill, and quite another: how to drill a ceramic tile so that it does not crack? Not only do you need to work carefully, but even during operation, the tool and the tile itself heat up, which leads to cracks. Therefore, in the process, it is necessary to artificially cool the drill. You can simply pour water, or use blowers that supply water to the cut under pressure.

We looked at how to drill a hole in ceramic tiles. Now we need to find out how this is done in practice.

Before drilling tiles in the bathroom, you need to heed the advice of experienced professionals:

An important step is to perform the markup. It must be accurate. A marker or pencil is used. However, the pencil will not be able to leave a mark on the glossy glazed surface of the tile. It can also be lubricated by hand. The best option is to seal the area with masking tape, on top of which and apply markings. The drill will not slide on ceramic tiles, the tiles will not crack.

The use of high speed power tools is unacceptable. The optimal speed is 100-400 rpm. It’s impossible to say the exact amount, since the drill itself, its diameter, as well as the material and thickness of the tile play a big role. Therefore, it is recommended to do a trial run.

These tips will help you understand how to properly drill a hole in ceramic tiles without making common mistakes.

Drilling small holes

Often a mirror, a shelf or other pieces of furniture are brought to the wall. For this purpose, dowels made of plastic are used, the diameter of which does not exceed 12 mm. We will consider the option when the tiles are already laid on the wall, since this is usually what happens in life.

To begin with, the place where drilling is required is determined. The best option is no closer than 15 mm from the ends of the tile. If this is not followed, then the working tool may slip into the tile joint. Another option is that the tile will crack and break off from heating and vibration. The next sequence is:

  1. Markup in progress. A drill is inserted into the chuck of an electric drill. The diameter of the drill should be 1 mm wider than the diameter of the dowel plug.
  2. After that, the drill must be applied to the intended place. Thanks to the adhesive tape, it will not slide on the surface. Then you need to start working at low speeds. The most difficult thing is to drill the top layer of the tile, but then the work will be easier to do.
  3. When the facing material is stitched, you need to immediately remove the drill so as not to blunt it against the wall, since tile drills are not cheap. So when the tile is drilled, you can take a simple wall drill of the same diameter and finish the job.
  4. The work is done carefully, the wall is drilled to the desired depth. Skews are not allowed, as the surface of the tile can be easily damaged.
  5. The final step is to insert the dowel into the finished hole and slowly insert it inside. So that the work does not go down the drain, all movements must be accurate.

That's all. According to this algorithm, you can create the necessary holes for fasteners. But what if you need to make a hole for an outlet or a faucet in the bath?

Making Large Holes

Large means holes with a size of 20 mm or more. How to drill ceramic tiles and how? To begin with, markings are made on the surface with a mark in the center. After that, the tile must be laid on a workbench or table, placing wood under it. Note that drilling technology may vary. It all depends on the chosen tool:

These methods will help you get the job done quickly and without any problems.


So, we learned how and how to drill ceramic tiles. This is a simple job, the key to which is the right tool, accuracy and strict adherence to instructions.