"What a peacock-peacock! Can't you see - we're eating!", or Lunch break in the Hermitage. “What kind of peacock-mavlin? !” What is cooked in the palace

This story took place in the summer of 2010. Almost immediately, Katya and I (at that time a successful student of the VolSU) wrote a note about what had happened (a cry from the heart!) And tried to publish it in the faculty newspaper. But, since we are only playing "democracy", nothing sensible came of it ... I note that we did not particularly hope. And recently I met a man at the university, and I immediately remembered the situation of that summer. Decided it was better late than never...

So, we will talk about the activities of the international department of VolSU.

We could tell you about a wonderful journey to mysterious China, about its industrious inhabitants and about the peculiarities of the climate and fauna of the glorious city of Changchun. But we won't tell. Because we weren't there, even though we were on the magic list. Now about everything in order.

Exposure (string)

VolSU has many advantages, but it is especially necessary to highlight cooperation with universities in other countries. Many students during the years of study with the help of our university were able to go abroad and experience education in local universities in their own skin. Jilin University is on a long list of friendly universities. This year a team of our students went there. The lists of the lucky ones were compiled long before the trip, corrected. Lucky were those students who showed themselves during the academic year in creative activities and would not have had time to graduate from the university by the summer holidays. The only condition is that the student pays for his own travel.

Plot development

Dasha: January turned out to be warm - I spent half of the month in Sochi, where we performed at the international KVN festival with the VolSU team. On one of those days, I was pleasantly surprised by the news: there is an opportunity to be among the members of the delegation of our university in one of the foreign universities-employees of VolSU. Upon arrival, it turned out that this university was Jilin University, located in the province of Jilin in northeast China, and the delegation would go there in the summer. But how to know more precisely - what, how and when? An acquaintance, who was also informed about the possibility of a trip, advised me to contact the department of international cooperation. However, after a visit to the “international department”, even more questions appeared in my head ... It turned out that I was still on the lists, and that we paid for the road ourselves. But such moments as: the timing of the trip, its program, the cost of road tickets, the date of the general meeting of the delegation members to resolve organizational issues (including travel / flight), and most importantly - when all this will be clear - remained behind a veil of secrecy . The employees of the department gave me advice to visit them "more often", to which I tried to heed. They also advised me to apply for a foreign visa as soon as possible. passport, as at any moment there could be a need to urgently send documents to China ...
Summer was coming. My passport was ready a long time ago, but the exact information about the trip has not yet appeared. Neither the promised meeting of all the "delegates", nor the deadlines... On my next visit - on the advice - to the "international department", one of the employees, quite unexpectedly for me, expressed surprise that I was on the lists at all. And he also said that I was terribly lucky, in fact, I don’t deserve this trip, and they put me on the lists only for the reason that I visit so often and actively find out the state of affairs ... “Probably, I wanted to praise like that,” I thought I decided to visit another time. On this "other" time, the girl Margarita who was in charge of the trip explained that such a delay in information was due to the "silence" of the Jilin University side. She also read me a few names from the list of lucky ones and asked if I knew any of the proposed people. Among them was Katya. I was asked to inform Katya about this. I was terribly happy myself and hastened to please her ...

Katya: June. Session in progress. From Dasha with burning eyes I learn that I am supposed to go to China in July. Of course, this news made me happy! Not every day they offer to go abroad, and even with the condition of paying for accommodation and meals! I went to the Department of International Cooperation for information. Dear girl Margarita said that soon all the documents would be sent to China for visas. She did not give a deadline for the collection of documents. But here's the problem: I don't have a passport. passports, and it is done within a month. The trip is scheduled for early July. "Do not have time. It's a pity, ”she thought and abandoned her dreams of adventure in China.
A couple of days later, Dasha is happy to announce that the trip has been postponed until the end of July. It is strange that the department staff did not call those who did not have enough documents for the trip - now time allows a lot to be done! In addition, now I found out that the disadvantage is foreign. Passport suffered not I alone.
The desire to see the country of one of the oldest world civilizations made us visit the Migration Service in a short time. Shining hope in our eyes, with the news that the documents will be ready within a month, we look into the already familiar “international department”. Because the deadlines for sending the documents were not known at that time, we agreed that the employees of the department would inform us about them as soon as everything cleared up.
Dasha and I began to make inquiries about the university, about the exchange program, about ways to get to the place - none of the employees of the "international department" had such information, and if they did, they did not want to share it. With the help of the workandtravel.ru website, we found student plane tickets to China worth only 27,000 rubles, started calculating expenses, learned weather forecasts, and looked for photographs of the university we were to visit.
Less than three days later, by chance, meeting Margarita in the corridor, we found out that we were late with our passports.
I express my deep gratitude to the Department of International Relations Management of VolSU for their attentive attitude to their work and timely informing students.


Dasha: The meeting of the participants of the trip did not take place. Passports for visa processing were sent only on 9 July. A day later, I was informed that I needed to take the money for the plane ticket (45 thousand rubles) to the tour. the firm that was responsible for finding tickets for the entire group in such a short time. I was surprised by the amount, so different from the one that we found together with Katya. The company explained to me the complicated scheme of buying tickets - because of the short time before departure, they are bought one at a time. This figure may be even higher, because there is a possibility that someone will not get a visa. The news of this will overtake a person only at the time of departure from Moscow, on July 20. In the event of a sudden cancellation of a plane ticket, only a third of its cost is refunded. When they called me to inform about tickets, I asked at the same time if there would be a meeting of the group - “Is it necessary?” - was the answer. All that remained was to shrug. But after a couple of hours, another girl called me with the information: “The meeting at the station is canceled.” - "Which?!" - "Weren't you notified?" - "Not!" "So you misunderstood something." Shock.
Already after this conversation, through my acquaintances, I found out that the ENTIRE group decided to go to Moscow (from where the plane leaves for China) by train, but it turned out that there were no tickets for this train. After that, the unlucky organizers ordered to get to the capital on their own.
My mother, having learned about the situation, called the evil department with the question “Why is the paperwork taking place so late?”. The answer was no longer surprising: “We cannot answer such questions. Nobody can".


Dasha: Having assessed the level of organization of the trip, I decided to abandon it. Despite my mood and my persistent preparation for this trip (I even managed to open an account in one of the international banks - in order to avoid financial problems), the summer was not spoiled - I spent the remaining month and a half at sea. And in September, both I and Katya went on vouchers from the VolSU trade union committee to one of the boarding houses in Dzhubga, where they had a great time. But that's a completely different story...

I want to go to Chunchan,
I'm tired of studying!
- Become an employee first
International department!

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  • Administrative reform, for example. Because the reforms in our understanding and implementation are a wonderful time for fattening up resource fat, reassigning structures and objects, shadow privatization, as well as cleaning up objectionable personnel and placing reliable ones. And in Crimea, all the mawlins would have died if, taking advantage of the long absence of Prime Minister Vasily Dzharty and under the roar of the “European-style renovation” of the central executive authorities, someone had not once again tried to show “care” for the Crimean palaces-museums and reserves.

    The adventure, which will be discussed later, is still in development, but has been suspended for the time being by the efforts of the public. at the Crimean level. What will be the reaction in the coming days from Kyiv is very curious, since it will directly depend on whose supreme support the performers enlisted.

    First, about the objects of interest. There are six of them, and this is half of all historical, cultural and palace and park reserves of Crimea. And half of the gold: Livadia Palace-Museum, Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve, Bakhchisarai and Kerch historical and cultural reserves, Koktebel ecological, historical and cultural reserve "Cimmeria M.A. Voloshin" and historical and cultural reserve "Kalos-Limen" . Today, like decades ago, they are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Crimea. The idea of ​​their resubordination to the Republican Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage along the chain came from Kyiv, from the State Service for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, which has now been integrated into the structure of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine. Events had to develop rapidly. For the first time, the idea of ​​resubordinating the “visiting cards of Crimea” was publicly announced at a joint meeting of the State Service and the Rescommittee on November 24, and, judging by the prepared drafts of the relevant orders, it will be completed on December 25. It seems that three circumstances could force the horses to drive like this: the upcoming administrative reform, the layout of budgets, and the still incomprehensible situation with the state of health of the Prime Minister of Crimea.

    Both the administrations of the objects themselves and the largest public organizations - the Association of Museums and Reserves of Crimea, Ecology and Peace, Slow Food Crimea, the trade union of cultural workers and other associations that have already appealed to the president and prime minister - categorically oppose the transfer of museum reserves. with a request to immediately stop the process.

    What's the problem? - the reader has the right to ask. The Recommittee is, as it were, a specialized agency, even though it protects our heritage. Moreover, Kyiv does not take anything from Crimea. These arguments are cited by the heads of the State Service and the Recommittee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Moreover, based on recent changes in the relevant law, which establish that the powers of the cultural heritage protection bodies, "according to their competence, include the management, in the manner prescribed by law, of historical and cultural reserves of state or local significance." As Deputy Prime Minister of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Ekaterina Yurchenko told ZN, the initiative stems from Kyiv, and the appeals also said that “now a single vertical of management of reserves will be built throughout Ukraine, and it is through the State Service that their funding will go.”

    The counterarguments of the opponents of the transfer include a different interpretation of the new norm of the law: yes, cultural heritage protection authorities have such a right, but it is not exclusive. And most importantly, all the above-mentioned reserves are, first of all, museums, and, first of all, the Law “On Museums and Museum Activities” applies to them.

    “All of them have become reserves around existing museums,” says Vyacheslav Peresunko, chairman of the Crimean Museums and Reserves Association. - This is the fundamental principle of their activity, and the main part of the entire museum fund of the Crimea is stored there. And the bodies for the protection of cultural heritage do not have the authority to manage such objects, they have neither the appropriate structures, nor personnel, nor the practice of working in the museum business.”

    The museum workers' version of the attempt to resubordinate the most famous tourist sites is simple - money and entry into the territory.

    “Crimean museum-reserves are self-sufficient. They earn 36 million hryvnias a year, and the share of those who suddenly needed to be resubordinated is 28 million. Yes, Crimea can and should earn more in this area, but let's create new facilities. Let's create a "Scythian Naples", return from the State Administration and open the Yusupov Palace to the public! By the way, Vasily Dzharty promised this. But no - everyone wants to manage what was created with such difficulty before them!” - says V. Peresunko.

    The second fear, again almost traditional for such reorganizations, is connected with the inevitable change of the old leadership of palaces-museums and reserves and the placement of their personnel. The scheme is perfect. No one should be forced to quit or look for a reason to dismiss - everyone will write applications themselves, because the reorganization will require the signing of contracts with a new “manager”. Is it possible to find a replacement for Konstantin Kasperovich, who won the Vorontsov and Massandra palaces and their parks from bandits, presidents and comrades in uniform? The museum people will say no. Officials will talk about effective management and the need for people with new approaches. I think that a lot of such managers will now just be left without work. The state service for the protection of cultural heritage no longer exists due to the burst of optimization.

    At the first reading of the presidential decree, it even seemed that the reform had lost this body - the Civil Service was not mentioned either among the living ones or among the reorganized ones, and it was not on the list of the abolished ones either. For several hours we tried to establish the fate of the central body, which is entrusted with colossal powers and endowed with enormous opportunities to influence the level of corruption in the country (any developer will tell you this). The Ministry of Justice explained that now it will be just a department within the Ministry of Culture. The minister remained the same - Mikhail Kulinyak. And the chairman of the Crimean Rescommittee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Sergei Tur, under whose wing the palaces-museums and reserves were to be transferred, is his longtime business partner.

    No, I read the declaration of income submitted during the first appointment of Mikhail Andreevich to the post of minister, published in Zerkalo Nedeli. And the comment is also: “If you believe the texts of income declarations submitted by members of the new Cabinet of Ministers, then at least one of them, Minister of Culture and Tourism Mikhail Kulinyak, lives below the poverty line. In particular, in the declaration filed by Mikhail Kulinyak upon taking office, it is noted that his total annual profit amounted to 2,895 hryvnia and 45 kopecks. He also has no bank savings. The area of ​​the apartment in which he lives is 32 square meters. However, at the same time, the new minister is the owner of a Mercedes ML 400 CDI car.” In M.Kulinyak's declaration there are also dashes in the line about the amount of contributions to the statutory funds of enterprises. And in his biography, published on the website of the ministry, for some reason there is no information about work in business structures. Although the curriculum vitae submitted at the time of appointment indicated one company - “U.P.K.-Resource”, where the future Minister of Culture worked as a director. At the same time, the management of Ukrainian Industrial Complex LLC, which M. Kulinyak, being a co-founder, headed from the moment of registration in 2001, is not mentioned. Judging by the modest data in the minister’s declaration, the money invested by the founder M. Kulinyak in the authorized funds of VIP-energo LLC, Krymneftegazprom LLC, as well as through the participation of the already mentioned Ukrainian Industrial Complex in the creation of Krymneftegaz CJSC, went down the drain . Although three of these firms had a very profitable worldwide type of activity - oil production. According to Krymneftegazprom and Krymneftegaz, the paths of Mikhail Kulinyak and Sergey Tur crossed. The latter is also their co-founder, directly and through another structure. He or his brother Denis are business leaders. Therefore, it is not at all strange that one person who dealt with oil and gas became the Minister of Culture, and the second (the Crimean government was reformatted with the advent of V. Dzharty) suddenly became the deputy head of the Recommittee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. And after the local elections, Sergey Tur headed this body. And immediately decided to expand the scope of activities. But this is so, to fill in the gaps of socially significant information about high-ranking civil servants. We are implementing European standards!

    What is the result. After a heated discussion of the prospects for the relocation of palaces-museums and reserves to a department that was not at all adapted for their activities, at a meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Crimea, at which representatives of public organizations also spoke, Deputy Prime Minister Yekaterina Yurchenko decided to take a break and personally delve into all the pluses and cons of subordination.

    “Today we do not say yes or no,” Ekaterina Yurchenko told Zerkalo Nedeli. - I am closely beginning to study the feasibility and consequences of such a transfer. Because we must understand: if this happens, then only if the situation in this area is changed for the better. For the better - both in terms of the protection of cultural heritage monuments, and in terms of organizational and managerial. And it should be better for the reserve museums themselves, the result should be for them, and not for the Ministry of Culture or the State Service and the Rescommittee.”

    There will be no quick and uncalculated decision, assures the deputy chairman of the Crimean Council of Ministers. According to her, the issue is being worked out by lawyers and economists, there are a lot of technical issues related to constituent documents, and the budget for the next year is being prepared. “I heard the opinion of museum workers and public organizations, and we will hold a large meeting with their participation on this matter,” promises Ekaterina Yurchenko. “And most importantly, the final decision will be made only after the chairman of the government, Vasily Dzharty, returns to duty.”

    Well, looks like there will be a sequel...

    Valentina SAMAR