Shrub with red bitter berries. What is the name of a shrub with red bitter berries. Poisonous wild berries. Ornamental shrubs with red berries on your site Hawthorn - healing and aesthetic effect

In nature, there are many shrubs and trees, the fruits of which are painted in various shades of red. Red berries not only increase the decorativeness of the backyard, but are also actively used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Today we will tell you what red berries are and what their benefits are.

Benefits of red berries

In botany, berries are fruits with juicy pulp and thin skin. They grow mainly on shrubs and herbaceous plants, much less often on trees. The fruits are black, yellow, orange, white, blue, red, etc. The color of the skin depends on the type and variety of the plant.

A berry is a fruit with juicy pulp and thin skin.

Berries contain pectins, antioxidants, organic acids, vitamins and beneficial minerals necessary for the human body. At the same time, berry crops most often have a negative calorie content, so they can be safely included in the daily diet for weight loss. According to scientists, red fruits are good for health. The rich vitamin and mineral composition strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to infections and viruses, and normalizes the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Video "Red berry and its benefits"

This video presents some fruit and berry crops that are useful for the human body.

List of useful wild berries

The value and benefits of wild berries have been known for a long time, they are used even in official medicine and modern pharmacology. There are black, blue, blue, green and red fruits. The latter are considered the richest in antioxidants.


The herbaceous strawberry culture loves sunlight and is not demanding on growing conditions.

Strawberries contain various vitamins and minerals, so they are actively used for the preparation of cosmetics and medicines. The benefits of strawberries in the treatment of anemia have been scientifically proven.

Strawberries are effective in the treatment of anemia


Small berries with a thin red skin have a sour taste with a slight bitterness. Often used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases. Freshly squeezed viburnum juice helps with sore throats and ulcerative processes of the intestines and stomach.


Cotoneaster is an evergreen or deciduous shrub that is actively used in landscape design and landscaping of the local area. Most varieties and varieties of crops are resistant to drought and frost, undemanding to soil and lighting.

Red-fruited types and varieties of cotoneaster popular in horticulture: Dammer, Alaunsky, ordinary and multi-flowered.


Redberry shrubs prefer swampy areas, deciduous, spruce and fir forests, where a lot of moss grows.

For glossy bright red berries, a sour-sweet taste is characteristic. But the aroma of the fruit is specific. Due to the unpleasant amber, redberry fruits are rarely consumed fresh. Juice diluted with water and honey is recommended to normalize blood pressure and remove harmful substances from the body.

Krasnika Cotoneaster Kalina


A distinctive feature of lemongrass is a spherical berry with a pronounced lemon flavor. At the same time, the taste of the fruit is unpleasant: there is sourness with bitterness. It can be used in cooking for the preparation of various drinks, including homemade wines.

Schisandra berries have a pronounced citrus aroma


Rowan red is highly valued for its decorative qualities and useful properties. So, rowan berries rich in phytoncides can be used to normalize hormonal levels and strengthen the nervous system. Often used as a hemostatic, diaphoretic, or laxative.


The yew coniferous tree is characterized by slow growth. For this reason, the plant is often used to form hedges and landscape sculptures in city squares and parks. During the fruiting period, small orange-red berries appear on the branches of the tree.

Rose hip

You can talk about the benefits of wild rose for a very long time. Rich in vitamins, minerals, tannins, organic acids, phytoncides and essential oils, fruits are widely used in folk and evidence-based medicine. Infusions and decoctions help strengthen the body and help fight the signs of beriberi, prevent the development of anemia, as well as diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract.

Rosehip Tees Rowan

northern berries

Many mistakenly think that most types and varieties of fruit and berry crops can be grown only in regions with a warm climate. We bring to your attention popular northern berries.


According to scientists, cranberry is the leader among berry crops in terms of the amount of vitamins and antioxidants included in the biochemical composition. Bright red berries are rich in vitamins A, C, K, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9. They are used with a decrease in physical and mental performance. They support immunity, increase the body's resistance and effectively resist many pathologies of a viral and infectious nature.

Cranberry is an effective folk remedy used to prevent the appearance and spread of cancer cells.

Useful and medicinal properties of cranberries

Stone berry

Bone berries similar to raspberries are recommended for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Help with anemia, migraine and beriberi. Bone fruits are actively used in cooking for the manufacture and decoration of confectionery delights.

Bone fruits are used at the first signs of beriberi


Few people know that cloudberries contain a large amount of vitamins A and C. A small red-yellow berry is much healthier than carrots, lemons or oranges. Cloudberry has wound healing, regenerating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Effectively fights the development of cancer cells and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Cloudberry prevents the appearance of cancer cells

Southern fruit crops

The southern regions are richer in a variety of fruit and berry crops. The most common red-fruited plants in the south include:


The largest berry crop is watermelon. The plant contains a large amount of vitamins A, C, E, PP, B1 and B2, minerals and other nutrients. At the same time, the calorie content of the product is only 38 kcal per 100 g.

The product, which has a diuretic effect, promotes the rapid removal of fluids, toxins and toxins from the body. Effectively fights anemia and heart defects, and also restores reproductive function in men.


Barberry, unpretentious to climate and soil, is often used in landscaping the local area and park areas. Shrubs are planted in the form of hedges and borders.

Elongated red berries contain healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, various micro and macro elements. Barberry has hemostatic, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antipyretic and antitumor effects.


Gumi fruit and berry shrub belongs to tall crops. The average height of the plant is 2 m. During the fruiting period, the bush is literally strewn with oblong red berries. Sweet and sour fruits are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels and organs of the digestive system.

Gumi Barberry Watermelon


Small red-purple fruits of shadberry are actively used in cooking for the preparation of desserts, sweet and alcoholic drinks. In addition, supporters of traditional medicine recommend juice from the fruits of shadberry for the treatment of throat diseases, the prevention of heart attack and beriberi.

Irgi seedlings are often planted along fences and hedges to form beautiful hedges.

Irgi fruits are used to prevent heart attacks and beriberi

Horticultural crops

Our list would be incomplete without garden varieties. Consider the most popular fruit crops in horticulture with red berries.


The benefits of hawthorn are invaluable in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hawthorn fruits are used both in folk and evidence-based medicine. The plant is effective in hypertension, tachycardia, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias and atherosclerosis.

Red berries are also used in cooking and home cosmetics. Beautiful shrubs are used for landscaping personal plots.


Red grapes are an effective natural antioxidant. The plant is rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP and K, as well as the minerals sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, etc. It has high anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Grapes are used to make raisins, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks, including aromatic homemade wines.


One of the most popular fruit and berry crops in horticulture is cherry. Resistant to weather disasters and unpretentious care plant can be found in almost every garden.

Cherries are actively used in cooking for the preparation of desserts, drinks, sauces and even marinades. Culture is no less popular in folk medicine to normalize the digestive system and improve blood formation processes.

Cherry Grapes Hawthorn


The oblong pear-shaped and spherical berries of dogwood contain a large amount of glucose, fructose and organic acids. Infusions and decoctions based on dogwood are used for pathologies of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal disorders, venous insufficiency and edema of the lower extremities.

Dogwood fruits have an oblong pear shape


Delicious and fragrant strawberries are a favorite treat for children and adults. Strawberries are used in cooking and confectionery. In addition, juicy berries help fight spring beriberi and disorders in the nervous system. Decoctions of strawberry leaves are recommended for sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis.


Raspberries rich in organic acids normalize the digestive processes in the body, effectively cope with acute respiratory viral pathologies and help strengthen the immune system. In alternative medicine, not only fruits, but also raspberry leaves are used.


The value of red currant is in the high content of antioxidants that prevent the formation and development of cancer cells. Small red berries have choleretic, diuretic and astringent effects. The product is recommended for fever and fever.

Currant Raspberry Strawberry

Poisonous red-fruited plants

Not all berries growing on a tree or shrub can be eaten. Some cultures pose a serious threat to humans.

Wolf's bast

The deadly wolfberry is widespread in the central regions of Russia. Juicy berries of bright red color contain poisonous and dangerous substances for humans. When eaten, it can cause mucosal burns and indigestion. With external contact, blisters and profuse rashes appear on the skin.

The use of berries wolf's bast can cause indigestion

wolf berries

Wolfberries are plants whose fruits are toxic to humans. Representatives of this group are the red-fruited crow, red elderberry, common dereza, white snowberry, etc. The fruits of these plants cannot be eaten, since they have irritating and toxic effects on the human body.

Red elderberry belongs to plants that are called wolfberries

The benefits of red berries are invaluable because they can be used in cooking, confectionery, nutrition, cosmetology and traditional medicine. However, do not forget to observe the measure - an excess of vitamins and minerals is no less dangerous for humans.

Shrub with red bitter berries

First letter "k"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "l"

The last beech is the letter "a"

Answer for the clue "Shrub with red bitter berries", 6 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word viburnum

Shukshin's film "... red"

edible berry

A berry bush that in one song "blooms in a field by a stream"

"Oh, it's blooming... in the field by the stream"

Berry that rhymes with raspberries

bitter berry

red berry

Tree with red edible berries

Word definitions for viburnum in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Viburnum), a genus of mostly deciduous shrubs or small trees of the honeysuckle family. Leaves opposite, entire or lobed. The flowers are white or pink, the marginal ones are often larger, sterile, collected in an umbrella, corymb or panicle. Fetus...

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
well. in the chorus kalinka, kalinochka, kalinushka, tree and fruit of Viburnum opulus. Berry generally take; apples are shaking; viburnum break, bunches. In the tale viburnum bridges are commemorated: this is a path paved with brushwood, viburnum, a road through a swamp. Red-hot viburnum, melted, baked...

Examples of the use of the word viburnum in the literature.

These smells were mingled with the breath of river mowing, the languid aroma viburnum and sometimes, suddenly, in a calm, overcoming everything else, the tender bitterness of overheated aspens was exposed, flying into the meadows from a distant and invisible forest.

All Umorushki brothers already studied with grandfather viburnum forest lesha wisdom, one of her old viburnum he took pity on her and let her frolic to her heart's content.

He looked back at Kalina, but Kalina was all covered with spruce branches - and the Vogul turned away.

viburnum called Prince Asyka, Aycheil, Vogulka Sole, who picked him up, bleeding, on Balbankar, and then suddenly the dead: Grip, Pitirim, Prince Yermolai.

viburnum I remembered my night vision - Sole's walk - and thought that these thoughts were not without reason.

What kind of berries are not in our forests! Red, blue, black, yellow, various. The red berry of any plant is always appetizing in appearance. Bright, beautiful, with a glossy barrel, it hangs on a branch between green leaves. The hand reaches out to pick it up and put it in your mouth. But be careful! Not all red berries are safe. There are among them ruthless poisoners, eating which, you can pay with your life. Wonderful plants gave us nature. These are raspberries, strawberries, rose hips, cranberries, viburnum, lemongrass, lingonberries and many others. Their red berries are known to everyone and, perhaps, everyone knows about their benefits. They are used to make jams and compotes, bake pies and prepare tinctures, they are eaten raw and successfully used in medicine. But in the forest clearings you can find no less beautiful red berries that need to be avoided. The people dubbed them "wolf", although each of them has its own name.


This one is most often called. It is found not only in forests almost throughout Russia, it is also planted as a hedge. Honeysuckle has pretty nice creamy, white, or bee-like colors. Among the many varieties of this plant, there are edible ones.

Their fruits are slightly elongated, dark blue or almost purple. In either the forest or the common one in question, the fruit is a red berry. It is small in size, spherical, very juicy, bright, shiny, perfectly decorates the bush. Often two berries grow together in pairs. Children mistake them for red currants. The berries of real honeysuckle taste bitter, so you won’t eat a lot of them, but it’s better not to try. No deaths have been reported after consuming a small amount of inedible honeysuckle. But those who have tasted these berries may experience poisoning with fever, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and impaired stools.

Lily of the valley

This delicate fragrant flower, which delights us in the spring, is unusually poisonous. The fruit of the lily of the valley is a round red berry, located on a stalk on thin, slightly curved stalks. Lily of the valley grows almost everywhere - in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, in oak forests, in gardens and flower beds. He especially likes edges and clearings with fairly moist soil.

The berries stay on the plant for a long time. They are especially dangerous for animals. People are rarely poisoned by them. The poison contained in all parts of the flower is called convallatoxin. Once in the body, it can cause cardiac arrest. Those who have eaten a small amount of berries have all the signs of food poisoning. It is noteworthy that even the water in which there are lilies of the valley becomes poisonous. But in strictly fixed doses, the plant is used in official medicine to treat heart diseases. Traditional medicine uses lily of the valley much more widely, for example, for rheumatism, headaches, and eye diseases.

deadly wolfberry

Wolf's bast, plohovets, wolfberry - all this is one and the same shrub with red berries. You can see it in the forests of Russia up to the Arctic zone. It blooms earlier than other trees and shrubs, decorating the edges already in March. Its berries are bright, juicy, very beautiful, about the size of a cherry stone.

They contain poisonous juice, in contact with the skin and mucous membranes, itching, redness, inflammation are observed. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to those that occur with gastroenteritis. All parts of the wolfberry are poisonous. They contain a large number of substances dangerous to humans - diterpenoids, coumarins, daphnin, miserein, coccognin and others. Wolfberry is planted as an ornamental plant and in gardens. Avicenna used it in his recipes. Folk healers use this plant externally, in the form of decoctions and tinctures for rheumatism, gout, tonsillitis, dermatosis, toothache and many other diseases, but it is officially forbidden to use it for medicinal purposes.

swamp calla

This very beautiful graceful plant is commonly known as calla. It is grown with pleasure in flower beds, used in bouquets. In nature, calla can be found where there is sufficient moisture. It grows in the European part of Russia, and in Siberia, and in the Far East. All parts of it are poisonous. Calla flowers are small and inconspicuous, collected in cobs. They are decorated with a white veil, taken by many for a large petal.

The fruit of the plant is a red berry, somewhat reminiscent of a large stemmed mulberry. Calla juice causes irritation and inflammation of the skin, and if it enters the stomach, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, heart rhythm disturbances appear. Pets are often poisoned with leaves and fruits of calla lilies. They begin to salivate profusely, trembling, bloating, the pulse becomes very weak, but frequent. Death without urgent action occurs within an hour. For medicinal purposes, calla rhizomes are mainly used, they are added to some dishes even after special processing.


This herbaceous plant with red berries can be found in coniferous and mixed forest belts, on marsh hummocks, on clay and rocky slopes. It is sometimes used in gardens as a flowerbed ornament, mainly because of the beautifully carved leaves. The crow has many other names, including bedbug (because of an unpleasant smell), stink, Christopher's grass, again wolf berries. Voronets blooms in May-June. In place of small white flowers that stay on the stem for only a couple of days, berries appear.

Depending on the species, they can be not only red, but also white and black. There are up to two dozen of them on the stalk. They are also small, round, shiny, reminiscent of a small cluster of grapes and very attractive to look at. All parts of the crow are poisonous. When it enters the stomach, people experience nausea with vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen, convulsions, clouding of consciousness.


By the appearance of the flower, this plant resembles a calla, only its cover is not white, but dirty green-purple, similar to decaying meat. The smell is about the same. This is necessary for the plant to attract carrion and dung flies - its only pollinators. But the fruit of the aronnik is quite nice.

On an upright leg, its bright, shiny red berries look unusually attractive. The photo shows that they form something like an ear and look like beads stuck to one another. They are poisonous only when fresh. Dried berries are used in folk medicine to treat bronchitis, hemorrhoids and some other diseases. Aronnik grows almost throughout Europe and Asia. It can be seen on river banks, meadows, pastures, in bushes and on rocky mountain slopes.

Nightshade bittersweet

In about 1000 species. Poisonous is the one in which the variety of berries is red. Black berries are quite edible, they even make jams, compotes, and bake pies. There is a nightshade in many regions of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus. Grows like a weed. Some gardeners plant it to decorate fences and hedges.

Nightshade fruits are bright red, slightly elongated, reminiscent of greatly reduced clusters of cherry tomatoes. Alkaloids, steroids, carotonoids, triterpenoids were found in their pulp and bones. The taste of nightshade berries is sweet at first, but after that bitterness is felt in the mouth. In case of poisoning, coordination of movement is disturbed, the heartbeat quickens, abdominal pains appear.

elderberry red

Walking in the second half of summer along the edge of the forest or in the park, you can see a sprawling shrub, decorated with lush berry tassels. This is elderberry. Just do not confuse it with black edible.

This type of elderberry does not mean at all that it has not yet ripened. It's just a completely different species of the same plant family. Red elderberry is very beautiful, so it is willingly cultivated to decorate alleys, parks and squares. Its berries are a bit like rowan brushes, but the leaves and the plant itself are completely different. Birds eat its red berries with pleasure, but for humans they are poisonous due to the presence of amygdalin in them, as it turns into hydrocyanic acid in his stomach. In small doses, red elderberry berries are used in folk medicine as a medicine. Important: it has already been proven that red elderberry does not save from cancer.


Probably, many will be interested in the name of a very unusual red berry - bright, juicy, with black dotted eyes. This is a warty euonymus. Its fruits have a rather pleasant taste, so they are eagerly pecked by forest birds.

People seeing this may think that the berries are safe. But the euonymus is poisonous, and all parts of this beautiful plant are dangerous. Symptoms of poisoning with attractive berries are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, general weakness, disruption of the heart. Euonymus grows in broad-leaved groves, forests, loves oak forests and places with lime-rich soils. In settlements, it can be seen in the form of a living spectacular hedge.

What to do in case of poisoning

Some authors give recommendations on how to recognize whether berries are poisonous or not. One of the main signs of safety is the use of berries for food by birds and animals. However, focusing on this, you can pay with your life. So, birds, without the slightest harm to themselves, eat berries of euonymus, elderberry, nightshade, honeysuckle and others. To avoid trouble, you need to be guided by another rule - if you don’t know what the red berry is called and what it is, it’s better not to touch it. According to statistics, berry poisoning is more common among children. Adults should explain to them which berries grow in their area. If, however, poisoning has occurred, before the ambulance arrives, you need to wash the victim's stomach, give adsorbents to drink and ensure peace.

bitter berry

Shrub of the honeysuckle family with white flowers and bitter berries

A shrub of the honeysuckle family, a symbol of purity and love

Male name: (Greek) good conqueror

Fruit and berry shrub trees and shrubs

. "VAZ-2118"

medicinal plant

Shukshin's film "... red"

Blossoms in a field near a stream

Shukshin's favorite berry

fruit and berry shrub

Red bitter berry

garden berry

. "... red", film

Red berry-drupe

Berry that rhymes with raspberries

Red berry Shukshin

What in the song blooms in the field by the stream?

Shukshin's Red Movie Berry

New car from VAZ

Tree with bunches of berries

VAZ "berry"

Bitter tasting berry

red berry

. "oh, it's blooming... in the field by the stream"

Husband's younger unmarried sister

Tree with red edible berries

bitter berry

Shrub of the honeysuckle family with white flowers and red bitter berries

plant of the honeysuckle family

edible berry

. "... red" (film by Shukshin)

. "Oh, it's blooming... in the field by the stream"

. "... red", film

Blooms in the field by the stream

VAZ "berry"

Zh. in the chorus kalinka, kalinochka, kalinushka, tree and fruit of Viburnum opulus. Berry generally take; apples are shaking; viburnum break, bunches. skaz. viburnum bridges are commemorated: this is a path paved with brushwood, viburnum, a road through a swamp. Red-hot viburnum, melted, baked in a free spirit under a lid tightly smeared with dough. Another view: Lantana, black viburnum, proud, proud, proud. Oh my viburnum, oh my raspberry, chorus. Do not be viburnum raspberries. Kalinina tree, bush viburnum. Break Kalinka, a wedding custom: on the table at the young ham and a damask of wine, stuffed with a bunch of viburnum with a scarlet ribbon; young people are raised and regaled, they go around the houses of the bride's parents, relatives, and travellers, and when they return, the friend destroys the ham and, having plucked the viburnum, distributes the wine. Viburnum, viburnum, related. to viburnum, tree or fruit, made from them, etc. Viburnum shoots are drunk from scrofula. Kalinovka viburnum liqueur, on berries, or tincture, on leaves, shoots. Kalinnyak, Psk. hard. viburnum, viburnum grove. Kalinnik, viburnum grove, shrub; viburnum brushwood, butternut squash, for chibouks; viburnum pie; dough that is kneaded on viburnum; viburnum hunter. Kalinniki mi. east distant autumn thunderstorms, glow, lightning, on behalf of St. Kalinik, and July; in the north, early autumn frosts, which is why the saying: God bless the Kalinniki with a haze, that is, cloudy weather. Kalinka bleak fish, Cyrinus alburnus

Shukshin's film "... red"

What in the song blooms in the field by the stream


A small tree or shrub of the honeysuckle family with white flowers and red berries.

Kalina grows in forest, in ravines, along river banks. Decorative varieties of viburnum are planted in parks and squares. spring on the viburnum, beautiful flowers bloom in the form of umbrellas that almost cover the bush. At the end summer bitter red berries ripen, which become sweeter after the first frost. Very decorative viburnum bushes autumn when the leaves turn bright red.
The frost-touched viburnum berries and its bark are mainly used for medical purposes. Infusions of viburnum help with colds.
Viburnum with its bitter berries symbolizes Russians difficult, bitter life, especially the unhappy female fate. Viburnum is sung about in Russian folk songs, where it is often compared with a sweet berry - raspberries symbolizing a good, sweet life. One of the most famous Russian folk songs is called.- the title of the story V.M. Shukshina and the feature film of the same name, which tells about the tragic fate of a former prisoner.

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M .: State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .


See what "KALINA" is in other dictionaries:

    Kalina- Yakovlev, Dvina kisser. 1571. A. Yu. 58. Kalina Rodionov, Dvina kisser. 1571. A. Yu. 58. Kalina Stefanov, Belozersky peasant. 1613. A. Yu. 74. In the name of Maxim hegumen, nicknamed Kalina, in Rostov. 14th century Memory Starinn. Russian Literary ... Biographical Dictionary

    Kalina- wives. in the chorus kalinka, kalinochka, kalinushka, tree and fruit of Viburnum opulus. Berry generally take; apples are shaking; viburnum break, bunches. In the tale viburnum bridges are commemorated: this is a path paved with brushwood, viburnum, a road through a swamp. Red-hot viburnum, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    viburnum- (Viburnum opulus L.). A shrub of the honeysuckle family, which gives an edible fruit, a drupe of a spherical ovoid shape, red in color, slightly smaller in size than a mountain ash, colloquially called a berry, which has a peculiar sweetish sour ... ... Culinary Dictionary

    viburnum- 1) s, husband. Razg. to (see Kallinik). Responsible: Kalinich, Kalinichna.2) s, female. Razg. to (see Kallinikia). Dictionary of personal names. Kalina "Beautiful Victory" (Greek). April 17 (4) and May 22 (9) - Martyr Kallinikos. June 6 (May 24) - martyr ... Dictionary of personal names

    Kalina- a genus of small trees or shrubs of the honeysuckle family. OK. 200 species, in Eurasia, North. Africa and America; in Russia there are several types. Many species are cultivated as ornamentals, for example, bulldenezh is a garden form of viburnum ordinary. Fruits ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Kalina- (Viburnum), a genus of shrubs or small trees of the family. honeysuckle. Up to 200 species, in temperate and subtropical. belts, ch. arr. in Eurasia and North. America. In the USSR, approx. 10 wild-growing species, approx. 40 (most come from China and Japan) are found in ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    viburnum- Buldenezh, Kalinushka, Kalinka Dictionary of Russian synonyms. viburnum n., number of synonyms: 9 bulldenezh (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    viburnum- (Viburnum L.) a genus of shrubs from the family. honeysuckle, Caprifoliceae. The leaves are opposite, simple, entire, toothed or lobed; flowers are collected in whorled inflorescences, with a regular wheel-shaped corolla, 5 stamens and a three-celled ovary, two ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Kalina- KALINA, a genus of small trees or shrubs (honeysuckle family). About 200 species, in Eurasia, North Africa and America. Many are decorative, for example, bulldenezh is a garden form of viburnum ordinary. The fruits of this species are edible. Extract and decoction ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    Kalina- KALINA, viburnum, pl. no, female A shrub from the honeysuckle family, with red bitter berries. || Berries of this shrub. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Kalina- KALINA, s, wives. Shrub family. honeysuckle with white flowers and red bitter berries, as well as its berries. | reduce Kalinka, and, wives. | adj. viburnum, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov