What motivations for staff to use. Test questionnaire: Motivation and stimulation of personnel. Questionnaire for determining the type of labor motivation of an employee. Professional assistance in motivating employees

What should your employee dream about?

When selecting personnel, it is important to assess not only the professional skills of the candidate, but also his motivation. It would seem that the goals and desires of the applicant are purely his own business, but recruiters think otherwise.

In the practice of many HRs, there have certainly been cases when a promising candidate could not stand the probationary period and ran away - he had to look for a replacement. In most cases, the reason for this turn of events is an incorrect analysis of employee motivation. As a result, the specialist suddenly discovers that his goals and desires cannot be realized at a new place of work. And far from always the issue rests on money: a large salary and bonuses are not at all a guarantee of a specialist's "survival" in a new place.

What you need to know about motives

There are many systems and methods that form the motives of candidates in certain categories. One of the most famous is A. Maslow's pyramid of needs.

Now, recruiters most often use a modernized motivation map, which consists of the following blocks:




Confidence (a reliable, stable company that has established itself in the market);

legality (white salary, normalized work schedule, holidays, weekends);

convenience (comfortable working conditions, proximity to home, etc.)


Opportunity for training, professional and career growth;

Striving for something new, excitement, competitive spirit, healthy competition;

Creativity, activity


Socialization, contact with colleagues, friendly team, wise leader, trust

The desire to win respect, fame and honor;

The desire to achieve a career, status, prestige;

Willingness to influence

material factors

Decent salary, the possibility of its growth

Premium rewards

Corporate discounts and bonuses

Perhaps the criteria for determining a motivational portfolio can have different names and be systematized in different ways - each HR has its own approach to this issue. However, the general rules for working with staff motivation are as follows:

  1. For most people, several motivators in a complex are important, and not just one stimulus. However, they are always arranged in order of importance - something will always be a priority, and something can be sacrificed if necessary.
  2. The set of motivators is individual for each individual: what is important for one person may be of secondary importance for another. That is why, when evaluating an applicant, a human resources specialist must abstract from his own value system and from the employer's value system. It is important to identify and adequately assess the motivators of this particular candidate - this is the basis of competent recruitment.
  3. The motivational set can change over time: depending on the change in the situation in which the employee is located. For example, if earlier for a sales manager such a factor as the possibility of learning and developing his skills was a determining factor, then after he took out a mortgage, stability and a guaranteed income may come to the fore for him. This means that salespeople will look for a place where there is a payment scheme that includes not only a percentage of the closing of the transaction, but also a constant salary. Thus, in any company, the analysis of the value system of employees should be carried out regularly, otherwise staff turnover will not be avoided.

Methods for determining the motivation of the applicant

You can identify the candidate's motivation system using various methods: some use competency-based interviews, CASE interviews (situational interviews), structured, unstructured interviews. However, whatever technology is used, the analysis of motivating factors should be comprehensive and carried out in several stages.

1. What are the three criteria a job seeker is guided by when choosing an employer?

In answering this question, the candidate should rank the factors in order of importance, for example:

Company stability (need for security)

Opportunity to learn (need for development)

Salary (wealth)

2. The reasons why the applicant left the previous jobs:

  • Lack of career opportunities (development needs)
  • Salary arrears (need for security)
  • Uninteresting projects of the same type (need for development)

3. Where does the applicant see himself in ... years?

One of the favorite questions of personnel officers, and this is no coincidence, since when answering it, the candidate’s value system is perfectly manifested. We characterize the answers in the same way in terms of needs: work in the same position (need for security), become an expert in your field (need for development), open your own business (need for self-actualization), etc.

4. What are the life priorities of the applicant for the position (in order of importance)?

Attention! This is a tricky question: according to research, 37% of candidates “fail” it, and all because they forget to mention work. The most common answers:

Family and friends (need for belonging)
- Income (material wealth)
- Self-development (need for development)
-Hobby (need for rest and pleasure)
- Health (need for safety)

Everything is fine, but if the word “Job” is not on this list, the recruiter should be wary. Again, according to statistics, 38% of candidates who did not put work on their priority list received bad reviews from employers-customers.

Data processing

Conducting such surveys allows you to determine the motivational type of an employee, the factors that affect his productivity, ways to increase his loyalty, as well as the prerequisites for reducing interest in the functionality performed. The answers of applicants are scrupulously recorded and then processed in order to identify the main motives that drive a person in the implementation of work activities. Further, the results of the analysis are compared with the values ​​that the employer can really give to the employee.

Of course, the questionnaire given here as an example is somewhat primitive and superficial - recruiting professionals use much more sophisticated schemes for assessing the motivational portfolio of candidates. It is quite difficult for a person uninitiated in the secrets of recruitment to cope with obtaining the necessary information and subsequent work with the data. Meanwhile, mistakes in identifying the motivation of applicants can lead to the collapse of the entire staffing campaign. in St. Petersburg, ARES advises employers to insure against failure by entrusting the selection of personnel to professionals. The modern technologies and methods we use will allow us to weed out applicants with an inappropriate value system already at the first stages of the search. Thanks to this approach in the selection of personnel, only those people who are maximally motivated to work, who know what they want and understand what you want will get into your company. But the principle of creating a team of like-minded people is based on this.

Irina Tolkacheva, link required

Stimulation of personnel in the organization is an important task facing the leader. Its solution allows to increase the productivity of the activity. Moreover, these actions are no less effective than rearmament. There are cases when it was the development of a system of incentives that made it possible to achieve better results than advanced technologies.

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The enterprise may have excellent plans and strategies, the latest equipment, but this will not lead to the desired goals if the employees do not perform their duties properly, strive to improve the well-being of the company.

There are different ways to motivate staff. They can be divided into and intangible.

Essence and necessity of application

The motivation of labor activity is the desire of the employee to satisfy his needs for any benefits at the expense of his own work, aimed at achieving the goals of the company.

Thus, the essence of incentives is to combine the material interests of the employee with the objectives of the enterprise.

The main goals of developing a motivation system:

  • attracting valuable personnel to the company;
  • retention of personnel operating in the company;
  • remuneration of those employees whose activities were most effective;
  • control over labor costs of employees;
  • simplicity and efficiency of the company's system.

Incentives can be of two types - material and non-material. The first group includes all monetary rewards, including bonuses, bonuses, etc. The second group of incentives includes social, moral and creative measures.

Some enterprises are limited only to material rewards. However, when organizing labor incentives, one should adhere to the principle of complexity. This means that both material and non-material incentives function within the same organization.

This approach achieves the best results.

Depending on the groups of needs

Another important principle of the incentive system is differentiation.

This approach implies the use of different measures for different population groups. For example, the security of workers plays a role.

Thus, incentive measures for wealthy and low-income workers are different. The same goes for qualifications. Young professionals and high-skilled workers have different needs.

Consequently, there will be different incentives that will have a positive effect on their work.

Thus, it is impossible to provide a single motivation policy for all employees without exception.

Financial (cash)

Monetary incentives are an obvious and traditional way to motivate staff. It is used in most organizations.

Cash incentives include the following elements:

  • premium;
  • participation in profits, capital.

Wages are a key part of monetary incentives. It is she who is the most powerful incentive to improve performance.

The bonus is considered as a remuneration that is paid in certain cases to individual employees.

According to research, it motivates employees more than an annual salary increase.

Typically, the premium is awarded in the following cases:

  • achievement of certain results in work;
  • efficient use of equipment;
  • achieving quality results;
  • economic management of materials.

Within a particular organization, their own cases may be prescribed when an employee claims to be paid a bonus.

Additional payments and allowances are paid together with wages.

They are established to take into account the additional labor costs of employees when performing labor activities in specific conditions.

Participation in the capital and profits of the company implies the formation of a special incentive contribution from any of their shares. This method is used for those employees whose activities can have a real impact on profits.


An employee carries out his activity not only because of material remuneration. He also strives for professionalism, self-realization and development of his abilities in the labor sphere.

Today, people are not interested in any activity, but in meaningful tasks that have elements of creativity. Plays a role and the situation in the workforce.

Workers perform their labor functions better where their dignity is respected, where they recognize the right to participate in the production management process.


Career growth is a great incentive for the company's staff.

In order to effectively use this incentive, it is necessary to prescribe and bring to the attention of the company's employees the criteria and stages of the horizontal and vertical career path. For example, to prescribe a chain of ranks within one position.

Thanks to such a clear presentation, the employee will be able to assess the prospects for growth. The most valuable personnel will be motivated to develop and improve performance.


Gender motivation is based on the natural desire of employees to show off their successes to the opposite sex.


The desire to learn something new is a natural human need.

Often it works even better than monetary rewards.

If an employer can offer its employees the opportunity to learn more or acquire special knowledge, then this will be a great incentive to work effectively.

According to the origin of the motive

According to the source of the appearance of the motive, the types of staff motivation are divided into internal and external.

The employer has the ability to manage, above all, external motivation. He causes it to arise from outside.

At the same time, it can indirectly influence the emergence of internal motives.


Intrinsic motivation is formed when a person, while solving a problem, forms motives.

For example, an employee wants to achieve some goal, complete his work with high quality, gain certain knowledge, or overcome his fear.

This type of motivation is the most acceptable. In such a situation, the employee acts more calmly. He conscientiously performs his tasks, better understands the task itself, and also acquires knowledge.

The creation of intrinsic motivation is due to a set of changing needs.


External motivation means influence from the outside. In practice, it is very difficult to distinguish between these motives.

In different situations, incentives can be both internal and external.


The main types of motivation are material and non-material.

Among the first group, monetary rewards play a key role. It is most often used within any company.

The system of bonuses, bonuses and penalties has been used successfully for many years. When approving monetary remuneration, both the success of the entire company and the individual employee should be taken into account.

Thanks to this, the employee can feel the weight of his contribution to the common cause. Financial incentives are especially effective for low- and medium-paid categories of workers.

Intangible incentives also play an important role. Especially when it comes to highly paid specialists and highly skilled workers. Various moral incentives are used to stimulate their work.


Material incentives are wages, bonuses, additional payments and allowances, participation in the capital of the company.

Those funds that the employee receives consist of two parts - guaranteed and additional. Employees receive their salary for the performance of their duties. The very effectiveness of their work is not evaluated.

Good performance can be encouraged through bonuses. Moreover, it is very important that these funds are paid individually after evaluating the work of a particular person.

If all employees are approved for the same amount of pay, then this will affect efficiency in a negative way.

The bonus can be paid for the achievement of certain indicators - for example, work without marriage.

The following actions are also considered as material, but not monetary methods of stimulation:

  • providing an employee with a cellular connection, official transport, a personal laptop;
  • provision of vouchers, preferential meals, issuance of free subscriptions;
  • valuable gifts;
  • additional health insurance.

This test questionnaire identifies the existing, both the most effective and the least desirable methods of stimulation, individually for each employee. It also reveals ways of self-motivation for the employees themselves.

The test questionnaire clarifies what exactly attracts this job, what advantages it gives the employee now and what he can get in the future, in order to get satisfaction from the work itself and better self-realization.

Testing according to this questionnaire will be useful for the manager himself (middle and operational).

Questionnaire for determining the type of labor motivation of an employee. (Tests for managers. Motivation and stimulation of staff):


Carefully read the question and all the answer options that are given for it. Each question has a note on how many answers you can give. Most questions require only one or two answers.

If in such a question you choose one of the options given, circle the number that numbers this answer. If none of the options suits you, write your answer yourself in the “other” field.

test material.

1. Your position in the organization: 1) manager 2) employee 3) worker

2. Your gender: 1) male 2) female

3. Your age: ____ years

4. How long have you been working in this organization? ____ years / ____ months

5. What do you value most in your work? Give one or two answers

1. That I basically decide what to do and how to do it myself.

2. That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3. That I feel useful and needed.

4. That I get paid relatively well for it.

5. I don’t particularly appreciate anything, but this work is well known and familiar to me.

6. Which of the following expressions suits you best?

Give only one answer

1. I can provide a decent income for myself and my family with my work.

2. In my work, I am a complete master.

3. I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my work.

4. I am a valuable, indispensable employee for the organization.

5. I always do what is required of me.”

6. Other: ______________________

7. How do you prefer to work?

Give one or two answers

1. I prefer to do what is familiar, habitual.

2. It is necessary that something new constantly appears in the work, so as not to stand still.

3. To know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

4. I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

5. Willing to do whatever is necessary for the organization.

6. Other: ______________________

8. Let's say that you are offered another job in your organization. Under what conditions would you agree to this?

Give one or two answers

1. If they offer a much higher salary.

2. If another job is more creative and interesting than the current one.

3. If the new job will give me more independence.

4. If it is very necessary for the organization.

5. Other: ______________________

6. In all cases, I would prefer (prefer) to stay in the job that I'm used to (used to).

9. Try to define what your earnings mean to you?

Give one or two answers

1. Payment for the time and effort spent on doing the work.

2. First of all, this is a payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

3. Payment for my labor contribution to the overall results of the organization.

4. I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but that it is.

5. Whatever it is, I earned it myself.

6. Other: ______________________

10. How do you feel about the sources of income listed below?

Answer for each line: tick the column that best suits your opinion

Very important

Not very important

It doesn't matter at all

1. Salary and bonuses, pensions, scholarships

2. Additional payments for qualification

3. Surcharges for severe and harmful conditions

4. Social payments and benefits, allowances

5. Income from capital, shares

6. Any additional running-in

7. Extra earnings, but not any, but only in your specialty

8. Income from personal farming, dacha farming

9. Winning the lottery, casino, etc.

11. What principles, in your opinion, should be based on the relationship between the employee and the organization? Give only one answer

1. The employee must treat the organization as his home, give it everything and go through difficulties and upsurges together. The organization must evaluate the dedication and work of the employee accordingly.

2. The worker sells his labor to the organization, and if he is not given a good price, he has the right to find another buyer.

3. An employee comes to the organization for self-realization and treats it as a place for the realization of his abilities. The organization must provide the employee with such an opportunity to benefit from this for himself and develop on this basis.

4. The employee spends his energy on the organization, and the organization must in return guarantee him a salary and social benefits.

5. Other: ________________________

12. In your opinion, why do people take the initiative in the process of work, make various proposals? Give one or two answers

1. Feel special responsibility for their work.

2. Because of the desire to realize their knowledge and experience, to go beyond the framework established by the work.

3. Most often because of the desire to improve the work of their organization.

4. They just want to "stand out" or win the favor of their superiors.

5. They want to make money, because any useful initiative should be rewarded.

13. What judgment about collective work is closer to you? Give one or two answers

1. The team is very important for me, good results cannot be achieved alone.

2. I prefer to work independently, but I also feel good when I work with interesting people.

3. I need freedom of action, and the team most often restricts this freedom.

4. You can work in a team, but you have to pay according to personal results.

5. I like to work in a team, because there I am among my own.

6. Other: ________________________

14. Imagine that you have a chance to become the owner of your organization. Will you take advantage of this opportunity? Give one or two answers

1. Yes, as I will be able to participate in the management of the organization.

2. Yes, because it can increase my income.

3. Yes, since a real employee must be a co-owner.

4. It is unlikely: it will not affect earnings, participation in management does not interest me, but it will interfere with work.

5. No, I don't need extra worries.

6. Other: ________________________

15. Imagine that you are currently looking for a job. You are offered several jobs. Which one will you choose? Give one or two answers

1. The most interesting, creative.

2. The most independent, independent.

3. For which they pay more.

4. So that for not too much money you don’t have to especially “tear yourself”

5. I cannot imagine that I will leave our organization. .

6. Other: ________________________

16. What is the first thing you consider when evaluating the success of another employee in your organization? Give one or two answers

1. His salary, income, financial situation.

2. The level of his professionalism, qualifications.

3. How well he "settled down."

4. How much he is respected in the organization.

5. To what extent he is independent, independent.

6. Other: ________________________

17. If the situation in your organization deteriorates, what changes in your work and position will you agree to in order to stay at work? You can give any number of answers.

1. Learn a new profession.

2. Work part-time or move to a less skilled job and get paid less.

3. Switch to a less convenient mode of operation.

4. Work harder.

5. I agree to just endure because there is nowhere to go.

6. Other: ________________________

7. Most likely, I will just leave the organization.

If you are a MANAGER, what attracts you the most in this position? Give one or two answers

1. Ability to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. Opportunity to bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

3. High level of payment.

4. Ability to organize the work of other people.

5. Opportunity to best apply your knowledge and skills.

6. Other: ________________________

7. Nothing particularly attracts, I don’t hold on to the position of the head.

If you are NOT a MANAGER, would you like to become one? Give one or two answers

1. Yes, because it will make it possible to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. Do not mind, if necessary for the good of the case.

3. Yes, because in doing so I will be able to better apply my knowledge and skills.

4. Yes, if it will be properly paid.

5. No, a professional can only answer for himself.

6. No, management does not attract me, but I can make good money in my place.

7. Yes, why am I worse than others?

9. Other: ________________________

Processing the results of the survey

The test questionnaire consists of 18 questions and contains blocks:

"Passport" (questions 1-4).

The attitude of the employee to his work, work as an activity (questions 5-8)

The ratio of the employee to wages (questions 9-10).

Employee and organization, team (questions 11, 13).

Employee and co-ownership of the organization (question 14);

The employee and his position (questions 12, 15-18).

Manual processing of the test data is carried out using a special table for identifying the types of work motivation according to the respondents' answers (Table 1).

The results are processed in two stages. At the first stage, each completed questionnaire is processed and the individual motivational profile of the respondent is calculated.

Considering in turn the answer to each question, determine the type of motivation from the key table. It may be the only one for this option, but there are answer options that correspond to several types of motivation.

There are also options that do not correspond to any type of motivation, for example, question 10.1 does not have a corresponding type of motivation for any answer option.

Put next to the answer option the code of the corresponding type or types of motivation, guided by the following examples:

Answer options are given:

2 - according to the table, we determine the type of motivation and put it down - PR;

3 - according to the table, we determine the type of motivation and put it down - PA.

Only one answer is given:

2 - according to the table, we determine the type of motivation and put it down - PR.

Question 10.5

Answer option given:

3 - according to the table, we determine that this option corresponds to 4 types of motivation, and put down their IN, PR, PA, ST.

No option has been selected. We do not post anything.

Chosen options:

1 - corresponds to three types of motivation - PR, PA, XO;

2 - also three types of motivation - PA, XO, ST;

5 - corresponds to two types - PA, ST.

Test key:

Table 1. Identification of types of work motivation

ST - unambitious type, "wanderer"; IN - instrumental type, "instrumental"; PR - professional type, "professional"; PA - patriotic type, "patriot"; XO - master type, "master".

Types of work motivation,
identified by the respective
options (numbers) of answers

Having put down the motivation codes for all questions and answer options, count how many times the code of each type occurs in the put down codes and fill in the plate directly on the questionnaire, for example: ST - 7 times; IN - 4 times; PR - 2 times; PA - 8 times; XO - 1 time.

Then count the number of responses given. Recall that for many questions the respondent can give not one, but two answers (and more for question 17), and also that for some questions he can choose the “other” option or refuse to answer at all.

Enter the number of answers on the questionnaire. Then, divide the total points scored by the respondent for each of the 5 types of labor motivation by the total number of these answers.

As a result, the structure of labor motivation of the employee interviewed for this test is obtained, expressed by coefficients (motivation indices) less than one.

For applied tasks, it can be useful to turn these coefficients into ranks (from 1 to 5), which show which types of motivation prevail in a given employee, and which are poorly represented in his motivational structure.

Rank 1 means that this type of motivation prevails (in first place), rank 5 means that this type of motivation is in last place. If the indices of two types of motivation are equal, then these types receive the same rank.

As a result, the table on the questionnaire will be supplemented with indices and ranks and will take, for example, the following form: Answers - 31

At the second stage, the statistical processing of the responses is performed.

It can be carried out for each group for each classification feature separately and for the entire team.

Step 1. Select the questionnaires corresponding to the group you are interested in. Sum the indices of each type of motivation for all questionnaires and divide the result by the number of questionnaires in the group. You will get the group average index of this type of motivation.

By doing this for each type of motivation, you will get a table of average indices. For example: group "women": IN - 0.1632, PR - 0.3294, PA - 0.2172, XO - 0.0636, ST - 0.1937.

Step 2. Calculate how many questionnaires each type of motivation has a rank of 1. Divide the resulting numbers by the number of questionnaires.

Step 3. Calculate how many questionnaires each type of motivation has a rank of 1 or 2. Also divide the resulting numbers by the number of questionnaires.

As a result of the second and third steps, you will get the structure of the prevailing types of motivation. For example:

Average incentive indices for a group or average ranks of motivational types show which types of incentive forms are applicable, neutral or prohibited for a given group.

The result of the last calculation shows which stimulation methods are not dominant (they are in second place, but they are common) and can manifest themselves with inadequate stimulation.

The determination of the forms of stimulation corresponding to the results is made on the basis of Table. 2.


Table 2. Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation

Forms of incentives

Motivational type


































Participation in management





Incentive methods, forms of motivation

Negative - displeasure, punishment, the threat of job loss.

Cash - wages, including all types of bonuses and allowances.

Natural - buying or renting a home, providing a car, etc.

Moral - certificates, awards, honors board, etc.

Paternalism (concern for the employee) - additional social and medical insurance, creation of conditions for recreation, etc.

Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization. Involvement in co-ownership and participation in management.


"Basic" - the most effective form of incentives.

"Applicable" - can be used.

"Neutral" will have no effect.

"Forbidden" - not allowed to use.

For example, for the given data, it can be seen that the types of motivation "Professional" (in the first place) and "Patriotic" (in the second place) predominate.

Rating 4.80 (5 Votes)

Proper staff motivation is one of the ways to increase labor productivity. Encouraging employees is an important area of ​​the personnel policy of every self-respecting company. After all, when employees are satisfied with the working conditions, indicators and profits grow, and they make every effort to increase income.

Not everyone can be motivated in one way. If some can be encouraged with money, then others will be satisfied with praise. To achieve the best result, it is worth using different methods in combination.

Let's conditionally divide people into three groups: red, blue and green.

Red - people who are motivated by money and fame, green - training and development, blue - atmosphere, team, communication. What type of person can be identified at the interview with the help of special leading questions. For example, what are your expectations from a new company, what criteria will you use to choose a company if you have several offers? Often a person speaks honestly and frankly, what is a priority for him.

This kind of communication should be carried out periodically with company employees in order to identify their main desires for work. Knowing the preferences and expectations of an employee is easier to give him what he wants.

If recognition is important for a person, then it is necessary to praise him as often as possible at general meetings, of course, if there is anything for it, to offer various projects where he could prove himself.

If money is important for a person, then it is necessary, in addition to the rate, to develop motivational compensation for the fulfillment, overfulfillment of the plan.

It is always more difficult to motivate a person to do quality work if he works exclusively at a rate - no matter how he works for a month, he will still receive his rate. The way out in such a situation can be all sorts of options, so to speak, additional income, you can offer to implement any project that would bring a contribution to the company. For example, find a client among your friends or contractors, come up with a new way to attract customers, etc.

It is worth noting that non-material motivation is of great importance today. Employees appreciate various rewards, recognitions, trainings and education in the company. The main thing is to respond in time to changes in the mood of employees.

According to , 67.2% of Ukrainians consider cash incentives to be the best way to motivate. 8.9% of respondents voted for free education and training.

In practice, there was a situation when a new financial director came to the company, one of the bosses who reported to him did not agree with the innovations, changes in the company's policy and was determined to look for a new job. The management responded to the incident in time, and offered the employee to lead a separate project. This made it possible for the worker to switch all his forces from the conflict to the development of a new direction and obtaining a result. The conflict was over.

We emphasize that absolutely in any situation it is necessary to use both material and non-material motivation. If a person is focused on money, it is necessary to create all the conditions so that it depends on the employee whether he can get as much as he wants. In addition, it is important to show its importance and significance.

You must always be aware that a person spends most of his life at work, and if, in addition to the money side, the employee feels comfortable and has established connections in the team, then he himself will not want to leave, and no competitors will be able to lure him away.

Anna Tolkach, Irina Malyk

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the role of motivation in enterprise management
  • What are the ways to motivate employees
  • How to use material methods correctly
  • Why non-material ways of motivation are important
  • What are non-standard ways of motivation

Any leader of a company that has a stable and efficient workforce knows that you need to praise and encourage your team. Previously, an effective way was to post photos of those who distinguished themselves on the honor roll, to organize corporate events. To date, these methods are ineffective. In personnel management, the emphasis should be on motivating employees. Every head of the company should know how to motivate staff. Their use is necessary for the effective management of employees and maintaining a conflict-free microclimate in the team.

What role do methods of motivating staff play in managing an organization

Staff motivation is necessary to increase labor productivity. Any enterprise does everything possible to ensure that its employees work to the maximum. How to achieve this? What should be the conditions and wages, how to attract and interest an employee in work, how to encourage his activity, how to keep highly qualified specialists in the company for many years?
These and other issues can be solved by applying various methods of motivating staff in an organization.

Insufficient use of incentive methods can lead to a large number of negative consequences for the company, such as:

  • Failure to comply with labor discipline (lateness for work, absenteeism, participation in conflict situations, etc.).
  • Increasing employee turnover.
  • Failure to comply with the quality and scope of work.
  • Violation of the rules of communication with customers.
  • Being in the workplace in a state of intoxication.
  • Theft.
  • A conscious search for difficulties in work in order to evade one's immediate duties, etc.

What methods of staff motivation should be used to avoid the above problems?

Fundamental incentive methods are divided into material and moral-psychological (non-material).
There is no single way to motivate staff that is suitable for any company and for any workforce. Human resources management is a whole science that contains various methods for improving the quality of work of company employees. Based on practical activities, we can conclude that the incentive system should be comprehensive, i.e. combine both personal and collective motivation. It should also include both material and moral and psychological methods of encouragement.

How to use material methods to motivate staff

Not everyone will do their favorite, but low-paid work. A person will still look where there is an opportunity to receive material benefits, or will start looking for additional income, which is unlikely to have a positive impact on the quality of the main activity. However, not every employee of the company is suitable for a material way of motivation. If a person does not want to work well, then even with an increase in wages, he will not begin to fulfill his duties more conscientiously. Only those who not only know how, but also want to work can be financially stimulated., and also strives for a specific best result. Knowing your employees, you must clearly argue who and for what merits are entitled to remuneration in material form.

There are two groups of methods of material motivation:

1. Direct methods:

  • bonus payments;
  • penalties.

These methods have their own specific result, but only at the very beginning of a career in the company. I would like to emphasize that the penalty imposed on an employee should not be related to his salary. That is, both bonus payments and penalties are additional funds that can be given to an employee in full, or can be withdrawn as a punishment.
2. Indirect methods:

  • social package;
  • food;
  • office living space.

Of course, the above options are effective, because. they allow the employee to realize his desires. At the same time, there may be people in the team who really want to receive increased wages, but they fail to work efficiently and efficiently. It is for such employees that the personnel service has completely different incentives in stock.

Material motivation can be further divided into 2 groups:

  1. Penalty system. In order to organize the workflow as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to use penalties. That is, if an employee performs his duties poorly, he is penalized, which is an incentive to work better and better.
  2. Reward system. This is a diametrically opposite way to motivate staff, i.e. Bonus payments are given to those employees who perform well and achieve their goals. As a result, any employee strives to fulfill his duties in full, tk. understands that this will be followed by appropriate encouragement.

Why is it important to use non-material ways to motivate staff

For the formation of a highly effective organizational culture of the company, for a positive attitude towards the employer, it is necessary to use not only material methods of motivating the work of personnel, but also moral and psychological ones. Consider the main incentive principles:

  • An employer can entrust an employee with the management of one of the company's projects. Thus, he will show his recognition of his merits, which in the future can lead to career growth.
  • If a person is proud of his professional skills and abilities, then the manager needs to set new complex tasks for him that will motivate him to improve himself and improve his qualifications.
  • When an employee hates monotony and routine, but readily takes on risky assignments, offer him various old and new projects or interest him in finding the best solutions to get the company out of critical situations.
  • In the event that a person constantly violates the external structural framework, while doing work in his own unique style, the boss should set tasks for him that allow him to work autonomously with minimal control from the company's administration.
  • If an employee is looking for stability and security, the manager may offer him to engage in long-term projects.
  • If a person is so kind that he always helps people, determine his workplace where there is a lot of communication with clients or where it is necessary to resolve conflict situations in the team.

These methods of motivating personnel in an organization will help increase labor productivity and become the key to a successful business activity.

Non-material motivation has a lot of types:

  1. Praise of the head. This method is extremely efficient. . Praise from the manager, both alone and with the team, makes the employee improve his work results and move only forward. Therefore, many companies still use honor boards, which are both real and virtual.
  2. Career. Any employee of the company must be sure that if he works efficiently, fulfills the necessary production volumes, then he can be promoted, which means that he will grow professionally.
  3. Company image. It is considered prestigious to work in a well-known organization that is in demand in the business niche. At the same time, not only the image of the company in the market is important, but also the positive characteristics of the employer himself.
  4. Good team atmosphere. Warm, friendly relations in the team lead to the fact that the staff acts better than in teams where there are many conflict situations.
  5. Company-sponsored training. When an enterprise offers its employees to undergo employer-paid training, this is also a good way of non-financial incentives.
  6. Sports and cultural events. Corporate events, such as sports tournaments, collective trips to concerts, cinema, theater, trips to nature, joint celebration of important events and dates become a good motivation for the company's staff. They bring employees together, and relations between colleagues become more friendly. However, the employer must make it clear to his team that the willingness to sponsor such a vacation is directly proportional to the quality of the work performed for a certain period of time.

Non-material ways of motivation can be divided into individual and collective.

  • empowerment of the employee so that he can feel the prospects of career growth;
  • recognition of a person's professional merits;
  • individual work schedule (for example, for an employee with young children);
  • constant investment in a person through his training, which makes it possible for professional growth;
  • improvement of working conditions for a particular employee in order to increase the value of activities in the company for the employee himself.

2. Collective:

  • joint celebration of certain dates and events, helping the team feel like a family;
  • general idea. The purpose of the company should be clear to the staff. Each employee must be aware of the contribution that he makes to the achievement of the overall goal of the company;
  • joint trainings that lead to close interaction within the team;
  • availability of information on the conduct of the company's business activities. The person must feel involved in the work of the enterprise;
  • public recognition of the employee's merits to the team, expression of gratitude;
  • a transparent form of personnel management and interaction with employees.

Individual awards do not cancel collective and lead to warmer relationships, to cohesion and increased efficiency in the team.
It just seems that moral and psychological ways of motivating staff are nothing compared to material ones. In fact, it is they that make it possible to stimulate employees every day, to give a sense of the importance of the tasks performed, in contrast to material ones, which encourage activity only at the time of receipt of wages.
The head of the company has the right to independently determine the methods of personnel motivation that are most suitable directly for his business and team. By choosing the best options, you can achieve high labor productivity and maximum returns from the company's employees.

Effective ways to motivate staff: 35 ways to increase productivity

  1. Salary. It is a fundamental way to motivate people in an organization. Therefore, if initially the manager cannot provide the employee with a decent salary, then other incentive methods may not give the desired result. It is necessary to determine the level of income that will be comfortable for each specific person. It is also extremely important to understand the distribution of the fixed and flexible part of the salary.
  2. Social Security. It is important for any employee to feel protected and cared for. Undoubtedly, the encouragement of the company's personnel is a cost. But the presence of social security is perceived by employees as a sign of the financial well-being of the company. A person who works in such a company is confident in the future, he trusts the administration not only with his well-being, but also with the well-being of his family. The possibility of providing the employer with a social package is one of the main incentives for the personnel of the enterprise.
  3. Track the level of motivation. The head of the organization must know the actual degree of motivation of his subordinates. Even if the company analyzes the level of employee satisfaction with work, it does not contain an assessment of the incentive system. To manage staff motivation, you need to learn how to measure it. The level of motivation of employees should be constantly assessed, which can be done by heads of departments.
  4. Recognize that subordinates may be motivated by something not directly related to their job.. Energetic employees who have a significant potential for development and growth in their personal lives, as a rule, are also active people who play sports or are passionate about some kind of hobby. But these individual interests should not compete with work. In order to increase motivation for activity, take advantage of the employee's willingness to achieve certain results in the area in which he is passionate. The manager must recognize that his subordinates are people with specific attachments and interests. By finding out what drives them, the boss will be able to find an effective approach to motivating staff. Show interest in the hobbies and achievements of your employees, as the approval of what they do in their free time cannot but affect the tasks they perform. Support subordinates, because the more successful they are in life, the more success they will achieve in their main activities.
  5. Ask employees what they would like. All people are different, they have different goals, different desires, respectively, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each in order to help him grow professionally in the company. The manager can delegate to the employee certain powers to set goals and objectives in the preparation of a general plan for the development of the enterprise. Alternatively, the employee should be allowed to develop their own assignments and set individual benchmarks.
  6. Ask employees about the results of their work. Try to ask more questions to your subordinates so that they can think about the work done and the contribution made to the development of the company. For example: “How effective was the department? What are the results?”, “How many customers managed to conduct telephone conversations today?”. Such questions increase the level of self-information of the employee. Having the right data contributes to intrinsic motivation.
  7. Teach subordinates to measure the degree of success of the work done. If employees observe their activities, write down successes and mistakes, then they can evaluate their work better than their manager will. How to do it? Any work can be measured. The head of the department forms the appropriate scale of labor productivity, and subordinates will independently evaluate themselves.
  8. Explain to employees the system of rewards you have adopted. Distribution of rewards left and right cannot lead to motivational growth. Work out carefully the program of bonuses and rewards, explain to the employees of the company its goals and objectives. It is necessary to give the team the necessary information about how the incentive program can affect their work in the company.
  9. Mutual aid or competition. What do you think has a more positive effect on the performance of employees - the provision of mutual assistance or the introduction of competition? There is no single answer, but we believe that mutual assistance. If competition is used as a way to motivate staff, then employees will try to be as energetic as possible in order to overtake the rest. But there is also a downside, a negative side of this approach - such an employee will not support his colleague, will not share knowledge and skills with him, may withhold the necessary information. In a team where competition is in the first place, you will not find goodwill and solidarity. It is difficult to distinguish healthy competition from unhealthy. Mutual assistance and support always lead the team to good production results.
  10. Address an employee by name. It is very important that the leader knows his subordinates by name. In a company with a large number of employees, remembering everyone, of course, is difficult. Difficult, but possible! If you have difficulty remembering the names of employees, write them down in your diary. After all, any employee is pleased to hear such a personal appeal.
  11. Enhance Interaction. It often happens that, due to being busy, the manager rarely sees his subordinates. . Make a schedule of joint events, meetings, so that the bosses have the opportunity to communicate with employees. You can organize the work of the office in such a way that subordinates collide with their immediate supervisors as often as possible. Remember, you can't motivate an employee you can't see.
  12. Personal praise. A person with an analytical mindset is waiting for individual praise, because. it is extremely important for him to know and understand what personal contribution he made to the common cause and how the company's management evaluates his performance. When the implementation of a certain project is entrusted to a specific department of the organization, but a large share of the work is done by an employee with an analytical mind, it is necessary to single him out, and in the future he will work even harder.
  13. Written reward. It is important for a person who loves formalities to know that his activity is the key to the success of the company. These employees like to have their rewards documented. For them, framed paper gratitude will be more important than public praise among colleagues.
  14. Create an idea bank. Do you know what your employees think? Many employees may have a lot of good ideas they need, but they think that the company's management does not care about them. In reality, bosses want their employees to share their thoughts. If an employee starts to offer something, do not interrupt him, listen, do not reject the idea immediately, do not deprive the person of faith in himself. You can have a special album, folder, file, etc., where you will enter the thoughts of subordinates. This method will force the administration to listen to their employees.
  15. Opportunity to work from home. 25% of managers provide their subordinates with the opportunity to work remotely or on a flexible schedule. Based on practice, the productivity of employees who carry out their activities outside the office increases by almost 15%. But not every person with a certain position is allowed to be given the opportunity to work at home.
  16. Travel and mobile payments. It is no secret that the expenses of employees for transport, food, mobile communications sometimes reach quite large amounts. When these costs are borne by the employer, a person is pleased with such attention and care from the company.
  17. Motivate with knowledge. In order to be a highly qualified specialist, you must try to become the best in your profession. When a person is passionate about learning, in the future he will definitely develop, grow, acquire more and more new skills and knowledge. An employer can use training as a way to motivate staff. Don't know how to do it? Employees who achieve the best results and have success in their work, send to conferences, trainings. Additional training can become the very advantage over other employees, thanks to which a person will be able to grow up the career ladder. Invite the employee to choose a training course on his own and give him the opportunity to complete it at the expense of the organization. Knowledge is a powerful motivating factor. The money spent on training is nothing compared to the acquired skills and employee motivation.
  18. Reward subordinates in smaller amounts, but more often. In many organizations, it is customary to praise and reward only on the basis of the results of half a year or a year. Such rare public incentives do not pass by the employees of the company, but, as a rule, they do not have the proper impact on the motivation of the staff. Less significant but frequent rewards have the greatest incentive. By writing out an incentive plan for the year ahead, you will be able to regularly highlight distinguished employees. Company staff will see a direct correlation between a job well done and praise from management. If the employer does not want to give up large rewards, then you can consider the option when they have a series of small rewards in front of them. Thus, you draw the attention of the team to a gradual increase in the quality of work performed, and not to bonuses.
  19. Presentation of memorable gifts. This motivation has become widespread in manufacturing companies. Employees are given valuable gifts, certificates, etc. For example, Andrey Medvedev, head of the Industrial Power Machines enterprise, is convinced that this is one of the most effective ways to motivate staff. The company prepares valuable gifts not only for its employee, but also for his family, which is sometimes an even stronger incentive for the employee.
  20. Reward individuals for the collective contribution of the group. It is extremely important to encourage employees individually, even if they have done joint collective work on a project. Recognize team success, and then single out specialists who have particularly distinguished themselves in the implementation of the task. Personal motivation of staff can be increased in this way. How to achieve this? Hold a meeting once a week at which leaders at various levels will report on the success of distinguished employees. Such reports will help to display objective results for a certain period of time.
  21. Take an unconventional approach. Innovative employees will be happy with this option, because. for them, the personality of a person is more important than his actions. For these workers, the best way to motivate them will be a non-traditional approach to rewarding their work. For example, purchase equipment for an employee that is not yet in the office - it will be much more expensive for him than a diploma or an additional bonus.
  22. Confidentiality. In every organization there are employees who do not like public praise in relation to themselves, but this does not mean at all that they do not need it. Such humble employees need individual encouragement, one on one.
  23. Use an open dialogue. For emotional workers, the best motivation is the openness of the leader. There are a lot of ideas in the head of such a person, which he is happy to share. Allow them to communicate with you without making an appointment with the secretary or waiting at the reception.
  24. Take a flexible approach. Employees with a gentle character can adapt to the team and the production process, but only if they do not conflict with their moral qualities. Such employees will be happy with the payment of a bonus, a certificate of honor, and verbal encouragement in the form of praise. .
  25. Support positive communication between subordinates. Good grades given for the activities of their colleagues are a very effective way to motivate staff. A leader who supports the team for giving positive characteristics to each other on completed tasks increases not only the level of stimulation, but also the productivity of his subordinates. What will it look like in practice? The first thing you can do is to instill in employees the habit of respecting the merits of colleagues. Prepare an incentive plan that provides for rewarding employees based on the results of a survey of the entire company team. The level of motivation will increase many times when employees learn to recognize and appreciate the work of colleagues.
  26. Motivational board. Many company executives are not aware of this method of stimulating staff. As a rule, this is a regular whiteboard, on which the sales figures of each department or employee are marked every day. According to the dynamics of the data, the best results of both a particular department and a particular manager will be visible. Practice shows that this method of motivating staff is very effective. Even a week of using a motivational board will give good results. In any department there are employees with poor performance, hiding behind active managers. With the introduction of the motivational board, work turns into a game, into a competition, where there is always the first and last participant. Such rivalry does not at all prevent employees from supporting each other, because the sales plan executed by each manager gives an excellent team-wide result.
  27. Examples of successful people It's a great way to motivate staff. You can give employees inspirational examples of famous people who have achieved tremendous success. So, John Rockefeller, who was born into a very poor family and became the head of his family early due to the recklessness of his father, could not even imagine that in his incomplete 40 years he would be the owner of 80 percent of the US oil business. He started out as an ordinary office clerk. Telling such examples, you will notice how the eyes of employees begin to burn, how they will rush into battle to move mountains.
  28. Find out if the subordinate is suitable for his job. No way to motivate staff will produce results if the employee does not like what he is doing. As a rule, leaders do not focus on people, but on the work they perform. Sometimes, by changing the parameters of the work of employees, it is already possible to achieve an increase in the level of motivation. The goals that are set for employees must correspond to their qualifications. You can break the task into a number of subtasks, and also devote more time and attention to explaining them. If your goal is to increase staff motivation and productivity, then you need to make adjustments to the instructions given to subordinate employees.
  29. Ask open-ended questions. Very often, in questionnaires, questions of interest to management can be answered unambiguously: “yes / no”, but such results are necessary only for numerical studies. A conversation that uses yes/no counting seems rude and soulless, and it is especially evident in the desire to control the interlocutor. Such questions emphasize that the interviewer is not interested in the answers they receive. However, managers often use such language in colloquial speech. Remember that when talking with subordinates, it is better to ask questions that a person can only answer in detail. In this case, he will feel your interest and respect. Ask questions that begin with the words: “How?”, “Why?”, “What do you mean?”, “Could you tell me….” etc. And be sure to listen carefully to the answer of the interlocutor.
  30. Look for people with intrinsic motivation. When hiring a manager, the competence of the applicant is of interest, and not his attitude to the duties performed. The disposition to work determines the incentive that has a significant impact on the employee's ability to work efficiently, as well as on his desire to learn and develop. It's time to start selecting applicants who have a high level of personal motivation. It is worth asking yourself the question: maybe, rather than stimulating a professional, it is better to train an employee who is already charged for success? Take on the staff those specialists who in previous places have shown their love of life, optimism, motivation to work, desire to grow and develop. How to find out? The results of the interview with the applicant and recommendations from the previous employer will help you.
  31. Motivation by control. Many leaders believe that control over everything and everyone is their pre-emptive right. In fact, control is a motivator. Give subordinates the right to make decisions on their own in cases where direct supervision by the company's management is not required. Allow employees to change the work environment, as long as it does not harm the image and security of the firm. So, for example, Amazon.com staff were allowed to work in headphones, listening to music to their taste. Most organizations allow employees to decorate their workplace. Give a person more independence and thus you can increase his motivation.
  32. entertainment motivation. If you look at the interiors of the offices of well-known large companies on the Internet, you will notice that they are equipped in such a way that employees come to work with pleasure and leave home with regret. The premises are finished in such a way that you can not only work as comfortably as possible, but also relax. Every detail is thought out: recreation areas, entertainment areas, play areas, etc. The administration has done everything possible to make the 8-hour working day of the employee as effective as possible. Having worked hard, you can always go to the recreation area, change the situation from office to more homely.
  33. Payment for a fitness club subscription. A very effective way to motivate staff in an organization is to compensate an employee for sports or any hobby. If employees lead a healthy lifestyle, go in for sports, they are more able to achieve their goals. Most often, the administration pays its employees to visit the fitness club. But not everyone likes sports. Perhaps someone wants to draw, someone plays a musical instrument, so the hobbies of employees should be approached individually.
  34. Make tasks clearer. If you give a specific order to your subordinate, then make sure that he understands it. According to research, well-defined goals affect the motivation of sales staff more than the amount of bonuses or their experience. Help each person to see the personal contribution that he makes to the common cause of the company, give people the confidence that their work is noticed and appreciated by you.
  35. Career prospects. According to employees, this method of motivating staff is especially effective. The prospect of development in the company always attracts and inspires employees. When an employee understands that he has excellent chances to grow professionally, gain new knowledge and skills, and achieve his goals, his motivation increases, which undoubtedly benefits the enterprise. Many organizations independently grow top managers from lower-level employees, which has a positive effect on the successful development of the company.