How to paint a water-based ceiling without streaks. How to paint a ceiling without streaks: the choice of paint, techniques, execution. Necessary materials and tools

More than half of our compatriots prefer the color of the ceiling. Indeed, it is very convenient. Almost any person is able to perform the work, and alone, with their own hands and quickly enough. But not everything is so simple, the important question arises, how to paint the ceiling without streaks.

In fact, this is not difficult, you just need to take into account small nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

Paint selection

Although the range of paints is quite wide, specifically for work on the ceiling, the choice is not great. In the vast majority of cases, water-based paint is used. But before painting the ceiling water-based paint without streaks, you need to choose it correctly.

There are several types:

  • mineral,
  • silicate,
  • silicone,
  • acrylic.

  • From this list, you can immediately remove the silicate composition. It is made on the basis of liquid glass, as a result, a vapor-tight film is formed on the surface and the surface does not breathe. Hence the mold, fungus and other surprises.
  • Mineral-based formulations have good performance and are quite suitable for the job, but their main drawback is the price. Taking into account the fact that the ceiling, as a rule, is updated once every 3 years, not every owner is ready to spend money regularly.
  • Silicone compounds wash well and last a long time, but they also have low vapor permeability.
  • If we talk about acrylic compositions, then they are suitable for most parameters. They fit well, the surface breathes, the color range is wide. The only drawback is the fragility, the ceiling can only be repainted, it will be problematic to wash it.
  • Most the best option will use acrylic-silicone water-based paint. This composition has been tested on many surfaces and has proven itself from the very better side, along with excellent vapor permeability, it is durable, fits well on any surface and is washable.
  • On the this moment presented on the market as ready mixes, and compositions requiring dilution with water and tinting. Instructions on how to dilute water-based paint for the ceiling are available on the package, but in most cases the laying is done 1: 1.

Tip: when buying paint, ask the seller if this manufacturer produces a primer for this composition.
It is better to take soil and water emulsion from the same manufacturer.
If there is no soil, you can prepare it yourself by diluting it with water in the proportion of 1 part of the composition to 5 parts of water.

A few words about the tool

  • The quality of staining largely depends on the selection of the tool, this part of the preparation should be given Special attention. Some craftsmen prefer to use a spray gun. We must say right away that it is convenient and fast for them to work, but it often makes no sense to buy an airbrush for a one-time application.
  • In small areas, it is much more economical to use a traditional roller and brush. What, then they can be foam rubber and fur. Foam rubber is not suitable for working on the ceiling, the fact is that when rolling, after foam rubber, small air bubbles remain on the surface, which look, to put it mildly, not beautiful.
  • Fur rollers come with long, short and medium pile. For high-quality application, rollers with long and medium pile are useful to us. The fur, when rolled, creates a barely noticeable relief on the surface, due to which small irregularities and defects are hidden.
  • Also, for work you will need the usual paint brush. Too large will be inconvenient to work with, a small brush for a long time, a medium-sized tool is selected.

Tip: when choosing a brush on the market, pay attention to quality.
It is quite simple to check it, taking the tool in your hands, try to pull out all the bristles with your hand, if there are a few lint left in your hand, the product is defective and the same lint will remain on the painted surface.

  • Tray for paint, in the language of professionals, it is called a "cuvette". This is a plastic bath with a recess for the composition in one part and an inclined, corrugated surface on the other. The roller is dipped in the composition and rolled over a corrugated surface in order to remove excess paint.
  • In addition to the main tool, you will also need an auxiliary one. First of all, a construction mixer or a mixing attachment for an electric drill, for mixing the composition. It will not be superfluous to purchase masking tape and polyethylene in order to keep walls, furniture and other surfaces clean.

Tip: for convenience, you can buy a roller with long handle, you can use a stepladder, but it will need to be rearranged often.
Easy to work with old kitchen table or a small construction goat.

The subtleties of technology

Foundation preparation

  • Before you paint the ceiling without streaks, it should be carefully prepared. In the recent past, whitewashing was the most popular solution, the specifics of its application is such that it was not necessary to rinse old layer, you can apply a new one on top and the surface is ready. As a result, a multilayer cake is formed.
  • Do not believe if someone tells you that you can paint over whitewash, but only if it is thin. Whitewash must be removed. Can be washed away grandfather's method but it's messy and long. It is easier to wet the surface well with a roller and scrape off. You can buy a special composition for removing whitewash.

Tip: there will be much less debris, and the whitewash will be well removed in layers if a layer of paste is applied to a wet surface and allowed to dry.
Then scrape off the layer with a spatula.

  • A clean surface should be well inspected for chips and shells. If stains of paint are found under the whitewash, they must be removed, otherwise, they will later fall off along with the painted layer.
  • When the surface is ready, it is covered with soil. The fact is that the vast majority of ceilings in houses and apartments are smooth concrete surface and in order for the paint to lay down better, the ceiling should be primed.
  • As mentioned earlier, you can use special formulations or dilute the same water-based paint in a ratio of 1:5 with water. The primer is applied in 2 layers with an interval for drying. After drying, wipe with a rag.

The video in this article shows the intricacies of whitewash removal.

Application technology

  • Paint can be bought at ready-made but it's cheaper to make your own. To do this, the emulsion is combined with water 1: 1 and color is added. It is better to cook immediately completely on the entire surface, with a small margin. The fact is that tinting also, the second time will not work, so the composition should be enough for the whole room.
  • They start painting from problem areas, with a brush, corners, borders, and so on. Forget sweeping strokes, the paint is applied in a push-and-pull manner, so brush and roller application are the same.
  • After that, a roller with a long pile is taken and dipped into a cuvette, it is not worth dipping strongly, it is enough to lightly immerse and roll out well, for even distribution of the composition. Roller movements are made parallel, with a 5-7 cm approach to the previous strip. You don’t need to roll a lot in one place, an influx may form.
  • Coloring is done in at least 2 layers, but experience shows that in order to achieve a decent result, it is better to apply 3-4 layers. Each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one, after complete drying. The final layer is applied with a medium pile roller, parallel sunbeams, from the window. And do not forget to periodically step aside and look at your work from the side, so you can better see the flaws.

Tip: water-based paint will lie down better if you arrange a semblance of a water bath in the room, placing containers with hot water.

Water-based paint - a tool suitable for painting ceilings is just perfect. It is not too expensive, but it looks very neat. However, of course, the surface will look spectacular only if it is strictly observed. required technologies processing. Further in the article, we will consider how to paint the ceiling without streaks.

Causes of spots

After drying such paint on the ceiling, various kinds of defects often appear. First of all, these are spots that are clearly visible at different angles or when using different light sources. Unfortunately, such a defect is considered intractable. The fact is that when painting over spots, the uneven coverage usually only intensifies, which aggravates the situation. And therefore, when such defects appear, the work on finishing the ceiling most often has to be done again. In order to avoid such a problem, you should first of all carry out proper training to coloring.

How to choose a roller

So, let's see, water-based paint without streaks. And first, let's figure out how to choose the right tool to perform this operation. You can carefully paint the ceiling only using a roller. The brush will definitely leave streaks and small streaks. For water-based paint, a long pile roller is most suitable. With this tool, you can apply the composition as evenly as possible. Foam and velor rollers in this case absolutely not suitable, because after them ugly “pores” may remain on the surface.

How to mix the paint

Dilute products such as water-based paints for internal works follow only the instructions on the label. In most cases, no more than 10% of water is allowed to be added to this type of paint. Otherwise, the composition will turn out to be very liquid, and it will not be possible to paint over the ceilings. Water can be poured directly into the paint can. Add it little by little, constantly mixing the composition. To perform the last operation, it is best to use an electric drill with a special nozzle.

How to tint paint

Traditionally, ceilings are treated with a white water-based emulsion. However, coatings with a slight shade also look very impressive: pink, blue, green. Those who wish to decorate the ceiling in this way should definitely familiarize themselves with the rules for tinting the water-based emulsion. They are as follows:

    Choose a shade of paint should be in such lighting, which will be used in the room most often. In this case, it is worth using a special tinting card.

    The selected color should be added immediately to the entire volume of paint necessary for decorating the ceilings in the apartment. Otherwise, the surface will definitely turn out to be spotty.

    Stir the color in the paint only with a drill and for quite a long time - at least 10 minutes.

How to pick up paint on a roller

How to properly apply a water emulsion to the ceiling, consider a little lower. Now let's figure out what is the technology for recruiting the composition on the roller itself. Of course, in order for the ceiling to turn out neat, this procedure should be performed correctly. The roller must be completely covered with paint. However, dipping it in a bucket entirely, of course, is not worth it. It is very easy to apply paint on this tool correctly. The roller should be lightly dipped in paint and rolled out on some hard surface. It can be, for example, a piece of plywood, linoleum or plastic. If necessary, the rolling procedure can be repeated twice.

Sometimes experienced painters act differently. In this case, some paint is simply poured into the tray. Further, the roller periodically in the process of processing the ceiling is rolled over a surface specially created for this purpose.

How without divorces and correctly

Of course, there is a certain technology for applying the composition to the surface. The roller itself should be taken quite wide. This will allow you to work not only qualitatively, but also quickly. You can trim the ceiling from a ladder or from a high table.

Actually, the answer to the question of how to paint the ceiling with a roller is simple. The basic rules for this procedure are as follows:

    First of all, the perimeter of the room is painted over with a strip about 10 cm wide. To perform this procedure, it is best to use an appropriate brush.

    Rub the paint over the surface with a roller as thoroughly as possible. When painting, you need to ensure that no drops remain on the ceiling.

    In the process of processing, you should from time to time get off the ladder and inspect the surface from different angles. In this way, you can achieve the most uniform coloring.

Water-based paints for interior work are usually applied in at least two layers. At the same time, before painting the surface for the second time, they wait for the ceiling to dry completely. The water emulsion dries pretty quickly. Layers should be applied in such a way that the first is perpendicular to the second. In this case, you will get a more uniform design. Coloring should be done so that the second layer is carried out in the direction of the rays of light from the window.

What else you need to know

Water-based paint is a great answer to the question of how to paint the ceiling in a room. However, in order to get the most accurate surface, among other things, it is worth observing the following rules:

    You only need to buy new paint. The old one may have a heterogeneous consistency.

    Check the roller before you start painting. The villi of this tool should in no case lag behind.

    Seams and unevenness on the ceiling before painting should be eliminated, and its surface itself should be primed.

paint price

Of course, many apartment owners are also concerned about how much it costs to paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion. The price of this tool is really very low. So, for example, a bank of 3 liters costs about 150-170 rubles. This amount is enough to process ceilings with an area of ​​​​about 30 m 2 in one layer. On a standard two-room Khrushchev, therefore, you will need no more than 2 three-liter cans or 300-400 rubles.

So, we have figured out how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks. As you can see, this procedure is relatively simple. The main thing is to make it right preparatory work, choose good tool and not violate the technology of applying the composition to the surface.

In order to achieve the perfect result when painting the ceiling, you need to know how to paint the ceiling without streaks. Coloring is considered the simplest and effective way ceiling repair, but this process is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and hides its secrets and performance features. If you perform all the stages of work correctly, then as a result you can get perfect ceiling.


Preparatory work

If you are thinking about how to paint the ceiling without streaks, be sure to take care of the quality preparation of its surface for painting. Before performing the process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint, its surface must be prepared accordingly.

Regardless of the quality of the material with which the ceiling was covered before the painting process began, it must be dismantled and completely removed. All defects or irregularities must be primed, sanded and applied with a layer of fresh putty. If we are talking about painting a flat and prepared surface, it can simply be primed. And, of course, before you start painting, you need to free the room from furniture and things.

It is best to start the preparation by removing old coatings or peeling plaster. And if the ceiling is affected by mold or fungus, then all darkened areas must be cleaned to the very foundation.

You can perform these operations yourself using a special spatula. You can pre-wet some parts of the ceiling in different places. This is done so that there is less dust, and the plaster itself peels off as easily and quickly as possible.

All places that have been affected by mold or fungus must be treated with antiseptic compounds. If the room in which the ceiling will be painted is damp, then it is best to treat the entire surface with antifungal compounds.

In order to get rid of fungus and mold, you can use various traditional means and even just liquids, which include chlorine. But unlike a real primer, such products will help remove the fungus, but will not be able to provide long-term protection to it.

After processing antiseptics, the ceiling must be allowed to dry well and coated with a penetrating primer, which will strengthen the base and be able to provide better adhesion of paint and surface. Further, all irregularities must be carefully puttied with a starting putty. After drying, the surface is polished with sanding paper.

At the next stage, the final puttying of the entire surface of the ceiling is performed, which is best applied in two thin layers, with each successive drying, using a wide steel spatula.

Next, a clean sanding is needed with fine sandpaper. After that, the surface of the ceiling in without fail primed again. There is no doubt about the need and financial feasibility of performing this procedure so many times. The primer will improve the quality of the surface, and its cost is always less than the cost of high-quality acrylic or water-based paint.


If the ceiling is ready for painting, you can start preparing everything necessary tool. To complete the final stage of work and carry out ideal staining, you need:

  • dye;
  • spray gun, roller or brush;
  • paint tray;
  • a stepladder or a special paint roller extension.

Today you can often find the ceilings of the various colors, which are colored in different colors in accordance with the features of the design and interior of the premises. It is very modern, and a colored ceiling can even bring a touch of freshness and originality to the interior.

If ready-made paint with the appropriate pigment is available, then you don’t have to worry. But if in white paint color is added, it is best to prepare the amount of the mixture with a margin. This can be explained by the fact that both manually, without using modern technologies tinting, achieve desired color several times in a row is almost impossible. Each time you mix, you will get different shade. And if it seems to you that the composition is the same in color in the bucket and on the ceiling, after drying it may turn out that strokes of completely different colors are on the ceiling.

It is most convenient to paint the ceiling with special tool spray gun. But to buy it for the sake of one coloring is not worth it. Unless you have plans to do other jobs with it in the future.

In the process of painting the ceiling with an airbrush, the material diverges the least, and the painting process itself does not require much physical effort.

Painting the ceiling with a brush is not so convenient. In addition, such a process will require much more time. And therefore, if you choose between a roller and a brush, then it is best to give preference to the first.

Using a roller, the coating is applied to the ceiling more evenly. And in the process of work, it does not need to be dipped into the paint as often as a brush. But in the process of working with a roller, it is impossible to do without the use of a brush. With its help, you can qualitatively process the joints of the ceiling and walls, as well as all hard-to-reach corners.

Application technology

Ceiling paint can be purchased ready-made. But more affordable option will be her self-cooking. To do this, simply combine the emulsion with water, in a ratio of 1: 1, and add a pre-selected color. It is best to immediately prepare as much paint as is enough to cover the entire surface. The reason for this precaution is that it is unlikely that it will be possible to tint the paint the same way the second time, and therefore, it is better if the prepared amount is enough for the entire room.

Before starting work, it is best to draw a wide line along the edges of the ceiling and try to paint over all the joints if possible. In this way, uniform distribution of the material over the entire surface can be ensured.

It is best to start the staining process from the farthest corner of the room. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to problem areas and paint corners, borders, etc. with a brush. After that, the roller is dipped in paint and rolls out well along the tray.

The movements of the roller should be parallel, it is best to overlap the paint by 5-10 cm.

In the process of performing work, accumulations of paint should not appear at the joints, and in order to achieve such a result, the composition must be correctly distributed over the surface with a roller. It is necessary to paint at a fairly fast pace, otherwise streaks from quickly drying paint may appear on the surface.

As a rule, staining is done in 2-3 layers, but practice shows that in order to achieve a decent result, the paint should be applied in 3-5 layers. After complete drying, each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one. To apply the last coat, it is best to use a medium pile roller, parallel to the sun's rays from the window.

It is worth noting that water-based paint will hold on better if, in the process of drying it, you put a kind of water bath in the room, using containers with water for this. If after drying on the surface remained minimal flaws, they can be polished with zero sandpaper and apply an extra layer on top.

It is quite easy to paint the ceiling without streaks on your own. You just need to prepare the required amount of paint and try to follow all the instructions correctly and carefully. And then, the updated ceiling will delight its owners with a beautiful, well-groomed and fresh appearance.

Nowadays, even a beginner can put any surface in order with a brush and roller. Water-based ceiling paint is a suitable medium for this because it dries quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The composition does not have bad smell.
  • After painting the surface, a peculiar aroma remains, but after airing the room, it disappears.
  • The acrylic component is non-toxic and harmless to children and animals.
  • It's a pleasure to work with her.

The advantage of this coloring material is the fact that you can make any color shade, thanks to a special color scheme. It is enough to add the desired pigment into a container with a water-based emulsion and mix thoroughly with a drill or construction mixer.

To apply the composition to upper plane you don't have to be a professional. To make staining without streaks is feasible even for a beginner. This composition, upon completion of work, is easy to wash off the body and tool. warm water with soap. It is safe for skin contact.


  • If the temperature in the room is lowered, approaches zero, then the painted plane may crack.
  • AT non-residential rooms it is better to use acrylic compounds, as they are moisture resistant and frost-resistant, even in winter.

Basics of water-based mixtures

Water based paints have different bases:

  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

AT water base add acrylic resins thus obtaining an acrylic composition. After application and drying of the composition, a moisture-proof film is formed.

She is stable:

  • to ultraviolet radiation;
  • to abrasion;
  • to moisture.

The latex mixture is created as follows, resin and polymers are added to the aqueous emulsion.

The advantage of the painted plane is that

  • the paint retains its original appearance for a long time appearance;
  • it has good vapor conductivity.

The silicate mixture is obtained as follows, liquid glass is added to the composition of the aqueous solution.

It has good vapor conductivity, but does not protect the ceiling from moisture like an acrylic or latex base. This composition is used in rooms with high humidity.

The silicone mixture is obtained by adding silicone resins to the water base. This component has positive properties, the same as for acrylic and silicate paint.

This composition is used in rooms where it is necessary to protect the surface from fungus and various microorganisms, in most cases it is used in hospital rooms.

Paint companies

In the construction market, water emulsion is sold by a variety of Russian and foreign manufacturers, such as:

  • Finnish "Tikkurila";
  • Swedish "Beckers";
  • English "Supermarket";
  • German "Caparol";
  • domestic manufacturer "Snezhinka"

Each paint company is good in its own way, the choice is yours.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint

To prepare and paint the ceiling, the following are required: painting tool:

  • water tank;
  • wide, strong spatula for surface cleaning;
  • spatula for puttying the ceiling surface, wide - up to 600 mm and small from 70 mm to 120 mm.
  • roller with long (300 mm) and short pile;
  • flywheel 100 mm;
  • regular brush 80 mm;
  • bath for rolling out the roller.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint?

By old paint fresh can only be applied if it adheres firmly to the surface. If it swells and leaves in layers, it should be cleaned, and the previously applied lime should also be removed from the whitewashed plane, because the emulsion will not hold on to it.

Ceiling preparation for primer

We pick up a spatula, preferably wide, holding it in our hands, create sharp corner and start removing lime from the ceiling.

  • It is important to carefully clean the corner joints.

After cleaning, we moisten the rags in sour or alkaline solution and carefully wipe the surface.

  • Next, wash clean waterthis operation produced in the event that there are grease stains on the ceiling.
  • If there is rust or mold on the surface, it is removed with blue vitriol or 3% hydrochloric acid.

If a greasy spots not found on the ceiling, then after cleaning from lime, it should be washed with water using a fly brush. This way you will remove the dust.

  • Next, we study the ceiling for cracks, if any, they are opened with a spatula angle.
  • The deepening is carefully primed, withstand the time until it dries completely.
  • Dilute the starting putty and apply it with a spatula flush with the surface, leave it to dry completely.
  • Then clean up the excess putty with sandpaper.

The plane is primed, waiting until it dries completely in order to apply a layer of putty for interior work on the surface.

After 24 hours, another layer of putty is applied. Then sandpaper protect the surface of the ceiling, remove all bumps and bumps, thus creating a roughness for painting.

The finished cleaned surface is treated with a deep penetration primer for interior work.

After the above and completed work, the upper surface is ready for applying the coloring material.

How to paint

What roller to paint?

Before applying the emulsion, you should choose a roller with a long pile - this tool is designed to apply the first layer.

We study the instructions on the container with paint, if it says that it is necessary to dilute with water by 5 or 10% of total mass, then this operation should be performed.

Paint and water are mixed with a drill with a special mixer nozzle until a homogeneous mass. This procedure should be performed correctly, then it is possible to avoid stains on the ceiling.

Now stick masking tape on the wall to keep it clean.

With a brush, with slow strokes at an angle, apply coloring composition next to the tape.

How to competently and correctly paint with a roller?

The next step is to pour the prepared mixture into a special tray for rolling out the roller. The roller is dipped into the container by 50%, then slowly, it is rolled out on the rough surface of the bath so that it is completely covered with paint.

The composition of the emulsion is applied perpendicular to the windows, pressing on it so that the paint does not flow from it. The painted surface, after applying the first layer, is allowed to dry completely. It dries in approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the humidity of the air.

The next layer of water emulsion is applied with a medium pile roller, parallel to the windows. So, you will cover the surface in 2 times and avoid streaks on the ceiling. After staining, the instrument should be washed in warm water.

The main essence of the article

This article discusses staining methods water-based composition ceiling surface. For correct application paint on the plane, you should follow these steps:

  1. purchase quality tool and material, it's a pledge the best painting;
  2. stir the paint regularly until a homogeneous consistency;
  3. dip the roller into the bath by 50 percent and roll it evenly;
  4. apply paint to the surface of the ceiling, slowly, carefully.

Painting the ceiling is the most common way to repair it. But far from the easiest: to achieve a good result, you will have to spend a lot of time and take into account a few subtleties. The topic of our article is how to paint the ceiling without streaks and other defects.

Our goal is the perfect ceiling. Material - water-based paint. Let's find out how to apply it correctly.

Surface preparation

Before opening a can of paint, it is worth preparing the room and the ceiling itself(cm. ).

Preparing the room will come down to taking out what can be taken out and covering everything else. Ideal material to protect against drops of paint - polyethylene film. But with the preparation of the surface of the ceiling, the hassle will be much more:

  • Let's start by removing the peeling plaster. In addition, if the ceiling is affected by a fungus, all darkened areas of the plaster must be cleaned to concrete base. For this operation, we will arm ourselves with a steel spatula.

Tip: First, use a sprayer or roller to wet the ceiling in the right places. There will be much less dust, and the plaster will come off easier.

  • All areas affected by the fungus are treated with an antiseptic primer.. If the room is damp, it is better to play it safe and process the entire ceiling with it, since the cost of money and time is small.

By the way, any liquid containing chlorine can be used to destroy the fungus. For example, domestic detergent White. However, unlike a special primer, it will not provide long-term protection against mold (see).

  • After the ceiling has dried, it's time for a penetrating primer. It will strengthen the surface and improve the adhesion of putty to it (see).
  • All irregularities are carefully puttied with a starting putty. After drying, it is polished with a coarse sanding mesh. You can do it manually; however, a grinder will greatly speed up the procedure.

  • The next stage is the final puttying of the entire surface. It is better to apply it in two as thin layers as possible with the complete drying of each; tool - a wide steel spatula. Then - fine grinding with a fine mesh or sandpaper.
  • After this stage, the surface is re-primed (see). In addition to, again, maximum surface strength and better paint adhesion, a primer will reduce its consumption. Do not doubt the economic background of this operation: the primer is much cheaper than high-quality paint.

The surface is in perfect condition and completely ready for painting. However, stripes during painting appear not only because of the unevenness of its surface.


Tools and materials

  • roller. We need a long pile. The short one will not pick up enough paint; foam roller will give bubbles.
  • Paint tray. It will evenly saturate the roller with paint. In addition, painting without streaks requires the obligatory rolling of the roller. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to do this on the ceiling.

  • Dye. The best choice— water-based paint on acrylic-silicone basis. It is not afraid of moisture and allows you to wash the ceiling almost an unlimited number of times.

Please note: most manufacturers recommend diluting the paint with water by 10 percent of the volume before use. Don't forget to read the instructions.

Basic moments

So, the moment of truth. The ceiling is prepared, all dirty items are removed from the room, the paint is opened, diluted and poured into the paint tray. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks?

  • The ceiling is painted in at least two layers. In addition, each layer should be as thin as possible. Of course, this implies a well-defined paint consistency.
  • Layers are applied perpendicular to each other. At the same time, it is desirable that last layer lay down away from the window. Even if there are minor irregularities, they will be parallel to the sun's rays and will be less noticeable.

  • The whole room is painted in one go. No breaks for lunch or smoke breaks. If the paint on the painted part of the ceiling has time to dry, then where it lies fresh paint, the influx will be noticeable.
  • The easiest way to control the uniformity of the color is to take a couple of steps away from where you are painting. At a right angle, the quality of the paint application is difficult to assess, at an oblique angle it is much easier.
  • If you notice an unpainted area when applying the first layer when the paint of the layer has already begun to dry out, do not try to tint the ceiling. You will only make it worse. The reason has already been mentioned: there will be extra layers of paint on top of the drying one.

The correct solution is to wait for the first layer to dry completely and then apply the second one. If necessary, you can add a third layer of painting, since paint consumption will be minimal.

  • What should I do if stripes appear on the ceiling due to some mistake? Touching up areas with a thin layer of paint is useless, isn't it? Alas, only grinding the surface with its re-coloring will help.

Wait for the last layer of paint to dry completely, arm yourself with a grinder - and into battle. By re-applying paint, you will have a very strong incentive not to repeat the mistakes you made.


Do not forget that since painting the ceiling without streaks is far from the only way and, as you can see, not the easiest, we can conclude that sometimes creating suspended structure requires much less time and effort.

First of all, this applies to situations where the overlap has large height differences or is far from the horizontal. Good luck with the repair!