What paint to paint decorative plaster in the apartment. Painting decorative plaster - some of the most interesting technologies. Latex coloring materials

It occupies one of the leading positions among finishing materials. At the same time, more and more people want to save on repairs, and the most The best way save money - do it yourself. We will tell you how to paint decorative plaster without the involvement of specialists. After reading this article, you will be able to do everything qualitatively and creatively so that the result of your actions is aesthetically pleasing.

Main advantages

Popularity of use in decoration decorative plaster grows due to such advantages as:

  • a wide range of colors that allows you to realize any design fantasy;
  • plasticity and ease of application - when working with this material, discomfort is not created, and due to plasticity, it will be easy for you to apply;
  • environmental friendliness - in our time it is extremely important. We pay attention to what surrounds us, especially when it comes to the children's room;
  • Durability - long service life will save your costs in the future.

Types of paints

Paint must be chosen depending on where it will be applied (inside or outside the house). Both facade and interior paints can be produced on the basis of organic solvents, including:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

There are compositions for water based. After choosing the paint, calculate how many cans you need to buy. To do this, you need to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface that you are going to paint.

On cans of paint, the approximate consumption is always indicated. It is best to take the maximum value, multiply it by 2 (as a rule, it is necessary to paint in two layers) and add another 15–20 percent to the resulting volume. Decorative plaster has a relief, and the higher it is, the greater the consumption.

The decorative one itself is white and colored. A tinting element has already been added to the colored plaster, and the white one needs to be painted in the future. You can also add color to the mixture that you will apply to the walls. Be prepared for the fact that the color of the dried plaster will be different due to the fact that after drying finishing material becomes a little lighter.

Painting methods

If you have chosen to finish with decorative plaster for painting for your interior, you should know how to do it right.

First of all, you need to wait for the plaster to dry completely. Depending on the humidity of the air, the composition of the mixture and the temperature in the room, the wait can be delayed for three days. It is recommended to treat the finishing material with a colorless primer in order to prevent peeling and shedding. After the primer dries, you can safely proceed to painting.

To perfectly evenly paint the surface, you must first use a brush, and then a roller. The simplest way is painting "in one pass". You will need a long-haired roller (you can also use a regular brush) to paint the surface (including all depressions and ledges). The result will be a base shade.

If a darker paint is subsequently applied to the protruding sections of the relief, the wall will visually acquire additional volume. This application technique is called the “dry brush method”. You can add a twist (of course, if it fits into the interior design) and use metallics (gold, silver, bronze) instead of dark paint. They are applied with a dry brush or a special mitt.

In order to reduce the color contrast on a surface that has a fine texture, you need to rub the paint with a rubber sponge. If you don't have one, you can use a mitt.

Using this technique, you can enhance the effect of deep relief - the coating will take on the look of antiquity (again, this should be done only if this will fit into general concept your interior). In this case, the use of metallics will be more relevant than ever.

You are probably familiar with the "bark beetle" effect. To achieve it, you need to use a short pile roller. This will leave grooves in which the paint did not get, which will create a pattern. You can experiment carefully and enhance or weaken this effect by adding to the composition coloring pigment and repainting the walls.

If you like the blur effect, and want to embody it on your walls, you should focus on a lot of time and physical costs. The "wash" method consists in the fact that dark paint is applied to the main background of the surface. You need to wait for this layer to dry (important: do not dry completely). Then it is washed with a damp cloth from all convex places. The depressions will be significantly darker, creating a three-dimensional pattern.

For this method, high-quality paint is used, which is resistant to wall washing (for the base). At the same time, a cheaper, non-moisture-resistant aggregate can be used, as it is easier to wash off.

The final stage of painting decorative plaster can be the application of a protective layer of varnish. It is applied as a fixative on the surface of the walls after complete drying. For such purposes, a water-based varnish is suitable.

In order for the varnish to penetrate into all the cavities, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. in two - three approaches (take a break so that the varnish can dry) with a wrung out brush, avoiding streaks. The surface will effectively shine due to the varnish layer, and, importantly, it will be easier to care for such walls.

We hope you are convinced of the attractiveness of the finish. Now you know how to paint it, and you understand that there is nothing complicated about it. Decide on the effect you want to get, prepare the tools necessary for the job, buy paint and get down to business. Let your walls become individual by absorbing your imagination and diligence.

Painting decorative plaster is done quite often. FROM practical point vision, this will protect the plane from external environment. And from an aesthetic point of view, an excellent solution to the appearance.

Today we will tell you how to paint decorative plaster correctly and foresee everything at the same time. You can also look at many necessary points on the video in this article and instructions for this work will be offered below.

The main advantages of painting

Decorative plasters (see Decorating walls with decorative plaster: creating a beautiful interior) and paints have a number of advantages as a finish.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • rich color palette , which allows you to implement any design solutions;
  • Ease and flexibility of application- while working with this material there is no discomfort, and due to the plasticity with the application there will be no problems;
  • Environmental friendliness- This factor is extremely important at the present time. Everyone pays attention to what surrounds them, especially if we are talking about a children's room;
  • Durability– long service life helps to save future costs.

Paint types

Paints and decorative plasters have several types. The dye acts as a protective layer. And before deciding how to paint decorative plaster, you need to choose a dye, because they are quite different in composition and have different characteristics.


Paint for decorative plaster of this type based on acrylic is quite popular and good stuff. It is used for painting rooms with high humidity and living rooms.

Such compositions have in their arsenal the following characteristics:

  • They respond well to evaporation, it is for this reason that during their service life they are wiped with wet wipes without fear, while the aesthetic appearance will not deteriorate;
  • Manufacturers for tinting produce a huge range of various colors and shades, thanks to this quality, the coloring composition can be selected for any interior;
  • After the composition is applied to the plaster, the walls will acquire a matte surface;
  • Acrylic based material is affordable. It can be called the golden mean between price, production, modern technologies and quality.

There are some nuances that simply cannot be ignored.

Attention: Experts do not recommend buying this type of paint for those rooms in which there is a risk of liquid getting on the ceiling and walls. This includes bathrooms, as well as rooms where a car wash will be carried out. If contact with water cannot be avoided, then latex-based formulations are best suited.

latex paints

The point of working with dyes of this type is to dry the material, which becomes thin, but at the same time strong enough.

  • Thanks to these characteristics, you can safely carry out wet cleaning, because the compositions made on its basis are not afraid of liquid ingress.
  • The coating is absorbed into the base and lasts long enough. Moreover, it can be applied with your own hands. From this, the price of finishing will be significantly lower.
  • The composition of such paint can create both a matte and glossy surface, which is perfect for painting walls that have been plastered.
  • If decorative plaster is applied to the surface, then the latex composition (see Latex paint: how to work with it) fits perfectly. This is all due to the fact that no other material will highlight the texture and volume of this type of putty pattern.
  • This material will be an excellent solution for coatings in unheated premises. It is also effective for outdoor applications.

But this material also has its drawbacks:

  • If you want to remove the paint, then this will be quite difficult to do.

Attention: If this material is frozen, then the purchase is not necessary. She loses her properties. So refrain from buying winter time on open trays.

Water-based paint based on PVA

Such a composition is a fairly convenient option if you want to stick to the “cheap and cheerful” style, besides appearance will be attractive enough. Despite the fact that the water emulsion is not rich in colors, it is simply created for rooms that do not require color saturation and special design.

Do not forget that water-based material is not used in rooms with high humidity, as well as where there is an option to wipe it with wet wipes.

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Painting decorative plaster: video instruction on how to paint with your own hands in two colors, photo

Not all types of decorative plaster are tinted before application. Therefore, often there is a need to paint the plastered surface. If you approach this problem creatively, you can achieve various interesting effects, and make the plaster surface even more attractive.

Painted decorative plaster

Below we will consider the basic rules for painting decorative plaster, and also get acquainted with some design techniques for interior decoration that allow even the most ordinary decorative plaster to be spectacular and aesthetic.

Surface preparation

Before you start painting, you need to prepare the surface. If the plastered walls have been unpainted for some time, wipe them with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Some types of coatings (usually based on cement) are prone to shedding. In this case, the surface must be treated with a deep penetrating transparent primer that strengthens the finish.

In the photo - deep penetration primer

The priming process is as follows:

  1. the container with the primer must be thoroughly shaken or its contents mixed;
  2. then the soil must be poured into the roller tray;
  3. then the paint roller must be moistened in the priming liquid, slightly squeezed out and treated with it on the plastered surface;
  4. if any hard-to-reach places to which it is difficult to get close with a roller, you should use a paint brush;
  5. after the soil has dried, the procedure must be repeated.


Below we consider three options for painting decorative plaster:

Below we will take a closer look at all these color options.

Paint roller with tray


You need to start by preparing the following tools:

  • paint roller with a long nap;
  • roller tray;
  • hard paint brush;
  • wet rag;
  • sandpaper with fine grain.

Concerning paintwork material, then polymeric water-dispersion compositions are used for these purposes. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the scope of their application.

For outdoor work, facade paint should be used. Decorative plaster or wallpaper for painting should always be painted exclusively with interior paint, i. intended for internal works.

One-color painting of plaster

Monochromatic painting

First of all, let's look at how to do one-color painting with your own hands. this work carried out in the following sequence:

  1. You need to start work with the preparation of paintwork material. To do this, the composition should be thoroughly mixed. If the coating is white, then to give it certain color it is necessary to perform tinting, i.e. add right amount color.

To determine the proportions of the latter, you should first tint a small amount of paint, and then add color to the main part of the paintwork material. In order for the color to be uniform, the composition after tinting must be thoroughly mixed;

Paint tinting

  1. Then the liquid must be poured into the roller tray. It should be noted that the tray is in this case a practically necessary tool, as it allows you to dispense a set of paint with a roller and squeeze the tool on a special platform.
  2. After that, you need to dip the roller into the tray and treat the plastered surface with it. The composition should lie down in an even layer, without streaks. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that all the recesses of the texture are painted. As necessary, the roller should be dipped into the tray and squeezed.
  1. A few hours later, the procedure is repeated again.


Popular techniques for decorative wall painting

It is possible to paint decorative plaster only after it has completely dried. This may take from 8 to 48 hours, depending on the type of coating.

This completes the work.

Dry brush painting

Dry brush effect

So, with monochromatic coloring, we figured it out. Now let's look at how to paint decorative plaster in two colors with a "dry brush" effect.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. first of all, the plaster must be painted in the main color according to the scheme described above;
  2. after that, you need to wait until the coating dries;
  3. then you should prepare the paint by adding a little less color to it so that it is a tone or two lighter than the background;
  4. then a second coat of paint is applied with a brush or a short-haired roller. The painting tool should pick up a minimum amount of paint, which will allow you to paint only the protrusions of the texture.

Advice! You can tint protrusions not only with a lighter paint than the background, but also with all kinds of metallics, for example, bronze paint, silver, etc.

Blurring the painted surface

Blur method

To implement this method, it is desirable to use different paint coatings:

  • for the background it is better to use expensive waterproof paint;
  • for the second layer it is more expedient to use a composition intended for dry rooms. As a rule, the price of such coatings is much lower.

Instructions for painting in this way looks like this:

  1. first of all, you should apply a base layer of a moisture-resistant paintwork, which should be lighter than the tint;
  2. after the surface has dried, a tinting layer of paintwork material is applied, which should completely cover the surface, including the recesses;
  3. after the second layer has dried, the protrusions must be rubbed with a hard, damp sponge. If the second layer is also moisture resistant, you can use a sanding pad soaked in water. sandpaper. The only thing is that the work must be done carefully so as not to erase the first layer.

As a result, the dark layer should remain only in the depressions.

Blur example

It should be noted that this method is more labor intensive and time consuming. However, very interesting results can be achieved in this way.

Here, perhaps, all original and at the same time enough simple ways painting of the plastered surface.


Decorative plaster, although it looks attractive in itself, painting can significantly improve it. decorative qualities. The two-layer volumetric painting looks especially beautiful. As we found out, it is not difficult to achieve such an effect on your own.

For more information, see the video in this article. If after reading the material you have any questions, leave them in the comments, and we will be happy to answer them.

How and with what to paint decorative plaster?

What paint is better to use for painting decorative plaster? What tools to work with? How to prepare the surface? What are the main stages of work?

The easiest and most logical way to paint decorative plaster, in my opinion, is to add the desired color (color) to the pre-mixed plaster and already apply it to the walls of the color you need.

The second way, perhaps the most common, of painting plaster is applying paint to an already finished surface. In this case, it is better to use water-based paints (acrylic, silicate). It is important to follow some elementary rules for the durability of the painted surface:

  • painting should be carried out only after the decorative plaster has completely dried (approximately after 48 hours);
  • before painting, you can cover the work surface with acrylic primer;

It is also worth paying due attention to the materials with which you are going to apply paint on decorative plaster:

  • you can use a wide brush, roller or, for example, a special mitten;
  • using a brush or roller, as a rule, uniform painting is carried out working surface;
  • you can also use a rubber sponge or mittens to create interesting drawing, the texture of the plastered surface, by means of rubbing the paint;
  • it is also possible to make volumetric decorative plaster by combining the sequence of surface coloring:

A lot depends on the type and texture of decorative plaster, because the main thing is to know what effect you want to achieve when painting. As for paints, they can be water-based or organic-based, it all depends on your desire and wallet.

The choice of tools depends on the relief of decorative plaster and on the desired result, mostly painting is done with a roller or brush, but in special cases sponges, grouting cloths, spatulas with a comb or other working tools are used.

Preparation of the surface of decorative plaster requires treatment with a colorless primer for better adhesion of the paint to the plaster, after the primer has dried, you can start painting. If you want to get a well-painted surface, apply paint with a brush, filling all the reliefs, and then roll it with a roller. If you want to have a non-uniformly painted surface, start painting with a roller, and then dry with a sponge.

The types of coloring of decorative plaster depend on its texture and design, which you want to have on the walls of your house or apartment, and the paint can be anything from water-based to alkyd-based enamel. Good for decorative plaster alkyd enamel for interior work Alpina Mattlatex, after painting the walls can be washed, therefore it is suitable for finishing bathrooms, kitchens and balconies.

It's very easy to paint! To do this, use water-based paint, paint rollers with long pile, tassels and how industrial version spray.

Preparation consists in removing debris and dust from the surface, you can brush it off with a broom or a rag, you can blow it off with a vacuum cleaner or spray gun.

When painting, hard-to-reach places are first painted over - these are corners, elements decorative drawings, small places, and places around doors, windows, and other objects.

If you paint with a solid shade, then in principle the movements do not matter, but if you have purchased expensive iridescent or tinted / structured paint, then you must paint with movements in one direction!

Do not rush to cover up right away, it is better to go through a thin layer, let it dry, look at the gaps and streaks in color, paint again with a thin layer, let it dry and complete the work with another control layer for problematic places.

The question is not specified, there are a lot of decorative plasters, and, accordingly, everything is painted differently. For example, pebble plaster such as "lamb" and "bark beetle" can be painted with a roller or spray gun.

Painting decorative plaster in two colors: features of work

Facade acrylic and silicone paints if inside the premises, then interior paints, varnishes are suitable. If the "bark beetle" is painted in two layers different colors you can get an interesting texture.

Here is the Manna-type plaster

By painting the plaster with a brush, you can also get an excellent pattern.

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Users claim that painting decorative plaster

in two colors has many advantages over other types of interior decoration.

This method is perfect for finishing the facade of a private house, as well as for an apartment balcony.

Compared with wallpaper, decorative plaster has several advantages.

For example, restoration occurs more easily and without the investment of special forces.

Moisture resistance of plaster is much stronger than that of wallpaper. Since it is applied without seams, while the appearance finished wall looks much more natural.

In addition, large temperature drops are absolutely not terrible for this material. On such a coating, you can safely spill various liquids without fear of spoiling the coating.

The materials used in the manufacture of plaster are completely environmentally friendly. Scratches will not spoil the appearance of the finish, so pets will in no way damage the renovation of the apartment.

When cleaning such wall coverings, soap solutions and other detergents can be used.

This design can be done at home, which makes it possible to connect your imagination to the fullest.

Types of plaster and features of use

Basically painting. decorative composition in two colors is not such a complicated process, the main thing is to know all its main stages. The main types of plaster:

  • Venetian;
  • Decorative "bark beetle";
  • textured;
  • Structural;
  • Antique;
  • Mineral;
  • Graffito;
  • Decorative covering flock.

First, in order to set the background color, you just need to add color to the solution. And that's it, no pre-painting is required.

Immediately with the application of the plaster layer, a color is applied, which will be the background. At the same time, a huge plus is that the performance of these works does not require special skills and absolutely anyone can perform them.

The advantage of this type of painting is that you can invent and create images for design, relying only on your imagination and desires. It is very easy to choose the color of the composition, focusing on general style apartments or premises. A wall with two colors at the base always looks fashionable and beautiful.

Such wall treatment also performs a number of protective functions. Firstly, it protects the surface from sunlight, and secondly, from moisture. If background use light colors, then in the heat the walls will not overheat.

On sale there is a ready-made plaster, colored or white, intended for the use of color. Any novice master will find a more suitable option for himself.

Painting features

First, the walls should be cleaned to apply a layer of plaster. If the walls are uneven after cleaning, they must be leveled using special tools.

Prepare a mixture for application to the surface of the walls. Choice of coloring method. You need to decide whether to add color to the plaster, or buy ready mix desired shade.

Experts recommend starting painting decorative plaster in two colors from the most inconspicuous wall. If you make a mistake on such a wall, it will be much easier to correct it.

If a layer of material without color has already been applied, you can add color to the acrylic primer and apply it directly on top. The effect will be the same as when applying colored plaster.

Tools needed for work:

  • Rollers for painting walls with a background color;
  • Brushes for drawing a picture with a second color through a stencil;
  • Tray for paint;
  • Stencil with a pattern for the second color.

The plaster can dry for 48 hours, so all subsequent work should be carried out only after this time.

Painting decorative plaster: application methods

All surfaces that are not being painted should be covered so as not to stain.

After opening a new can of paint, it must be thoroughly mixed. During the entire process, the paint must be periodically mixed.

It is recommended to cover the wall with the background color twice for a better and more uniform coloring. For best effect staining, you need to apply the first layer of paint with a brush, and the second - with a structural roller.

If silver or gilding is used as the second color, the main thing is not to overdo it. An excess of such colors can only spoil the appearance of the room and make it vulgar.

If the task is to make the painted surface matte, then for this use beeswax, which cover the wall over the paint. Such a decision will always enable the owners of an apartment or house to fulfill their own fantasy in the design of the house.

Properly selected paint will save the walls from excessive moisture and external influences that adversely affect the structure of the building. The second color in painting will always look advantageous and non-standard.

Video on how double painting is carried out:

Such a decision will help to give the room individuality, to find its own interior style, which will be inherent only to it. Good luck with your creative decisions!

In most cases, this question can be answered quite simply - it's a matter of taste. But if you can’t decide, then there are a number of objective differences between painting and finishing with decorative plaster. These are characteristics, duration of operation and cost of work. We invite you to figure it out together, what will be more profitable in the final stage?

Differences between painting and decorative plaster on the wall

Due to the variety of finishes, the differences between wall painting and decorative plaster can be both very deep and completely small. AT general view, wall painting called the application of a decorative paint layer on a prepared base, and decorative plaster - the application of colored improved plaster compositions.

As a rule, as an advantage of decorative plaster, it is indicated that it is less demanding on the quality of the preparation of the base on which it is applied. Really, textured plaster does not require surface leveling before application. But if we are talking about other types, for example, Venetian plaster, then it will require the same amount preparatory work like for painting.

The ability to create a variety of textures is another advantage of plaster. Wall painting can perform this function in a very limited way.

Decorative plaster is also considered a longer-lived finishing element. Some types of plaster, especially those made using natural ingredients, are quite easily destroyed if the wall is touched with something sharp. But on average, the service life of this coating is 15-20 years.

painted walls you have to renew much more often - once every 3-6 years, and here everything also depends on the quality of the chosen paint and the mode of operation. Painted walls are easily soiled, wiped off, the paint layer can also be damaged. However, repairing the damage done may be easier than with decorative plaster.

The difference in the price of painting walls and applying decorative plaster - is it that big?

Another difference between decorative plaster and painting is the price. The production of high-quality panels, wall and ceiling coverings from decorative plaster will require significant financial investments. Some savings can be achieved by eliminating surface preparation, but not in all cases.

Cost advantages can be achieved due to the fact that it is a longer-lived coating compared to painting. While the decorative plaster will still look good, the paint layer will have to be renewed two or three times. Fortunately, this does not require high costs, because most types of paints can be applied without removing the previous coating (up to 2-4 times).

In this way, the difference in the price of decorative plaster and wall painting practically leveled due to the long service life. And yet, shell out money for high quality decorative plaster will have to immediately, and the cost of painting the walls is distributed over time.

How to paint decorative plaster with your own hands

Therefore, most often decorative plaster is preferred to be applied to the walls in the form of a panel, or it is trimmed with surface areas, combining this finishing option with other materials.

This option allows you to choose a finish for every taste and budget, but requires high skill and good artistic taste from the performer.

Extensive experience in wall decoration various types coatings allows me to offer you a guarantee of quality even in cases where non-standard solutions. The prices for wall painting and decorative plaster installation are given in the price list, and they are quite affordable for your budget. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of getting exactly the repair you want!

May 17, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Painting decorative plaster, on the one hand, is a fairly simple operation, but on the other hand, it contains quite a few nuances. Therefore, for beginners, this procedure raises many questions, ranging from the choice of paint, and ending with the technology of its application. Next, I will try to answer them in detail, which will allow you to qualitatively and beautifully paint the surface finished with plaster.

How to paint

For painting plaster, you can use the following coloring compositions:

  • Paint that is applied over a textured surface.
  • Dyes that are added to the building mixture before it is applied.

Choosing a paint

In our case the best option is a water-based polymer paint. It has several important advantages:

  • Forms a thin layer on the surface, so it does not affect the clarity of the picture.
  • It dries quickly as polymerization occurs immediately after the water has evaporated.
  • It does not have a sharp toxic odor, because it is an aqueous dispersion.
  • Has excellent adhesion.

In addition, water-dispersion paint is quite durable. True, durability largely depends on the manufacturer. Therefore, you should not expect that a cheap composition will last a long time.

Please note that the scope of water-dispersion paint is different. Therefore, only its facade brands are suitable for outdoor use. For interior use, both facade and interior paint can be used.

Interior paint differs in the level of moisture resistance. This must be taken into account when choosing a coating for rooms with high humidity such as kitchen or bathroom.

As an example, I will give a few colors and their cost:

Choosing a dye

In order not to fulfill extra work, i.e. painting, it is more expedient not to paint the plastered surface, but to add the dye directly to the mixture. The main thing, in this case, is to choose the right dye (color). If, for example, the plaster is based on cement, any pigment intended for concrete can be used.

If the plaster is polymer, suitable acrylic color. In order not to select the composition, you can use a universal dye. They can paint not only decorative plaster, but also various other building mixtures, texture paint and other materials.

Below are the prices for dyes from different well-known manufacturers:

When calculating required amount coatings, keep in mind that the consumption of paint applied to the textured surface will be 15-20 percent higher than that specified by the manufacturer.

Painting technology

Painting in one color

Painting plaster in one color is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Preparation of materials. For painting you will need the following materials and tools:
  • Acrylic universal primer.
  • Roller with medium or long pile.
  • Paint brush.
  • Cuvette.

  • Pour the soil into the cuvette.
  • Dip the roller, wring out lightly and work the surface.
  • After the first coat of primer has dried, apply the second coat.

    Priming in this case is not a mandatory procedure, but it will reduce the consumption of paintwork.

  • Shake the composition.
  • Add color if necessary.
  • Apply the paint in a thin layer with a brush or roller.
  • Touch up hard-to-reach areas with a brush.
  • Wait for the coating to dry and repeat the procedure.

Painting in one color with tint

If you decide to color the mixture with color, it is important to correctly calculate its amount in order to get desired color. In some cases, to achieve a complex color, it is necessary to mix two or even three dyes.

In order not to make a mistake with the dye, first experiment on a small amount of plaster. Having achieved the desired color, remember the proportions of the mixture and dye. In these proportions, add color to the main part of the decorative plaster with which you are going to work. After that, the coating is applied according to the standard scheme.

Two-tone painting with a dry brush

Painting in two colors means highlighting the relief. As a rule, paint of the same color, but different tones, is used for this. The recesses are often stained darker paintwork, and embossed surfaces - lighter.

But, this is just one of the common options for two-tone painting. You can use other combinations as well. For example, a second coat of paint can be used to give the walls a sheen. In this case, you will need a bronze coating or, for example, silver.

In any case, an interesting result can be achieved by applying a second layer with a dry brush. The principle is based on the fact that a well-pressed brush or roller paints only the most convex surfaces of the finish.

As for the first layer, it can be applied by any of the methods described above. The main thing is to wait until it dries well.

Two-tone blur painting

This technique is the opposite of a dry brush. Its principle is based on the fact that the second layer of paintwork completely covers the first one, and then it is removed from the convex surfaces. As a result, the first layer appears.

Removing the second layer can be done in one of two ways:

  • The freshly applied coating is gently rubbed with a damp sponge or cloth.
  • After painting, it takes time until it dries completely, and then the surface is sanded.

The second method can only be used if the decorative plaster is tinted.

How to repaint decorative plaster

Any paint is not eternal, and it usually serves even less than the plaster itself. Therefore, over time, the question of its renewal arises. But how to do it correctly, because it is very difficult to remove the old paintwork from the relief surface?

Surface preparation technology depends on the water resistance of the paint. If the coating, for example, is facade or simply has good moisture resistance, then it does not need to be removed. It is enough to pre-clean the surface of dust / dirt, and then primed. The only thing is that it is desirable to prime with a pigment primer, which will paint over the plaster with white.

If the coating is not moisture resistant, it must be removed. To do this, wet the painted surface and wait a while. After that, the paintwork can be washed off with a sponge or cloth, abundantly moistened with water. Even more effective method- is to use a steam generator, if, of course, it is available.

Every day, wall painting is becoming more and more popular, displacing the wallpaper we are used to. Decorative painting walls in the apartment with your own hands will give you the opportunity to change your interior beyond recognition, making it refined and unique. Thanks to various fixtures for repairs, the surface can be made both smooth with a velvet effect, and with a variety of textures.

So, with the help of improvised means on the surface of the walls, you can imitate wrinkled skin, create the effect Venetian plaster, artificially age the coating. For decorating walls in specialized stores, there is huge selection LKM. Depending on the component composition There are paints: water-based, alkyd and silicate.

Water based paints

Today, water-based formulations are most often used. Thanks to their positive properties they are used much more often than other types. So, among the water-based compositions, emulsion and dispersed ones are distinguished. Among them are the following types:

  • Water emulsion;
  • Silicone;
  • Acrylic;
  • Latex.

The main advantages of such paints are as follows:

  • They do not have a pungent odor during repair and after drying;
  • Dry quickly;
  • The ability to make absolutely any color and shade;
  • Easy to use;
  • Vapor permeable.

This type of material is distinguished by its versatility. Special components make it resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion. Due to different fillers, such as quartz or marble chips, it is possible to achieve different surface textures: imitation of sand, silk or glossy sheen.

Water-based paints

Such coloring compositions are the most affordable. This makes them the most widely used. The main condition for the use of these materials is the painting of walls that are not exposed to contact with water and are not amenable to friction. It can be applied to plaster, putty and wallpaper for painting. This mixture is sold colorless, and the desired color can be made using pigments.

silicone paints

Silicone-based paints are a water-dispersed composition. They have a number of advantages, almost universal. Silicone compounds have excellent hiding power. Paint applied in two layers can even hide small cracks on a surface. After painting, a smooth film is formed on the surface, which protects the walls from abrasion; makes them virtually waterproof.

Acrylic compositions

Today, the leading positions among paintwork materials are occupied by acrylic paints. Used for painting surfaces made of any materials: wood, brick, drywall, concrete. The color range of these compositions is striking in its diversity. Using acrylic paints, the surface can be made glossy, matte or mother-of-pearl. They differ in that they dry quickly, practically do not have a pungent odor, and are relatively resistant to moisture. All these characteristics make it possible to use acrylic-based coatings for children's rooms, hallways, and bathrooms.

Decorative wall painting (video)

Latex coloring materials

the most expensive water-based paint There is a composition based on latex. High price can be explained by the excellent characteristics that given type LKM. Their main advantage is the absolute water resistance of the treated surface. Therefore, latex paints are used for wet rooms: kitchens, bathrooms and shower rooms. With their help, you can mask small defects and cracks. Among the shortcomings can be called the fact that it quickly burns out.

Alkyd compounds

The solvent for such paints is gasoline, turpentine, white spirit. Therefore, coloring is accompanied strong smell solvent, which is highly toxic. Thanks to alkyd resins, the paint is easy to apply, very durable after drying, resistant to sunbeams and temperature fluctuations. But it does not differ long term service - quickly fades, acquiring a yellow coating.

silicate compounds

In paints based on silicates, the main component is the so-called "liquid glass". This composition makes the surface particularly durable. In terms of vapor permeability, silicate paints are in first place among other types of coatings. Special additives prevent the appearance of mold and fungus, so the painted surface is not afraid of high humidity.

Preparing for painting

Do-it-yourself decorative wall painting is a simple process, but still has its own secrets and features. Therefore, the first stage of our work will be the preparation necessary tool. So, for coloring we need:

  1. Paint container;
  2. rollers;
  3. Cysts of various sizes;
  4. Foam rubber sponges;
  5. Rags.
  6. Gloves.

The next step is preparing the walls for painting. Perhaps the main condition for decorating with paint is the absolute evenness of the surface. Yes, if available large cracks and irregularities, you first need to putty and prime them. And only after the solution has completely dried, start applying the paint.

We create a decorative coating with our own hands

There are many unusual ways applying decorative paint on the walls with your own hands. To create drawings on the wall, you can use various stencils that are available in stores, or you can do it yourself by cutting out any patterns on a sheet of cardboard. To paint in this way, apply the main tone of the paint to the wall. And after it dries, we apply the stencil to the wall and paint it either with an aerosol, or with rollers and a brush.

  • One of the ways to make the interior of your home look sophisticated and luxurious is to paint the walls with the effect of Venetian plaster. For this finishing option, in addition to the basic shades, you will need mother-of-pearl. This pigment can be purchased at LKM stores.

For this decorating method, you need to apply the main color as the base, and then the second shade. It is better to use latex paint. Then, using a plastic spatula, we make chaotic stains, thus, as if mixing two shades.

  • To decorate the walls, say, a study, or you are an adherent business style in the interior, you can create a coating that imitates natural leather. For this, a beige or light brown latex paint is suitable, the glaze and the shade are darker than the main one.

We apply the main tone to the wall. Then we mix the icing and the shade darker and with the help of a wet suede brush we apply the resulting composition to the coating, making small stains.

  • A piece of paper will help us achieve the effect of wrinkled skin. It must be rolled into a tube and crushed. Then we apply it to the painted wall and smooth it, thereby making careless drawings on the paint.
  • Now we can find for sale big choice textured rollers with different patterns on the work surface. In order not to spend money on these devices, we will make such a tool ourselves. We wind a piece of fabric on the roller and fix it. We use two or more shades of paintwork. Thus, we imitate structural plaster.
  • To create the effect of a coating that has grown old from time will help us acrylic paint, glaze, wide brush and brush. We apply the glaze on the surface painted with the base, smoothing it with a brush. Then, using a brush, we make chaotic strokes over the entire surface.