Ideas for renovating a girl's room. Modern room design for a young girl. Good selection of color palette

At the age of about 18, the interior of the children's room should be changed to a more adult and serious version of the interior for a girl. In the interior of a room for a girl, there is no longer a place for wallpaper with children's drawings and too bright colors. In addition, you should think about where the wardrobe and dressing table will be located.
Sometimes it is worth changing the nursery room to a more spacious option, the smallest room in the house is suitable for a girl's room.

Choosing the interior of a room for a girl should begin with choosing the style of the future room. The style of the interior of a room for a girl largely depends on the character and hobbies, favorite style and preferences. Some girls prefer delicate and romantic interiors, while others like more strict modern high-tech or minimalist options. Oriental interior styles, shabby chic and Provence are also suitable for the interior of a room for a girl.

Zoning a room for a girl
The girl's room is both a living room, and a bedroom, and a place for receiving guests, and a study, and even a dressing room. Fitting everything in a small area can be difficult.
In order to correctly arrange the furniture in the interior, it is necessary to think over the zones of the room. In the girl's room, it is very important to divide the room into a work area, a storage area, a relaxation area and a guest area.

Color in the interior of a room for a girl
The interior color of a room for a girl depends on the chosen style and taste preferences. Often, muted pastel colors are chosen for the interior of a room for a girl. But bright interiors are often used. When choosing a bright version of the room, you must remember that this is a living space and local pure colors should be avoided. Instead of yellow, take corn or mustard; instead of pure green, pistachio and marsh tones are suitable.

Teenagers feel very comfortable in dark pastel colors such as gray-brown, gray-purple, dark dirty pink. Dark walls must be supported with light furniture.

Furniture in the girl's room
Furniture for a room for a girl is often chosen white. This is due to the fact that white furniture goes well with any romantic interior style.
An obligatory element in the interior of a room for a girl is a bed. It can have a beautiful upholstered headboard, covered with fabric in the color of the interior. The headboard for the bed will give the interior of a teenage girl's room a special charm and style.

Desktop. It can be a computer desk or a sophisticated desk that will be comfortable in the first place.
A dressing table in the interior of a girl's room is no less important than a desktop. An ideal option would be a chest of drawers with a mirror.
Also in the interior of the teenage room, you must have a rack with shelves for books and other important things.

At the age of majority, no girl can do without a dressing room. It can be an entire adjoining room or a small two-door wardrobe, the size of the dressing room depends on requests and family wealth. A very convenient option for a small room will be a sliding wardrobe.

It is not at all necessary to buy a wardrobe or wardrobe. If the room has small niches, this should be used. Place shelves in a niche, and instead of doors, lead thick curtains. If there is no niche, you can order a frame without doors. Such dressing rooms are very popular lately. This is a convenient budget option that will cost you almost nothing.

Room interior for a girl in different styles photo:

In order to correctly arrange the furniture in the interior, it is necessary to think over the zones of the room. In the girl's room, it is very important to divide the room into a work area, a storage area, a relaxation area and a guest area.

The basic principle of designing a room for a girl

For many, the period of growing up is remembered by the presence of a cozy personal space, which, perhaps, will never be again in life. It reflects the everyday hobbies of a teenager, his sympathies, experiences. Self-knowledge of a person is a very important point, so it is worth taking seriously the issue of arranging his comfort zone. Some requirements are put forward for the interior design of a room for a girl to meet the needs of a teenager as much as possible. The first and most important requirement is the possibility of self-government. The girl must be allowed to participate in the design of the interior and independently choose the elements of decor. The best solution would be a joint shopping trip and the purchase of designer products that match the style. Such an event will be remembered by the young beauty once and for all. It will keep her happy for a long time.

When choosing, you should focus not only on fashionable items, but also on functional ones.

You need to keep in mind such mandatory areas in the room as: a bedroom, a guest room for meeting friends, a workplace.

You can be sure that the girl has her own opinion about how her personal space should look like. It is worth listening to him, because it is she who will be there the longest. This does not mean that a teenager is given carte blanche and a credit card. But it is understood that responsible parents will gently guide their child to acquire practical, versatile things that will not lose their value over the years. You should also provide for the possibility of local changes in accordance with the change in the temporary interests of the girl. The interior of the room at 15 and 19 years old will be seriously different.

The main points in the design of functional areas

The aesthetic issue is important, but first you need to take care of the functionality of the created space. Regardless of the chosen design style, there should be a place to equip the room with a practical furniture set. To keep things of a young fashionista, you will need a spacious closet, for textbooks and personal notebooks - a desk with shelves. To save usable space, you can also equip the bed with lower drawers.

  • Organization of the working area

It starts with the purchase of a comfortable desk for doing homework. You can also provide a stand on it if training requires the active use of a computer. The dimensions of the furniture product should not hamper the girl in her movements. Therefore, you should manage the space occupied as efficiently as possible, using drawers and shelves.

Attention! The main condition here is the placement of the table near the window, closer to the light.

For evening classes, you will need to organize comfortable lighting. The design of the room for a girl involves a harmonious combination of pastel colors of the interior with the texture of a classic desk. This is the most optimal solution, proven by more than one generation. In other moments, the initiative should be left to the mercy of the girl. She can choose an ergonomic chair herself, original lamps and other elements that allow her to design a room for a girl in a modern style.

  • Organization of the sleeping area

Unlike parents who think about the exceptional importance of the desktop, their teenager thinks differently. Young creatures dream of their soft, comfortable bed. It is she who will give the warmth that they need so much at this age. A single product should meet the girl's ideas about beauty and be designed for the growth of an adult. She can choose stylish textiles, original pillows herself. Place the bed (which can be a bunk) should be as far away from the entrance as possible. You will need to purchase a bedside table, which can be additionally equipped with a mirror. This will save space on the dressing table, dressing table. The design of an ottoman, a beautiful lamp, decorative accessories will clearly reflect her individuality and allow her creative imagination to manifest.

  • Organization of the guest area

There are no and cannot be mandatory elements here, so you should listen to the opinion of the young hostess. The design of the room for a young girl implies the presence of free space to try on dresses, play with her friends. It is recommended to take care of installing a warm floor in the room in advance, because at this age teenagers still like to spend their time there. They are more comfortable at the bottom than at the top of the bunk bed.

The main element of the situation can be a spacious closet. It can be divided into functional sections - for clothing and various accessories. On the cabinet doors, you can provide a large mirror for fashionistas. The design of the door does not matter much, single or double - it does not matter. This does not interfere with trying on trendy looks and choosing dresses.

Important. This piece of furniture can be intended not only for storing things.

The design of a room for a girl suggests the desire of a teenager to use decorative stickers or posters of their favorite characters on the cabinet doors.

Wall decoration in the room

The design of the girl's room involves colorful or discreet wall decoration, depending on age. If a teenager is 15 years old, then the walls can be painted with a special marker mixture, which later allows you to create creative drawings on it. If the paint is magnetic, then it will be possible to place pictures or posters of idols on the plane. This will protect the walls from contamination with adhesive tape or adhesive substances. It should not be expected that the wallpaper will remain in its original form, since this period is characterized by a rapid change of interests and the need for authorities. Their images are always placed at the level or slightly above the head on the walls.

When choosing a wallpaper color, parents are advised to keep their children from rash acts. Do not encourage the excessive passion of young creatures with pink and decorate the whole room with this vanilla shade. Here you need to show a sense of proportion. A compromise solution is possible - one of the walls will match the character of the girl, while the rest will be combined with the overall design of the apartment. Since the monophonic version can quickly get bored and go out of fashion. The color scheme of these walls can contain neutral pastel shades (white, beige, cream) to give the eyes a rest.

Attention! A teenager can "break away" on decorating a room with bright accessories.

Light wallpaper will not overload the space with an abundance of colors. In addition, they will be an excellent background when placing the same posters.

designer curtains

You can choose catchy, stylish curtains or neutral colors, however, heavy materials should be avoided. The range of this decor element on the modern market allows you to choose an original pattern to match the overall interior design. A good option is the use of blinds. The main focus should be on providing the room with enough light.

Modern Design Styles for Girls' Rooms

The interior of a room for a girl can be made in any style, but it must certainly reflect her inner world. Therefore, parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with a variety of design ideas in order to understand the issue. Next, we present some of the most popular stylistic solutions for a teenage room.

  1. Paris

If a girl can be called a dreamy person, then this sophisticated style will emphasize her sophistication and femininity. The surface of the walls is decorated with exceptionally light shades to contrast with the black and white images of the French capital. It can be posters, posters or wallpapers. The room's minimalist design is then filled with dainty French accent accessories. A carved furniture set with a mirror will look great.


When decorating the interior of a youth room, the interests of an adult child should be taken into account. He has already formed his own opinion and needs only competent support. A variety of materials and styles allows you to choose the best design if you follow our practical advice.

A private room is the most important room for any individual tenant of an apartment or private house. For a modern person, this is not only a bedroom, but also a place for relaxation, solitude, and even, perhaps, work. In order for all the necessary zones to be present in the room, creating a comfortable and functional interior, you should carefully consider all its details. This is especially important if the interior of the girl's room is planned. Unlike men, young girls are more attentive to small details, and even the smallest elements in the room are of great importance for them.

The room for the girl should reflect the character of the hostess, as well as be cozy and comfortable.

In order for the design of the room to be acceptable for a young woman, it is important to take into account all the nuances of her lifestyle: how much time she spends at home, what kind of work she does, how much attention she pays to her appearance, etc. All of the above factors have a direct impact on what materials and furniture to use , into which zones to divide the interior and how to plan lighting.

The girl must participate in the design of the interior of her room

In addition to the arrangement of furniture, colors and decor play an important role. Since a personal room is a room in which a girl will spend a considerable part of her free time, colors and shades that are most pleasing to her eye should be used. In a properly designed interior of a room for a young girl, functionality and convenience, practicality and beauty should ideally be combined.

Stylish interior of a modern girl's room

In order for the design of a room intended for a young girl to please her eye, it is important to take into account not only the global features of the modern style, but also personal preferences. Special musical preferences, an unusual hobby, a favorite sport and even a favorite food can find their place in the interior, making it in its own way dear and dear to the heart. For example, you can decorate the interior in the colors of your favorite superhero's clothes, use wallpaper for decoration, as in your favorite movie, or arrange a decorative shelf in the form of your favorite musical instrument. Such original design solutions can create a unique room that you always want to return to.

When decorating a room, you can use hobbies and hobbies: collecting, drawing, books - all this will allow you to create an original and modern interior.

If we talk about global things, then in modern interiors one cannot do without zoning rooms. Even a small room can be divided into a sleeping area, a work area, and others. You can add a nook on the windowsill or in the corner of the room where the girl can immerse herself in her thoughts. The design of a room for a girl in a modern style cannot be similar to the rest of the premises, because each young lady is unique and inimitable, and her features simply must be reflected in the interior.

The sleeping area should have a comfortable bed and a spacious storage system.

To sit with a laptop, view mail or write notes, you need a workplace. It is best to place it in the brightest place - near the window

And of course you need a dressing table.

Only the main distinctive features of the modern style should remain unchanged:

  • The predominance of simple and concise forms in the interior. There is no place for an excess of curves and decorations - everything is simple and functional.
  • A game of contrast. Unusual decorations that draw attention to themselves must be present, but in moderation.
  • Free space. The interior should have enough light and air.
  • Combinations of materials. In a modern style, both the most modern finishing materials and natural wood and metals are harmoniously combined.

If the area of ​​​​the room allows, you should think about arranging a guest area with a sofa, armchair or pouffes

Everything that is within the boundaries of these general rules can be varied to your heart's content, creating a real dream room.

For a romantic and gentle fairy, you can create a snow-white room, the highlight of which will be white in everything except the floor.

Active girls like an abundance of bright colors.

The basic principle of designing a room for a girl

Rationality is a fundamental element designed to create a comfortable habitat. The design of a girl's room implies the presence of more decorative elements than in a typical male bedroom, however, balance is also important here. A private room is, first of all, a functional space with a clearly defined task (providing comfortable rest and, possibly, work), and not a museum in which the visitor's eyes widen. In this regard, modern style is the best option - when it is implemented, it is extremely difficult to "go too far".

Try to strike a balance between aesthetics and practicality.

Despite the common stereotypes that there are “female” and “male” colors, preference should be given to the colors that are most to your liking.

Although the main difference between the modern style is conciseness, you can also find opportunities for creating a special coziness in it. For example, you can use delicate curtains, a figured stretch ceiling or patterned wallpaper. Any element of the interior, used wisely, will create a cozy room without overloading the space.

What room design do young girls prefer

Perhaps the most difficult question that could be raised is: “What do girls like?” Surprisingly, it is almost impossible to give a general answer, because every girl is unique, and in the age of modern technology, preferences can differ dramatically.

Shabby chic is one of the most romantic styles. Many girls choose it to emphasize their femininity.

Perhaps it is worth highlighting the main nuances that are most important for every young woman:

  1. Stylish. Everyone has a different sense of style, so you can’t please a girl with an ordinary trend. Only what she personally considers stylish can give her aesthetic pleasure, so you should take into account personal preferences to the maximum.
  2. Originality. This is an important difference between women and men. It is unlikely that a girl will want the same room as her friend. She wants to be unique, so developing an interior design for a young lady is in close cooperation with herself. And even in this case, to create something unique, you will have to work hard.
  3. Modernity. Most girls want to keep up with the times, so they will appreciate the presence of new technologies in their personal territory, even if their role is not so significant.

Modern style with a minimum amount of furniture is chosen by girls who live in step with the times.

The classic bedroom for a girl is a calm atmosphere, comfort and a little solemnity.

Scandinavian style with its simplicity is ideal for small spaces

As you can see, none of the above points is anything specific. Any furniture, decoration and decor should be selected in the course of close cooperation with the girl. This is the only way to please her dreams and whims.

Wallpaper in the interior of the girl's room

Of course, in any interior, both furniture and lighting play an important role. However, it is the surface finish that for the most part forms the impression of the room as a whole. Competently executed finishing can even change the visual size of the room, not to mention the emotional perception. And if the walls and ceiling in a modern interior, as a rule, are within narrow limits, then the walls provide a huge scope for creativity.

Lovers of bright colors will love a room with floral wallpaper

When decorating a room in a modern style, a huge variety of materials can be used, however, if we are talking about a room for a girl, wallpaper will be the best option. A variety of wallpaper types allows you to use them in completely different areas, and countless colors will help create a unique comfort that any young housewife will appreciate.

Romantic wallpaper in the room for a young girl

Decorating the wall above the bed with photo wallpapers with large flowers

It is important to remember: the wallpaper should not be saturated with bright colors, otherwise they will distract attention from the entire interior, and at the same time, boring monotonous colors should be avoided.

As decorating elements, everything that the hostess of the room likes is used - photographs, souvenirs, toys, embroidery or drawings.

Properly selected wallpapers, especially if the pattern and color are favorite for the girl, will play a key role in shaping a modern room that can become a real pride of any hostess.

Bedroom options for a girl in a modern style

We offer you for consideration several concepts for the design of a room for a girl. Depending on the lifestyle and preferences, the following types can be distinguished:

Of course, in the case of the interior design of a room for a young girl, there can be no uniform standards. Take the most suitable concept as a basis and start creating, not forgetting the main distinguishing features of modern style. The reward will be a unique and inimitable interior, which will be a joy for the girl for many years.

Creative girl's bedroom interior

Sophisticated design with a French touch

The interior of a room for a girl can be made in any style - the main thing is that it reflects her inner world

Video: girls room interiors

In the photo: The interior of the girl's bedroom with an attached loggia, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is given over to the office

To create an interesting room interior for a young girl, you will have to work hard. Why? Because such a room, as a rule, simultaneously performs the functions of a bedroom, boudoir, office and living room. So, you need to think over not only the color scheme and decor, but also the location of the functional areas, as well as choose the right furniture within the chosen style. And, of course, it is desirable that the renovated room organically fit into the design of the apartment.

Competent zoning of the interior is the key to success

In the photo: A podium is used to zone the interior of a room for a girl.

To properly perform space zoning, you need to decide on a "set" of functional areas and make a design project. "Required" areas include:

  • Bedroom
  • Wardrobe
  • Workplace
  • Living area

In the photo: A light mobile screen is not only an interesting decor, but also one of the means of space zoning

You can delimit the space using lighting, different wall finishes, textiles, furniture designs, a small podium (you can place a desktop or bed on it), carpet. Partitions, on the other hand, will be appropriate only in large rooms, and so that they do not “eat up” the space, it is better to decorate them with mirrors.

furniture boom

In the photo: The interior of a modern children's room for a girl

Now let's talk about furniture. The minimum furniture set for a girl's boudoir bedroom includes:

  • a comfortable bed (it can be modern or classic design, with a soft or wrought-iron headboard and even with a light canopy);
  • desktop with a table lamp (to make it less noticeable, you can choose a glass model - a transparent table will easily fit into any interior design);
  • a couple of armchairs or ottomans;
  • a dressing table (with a lack of space, a desktop can also perform its function);
  • bedside table with a night light;
  • storage system (it can be a closet or dressing room).

Modern romance in the design of a bedroom for a girl

In the photo: Due to the insulation of the loggia, the designers managed to find a place for a dressing table and a wardrobe

What is the best style for a girl's room? This question can not even be asked, since the answer to it has long been known to everyone: of course, romantic. But this does not mean at all that the room needs to be decorated in pink tones. Modern romance implies the use of more elegant color schemes. The best option is a combination of white, gray or cream with lilac, pistachio, pale blue or turquoise. “Delicious” shades are also welcome: cappuccino, chocolate, baked milk.

In the photo: The interior of the girl's room is decorated with a fireplace portal with candles

In addition, elements of the classical style will be quite appropriate in a gentle and romantic room:

  • stucco;
  • high plinths;
  • caissons;
  • chandelier with crystal pendants;
  • a white fireplace portal (a fireplace can be both real and candle - this is exactly the solution suggested by the specialists of the Design Studio of Olga Kondratova when decorating one of the rooms for a young girl).

Decoration and accessories

In the picture: In the interior of the girl's room, a glass table is used, which, due to its transparency, does not weigh down the composition

As for decoration, an unobtrusive wall painting in pastel colors (or a fresco) is suitable for a girl's "lighting room". And the windows can be decorated with Roman blinds, translucent tulle and decorative textile fabrics to match the wall decoration. At the same time, experts advise avoiding complex draperies, fringes and lambrequins.

In the photo: In the interiors of girls' rooms, it is important to pay special attention to the decor, which can be, as in this case, very artistic and charismatic.

Accessories in the design of a room for a girl also occupy an important place. And it is better if they contrast with the overall design. So, you can “dilute” a romantic interior with a brutal chest (it will perfectly cope with the role of a banquette or a coffee table) or a charismatic retro lamp in the form of a theater spotlight.

Text: Irina Sedykh

In the process of apartment renovation, parents are often guided by a stereotype that says that the design of a room for a teenage girl of 16 or 17 years old is the full prerogative of adults, and the design does not have to be made in accordance with the personal wishes of the girl herself. To level the problem of "fathers and children", we can recommend a number of practical artistic techniques that create a universal youth room design, the interior of which will meet the tastes of all generations, bringing maximum practical benefit.

Color field adjustment

Adolescents 16-17 years old tend to load their personal living space with numerous social paraphernalia. Therefore, a room for a teenage girl should be designed taking into account her interests and the prevailing color tone of these decorative elements. Here it is possible to use two techniques to create an interior that is pleasing to the eye and calms the psyche of the occupant of the room:

  • reception of color contrast. In this case, the contrast is created by the color of the walls and the color of the floors, and the paraphernalia plays the role of bright elements that create a unique avant-garde design;
  • a color softening technique based on creating a neutral color scheme in the room that does not break the walls, ceiling and floor into perpendicular planes. The social attributes of a girl of 16 in this case will make the design of the room modern and full of nuances. This interior can be easily seen in the photos distributed on the Internet.

To determine the optimal combination of color accompaniment that characterizes a girl's interior, you just need to look at the artistic color wheel - the colors located opposite each other are the most contrasting and will easily fill the design of the youth room with the spirit of avant-garde.

The tonal ratio of walls and furniture - in the case of a contrasting approach - is based on active colors. On the contrary, the surfaces of muted tones will fill the interior with a sense of peace and tranquility.

Room zoning techniques (16-17 years old)

At the age of 16 and 17, a girl perceives her room as a multidisciplinary personal space, which at the same time is a bedroom, a dressing room, a place for friendly meetings, an office and a beauty corner, the interior of which should be made in the appropriate styles.

For the most compact combination of all these zones within the same room and their visual separation, it is necessary to use the technique of combining the subject and color content of the room.

For example: the design of each of the zones can have its own predominant color of the walls, floor, layout of items relevant to this area. Functional areas are also well distinguished by suspended ceilings, their own lamps controlled by individual switches; original designs are also created on raised drywall floors.

The sleeping area, which is a place of rest, in the case of the hostess - 16 years old or a girl of 17 years old - is preferable to furnish a sofa, which, together with a coffee table, is a cozy interior of the zone for friendly communication.

An interesting option would also be the location of the sleeping area on a raised plasterboard floor, in which it is appropriate to create several drawers for storing linen and blankets - this way the interior will combine style and practical sides. And if everything is clear enough with the sleeping area, then you should consider in more detail how the room of a teenage girl looks like in other sectional angles, in theory and in the photo.

Corner of girlish beauty

On the video: room design option from the "repair +" program.

(the first 37 seconds in Ukrainian. The rest is in Russian)

This zone is created exclusively according to the wishes of the girl herself, as it reflects her spiritual and physical beauty with the help of mirrors, jewelry, drawers with fashionable hairdressing accessories and cosmetics - creating a youthful female interior. The adjoining wall can be covered with photo wallpaper, hung with photos or posters of female idols - this technique will make the design more expressive and brighter.

It is advisable to create a ladies' corner and a furniture set near the window so that at least oblique sunlight falls on the mirror reflection - on the other side of the ladies' table it is also desirable to place a wall sconce - to correct oblique sunlight and make it easier to apply the right even makeup.

It is better to place a girlish beauty corner on the side of the room opposite from the front door.

Thus, no walk-through actions from the rest of the apartment will disrupt the self-care process. It is advisable to paint the wall reflected in the mirror in a soft pastel tone - it will not annoy a 16-year-old girl, distract from applying makeup, or somehow “pull” some of the color onto itself. At the age of 16 or 17, girls are very picky about their appearance and strive for a visual resemblance to idols, which is determined by their star photos, successfully inscribed in the room design.

Place of reception of friends: how best to equip the interior

For girls 16-17 years old, the main free time is spent communicating with like-minded people, so the interior of the room area intended for friendly communication will have a number of specific features:

  • the design of the territory of the section for friendly communication implies the transfer of a music center, speakers, several additional chairs or modern frameless spherical ottomans to it;
  • the bright color of the walls and decorative elements will stimulate a positive and active mood - an improved addition to the furniture set will be the creation of a special ceiling lighting that highlights the entire area. Lighting can also be built into the carved false ceiling.

There is an option to combine a working area or an office with an area for friendly meetings. This option is especially suitable for rooms with a small area, when a computer desk and the equipment installed on it in the face of speakers and a computer act as a music center and a cinema at the same time. In this case, it is also more expedient not to split these two zones into parts by several color planes, but to combine them into one, using the techniques of combining common light and the subject environment.

The sofa is the preferred choice for combining a relaxation area and a social area - the interior can be made spacious at any time by simply folding it.

Decorations for a girl's room

The use of specific and standard decorative elements in the design of a room for a teenage girl (we recommend reading: ““) will not only give her personality, but will also bring some practical benefits. They can be conditionally divided into several types:

  • stationary design elements. These include wallpapers with a printed photo pattern, prints and other images;
  • technical elements of the interior - unusual clocks, various photo frames, paper clips of various shapes, and so on;
  • electric lighting fixtures, represented by chandeliers, lampshades, built-in recessed ceiling lighting bulbs, night lamps of various configurations that accompany the interesting design of the room;
  • textiles and bed linen, which also have a variety of photographic prints.
    A room for a teenage girl is a single subject-color ensemble, the design of which is based on compliance with its intended configuration and is achieved by exercising continuous control over the construction of its subject-color composition.

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