Fiscal data storage. Penalties for incorrect work with the fiscal drive. Do I need a fiscal drive for online cash registers

What happens if the FN is activated incorrectly? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

Switch to online checkout? Let's pick up FN under requirements of your business in 5 minutes!.

Why do you need to buy a fiscal drive?

Fiscal drive is a special module installed in cash registers, which is responsible for encryption and storage of fiscal data (information on settlements carried out by electronic control tape (EKLZ) and has advanced functions. the main task- transmission of sales data to the Federal Tax Service online.

A microcircuit inside the module provides digital signature checks, the memory block stores checks punched through the fiscal data operator (OFD). This may be an internal system failure, incorrect equipment settings, Internet shutdown, and so on. If within 30 days the checks do not go to the OFD, the cash desk is blocked. Therefore, when self installation and activation, be extremely careful.

Without this module, the cash desk will not meet the requirements for registering the cash desk with the tax authorities, and the activation of the FN also occurs. The registration procedure at first glance seems simple, but if you make a mistake and enter incorrect data, the Fiscal drive will automatically become unusable. Where it leads? You will have to deregister the CCP, buy and replace the FN, which will entail a significant waste of money and time.

If you want to independently TsTO), which are engaged in the maintenance of online cash desks and fiscal drives.

On a note! Each module comes with a passport, which must be kept. If the drive fails, it will be accepted at the service center only if there is a technical passport.

Types of fiscal drives: which one to buy?

Model Name (Manufacturer) Working time (given in months) Fiscal data format
"FN-1" ("RIK") 13 1.0, 1.05
"FN-1" version 3 version 1 (STC "Izmeritel") 13 1.0, 1.05
"FN-1" version 3 version 2 ("Pragmatik") 13 1.0, 1.05
"FN-1" version 2 ("RIK") 36 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version 3 (Concern "Avtomatika") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version Iz13-2 (STC "Izmeritel") 13 1.0, 1.05
"FN-1.1" version Pr13-2 ("Pragmatik") 13 1.0, 1.05
"FN-1.1" version 5-15-2 ("Inventa") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version Ev15-2 ("Evotor") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version 4 ("Inventa") 36 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version Iz15-2 (STC "Izmeritel") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version Av15-2 ("Concern" Avtotematika ") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version 6-15-2 ("Drimkas") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1
"FN-1.1" version Pr15-2 ("Pragmatik") 13, 15 1.0, 1.05, 1.1

Validity period of the fiscal accumulator

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs applying the DOS taxation regime and trading, FN13 is required.

These include:

  • sellers of excisable goods, strong alcoholic products;
  • entrepreneurs and companies operating in hard-to-reach and remote areas where the cash desk works autonomously;
  • seasonal business owners.

For business representatives on DOS providing services to the public, FN36 is required.

Companies and individual entrepreneurs operating on a patent, ESHN are required to apply FN36. There are exceptions. If you, using one of the above modes, sell excisable goods (alcohol or cigarettes), you can use FN13. When combined different types activities (for example, trade and services) where OSN and UTII or a patent are used, you also need to buy FN13.

What else do you need to know? The service life indicated on the box sometimes differs from actual term use. At battery life cash register (KKM), the service life of FN36 is reduced to 18 months.

The duration of use depends on the requirements of 54-FZ, conditions of use, technical parameters registered in the passport.
Entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in trade and using DOS and STS are allowed to use FN36, if appropriate. When selling alcohol, instead of the indicated 1110 days, it will only last for 410. Before buying, study technical certificate devices.

If you have a lot of clients, you are punching at least 200 checks per day, choose a module with a shorter expiration date. And

We will suggest which FN from our catalog is suitable for your business.

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Fiscal Data Format (FFD)

This is a set of details displayed on fiscal documents. There are three fiscal data formats in total: 1.0, 1.05, 1.1. These figures are indicated in the name of the drive model: FN-1 or FN-1.1 They differ in the mandatory details printed on the check. Details that were optional in format 1.0 became mandatory in formats 1.05 and 1.1.

From the name of the formats, you can understand that 1.0 is the very first and already outdated, and 1.1 is updated and relevant for today.

To check, enter the name of the drive and its serial number. All data is on the module. After entering them, you will receive information about a specific instance of FN, from which you will find out whether it is included in the register of fiscal drives approved for use, whether it is activated or not. Only an unactivated module can be used.


The average cost of FN for a period of 13 months is 6,000 rubles. FN for 36 months - 12,000 rubles. The peak of sales occurs at the end of the transition period, that is, in June. At this time, there is a shortage of devices and a corresponding increase in their prices (up to 20,000 rubles). To avoid extra costs, we recommend that you take care of purchasing the FN module in advance.


After the expiration date, the module must be replaced with a new one. The old one must be kept at the enterprise for 5 years. Recycling is possible after the end of this period.

What happens if you don't buy a fiscal drive?

When working on a CCP without a drive, the owner of an LLC or individual entrepreneur will be held administratively liable.

The amount of the fine for work without a financial tax will be:

  • for an organization - ¾ or the entire amount of settlements without using a serviceable CCP (at least 30,000 rubles);
  • for an entrepreneur or an official - ¼ or ½ of the amount of settlements without the use of cash registers (at least 10,000 rubles).

The amount of the fine for the application of the FN, which is inconsistent with the activities carried out and the chosen taxation system, will be:

  • for an organization - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;
  • for an entrepreneur or an official - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

If a small business representative has committed a violation for the first time (or more than a year has passed since the previous similar violation), the inspector will issue a warning. This does not apply to big business, whose owners, even at the first detection of violations, will be fined.

A fine is not imposed in cases where, due to a shortage of FN36, the owner of an organization providing services purchased FN13 / 15.

According to modern requirements, cash registers that print receipts must be equipped with fiscal drives. Amendments to the law regulating the use of cash registers were adopted. Since they were introduced not so long ago, not all entrepreneurs managed to understand important nuances this requirement.

What is an online cash register with a fiscal drive

The law, designated as Federal Law No. 290, introduces the definition of a fiscal accumulator. It is a device with which information is encrypted and protected. The data that is stored is information about the calculations received from using CMC. The device will record and store all the necessary information unchanged.

It can be concluded that cash machine with fiscal memory - this is a cash register more familiar to everyone, which has received additional equipment to simplify the provision of information to the tax office.

What does an online cash register with a fiscal drive do:

  1. Submits information on payments made by buyers to the tax authority.
  2. Creates electronic cash receipts, which are then forwarded to the buyer's phone or email.
  3. Stores payment information in encrypted form.
It is no longer allowed to use old devices - only new-style cash registers can be registered in the tax office.

How to order and purchase

On our website you can easily order and purchase a cash register with a fiscal drive. Just choose the one that suits you according to the characteristics and fill out an application. If needed cheap checkout with a fiscal drive, we have big variety options from which any buyer can choose the best for the conditions of use. Just go to the catalog, mark the appropriate product to be placed in the basket, and then place an order.

You can order a call back and entrust the registration to our manager. After receiving confirmation email mailbox or phone - wait for the order. Convenient terms of delivery to different regions are provided.

Who needs to use devices with FN now

The legislation obliges to use such an innovation as a cash register with a fiscal drive, all entrepreneurs, except for entities employed certain types activities. They are combined into a list that any taxpayer can see.

It is necessary to use a fiscal registrar in work for everyone who is required by law to use a cash register to carry out activities. Even entrepreneurs who previously worked with UTII and patents will need to purchase and register cash registers with FN in the prescribed manner.

To buy a CRE with a fiscal data drive, use the services of our online store. The price of goods is quite democratic. Pick up necessary equipment on your own or use the advice of a manager.

Fiscal data formats

The main difference between them lies in the list of details and the order in which they are included in the fiscal document. How newer format, the more details are used and the structure of the document is more complicated. For example, in FFD 1.0 the attribute "Attribute of the calculation method" is optional, but in FFD 1.1 it is mandatory.

You can find out the FFD of your cash desk from the FN register on the website of the Federal Tax Service. If your cash register works with FFD 1.0, update it. To do this, contact the engineers of our TsTO or change the firmware yourself by the end of 2018. You can switch from version 1.0 to 1.05 without replacing the fiscal drive and without re-registering the cash register with the tax authorities. If your cash register is already working in the 1.05 format, you do not need to do anything.

The transition of versions 1.0 and 1.05 to version 1.1 is possible only with the replacement of the FN.

How FN works

Externally fiscal accumulator similar to ECLZ. It consists of microchips with firmware that provides digital signature of checks and a memory block for storing checks. Also, inside the FN there is a non-volatile timer that starts with the first check not transferred to the OFD.

FN and EKLZ have the same connectors, but to upgrade the cash register under 54-FZ, it is not enough just to insert the drive into place of the EKLZ. You need a kit specifically for your CCP model. It includes equipment and software.

Fiscal data operators play the role of a collection point. They accept from different cash register equipment data on calculations and transferred to the tax. The fiscal data operator has its own data center. OFD can only work if you have an FSB license to work with encryption tools.

The buyer pays for the goods. The seller punches the check at the online checkout, and the sales data is instantly recorded on the fiscal drive and transmitted over the Internet to the fiscal data operator. OFD transmits data from all cash desks to the tax office.

What does a store need to work with OFD?

  • Agreement with the OFD for the processing of fiscal data
  • Internet
  • Cash register with fiscal storage and internet connection

Cash register equipment will need to be registered in personal account on the FTS website. This requires a qualified electronic signature.

How does the OFD work? We analyze the change 54 of the Federal Law

Let's look at an example. The buyer comes to the store for a carton of milk. The cashier scans a barcode from a milk carton or enters the amount on the cash register keyboard.

Inside the CCP (cash register) there is a fiscal drive. He saves the check, signs it with a fiscal sign, generates and sends a data packet to the OFD server.

The fiscal data operator generates a response fiscal sign and sends a receipt signed with a fiscal sign, cash register. When the fiscal accumulator registers the receipt, the registration of the receipt under the new requirements will be completed.

Then the fiscal data operator transmits the settlement data to the tax office. The buyer receives two checks: paper and electronic (on email or subscriber number).

The checks have a QR code and a link. The buyer can scan the code with a smartphone camera or follow the link. The buyer will be taken to the check check service website. There he will check that the check registered in the OFD corresponds to the paper one. If the amounts are different, the buyer can complain to the store.

Will an electronic check completely replace a paper one?

The electronic receipt contains the TIN of the store, the names of the goods, the amount of taxes paid and all other information. But at the request of the buyer, the seller is still obliged to issue a paper check.

What do the new checks look like?

How is a QR code and a link generated?

The fiscal data operator provides the CCP with the rules for generating a QR code and a link. The cash register generates a QR, a link and prints a check.

What if the Internet goes down during the sale?

The store owner has 72 hours to reconnect. Otherwise, the CCT will stop working.

What is a fiscal storage?

Relatively speaking, this is a new type of ECLZ. The fiscal accumulator receives receipt data, processes it and signs it with a fiscal sign. It then sends the check data and fiscal token to the fiscal data operator. From OFD fiscal the drive receives a receipt signed with a fiscal sign and saves the data of the receipt.

That is, ECLZ is no longer needed?

Yes, fiscal drives will replace ECLZ.

Where to buy a fiscal drive?

It is now known that EKLZ can be bought from the manufacturer - Atlas-Kart. The company Proxima is also selling ECLZ. The list of organizations that sell fiscal drives has not yet been approved.

Fiscal drive one forever?

No, it needs to be changed.

Organizations on common system taxation - once a year. Organizations on a patent, UTII and USN - once every 3 years.

Who will change the fiscal drive?

How to get an electronic signature?

Electronic signatures are issued by certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation. To get a signature, take the documents to the certification center.

For individuals:

  • the passport

Legal entities:

  • founding documents
  • document on entering a legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • tax registration certificate

The electronic signature will be written to a physical medium, such as a USB flash drive. Find out the cost of the service in the certification center.

What should a store owner do to connect to the OFD?

  • Get a qualified electronic signature
  • Conclude an agreement or contract with a fiscal data operator
  • Take to the store online
  • Install a fiscal drive in the cash register
  • Register a cash register on the tax website and get a registration number on the website of the Federal Tax Service

How to register a cash register and get a number?

Go to the taxpayer's personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Get the CCP registration number in your personal account. Fiscalize the checkout. The KKT will send the data to the tax service through the OFD. You will receive a registration card in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Registration is over.

We remind you that an electronic signature is required for registration.

When will the registration of cash registers for the transmission of OFD data begin?

Voluntary registration of cash registers - from April 1, 2016. Mandatory registration KKT - from February 1, 2017. By July 1, 2017, all cash registers should start sending settlement data to OFD. The law has not been signed, the terms may change.

Do I need to buy a new cash register?

No, if your cash register connects to the Internet and you can put a fiscal drive in the case, and the internal software works with FN and OFD. If these features are not available and the manufacturer does not release a revision kit, then the cash register will have to be replaced.

What cash registers are suitable for working with OFD?

OFD has both hardware and software requirements.

Device requirements:

  • Internet connection
  • place for a fiscal drive inside the case
  • printing QR codes and links

Program requirements:

  • work with fiscal storage
  • work with OFD

The developers of the Dreamcas company have provided a compartment for the fiscal drive in all models of Viki cash registers and fiscal registrars VikiPrint.

The software works according to exchange protocols both between CRE and OFD, and between CRE and fiscal drive. Viki checkouts are connected to the Internet via a network cable or WiFi.

I work on UTII, I do not use the cash register. What to do?

Now to wait. The government is preparing a draft resolution, which will clearly indicate the types of activities for the application of the CCP.

What will happen to the CTO?

Service in the central heating center will no longer be mandatory. But the cash register equipment will still have to be repaired. It is worth assuming that reasonable store owners will not refuse technical support.

Is it necessary to conclude a service agreement with the CTO after the introduction of the OFD?

AT without fail- No. But an agreement with the OFD must be concluded in any case.

Can CTO become a fiscal data operator?

Yes. Any organization can become a fiscal data operator. For this you need to have:

  • Permission to process fiscal data from the Federal Tax Service
  • FSTEC license for technical protection information
  • FSB license for the development and production of cryptoprotection tools
  • FSB license for data protection activities
  • Technical means for processing fiscal data (on the right of ownership)
  • Technical means for protecting fiscal data
  • Non-residential premises owned or rented

More detailed requirements for OFD will appear after the signing of the law.

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