Do-it-yourself installation of an interior arch. Self-installation of arches in doorways. Preparing for installation

The creation of an exquisite interior in order to emphasize the individuality of the room was made possible thanks to the installation of an arch in the doorway between adjacent rooms. Thanks to such a constructive element, it is possible not only to improve the aesthetic performance of the apartment, but also to perform zoning of the premises.

Modern designers offer a variety of variations in the design of arched openings, both in the classical style and in the form of complex structures. Therefore, in order to choose the design style of an interior opening using an arched structure, you need to analyze various options and watch a video of design solutions.

The main types of arched structures

Despite the apparent diversity of arched systems, they all have a common shape, although designers are constantly making their own changes, limited only by their own imagination. But in practice there are the following types of arches depending on the styling of the overall repair:

  • arch of the classical form, which is a regular arc;
  • arched composition in a modernist style with a raised vault at the top;
  • romantic rectangular design with rounded corners;
  • arched arc of an ellipsoidal shape;
  • arbitrary form of arched composition.

When choosing a suitable arch shape, you need to consider the width and height of the doorway, and the architectural composition of the building. This is primarily due to the reduction of the opening in the wall and, as a result, the passage between adjacent rooms. Based on this, in wide openings they install ellipsoidal arch, it is better to frame a high door window with a composition in a classic style. Well, for a complete understanding of the process, it is better to watch a video of creating arched systems.

Preparation of tools and materials

As in the case of any repair work, installing an arch in a doorway starts with preparation all necessary tools:

To fix the arch in the opening, you will also need a puncher and a screwdriver. If we consider materials for creating an arched structure, then there is also a large selection:

  • MDF sheets, which are very easy to install;
  • drywall sheets allow you to create any bizarre shape of arches;
  • styrofoam or expanded polystyrene boards.

Each of the considered materials has both its advantages and disadvantages and therefore their choice is based on the preferences of the homeowner. But the most popular and easiest to work with is drywall, the manufacture of an arch from which will be discussed in more detail.

Installation of the supporting structure of the arch

I would like to note that any work on the creation of frame-cladding type structures should be carried out in strict accordance with certain stages.

The drywall arch, the video of the hand-made installation in the doorway of which is given in the article, must have a solid construction. To this end cross bars are installed from a metal profile.

Installing the sidewalls of the arched structure

After fixing the supporting frame in the doorway, they proceed to the manufacture and fastening of drywall elements. For marking and mounting sidewalls arched structures perform a certain sequence of actions.

  1. On drywall, a detail is marked in accordance with the width of the doorway. A vertical line is drawn in the center of the workpiece. Given the fact that the arch has a semicircular shape, you need to divide the width of the opening in half. The resulting result will be the radius of the arch.
  2. To get the correct dimensions of the sidewalls, you need to retreat from the top of the rectangular blank a distance equal to the radius of the semicircle of the arch and add to it a segment from the top point of the doorway to the top of the arc of the arched structure. By placing a mark on the center line of the part, the center point of the circle will be determined.
  3. As the simplest compass, a nail and a construction cord are used. Install the nail in the center of the circle, measure the length of the thread, equal to the radius, and outline the arc of the arch.
  4. According to the markup, a workpiece is cut out of a drywall sheet using an electric jigsaw.

By attaching the workpiece to the doorway, you can check the correctness of the calculations and, according to the finished template, cut out the second part, which will be completely identical to the first half. The finished halves of the arches are fixed on the supporting frame with self-tapping screws in increments of 15–30 cm.

Installation of the drywall arch arch

Everyone who makes a drywall arch in a doorway with their own hands has faced the problem of how to bend a drywall strip into the desired shape. In reality, everything is quite simple. To give drywall the shape of a semicircle, there is dry and wet methods.

Reading detailed instructions and after watching a video on installing an arch in a doorway, everyone can independently make a unique design object out of an ordinary interior door.

To create a fashionable interior that emphasizes the individuality of the design, arched structural forms are often used. Reception is becoming quite popular for implementation not only in large, but also in relatively small rooms.

Installing an interior arch in the doorway improves the spatial perception of the room due to the rejection of cluttering doors. The arch allows not only to improve the aesthetics of the design, but also to solve practical problems, for example, zoning an apartment.

Types of arches

The forms of arched structures do not abound with excessive variability. All of them, as a rule, are similar to each other. The most common are the following:

  • Classic. This is the usual arch in the form of a regular arc.
  • In the style of "modern". It is distinguished by a slightly raised or complete absence of the upper part.
  • In a romantic style. The arch has a rectangular shape with rounded corners.
  • Ellipsoid. The upper part or arc has the shape of an ellipse.
  • Arbitrary. The design of the vault can have any profile. It all depends on the design idea.

The arch can be installed in an existing doorway, or it can be customized for a specific product. When choosing, the dimensions of arches and openings, as well as the architecture of the building, are taken into account, since the arch reduces the width of the passages.

As for the style, it all depends on the available dimensions. In a very large opening, you can insert an arch of any shape. Arches with rounded vaults are well suited for a wide one, and for a high opening - in modern or classic styles.

Device, material and installation features

In general, the arch is a structure of the following parts:

  • Code.
  • Side racks.
  • Decorative elements - overlays, moldings, transoms with and without inserts, stucco molding, etc.

Installation of an interior arch in an opening is almost the same as installing a door frame, with the exception of lower strength requirements. Hence a large selection of available materials of manufacture. Arches can be made from the following:

  • Natural tree.
  • MDF or fiberboard.
  • Drywall.
  • Plastic.

As a rule, the installation of the arch is carried out from top to bottom. However, there may be differences in the technology of mounting arches of various types. In any case, to get the job done, you need:

  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Level.
  • Drill, screwdriver.
  • Hacksaw, electric jigsaw.
  • Self-tapping screws and glue.

Installation of a wooden arch

The wooden arch is the most prestigious, durable and beautiful. The material is distinguished not only by its excellent qualities, but also by its great weight.

The difficulty lies in the accuracy of manufacturing a bent arch and the problematic nature of its subsequent correction if necessary. Racks should be strengthened more carefully.

The shape and design must be carefully measured to keep changes in the opening to a minimum. Installation is carried out by fixing in an already finished opening. This allows you to hide minor flaws in the decoration of adjacent walls.

More often the vault consists of several parts, which are assembled into a single whole and fastened with special glue. In the opening, it is fastened with mounting foam or liquid nails. After fixing the arch, the side racks are installed. The correctness of the exhibition is checked by the level. The width of the opening must be the same throughout its height.

If wooden beams are used in the opening, then the vault and racks can be screwed or nailed to them. Heads of nails and self-tapping screws are closed with decorative moldings and platbands.

Sometimes the entry points of fasteners are covered with putty on wood, and after it dries, they are polished. After that, finishing and decoration is performed.

Installation of an arch from MDF or fiberboard

These materials bend very well. This is done by moisturizing and fixing in a bent position for a long time. After drying, the material takes the desired shape.

In the case of MDF, you can bend several thin sheets (5 mm) and glue them together. It is also possible to use the so-called bending sheet with 8 mm thick cross-cuts.

First, the frame is made. It is made from wooden bars and a metal profile. The frame is mounted in the opening, and then sheathed. Fixing to the frame is carried out with self-tapping screws. After installation, the structure is trimmed, and all irregularities are puttied. Then the final finishing is done.

Installation of a drywall arch

A plasterboard arch is the most practical and inexpensive option. Installation is no different from the previous version. First, a frame is installed from a profile, which is then covered with pre-cut drywall elements.

The frame is made of an aluminum guide or a special decorative profile. The material weighs little and is easily bent, thanks to which it allows you to create the most bizarre shapes. Drywall also lends itself easily to such processing. It is enough to cut the strip along the edges on one side, moisten and bend.

On the video you can see how the installation of the arch from MDF is performed:

First of all, a part of the frame is mounted under the arch. Racks from the profile are attached to the walls of the opening with dowels or nails if the walls are wooden. Both parts of the frame are fastened. Then, ready-made top and side elements from GKL are screwed to them with self-tapping screws.

Joints, seams and irregularities are puttied, after which the finishing is performed. If desired, the opening is additionally decorated with platbands, moldings and built-in lighting. The elements of the latter are installed at the stage of mounting the frame.

Whatever type of arch and installation method is chosen, it is important to follow the technology and order. First, marking is performed, then the preparation of structural elements, and only after that their installation. Only in this case the result can please.

To unite the space of the apartment in an elegant way, many resort to such a simple method as removing the doors and building an elegant arched structure in their place. For these purposes, you can purchase typesetting elements in the distribution network or cut them yourself, and then put everything together in the doorway. That is, installing an arch in a doorway with your own hands is a simple matter.

Any person can perform such work, even if they do not have super professional qualities, the main thing is the desire. So let's get started.

Technology for arranging an arched structure

The algorithm for the process of arranging an arched structure is as follows:

  • We choose the shape of the future structure.
  • We make his sketch and drawing.
  • We determine the necessary materials, fixtures and tools. Arches can be different in shape, size and decor. It is these parameters that are fundamental when choosing materials for them.
  • Choose the way to install the arch. This can be done either using a template (1:1 scale) from any material at hand, or using markings meticulously made on the surface of the wall (on both sides of the doorway).
  • opening and expand it to the required size.
  • We build a frame.
  • We sew it.
  • We do decoration.

Listen to them and you will succeed:

  • We take measurements at several points in the doorway so as not to miss them.
  • In the case of uneven walls (and they, most likely, such), the thickness of the racks corresponds to the thickest place (this is exactly the depth of the arch).
  • To significantly simplify the process of marking and cutting the sheathing material, we recommend making a template in full size. Then you will definitely avoid many mistakes, because you will have the opportunity to see with your own eyes the contours of the future structure.

Important! When calculating, do not forget to take into account the moment that as a result of installing the arch, the height of the doorway increases by an average of 10-15 cm. The distance from the top of the arched structure to the ceiling should not be less than 20 cm.

  • Cutting drywall sheets is carried out only with an electric jigsaw. It is unacceptable to use a hacksaw, as the edges are torn and uneven.
  • We fix the sheathing in increments of 5-6 cm with self-tapping screws.
  • After the drywall is fixed to the frame, sand its edges.
  • We protect the curved edge from chips with a special plastic corner with perforation.
  • We equip interior arches from fiberboard according to the technology for the construction of plasterboard ceilings. You just need to remember how to install. The fact is that fiberboard perfectly absorbs moisture from the air. Therefore, this material is not at all suitable for mounting the arch between the room and the kitchen.

Choosing a material for the frame

How to install an arch in a doorway? We start everything with a frame, for the arrangement of which we use:

  • metallic profile;
  • wooden bars (30 x 30 or 20 x 20 in size);
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • aerated concrete blocks.

Most often, the frame is made of a lightweight metal profile for drywall or wood bars. Structures built from these elements perfectly withstand the weight of finishing materials. And you don't need more. The fact is that the walls between the rooms are not load-bearing, and therefore, they do not experience serious loads. Therefore, all of the listed materials will perfectly cope with the tasks and will not let you down. It is a completely different matter if the arched structure plays the role of a support, then other materials with different strength characteristics will be required for its construction.

In addition, it is very easy and inexpensive to install an arch in a doorway from drywall with your own hands, even for beginner builders who do not have much experience in repair work.

Advice! We strongly recommend that the frame be rigidly fastened to the wall. Otherwise, there is a high risk that after 2-3 weeks the decorative coating will warp and fall off. When installing aerated concrete or concrete, you should think a hundred times whether it is worth equipping such a frame, which has a significant weight. Indeed, in this case, it will be necessary to calculate whether the floors below will withstand such a load.

Choosing material for sheathing

When constructing an interior arch in place of a doorway, you can safely use materials such as drywall, fiberboard or plywood for sheathing. Most often, GKP is preferred, since subsequently it will greatly facilitate the process of finishing the entire structure due to the fact that drywall has excellent adhesion with a large number of finishing materials.

In addition to this plus, GKP has other advantages: light weight and ease of processing. But it is worth considering the use of such material as thin plywood, which is much easier to bend (and you will definitely need this when installing the arch). Think and decide for yourself which is better. An important role in making the final decision is played by your financial capabilities.

Without preparing the doorway, we can't move on.

We begin the installation of the interior arch by dismantling the door leaf (if, of course, it is available). And then we proceed like this:

  • We expand the opening to the planned estimated dimensions.
  • We level the walls and beat off everything that may later or during the work fall off: concrete pieces, brick or plaster. This operation is extremely important for the subsequent reliable and strictly vertical (without any slopes to the right or left) fastening of the carrier profile.

On a note! There is no need to plaster the walls at this stage of the work. After all, they will still be under the frame, so no need to waste time.

  • Let's do the wiring. We do this if the plans include a backlit design.
  • Along the entire perimeter of the opening, we fix the profile to the wall.
  • We fix the upper part of the frame structure on it (as a rule, it has a curved appearance).
  • We fix the guides (vertical) in the opening, stepping back from the interior wall at a distance equal to the drywall sheet plus an additional 2 mm.
  • We fasten parallel profiles (two on each side and on top).

Well, now the most important thing is to create a supporting frame

Important! We attach the guides to a wooden wall using self-tapping screws, and to a concrete (or brick) wall using dowel screws. The fastening step should not be more than 30 cm.

  • To form a hemisphere at the top, we make cuts every 5-7 centimeters in the profile (in the side walls). This allows us to bend it the way we want. We make two pieces of such bent blanks (for each contour of the guides).
  • We fasten the curved profile to the main part of the frame.

Advice! To ensure the necessary reliability of the arcs, we fix them to the upper guide (horizontal) using hangers. Their number depends on such a parameter as the width of the doorway (usually two or three will be enough).

  • We make fastening of the crossbars strengthening a design. The step of their installation is 40-60 centimeters. Be sure to fix the crossbars on the guides of both circuits.
  • As a result of all the work, we get a solid frame, which subsequently remains only to be sheathed and decorated.
  • If the thickness of the arched columns is small, then a wide profile can be used for the arcs, and all cutting and bending work is carried out according to the recommendations described above. The exception is that the installation of cross members is not necessary.
  • Do-it-yourself installation of the arch in the doorway, using wooden bars, is carried out using the same technology.

GKL installation

After the frame is assembled, we begin to sheathe it. Plasterboard sheets are considered an ideal option, in which reinforcement from non-woven fiberglass is carried out on both sides. But you can get by with simple drywall, previously moistened with water, fixed on a template and steamed with a hot iron. In order to achieve the desired shape, the material is simply kneaded in the longitudinal direction.

How to install an arch in the kitchen with your own hands? Very simple: instead of ordinary drywall, we use waterproof.

Two ways to bend the GKL

  • Wet. We moisten the back side of the drywall sheet with plenty of water (you can use a needle roller), gradually bend it on the template, fix it and leave it to dry. The process is not fast, if you suddenly hurry, you can touch the cardboard layer of the sheet, and this is unacceptable. Installation and fastening on the arched structure is carried out only after the gypsum has completely hardened.
  • Dry. The principle is to apply cuts (parallel) on one side of the sheet, passing through the plaster layer and the outer part of the cardboard (do not touch the front side). Next, carefully begin to bend the sheet.

We prime, putty and decorate

The work algorithm is as follows:

  • We prime.
  • We apply the first layer of putty to the surface.
  • After it dries a little, we carry out reinforcement using a fiberglass mesh.
  • Apply the next layer of putty.
  • Strengthen and align the corners with a grid.
  • After the putty has hardened, we grind the surfaces with sandpaper. We remove all irregularities, surpluses, caps of self-tapping screws.
  • We start finishing: we finish with stone, paint, sheathe with wood or plastic. Here you can fully show the flight of your imagination.


Step-by-step instructions on how to install an arch in a doorway (photo above), performed consistently and without any errors, will allow you to bring your creative ideas to life. Yes, you will have to spend time and money on this, but believe me, it is worth it. The result may exceed all your expectations. Moreover, you are unlikely to find a second such design anywhere.

There are many forms and techniques for decorating a doorway and arch installation is one of the most common solutions. The arch allows you to increase the usable area and visually expand the room, creating functional zones, while leaving the interior space separate. Arches also give the interior sophistication and can be harmoniously combined with any style. It is quite simple to build an arch and for this you can use different materials, which depends on the choice of the shape of the structure and the parameters of the doorway.

Types and features of mounting arches

Arched forms are not limited to a smooth arc, which allows them to harmoniously fit into any interior design. The choice of the form of construction depends on the parameters of the doorway. In modern design, many varieties of arches are used:

  • classic - the most common type, presented in the form of an even arc with the same radius;
  • modern - the design is presented in the form of a straight opening, the arched part of which is raised high;
  • portal - repeating the appearance of an open doorway, has a rectangular shape;
  • romance - represents a rectangular structure, the upper edges of which are rounded;
  • trapezoid - a rectangular structure, where the upper part is presented at an angle, imitating the shape of a trapezoid;
  • ellipse - a rectangular structure, the upper part of which is rounded to the shape of an ellipse;
  • semi-arch - it is a rectangular arch, where the upper part is rounded on one side, and on the other it represents a flat angle, which creates a wave effect;
  • arch with top - a rectangular structure in which the top is divided by an even arc, forming a small rectangle above it.

Also, in modern design, free futuristic forms are used, devoid of typicality, but, as it were, made in a curved projection. Such structures can be of arbitrary shape, have non-standard sizes and any architectural device.

Material selection

To install the arch with your own hands, it is important to decide in advance on the materials. A wide range of materials can be used for this purpose. Depending on the type of construction, in the installation you can apply:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • drywall;
  • Fiberboard or MDF;
  • plastic.

Installing an arch made of wood and brick is a rather laborious process, but the effect is very beautiful. Brick is a heavy material, so it is rarely used for arches in an apartment, more often for decorating private houses. Plastic looks concise and restrained, so it will be an excellent solution for the “minimalism” style in the interior. Drywall is considered the most practical - a budgetary, easy-to-process material that can be turned into an arch of any shape. Fiberboard or MDF panels are less versatile than drywall, but can be used to create typical arch shapes. Any material can be used for this purpose, so whichever one is chosen, the result will be excellent.

How to calculate the parameters of the arch?

The arch can be installed in any doorway, while its dimensions affect the shape of the structure. Each arch consists of structural elements, the calculation of which is necessary for proper installation. Even if you have an accurate eye, you still won’t be able to make the arch even if you don’t depict it schematically. The drawing of the arch should include calculations:

  • opening width - if you want to make the arch wider, then you need to calculate where it will have the center right away, so that later you can determine the height and shape;
  • arc height - height from the center of the width of the arch to the beginning of the formation of the arc;
  • arc radius - measured from the point of intersection of the width of the doorway to the arch and height.

Measure the inside of the structure (the distance from one wall to another) and divide by 2 - this will be the center. Then mark the height from the center to the top point. This is necessary to calculate the arc. Regardless of the shape of the arc, you will need to calculate its shape. To do this, you need to determine the radius of the vault, and then mirror it from the opposite side. When finishing the structure, it must be taken into account that it will reduce the usable area inside the passage by 7-10 cm. The implementation of the arch is possible if the opening is at least 2 m, and the distance from its arch to the ceiling must be at least 40 cm. If the size of the opening allows you to install a full-fledged arch, you will have to increase it.

Do-it-yourself installation of arches: the subtleties of the process

The choice of the shape of the vault is carried out at the design stage. Before starting work, you need to decide on the shape of the future arch, since the amount of consumables depends on it. Depending on the type of material chosen, it is worth knowing about some of the nuances of how to install an arch in a doorway:

1. Oval and rounded arches are assembled from blanks. They are made in advance, and then attached to each other. This type of collection is suitable for wooden panels and installation of a plastic arch.

2. Light materials are attached with glue, and it is better to attach brick or wood with dowels to a metal profile. The weight of these materials will not withstand any glue. But drywall, plastic, fiberboard and MDF can be glued to the doorway.

3. The arch can be decorated. You can give the arch additional grace with the help of cornices, banquettes, planks. The decor of the inner and front part under the columns is popular.

The arch can be additionally equipped with niches outside the main structure or go into a bar counter - in general, embody any interior functions. It is possible to install lighting elements in the inner part of the arch to create an additional light source in the visit.

Plasterboard arch

Drywall is one of the most popular materials used in construction and interior decoration. Do-it-yourself plasterboard arches interior installation will require the following materials:

  • arched drywall sheet;
  • metal profile to create a frame;
  • dowels with screws for attaching to the ceiling;
  • self-tapping screws for drywall fasteners (3.5x25 mm);
  • jigsaw or scissors for metal;
  • needle roller, putty and primer materials.

First you need to remove the remnants of the old doorway, clean and shape, and then cut the front of the frame from drywall. To do this, you need to make measurements on drywall and mark the width. Then mark the radius with a compass, which must be made from a rope, a pencil and a self-tapping screw. The top point of the bend is marked and a line is drawn from it. The radius is marked on two sheets of drywall in the same way. Using a jigsaw, you need to cut the material. The line should be straight, so try not to damage the material. To cut the second sheet, you can put the cut sheet under it and cut the second one with the same and even end face under it.

The next step is the installation of a metal frame. The length of the profile must correspond to the width of the doorway. Small sections of the guide profile must correspond to the height of the cut drywall. Then holes are made with a puncher and dowels are inserted. You need to cut the profile at approximately the same distance of 3-4 cm, so that it is convenient to bend it and mount it on the arch. The cut-out radius drywall is then attached to both sides of the doorway. A profile is attached inside, and its segments are inserted into the drywall. The radius profile is screwed with self-tapping screws for fixation.

The next step is to install the end sheet. To do this, you need to bend the drywall, giving it the shape of an arc. There are two ways to bend the GKL: dry and wet. For self-installation of the arch, you can use any. The bent sheet must be held in this position for several days so that it acquires the desired shape of the bend. A radius sheet is installed on the profile using self-tapping screws. The final stages are finishing, priming and leveling the surface. For leveling, putty and reinforcing mesh are used. It is necessary to make several layers of putty to hide all the irregularities and design flaws. The final step is decoration. You can paint the arch, trim it with a pinoplast baguette, or use lightweight panels.

PVC and MDF arch

The construction of fiberboard and MDF is an arch that everyone can install himself. Arches from this material look very beautiful and practical to install. Ready-made arches are sold, the installation of which takes very little time, but in order to save money, you can make the arch yourself. For this you will need:

  • tape measure and pencil;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels and screws;
  • glue;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • Chipboard or MDF panels;
  • profile

It is important to understand that chipboard and MDF are three different materials. Chipboard and MDF - a pressed board made from small wood chips, which is characterized by increased strength and sufficient flexibility to make an arch out of it. Fiberboard - wood fiber board. It is less attractive, therefore, it requires mandatory cladding, but it costs less than chipboard. MDF - the same as chipboard, only MDF board is of medium hardness, which means it is a little stronger.

The basis for wood panels is a wooden profile, which is made from bars. Holes are drilled for dowels in the bars and marks are made for drilling holes in the opening. Thus, a frame is created over the entire surface. Then the cut sheets are attached. Drawings and measurements are made in the same way as for drywall. Sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws, on which plugs are put on. Using sheets, you can create an arch of any shape. The final step is finishing.

wooden arch

The wooden arch looks very aesthetically attractive, and with the help of this material you can give the arch any shape, beautifully decorate the doorway and organize the interior passage. Before you fix the arch in the doorway, you need to remove the elements of the old frame and sand the surface. Then draw up a drawing and plan measurements for the arch. Wood is a rather heavy material for an arch, so it must first be sawn and then assembled.

To install the structure you will need:

  • level and tape measure;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • fasteners;
  • perforator;
  • Fiberboard for the template;
  • boards;
  • decorative and finishing materials.

The first step is to create a template. To do this, you need to make markup on the DPV sheet. Draw the vault of the arch to make a full curve. The radius of both parts must match. Cut an arc out of the sheet with a jigsaw.

Then you need to attach a template and draw a lower and upper arc on the board. The sawn parts must be sanded so that there are no rough edges. Then a frame is assembled from the bars. Elements can be glued together. Then the vault is fixed with self-tapping screws in the opening. You can use mounting foam or liquid nails. Then the side panels are attached. The final stage is the elimination of shortcomings, the processing of joints and irregularities and the coating of wood with varnish or paint.

brick arch

An excellent solution for a private house is a brick arch. Brick, stone, concrete - these materials can be used to create an attractive DIY arch. If you use a brick, you can use it as a chipboard template. The creation of a drawing and the preparation of a template are carried out in the same way as for other materials. But keep in mind that the brick is heavy, so you need to choose support structures that can withstand its weight.

The brick is laid evenly on both sides, it is better to start marking the drawing. During cladding, cement mortar must be used. You can decorate the arch with a decorative stone, which is easy to install with your own hands.

Installing the arch with your own hands is quite realistic. Regardless of the material chosen, it is imperative to make a preliminary drawing in order to get a smooth vault. There is nothing complicated in installing the arch. If you still have questions about how to make the structure yourself, watch the do-it-yourself arch installation video:

An arch instead of a door to delimit the interior space is a great solution that will transform the interior. Sometimes arches become an indispensable design element for various defects in walls and doorways. When installing doors, these defects become too noticeable, and the drywall construction allows you to hide irregularities and create an original stylistic solution.

Arches can be used not only instead of doors. Drywall partitions with an arch for passage are a good way to divide a large room into several zones. Moreover, the construction of a relatively light structure will not take too much time, and after the installation of drywall in the room there is not much debris left.

Drywall as the main material

A few words about drywall. Today it is one of the most popular and sought-after materials. It is valued for its low weight, strength, flexibility, processing variability, and affordable price. Drywall is environmentally friendly. There are many material markings that differ in various properties: fracture resistance, strength, moisture resistance.

When erecting a drywall arch, two methods of material processing are used: wet and dry.

The dry method involves bending drywall to a significant radius. During installation, the material is carefully attached step by step to the metal profile. In this case, the bending of the sheet takes place gradually, without critical loads. This method of dry mounting is also popular: the edges of the sheet are slightly notched, which reduces the risk of tearing the material.

In the wet method, the radius cannot be too large, as the material may not withstand deformation and collapse. A drywall sheet is placed on a special grid and, using a sharp awl, is perforated over the entire surface. Then the sheet is rolled with a roller dipped in water. Humidification gives additional flexibility to the material.

Also, the method of processing and creating the radius of the arch depends on the thickness of the drywall.

  1. The bending radius of a material having a thickness of 7 mm should not exceed 300-350 mm with a wet method of processing, and 1 m with a dry one.
  2. If the thickness of the drywall is 9.5 mm, then the radius for dry installation should not exceed 2 m, for wet installation - 0.5 m.
  3. Drywall with a thickness of 12.5 mm with a wet method can be used to create an arch with a radius of 1 m, with a dry one - 2.5 m.

Building an arch with your own hands

It is not difficult to make an arch instead of doors on your own. The main thing is to learn about all the subtleties and nuances associated with the construction of the structure. For the first time, it is best to try to make a simple arch, with a classic arc.

For finishing and installation work, the following materials are required.

Tools for installation work.

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Drill.
  4. A hammer.
  5. Jigsaw.
  6. Construction circle.
  7. bubble level.
  8. Stationery knife.
  9. Peeling planer for end processing (optional).

Step 1. Preparing the doorway. To do this, you need to remove the door, dismantle the door frame, trim. There should be no old wallpaper, wood, plastic or other materials left along the edges of the opening.

Step 2 measurements. Using a tape measure, you need to carefully measure the width and height of the opening. On the walls, you can mark the beginning of the radius of the arch. It is desirable that the distance from the floor to the beginning of the radius on one and the second side of the doorway coincide, otherwise the bend may turn out to be a curve.

Step 3 Cutting and installation of the facade of the arch. The width of the drywall sheet should be equal to the width of the doorway. The upper edge of the sheet should remain flat, on the lower edge, using a compass or a rope with a pencil, the radius of the arch will be marked.

Making a homemade compass is easy: you need a rope, a pencil and a self-tapping screw, which is screwed to a rigidly fixed wooden block. A rope is attached to the screw. A pencil is tied to the other end of the twine. Then, on a sheet of drywall, which has already been cut to the desired length and width, you need to find the radius point. To do this, the upper point of the bend is marked with a pencil in the center of the sheet. The rope must be taut. Next, you need to draw a smooth line with a pencil from one edge of the drywall sheet to the second. Stretching the twine will help achieve the classic radius.

In the same way, it is required to mark the bend of the arch on two sheets of the same size.

Step 4 Cut drywall along a curved line. The first sheet with a drawn arc is quite difficult to cut. It is important to achieve a straight line, not to damage the material. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a jigsaw. You can pre-train on the remnants of the material so that the finishing operation is successful.

The second sheet is much easier to cut. You can apply the cut material to the whole sheet and cut the arc as if it were a pattern. Ideally, two sheets should be the same, with even ends.

Step 5 Installation of the profile to the top and sides of the doorway. The front sheets of the arch will be attached to this profile around the perimeter. The length of the large guide profile must match the width of the opening. Shorter segments should match the height of the cut sheets of drywall. Holes for dowels are drilled using a puncher. A profile is fixed to this fitting. If the doorway is narrow, then you do not need to do a double strapping. If wide, then the profile is mirrored on one and the other side of the doorway.

Step 6 Fastening the facade of the arch to the profile. Drywall sheets with a cut-out radius are attached to self-tapping screws on both sides of the doorway. It is important that the edges of the arch exactly match in height with each other. Hats of accessories are required to be recessed into the material by 1-2 mm.

Step 7 Installation of a radius profile. Using a tape measure, you need to measure the length of the radius. The guide profile is cut to this size. Since the arch has two facades, two profiles are required. Then you need to give the metal profile flexibility. To do this, it is required to make cuts on the metal on both sides at a distance of 3 cm. Thanks to this, the profile will easily bend and acquire the desired shape.

Step 8 Installation of an arched end sheet of drywall. This material has increased strength and flexibility. But despite this, you need to bend it carefully. A strip is cut from a sheet of drywall, having the same length as the length of the radius of the partition.

The material can be bent both dry and wet. To make the arch perfectly even, you can make a special template with which the arched drywall sheet will acquire the desired shape. The only drawback is that the material needs to be kept in a bent form for several days so that it acquires the desired radius. You can also make transverse cuts along the entire length of the sheet on the reverse side. It is important that the cutting depth is not more than 3-4 mm, with a material thickness of 7-8 mm.

If there is no time, then you can bend the sheet in a wet way. It is important that the perforation is uniform and that the material does not break.

The radius sheet is mounted on the profiles using self-tapping screws. The draft version of the design is ready.

Step 9 Fastening the arched corner for putty. For these purposes, you need a stapler, with which the finishing fittings will be mounted to the curved edges of the arch.

The corner itself has holes on two faces, one face is divided into fragments, due to which the material is easily bent and takes on the desired shape. The corner is designed to align the ends of the arch.

Step 10 Arch finishing. To protect the material from moisture absorption, it is best to use a primer. The coating is applied to all sections of the structure made of drywall. The primer dries overnight.

Step 11 Alignment of the surface of all elements of the arch. For these purposes, putty, spatula, reinforcing mesh are needed. The reinforcing mesh is designed to align all grooves, joints and structural irregularities. Putty is applied over it. The material must be applied in several layers. Thus, you can achieve a perfectly flat surface. After the putty dries, you need to clean all the structural elements with sandpaper. This will hide the protrusions and roughness.

Step 12 Arch painting. Before painting the structure, it is required to carefully remove dust into it with a brush or a soft cloth. Then all the elements of the arch must be coated again with a primer. If this is not done, the paint will roll on the surface of the putty, which will ruin the look of the arch.

It is best to cover the structure with water-based paint. The material dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is easy to apply. After drying, the paint does not change color, does not fade in the sun.

The arch is ready. It will become an unusual and stylish decoration of the room, will bring novelty and freshness to the interior of the house.

Video - Detailed instructions for building an arch with your own hands