Device for dehumidification in the room. How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews, technical aspects. The main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a device

With the development of technology, there are more and more opportunities to make your life more convenient. In many ways, our physical condition and mood depend on the comfortable microclimate in the apartment. It consists of: temperature, humidity and air mobility. And if the temperature is maintained by heating, and excessive mobility can be avoided by eliminating drafts, then with humidity everything is more difficult. To maintain its optimal value, a dehumidifier for the apartment is needed. Prices, reviews, popular manufacturers, as well as selection criteria, we will analyze in detail in this article.

Read in the article:

Causes and consequences of high humidity

For humans, the optimum humidity ranges from 40 to 60%, but this value is often exceeded for several reasons:

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Modern humidifiers cost a lot of money, so many people ask themselves: how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier? There are several effective ways, which we will consider in this article.

Exceeding the optimal level of humidity by at least 10% adversely affects the well-being of a person and the interior. The higher it is, the more actively mold fungi multiply. At the first stage, black dots appear on the ceiling, plaque on the walls and a specific smell. Later, spores appear that adversely affect the respiratory tract (allergies or asthma may occur). In addition, due to excessive moisture, a favorable environment is formed for the reproduction of microorganisms on the mucous membrane of the eye, which can lead to the development of infection.

The general condition of the room is also reflected in increased humidity. New wallpapers can peel off, doors stop closing (due to swelling of wood under the influence of water), metal interior parts become rusty.

All of the above can be avoided by maintaining normal humidity in the apartment. But often simple rules (ventilate the room, monitor the work of natural ventilation, etc.) are not enough, and there is a need for a special device that can dry the air in the apartment.

The principle of operation of the dehumidifier

Household dehumidifiers for the home (or dehumidifiers) can not only remove the required amount of moisture from the room, but also maintain optimal humidity. According to the principle of operation, they are of two types: condensing and adsorption dehumidifiers.

Adsorption dryers

In the operation of these devices, the ability of some materials (in this case, adsorbents) to absorb moisture is used. Subsequently, this material must be dried or replaced.

Remember! Silica gel is easy to dry in a conventional oven, it is enough to place it for 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 50-60°C.

A modern example of this type is the adsorption dryer with a silica gel rotor. During rotation, the adsorbent is mixed. Air enters the device through a large part of the disk, water condenses, and dried and heated air exits through a smaller part (drying the silica gel) into the room.

Advantages of adsorption dryers:

  1. No noise.
  2. Minimal (or absent) energy consumption.

There is only one drawback - low efficiency in comparison with a condensing dryer.

Condensation dryers

A more modern type of dehumidifiers, capable of achieving the required microclimate parameters in the apartment as quickly as possible. The principle of its operation is the condensation of water vapor on the cooled surface of the evaporator. That is, the air enters the device, cools down to the dew point, the steam condenses, and the dry air heats up and returns to the room.

Like an air conditioner, a dehumidifier cools the air by means of a circulating refrigerant. However, in this case, the superheated air is not removed outside, but returned to the room.

Advantages of condensing dryers:

  1. High performance.
  2. The ability to quickly dry the entire volume of the room.


  1. High noise level (compared to adsorption).
  2. It is possible to heat the air by 4-6 ° C, which is not critical for a large room, but can create discomfort in a small one.
  3. Repair of this type of air dryer costs a lot of money.

How to make a household dehumidifier for an apartment with your own hands?

If you need to get rid of excessive humidity in the apartment, it is not necessary to buy a special device, you can do it yourself. Condensing devices are complex devices, the design of which requires certain skills. Therefore, we will focus on a simple adsorption device.


  1. Plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters.
  2. Scotch.
  3. Adsorbent (ideally - silica gel).
  4. Awl.
  5. Gauze.

First you need to cut the bottle across and make several holes in the bottom (using an awl).

Important! Holes are needed to let dry air into the room, so don't make them too small.

Next, we wrap the neck of the bottle with gauze, fill this part with silica gel and lower it to the bottom, securing it with tape. It is advisable to put a household fan next to the device (you can power it from a computer), then the drying process will go more intensively.

How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment?

First of all, when choosing an air dryer, you need to decide on the type (adsorption or condensation). Next, pay attention to its parameters:

  • Productivity - how much moisture it is able to remove in a period of time. This parameter is the most important. So, when buying a device of insufficient power, the desired air parameters will not be achieved, and it can break down quite quickly due to working at the limit.

If you buy a device that is too powerful, it will consume a lot of power and create a lot of noise. Yes, it will dry the air as quickly as possible, but this is not advisable.

  • Air exchange - how much air is dried per hour. If there is not enough air exchange, the device will evaporate a large amount of moisture, but the moisture intake will be so large that the microclimate parameters will not improve significantly.

Manufacturers usually indicate what volume of the room the dehumidifier is designed for, but you yourself can focus on the optimal air exchange equal to 3-4 room volumes. In this mode, the device will quickly reach the optimum humidity, and it will require a minimum of electricity to maintain it.

  • Noise level (it is desirable to choose units with noise up to 40 dB).
  • Power consumption.

It all depends on the manufacturer and the efficiency of his dehumidifier. It happens that a device with a higher performance consumes less energy.

  • Removable filter.

The possibility of washing the air dryer filter extends its service life.

Air dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews

Let's compare several dehumidifiers for an apartment (prices, reviews, basic parameters) of popular brands to simplify the choice.

Maria, Togliatti:“It was very stuffy in the autumn-spring period, I decided to purchase this inexpensive dehumidifier. Does the job perfectly! Yes, noisy, but for the money - an ideal option!

Olga, Rostov-on-Don:“I love to buy newfangled gadgets for the home, this time the choice fell on this device. Very easy to use, has a replaceable filter (it won't work until you change it!). one drawback is the noise, turning it on at night is simply unrealistic!

Maxim, Vologda:“I bought it 2 weeks ago, so far so good. The main advantage is the ability to drain condensate, there is no need to constantly change the capacity, as in other dehumidifiers.

Andrey, Krasnodar:“There was a need to purchase a dehumidifier for a large studio apartment. I bought this unit because of the price, it is very attractive. The ability to adjust the power is very convenient (you can set it to a minimum, then it is inaudible, but it does its job) and set it on a timer "

Julia, Belgorod:“I bought it 2 months ago, I got hooked on the opportunity not only to dry the air, but also to purify it. Very easy to operate: touch panel, speed switch, timer. Definitely satisfied with the purchase!

Video review: the coolest dehumidifier for home


With a high water content in the air, health problems can occur, furniture and walls can deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to dry it to an acceptable value. This can be done with improvised means, but it is more efficient to buy an inexpensive dehumidifier for an apartment (absorption or condensation). They are inexpensive, consume little electricity, and a comfortable microclimate in the apartment is worth it.

Many are faced with the problem of dampness in their own homes and even apartments. Humidity itself may not become a critical threat, but the possibility of the development of pathogenic flora, the formation of mold and the general atmosphere of such damp housing is not at all encouraging. Sometimes it happens that dampness has a local distribution - for example, a bathroom or kitchen. In any case, a solution to this problem has been found. If you want to get rid of dampness in the house, then you need to use household dehumidifier household level.

All dehumidifiers can be divided into domestic and industrial. Household dehumidifiers are used in apartments, houses, cottages and country houses.

Let's stop and consider a household air lyophilizer. The design, dimensions and principle of operation of this air dryer can be very different. The dehumidifier is found mobile, wall or floor. To remove moisture, air cooling, hygroscopic material, heating, or other equally intriguing sublimation methods can be used. The question is, what effect do you want, and what humidity will have to deal with a particular device. The main thing to remember is that you can buy a lyophilizer at any time.

The choice of design should be made based on practical conditions. If you generally have an increased level of humidity in the apartment, then the ideal option is household dehumidifier. If moisture is spreading from a particular room, or even a corner, then it is wiser to install the device exactly there in order to stop the spread of the problem in principle.

Lyophilizers (air dryers) will help maintain the required level of humidity in your home. Thanks to this modest device, the microclimate of your home will become healthier and more pleasant.

Buy household dehumidifiers can be in the online store website. To do this, you need to leave an order through the site or contact the manager by phone.

To create optimal humidity in residential premises, many climatic devices have been developed. Opinions about the optimal value of humidity are different, but most experts agree on figures from 40 to 60%. If the humidity in the room is below this range, humidifiers are usually used, and if it is higher, household dehumidifiers.

Why do you need household dehumidifiers for an apartment and a house?

As the name suggests, household dehumidifiers for apartments and houses designed to dry the air in the room, that is, to lower its relative humidity. What is it for?

Excess moisture not only creates discomfort from the feeling of dampness - it can be harmful and even dangerous to health. With high humidity during the hot season, the natural cooling of the body is disturbed due to reduced evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, which can lead to heat stroke even in mild heat. Attempts to enhance natural evaporation with only a simple fan can lead to severe hypothermia and colds.

The use of household dehumidifiers for apartments and houses is especially necessary for people with respiratory diseases, for example, asthmatics, as well as people with sensitive skin and young children, whose body reacts more sensitively to climatic conditions compared to an adult's body.

In addition, wooden furniture, books, paintings and documents, leather items and fur products deteriorate from high humidity.

Why you should use dehumidifiers for your home

Use dehumidifiers for home essential in warm, humid climates. Such a climate is typical not only for the tropics, but also for many areas of temperate latitudes in the summer, especially for coastal and wetlands.

But the increased humidity in the room can be associated not only with climatic features. Humidity increases significantly when washing and ironing clothes, frequent use of the bath and shower, wet cleaning, the use of steam generators and cooking. The abundance of indoor plants and the presence of aquariums increase the humidity. A lot of moisture is contained in the exhaled air and natural skin fumes, which is especially true for an overcrowded apartment.

From all this it follows that the use of household dehumidifiers for the home is justified not only in special climatic conditions, but also where high humidity is associated with local factors (for example, in a bathroom or kitchen).

How do dehumidifiers work for an apartment?

Household dehumidifiers for the apartment operate in the same way as a conventional refrigerator. The refrigerant evaporates and the temperature drops to the dew point. Passing through the evaporator (cooling heat exchanger), the air driven by the fan is cooled. The moisture in it condenses, and the condensate flows through the drainage system into a special reservoir. As a result, the absolute humidity of the air, i.e., the amount of water in a unit of its volume, drops. The cold air then passes through a condenser (heating heat exchanger) where it is reheated to nearly its original temperature. As a result, its relative humidity drops.

The use of a closed cycle (recirculation) in air dryers for an apartment allows you to significantly reduce energy consumption. After all, unlike air conditioners, the task of dehumidifiers is not to cool the air in the room, and they use energy only to condense moisture.

Among the technical characteristics of dehumidifiers for apartments and houses, the most important are the following:

  • air productivity, which is chosen based on the volume of the room;
  • dehumidification performance, the choice of which is determined not only by volume, but also by the humidity of the room;
  • noise level;
  • consumed electric power.

Buy a household dehumidifier in the online store

Buying a household dehumidifier is an excellent solution to the problem of excessive humidity, which negatively affects not only the well-being and health of a person, but also the safety of interior and decoration items, books, equipment, clothes, etc.

Buy a household dehumidifier in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) you can in our store, where about fifty different models are presented. Here you can buy inexpensive Chinese-made dehumidifiers, exquisite and high-tech Japanese models, high-performance German appliances. You can choose and order a household dehumidifier online or by phone in our online store with delivery in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) and to the regions of Russia.

The price of a household air dryer in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) depends on its performance, technical equipment, feature set, design. The price of a household dehumidifier also depends on the brand: the cheapest are Ballu and Timberk dehumidifiers for an apartment, Master dehumidifiers are medium in price, and Mitsubishi Electric household dehumidifier is one of the most expensive and famous. The current prices for dehumidifiers for the home are presented in our catalog.

The microclimate in a house or apartment depends on many reasons. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of devices and devices designed to control the internal environment of premises. Most of them can be done by hand. The moisture absorber is just one such example.

    Show all

    Danger of high humidity

    Dampness, excessive humidity in the room threaten serious health problems. They are dangerous for wallpaper, furniture, household appliances. An unhealthy environment also accelerates the destruction of the materials from which housing is built. In order to minimize the unhealthy influence of aggressive microflora, you can use a moisture trap for the home.

    High humidity can lead to the following consequences:

    Do-it-yourself air dryer ECONOMY OPTION

    The longer the exposure to dampness, the more it harms human health and pets, has a destructive effect on the condition of the home and its interior. Sooner or later, homeowners come to the conclusion that the negative environment needs to be dealt with somehow.

    Causes of an aggressive internal environment

    To understand whether and how much a moisture remover from the air will help, you need to understand the causes of dampness in your home. It may well be that it can be eliminated in another way. And in the case of capital problems, on the contrary, more serious solutions are needed.

    High indoor humidity occurs for many reasons. . Here is some of them:

    Moisture absorber (silica gel)

    Some of this is eliminated by the use of insulating materials or by replacing pipes. Somewhere you can attract housing department. For problems that are not of a general, systemic nature, it will be enough to constantly thoroughly ventilate the premises or use dehumidifiers.

    The simplest dryers

    People have struggled with dampness in their homes for centuries. During this time, a wealth of experience has been accumulated. But most of the old techniques are of little use today - it is unlikely that someone, for example, will heat a room “in a black way”. It will be much more efficient to make a moisture absorber for the house with your own hands.

    Low cost option

    Once upon a time, sandbags were used to dry the air in the premises (sometimes they were still warmed up in advance). The simplest devices still work on the old principle today. Their fillers simply absorb excess moisture.

    Modernized options are arranged like this:

    Dryers should be checked daily. This is especially true at the very beginning. So the homeowner will be able to find out at what intervals it is worth changing and in what quantity to fill the filler. This method, by the way, will allow you to find out where the humidity is highest in the house without a hydrometer.

    DIY AIR DRYER * from usb *

    Outlet for tech lovers

    Instead of hot bricks, which, after cooling and getting wet, were replaced with new ones, even a person who is more or less literate in computer technology will find how to adapt an old cooler for a dehumidifier. However, an old table fan will also work for this purpose.

    The dehumidifier is easy to make:

    The air will pass through the entire system, dehydrate and flow back into the housing. Consumables are dried or replaced as needed. Craftsmen can decorate the device in any way, then it will acquire a completely marketable appearance.

    1. 1. First you need to remove the outer and inner (from the freezer) doors.
    2. 2. According to their size, cut out two "windows" from organic glass.
    3. 3. On a large sheet of glass (below), cut a hole that will match the size of the plastic grill (some refrigerators have these, if not, you can buy the one that is used to decorate the ventilation holes).
    4. 4. In the area of ​​the hole, mount the grille, and then the fan (working direction inwards). You can fix them with self-tapping screws.
    5. 5. "Windows" are mounted along the perimeters of the former doors. Previously, multiple small holes are made in the glass: in the freezer - over the entire area, in the large one - from above.
    6. 6. The structure is sealed.

    You need to turn on both the refrigerator and the fan. With a normally working moisture removal, the machine works reliably, successfully serving the entire apartment. It is used as needed, it is not worth driving equipment for days.

    Dehumidifiers, depending on the price, differ in a set of functions, reliability, efficiency. The market offers even portable devices. But you can do without unnecessary (and rather big) expenses if you make your own device.

High humidity in apartments, offices or other small spaces is often the cause of the appearance of harmful fungi and mold, which, of course, negatively affects health. A household dehumidifier will help restore the most comfortable conditions and a normal level of humidity in the room.

It is possible to use the device:

  • In the apartment
  • In the office
  • In a country house

In addition to dehumidifying the air in apartments and offices, it is possible to use a household dehumidifier during repairs in an apartment, it will help to cope with excess moisture during finishing work.


Installation method and dimensions:

Floor or wall-mounted - small room dehumidifiers can be placed on the floor or table, but many models have a wall mount to save usable space. The floor version is more mobile, it can be moved and thereby regulate the humidity in the rooms, and the wall type is suitable for those rooms where a certain level of humidity is constantly needed.


In order to correctly calculate what power to buy a dehumidifier for your home, you need to take into account several characteristics - each model is designed for a certain area or volume of the room, the capacity of liters per hour, as well as the minimum level of humidity that it can maintain.

Noise level:

Mostly for household dehumidifiers, the noise level is in the range of 30-35 dB. If you choose a device for a bedroom or a nursery, you should pay attention to models with a reduced noise level.

Water drainage method:

Basically, household dehumidifiers that are used in apartments and offices are equipped with a water container, which must be emptied periodically. If you need constant operation of the device, it is better to choose a model with a maximum volume of the water tank. There are also models that are equipped with a special drain - a hose that can be lowered, for example, into a sink or connected to a sewer system.

Here you can choose and buy household dehumidifiers for home and office directly from the Neoclima manufacturer - the best prices, reviews, specifications, videos, certificates and instructions.