Make a living room out of the attic. How to turn a non-residential attic into a furnished attic. Work order

Owners of private houses often come to the desire to increase the usable area of ​​their home. The simplest solution, lying on the surface, is to expand the living space at the expense of the attic. Arranging a living room in the attic can be done with a huge number of variables, but in any case, it will take some effort to create. How to make a room in the attic, and will be discussed in this article.

Preparatory work

In most cases, the attic remains uninhabited. This choice has its advantages - there is no need for laying thermal insulation and arranging the room. However, the article is about something else, so an uninsulated summer room in the attic will not be considered.

To create a full-fledged room in the attic, you will have to carry out a series of works aimed at creating a room that can be used as housing. The attic room should be heated and have several windows that provide natural light and normal air exchange. Since the height of the attic is usually small, it is often used as a children's room.

How to make a project

It is best to design a residential attic together with the rest of the building - this will allow you to combine all the elements with each other, create a common interior, conduct heating and place windows. In addition, at the preliminary design stage, it is necessary to consider the design of the stairs leading from the ground floor to the attic.

However, if the house has already been built, and the desire to create a residential attic arose later, there is no particular problem. The only important parameter that must be taken into account is the strength of floors, walls and truss structures. If the strength of these elements is not enough, then they will have to be strengthened or the venture with the arrangement of the attic room should be abandoned. To have confidence in the reliability of the support elements, it is best to contact the appropriate specialist.

Before you make a room on the roof of a private house, you need to think about how to install windows:

  • If the windows are mounted in the roof (which is usually used in the case of hip roofs), then a number of rather complex roofing works will be required, but as a result, the place near all the walls will remain free, and various furniture can be installed near it;
  • For traditional gable roofs, it is best to install windows in gables - the design of the roof will remain unchanged, and much less work will be required.

Finishing the attic for the room is done last. You need to choose materials for finishing, depending on the financial capabilities and purpose of the room. The most common finishing materials are drywall, fiberboard or chipboard, but if you have a good budget, you can use natural wood.

Arranging a room in the attic with your own hands

When the project of the future room is created, you can proceed directly to its arrangement, for which you need to perform the following operations:

  1. First of all, you need to bring the attic to a normal state. It is best to start from the lower level, gradually moving up to the roof. Good soundproofing of the floor will not be superfluous, and heating is absolutely necessary. The thickness of the soundproofing material should be given special attention - in combination with the flooring, this indicator can significantly reduce the free space in the room.
  2. The next step is roof insulation (of course, if it has not been equipped earlier). In the case of a gable roof, not only the roof, but also the gables will have to be insulated. Various materials can be used to insulate these elements - for example, mineral wool is well suited for roofing, and gables are best covered with foam. Insulation of hipped roofs is carried out by one type of material.
  3. For arranging walls, edged boards are usually used in parallel. Before stuffing the boards, you need to consider at what points the finishing material will be attached to the walls. Installation of the walls of the attic room also includes the laying of electrical networks and the installation of sockets with switches. To achieve the most efficient distribution of space, it is worth considering in advance where electrical appliances will be installed.
  4. The last stage of work is the decoration of the room. All joints and irregularities must be treated with a suitable material. After the finishing material has dried, it is worth wiping the irregularities with sandpaper.

A self-made room in the attic can be furnished. It is advisable to give preference to built-in furniture - it is much better suited for a room in the attic due to its non-standard shape and will free up some space.

Variants of use and decoration of the attic under the room

Before you build a room in the attic, you need to decide what its purpose will be. You can use a room under a roof in a lot of different ways. The most traditional solutions are a children's room, a bedroom or a pantry - but there are no restrictions in this matter, and the choice of the appropriate option is always individual.

Of the most interesting solutions, it is worth noting the following options for using the attic space:

  1. Living room. Of course, the dimensions of the attic rarely allow you to create a very large living room, but if you approach the issue of creating an interior correctly, you can equip a fairly comfortable and pleasant room. A small room in the attic used as a living room is a good solution, the implementation of which must be approached wisely.
  2. Library or study. With good soundproofing from the attic, you can make a workspace for quiet and relaxing work. Various shelves and matching furniture will allow you to create a functional room with a distinctive style.
  3. Lounge or cinema room. Even if the attic has a small height, you can equip a small room in it for watching movies or just relaxing. Good sound insulation protects against extraneous noise, and if you wish, you can also consider the acoustic characteristics of the room in order to create a pleasant atmosphere of a small cinema hall.
  4. billiard room. In the attic, smaller versions of billiard tables are often installed, designed specifically for use in private homes. After installing such an instance, it remains only to create good lighting - and a good rest at any time of the year will be provided.


A do-it-yourself room in the attic under the roof allows you to expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building without creating additional extensions. You can equip and use the attic space in a huge number of ways, so the only limitation is the financial capabilities and imagination of the building owner.

A cozy room in the attic is often the most attractive part of the house.

Building a residential building is a labor-intensive and financially costly process. Often, the construction of an additional floor at the stage of building a house has to be abandoned due to a lack of finance. However, over time, the owners of the house often ask themselves: how to increase the living space in the house? It is possible to expand the living area in the house without adding new buildings. The simplest solution is to use the attic space as a living space. In order to magically turn a nondescript and dusty room into a cozy and functional room, it is necessary to carry out a set of works.

Action plan

When repairing or building an attic, you should draw up a preliminary plan of action. This will help to avoid additional costs, will optimize the conversion of the attic into living rooms. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Plan and drawing. Before starting repairs, you should draw up a detailed plan-drawing. There are specialized computer programs for this. You can plan in the traditional way by drafting on paper. The drawings should take into account: the height between the floor and the ceiling, the dimensions of the elements of the truss system and other main points.
  2. Definition of functionality. A residential attic floor can be turned into a bedroom, a nursery, a family recreation area or an office.


The height between the floor and the ceiling in a residential attic must be at least 2.1 meters. If the height is below the set value, the level of living comfort is reduced.

Before you start work, you should determine the functional purpose for the attic.

Attic bedroom interior

  1. Cleaning. Before starting construction work in the attic, it is necessary to tidy up. After cleaning, you should once again check the plan-drawing with the real room.
  2. Inspection. In order for the room to be comfortable and safe for living, it is necessary to inspect its structural parts for possible breakdowns and damage, identify design flaws and carry out repairs.
  3. Planning and purchasing. After the estimate has been prepared, and the choice of building material and roofing has been made, we proceed to purchases.

An approximate plan may include many sub-items, it all depends on the situation, the architectural features of the building and the wishes of the residents of the house.

A room in the attic is the perfect solution to the problem of lack of housing space.

Choosing a roof covering

As you know, the attic crowns the entire structure of a private house, located under its roof. Therefore, the height of the roof and the choice of material for roofing are one of the main ones in the arrangement of living space. The most wear-resistant and durable types of coatings include:

  • metal tile;
  • roll materials with a high content of bitumen;
  • asbestos-cement sheets of ordinary or reinforced profile.

Metal tile is a lightweight, reliable, economical and expressive roofing material.

The choice of coating material depends on several factors, one of the most important is the type, slope angle, structure and architecture. It is the choice of coating material that is important in order to provide reliable protection against moisture and atmospheric phenomena, ventilation, create optimal temperature conditions and comfort indoors under the roof. When choosing a material, it is worth making approximate calculations to take into account the degree of load on the roof of the house and the truss system. This will help to increase the operational life of the structure and avoid unpleasant situations (cracks, collapse).

Soft roof made of bituminous tiles

Reconstruction of a dark and nondescript attic space is a complex undertaking. The question of how to equip the entrance to the attic worries many. The staircase is a classic solution, but it's not that simple! There are a huge number of design options. Each of the types of stairs has its own characteristics and advantages, so making a choice is not easy.


A wide straight staircase that matches the design of the house looks expensive, solid and aesthetically pleasing, but “steals” precious meters of living space.

A more democratic and inexpensive option for equipping the entrance to the attic is a folding ladder structure. It is less monumental in appearance, but no less reliable in operation.

A folding metal ladder allows you to conveniently and safely climb to the attic or attic

Types of non-stationary stairs for a private house:

  • Folding design - a traditional ladder that you can make yourself with basic knowledge.
  • Retractable design - when assembled, it is hidden behind the hatch cover from the eyes and does not violate the aesthetics of the interior.
  • Sliding design - compact and reliable, consists of several sections and a sliding mechanism.

In order for the arrangement of the entrance to the attic to be as comfortable as possible for each of the household members, it is necessary to calculate the size of the stairs and the number of steps. First of all, we measure the distance between the ceiling and the subfloor and make an approximate calculation based on the average step height. When all the calculations have been made, you can draw up an estimate for the purchase of the necessary material and make a structure with your own hands. Detailed information is available on our website. When choosing a staircase to the attic of a private house, it is important to understand who will use it most often. If it is intended for the elderly or children, the requirements for the convenience and safety of entering the attic increase (making handrails or).

Retractable attic stairs - the perfect solution for limited space

Residential attic insulation

To create comfortable living conditions in the attic of a private house, special attention should be paid to the insulation of the room. The work can be done by hand, without involving expensive specialists. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  1. The first step is to make sure the integrity of the roof and roofing. If damage or gaps in the coating are found, they must be repaired with construction tape. If the violation of the integrity of the roof covering is large-scale, restoration work should be carried out or it should be completely blocked.
  2. Next, the integrity of the truss system is checked. Remember that even minor deviations from the norm can cause a violation of the integrity of the entire structure.
  3. Special slats are attached to the rafter legs, which in the future will provide a gap for ventilation between the insulation layer and the roof. First, a hard coating is fixed, for example, roofing material, and slats are attached on top of it.
Scheme of insulation of the attic


The slats for the ventilation gap must be attached exclusively along the rafter legs. If attached across, the strength of the structure will be significantly reduced.

  1. We fix the heater. The choice of material for attic insulation depends on the design features and financial capabilities of the owners of the house. To insulate a living space in the attic, you can choose:
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene boards;
  • kraft paper, straw or sawdust.

There is an unspoken rule for choosing a heat-insulating material: the steeper the slopes of the roof of the house, the denser the insulation should be. As an option for insulating floors between floors, expanded clay is often used. Especially relevant is the use of expanded clay for concrete flooring in the attic of a residential building. When insulating a residential attic, you should remember about vapor barrier. When choosing a material such as foil-coated mineral wool, an additional vapor barrier layer is not needed.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Lecturer in History and Theory of Culture. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

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The attic often remains uninhabited and serves as a closet. When building a house in the attic, only rough work is often done, but over time, residents regret this choice. With proper planning, you can make an additional living room or even a studio apartment out of such a room, which is very popular in Europe.

Stages of work

Many owners of private houses want to know how to make the attic habitable, but do not know where to start. The first step in such a situation is planning. Before work, the purpose of the future premises is determined, if there is a workshop, then it is necessary to take care of natural light, if the living room, attention is paid to insulation.

The main stages of work on the arrangement of the attic include:

  • space planning;
  • roof and floor insulation;
  • design.

After drawing up a plan for the future premises, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary materials and tools.

Note! In addition to the cost of insulation and roofing, you will have to spend money on finishing and decorative materials.

Space layout

Often the roof is attached close to the Mauerlat, so the use of this space is almost impossible. In such cases, the walls of the attic room are shifted to the ridge of the roof from the walls of the building. Often, this technique deprives the room of visual space, so the walls in the attic are not installed. Installing furniture in such a room is more difficult, but it looks very interesting.

To make the attic a full-fledged living space, install additional windows. Most often this is done in the gables of the house, but if there are transverse walls in the attic, this is impossible. In such a situation, windows that cut into the roof slope are used. Such techniques are often used in Western architecture and allow you to give the house an unusual look.

When planning an attic, it is often difficult to organize an entrance area. To do this, use compact folding or.


The progress of the insulation depends on the condition of the attic. There will be less work if high-quality thermal insulation of the floor has been carried out. A large loss of heat in the house occurs through the roof, so its insulation will not only make it possible to create another living room, but also reduce heating costs.

Floor insulation

Often in old houses, the thermal insulation layer on the floor no longer fulfills its functions. This is especially true for dwellings located in humid and cold climates. Floor insulation in the attic must meet the following parameters:

  • protect the house from the cold;
  • have a small weight;
  • be safe for humans.

Any material for rough finishing (boards, chipboard) is suitable for floor insulation. This type of insulation is suitable for rooms with a small height, it allows you to save an extra 20-30 cm of space.

For a house with a large and high attic, slab or roll insulation with glass wool is used. The material has a low cost and perfectly retains heat, while it has a small weight, which is very important in attic spaces.

The "pie" of floor insulation is laid directly between the beams. The first layer is a vapor barrier, it is better not to save on it, but a special polyethylene film is also used for these purposes. Tiled insulation, for example, mineral wool, is laid on top of it. The material is laid in two layers to prevent "cold bridges". If the floor beams are in good condition, then the floor is laid directly on them, otherwise you will have to do an additional crate. For greater effect, the attic is insulated from the outside using a similar technology.

Note! Foil insulation is laid with a metal coating down.

After the tiled material, the finishing floor is laid. To do this, use wood, linoleum, tiles and more.

Roof insulation

Insulation of the roof of a residential building requires special care. To protect the premises and the roof structure from moisture, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing. The waterproofing film is laid in the first layer, attaching it with special strips to the rafters.

Important! The waterproofing film is overlapped so that moisture remains outside.

Mineral wool or other insulation is laid inside the rafters in a continuous layer. Special glue is applied to the mineral wool slabs with a spatula and the slabs are pressed between the rafters. Also, the material can be fixed with screws or nails. The plates are staggered, this protects the room from the cold. During work, ventilation is also insulated.

Moisture reduces the properties of the insulation, so during construction it is necessary to protect it with a vapor barrier layer. To do this, use vapor barrier films or membranes. Roll-type material, therefore it is convenient to attach it to the rafters. For fixing, a construction stapler is used, so that the joints remain tight, use a special construction adhesive tape at the puncture sites.

When the insulation is attached, proceed to the crate for finishing. The type of construction largely depends on the type of finishing material. The most versatile material is sheathing over rafters, this saves material and time. The crossbars are stuffed onto the beams in increments of 25-30 cm. Decorative panels or other material can be mounted on top.

If a complex structure is required for the interior decoration of the house, under which communications and other construction flaws must be hidden, then a metal profile frame is used.


Finishing and arrangement of the future room directly depends on its purpose. Attics and attics are often used for:

  • workshop;
  • cabinet;
  • billiard room;
  • Bedrooms.

With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you can create a space with several full-fledged zones.

The decoration and style of the room largely depend on the interior and material of the house. Authentic buildings made of wood and stone are often finished with decorative clapboard or solid wood. Such an interior is often complemented with coarse accessories and textiles made from natural fabrics and wool.

The popular loft style does not require any special frills in wall decoration: decorative plaster, metal furniture - all this is perfect for houses made of brick or concrete blocks.

Lovers of coziness and comfort will love the classic interior solutions. Wall decoration with wallpaper or discreet paint will allow you to create a truly cozy room in the attic. And the interior, made by hand, is especially expensive for households.

For those who find it difficult to decide on the choice of decorative materials and the style of the room, the following tips are suitable:

  • A minimalistic approach to choosing furniture will help not only save space, but also money. Instead of massive wardrobes and chests of drawers, it is better to use functional containers, hangers and shelves. When arranging the bedroom, the bed can be placed against the lowest wall.
  • To visually expand the room, light colors of the walls and ceiling are suitable. To dilute such interiors, active color accents are used, it can be textiles, light sources or furniture. So that the accents do not look pretentious, one of the walls can be painted in a similar, but less active shade.

Building a house is a costly process. Therefore, even at the stage of construction of new housing, some people refuse to build a second floor. However, after a while, many people begin to regret this decision. Therefore, the construction portal will report on how to make a living room out of the attic, with which you can increase your living space.

Doing the right project

In order to make the attic space comfortable for living, you must first create a project for the future attic. The project will help the attic not to collapse in the future and serve its owners for a long time. It is worth saying that the creation of a project is a responsible matter. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust this work to specialists who will do it right.

When organizing an attic, it may be necessary to transform the rafter system. And if the mass of the superstructure changes, then it will be necessary to strengthen the walls and foundation. However, if serious changes are not planned to be made, then the project can be done independently.

Rafter systems

Roof truss structures are divided into two types. So, there are hanging and layered rafter systems.

  • Hanging - this is when the roof beams rest on the outer walls of a residential facility.
  • Layered - this is when the rafters rest on the inner walls of the building or on additional supports that are located on the outer walls of the building. It is worth saying that in this position it will not be possible to create a single space under the roof due to the fact that the supports cannot be removed.

Attic rooms also differ in design.

The attic differs from the attic in that the attic occupies the entire space and has a sloping ceiling. At the same time, its walls are combined with external ones.

There are analogues of the attic, which have partitions between the inner and outer walls.

Stages of work

If you want to know how to make a second floor out of an attic. First of all, in such a case, it is necessary to draw up a work plan, which should include the following:

  1. Project organization.
  2. Preparation of tools and purchase of materials.
  3. Checking the load-bearing structures and, if necessary, strengthening them.
  4. Thermal insulation of the attic.
  5. Entrance arrangement.
  6. Finishing of all surfaces.

Refurbishment of the premises

At the very beginning of the work, it is necessary to transform the truss system. Here it is necessary to perform a number of necessary actions.

  • If the attic already has a sufficient height for arranging the attic, then in this case the roof will not have to be dismantled. In this case, it is necessary to inspect the rafters, which will help identify damage. Any damage must be repaired or replaced with new parts.
  • If the roof support system is in excellent condition, then before you make it a living space, you just need to lay the floor. For this purpose, insulation must be applied between the lags. After that, it is recommended to lay sheets of chipboard or OSB. Ordinary boards are also suitable for the floor. To fix the floor, you should use self-tapping screws.
  • Between the rafters it is also worth laying a modern heat insulator. However, before laying the insulation, it is important to lay a system of engineering communications.
  • In order for the attic space to have a lot of sunlight, you need to cut openings and make window balconies.
  • For a residential attic, it is recommended to buy special roof windows that have a convenient design.
  • Windows in the attic are usually mounted even before the installation of a heat insulator. At the stage of installing windows, openings in the attic and doors are created.
  • If there is a need, then at the place of installation of the blocks, the roof is again lined with a coating. And the joints between the frame and the roof are treated with sealant.
  • If you equip the attic, then the roofed space must be ventilated. Therefore, it is important to take care of arranging proper ventilation.

We insulate the roof

It is worth saying that before you equip the attic in your house, you need to insulate the roof. This action will help create a favorable microclimate in the room.

  • sheet foam,
  • sprayed polyurethane foam,
  • mineral wool.

Insulation of the roof with a heat insulator is carried out after all engineering communications are carried out in the roof. Electrical wires, heating pipes and other systems are recommended to be placed in a special corrugation.

When insulating the roof, the heat insulator is placed tightly. With such work, it is usually impossible to leave cavities and cracks.

Before applying the insulation, a film waterproofing is laid. Also, waterproofing is superimposed on top of the insulation. At the same time, it is fixed with staples to the lags.

At the next stage, the walls are sheathed with sheets of OSB or GKL. The bayonets are sealed with putty.

Arranging access to the attic

If you are making the process of equipping a room under a roof, then remember that lifting into the room must be comfortable. To make it convenient to climb, a ladder will help. Here you can use two options.

You can mount open street stairs that will lead to a balcony or terrace. However, this is not a viable option. And many people equip the house with internal stairs.

Stairs can have a different design. However, the best option would be a spiral or mid-flight stationary staircase. All stairs are usually made of wood.

We carry out facing works

Finishing the attic consists in facing the inclined walls and floor. It all depends on the imagination of the owner of the house.

  • The walls of the attic can be covered with decorative plaster or wallpaper.
  • For sheathing the attic, it is possible to use plastic or wooden lining.

If the rafters and beams are protruding elements, then it is recommended to decorate them with paint or stain along with varnish.

The floor in the attic is covered with OSB sheets, after which a laminate or linoleum is laid on it.


Now you understand how to make a living space out of the attic. Here are some top tips to help make the process easy and enjoyable.

Converting an attic into a residential attic is one of the cheapest ways to increase living space in a private house. Here you can successfully equip a rest room, living room, nursery or divide the attic into two or three small rooms. In a word - there are many options for using an additional room.

Arrangement of a room in the attic

It is much easier to provide for the possibility of equipping an attic space for an attic even at the design stage of a house. You will have to spend more on construction, but, on the other hand, it will be possible to significantly save on labor costs, insulation and finishing work.

It will be easier to carry out heating, plumbing, sewerage into a room under the roof. In practice, developers often leave the possibility of re-equipping the attic for the distant future. Especially when the customer seeks to save money on construction.

When arranging a living room in the attic, one should not forget about high-quality waterproofing

Usually alteration of the attic space does not require external work. All work on insulation and landscaping is carried out indoors, and if desired, some of them can be done by hand.

It will be necessary to repair the floor, insulate the roof slopes from the inside, finish the room from the inside, lay internal communications, and install a comfortable staircase.

Floor arrangement

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the rafters and beams: are they damaged by moisture due to, possibly, a leaking roof, are they affected by pests. If damage is found, it is imperative to eliminate their cause and repair the existing supporting structures, and, if necessary, repair the roof.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that when rebuilding the attic, the load on the supporting structures will increase. Therefore, when converting an attic space into a residential one, it is necessary to carry out appropriate calculations and strengthen the existing ceiling.

Examples of attic floors

This is usually done using wooden or metal beams in such a way that the floor is able to withstand the weight of furniture and people. Doing it yourself is not worth it, it is better to turn to specialists.

The interior layout of the attic should be carried out using lightweight materials in order to minimize the load on the floors.

When arranging the floor, we must not forget about the need for high-quality vapor barrier!


If the attic will be used all year round, the insulation of the roof slopes from the inside is certainly not the stage at which to save. Typically, private houses are designed with a gable roof and the surface area in contact with the environment is larger than that of other premises. In winter, the roof almost does not keep heat, and in summer its slopes can heat up to 100 degrees.

In addition, after warming, a room under a roof always accumulates moisture much more actively. If you wish, you can carry out work on warming with your own hands. But if you carry them out incorrectly or save too much, moisture will accumulate in the insulation and it will not be able to fully perform its functions.

Comparative characteristics of roofing insulation

Between the insulation and the crate, it is necessary to leave a gap 2-2.5 cm wide. Then the air, passing through the air intakes left at the base of the roof, will circulate freely in this layer, absorbing moisture from the insulation and removing it through the ventilation ducts in the roof ridge.

Between the insulation and the crate, a gap of at least 2 centimeters is always left.


Conducting heat to the attic is usually not particularly difficult. Another thing is that the capacities available in the house may not be enough to fully heat another room.

If you want to build another oven, you should consult with a specialist. It is possible to equip the attic with gas heating with the possibility of exhausting the generated gas through a steel pipe fireplace installed right here in the attic.

Chimney design

The chimney in the room can be a significant problem. If it has not been used for a long time, then it can simply be dismantled, but if it is an existing chimney, all that can be done with it can be whitewashed. And when decorating the interior of the attic, all wooden parts should be placed no closer than 5 cm to the pipe. It is also impossible to clad the chimney.

However, there is a way out: create a self-supporting structure around the chimney pipe and mount the cladding already on it, taking into account the gap between the cladding and the chimney. So you can fit the chimney into the overall design of the attic at the lowest cost.

The scheme for converting an attic into a room directly depends on the type of roof of the house

Internal decorative finish

For interior decoration, any materials are suitable, depending on the chosen style of the future room. The only requirement for them is that they should be, if possible, lightweight materials. Especially if the attic is planned to be divided into two or more rooms.

The ideal option for decorating the attic is wood. Such a finish, of course, will be expensive. But it is distinguished by quality, beauty, durability and will create a unique comfort.

A more budgetary way to decorate the interior is with lining or MDF panels.

If the height of the attic is insufficient for arranging a room there, then the roof can be raised by building up walls.

One of the most popular attic design options is using drywall. This is the most practical and affordable way, which, in combination with a heater, can provide the room with excellent thermal insulation. This material is light, with its help you can create any design, and after installation it can be covered with decorative plaster or painted with your own hands.

Attic lighting

Room lighting is a very important part of the interior. It is necessary to take into account how the attic will be illuminated at different times of the day, because they will also be here day and night.


The number of windows in the attic room can be different. They may vary in shape and size. Windows at the ends of the room do not allow effective use of daylight. But the streams of light coming through from above are much more powerful, and the arrangement of windows in the roof slopes is usually not a big deal.

artificial lighting

The choice of artificial lighting is significantly influenced by the design of the room. In this case, a variety of lamps can be used. Spot lamps are perfect for both general lighting and as an addition to existing lighting. There are many options for their location.

The optimal scheme for arranging an attic for a room assumes the presence of an under-roof space aerator

Crystal diffusers. Providing a special play of light and shadow will make the design of the attic special. fiber optic threads. With the help of many optical fibers connected to a power source, you can complement the design of a bedroom or children's room with a starry sky.

Fluorescent lamps. They are built into suspended ceilings, so that only the luminous part of the lamps is visible, and their use will significantly reduce energy costs. local sources. Various table lamps, night lamps, floor lamps or sconces, with the help of which certain areas of the room are illuminated. They add a touch of comfort to the overall design of the room.

For the attic, directional spot lighting is best suited, which can be created using LED lamps.


Ladders can be added, reinforced concrete, concrete or wooden. In appearance, the stairs are divided into mid-flight and spiral. A ladder is a temporary option, suitable only until a permanent ladder is installed.

The scheme of finishing the room in the attic with drywall in the context

Concrete and reinforced concrete are reliable, but suitable only for a brick or stone house. Wooden stairs are more versatile and can be made by hand. Mid-flight stairs are more common, as they are the easiest to make and they are the most convenient.

The advantage of spiral staircases is that they do not take up much space in the lower room. But they are very narrow and steep, so you need to go down them carefully.

In reality, turning an attic into a cozy living room is not too difficult. The first thing that can be advised is a loft-style design, specially designed for decorating attics.

Sometimes storage rooms are also equipped in the corners of the attic, since it is difficult for a person to access there.

A good solution would be to choose an abstract style. You can arrange an attic in the style of Provence, country or chalet. Oriental style will be additionally good for the bedroom. In the classical style, attics are less often decorated.


You can watch a short video showing how to convert an attic into a cozy living room.

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