What is the best wallpaper paint? Paint for wallpaper for painting: which type is better. How long does it take to dry

There are quite a few options for finishing materials for walls, but wallpaper remains the most popular. Of all their varieties, many consumers prefer wallpaper for painting. Their advantage is the ability to repaint and change the interior several times at the lowest cost.

It is possible to embody the most daring color ideas on your own and choosing the right paint is an important point.

Types of paints for different types of wallpaper

Wallpaper paints can be divided into three types: water-based, acrylic and latex. For each type of wall covering for painting, there are recommendations for choosing a paint.

Consider the options:

Among the popular manufacturers of interior paints for wallpaper are the following:

  • Dulux. Belongs to the expensive segment. Paints are available in a variety of colors, are well applied and last a long time.
  • beckers. Certified coatings are distinguished by environmental safety, as well as resistance to environmental factors.
  • Tikkurila. A rich selection of colors for any type of wallpaper. They retain color for a long time and favorably emphasize the relief pattern.
  • Alpina. Works great on wallpaper and dries quickly. A large selection of matte shades allows you to choose the paint for any interior.
  • Dufa. Russian-made paint. Safe for indoor use, not afraid of moisture.

Empirically in the video they paint wallpapers with different colors comparing expensive ones with cheap ones.

Which paint is better: acrylic, water-based or latex?

The choice of paint is individual. Each consumer may have their own preferences depending on the characteristics and cost of paint and varnish products. In the comparative table, we indicate the advantages and disadvantages of types for wallpaper.

paint typeAdvantagesFlaws
  • is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage;
  • presented in a wide range of colors;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to apply and does not spread;
  • resistant to sunlight, does not fade;
  • has no smell;
  • does not create a film on the wallpaper, which allows them to "breathe".
  • high price;
  • has only a matte texture;
  • total drying time is 24 hours.
water emulsion
  • environmentally friendly;
  • initially white, easily tinted in any shade;
  • matte and glossy textures are made;
  • easy to apply and fits well on the surface of the canvas;
  • dries quickly;
  • has no smell.
  • afraid of moisture;
  • burns out when exposed to sunlight.
  • creates a luxurious coverage with a silky texture;
  • is not afraid of moisture, which makes it easy to clean the wallpaper from dirt;
  • durable;
  • has a large selection of colors;
  • available in matte and glossy;
  • dries quickly (within 2-4 hours).
  • high cost, but it is due to excellent performance;
  • It has a smell, which after drying is almost not noticeable.

Painting technology

For applying paint to the wallpaper using a roller and brushes. First, hard-to-reach places are painted over with a brush, such as cracks, areas located near batteries, window slopes, all corners of the room, a doorway. Then proceed to more even areas, carefully painting them with a roller. Large areas can be treated with a spray gun.

Preliminary and thorough mixing of the paint is essential so that the color is uniform. To work, you will also need a paint tray and masking tape, which can be used to limit those areas that should not be painted (ceiling, baseboard, etc.).

The first coat is usually considered a primer because there is a possibility of areas that will not be painted over well. This especially happens with wallpapers with a deep textured pattern. After the first layer has dried, repeat the procedure.

The technology of applying paint to wallpaper consists of the following steps:

  1. Wallpaper glue after pasting must dry completely, i.e. wallpaper must be dry before painting.
  2. Cover with painter's tape the areas that do not need to be painted. Apply paint with a brush to hard-to-reach places and in places where the tape is pasted over.
  3. Pour some paint into the tray, dip the roller. It is preferable to use with a long pile to carefully paint over the relief pattern.
  4. Applying paint to the wallpaper is best done from the window and in directions from top to bottom.

Interior design can be thought out in such a way that drawings or color stripes can be applied to the wallpaper. It is important to know that you need to draw on the finished base coat, i.e. on the second coat of paint. An option for the formation of drawings can be a prepared stencil.

Finishing coating with varnish is allowed, which will give the wallpaper and paint additional protection against mechanical damage.

Features of painting wallpaper

non-woven. They are the most popular wallpaper for painting according to sales statistics. Non-woven wallpaper itself is moisture resistant. If the wallpaper is pasted in a room where you need to clean it from dirt and dust, then choose a latex paint that is not afraid of wet processing and cleaning products.

Apply at least two coats with a deep pile roller to achieve thorough coverage.

Vinyl wallpapers. The principle of applying paint is similar to glass wallpaper: the surface is first primed, and two layers of paint are applied. An important condition is not strong impregnation, especially with paper-based options. If the wallpaper is not very embossed, you can get by with one coat of paint.

paper wallpaper. Such wallpapers do not like moisture, so for painting, give preference to a water-based composition. It is recommended to apply it in one layer, finishing only the areas that were not tinted.

Pre-glued wallpaper can be treated with a special impregnation, this will prevent the paint from draining.

When pasting the walls, make sure that no glue remains on the wallpaper, otherwise these areas will be difficult to paint.

Glass fiber. The type of wallpaper, which is considered the most durable, can withstand up to 30 repaints. The paint penetrates deep into the fibers of the material and lays down well. It is recommended to apply twice, allowing the first layer to dry well beforehand. Before starting work, the wallpaper must be primed. Due to the greater absorption of paint, their consumption is much higher than that of paper ones.

It is important to take precautions, just like when working with glass wool.

  1. Protect furniture and windows as much as possible before starting work with paint. Cover sockets and baseboards with masking tape. Remove the masking tape before the paint is completely dry.
  2. Careful rolling with a roller over a newspaper or a special part of the tray will help to avoid the formation of streaks on the walls.
  3. Wallpaper for painting is better to buy white or the lightest possible shade.
  4. Matte paint is able to hide the imperfections of the wall. Large irregularities must be leveled before pasting, and small ones will hide the wallpaper and the matte finish.
  5. A wall painted with glossy paint can make the room visually larger and lighter. Not recommended in rooms with lots of natural light and uneven walls.
  6. When repainting in a lighter shade, the wallpaper must first be painted over with white. After drying, you can apply the shade that was chosen.
  7. Priming will help reduce paint consumption.

Painted wallpaper in the interior

It often happens that the color of the walls is boring, but there is no money for new repairs. In such a situation, a good wallpaper paint will help, because many types of canvases can be painted. There are also special materials for painting, including ceiling materials - non-woven, vinyl, glass.

What wallpaper can be painted - a list

The choice of the type of wallpaper during the repair depends on many factors - the budget, experience, colors, evenness, smoothness of the walls, type of room. For example, in a bedroom for adults it is quite possible to use paper wallpapers, because the intensity of use of the room is low. In the children's room, paper wallpapers are also popular due to their environmental friendliness, although it is better to choose more durable fiberglass sheets. The walls of the living room or hallway should be pasted over with vinyl or non-woven - such materials are more durable, they are difficult to scratch.

Most of these wallpapers can be completely repainted with your own hands. Modern paints and varnishes are suitable for painting bare walls, ceilings and wallpapers. If there is an old coating on the walls, painting it will have a number of advantages. The structure of the wallpaper is embossed, which allows you to hide minor wall defects that inevitably appear over time. The color of the paint will look more interesting than on walls without wallpaper - this is achieved through the play of light on a convex surface.

paper wallpaper

Paper-based canvases are the simplest and most inexpensive. Their strength indicators are not the highest, therefore it is better to choose options with impregnation or immediately varnish the walls. But gloss will visually highlight defects, and it will be very difficult to remove old canvases after varnishing. Therefore, it is worth buying embossed wallpaper with factory impregnation. Their operational properties are better, as well as decorative ones - they look like an expensive fabric.

Single-layer paper webs can be painted once, and only after applying a water-repellent primer. Ordinary two-layer wallpaper - no more than five times. If the material has an inner layer of wood fibers, it can be re-stained up to 7-8 times.

Vinyl wallpapers

Such canvases consist of two layers. The first is foamed vinyl, the second is polyvinyl chloride applied by spraying. Outwardly, this material is very beautiful - embossed and soft. Vinyl wallpapers can be painted up to ten times, they do not deteriorate from frequent color changes.

Wallpaper made of two layers of vinyl is even more resistant to the application of a coloring agent. They repel moisture, are durable, look like tiles. Most often, such canvases are glued in the kitchen, where frequent washing is required. Another version of vinyl wallpaper is silkscreen, here the top layer additionally contains silk fibers. You can paint such wallpapers, but the relief surface will smooth out a little.

Non-woven wallpaper

Interlining is a non-woven material made of two types of randomly arranged fibers of cellulose and textile. This layer is the main one; on the inside, the wallpaper has paper or vinyl. Interlining is a washable material, but if there is a paper base, it can deteriorate from frequent water ingress.

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to repaint, you can change the color on them up to 15 times. The fact is that non-woven fabric is very elastic, therefore it is not subject to shrinkage. Painted canvases with original embossing or embossed, three-dimensional pattern look especially beautiful.

The liquid wallpaper

This material consists of several components - mica, cellulose, glue and dyes. It can also be white, without pigments. Before applying such wallpaper, you need to prime the walls. Next, the mass is diluted according to the instructions and applied with a gun, spatula. The coating is obtained without seams, it looks very beautiful.

It is impossible to completely change the color of liquid wallpaper. Due to the strong absorption, the main shade will show through on the surface and look strange. Therefore, you can only strengthen the base tone, make it darker by staining. In practice, most specialists do not use painting of such material due to the loss of the desired relief, original appearance.

Glass fiber

Wallpaper with a base of mineral material - fiberglass - can be completely painted, there is no risk of spoiling the material. The fibers in the wallpaper are interconnected by heating the glass, so the final product will be environmentally friendly, non-flammable, and safe for home use.

Even with repeated painting, the wallpaper will not lose its relief and attractive appearance, and therefore they are most often pasted in offices, utility rooms or rooms with excessive humidity. If subsequent painting is expected, it is better to buy wallpaper on a paper backing, and not single-layer ones - the first ones are stronger.

Types of wallpaper paint

A huge number of paints are sold on the market - water-dispersion, latex and others. The right tool will help change the color of the canvases, make them more juicy, bright. The paint always indicates what type of wallpaper it is suitable for. Some coatings are not suitable for paper wallpapers, others are optimal for vinyl. Popular manufacturers are Tikkurila (Tikkurila), Dulux (Deluxe), Dyo, Halo, Marshall, Belinka, Dufa, Tex. Paints are sold in cans, plastic buckets with a volume of 1-50 liters.

Water-based paints

Water-based paint is the most inexpensive option for walls and ceilings. It is prepared on the basis of water, antiseptics, fillers, PVA glue, so the water emulsion is initially white and must be tinted. There are a lot of colors grouped with codes (up to 1000 shades).

The advantages of water emulsion are as follows:

  • environmental Safety;
  • odorless composition;
  • the ability to apply for decoration of any premises;
  • matte and glossy options available.

The downside is the instability to the action of water - when processed with a wet cloth, the paint is erased. After such a procedure, you will have to apply a new layer, otherwise the wall will remain faded, stained. Another water emulsion quickly burns out. On walls that are exposed to the sun, it is worth applying a different paintwork material. But water-based paint is suitable for decorative plaster, it allows you to emphasize the relief and original decor of the main coating. You just need to remember that after drying, the color will be a little lighter than initially.

latex paints

This type of paint is the most expensive, but the quality is excellent. After drying, the walls will have a luxurious coating, silky, very pleasant to the touch, smooth. Latex (synthetic or natural rubber) will give the surface good moisture resistance, it will be easy to remove dirt and dust from the walls. There are no harmful components in latex paints, so they can be used in children's rooms and other residential premises. Consumption per 1m2 is small, the paint is applied in a thin layer, which remains breathable after drying. Latex-based glossy paints are very durable.

They also have disadvantages. In addition to the high price, it should be noted that not all colors are suitable for wallpaper. Latex does not allow you to achieve too bright shades, he "loves" only muted, pastel colors. This must be taken into account before starting the repair. Also, the paint may smell a little, although the smell is not very strong. Another disadvantage is the speed of drying. You will have to work quickly to prevent streaks and noticeable transitions.

It is best to paint fiberglass or interlining with a three-dimensional surface. The color range of such materials is not rich, but you can tint white paint immediately to the desired shade. Complete drying of the wall will occur in 2-4 hours, you can use the room immediately.

Alkyd paints

Unlike previous options, alkyd paints contain a lot of harmful components - synthetic resins, oils, solvents. They are far from being good for health, therefore, it is permissible to use paintwork materials for painting wallpaper only in non-residential premises. Staying in such a room for a long time can cause poisoning, and you should not experiment with your own safety! Also, alkyd paints are flammable, which greatly limits the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir operation.

But alkyd enamels are still used for repair work. They are rich colors, they can even paint on the wall or wallpaper. There are luminous, pearlescent paints that look original after drying (usually they are used for outdoor work). Also, alkyd paints are very resistant to damage, they serve for several years without losing their external attractiveness and protective properties. They are not harmed by high humidity and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The composition contains antifungal additives, and wallpaper rotting will be excluded. The price of alkyd paints is one of the lowest.

Acrylic paints

This is the most popular option for painting walls and wallpapers. Acrylic is harmless to the body, like other components. Acrylic paint is used in any premises, including wet ones. It will not be able to smell unpleasantly, because it does not emit fumes. The material is moisture resistant, while vapor-permeable, dries in a day. A fungus will not start on a surface painted with an acrylic agent, the wallpaper will not deform. After drying, the canvas can be washed without harm to the coating.

Acrylic is suitable for all types of wallpaper, but on paper, the amount of painting should not be too large due to possible weighting. Ideal paint for interlining. When using fiberglass, you must first prepare the walls - prime the wallpaper. Painted, they will look very bright, which favorably distinguishes the material from the list of analogues.

Coating options

In addition to color, before buying, you need to evaluate other effects created by paint. Most often, users choose matte finishes. In the house, apartment, such funds create a cozy atmosphere. They absorb light, so they are more suitable for large rooms.

Semi-gloss and semi-gloss paints are ideal for bedrooms. Their ability to reflect light is moderate, and the desired level of illumination will be achieved in the room. Glossy paints strongly repel light, they should be used in small rooms located on the north side. But the walls must be completely flat, otherwise all defects will become noticeable.

There are also pearl paints on sale - they change tone depending on the lighting. Walls look best in diffused light. Glitter coatings give the effect of overflows, glare, go well with additional floor and wall lighting.

Color spectrum

By tinting, you can choose almost any shade for the walls. Colors are introduced into white paint according to the desire of the buyer. You can select the desired tone by the paint code using a special computer program. It is also quite possible to create a color with your own hands by mixing different shades. Tinting by hand is undesirable, because it will be difficult to repeat the result. A new portion of paint will certainly become lighter or darker. In addition, it is difficult to thoroughly mix a large volume with your hands, most often there are streaks and unpainted areas.

As for the choice of color for wallpaper, you can be guided by the following tips:

  • for small rooms they buy light colors, beige and other pastel shades look best;
  • it is permissible even in small rooms to use separate bright accents, drawings, stencil images, other decor in contrasting tones;
  • in large rooms, you can use any tones, even dark ones, while it is better not to overdo it, otherwise the room will look gloomy;
  • for the harsh north side, yellow and peach tones are usually chosen, which look warm and bright;
  • the decoration of individual sections with gold, silver and graphite paint looks beautiful.

Calculation of the amount of coatings

To properly determine the amount of paint for repair, you need to immediately make a choice by its type. On average, about 250 g is consumed per square meter of material, but consumption may vary depending on the hygroscopicity of the wallpaper. Here are other factors to consider when calculating:

  1. The quality of preparatory work. If flaws are allowed during surface treatment, consumption increases. So, without a primer on the walls, the absorption of paint increases by an order of magnitude, and, wanting to save money, you can achieve the opposite.
  2. Type of paint and its suitability for a particular type of wallpaper. Some materials are universal, others are suitable only for a certain structure of canvases.

Less consumption is obtained for thick vinyl wallpaper - 150 g / sq. m. If they are primed, the savings will be up to 100 g. Paper wallpapers can be treated with diluted glue, after complete drying, proceed to painting. To calculate the paintwork, you need to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, multiply by the expense, while buying material with a margin. Exact data is usually indicated on the packaging of paintwork materials.

Painting tools

The paint should be applied with a paint roller. It is easy for them to work, while the contact area will be large. A roller with a long nap is best for painting fiberglass. Foam rollers are not suitable for embossed wallpaper, they are only good for smooth paper material. The size of a small roller for narrow areas is 10 cm, a large one should not be bought in a size less than 25 cm.

Paint brushes are used only for painting hard-to-reach places where the roller cannot reach. These are the corners of the room, joints, overlaps. Also on sale are stencil rollers that allow you to apply a pattern on plain coatings.

You will also need the following tools to work:

  • masking tape for pasting jambs, doors, so as not to stain them with paint;
  • cuvette (tray) painting - a container with a corrugated bottom, where the roller is squeezed;
  • a construction mixer, a drill with a nozzle - are needed if the paint is tinted independently;
  • spray gun - usually used by professionals to apply paint over large areas.

Also, for personal protection, you will need a respirator, headband, gloves and special tight clothing.

Wallpaper painting process

The best result in coloring can be obtained if the wallpaper strips are glued end-to-end, and not overlapped. Before starting work, it is important to prepare:

  • remove furniture and things from the premises;
  • wipe off dirty spots on the wallpaper, if possible, wash the old canvases (otherwise the paint will lie unevenly);
  • cover the floor with film or newspapers, seal skirting boards and other non-paintable elements with masking tape;
  • mix the paint until smooth, even if it was not tinted;
  • pour some paint into a tray specially designed for this.

For painting, the roller must be lowered into the paintwork. Then roll over the ribbed surface of the tray to distribute the paint and squeeze out the excess. Painting the wallpaper starts from the upper corner of the wall, which is closer to the window. The roller is rolled along the wall with bottom-up movements. Subsequent strips are applied with overlapping edges of the previous ones. Zones near the plinth, other difficult areas are painted over with a brush. After the first layer has completely dried, a second one can be applied, although this is not necessary.

In addition to staining, you can additionally protect the wallpaper with a colorless varnish. This will seriously increase the service life and preserve the color for a long time. You can also apply different patterns using a screen roller or manually using templates.

Drying time

The drying time of the paint on the walls depends on many factors:

  • porosity of the base - on embossed wallpaper, paintwork materials dry longer;
  • temperature in the room - at + 20 ... + 27 degrees, the paint will dry faster, but if the house is hot, the composition can become very thin;
  • humidity - drier air contributes to faster drying;
  • good ventilation - air circulation (with the exception of drafts) helps to dry the walls;
  • layer thickness - the thinner the paint is applied, the sooner it will harden;
  • type of paint - water-based materials dry quickly.

Most paints dry in 2-24 hours, but recoating should not be done before 12 hours. Oil compositions dry for about two days, but they are not used for painting wallpaper.

Causes of paint peeling

It happens that the paint begins to peel off, crack after drying. This can be observed when the staining mode is violated - if the second layer was applied to the wet first one. Also, shedding of paint is noted when the old and new coatings do not match, if there was already a layer of a different paint on the wallpaper. For example, applying an acrylic composition to a water-based emulsion can lead to a poor-quality result.

Are recoats possible?

It is permissible to paint the wallpaper a second time. Moreover, modern coatings withstand several stains without spoiling the appearance. So, cullet and durable non-woven fabric - up to 15 times. But there are also limitations. For example, a relief pattern on wallpaper is usually painted no more than 5-7 times, then it will be very smeared. Also, it will not be possible to apply light paint over 2-3 layers of dark paint - the final tone will be ugly.

Before re-painting, you need to make sure that the old coating is firmly attached, there are no flaking areas. Otherwise, you need to sand the base well, prime it, and only then get to work.

Features of painting wallpaper on the ceiling

For work on ceilings, a paint roller or spray gun is used. You will also need a ladder of the right height. You can start painting immediately after the wallpaper glue has dried. Old wallpaper must first be cleaned of dust, remove dirt.

For painting, they buy water-based paintwork materials. Oil compositions, solvent paints are not used, most often experts advise choosing acrylic compositions. To create a three-dimensional effect, paint is applied, and then rubbed with a rag. You can also paint the canvas before gluing (for convenience). In general, the painting process is similar to that on the walls and is not difficult. With the right approach, an excellent result will certainly be obtained and the room will sparkle with new shades.

If you are bored with the interior of the room, you can repaint the wallpaper for painting, specially created for this purpose. The popularity of the material is explained by saving time and money: once glued rolls are easily updated if necessary.

What wallpaper can be painted - interlining, paper and glass

Among the existing types of painted wallpaper, there are:

  1. 1. Non-woven - with an ideal two-layer base of viscose fiber. They have a non-woven smooth base, perfectly stick to the wall, on the surface layer there is a decorative pattern made of pressed non-woven or foamed vinyl. They are elastic, wall shrinkage and newly formed cracks do not affect them, they are able to mask minor defects. Flizelin is resistant to moisture.
  2. 2. Wallpaper for painting with a paper base is the cheapest. Their difference from ordinary paper ones is in the impregnation with a water-repellent composition. The surface is decorated with embossing, which gives it a similar look to an expensive fabric, as well as a look similar to textured plaster. Apply everywhere.
  3. 3. Glass fiber with a mineral fiberglass base - they can also be painted. Imported products have a backing, domestic products are produced in a single layer. Even repeated staining does not reduce their relief and decorative effect. They have found application in a wide variety of residential and utility rooms, offices, and are resistant to excessive moisture. Fiberglass has a high fire resistance.

The choice of wallpaper type is determined, among other things, by the purpose of the room. For a bedroom where the intensity of operation is low, the use of paper wallpaper is acceptable. Hallways and living rooms are best pasted over with non-woven with a vinyl outer layer, they are more resistant to wear. In the kitchen, in the nursery, where the walls are often damaged, the best choice would be fiberglass, which are not afraid of frequent updates.

Which paint is better - acrylic, latex or water-based?

The most popular are simple and practical paints on water: water-based, acrylic, latex or water-dispersion. In addition to them, alkyd compounds containing oils and resins are occasionally used.

A water-based water-based formulation contains latex, antiseptic components, fillers and chemicals that hold components together. According to environmental indicators, it is allowed to use it in places of permanent residence of people. The paint is moisture resistant, it is washed with a damp cloth, the surface does not suffer. It is odorless and non-allergenic. A kind of water-based coloring agent on silicone is successfully used in the bathroom, in the kitchen, where humidity is high. Water-based paint differs from water-based acrylic in a smaller fraction.

There are no harmful and chemical substances in the acrylic composition. It is completely harmless, therefore it has found application in living rooms, including children's rooms. Acrylic paints are absolutely odorless. After drying, no film is formed, the wallpaper "breathes", no steam is collected. Dries completely within a day. Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting is intended mainly for non-woven materials. There are some varieties that are successfully used for paper and fiberglass wallpapers. Due to the many advantages, the prices for acrylic formulations are high.

Water-based paint is easily washed off with water, acrylic is resistant to water, can only be removed with a solvent.

Latex paint for wallpaper for painting is made on a water basis with latex (water-dispersion) or on acrylic latex and styrene butadiene. Water-dispersion paint on latex-free acrylic is very durable. Thanks to the components included in its composition, it is elastic. This variety is sold more often white, the color is changed by tinting. Soft colors are obtained, sharp tones are almost impossible to achieve in practice. It is used mainly on non-woven wallpaper with a relief texture, suitable for fiberglass wallpaper. Latex has a light, non-repulsive odor, suitable for all residential and utility rooms, except for the bathroom, where there is high humidity.

After painting the wallpaper with alkyd paints, a strong film is formed that can withstand thorough cleaning and washing. Alkyd paint for painting wallpaper is used mainly for utility and non-residential premises, pasted over with fiberglass wallpaper. This is due to the presence of oils and resins in its composition, which can adversely affect health, especially the respiratory tract. Walls under alkyd paint do not "breathe", the film does not let steam through, and condensation occurs on the surface.

Room design - consider color and reflective effect

In order for the painted wallpaper to become an interior decoration, you should choose the right color and know the features of the reflective effect of the paint. Wallpaper for painting is initially colorless, has a different surface. Initially, it is acceptable in any color, light is better, which will become a good basis. In residential areas, preference is given to pastel colors. To get the desired shade, we resort to an operation called tinting. It is possible in two ways: at home and computer. For tinting, you need to buy a pigment and mix it with paint.

At home, it is impossible to prepare a composition of exactly the same shade in different containers. And often you have to do this when the coloring composition is not enough. The color after drying is also impossible to predict, the paint usually darkens. Therefore, it is better to resort to computer tinting. Tinting machines will make paint of any color, it will turn out to be exactly the same shade in different containers. Even if this volume is not enough, computer tinting will still make the right amount of paint with an absolute match in shade. Definitely, computer tinting has clear advantages.

Each paint for wallpaper for painting reflects light in its own way:

  1. 1. Glossy - has a reflection, additionally reflects light. It is recommended to use in the northern rooms, it is undesirable to use in the southern ones, where there is bright lighting.
  2. 2. Semi-gloss - optimally reflects light, used in most rooms. Reflects the unevenness of the wall, the base must be even.
  3. 3. Matte - absorbs light. It creates home comfort, is used for wallpaper materials in rooms with large footage.
  4. 4. Semi-matte - the ability to reflect light is small. Works well in the bedroom, living room.
  5. 5. Satin - strongly reflects light. Artificial lighting causes glare. Kitchen, bathroom - they use it there.

Types of canvases and compositions for them - we summarize the information

Non-woven wallpaper is painted with any water-based composition. You can change their color in an unusual way by coloring them from the inside. To do this, use an acrylic base, applying it from the inside before gluing. It turns out a homogeneous background, against which the structure of the wallpaper, beaten off at the factory, stands out clearly. Vinyl prefer acrylic paint with latex. If the base is non-woven, the use of water-based paint is allowed. On vinyl wallpaper, you can also paint the inside.

For paper, paint on water of all possible types is acceptable - water-based, acrylic. Fiberglass wallpapers are ennobled with acrylic or latex compositions that create a washable smooth layer on the surface. Structural patterns are finished with water-dispersion paint of any kind. They are painted in several steps, gently rolling the coloring composition with a roller. Using a structural roller will highlight the texture without affecting the base.

Often the walls become the object of changes, as they are one of the main components of the interior. Many choose a simple solution - paint the wallpaper for painting. This method is very popular nowadays. Of course, you can simply tear off the old wallpaper, and then stick on the new one, but this requires a lot of time, money and effort. And from the very beginning, just buying wallpaper for painting is a smarter way, thanks to which you can change something in the interior without difficulty. It makes it possible to hide small defects on the surface, is a fairly simple method that anyone can learn. An important point is to decide on the wallpaper and paint.

You need to choose the right paint for wallpaper for painting, so that it is pleasant to look at the walls and feel comfortable in the room. Painting wallpaper does not take a lot of energy and material resources, it is an easy way to "refresh" a room.

Paint for wallpaper for painting should be chosen, depending on the type of wallpaper that you will need to first paste and then paint.

Types of wallpaper for painting

  • Paper (rather dense, suitable for any surface);
  • Fiberglass (capable of correcting flaws on the walls, strong, durable);
  • Non-woven (smooth out bumps, hide cracks on the walls, very dense).

The thing that unites them all is that they can be painted many times. Usually such wallpapers are first unpainted. But you can also find colored wallpapers, in which case they can be gray, beige, cream, blue or pink.

The catch here is that the paint for wallpaper for painting should be perfectly absorbed, and not spread (too liquid textures will not work).

What paint for wallpaper for painting is best

The most suitable paint for wallpaper for painting is water-based, because paints based on a chemical solvent can spoil the whole picture by dissolving the outer layer of the wallpaper.

Paint for wallpaper for painting can be:

  • Water emulsion;
  • acrylic;
  • Latex.

Water-based and acrylic paints are water-based. They have a slight difference: the fraction that is obtained by adding water is small for water-based paint, and large for acrylic paint.

Water-based paint is easily removed with water after it has dried, while acrylic paint is made stable and can only be removed with solvents.

Also, acrylic paint dries pretty quickly after painting, so everything happens pretty quickly.

And what special wallpaper to buy for the bathroom? After all, they must be, first of all, resistant to moisture. All tips in the following material:

What paint wallpaper for painting

It is recommended to choose paint for wallpaper for painting, taking into account the type of wallpaper and the characteristics of the room in which there is wallpaper. Fiberglass and paper wallpapers accept any paint. Wallpapering does not take much time. Wallpaper for painting in the living room, where a large amount of sunlight penetrates, should be painted with latex paint, this is the most reasonable solution. If the wallpaper is non-woven, then acrylic or latex paints are the most suitable.

A huge advantage of paint for wallpaper for painting is that with its help you can change the color of the walls without using a lot of effort, energy, money, and you can achieve a chic effect. To simply change for painting, you do not need to rip off the old wallpaper and glue new ones, just paint them, that's how the wallpaper for painting differs from the usual ones, because you can only paint special wallpaper for painting. They are moisture resistant and can hold pigment.

For coloring non-woven and paper wallpapers for painting, it is best to choose water-based paint (glossy or matte). Latex and acrylic paints are suitable for fiberglass wallpaper, they will create a smooth surface. It's a washable paint.

It should be remembered that different types of wallpaper can be painted a different number of times. Non-woven wallpaper for painting in this regard are leaders, they can be up to 10 times. However, it is better to paint them no more than five times, as they will look ugly further.

Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting does not contain solvents and other harmful components, which is its huge advantage over other paints. A huge selection of colors makes it possible to choose something interesting for yourself.

Wallpaper color has been proven to affect mood. How to choose it for the walls, so that a favorable atmosphere reigns in the house? We answer this question too:

What paint to paint wallpaper better

There are many manufacturers and brands on the market that make paint for wallpaper for painting. What colors to choose - that is the question. One of the most popular companies that does this is Tikurilla. Among the advantages of the paint of this manufacturer - Tikkurila, it should be noted ease of application, a wide range, high durability, no need for grinding.

Most people paint with this paint. Also, the products of the Russian company Tex are very popular.

Many say that thanks to the products of this particular brand, they managed to transform their apartment beyond recognition for a long time. Reviews confirm that the paint dries quickly, which is a significant advantage. In addition, they notice that there is practically no smell, the surface after painting is perfect, matte, beautiful.

Wallpaper color palette

When choosing a paint, you need to consider what color it is and whether there are drawings on the wallpaper that need to be painted. Plain white wallpaper is easiest to paint, while paintable wallpaper that has pictures on it is a little more difficult. Quite often, ready-made shades of paint do not suit the client. In this case, a coloring pigment is simply added to the white wallpaper paint. Pigment is added to white paint, everything is constantly mixed. When doing this procedure manually, you need to remember that after drying, the shade may differ from what was intended.

It is recommended to aim for a lighter color, apply paint on a small area, wait for it to dry and see what exactly needs to be changed in the paint composition, or make sure that the color meets the requirements, and get to work.

But there is a drawback here, since the paint may not be enough, and in this case it is almost impossible to repeat the shade that turned out before. For color selection, computer technology is often used, with which you can calculate the amount of the desired pigment, extract the same color for painting a large room, diluting it in different tanks. This is called computer tinting. Thanks to this method, you can simply order a shade, and the computer calculates how much pigment needs to be added to get the desired tone. Experts believe that it is best to buy paint in a store along with wallpaper in order to match it by color. It all depends on how a person sees his room in the future. The color range is quite large, the range is constantly increasing, so any plan can be implemented.

Latex paint for wallpaper for painting: its effect

Latex paint is also quite popular. Latex paints for paintable wallpaper are elastic, they perfectly resist moisture and are not amenable to mechanical damage. The only downside is that latex paints are not very cheap. But this is the case when the price matches the quality. Latex paint for wallpaper for painting is characterized by the fact that it can withstand water (if it accidentally gets on the wallpaper and paint) and the rays of the sun - it does not fade under their influence.

Paintable wallpapers made of paper will become glossy after applying latex paint.

How glossy - it depends on the paint and should be indicated on the package. Therefore, you need to study the packaging before buying, so that in the future there will be no disappointments. In addition, the higher the degree of gloss, the better the water resistance.

If you use latex paint for wallpaper for painting in the kitchen, you can be pleasantly surprised. Everyone is used to the fact that the wallpaper in the kitchen gets dirty quickly. The advantage of latex paint is that if you paint wallpaper with it, they will wash well.

Latex paint is one of the most expensive paints, but it is needed for long-term use. It is with this paint that experts recommend painting wallpaper.

Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting

Acrylic paint is the most popular paint type for wallpaper. It is quite wear-resistant, moisture resistant. In addition, there are a huge number of colors and shades of acrylic paint. It can also be safely used in rooms where humidity is high. Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting costs less than latex. It is a fairly high quality paint. The surface after painting with this tool becomes of high quality. In addition, to get a good result, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money - this is one of the advantages of acrylic paint.

Acrylic paint is characterized by high resistance to moisture, it is practically not erased, so it can be used in any room, even in the kitchen. Top with glitter.

Paint consumption when painting wallpaper for painting

The consumption of paint during painting for wallpaper for painting depends on what type of wallpaper and what absorbency the wallpaper has. On average, the consumption for non-absorbent wallpaper is 1 liter of paint per 10-12 m 2 of area; for absorbent wallpaper - per 1 liter of 7-8 m 2 area.

What paints can be painted on wallpaper

Choosing paint for wallpaper for painting is necessary not only by color and price. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the paint, whether it suits the type of wallpaper, so that the repair is successful and the result is pleasing to the eye. Do not purchase water-soluble PVA-based paint. The only advantage of this paint is that it is inexpensive. The rest of the properties include the fact that it is not at all moisture resistant, but vice versa. In addition, the color palette of this paint is rather poor. But what if the children draw on the wallpaper, and the parents want to leave the room beautiful, but at the same time give the kids the opportunity to draw?

How to paint wallpaper with your own hands (video)

Ordinary paints are not appropriate here. And oil paint is also not worth choosing, as it is more suitable for drawing on paper. It is best to draw with water-based or acrylic paints.

Any, even the most sophisticated interior gets bored with time, you want to change the look of the room. What to do if there is no desire to start a grand renovation? Indeed, sometimes it is enough to make minor updates that will bring fresh notes to the familiar environment. The best option, which will not be particularly costly in terms of time and finances, is to change the color of the walls, moreover, without getting rid of the pasted wallpaper, but simply paint them.

Today it is very easy to do this, because the choice of paint for wallpaper for painting is very large. It remains only to figure out what its types are, for what type of wallpaper each of them is suitable.

Types of paint for wallpaper for painting

The modern market of building finishing materials offers various paints for wallpaper, which differ in their properties and price. Conventionally, they are divided into three main types:

  • water-based (water-soluble);
  • acrylic;
  • latex.

Water-based paints

These water-soluble wallpaper paints, made on the basis of PVA, have long been known. They are the cheapest among all the others. This paint is produced mainly in white, but by adding color to it, you can choose the desired tone of finish. The disadvantage is considered to be low moisture resistance, and it is mainly used for painting ceiling wallpapers.

But its advantage lies in the fact that it is environmentally friendly and safe for human health. User reviews of this product are positive.

acrylic paint

This paint has an excellent set of performance characteristics. It has high moisture resistance, is resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. Despite the fact that it is only matte due to the huge color palette, you can implement any design ideas.

It is suitable for rooms with high humidity, it is applied to the wallpaper very easily, without spreading, and dries quickly. During operation, it does not fade (this is confirmed by the reviews) and allows the wallpaper to "breathe".

Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting, the price of which is slightly higher than water-based paint, is in great demand among consumers, and its popularity does not decrease from year to year.

latex paint

This type of paint belongs to modern finishing materials and is characterized not only by high quality, but also by excellent appearance. When applied to the surface of the wallpaper, it forms a silky base. Perfect glossy surface - that's what distinguishes this paint for wallpaper for painting. Its price, of course, is the highest relative to other paints. But the excellent properties and long service life more than pay off. Moreover, the moisture resistance of this paint depends on the degree of gloss, which is why it is divided into several types, and the corresponding digital markings are always indicated on the packaging.

Before you start changing the interior of the room, you should know, when choosing wallpaper for painting, which paint is suitable for one or another type of them.

The secrets of the right choice

  1. For paper wallpaper, almost any paint is suitable. The best option would be to use all types of latex paints, since they are applied in a very thin layer and do not weigh down the paper wallpaper. In addition, due to their excellent characteristics, they only improve the operational properties of such wallpapers. But if you want to save money, then you can safely use water-based paint.
  2. Non-woven wallpaper is not suitable for water-based paint. Experts recommend painting them exclusively with latex or acrylic paint. Moreover, these wallpapers have one interesting feature - they can be painted not only from the front side, but also from the back. If the wallpaper is not pasted on the walls, you can try this option: paint the wrong side and wait until the paint dries. Then paste the wallpaper on the wall. After they dry, the paint will appear on the front surface, and in those places where there is no top polymer layer, the tone will be somewhat different, which will give originality to the entire surface of the wallpaper.
  3. If you have vinyl wallpaper, then you should not even puzzle over what paint to paint the wallpaper for painting, since there is only one answer: acrylic. Like non-woven, they can also be painted from the wrong side - the texture will remain excellent, and its color will change.
  4. Fiberglass wallpapers are already quite an effective coating in themselves, and coloring will further emphasize their originality and beauty. Acrylic and latex products are also suitable for coloring them, which show their texture remarkably. In order to reduce paint consumption for wallpaper for painting, you can pre-prime them with wallpaper paste, slightly diluting it. It is recommended to apply the paint in two layers, keeping an interval of 12 hours. The peculiarity of these wallpapers is that after the time has passed they can be repainted again (up to 10 times).

Color spectrum

Today there are no problems when choosing paint for wallpaper for painting. Colors and shades are presented in any tone and can satisfy both classic and the most extravagant tastes.

You can paint the wallpaper in warm pastel colors, giving tenderness and a touch of romanticism to the design of the room, or you can use a cold light range that is suitable for a modern stylish interior. Bright colors or accents from them will give any design individuality and spectacular zest. It all depends on your tastes, and the modern paint palette for wallpaper for painting will definitely not disappoint.

How to choose the desired color

The best option in determining the color of the paint is to test it. Maybe it will seem superfluous to someone, but, based on practical experience, such a test will always make it possible not only to choose the right color, but also not to be disappointed later in the result.

Get the smallest package of paint and paint about 1 square meter at home. m. wallpaper surface. After the paint dries, it will immediately become clear to you whether you wanted it. If the result satisfies you, feel free to buy the right amount of paint, but if not, then it's worth experimenting a little more.

How to determine the flow

No matter how hard you try, but the consumption can only be determined approximately, and, unfortunately, you can understand the absorbency of the wallpaper only after part of it has been painted. But, nevertheless, there are certain parameters: for non-absorbent wallpaper, usually 1 liter of paint goes to 10-12 square meters. m. of painted area. For absorbers of the same amount of paint, only enough for 7-8 square meters. m. Then, by calculating the total surface area of ​​the walls, subtracting from it the area of ​​window and door openings, you can calculate the right amount of paint for the entire room. But you should only take it with some margin in case of any unforeseen situations. The cost of such paints will depend on the manufacturer and product quality. On average, the price ranges from 500 rubles to 2000 rubles for a bucket weighing 14-15 kg.

Updating the interior with wallpaper painting is a fast, high-quality and effective way. The main thing is to correctly decide on the right paint and, connecting your imagination, choose a color that will make your interior beautiful and cozy.