How to properly cement the yard step by step instructions. Do-it-yourself concreting of the yard: stages and nuances. Reinforcement of concrete surface

For a city dweller, the “concept of a house” usually does not go beyond the stairwell or entrance. He is also of little interest in the improvement of the local area, since this is the patrimony of municipal services. The house is perceived quite differently by those who live in the private sector.

For them, the word "yard" is not an empty phrase, since not only the appearance of the entire site, but also the comfort of staying on it depends on the quality of its improvement. Looking at the design of the local area, you can immediately get an idea of ​​​​how diligent the owners of the house are. This area can be put in order in different ways: lay out tiles, equip wooden flooring, asphalt, finally, but the most practical and clean owners still prefer concreting the yard.

Concrete interior house

We will try to figure out whether it is worth giving preference to this option and if so, how to do it correctly.

Three Reasons to Concrete

Why should the decision to concrete the yard be considered the right one?

Firstly, a concrete-filled area is easier to keep clean. Impenetrable dirt will not collect on such a coating, grass will not grow through it and it will not have to be weeded out. In winter, it will be easier to free the yard from blockages of snow.

A concrete yard is easier to keep clean

Secondly, you will get a solid, flat surface that can be driven by a car of any class, even a truck. At the same time, the yard will not be torn apart by wheels and covered with gullies.

Third, it's just aesthetic. When concreting the adjacent territory, you can ennoble it along the way by allocating places for flower beds, benches, providing a network of alleys, etc.

With the help of concreting the yard, you can zone the space

In order for concrete to retain an attractive appearance for a long time, and its surface integrity, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of its pouring process.

How to pour concrete in the yard

"Plastic will be very useful if you plan to concrete the yard in an abstract form with curly paths"

Preliminary work

First of all, we prepare the site. The surface must be leveled and the top layer of soil overgrown with grass roots removed. The removal of the soil layer should be carried out wisely. If it is fertile land, it should be transferred to flower beds or sent to beds. Concreting of the yard must be carried out at the level of natural relief.

Topsoil cleaning

Work on this issue begins with the fact that the marking of the territory is carried out, indicating the location of the sites, paths and other elements, and in accordance with this marking, excavation is carried out. On average, you have to remove up to 20 cm of soil. This is not much at all, as it may seem. The fact is that the concrete coating does not respond well to moisture, so a good drainage cushion should be laid under it. The creation of the latter will have to be dealt with immediately after removing the soil. Crushed stone is required for drainage. It is poured into prepared recesses and clinched with sand. The thickness of the crushed stone cushion should be at least 15 cm. If the drainage is planned to be made from a mixture of crushed stone and construction debris such as broken bricks, the remains of an old concrete or asphalt pavement, etc., then it must be covered with an even larger layer.

Drainage area with rubble

Provided that your house is on infertile land and you have to deliver and pour black soil, the site for concreting can not be deepened. In this situation, the preparatory work will be reduced to marking and adding rubble. If the basis of the site is clay soil, which does not shrink, then you can do without a drainage cushion. In the same way, they act on hard, not overgrown with grass and well-packed land.

Compaction of the earth on the site

In order for the concrete to harden in the required form, and not spread over the entire area, it must be poured into the formwork, which can be built from improvised material with a smooth surface. You can launch:

1. Boards (this is ideal).

2. Plastic panels.

3. Chipboard pieces.

4. Slate sheets.

Wooden formwork for concreting

Plastic will come in handy if you plan to concrete the yard in an abstract form with curly paths. The material is very pliable in work and easily accepts any configuration.

Plastic formwork suitable for figured concreting

The formwork is placed along the perimeter of the site, exactly repeating its contour. Mounting the structure is easy. Boards or other material are laid along a given path and supported with pegs driven into the ground. Now you can start the main work.

Stage one - beacons

The technology of concreting the yard is somewhat different from the work of leveling the floor in the room, so the standard level will not help you. The relief of the terrain will not allow to withstand the horizon during the pour, so you need to find an alternative replacement for the level. An unusual system, referred to by professionals as a "spider", will help to cope with the task. It is created from 4 tightly stretched threads.

Spider concrete leveling system

Making a "spider" is not difficult. To begin with, drive wooden stakes or pieces of reinforcement into the corners of the site preparing for concreting. Now let two parallel threads run from corner to corner. We fasten the remaining threads in the same parallel order, but not to the pegs, but to the already stretched threads themselves, and we do this on the so-called “air loops” so that they can be freely moved in the right direction. Beacons are placed at the point of contact with the crawling threads. Next, select the angle of inclination of the site. This must be done to ensure the outflow of rainwater. Look at the features of the surrounding landscape and decide where it is most beneficial for you to direct storm flows.

Filling the site with concrete using the "spider" system

Now you can begin to remove the backfill level of the drainage layer. To set the "spider" in the correct plane, you need to work with the threads. The main ones, which are fixed on stakes, are lowered to a height of 15 cm from the base of the site. Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust one of the sides in terms of level. This is done using a special device designed specifically for such work. The level for threads is equipped with hooks, thanks to which it is very easy to attach it to them. Now set the desired position of the thread, having achieved its absolute horizontality, and you can consider your "spider" adjusted in space. Everything is ready to install beacons.

It is done like this. Mix the solution and spread it in a row in small slides. They will become the holder of the profile pieces used in the creation of drywall systems. The height of the beacon should be such that it only slightly touches the "spider" threads. Landmarks are set at a distance equal to the length of the rule, which will stretch the concrete.

Installed beacons on fittings

Stage two - reinforcement

Experienced summer residents know firsthand how to properly pour concrete into the yard. They are aware that concrete is prone to cracking. This happens especially often at the junction of sections flooded at different time intervals. Laying reinforcement between beacons will help prevent trouble. The best option would be a reinforcing mesh made of thick wire threads, there will be no sharp edges that need to be folded.

Reinforcing mesh for concreting

It is not worth skipping the reinforcement stage, since this is the only way to ensure the integrity of the concrete canvas and reduce the number of cracks to a minimum threshold. The presence of a reinforcing layer of those who carry out the reconstruction of the yard in parts will help out a lot. The coating will turn out smooth and retain its integrity and attractiveness for many years.

Reinforcement will protect concrete from cracking

Stage three - concreting the yard

To fill the yard with concrete, you first need to prepare a working solution. This can be done in different ways, so consider the most common way. Let's start with proportions. To obtain concrete, you need to mix three components:

1. Cement.

3. Rubble.

They are mixed in a certain proportion. Three buckets of sand and a bucket of rubble are placed on a bucket of cement. You can find recommendations where it is indicated that two buckets of sand and gravel should be mixed into a bucket of cement, but in the absence of a vibrating screed, it should not be prepared. Manually, you will never be able to stretch and perfectly level the concrete surface.

Proportions for making concrete

The presence of such a mechanism as a concrete mixer will greatly facilitate the work of mixing the solution.

In the absence of auxiliary mechanisms, it is possible to concrete the yard in an alternative way. It provides for two actions. First you fill in the solution, which contains a lot of gravel, and leave it with little or no alignment, that is, as it will lie. The second is to fill the site with a concrete solution, in which there is practically no admixture of crushed stone. The final layer can be quite thin, only a couple of centimeters. This is a very economical option for decorating the yard, as it does not require the involvement of expensive fixtures. However, there is a "pitfall" here as well. In order for the concreting to go “with a bang”, you need to fill the yard in one day. Day breaks are not allowed here. If the bottom layer seizes, you will no longer be able to tie the top layer to it.

Multilayer concrete pouring

The process of mixing concrete begins with pouring into a concrete mixer or a trough of water. Its quantity is determined empirically. For a guide, again, you can take a bucket. Approximately the ratio of water and cement should be 1:1. Add the rest of the ingredients to the water and mix thoroughly. The solution can be considered ready when no sand is visible in it.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly

Let's move on to the fill. Concrete is unloaded onto the ground and carefully, with a shovel, is distributed to nearby lighthouses. A layer of solution should cover them. Now you should remove its excess. You will need a flat rail or something similar. It must be placed on the nearest visible lighthouses and pulled, as if on rails, to rake off excess concrete. The procedure is repeated several times in different directions. Your task is to make the surface as even as possible. If you are too far from the ups and downs of construction, but have a great desire to equip your house with your own hands, you can find thematic videos and see clearly how to fill the yard with concrete correctly.

Leveling the surface of the concreted area

Try to mix the solution well. If this is not done, the view of the courtyard will not be very aesthetic. A poorly tightened mortar will be full of bumps and lumps of unbroken sand. But even if everything is done perfectly - do not apply to cover the concrete with another reinforcing polymer layer. Be sure to topping the weakest places to loads:

Polymer processing is carried out in two ways. In the first case, its dry mixture is poured over freshly laid concrete, in the second, a liquid solution of the hardener is prepared, which is poured into the grooves prepared in the already set concrete, centimeter deep.

Polymer concrete treatment

Features of drying concrete pavement

The concrete screed must be properly dried. This will give it extra strength. The process must go slowly. After water leaves the surface of the setting concrete, it is cleaned, eliminating all bumps and sagging, and covered with a film. If the weather is too hot, the concreted area will have to be watered. It is imperative to do this, since already at + 30 °, concrete mixed with aluminous cement will lose half of its strength reserve.

At high temperatures, pour concrete with water

If during the pouring of the yard, temperature gaps were not made in the concrete surface, you will have to pick up a grinder and cut them through the dried layer.

Now the process of concreting the yard can be considered complete.

Care of the concrete area

In principle, the hardening of concrete occurs quite quickly, but it takes a longer time to gain the main strength. So in the first days after the formation, you should not drive cars onto a freshly poured site, drop weights on it, etc.

It is important to maintain the moisture balance not only during the formation of the concrete solution, but also in further operation. In a strong heat, the yard will be useful periodically watered with a hose. In the rest of the period, it will have enough moisture that falls during precipitation.

  • Reinforcement and concreting of the site

Filling the yard with concrete is one of the most relevant procedures in the process of ennoblement of private houses. In order for the concrete surface to be durable and for a long time to please the owners with its excellent performance properties, you need to know how to properly fill the yard with concrete.

On a flat, hard surface of a concreted yard, ruts from cars, puddles and bumps will not form, it is easier to keep it clean in winter and summer.

Preparatory work and setting up beacons

Before pouring the yard with concrete, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

Tools for pouring concrete area.

  • concrete mixer;
  • building level;
  • trowel;
  • shovel;
  • wooden pegs;
  • threads;
  • fittings;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement:
  • water.

The process of pouring a yard with a concrete mixture is different from pouring a floor in a room. In outdoor conditions, the relief of the site should be taken into account. It is possible to qualitatively fill the territory with a concrete mixture only if the surface is absolutely flat, which is extremely difficult to achieve.

In order to make it easier to solve the problem, you need to use the "spider" device. It is made from 4 threads stretched along the edge of the working area. When making a "spider" along the boundaries of the territory, pegs should be driven in and several threads should be tied from pin to pin. Tie 2 more threads to the threads in a perpendicular position. As a result, a structure will come out like sliders moving across the territory poured with concrete. Beacons must be installed at the point of contact of 2 creeping threads.

Next, it is important to make the right choice of plane. Here, much depends on the fact where it is planned to direct the rainfall flows, and on the relief of the site. However, before that, you should decide on what will be the thickness of the concrete pouring of the territory. The value in this case can be different, but the standard is a pillow of 10 cm. The lowering and raising of the plane are carried out by means of threads.

Scheme of reinforcement of a monolithic concrete belt.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust one side of the flooded area according to the level, but at the same time, it becomes difficult to install a tight thread in the level. In this situation, it is easier to take a device designed just for small threads. A similar level comes with hooks, a thread of the required size is attached to it, which can be raised or lowered. Adjustment occurs until reaching the horizontal.

After all the steps performed, you can proceed to the procedure for installing beacons. To do this, it is necessary to knead the concrete solution and unload it in small piles in a row. Pieces of a profile for working with drywall are pressed into these piles. They will be beacons. When installing profiles, it is important to ensure that the beacons touch the "spider" a little. The spacing between beacons should be consistent with the length of the concrete stretching rule. The area with flooded beacons should be left for 24 hours to dry.

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Proper pouring of the yard with concrete involves reinforcement, otherwise the concrete will gradually begin to crack.

Table of proportions of concrete mortar from cement of different grades.

Laying reinforcement between beacons can prevent an unpleasant phenomenon.

Before you begin the direct process of pouring the site with concrete, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, load 1 bucket of crushed stone and cement, 3 buckets of sand, water into the concrete mixer and mix everything. On average, the volume of water used is equal to the amount of cement taken. The mixture is considered ready when the sand ceases to be visible in it, and it itself becomes uniform in structure.

After preparing the solution, you can begin the pouring process. Concrete should be unloaded onto the prepared site and leveled with a shovel between the beacons. The layer should be slightly above the installed beacons. Then it is supposed to clean up excess concrete. For this, a flat rail is used, which is installed on nearby beacons and dragged along, as if on rails. In this case, the movements should be rotational-translational, then to the left, then to the right. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times until the surface becomes even.

You can walk on poured concrete, put a car on it only after it has completely dried. Thus, the process of pouring concrete with your own hands is a completely doable task.

Do-it-yourself yard concreting: stages and nuances

The composition of the improvement of the territory of the suburban area includes the laying of convenient paths, the arrangement of the check-in and car parking spaces, the floors in the gazebos, for the installation of a barbecue and coverage in other places. A reliable solution is concreting the courtyard of a private house. This is an affordable and inexpensive option, the work can be done independently without the involvement of expensive specialists.

Advantages of concrete pavements

  • solid structure of a flat concrete surface, allowing the arrival of a heavy large-sized vehicle;
  • reduction of weed germination and the formation of coating pollution;
  • the ability to pour concrete into the yard with your own hands;
  • ease of maintenance of concrete, in summer it is enough to water from garden hoses, and in winter it is easy to clear snow drifts;
  • ease of passage through the site in rainy weather;
  • problem-free framing of any decorative elements on the street, flower beds, small fountains, benches, tables, etc.;
  • environmental friendliness of the coating without the release of harmful substances during operation;
  • durability, if the yard is poured with concrete correctly, in compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

Some features of independent work

Filling the yard with concrete

Scope of work:

  1. Site preparation with cleaning of interfering elements, uprooting of shrubs and removal of roots.
  2. Development of a pit to the depth of the fertile layer with the removal of weeds and their roots. Compaction of the base with vibrorammers. The evenness of the bottom is controlled using a level or laser levels.
  3. Laying geotextile with an overlap on the edges of the pit.
  4. Installation of a 15 cm gravel-sand cushion with subsequent compaction.
  5. Installation of formwork from edged boards around the perimeter of the site and at the locations of decorative elements.
  6. Reinforcement of the site with a finished road mesh or viscous from individual rods. The protective layer is made with thickened concrete crackers.
  7. Installation of beacons with alignment using a laser level or a long rule with a horizontal level.
  8. Laying of concrete mix with leveling on lighthouses, observance of necessary slopes and arrangement of expansion joints. Compaction of concrete using vibrating screeds or platform vibrators.
  9. The next day, pulling out beacons and sealing furrows. Surface ironing.
  10. Formwork dismantling.
  11. Curing concrete.

Asphalt or concrete, which is better in the yard?

Asphalt will last up to 10 years, concrete - ≥ 20 years. Concrete is more expensive than asphalt, but its greater durability and ease of maintenance will equalize costs in about 5 years. It should be borne in mind that asphalt sites have lower strength characteristics that cannot withstand the arrivals of heavy equipment. And most importantly - the environmental friendliness of the coating. In summer, the asphalt heats up with the release of fumes harmful to human health.

Conclusion: preference should be given to concrete sites.


How to concrete the courtyard of a private house with your own hands?

It is very good when the area around the house has a durable and stable coating that creates very comfortable conditions. You equip your own yard with comfortable paths that will allow you to move comfortably even in bad weather, as well as reliable areas for car maneuvers when entering and leaving the garage. After all, it's just more beautiful than bare ground. Therefore, it is very important to concrete the territory.

You can entrust this work to specialists who will charge you for this, or you can concrete the yard with your own hands. But any work must be done carefully and correctly. Today we will look at how to arrange the yard in more detail.

Foundation preparation

Any kind of work cannot be carried out without prior preparation. You cannot just take and concrete the surface without digging the soil. First, evaluate your soil on which the house stands. Variations can be:

  1. If the land around is ordinary, infertile, then you will most likely need to add soil. You will need to mark the area for pouring and add gravel.
  2. If the soil is clayey, then you can simply add earth and do not add crushed stone, because. clay will not shrink.
  3. The soil may also be fertile. It is better to remove the useful base and transfer it to the garden or to the flower beds, or to the vegetable garden. In this case, it is necessary to concrete the yard at the level of the relief. Remove approximately 20 cm of the earth layer by first marking the path or the entire area of ​​the concreted surface.

Next, we move on to the arrangement of the drainage system. A gravel-sand cushion will act as such a base for concrete. You have already removed or added soil, and now you should lay the same layer of gravel and sand. First lay a layer of 5 cm of sand. We will ram it with a special rule, which, by the way, can be done with your own hands and a channel with a welded handle from a pipe. Moisturizing the sand helps with this, only a lot of water is required.

Now the crushed stone layer, fine-grained, is being filled up, since it is easier to compact it. To make the concreted yard more beautiful, the concreting technology was taken into account, it is necessary to equip everything without gaps that large stones give.

Let's move on to furnishing

After the preparatory stage, concreting requires several more points to be taken into account. The installation of the concrete floor of the foundation yard will be carried out according to the instructions. To begin with, it is worth preparing this set: take a shovel, ordinary drywall profiles, levels, a rule or a large board.

We do formwork. The purpose of the formwork is to prevent the concrete solution from spreading during concreting. The formwork is made from different items, the main requirement for which is that they are smooth and flat. It can be ordinary boards, slate, chipboard and even plastic panels. Wood is most often used for concreting.

But when it was decided to build a curvilinear curly path, then PVC formwork should be preferred, which bends well and is pliable during operation.

The formwork structure is organized along the perimeter of the site. Installation is simple: lay the board in the shape we need, just do not forget to support the boards with pegs driven into the ground.

Reinforcement. Concreting the courtyard of a private house, even with low traffic, will not do without reinforcement. The strength and reliability of the yard screed will depend on it. This is done using a metal mesh or other metal products, including fittings, rods, pipe trimmings, steel wire, etc. The advantage, of course, remains with the finished grid and the reason for this is convenience.

Set up beacons. For uniform concreting of the surface, it is impossible to do without beacons, especially since in this case a certain slope of the surface is required.

The slope is done in order to prevent the accumulation of rainwater and its removal from the house to the ground. This will not only save you from puddles, but also preserve the strength of the concrete base and the private house itself. But this is optional.

Remember we mentioned that you need to prepare profiles for drywall? It is just from them that guide beacons are made. We put a slide of the building mixture and seat the profile on it. We set the height of each beacon according to the level. Before concreting directly, make sure that the mortar dries thoroughly and the beacons are fixed. This is about a day.

Yard concreting

If the previous points were followed correctly, then at this stage you should not have any problems. Pouring concrete is a simple process, but it needs to be carefully monitored. If the yard is small, then the mixture for pouring can be prepared independently, or you can use ready-made building concrete from the factory. Of course, it is better to do everything with your own hands if possible. Please note that to facilitate the work, you may need a concrete mixer or an old trough.

The classic screed solution provides for the observance of proportions. Take frost-resistant durable cement M400 for outdoor work. For each part of cement we take three parts of sand and two crushed stone. We mix the dry ingredients and gradually introduce water very carefully. Do not pour in more than half the amount of water from the amount of cement used.

Now you need to use the rule to evenly level the solution. This will remove excess solution. The screed should not seize in pieces, so we do the concreting of the yard paths in one go.

To avoid deformation of concrete when climatic conditions change, expansion joints are needed. The concreting of the yard with expansion joints provides for the insertion of laths during pouring and their removal before the coating hardens. It is also possible, after solidification, to provide for these seams, making them a grinder.

Now that the pouring is done, we are waiting for the concrete to dry. After two days, it will be necessary to clean the unevenness with a spatula, cut through the temperature gaps, if any.

Do not forget to water the site with water when it dries in hot weather. You also need to cover the surface with a film.

Learn more about this topic in this video:

Do-it-yourself concreting of the yard: the sequence of work and the features of concreting

In order to perform concreting of the local area and equip your yard with reliable paths and durable platforms that can withstand high loads, it is not at all necessary to turn to professionals for help. Concreting, although a laborious process, is by no means difficult - if you wish, this work can be done on your own. In this article from the site, we will talk in detail about how the yard is concreted with our own hands and reveal all the subtleties, thanks to which the paths and platforms you have built will delight the eye for many years.

How to concrete the yard with your own hands photo

Do-it-yourself yard concreting: preparatory work

It is rather difficult to shovel a huge amount of soil manually, but the question of how to concrete a yard cannot be solved without this. In principle, it is possible to pour paths and platforms simply over a leveled base. Only in this case, it will be necessary to additionally import soil, and this is a considerable financial expense. In general, look at the situation, if the yard is an infertile base, and you can’t do without adding fertile soil, then concreting can be done without removing the soil.

In such a situation, at the stage of preparatory work, it will be enough to mark the areas to be poured and fill them with gravel. The last step can also be abandoned if the construction was carried out on clay soil (it's no secret to anyone that clay practically does not shrink).

But let's return to normal conditions, when the adjacent territory is a plot of fertile black soil - in such situations it is advisable to move the fertile soil to a more suitable place, and to carry out concreting to the level with the terrain.

Preparation for pouring concrete paths photo

To begin with, the paths, the blind area and the sites should be marked out - you should not move the excess soil, as it will have to be returned back. And this, at least, is a stupid job. The next step in resolving the issue of how to properly fill the yard with concrete is the removal of soil - as a rule, the soil is removed to a depth of 200mm. Why is so much soil removed? Because in addition to concrete in these places it will be necessary to make a kind of drainage to remove moisture from the under-concrete. This will be the next stage of work, which provides an answer to the question, how to concrete a platform for a car or a track?

Where to start concreting the yard

Drainage or, as it is also called, backfilling under a concrete pad, consists of two uniform layers of sand from crushed stone. To begin with, sand is poured into the recesses left after the removal of the soil with a layer of 50 mm. It must be tamped in the most thorough way - to perform this work, you will need to make a so-called tamper. It is a piece of a large channel, to which a handle from a pipe is welded - by lifting and lowering this channel with force on the sand, it is rammed.

You can go in a simpler way - in this case, the sand is simply poured with plenty of water, after which it sits down as it needs. The disadvantage of this method is the need to use a large amount of water, which is expensive. The next layer is crushed stone of small or medium fraction - it is carefully leveled and, like sand, is compacted. The crushed stone layer should be 50-70mm.

Do-it-yourself yard concreting: technology

After completing these preparatory work, the direct pouring of the tracks with concrete begins.

Concrete technology: features and nuances of the process

When starting work on pouring a site or a path made of concrete, the first step is to install the formwork, thus preventing uncontrolled spreading of concrete. Almost any unnecessary building material can be used as formwork - the main thing is that it be even and smooth. Old boards, slate, OSB or chipboard trimmings will do - if you wish, you can even cut into formwork old cabinets that you are going to throw away, or plastic panels left over from filing the porch. By the way, plastic will become an indispensable assistant in the construction of curved concrete paths, since it bends perfectly. The formwork is installed along the edges of the platforms, i.e. with its help set the contours of paths and sidewalks.

When the formwork is ready, it's time to take care of the strength and durability of concrete, and these properties are provided by nothing more than reinforcement. It is possible to strengthen concrete both with a special metal mesh, and with any metal at hand. If there is old rusty rebar or pipe cuttings, they can be used, it is also possible to use even steel wire, stretching it properly over the concreting area. If we consider this process from the point of view of simplicity and convenience of work, then, undoubtedly, the best option would be to use a finished reinforcing mesh with a cell of 100x100 or 200x200mm. It is simply laid on top of the crushed stone filling overlapping each other. There should be no gaps between its individual elements, otherwise it will be a guaranteed crack.

How to make concrete walkways with your own hands photo

Guides or beacons will ensure the evenness of the surface layer of concrete. Under normal conditions, beacons are installed in the horizon plane. And in the situation with the local area, this condition can be partially met for one simple reason - if concrete is poured into the level, then its consumption will be incredibly large. Yes, and this is useless, because inclined paths and platforms will provide high-quality drainage of rain and melt water from the local area. It is for this reason that the beacons are installed in the selected plane - it is not tied to the horizon, or only one of its sides is tied.

But back to our lighthouses - as a rule, uw drywall profiles are used in their role. This is the cheapest material that allows you to use it to ensure a smooth front surface of the concrete screed. The profiles are installed on the mortar slides - when they dry out (after 24 hours), the final stage of work begins, which involves the process of making a concrete track with your own hands.

How to fill the yard with concrete photo

Concreting is a simple but time-consuming process. And it can be done in two ways: order ready-made concrete from a company specializing in these types of work or prepare it yourself. It is advisable to choose the first option for solving this issue in the case of a large amount of concreting. If we are talking about a small and short path, then concrete can be prepared independently by kneading it in a concrete mixer or in an unnecessary trough.

Concrete is prepared as follows - 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 2 parts of crushed stone are poured into a trough or concrete mixer. All ingredients are first mixed dry, then water is added and the dry mixture is diluted with water to medium density. You can calculate the required amount of concrete using our online calculator. The finished solution is poured between the beacons and carefully leveled with an even rail or plaster rule. Everything is simple and clear here.

Do-it-yourself pouring concrete paths photo

At the end of the consideration of the question of how the yard is concreted with my own hands, I will tell you how to give concrete high strength. There is nothing complicated in this process - in order for the concrete to gain strength and not crack, it needs to ensure slow drying. To do this, after the water has come off the concrete, it is simply covered with a plastic film, thus preventing the rapid evaporation of the liquid. If the weather is not very hot, then concrete can simply be periodically watered from a hose (morning, evening and afternoon).

If you live in a private house, then concreting the site for you will be a paramount task after the construction of the dwelling. Do-it-yourself concreting of the yard must be done following a certain technology. The work will involve the need to implement several stages.

The need to fill the yard

If the yard is concreted, then it will be easier to take care of the territory, dirt will not accumulate on the surface, in addition, you will not have to periodically deal with weeds. In winter, such an area will be quite easy to clear of snow. You should also pay attention to the fact that on a flat, but not concreted surface, bumps and depressions are formed from the impact of the wheels of the machine, in which water can accumulate. This is especially true if not only cars, but also trucks enter the yard. Do-it-yourself concreting of the yard will be very simple, this will ennoble the territory, and install benches nearby, plant flower beds, and also arrange other decorative elements. It is important to follow all stages of work and follow the recommendations of specialists in order to ensure the strength and evenness of the future site.

Carrying out preparatory work

Initially, it will be necessary to carefully level the site, but first get rid of the top layer of soil by eliminating grass roots. After that, crushed stone preparation is laid on the rammed bottom, which will also need to be compacted as much as possible, a small layer of sand is poured on top. The thickness of the crushed stone layer should be approximately 20 cm, but not less. Most often, this layer is made even more massive, using, in addition to crushed stone, broken bricks, construction debris, remnants of concrete pavement, etc.

If the concreting of the yard with your own hands will be carried out on the ground, which is characterized by a sufficiently high hardness, as well as the absence of grass, the use of crushed stone can be excluded. But if it is used, a plastic film can be laid on top, which will act as a layer that excludes the interaction of concrete and water. Among other things, such preparation will prevent the germination of grass. Formwork should be installed along the edges of the prepared site using steel strips or concrete curbs, if you have the latter. If it is planned to install zones for flower beds inside the concreted area, then formwork must be installed in those zones.

Exposure of lighthouses

Do-it-yourself concreting of the yard cannot be done with high quality if beacons are not installed. This is done at the stage of laying rubble in the pillow. It is recommended to use a horizontal level in order to level the site. After that, beacons must be installed throughout the area, which will act as a guideline when filling the yard. For this, it is preferable to use plaster beacons made of a thin profile, between which a thin rope is stretched. Reinforcement should be laid between the beacons. It is better to use a special mesh based on thick wire. The sharp edges of the reinforcement should be bent down. Reinforcement will be the main way to ensure the integrity of the coating, this will eliminate or minimize the formation of cracks.

Solution mixing

If you are concreting the yard with your own hands, the stages and nuances must be studied in advance. Thus, the master needs to be aware that the preparation of the solution acts as the most critical step. At the same time, you should not save on raw materials, use low-quality cement, kneading it in insufficient quantities. This will cause that in two years the condition of the yard will deteriorate and repairs will be required. For the implementation of work, it is recommended to use concrete grade M300, sand and crushed stone should be used in proportions of 1 to 2. It is necessary to mix the concrete thoroughly until a mass is obtained that is homogeneous throughout the volume.

Pouring concrete

If the yard is concreted with your own hands at sub-zero temperatures, then plasticizers must be added to the solution, which will ensure that the mixture does not solidify so quickly. Concrete should be laid with a shovel between two adjacent beacons, the concrete should hide them by a few millimeters. After, using a spatula that has a suitable width, you need to get rid of excess concrete. Why the rail is installed perpendicular to the two beacons and moves along them like on rails.

Carrying out the final processing

If there is a desire, then a coating can be applied on top of the concrete, which consists of polymer cement, this will strengthen the composition. Such processing is especially important for areas that will be most heavily stressed, this applies to corners and edges.

Processing can be done in two ways. The first involves the need to pour out the finished mixture after leveling the concrete. The mixture must be absorbed into the wet mass. The second application technology involves the need to remove small strips of the concrete surface, the depth of which is 1 centimeter. It is necessary to pour the same mixture into the resulting recess as in the first case, however, it must first be diluted with water. After the final hardening, which will happen in a day, the surface will need to be cleaned of traces of the spatula.

Do-it-yourself concreting of the yard, the photo of which is presented in the article, should be carried out taking into account the use of exclusively high-quality ingredients. Thus, the quality of sand affects the final physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete. It is recommended to use coarse sand, which contains a minimum amount of clay impurities. In order to analyze the quality of the aggregate, you need to put it in a plastic bottle pre-filled with clean water, then everything should be mixed and left for a while. If the water becomes cloudy and the dirt does not settle, this indicates that there is a lot of silt deposits and clay in the sand.

If the courtyard of a private house is concreted with your own hands, then it is necessary to further strengthen the structure by ironing. Why, on concrete that has begun to harden, you need to pour clean cement in a small amount, and then rub it over the surface using a spatula or trowel. In order to maintain the moisture level of concrete, it is possible to apply a coating containing hygroscopic salts, which are able to absorb moisture from the external environment. But it is worth remembering that at low air humidity, these salts will absorb moisture from the concrete. As a protective measure, the concrete surface will be painted white. This will prevent excessive heating of concrete under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Since cracks in concrete most often form at the junction of sections that were poured and hardened at different times, concrete should be placed as soon as possible. If the concreting of the courtyard of a private house was carried out using hardening mixtures, then water should not be poured into these places after the concrete has hardened. This can cause the topping to peel off.

Providing drainage

If you yourself are concreting the courtyard of a private house, the formation of gutters must be ensured. To do this, at the preparation stage, it is necessary to provide for a slight slope of the surface, as well as install grooves along the edges. Despite the fact that concrete loves water, the presence of a drain should not be ruled out so that moisture does not constantly stand on the surface. In order to make grooves, you need to lay the pipes on the hardening concrete and press them down with heavy objects. After the concrete hardens, the pipes are removed, and cavities remain in their place.

Temperature joints

If you are concreting the yard with your own hands, expansion joints on the surface must be formed. They should come out clean and straight. It is necessary to perform such manipulations only after the concrete begins to gain its strength, which will prevent damage to the surface, otherwise arbitrary cracks may form. Cutting, as a rule, is carried out by a tool for the formation of seams. This must be done no earlier than one day and no later than 72 hours after the completion of the surface treatment. Wet cutting can also be done, which is true for soft concrete, such conditions occur 4-12 hours after finishing. The rules should not be ignored.

The composition of the improvement of the territory of the suburban area includes the laying of convenient paths, the arrangement of the check-in and car parking spaces, the floors in the gazebos, for the installation of a barbecue and coverage in other places. A reliable solution is concreting the courtyard of a private house. This is an affordable and inexpensive option, the work can be done independently without the involvement of expensive specialists.

Advantages of concrete pavements

  • solid structure of a flat concrete surface, allowing the arrival of a heavy large-sized vehicle;
  • reduction of weed germination and the formation of coating pollution;
  • the ability to pour concrete into the yard with your own hands;
  • ease of maintenance of concrete, in summer it is enough to water from garden hoses, and in winter it is easy to clear snow drifts;
  • ease of passage through the site in rainy weather;
  • problem-free framing of any decorative elements on the street, flower beds, small fountains, benches, tables, etc.;
  • environmental friendliness of the coating without the release of harmful substances during operation;
  • durability, if the yard is poured with concrete correctly, in compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

Some features of independent work

Filling the yard with concrete

Scope of work:

  1. Site preparation with cleaning of interfering elements, uprooting of shrubs and removal of roots.
  2. Development of a pit to the depth of the fertile layer with the removal of weeds and their roots. Compaction of the base with vibrorammers. The evenness of the bottom is controlled using a level or laser levels.
  3. Laying geotextile with an overlap on the edges of the pit.
  4. Installation of a 15 cm gravel-sand cushion with subsequent compaction.
  5. Installation of formwork from edged boards around the perimeter of the site and at the locations of decorative elements.
  6. Reinforcement of the site with a finished road mesh or viscous from individual rods. The protective layer is made with thickened concrete crackers.
  7. Installation of beacons with alignment using a laser level or a long rule with a horizontal level.
  8. Laying of concrete mix with leveling on lighthouses, observance of necessary slopes and arrangement of expansion joints. Compaction of concrete using vibrating screeds or platform vibrators.
  9. The next day, pulling out beacons and sealing furrows. Surface ironing.
  10. Formwork dismantling.
  11. Curing concrete.

Asphalt or concrete, which is better in the yard?

Asphalt will last up to 10 years, concrete - ≥ 20 years. Concrete is more expensive than asphalt, but its greater durability and ease of maintenance will equalize costs in about 5 years. It should be borne in mind that asphalt sites have lower strength characteristics that cannot withstand the arrivals of heavy equipment. And most importantly - environmental friendliness of the coating. In summer, the asphalt heats up with the release of fumes harmful to human health.

Conclusion: preference should be given to concrete sites.

Each owner of a private house wants to see his yard cozy, and more than once asked himself the question of what is the best material to use for surface finishing.

If you want to have comfortable paths, a parking place and a cozy gazebo with a barbecue, use the most ordinary concrete.

You can use modern tiles, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it, and it’s not a fact that it will last a long time.

Not many owners know how to fill the yard with concrete correctly, so that over time, under snow and rain, the concrete remains in its original form. If you have finances, you can use the services of professionals, but it will be cheaper to pour concrete on your own, calling for help from relatives or friends.

In a private house, it is necessary to concrete the yard for the following purposes:

  • The material is able to create an absolutely equal plane with a solid structure. It will never leave a trace of a large-sized one.
  • If you decide to concrete the yard, then be sure that various weeds will practically stop growing in you, there will be less dirt if it rains, and in winter it will be easier to clear your territory of snow.
  • For the price, concrete will cost significantly less than modern tiles, but slightly more expensive than asphalt. Experts do not recommend asphalting - over time, the surface collapses.
  • The concrete surface in the yard makes it possible to easily put benches, any garden, lanterns or fountains.

A few concreting secrets

If you decide to independently equip the yard near your house, then you need to know a few nuances:

  • In order to get a high-quality solution, it is necessary to use sand with large fractions and with a small content of clay impurities. But how to check the quality of the sand you need? In order to check the quality of the sand or not, you need to take a bucket of water and pour a small amount of sand into it, and shake it thoroughly. The water should remain clear after shaking. If the water has become cloudy, this sand contains a significant amount of clay impurities.
  • In order for the concrete to be strong, it must be strengthened, experts recommend using the ironing method for this - immersing a small part of the solution on the already hardened concrete.
  • To protect the concrete surface from the rays of the sun and strong temperature overheating (which can lead to cracking), it must be coated with white paint.
  • In order for concrete not to absorb additional moisture, special coatings are used. In their composition, they include salts that can absorb moisture from the air.
  • So that cracks do not appear at the junctions over time, the concrete mortar must be poured “in one fell swoop”, distributed evenly over the entire plane and in a short time period.
  • In order for the edges and coatings to be strong, it is recommended to use reinforcing mixtures sold in the construction markets and specialized stores. After the mixture has “grabbed”, it is strictly forbidden to water the concrete coating with water. If this is done, then over time, the hardening mixture at the corners and edges will peel off.
  • At the initial stage of self-concreting, it is necessary to consider a small slope angle. It is necessary for the withdrawal of precipitation into the ground. At the moment when the solution is almost frozen, it is advised to attach and strongly press down the pipe. When the solution completely hardens, the pipes are removed, their prints will serve as a chute for the removal of precipitation.

First stage

If you decide to concrete the yard area yourself, then you will certainly face the question - how to fill the yard with concrete? To begin with, it is necessary to plan all your actions in stages and correctly so that the finished space looks aesthetically pleasing and functional.

One of the important stages is preparation, you need to start with it. What to do:

  • Immediately you need to prepare all the tools and necessary materials that you need.
  • Remove the top layer of soil that contains tree roots and.
  • Level the surface carefully.
  • Make a pillow. It is carried out using sand and gravel.
  • A layer of waterproofing must be laid on top of the rubble. To do this, use a film of polyethylene. It will prevent the appearance of weeds and excess moisture.
  • Mark the edges of the concreted space and places for future flower beds.
  • Install formwork. For this, it is recommended to use wooden boards.

How to properly level and prepare the surface

The second, and also important, stage is the preparation of the surface of the site. Before you start pouring the solution you need:

  • Remove the surface layer of soil, about ten centimeters, along with the roots of trees growing in the territory.
  • Then add crushed stone and sand, you need to do this to a thickness of ten to twenty centimeters. The use of crushed stone in the "cushion" can significantly reduce cash costs. If you have soil on the site that does not absorb moisture well, then there is no need to add a “pillow”.
  • Thoroughly tamp the "pillow".
  • Pour enough water over it.
  • You can proceed to the construction of the formwork. To do this, you need to drive wooden boards into the ground.

Important! Cover the "pillow" with a layer of polyethylene and carefully isolate it with adhesive tape.

The use of polyethylene is very important for several reasons:

  • waterproofing function - prevents the surface from rapid cracking and destruction
  • barrier function - prevents grass from appearing through the concrete surface
  • shutter function - prevents the penetration of moisture from the cement until the moment of partial solidification - this prevents the risk of reducing the strength characteristics

How to make a "pillow" and its tamping

The use of a "cushion" makes it possible to improve the quality characteristics of the concrete base. Construction experts recommend making it from sand and gravel and spreading it over the entire territory in an even layer, the thickness of which should not exceed twenty centimeters.

If there is a need to seal the "cushion", then it is performed using a channel with a handle. A home-made device is immersed in a solution, and by performing “up and down” manipulations, they are rammed.

You can go the easier way - after the sand has been carefully distributed on the surface of the site, it is poured abundantly with water and left for some time to shrink on its own. But this will take a little longer than tamping.

This method has one more drawback - high water consumption, which may affect the total cost of concreting the surface. After the sand has compacted itself, it is necessary to fill up and distribute the crushed stone over the entire area. As a rule, the thickness of the rubble should not be more than six to seven centimeters.

Self-preparation of formwork

Before proceeding to the final stage, it is necessary to prepare the formwork, it will help to give the concrete screed the desired shape. In order to make formwork, you can use:

  • Slate sheets.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Boards or slabs of wood.

Before proceeding with setting the formwork method, it is necessary to clean the working surface and distribute the bars at an equal distance, then hammer them. For a reliable connection for the formwork, you can use self-tapping screws or nails.

The last step before concreting is to make wooden clamps. Their use is recommended to create a structure of additional strength.

At the moment when the solution is poured and dries, strong pressure is exerted on the walls of the formwork, which can destroy it and the concrete can be deformed.

The last stage - concreting the territory

After all the preparatory stages have been done, you can proceed to the most important thing - directly to concreting. But, and it, in turn, consists of several steps:

  • Proper placement of beacons.
  • Reinforcement of the concrete surface.
  • Preparation of the solution before pouring.
  • Finished pouring.
  • final surface treatment.

Now let's look at all the steps in detail.

Proper placement of beacons

In order to take this step correctly, an absolutely flat area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory is very important. To achieve the most even plane, it is necessary to use a horizontal level and do this at the stage of laying the “pillow”.

It is necessary to arrange beacons over the entire area, which will be poured with concrete. As beacons you can use:

  • pieces of galvanized profile as stakes
  • rope, carefully connected between itself and the stakes

Builders call this method "spider".

Reinforcement of concrete surface

After the beacons have been exposed, it is necessary to lay a reinforcement structure between them. It can be made in the form of a metal mesh, it is recommended to take a thicker wire for this.

If you do not want your concrete surface to become cracked after a while, reinforcement is a must!

Concrete preparation

This step must be approached with all responsibility, it depends on how long your territory will look beautiful and cozy. By the way, in order for the surface to be durable, do not spare money, purchase high-grade cement.

To prepare the mixture, the following components are needed (in equal parts):

  • One part water.
  • So much sand.
  • Crushed stone will need twice as much.

Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. An important nuance in the preparation is to stir the solution until homogeneous, there should be no lumps. When thoroughly mixed, its color will be uniform.

Pouring solution

The prepared mixture must be spread on the surface using a shovel. This should be done in the intervals between the prepared beacons.

Important! It is necessary to lay out concrete on the surface in such a way as to hide the top of the lighthouse by two or three (no more) millimeters.

If necessary, you can remove the excess amount of the solution with a spatula or a long wooden slat. To do this, you need to fix the rail perpendicular to the beacons and stretch the solution to them, so the surface will become as even as possible.

With rotational-translational movements, first to the left, then to the right, tighten the cement surplus in your direction. Manipulations can be repeated several times in order to achieve the desired.

Important! If the solution is mixed poorly, then its contraction will be poorly carried out. Due to poorly mixed sand, bumps and lumps will occur, which will negatively affect the external aesthetic appearance.

In order to prevent this from happening, try to find (or purchase) a concrete mixer, it will thoroughly mix the concrete and aesthetic problems can be avoided.

After you distribute one batch over the surface, start making another. Alternate fresh concrete with pouring until the entire yard is concreted.

Wait a little time for the solution to dry completely, and it will be possible to walk on it. The last step is to clean up so that the entire concrete surface looks uniform, without bumps and bumps. For this manipulation, use a spatula or plain white.

Finishing the finished surface

The very last, final, stage will be the coating of the hardened concrete with special impregnations. To give concrete additional strength, builders with experience recommend using a polymer cement coating. This is especially important to do around the edges and corners.

It is necessary to process the concrete surface at the edges and corners with this composition immediately after the concrete has been distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe yard. The polymer cement composition is poured onto the corners and edges. After the concrete is completely dry, the surface is cleaned.

What kind of care does the hardened surface need?

The concrete surface does not need special care. There is only one caveat, it consists in watering the yard area with water - this is necessary to provide the concrete surface with moisture, in order to avoid cracking.

Although, at first glance, it freezes quickly, the optimal data comes in thirty days. In the first three or four days, experts do not advise walking on the surface.

Now you know exactly how to fill the yard with concrete beautifully and efficiently, and you can do it yourself without spending a lot of money.

More about concreting the yard - on the video: