How to knock down plaster. How and how to remove old plaster from the walls. How to remove old plaster from walls with different tools

Plaster defects vary in appearance and causes. In addition, they are divided into operational and technological ones, the difference between them is that the former occur over time, and the latter immediately after the coating is installed. Both of them may have the same appearance:

  • Small blisters. These are bumps that appear on the surface of the plaster due to the use of hydrated lime that has not been sufficiently cured. Blisters give outstanding material particles.
  • cracks. They appear with an overdose in solutions of binders or with poor-quality mixing. In addition, cracks in plaster can occur from its forced drying, especially when exposed to summer sunlight.
  • Peeling. It occurs when applying plaster on an overdried base or on a less durable bottom layer of the coating.
  • swelling. Such a defect can be caused by applying plaster on a base supersaturated with moisture.

The expediency of dismantling the plaster from the walls

Complete dismantling old plaster is not always justified. The need for such work depends on certain factors. One of them is the composition of the plaster:
  1. Clay. Most often, this coating is used when finishing heating shields or fireplaces. When it is peeled off or destroyed, the thermal conductivity of the base material is disturbed, therefore, in this case, clay plaster must be replaced.
  2. lime. Such plaster must be removed when it is weakened or it is necessary to apply a cement-sand coating to the wall in the future.
  3. Gypsum. Its dismantling is carried out due to the destruction of the coating.
  4. Cement. The need to remove such plaster often arises due to errors made in the preparation of the solution, or violation of the rules for working with it.
  5. Polymer. For the most part, such plasters are very durable and are suitable for applying any coatings on them. Therefore, the need for its dismantling may be associated with errors that were made during the application of the composition and led to cracking or peeling of the finish.
Another factor is the condition of the coating layers. It may cause complete or partial dismantling plaster from the walls. If it retained its strength only in a small area, it would be reasonable to completely dismantle the old coating. But if the defects are minor, only problem areas can be cleaned on the wall.

When planning a new coating with the removal of old plaster, one should adhere to the main rule: it should not be stronger than the previous one, because otherwise, shrinking, new layer can destroy the bottom trim, which has lower stresses.

Therefore, the third factor in the expediency of dismantling old plaster is the composition of the planned coating. So, for example, cement plaster cannot be laid on gypsum plaster, regardless of its condition, for the above reason. On the clay plaster, except for the clay itself, nothing can be applied at all, the layer will not hold. But from above it fits perfectly on any base. Reliable cement-sand plaster can be used for laying any coating on it.

Preparatory work before dismantling the plaster

Before taking off old plaster, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of its structure and adhesion to the wall. To do this, you need to tap the entire surface rubber mallet. In places where the coating does not hold well, a dull sound will be heard. Such areas should be marked with chalk for further work with them.

The presence of dampness in the room and sections of the walls with moisture appearing on them indicates a weak layer of plaster. In such cases, the problem areas and the problem areas adjacent to them by 0.5 m in each direction are cleaned from the old coating.

It happens that when the wallpaper is removed, a layer of plaster leaves with them. it good reason for his complete removal from all over the wall.

Any dismantling should be approached very responsibly, despite the fact that this work does not require special qualifications. The most important thing in it is the observance of safety measures, since often flying fragments of brick, concrete or a cloud of dust can cause damage to one's own health.

Therefore, before removing the plaster, it is necessary to stock up on eye, skin and respiratory protection. A respirator or gauze bandage can protect the respiratory organs, goggles - the eyes, and construction gloves and tight overalls - the skin from damage. In addition, for safety reasons, it is recommended to temporarily turn off the power supply of the room in which it is planned to remove the plaster from the walls.

When choosing a working tool for removing the coating, you need to focus on the thickness of the old plaster layer, the type of its material and the requirements for the cleaned base. The standard kit should include: spatula, axe, pickaxe or hammer, metal brush, long chisel, perforator with nozzle, broom, broom and dustpan, bucket, wide brush and garbage bags.

Important! Dismantling plaster can greatly simplify the presence of a corner grinder or special attachments such as AGP and Flex.

The main methods for dismantling plaster from walls

Various types of plaster can be removed from the walls manually or with power tools. Depending on the characteristics of the coating, one method or another is used.

Removing plaster by hand

Before removing the plaster from the wall, it should be well moistened. This softens the surface and reduces the amount of dust. Pieces of plaster that do not adhere well to the surface of the base can be pry off with a steel spatula, removing them. Strong areas of the coating are knocked down with a chisel, ax or pickaxe.

Special care must be taken when removing plaster from drywall partitions and walls. Such a base is easily damaged, so strong blows to it are excluded. In this case, it is convenient to work with loops. This tool is very similar to a sharpened spatula.

First you need to remove the weak areas of the coating. After cleaning small fragments of the wall, access to the side face of the plaster layer will open. Then a significant part of the coating can be removed by driving the cycle under its end.

If it does not lend itself well, you can use a chisel or chisel for trimming. In order not to destroy the surface drywall sheet, the chisel should be held at an angle, gently tapping the tool with a small hammer.

Dismantling plaster mechanically

The mechanical method of dismantling the plaster is used after manual cleaning of weak areas of the coating. Stubborn plaster that is difficult to knock off by hand can be removed with a rotary hammer or angle grinder. The puncher must be equipped with a chisel blade and switched to the “chiselling” mode. It should be borne in mind that his work is accompanied high level noise.

The grinder is equipped with a stone disc with diamond-coated. With its help, the plaster can be cut into small squares, and then removed piece by piece with a chisel or perforator. For mechanical removal of the coating, it is recommended to use an industrial vacuum cleaner. It will be able to practically reduce the appearance of dust in the workflow to zero.

After cleaning the wall, it is necessary to remove small areas of plaster residues. To do this, you can use a metal brush or any of the mentioned power tools equipped with an appropriate nozzle.

Dismantling decorative plaster from the walls

Silicate and polymer decorative plasters are strong enough, so it is very difficult to remove them. It is recommended to use mechanical way described above. If such coatings can serve as a reliable basis for other wall finishes, then they can be left.

It is much easier to dismantle with your own hands decorative plaster from plaster. It has a loose structure and is very sensitive to moisture. These properties can be used. Half an hour before removing such plaster, the walls must be well wetted. AT warm water you can add acetic acid, which will help soften the material and make it more pliable.

Since the removal gypsum plaster is a rather “dirty” process, the floor should be covered before starting work plastic wrap. The removal of the coating can be performed with a scraper with a blade width of 130-150 mm. Having determined the required cutting angle and sufficient force, you can begin to remove the decorative protrusions on the wall surface.

If the base is made of drywall, the scraper must be held at an angle so as not to damage it. After removing the relief from one section of the wall, you can move on to the next. After dismantling the decorative plaster on all walls, you need to clean them from splinters and dust, and then wipe them with a damp cloth.

Clay and lime plaster is removed in a similar way.

How to remove beacons after plaster

There is no definite answer to the question of whether lighthouses are removed after plastering. However, there is an opinion that beacons left in the wall can lead to rust on its surface and even cracks. But no one can give a one hundred percent guarantee in favor of “for” or “against”, since it all depends on several important factors.

The first of these is the quality of the lighthouses. Metal profiles made from counterfeit low-quality raw materials can become rusty under the conditions of the plaster layer. When choosing products from leading manufacturers, this is hardly possible.

The second factor is the thickness of the galvanized layer on the lighthouse. With diligent leveling of the plaster and repeated rules on the profiles, a thin layer of galvanizing can be erased. Then top part profile becomes susceptible to corrosion.

And, finally, the third factor is the humidity of the room in which the plaster is made on the lighthouses. In a dry room, the likelihood of rust is extremely small, especially with a well-functioning ventilation system.

As for the cracks, the opinion is clear here. Metallic profile, left in the plaster, is a kind of reinforcement. Therefore, if you do not try to hang a picture or a shelf on it, it will behave well.

However, in order to save yourself from the slightest risk, the beacons can be removed after plastering the walls, and the cavities left by them can be sealed with mortar.

Disposal of waste after dismantling the plaster

As the dismantling work is completed, a lot of construction debris. Diligent workers pack it in bags on time so as not to stumble over pieces of chipped plaster. These bags must then be taken out somewhere. But the problem of disposal of construction waste is quite acute. Time and opportunity to take it out is not always available. This is often due to the workload of utilities, the remoteness of objects from city dumps, and a host of other reasons.

For apartment buildings There are no other options other than the removal of such garbage. Utilities usually prohibit loading it into a common container. The reason is clear: the weight of plaster, beaten off from 1 m 2 of a wall, is on average 20-25 kg. Therefore, a container filled to the top with such cargo may be unbearable. Therefore, the filled bags are loaded into the car separately and not in the first place.

For private houses, the problem is easier to solve: dismantling waste can be used on the farm. pieces cement-sand plaster can be used as a filler for concrete solutions when filling platforms and sidewalks.

The removed clay plaster can be kept on the site for later use, especially since there is no need to mix a new mortar, since the proportions of clay and sand in it are already determined and implemented. It remains only to soak the material.

Gypsum plaster can be used as bulk insulation for ceilings of various buildings. The remains of the lime coating are good for adding to the soil of those places on the site where the growth of trees is undesirable.

How to remove old plaster - look at the video:

Subject to all these rules, the labor expended by you will be justified by a good result and there will be real opportunity complete the work that has been started within the specified time. Good luck!

The process of repair in any of its performance is always a very time-consuming task. People who take up business on their own for the first time will definitely have a lot of questions in the course of various works. Some of the most relevant will probably be related to removal methods. different kind old finishing coatings. In this article, we will look at basic ways to remove plaster from walls and ceilings, we will learn how to correctly analyze the current state of the coating and make decisions regarding the unambiguous need for its dismantling. We will also consider situations where the old plaster can be left or locally repaired and strengthened.

1. Remove old plaster or not?

It is the basis, the basis for any other finishing materials, be it wallpaper, decoration, etc. It is on how well the plastering is done that determines the final result of the repair and the appearance of the room. The coating must be even, smooth and have good adhesion to the wall surface. Only in this case, the wallpaper or paint will lie flat. That is why before finishing it is worth competently assess the condition of the old plaster layer and understand whether it will withstand further load, whether it will collapse under a layer of glue or heavy facing materials. It's one thing when the plaster has already begun to clearly move away from the surface of the wall under its own weight and rests on parole. And quite another - when visually the coating looks absolutely holistic and reliable.

In this case, you need to carefully tap all surface walls:

Things don't always go so badly. Sometimes only a thin layer is removed surface layer 2-3 mm thick, and under it is quite suitable plaster. So be sure to explore the wall as carefully as possible. This will not only help reduce the recovery time of the coating, but also save money on the purchase of a new one. plaster mixture. In addition to the state of the coating itself, the nature of successive facing works. Sometimes such a laborious and dirty process can be avoided:

  • For example, if you plan to do wall cladding, then old plaster will not hurt you. In order for the structure to be reliable and last for more than one year, just try to carry out the installation in such a way that the load falls not only on the solution layer, but also on the wall itself. In other words - choose dowels and more authentic so that they enter the wall at least half of their length;
  • If planned finishing walls with decorative plastic, wooden, mirror and other types of panels on frame basis, you can also follow the above recommendations.

2. Complete dismantling or repair?

After you have identified all the shortcomings of the old coating, the next question arises - to remove it completely, or partially? Consider the cases when complete dismantling is necessary:

Also, an important role in deciding on the complete removal of the plaster is played by its compound. On your walls you can find the following types solutions, depending on the year the building was built:

Pay attention to Availability characteristic defects plaster layer. They can be a signal for certain actions. The most common disadvantages are:

If the old plaster is quite strong and only in some places the above inconsistencies come across, it is possible to carry out local repair:

pledge The fact that this kind of repair will be successful and will not entail further destruction is the use of a similar composition. Well, or at least refuse to use denser and stronger mixtures. For example, on cement plaster you can apply anything, if it really consists of good cement. But on gypsum or lime, it is highly not recommended to apply cement. The base must always be stronger.

The left layer of old plaster is a must strengthen. To do this, you need to open the wall several times. You can use deep penetration acrylic primer, which is absorbed to a depth of 10 mm, polymerizes and strengthens the structure from the inside. Or a contact acrylic primer with the addition of quartz fine sand. It additionally cements the surface. The compositions are applied to a pre-moistened wall.

3. Room preparation

It should be noted right away that no matter what method you choose to remove the plaster, a large amount of dirt, and sometimes dust, is provided to you. Lime or gypsum plasters are susceptible to moisture. You can use this fact to make your work easier. Many experts recommend generously wet the wall before dismantling hot water 15-20 minutes before work starts. This will impair the adhesion of the solution to the base and make it looser. A thin layer can be wetted with a spray gun, and more than 6 mm thick will have to be well impregnated with a roller, sponge or rag. Just imagine what puddles will form on the floor. Take care in advance not to harm the rest of the surfaces, especially if the apartment is already partially livable:

All this must be done, even if you decide to slowly remove the plaster with a hammer and do not plan to dust. In the process of work, the use of or may simply become a necessity, but you will already be ready for this, and then you will not have to painfully wash everything around from corrosive dust for a long time.

4. Personal protective equipment and safety precautions

Now it's time take care and own protection. In any case, small pieces of plaster, breaking off from the wall, will fly in different directions.

5. Ways to remove plaster with a hand tool

The room is ready, you are in full gear, you can safely get down to business. The topic of how to remove old plaster from the walls in many forums is called hackneyed and "worn to holes." Indeed, nothing new has yet been invented, so we will try not only to list the possible methods, but also to give some recommendations that we have collected based on user feedback.

All of the above ways are most quiet work is not accompanied by an unmeasured amount of dust and does not require special skills and the acquisition of expensive tools. Plus, their implementation requires less physical effort. Is there a difference - to wield a small hammer or even a hatchet, or a four-kilogram perforator? the only disadvantage there will be a low speed of work performed, of course, if the plaster does not fall off at the slightest touch. There are places where a hammer cannot be reached, for example, in the corners, you will have to combine several methods.

On many resources you can find recommendations that it is best to start work at the top and move down. In fact, the following picture is obtained - you tapped the corners, along the way, some layers of plaster fell off by themselves, began to move down, passed 2/3 of the wall and stopped. We stopped because a sufficient amount of construction debris had already accumulated on the floor, which simply did not allow reaching the bottom of the wall. You will have to stop, rake it to the side (or better immediately into the bag, so as not to do the same job twice), and only then continue. So it's better start off With the bottom of the wall. Even if you need to substitute a stool, chipped fragments will not interfere with you. You will put it close to the wall, it will just be inconvenient to work, since everything will fly in the face.

6. Dismantling methods using power tools

Those areas that did not succumb to blows hand tool, will have to be cleaned using a power tool. Get ready for and a large number dust.

  • The work will indeed move faster if used in the form of spatulas of various thicknesses. It is necessary to work by switching the device to the chiselling mode and setting it at an angle of about 80 degrees to the surface. In this position, it is necessary to break through the plaster to the full depth, and then, tilting the puncher at an angle of 30-40 degrees, begin to drive it under the mortar. This way you can achieve the greatest efficiency. But often a puncher is effective only when working with monolithic surfaces of the base, for example, with. Passing a softer layer of plaster, you will feel how the nozzle has already rested against hard concrete. Problems may occur when working with the removal of plaster from brickwork. The nozzle now and then can slide off the brick and fall into the seam. Thus, not only the integrity of the connection is violated, but a lot of bricks punctured along the edges can also turn out. Of course, if you are a professional, this may not be the case. In the case of removing loose plaster with very high content sand, it may happen that the nozzle, penetrating deep into the composition, will simply make holes, but not break off. This is due to the increased softness;
  • In the same way, it can be used instead of a perforator;
  • Can be used designed to cut the appropriate material. The old solution is “cut” into pieces, and then they are chipped off with a hammer and chisel;
  • By using grinder and a nozzle in the form of a large or brush, you can grind off a layer of decorative gypsum plaster. It is necessary to determine the end time of work visually - they grind until the base material is exposed.

If it is possible to use the tool with dust collector be sure to use this. Maybe it makes sense to rent one for a few days.

7. Removing plaster from the ceiling

The process of removing old plaster from the ceiling counts especially heavy process. This is due to the fact that you have to work in a position where your hands are constantly raised up. They quickly get tired and numb, it takes large quantity rest breaks.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method is better to choose for removing mortar from the ceiling. First, it is necessary to evaluate each specific situation separately. Somewhere you just can’t do without a grinder or puncher. Somewhere a simple spatula and your patience will be enough. But there is one little trick which can make your job easier. We let's cook special softening agent, which, by the way, can also be used for walls:

If the solution layer is very thick and only its surface layer is chipped, remove it, then re-saturate the ceiling with starch solution and remove the remaining mixture.

8. How can the remaining construction debris be used?

After such a "fascinating" process, you will certainly have mountains of construction debris. Especially when you consider that on average from one square meter walls, 15-25 kg of waste is obtained, depending on the layer of plaster. The easiest way is to put it in bags. Do not stuff the bags to the top, otherwise they may be unbearable. Use a broom and dustpan when cleaning. If there is an old unnecessary bucket, you can cut off its bottom and install it in a bag. It is much more convenient to stack waste in this way than if the edges of the bag are constantly wrapped, and you will spill everything past. Residents apartment building it is unlikely that they will be allowed to simply throw the bags in the trash. Certain rules forbid it. You will have to hire a special car that takes out the garbage.

But for those who live in their own home or have country cottage area, similar waste can even come in handy:

In such a simple way, even construction waste can be usefully used!

removing plaster from walls

The whole process can consist of the following steps:

  1. Preparing the wall for demolition
  2. Preparing for the premises
  3. Knocking down plaster

Preparation for dismantling

In fact, this process is not so complicated. First of all, here you need to check the wall. Make a small indentation and reach the brickwork. Now it is necessary to check the brick itself. If it turns out that it is not hard enough and crumbles at the slightest impact, then it is better to abandon this idea, since the end result of such a wall will look just awful.

Prepare the room

carefully prepare the room

This moment is especially important for those apartments that are already residential. All furniture located there should be removed, but the windows and the floor must be covered with plastic wrap (only access to the windows should be open for ventilation). Such measures are absolutely not out of place, because a huge amount of dust, dirt and debris is expected. Therefore, immediately before work itself, you need to close tightly and adjoining rooms to limit the ingress of dust.
How and what to knock down plaster
For such work, tools such as a chisel and a chisel are used. It will help to make the dismantling of old plaster and a hammer. In order to remove a good layer of plaster, the chisel should be held at an angle. It is important to remove the old layers under the top, which could have accumulated a sufficient amount.
How to beat plaster to brick

we beat off the plaster to the brick photo

You need to start carrying out such work from the corner. The most important thing is to start and bring down even if small area(Further on it will be much easier to work). Great importance It also has the origin of plaster: if it is lime or clay, then the work will go quickly. But if the wall was covered cement-sand mortar, you will have to work hard.
Interesting ideas for removing plaster
These are not all the listed tools - it is quite possible to remove the plaster with a perforator. Moreover, it must be very powerful, since an ordinary axial one will not cope with such a task. Some masters use a sharpened ax to knock down strong blows big chunks.
How to clean brick from plaster

removing plaster from brick

Even after the preliminary removal of the plaster has been carried out, its particles and lumps may still remain on the wall. In order to remove them, you will need to "arm yourself" with a metal brush. You need to start this work from the very top, so as not to stain the already clean brick sections of the wall.
View of the wall from brick material can make a room really interesting. And to achieve such an effect in the interior is not at all difficult.

To finish surfaces without attachments, it needs to be prepared, which is sometimes extremely difficult. Let's try to figure out how to remove oil paint from the ceiling before plastering it and why it is needed at all. There are several ways to do this, but everything will depend on the old finish.

Ceiling cleaning

Stripping old plaster

  • In order to bring down the old plaster from the ceiling, a perforator chisel is most often used. But here it’s like a “double-edged sword”, because it’s not difficult to beat off with such a device, but you need to constantly keep it in your hands raised up. Therefore, if the hammer is heavy, then it will be easier to use bush hammers, an ax or a crowbar.

  • If you are knocking down old plaster, then the most basic thing for maximum performance is to find weaknesses. You can find such areas by randomly hitting the ceiling, and the appearance of cracks will indicate that the layer has begun to lag behind the base.
  • In such cases, you need to try to drive a crowbar, an ax or a chisel between the plaster and the base, then the layer will be removed in layers, which will significantly speed up the work process. When you beat off all the plaster, this will not yet mean that you can start finishing, because there is a lot of dust and, possibly, small pieces of old mortar on the main ceiling. All this must be removed with a scraper, and then cover the ceiling with a broom.

Advice. If the old plaster cannot be removed in layers, then you should consider applying a new layer on top of the old one.
In this case, you will have to prepare the base by removing old paint or lime.
If you want a layer of putty, then it is not always necessary to remove the old paint, but this only applies to water-based coatings(not oil or nitro paint).
If it holds strong enough, then a coating with a deep-penetrating primer will suffice.

Cleaning the ceiling from paint

  • Is it possible to remove the old paint from the ceiling, leaving the plaster in place? In most cases, this does not cause any particular problems, although the process itself is quite laborious and long. The main reason for removing the old paint layer is its cracking, which, in itself, greatly simplifies the task.
  • But sometimes you have to carry out such an operation due to the fact that the surface is smoked or just lost its color, or maybe you need to putty the room in a new way. But this is not always easy to do, because it is extremely difficult to remove oil paint from the ceiling, which is applied to cement-sand plaster.

  • What happens when old oil paint is applied directly to cement mortar? And there is excellent adhesion on both sides, and the paint layer turns out to be one with the plaster! Those who have encountered this know from bitter experience that there is only one way out - either beat off all the plaster, or beat off the paint with an ax, one or two centimeters at a time and there is no other way out!
  • In hardware stores, you may be advised some kind of super solvents that supposedly dissolve the coating within 30 minutes or several hours - do not believe this, because you can remove oil paint from the ceiling either with plaster or by scraping it off by a centimeter! You may also be advised to burn a layer of paint. blowtorch. Well, it is possible, but imagine the consequences of combustion - soot and a corrosive smell that cannot be removed even in a few weeks!
  • If such a situation has arisen, when it is extremely difficult to remove the old paint, then maybe you should think about what options will help you do without it? But such opportunities exist, but they are quite conditioned.


  • Are there ways to remove old paint from a ceiling if it won't come off? Don't shoot at all. It can simply be camouflaged with other materials.
  • To do this, you can use any design suspended ceilings, but here the question may arise about the height of the room or the cost of such a design. The cheapest will be ceilings made of PVC panels installed on wooden crate, and in depth, the frame, together with the lining, will take only 3 cm minimum (20 mm - rail and 5-8 mm - PVC panel).
  • You can also save on the depth of the frame by installing any (textile or PVC) stretch ceilings. Of course, it will be more expensive than panels, but a correctly chosen baguette allows you to fall only 3 cm below the main ceiling. It will take more space, because only the profile has a thickness of 25 mm, and if you add more GKL and the thickness of the putty ...
  • You can make a simple calculation of how much money, time and labor you will spend on chipping off old plaster and / or removing paint, and how much on installing PVC panels or a stretch ceiling. When everything is fully calculated, then you will be convinced that the lining will cost you less, and stretch ceiling, if more expensive, then very slightly. Many people want to remove old plaster and paint precisely because they consider this option the cheapest, but you can see for yourself that this is not the case.


When you are thinking about how to remove oil paint from a ceiling or how to knock old plaster off it, always keep in mind: firstly, this is not always the best cheap option repair and, secondly, not always the best, even in your case. Alternative finishing with suspended structures has long supplanted all other methods of repair, moreover, quite reasonably.

When conducting repair work many people have questions - do I need to remove the old plaster? And if so, how to remove the plaster from the wall quickly? To answer these questions, you need to know when plaster removal is required, what tools are needed for this work, and of course, knowledge of some methods of such work will not interfere. Let's figure it out.

Analyzing old plaster

There are two ways to remove old, unusable plaster: partial and full-scale. In the first case, we are talking about local cleaning, when the main area of ​​the layer is kept well, and only in some areas serious damage and shedding are noticeable. In the second, it is necessary to resort to larger-scale work and remove the entire layer. Before removing the plaster from the wall, it is very important to decide which case is typical in your situation.

The easiest way to check which areas need local repairs is as follows: you need to pick up a trowel or a small hammer and walk over the entire surface with its handle. In those places where a deaf sound will be noticed or the plaster itself will disappear, it is accordingly necessary to carry out a stripping and re-plastering. Also, problem areas are checked by detecting pockets of fungus development or moisture seepage.

It is even easier to determine the need for full-scale dismantling. If a old layer has already served its purpose, it will fall off along with the wallpaper. In this case, you will need to pick up a tool and proceed with the operation of cleaning the wall surface from old plaster.

What tool to use to remove the old layer?

Before removing the old plaster from the walls, arm yourself with the appropriate set of tools. In fact, its quantity and name will directly depend on the degree of wear. But in order to cover the entire section related to the dismantling of the old layer, we will list the most popular ones.

To remove we may need:

  • Goggles and respirator;
  • Gloves - rubber or canvas;
  • Ax / hammer / small sledgehammer;
  • Chisel - it is best to take with a long handle;
  • Scraper / spatula;
  • Metal brush;
  • Machine for removing old plaster;
  • Perforator.

Once again, we note that this list may not be typical for your case.

How is plaster removed?

In this section, we will consider the question of how to remove old plaster from walls when it comes to complex dismantling.

First you need to moisten the entire surface with water. It is advisable to use a warm, heated liquid to speed up the process itself. Water is needed not only to soften the old layer, but also to eliminate dust during work. If during the dismantling process some areas begin to dry out, you can safely re-treat them with liquid. You should not worry about the condition of the main surface - you definitely won’t harm it, but abundant wetting of the plaster layer itself will greatly simplify the work. More options .

Removing old plaster

Let us now find out how to remove plaster from the walls, delving into the process itself. Dismantling begins with tapping the surface: from bottom to top. To do this, you can use the handle of a trowel or hammer. Problematic pieces will immediately fall off the wall. To increase the scale of shedding, pry off the fallen off area with a spatula. So you can remove the plaster in whole layers. If this does not work out, you will have to pick up heavier equipment, for example, a puncher. If this does not help to solve the issue and the plaster stubbornly does not want to fall off, a grinder is used with special nozzles. Entire sectors are cut out with it over the entire surface, after which they are cleaned.

There is another way to remove old plaster from the walls, but in this case you need specialized electrical equipment. It's about polishing. But there is no need to talk about withdrawal as such. After all, when grinding, it simply erases. The whole process is based on the use of a special machine with abrasive discs. This work is very dusty, therefore, as it is performed, it is necessary to constantly moisten the surface to be treated.

The final stage of processing is the cleaning of the wall metal brushes. This completes the removal of plaster from the walls, and the process proceeds to preparing the surface for further finishing.