How to remove a stretch ceiling: subtleties and tips. Full and partial dismantling of the stretch ceiling: video, price, do-it-yourself Remove the false ceiling

How to remove the side of the stretch ceiling with your own hands, without damaging the frame and PVC film, will be described in this article. French or PVC ceilings are a fairly strong and durable structure, designed to last 15-20 years. Mounting features make them not susceptible to the settlement of buildings and sagging of the carrier plate.

But, life makes its own adjustments to human plans. Moreover, these adjustments are not always pleasant, and, as a rule, at the wrong time. Often it may be necessary to remove the tension web. There can be quite a few reasons for this: the neighbors flooded, the electrical wiring failed, or a planned replacement of the pipes of the heating system is underway.

If the PVC sheet is in good condition and suits the owners, then it can be removed and, after carrying out the necessary work or drying the room, install it back.

What information is needed to get the job done?

Before you remove the stretch ceiling, you must have certain data on the type of fastening of the web and a brief knowledge of the structure of the coatings.

Ways of fastening the canvas

As a rule, a warranty card is issued for tension structures made of PVC film, in which, in addition to the service life, the main technical characteristics are indicated. One of these characteristics is the method of fastening the canvas in a baguette. The method of work will depend on this method. If there is no documentation for the product, then the necessary information can be obtained independently by studying the design features.

When installing stretch fabrics, the following types of their fastening in the profile are used:

  1. Harpoon. A fairly common type of fastener. Cloths with such edges are made to order and are the easiest to work with. A rigid edge in the form of a harpoon is welded along the edges of the film. Entering the profile, this edge unfolds and holds the film in the profile.
  2. Clip-on (cam) type. In this case, the fixation of the film is carried out due to the pressure of the elastic plates of the plastic baguette. With this mounting option, plugs and decorative trims are not used. Installation can be carried out without preheating.
  3. Shtapik type. This type of fastener involves pressing the film against the inner walls of the profile with a special longitudinal product - a glazing bead.
  4. wedge type. Easy to assemble and disassemble system, available for independent work.

In the second and third cases, it should be borne in mind that the canvas was in direct contact with the surface of the baguette and may be damaged.

Features of fixing French ceilings

The main part of the French ceilings is PVC film. It is a durable, environmentally friendly and elastic material. One of its features is an increased reaction to an increase in air temperature. At temperatures above +60º C, PVC film becomes soft and stretches well. As it cools, it shrinks and becomes hard.

Therefore, a special tool is used to install PVC sheets - a heat gun. Before you remove the stretch ceiling, you should take care of its acquisition. For a one-time action, it makes no sense to buy it, but renting it is quite reasonable and affordable. A heat gun will be needed both for dismantling the canvas and for installing it in place.

Attention: Please note that PVC film, having incredible tear strength, reacts very poorly to sharp objects. It is easy to pierce or cut. And this is fraught with the replacement of the entire ceiling.

Web removal technique

Demolition work can, in some cases, be more difficult than the construction itself. Question: how to carefully remove the stretch type ceiling on your own, is relevant for many owners of such structures. It is quite realistic to carry out such an operation, provided that you work with high-quality tools, show patience and follow the sequence of all actions.

Tools and equipment

To work with PVC film, rather specific equipment is required, which can not always be found in a home pantry.

So, you need the following property:

  1. With a steel width of 8-10 cm. Before removing the stretch ceiling yourself, it is necessary to round off the corners of the spatula and grind off all sharp edges. If this is not done, then you can cut the film.
  2. Sturdy pliers with long, curved jaws.
  3. Construction knife.
  4. Sturdy screwdriver with a bent end.
  5. Special clothespins for fixing the canvas on baguettes during installation.
  6. Table, ladder or goats.
  7. Heat gun. It is recommended to use a gas-powered machine. The electrical appliance has a large capacity and can damage household electrical wiring.

When the equipment for work is prepared, you can proceed to the next stage - preparing the workplace.

Workplace preparation

Before you remove the side of the canvas or its entire surface, you need to carry out certain preparatory work.

They include:

  • dismantling of ceiling lamps;
  • removal of cages with birds, aquariums and flowers from the room;
  • protection against overheating of interior items that may be affected by high temperatures (TVs, plastic windows, electronic clocks).

After the room and tools are prepared, you can begin to remove the canvas with your own hands.

film removal process

Significant assistance in carrying out the work will be provided by a video on the removal of the canvas of the French ceiling. It will reveal some of the nuances and answer the question of whether it is possible to shoot the canvas yourself.

The technology for removing the web directly depends on the type of installation of the web in the profile. Based on this, the disassembly of the structure is carried out.

Important detail: Answers to the question of how to dismantle the entire surface or how to remove the side of the stretch ceiling must be considered separately, in relation to each installation method.

Harpoon mount

Facing with this option of adhesion to the walls is easier to disassemble than others. Why? The reason is simple: this type of fixation allows for easy assembly and the possibility of repeated disassembly of the structure. The separation of the canvas should begin with a part of the wall in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corner.

Removal of the canvas is carried out in the following order:

  1. The decorative strip is detached along the perimeter or only on one side.
  2. With a heat gun, the room is heated up to + 70º C. This is necessary for the canvas to increase in size and relieve pressure on the harpoon mount.
  3. With a blunt spatula, the harpoon is hooked and lifted.
  4. The released harpoon hook is captured with pliers and removed from the profile.
  5. Further extraction is carried out manually without much effort.

Installing the canvas in place is carried out in the reverse order.

Cam mount

Removing the film with this fixation option is the simplest and least expensive, since in this case there is no need to warm up the room. But, extra care must be taken because the spatula will be in direct contact with the film.

To detach the film, you can proceed in two ways:

  1. In the corner of the room and at a distance of 50-60 cm from it, insert 2 screwdrivers between the cams. The pressure of the cams on the segment between them will weaken, which will make it possible to freely remove the film from the clamp. Repeat the operation until the desired amount of material is removed.
  2. Insert a spatula between the cams and squeeze out the movable one. The material will come out of the clamps due to the web tension. The rest of the material is extracted manually.

It should be remembered that serifs from the clamps may remain on the material. When installing, they can be a kind of guide.

Bead variant

In this case, you will need a screwdriver, a spatula and a heat gun.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. The room is warming up.
  2. The decorative cap is removed.
  3. In the corner, the outer wall of the baguette is pressed with a spatula, and the glazing bead is hooked with a screwdriver and removed.
  4. The glazing bead is intercepted by hands and pulled out of the baguette.

If there is a sufficient supply of material, it may well be inserted back.

wedge method

The easiest way to remove film.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A decorative insert is detached, which plays the role of a wedge, which causes a release of pressure on the plug.
  2. The plug clings to the edge with a screwdriver and is removed from the baguette.

The cloth freely gets from a groove.

Thus, it is quite feasible with our own hands, subject to certain technology.

Related videos

A distinctive feature of stretch or French ceilings, as a type of suspended structure, is their strength and durability. If they are properly operated and properly cared for, then the service life of such a product can be from 15 to 20 years. Taking into account the installation features, this method of finishing the ceiling surface practically does not affect the displacement of the supporting structures or shrinkage phenomena.

However, during operation, circumstances may arise in which it will be necessary to dismantle stretch ceilings. And there can be many unpredictable moments, ranging from the need to repair electrical wiring to unexpected flooding from above. In such a situation, the question arises as to whether it is possible to remove the stretch ceiling without causing damage to the product.


The owners of the PVC film ceiling, finding themselves in the situation mentioned above, provided that the material is still quite decent, dismantle it, for example, to dry, and then reinstall it. But in order to do this procedure correctly with your own hands, without damaging the film and frame, you need to have certain knowledge in this area, to master the basic subtleties of this work.

The technology for removing the stretch ceiling will mainly depend on the way the canvas was fixed in the guide profile. The method of fastening the material is recorded in the warranty card issued by the contractor, which is necessarily issued for PVC structures. The coupon confirms the warranty period of operation, and it also indicates how the tension product was fixed. If such a document is not available, then you will have to figure out the design features of the ceiling yourself.

There are three main stretch ceiling mounting systems:

  1. harpoon;
  2. clip-on;
  3. glazing bead.

1.) Harpoon system the simplest, therefore gained great popularity. The whole point is that a hard edge, called a harpoon, is welded along the edges of the film. The harpoon is inserted into the profile, there it unbends and thus the canvas is stretched and held.

2.) Clip system otherwise called cam. In this case, the web is fixed with the help of elastic clamps of the plastic profile itself. Here, the preheating of the product does not occur, and decorative inserts and plugs are not required.

3.) Beading system provides for pressing the canvas inserted into the profile with a longitudinal glazing bead.

Attention! The last two methods involve contacting the tension web directly with the profile, so you must carefully remove the web so as not to damage it.


The main share of the production of stretch ceilings falls on ceilings, the material for the manufacture of which is PVC film. The main characteristics of this material are strength, elasticity and environmental friendliness. The peculiarity of PVC film is that it reacts to changes in air temperature. Increasing the temperature to +60ºС leads to the fact that the film becomes elastic and pliable, and when it cools down, it decreases in size and hardens. Therefore, in order to install or dismantle the film ceiling, you will need to use a special heating device called a heat gun.

Must be taken into account! PVC film has a high degree of tensile strength, but it can be easily damaged by a sharp object, as a result, this may entail a complete replacement of the sheet.

Before you remove the stretch ceiling made of PVC films yourself, you need to carefully study the entire procedure, which actually consists of several stages. The correct execution process will require patience, the tools necessary for this work and actions, according to the instructions.

STAGE 1. To remove PVC film, you will need special devices and tools, which include:

  • clothespins to fix the film;
  • a heat gun, it is preferable to use a gas gun, because the electric gun has a lot of power, which is fraught with damage to the electrical wiring during operation;
  • a small spatula with a width of up to 10 cm for working with a tension product, which has rounded corners and sharpened edges so as not to damage the PVC film;
  • ladder or table;
  • a good quality screwdriver with a curved end;
  • the pliers are also curved;
  • construction knife.

Having prepared the necessary set of devices, you can proceed to the second stage - preparing the room where the stretch ceiling will be dismantled.

STAGE 2. Before you remove the stretch ceiling with your own hands, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, namely:

  • remove the lighting fixtures that were mounted on the ceiling;
  • free the room from plants, animals, birds, if any;
  • protect furniture, household appliances, appliances in the room, metal-plastic windows from overheating as a result of working with a heat gun.

After the necessary tools and the room are prepared, you can proceed to the main stage of work - the removal of the stretch ceiling.

STEP 3. The method of dismantling will directly depend on the method of attaching the web, which was used during its installation. Taking this factor as a basis, the existing structure will be dismantled.

Dismantling the canvas with harpoon fastening

The foam fixed by the harpoon method is the easiest to dismantle, for the simple reason that the harpoon method is an easy assembly option and the ability to repeatedly disassemble the ceiling structure. The removal of the stretch ceiling begins on the section of the wall closest to the corner.

The algorithm for the actions taken when removing the stretch fabric from the ceiling is as follows:

Step 1. To open and make available those places where the canvas was fixed, first of all, we remove the masking tape from the profile.

Step 2. It is necessary to locate the slotted inserts that are fixed between the wall and the canvas, and remove them.

Step 3. Using a heat gun, warm up the room to a temperature of + 70ºС, and this is done without fail. Due to heating, the size of the canvas will increase, and as a result, the harpoon fastening will weaken.

Step 4. Now you can proceed to the direct removal of the film. To start the removal, the section of the film is warmed up, from which the dismantling of the ceiling will begin. If the structure is even, then, according to the rules, it is necessary to start from the corner, and if it is curvilinear, then you can start from any place in the structure. Climbing up the ladder, using a blunt spatula, you need to pry and lift the harpoon. Then the released hook of the harpoon is captured with pliers and removed from the profile.

Step 6. The next steps don't require much effort. The film must be carefully, slowly, so as not to damage the material, removed from a special mounting profile. In the process, if necessary, new sections of the canvas are heated with a heat gun.

The considered removal algorithm concerns canvases made from PVC films. With regard to fabric stretch fabrics, a different technology will be used for their dismantling, because the fabric material is fixed with special glazing beads.

Removing the clip-on blade

It is also quite simple and easy to dismantle a stretch ceiling installed using a clip-on or cam fastening method. Moreover, in this case, the room does not warm up. The main thing is that the dismantling of the canvas should be done with particular care, because during the work the spatula comes into direct contact with the film.

There are two possible ways to carefully remove a stretch ceiling fixed with clips.

Method 1. You need to prepare two screwdrivers. Then, one is inserted between the clips in the corner of the room, and the second is inserted after 55-60 cm. As a result, the pressure of the cams noticeably weakens at this interval and the material is easily released from the attachment. The procedure must be repeated until the required amount of web is removed.

Method 2. A spatula is taken, inserted between the cams and the cam that is movable is squeezed out. Due to the tension, the material will release from the clamp. The remaining film is removed manually.

note! After dismantling, there will be traces of clamps on the PVC film. They will serve as guidelines for re-installing the canvas.

Dismantling the canvas with glazing bead fastening

Features of the installation of paintings by the wedge (glazing bead) method is to fasten the material "into the spacer". In order to carry out an independent dismantling of such a canvas, you will need to use a spatula, a screwdriver and a heat gun.

Step by step it will look like this:

Step 1. By analogy with the previous option, which requires heating, it is necessary to heat the room.

Step 2 Remove the cover cap.

Step 3 Starting from the corner, the outer wall of the profile is pressed with a spatula. Then, using a screwdriver, the inserted bead is pryed off and removed.

Step 4 After removing the glazing bead, the canvas is removed.

If the installation of a stretch ceiling by this method of fastening was carried out with a margin of material, then such dismantled stretch ceilings can be reinstalled.


Before dismantling the fabric texture, it does not require strong heating. If the fastening was carried out using the bead method, then the dismantling procedure is similar to the actions with a film ceiling. The only difference is that you need to start from the center of the wall, gradually moving to the corner. This work does not tolerate hasty action, success will depend on how accurate the actions will be.

Re-installation of the fabric product is possible only if, after the initial tension, the excess fabric was not cut too carefully. As a rule, experienced installers do not do this, knowing that the fabric product is not as elastic as PVC film.

Note! If the fabric product is installed using the clip method, then it is not possible to partially remove it. It is better to remove it completely due to unreliable fastening with clips.

In the process of dismantling and subsequent installation, the material needs regular heating, however, not as strong as PVC film. In cases where some irregularities are observed after the installation of the material, it is enough to heat them with a heat gun so that they even out.

Don't forget, that the fabric texture is also a kind of plastic, therefore, in order not to deform it, the heat gun cannot be raised too high to the ceiling.


The process of dismantling the stretch ceiling is not particularly difficult. You can do this work yourself if you have the necessary tools, know the nuances of this process and follow a certain technology.

The main essence of the article

1. Stretch ceilings are strong and durable. However, during operation, it may be necessary to dismantle the tension web, associated with the repair of communications passing under the ceiling or flooding from above.

2. The removal technology will depend on the method of attaching the web. The main methods used by installers are:

  1. harpoon - along the edges of the product made of PVC film, a harpoon is fused, which is inserted into the profile, unbends and holds the stretched canvas;
  2. clip or cam - material is fixed using the clamps of the profile itself;
  3. glazing bead - the canvas is pressed, inserted into the profile, with a longitudinal glazing bead.

3. Dismantling of PVC film consists of several stages:

  • preparation of special devices and tools;
  • preparation of the premises;
  • determining the method of fixing the material.

4. Depending on the method of fastening, the material removal algorithm will be different.

5. The dismantling of the fabric texture is similar to the actions with PVC film. The differences are that such a strong heating of the room is not required, and it is also necessary to start the process not from the corner, as when working with film material, but from the center of the wall, moving towards the corner.

Stretch ceiling - it's beautiful, fashionable, unusual. More and more people prefer this type of finish. Of course, this is facilitated by many reasons why the choice falls in favor of stretch ceilings - this is practicality, durability, impeccable appearance and a perfectly flat surface. In addition, unsightly communications and wires can be hidden behind the canvas.

Events in our lives, sometimes, develop in such a way that it is required to immediately remove the canvas. These situations are unpredictable. If such a need arose, then action should be taken as soon as possible. Many resort to calling the masters from the company that made the stretch ceilings. Naturally, this service is provided for a fee. There is nothing difficult in dismantling a stretch ceiling with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the recommendations and be extremely careful.

In addition to the fact that there is a PVC film or fabric base, there are some other nuances that need to be considered. Not all types of stretch ceilings are subject to removal with a reverse installation. You need to know about this when dismantling, so as not to be upset later. With a complete replacement for a new one due to a boring pattern or color, you don’t have to think about it, since a completely different canvas will be installed.

When dismantling a stretch ceiling in an apartment, familiarize yourself with the type and type of the installed structure (these data are indicated in the contract from the company). This knowledge will allow you to avoid mistakes and do the removal yourself without the help of masters.

Stretch ceilings are distinguished by types:

  • PVC film;
  • Fabric based.

Installation of a stretch ceiling made of PVC film occurs due to exposure to high temperature. With the help of a heat gun, the room warms up to 700 degrees. When installing a fabric-based ceiling, there is no need for heating. This is a significant advantage of this type of canvas.

As for dismantling, they are characterized by the following technologies:

  • Removal of PVC film from the structure starts from an angle (arbitrary);
  • The fabric base is dismantled from the center.

Of course, the mention in a nutshell does not give a complete picture of the technology for removing the stretch ceiling with your own hands. Success directly depends on the accuracy of actions and slowness in the process. Read on for more information on how to dismantle both types. But first, we should mention the necessary tool for carrying out independent work on the removal of a stretch ceiling. It also differs, depending on the type of canvas.

Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling removal tools

In order to start any work, you should carefully study the technology and prepare the necessary equipment. In 99%, the success of removing the stretch ceiling with your own hands depends on accuracy and slowness in actions. The saying "hurry up - you make people laugh" is very appropriate for this situation.

As for the tools, their choice depends on the type of stretch ceiling, but in general you will need:

  1. Small plastering trowel;
  2. Long-nose pliers (pliers with elongated jaws);
  3. Stepladder (in its absence - replace with a table, stable chair, stool);
  4. Knife for an electrician (fitter);
  5. Gloves;
  6. Screwdriver with a curved end;
  7. Construction clothespins of large sizes (clamps-clamps).

In order to dismantle the stretch ceiling made of PVC film, you will additionally need a heat gun. Since the installation process takes place under the influence of high temperatures, the removal must be carried out using the same technology.

At the plastering trowel, grind off the corners and wrap the entire sharp surface with reinforced tape. If this advice is neglected, there is a risk of damage to the canvas.

How to disassemble a stretch ceiling with your own hands

Before proceeding with the removal, it is important to know about the correct sequence of actions and the initial preparation of the room. All plastic furniture and accessories are removed from the room. It is also better to remove fresh flowers from the premises during both installation and dismantling. The windows are covered with cloth.

You need to start the removal process by warming up the room, and further actions depend on the type of structure (you can specify this point in the contract):

  1. Harpoon mount. Its essence lies in the hook, thanks to which the canvas is securely attached to the profile. Dismantling is carried out from one corner: the harpoon is captured with long nose pliers and carefully folded back. You should be very careful and pull out part of the canvas just by the hook. If you pull on the PVC film or fabric base, then damage is guaranteed. After removing one edge, further removal is done manually (with gloves).
  2. Shtapik fastening. This is a small element with which the canvas is fixed in a baguette. To extract it, you must also start from one corner. Helping with a screwdriver with a curved end, the glazing bead is removed along with the canvas.
  3. Wedge mount. To remove by hand, the profile is bent and the canvas is removed along with the retainer. The easiest way to parse, but only if the installation technology was fully observed by the masters (they should leave a small allowance for convenient elimination of the canvas in the future). If they did not take this point into account, then the process could drag on for a long time.

The technology for dismantling a fabric-based stretch ceiling is no different from PVC film. Just don't need to heat the room. Removal occurs from the center of the ceiling, and not from the corners. For quick and high-quality work, it is best to call someone for help. If you do it exclusively on your own, it will take a lot of time.

Partial dismantling is carried out using the same technologies (heating). Its necessity arises in the case of draining water from the PVC film, since the fabric base does not retain water.

In all cases, the main thing is to treat the canvas with care. Although it is durable, it is not subject to mechanical influences. And we must not forget about accuracy and concentration.

Removing the stretch ceiling with subsequent installation

There are times when you need to remove the canvas to carry out any manipulations: get to the communications, replace the wiring, drain the water through the bending of one corner (if the neighbors flooded from above). But, in order not to resort to installing a new stretch ceiling, be patient and remove it without damage. If its structure remains unchanged, then such a canvas can be reused.

Fasteners affect the removal process. The main thing is not to damage the canvas, so that in the future it can be put back. Familiarize yourself with the type of attachment and work with gloves as carefully as possible. Prepare all the tools in advance: wrap them with reinforced tape and sharpen the burrs.

The unavoidable option for dismantling are disposable profiles. In this case, the canvas is simply cut to remove from them, without the possibility of reinstallation.

Instructions: how to remove a stretch ceiling with your own hands (video)

Removing a stretch ceiling with your own hands is not difficult, but the actions must be careful and accurate, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the canvas and additional costs for a new installation. During the work, do not give in to emotions, and then the result will meet all your expectations.

A stretch ceiling is a great solution for decorating a room. It can last for many years without requiring additional maintenance costs. During the operation of such a design, various circumstances may arise that will require you to urgently dismantle the stretch ceiling with your own hands, and not wait for specialists.

To do this, you need to know a few nuances of such work.

Unpleasant situations that will lead to the replacement or repair of the tension fabric can arise unexpectedly and at any time.

Here are the most common ones:

damage to communications laid over a stretch ceiling;
the accumulation of water in the canvas, which happened after flooding by neighbors or rain;
mechanical rupture of the stretched base due to careless handling;
repair of the room in which the stretch ceiling is located;
change of boring drawing.

Dismantling types

To eliminate all the mentioned reasons, two types of dismantling are used:

The choice of one of them depends on the extent of damage to the ceiling.

The last type of installation is used only when absolutely necessary - when the film cannot be restored or it is decided to completely replace the background. In other cases, partial dismantling of the stretch ceiling is done. With it, work is carried out only with part of the ceiling surface, and in the case of a complete one, it will be necessary to dismantle all its components.

What you need to know about the ceiling covering before removal?

Before carrying out self-removal of a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to understand several important points:

  • determine the exact composition of the stretch fabric;
  • do not forget to remove all the lighting fixtures located on the canvas, and for this you need to de-energize the room;
  • find out the type of fastening of the canvas to the profile, if it was fastened by specialists.

The integrity of the canvas to be removed depends on the last point.

Three types of fastening are used:

  • Harpoon. At the production stage, a hook-shaped edging is made along the edges of the canvas.

    Due to it, the tension material is securely fixed to the baguette. This mount is easy to install and, if necessary, dismantle.

  • Cam.

    How to remove a stretch ceiling

    Its design has a special movable part, called a cam, which, under the tension of the web, presses its edges to the surface and rigidly fixes them. This mount is the hardest to dismantle.

  • Wedge. When using it, the tension fabric is fixed in the groove of the baguette due to the wedge. Compared to previous types, this mount is the easiest to disassemble.

What tools are useful for removing the ceiling?

Their choice depends entirely on the material of the tension web.

The dismantling of its PVC type cannot be done without a heat gun, and for polyester it is not needed. Common tools are:

  • ladder;
  • anti-stapler (commonly known as a crocodile);
  • paint knife;
  • putty knife;
  • pliers.

The last two tools must be prepared to work with fragile material, their sharp edges can cut the canvas.

To avoid this, their edges must be treated with sandpaper, and the working surfaces must be sealed with reinforced tape.

But even if you have all the tools, you need to have an assistant, since the process of removing the canvas is laborious, especially if a fan heater (gun) is used.

How to partially or completely remove the stretch ceiling

Before dismantling, it is necessary to free up the space under the tension web. If you need to disassemble a small part of the ceiling, but there is no heat gun, then you can use a powerful hair dryer. Initially, it is necessary to remove the decorative insert located between the ceiling and the wall.

And then the work is carried out step by step, depending on the type of fastening.

Cam mount

To dismantle it, you do not need to use a gun. This facilitates the work, but it must be carried out with extreme care, since the spatula will directly touch the film.

Work order:

  1. Having measured about 50 cm from the corner of the room, insert a spatula between two cams, and then squeeze out the movable one.
  2. The material will begin to come out of the jaws due to the tension created.

    So it is necessary to release all the edges that are in the desired perimeter.

Harpoon mount

Easily amenable to frequent disassembly, so its dismantling is done quickly.

Start from the corner of the room.

Work order:

  1. In the room with a heat gun, the air is heated up to 70 0С. This is a necessary measure that helps relieve the pressure of the canvas on the mount. After heating, the canvas will increase in volume and sag.
  2. A harpoon is hooked with a spatula, and pulled up, and then with the help of pliers, its hook is picked up and released from the profile.
  3. The rest of the canvas is removed in the same way.

wedge mount

It can be easily dismantled.

As a fastener, a decorative insert is used, which plays the role of a wedge.

Work order:

  1. Detach the baguette, after which the tension of the canvas will loosen.
  2. A screwdriver is inserted into the released plug and removes it.
  3. After the previous procedure, the canvas is easily removed from the grooves on the profile.

If the ceiling is filled with water, all these actions are performed only after it has been eliminated.

Watch a video about the dismantling of a stretch ceiling - how professionals do it:

How to drain water?

First of all, it is necessary to estimate the volume of liquid hiding above the ceiling and prepare a container corresponding to it.

If there is a lot of water, then for convenience it is better to use a hose. Carrying out such work will not do without a ladder or a stable table. For safety, it is better to cover the furniture in the room with a film.

The procedure for draining water is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the lamp in the area of ​​fluid accumulation.

    Through it, she will pour out.

  2. A hose is inserted into the vacated hole and lowered into the container.
  3. All the water cannot be removed with a hose.

    The remaining liquid must be drained, directing it along the web into the hole formed. At least two people are required to carry out the drain. One will pull the tension material, and the second will monitor the filling of the container.

  4. Rarely, but there are options for the execution of a stretch ceiling without lamps on it. Then the water is drained through the corner of the canvas closest to it.

This will be especially true if urgent intervention is required in case of flooding.

Stretch ceilings are distinguished by high strength and durability, and with good care, their service life is about 20 years. Due to the design features, the ceiling sheet is not susceptible to shrinkage of the house and displacement of the bearing plates. However, there are situations in life when it is necessary to dismantle the stretch fabric.

The reasons for this are very different - repair of old electrical wiring, flooding of the apartment, dark stripes, spots, folds, replacement with a new matte canvas or damage to it. However, not everyone knows how to dismantle and remove the stretch ceiling.

Ways of fastening stretch ceilings

There are several ways to fix a stretch ceiling. Here are the main ones:

How to remove such a design at home?

Before you remove and put on the stretch ceiling again, you need to prepare the room and the tool, freeing it from furniture.

Before dismantling with subsequent installation, you will need to heat the room; you can’t do without a gun here. After all, if the room is poorly warmed up, then the PVC film may tear. The optimum temperature for heating is 600 degrees. Is it possible to reinsert the tape?

This work is done together, one holds the gun, and the second removes the stretch ceiling, it is unacceptable to place the device close to the canvas, which can damage it.

Tools and equipment

Before you remove the stretch ceiling and install it again, you must purchase all the tools, materials and equipment for the job.

In the process of dismantling while preserving the canvas, you need to have: a strong table or stepladder, construction spatulas, or special factory blades with curved ends. You may also need mounting tape, duct tape, a construction knife, a screwdriver, narrow-ended pliers or cord clips, necessary to hold the removed canvas on the weight.

If the vinyl sheet is dismantled, then a heat gun is required for work. You can read about how to wash a stretch ceiling here.

Quite often, the canvas is not completely removed for installation, for example, in the event of a flood or replacement. To do this, a plug is removed in the place of a spotlight LED lamp, ceiling lamp or chandelier, water is released and the material is dried. To work here, an ordinary spatula is used, the edges of which are narrowed or grinded so that its corners become blunt, the blade itself is rounded.

The spatula is treated with sandpaper, eliminating all burrs and irregularities.

Its blade is bent, this will help to get to the protrusion of the profile, it is against it that the harpoon rests. In order to carefully remake any defects in the ceiling without removing the chandelier with the remote control, the tool for work should not have sharp corners and a rough surface, otherwise the canvas will break.

How to remove the stretch ceiling and pull out the halogen bulb yourself with improvised means? To do this, you need to understand the system of its fastening and pick up all the necessary tools.

Preparing the room for ceiling removal

Always before you remove and change the round stretch ceiling, the room should be prepared, even if only part of the ceiling is dismantled. You will need to take out all unnecessary items from the room, especially those that can be damaged at high temperatures from a heat gun.

When flooding, the ceiling is partially dismantled. But before you remove the stretch ceiling, you need to drain the water through the hole in the chandelier, otherwise the stretched canvas will break. What kind of furniture can get in the way?

Regardless of whether work is done in warm or cold weather, aquariums and all pets are removed from the room.

Personal items can also get in the way. Lamps, chandeliers, spots and other lighting fixtures are taken out to another room. Even in the process of dismantling, the gum is removed, and you need to peel off the plastic ceiling plinth, fillets, releasing the foam baguette from the film. Work begins in the corner, which will help prevent tearing the canvas.

film removal process

To know how to remove the stretch ceiling correctly, determine the system of its fastening.

With the harpoon method, work begins from the corner. If there are decorative inserts, then they are immediately removed. Then, with the help of pliers, they grab the harpoon and carefully pull out the old canvas. But you need to pull on the harpoon itself, so as not to tear the film. Before starting work, the tool should be ground so that there are no burrs on it.

When the edge of the canvas is released, work is done manually and only with gloves. Remove material from the corners to the central part of the wall.

If the ceiling has a wedge or bead fastening, then its partial dismantling takes place using the harpoon fastening technology. Next, using a spatula, gently bend the aluminum profile to release the bead and pull it out with a screwdriver. You need to do the work carefully so as not to deform the baguette and the canvas itself.

When the fabric is removed, it does not require heating, the work itself begins from the center of the walls, moving to the corners.

If there is a clip fastening of the canvas, then it is removed completely, partial work is excluded.

Otherwise, the film will pop out of the clips and become unusable for reinstallation.

How to remove a stretch ceiling: detailed instructions for different types of structures

If necessary, only the edge of the canvas or the hole for the lamp can be released, which is often used when flooding.

Is it possible to re-install the removed ceiling with your own hands?

Many people have a question - how to remove a German stretch ceiling and a light bulb on your own?

There can be a lot of reasons for this: damage, flooding, creases, overheating, replacement of electrical wiring and communications. If the design of the room changes, then the surface of the ceiling can be improved, for example, to make it two-level.

The main thing in this case is not to damage the film, otherwise it will become unusable. Where is the best place to put a curtain?

At first glance, this work seems easy, but in fact it requires skill and experience. After all, a person must have certain knowledge, therefore, before removing the stretch ceiling yourself, it is advisable to study the basic information on this issue. If the work is beyond the power, then it is better to seek help from real professionals who have all the necessary equipment and tools.

The cost and removal of a Belgian or Chinese canvas depends on what kind of design it has.

After all, some are disposable and do not have the possibility of dismantling, while others are easily removed and operated for decades. It is also very important, before removing the stretch ceiling, to determine the complexity of dismantling the structure.

To understand how to remove a stretch ceiling, pay attention to the type of canvas, usually it is a fabric or PVC material. Both materials are suitable for re-installation, however, the film will require a heat gun.

If the PVC sheet is not warmed up, it will tear, so it cannot be returned to its old place. Perform dismantling and installation of this material, starting from the corners, and moving towards the middle of the wall. The work is done slowly and carefully, heating the canvas in the right places. The temperature inside the room will be quite high, so before the work process, all things that can deteriorate should be taken out.

Judging by the complexity of the work, it is better to entrust the re-installation of the ceiling material to a team of professionals who have extensive experience. See video below. We recommend viewing the article: How to insulate the ceiling in the house and apartment correctly?

How to remove the stretch ceiling yourself

At times, it becomes necessary to dismantle the stretch ceiling. The reasons may be different: damage to the ceiling elements or communications that are behind the canvas. Or is it necessary to upgrade or replace wiring, pipes, etc.

It happens that it is necessary to remove the ceiling canvas in order to drain the water that got onto the film through the ceiling. Is it possible to remove the stretch ceiling without damaging it?

It is possible, however, not of any design. There are several types of stretch ceilings, some are relatively easy to dismantle, others, on the contrary, are practically “disposable”.

In this article, we will look at the types of stretch ceiling mounts, the dismantling process step by step, and some do-it-yourself repair methods.

Types of stretch ceilings and methods of their fastening

To dismantle the ceiling, the first thing you need to know for sure is its appearance.

How to find out? This should be indicated on the letterhead of the company that installed the stretch ceiling. If for some reason these documents are not available, you can determine the type of canvas and fasteners as described in this section of the article. Why do we need this?

Below you will understand that the dismantling procedure and its actual possibility depend on this.

There are two types of canvases:

  • PVC - the technology of mounting / dismantling such a ceiling requires a high temperature in the room, about 700C. Without warming up, there is a risk of being left without a canvas at all. To heat the room you need a heat gun. In addition, the installation or dismantling of such a canvas begins from the corners to the middle of the wall.

  • Seamless fabric ones are convenient, first of all, because they do not require heating of the room, which greatly facilitates the process of installation or dismantling.

    Work with the canvas begins from the center of the wall with further transitions to the corners.

For each type of canvas, there are special types of fasteners:

  • the harpoon system is used only for PVC sheets.

    Such a fastening system provides for the dismantling of the canvas.

  • glazing bead or wedge method of attaching the canvas to the baguette.

    Used for both PVC and fabrics. This type of fastening is “one-time”, i.e. dismantling and subsequent installation is not provided. Theoretically, disassembly is possible, but it is very difficult to knock out a wedge without damaging the canvas without experience in such work. And the same wedge will need to be put back and the canvas pulled. This technology is used due to the low cost and low height of the indent from the ceiling (2 cm).

  • fastening with a plastic clip is used only for seamless fabrics.

    Such a ceiling is relatively easy to understand.

How to remove a stretch ceiling?

Now consider the process of dismantling the stretch ceiling. Since a stretch ceiling is a rather expensive thing, it is better to entrust people with experience to work with it. But if for some reason this is not possible, then armed with the information below, you can repair it yourself.

The main thing is not to rush and get an assistant. The technology and tools will depend on the type of canvas and how it is attached.

  • ordinary plaster spatula, not wide.

    Before using it, grind off sharp corners with a grinder or emery. It is highly desirable to wrap the working surface of the spatula with reinforced tape, the risk of piercing the canvas is significantly reduced.

  • pliers with long jaws.
  • stepladder or, at worst, a stable table.
  • fitter's knife.
  • heat gun, gas or electric.

    For the latter, you need the appropriate wiring, otherwise you run the risk of repairing the wiring in addition to the ceiling.

  • you need to get large special clothespins, they will be needed to hang the film. It is extremely inconvenient to keep the canvas hanging for a long period of time.

    They can be purchased at most hardware stores.

How to remove the stretch ceiling correctly? First of all, it depends on the design of the baguette and the film. Since we have two different types of canvas, the disassembly process will be different. Let's consider each separately.

Dismantling PVC ceiling.

We remove all unnecessary from the premises, so that there would be free access to the proposed repair site.

We remove all unnecessary plastic things, it is better to protect PVC windows from the room temperature with a cloth. Heat up the room with a heat gun. Further, the dismantling process takes place depending on the type of attachment.

  • Harpoon system.

    It is always necessary to start removing the canvas from the corners. We remove the decorative insert, if any, and with the help of pliers with long jaws, we pull out the canvas by the harpoon. Be very careful, you need to grab the harpoon with pliers, not the canvas. Grabbing the canvas and pulling with force, there is a risk of tearing it. And this is already fraught with a complete replacement of the canvas. Also make sure that there are no burrs on the pliers, they need to be sanded.

    How to properly remove the stretch ceiling and not damage it: subtle tricks and basic rules

    The canvas, although durable, is very sensitive to sharp objects. After a part of the canvas has been released, the further process of extraction from the baguette takes place with the help of hands. For this, it is best to use work gloves, because.

    it is very easy to leave traces on heated plastic. Removal of PVC film always goes from the corner to the center of the wall. Having freed up the required ceiling area, you can proceed to the planned types of work.

  • Bead or wedge system. The beginning of dismantling is similar to the harpoon system. Next, with our hands or with a spatula, carefully and without any extra effort, bend the aluminum profile a little. So, to release the glazing bead. Using a screwdriver with a curved end, pull out the glazing bead.

    It is extremely important not to damage the canvas and not deform the baguette, so the hacksaw tip must be blunt. The installation of the canvas takes place in the reverse order.

  • With a wedge it is a little easier, having removed the insert, we bend the profile with our hands to release the wedge and the web. We also shoot from the corner to the middle of the room.

    The success of dismantling and subsequent installation in such fastening systems will depend on your skill and on whether the master installers left you an allowance of several centimeters. It is very important. Since for the subsequent installation you will need to stretch the canvas, and if it is not enough, then it will be very difficult to do this. For example, if the holes for lamps or other communications are overstretched, they will “leave” their place.

Dismantling of seamless fabric ceilings.

Such high temperatures are not necessary for this type of stretch ceilings.

With a bead and wedge system, they are dismantled in the same way as PVC. The difference when dismantling is that you need to start from the middle of the wall, moving into a corner. Installation is similar. Success in the removal and subsequent installation of such a canvas depends on your careful and unhurried actions.

True, the success of re-stretching fabric sheets will depend on how conscientious the installers of this fabric were.

If during installation it was cut into a “butt”, it will be very difficult, and in many cases impossible, to achieve the perfect tension again. Yet the fabric does not stretch as much as PVC film. But if the ceiling was mounted by specialists, then they left a couple of “extra” centimeters. Then pull the canvas to turn out without problems.

And one more nuance with fabric canvases, or rather with clip-on baguettes.

Partial dismantling is not possible; with such an attachment, you will have to remove the entire canvas. If this is not done, due to the unreliability of this type of fastening, the canvas may pop out of the clips. This is already fraught with its complete replacement.

During the entire time of dismantling, and then installation, do not forget to warm up the canvas. If after assembling the ceiling there are small irregularities, it's okay.

Heat it up with a heat gun and they will even out. Because it's still plastic, don't blow hot air too close to the film. May warp or melt.

This is not a tricky dismantling process. Now you know how to remove the stretch ceiling yourself. The main thing is not to rush and work consistently, then you can do without calling specialists. Below is how to remove the stretch ceiling.

Who came for an answer, I immediately say. Clean and free up space above the ceiling for convenience. Potmou that the ceiling accumulates a lot of dust on top and it will surely fall all down.

I will describe very briefly with illustrations without any subtleties and nuances. Because there is not enough space. You will figure it out on the spot.1. Harpoon fastening (photo 1.2) Be sure to take a wide screwdriver and pry off the fastening bar.

And pull down all the way. Be careful not to break.

How to dismantle a stretch ceiling with your own hands? (8 photos)

Then the spatula into the groove of the profile and flatten it out.

2. On the clamps of the cams (photo 3.4)

We take two narrow spatulas. we insert them between the “cam” and the canvas into the gap.

Raise the “cam” with spatulas and release the canvas.

3. On the "wedges" mount (photo 5.6)

We start from the corners of the ceiling. There are gaps between the wedges (at the corners of the walls), there is a narrow spatula or, best of all, a wide screwdriver. We take a second screwdriver and push out the wedge clamp with a hook.

4. Explain on glazing beads. (photo 7,8)

Takni is usually hung on such a mount. We also start dancing from the corners. We insert a wide thin spatula (of course, between the tension and glazing bead) and lift it. Then a screwdriver in the end (into the hole) and push down to pull out the glazing bead.

Raise the spatula to loosen the tension and pull the glazing bead to pull it out.

Be careful not to damage either the mount or the canvas.

How to remove a stretch ceiling

How to remove a stretch ceiling in the minimum time with your own hands: a detailed video with tips

How to remove a stretch ceiling with your own hands, the video posted after the article clearly demonstrates. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to dismantle the above structures. Certain types of innovative designs can be removed without problems, but the rest cannot be reused.

A logical question arises: is it possible to dismantle stretch ceilings in cases of emergency with your own hands?

I guess, yes. But it’s better to resort to the help of professionals, because such procedures require not only the use of special tools, but also the presence of a certain experience.

In addition, the craftsmen must know which fasteners were used earlier when installing structures.

It is from this nuance, first of all, that the methods used during the dismantling of unique, aesthetically attractive canvases will depend.

What you need to know about the types of tension structures

In principle, there are now only two types of such ceilings:

  1. Fabric (seamless) designs. In the process of installing these systems, there is no need to use bulky "heat guns" at all, this is an indisputable plus.

    Installation of such canvases should first be done in the centers of the premises, and then you can gradually begin to move to the corners.

  2. PVC structures. Both fixing and removing ceilings of such a plan require mandatory heating of the premises. Otherwise, you can simply ruin the delicate stretch films. Therefore, experts necessarily use the same "heat guns", moving from the corners of the rooms to their centers.

It is worth adding that the dismantling of PVC sheets in some situations can be carried out without heating.

It is enough for masters to use "guns" exclusively for existing "harpoons". Simply put, the necessary work is allowed to be done locally. Professional tools can then even be replaced with powerful electric hair dryers designed for drying. You just need to carefully control the temperature.

Types of fasteners used in the primary installation of ceilings

There are also several types of fasteners that allow you to competently perform the installation of various tension structures:

  • Harpoon. They are only suitable for PVC sheets.

    All tension structures in such cases are made only to order. But thanks to this, dismantling them later is quite simple.

  • Wedge or bead. Such fasteners are most often used for fabric structures. Purely theoretically, it is possible to remove canvases installed in this way. But knocking out the "wedges" so as not to damage the ceilings at all is incredibly difficult.

    And for people who do not have sufficient experience, such tasks are mostly impossible.

  • Clip-on. Fasteners made with small plastic elements are used only for seamless ceilings.

    By the way, disassembly of structures in the future, as well as their re-installation, are carried out in a minimum time.

The wedge technology for mounting tension webs is considered relatively inexpensive and easy, this is its key advantage. But between the base floors and the finished structures, because of it, there are too small indents (about 2 cm, no more).

The main reasons for the dismantling of structures

As you know, there can be a lot of reasons for removing stretch fabrics.

For example, dismantling is indispensable if the owners suddenly decide to soundproof the ceilings. In addition, such structures do not allow the installation of all kinds of lighting systems.

If the neighbors from above suddenly flood people, they will have to remove the tension structures in any situation in order to drain the water.

The same goes for various repairs related to the underlying ceilings, replacements for outdated electrical wiring, and even broken CCTV systems, if any, of course.

However, it is far from always necessary to remove the tension webs completely.

Sometimes it is quite possible to do with only partial dismantling, which saves time and money. It is recommended to remove entire structures if there is any serious damage or in cases of installing new ceiling systems.

How to remove structures made of PVC films

If the primary installation of PVC structures was carried out using a harpoon system, then the craftsmen will need:

  1. Remove small decorative inserts, when available, of course.
  2. Start removing stretch films from the corners of the rooms, grabbing the “harpoons” with special pliers.
  3. Complete disassembly by hand, while wearing rubber gloves.

    Only in this way, professionals will not leave absolutely no traces on the heated canvases.

  4. Move all the time towards the centers of the rooms.

Ceilings fixed with a glazing bead system are first removed in the same way. Next, the craftsmen will have to use different spatulas in order to bend the "baguettes" extremely carefully.

Then they will need to release the "glazing beads" using screwdrivers with slightly curved ends, this is important.

But the structures installed according to the wedge system are perhaps the easiest to dismantle.

It is enough just to bend the previously installed profiles with your hands, releasing not only the tension webs themselves, but also some inserts that ensure their fixation. You need to move, as usual, from the corners of the rooms to their centers. The success of dismantling in such situations depends solely on the accuracy of the craftsmen.

What should be remembered when dismantling fabric ceilings?

In general, fabric sheets are removed in the same way as PVC structures.

Especially if earlier they were installed using a wedge or bead system. But here it is not necessary to use "heat guns" during the execution of work. Yes, and the masters should move from the cents of the rooms to their corners, that's all.

However, the success of the dismantling and re-installation of these structures no longer depends only on the accuracy of the workers.

If, during the initial fixing of fabric ceilings, they were cut off end-to-end, it will be virtually impossible to achieve ideal stretches in the future. That is why true professionals always leave just a few "extra" centimeters in order to avoid various unwanted problems in the future.

In addition, during the removal of any stretch ceilings, it is recommended to first remove all lighting fixtures.

This applies to both bulky hanging chandeliers and small recessed products. Because of them, existing canvases can be easily damaged.

If ceiling systems are being dismantled due to a flood, it is recommended to prepare in advance more all sorts of empty containers. They will be needed in order to quickly drain the water from the stretch fabrics.

In addition, you should stock up on soft cloths and, of course, be sure to turn off the electricity. And there should be no sharp objects in the rooms.

Stretch ceilings are a beautiful and reliable solution for the interior, but sometimes it happens that it is necessary to dismantle the structure. Perhaps there is a need to change the wiring or drain the water. Difficulties in dismantling the structure on their own usually do not arise, but it is worth remembering that the structure will have to be reinstalled further, and it is quite difficult to do this without calling specialists.

It should be remembered that pliers cannot be used during dismantling, otherwise the film may be damaged.

Due to the fact that there are several options for installing the structure, there are also several ways to dismantle stretch ceilings. To completely remove the stretch ceiling, you should know the type of its fastening. It is possible that the complete dismantling of the ceiling is not required, you can get by with the removal of only part of the structure. Each specialist uses the type of fastening that the customer desires. If the client knows what type of fastening was used during the installation of the ceiling, then dismantling will be much easier.

Types of fastening of the structure:

  • Cam mount;
  • Harpoon mount;
  • Wedge mount.

The first fastening option is like a clamp, in this case the web leads a cam during installation, which ensures a secure fixation of the web.

The second type of fastening of the tension structure consists of a wedge, which is located in the baguette groove with the canvas already stretched. Further into the structure is a ceiling plinth, which clamps the wedge even more.

Fastening with a harpoon consists of a hooked edging or a harpoon fixed in a special baguette groove. This type of fastening is created in production, it is soldered around the entire perimeter of the ceiling in accordance with the measurements of the room for which the fabrics are made. This type of fastening is convenient in that it is easy to install and dismantle it yourself, the risk of damage to the canvas in this case is minimal. Harpoon fastening does not deform the canvas, unlike the other two types of fastening.

Due to the fact that with wedge and cam types of fastening, the ceiling is compressed and changes its shape, its re-installation seems impossible.

Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the removal of the film during dismantling is really necessary, it is quite possible that only a few holes that were made for the fixtures are sufficient.

How to remove a stretch ceiling yourself

To carry out the dismantling of the web with a cam fastening, you need to use a spatula, it is best if it is made of plastic. The cam is pressed during dismantling, the film is gently pulled out from under it. Next, the spatula is located in a place where the canvas has already been dismantled and the film is pulled out again. Removing the ceiling with a cam mount can be done independently.

To dismantle the ceiling with a harpoon, it is enough to remove the plastic insert from the baguette, then, using a spatula, pull the moving part from the harpoon. The canvas is simply pulled out of the baguette with your own hands.

Removing the wedge-mounted ceiling is easy, it does not even require pulling the web with a spatula. It is enough to remove the plinth, the wedge will loosen, then it is necessary to unclench the baguette fasteners with a spatula.

Recommendations on how to remove a stretch ceiling with subsequent installation

Removing the ceiling with subsequent installation presents some difficulties.

It is far from always possible to dismantle the canvas in such a way that it remains undeformed:

  1. If disposable profiles are installed in the room, then you can’t do without damage to the canvas, you can simply cut the ceiling. Otherwise, you must first remove the plinth from the ceiling, and then dismantle the canvas itself.
  2. The PVC sheet is dismantled using high temperature. To remove such a ceiling, it is necessary to warm the room up to 50 degrees, and then directly the film. It is not necessary to warm up the entire room if the dismantling is carried out independently. It is enough to heat the film so that it sags, and then you can unscrew the screws with a tool. This is necessary so that the canvas sags, otherwise it can be damaged during dismantling.
  3. If some decorative elements are glued, then they can be removed with the help of tools, the main thing is to carefully and slowly move it along the product.
  4. PVC ceilings installed with a harpoon and wedge system must be dismantled from the corners. Film removal always occurs from the corner to the center. It is necessary to carefully bend the aluminum profile if the ceiling is installed with a wedge. The main thing is not to damage the baguette, the tools must be blunt.

If you plan to install the ceiling after dismantling again, then the main thing is not to damage the canvas.

For seamless ceilings, there is no need to heat them to high temperatures. The difference in dismantling with PVC ceilings is that you need to start from the center and go to the edges.

The installation of such a ceiling re-depends on the accuracy of dismantling. Throughout the dismantling, it is necessary to warm the canvas.

How to remove the stretch ceiling yourself

There are several main points to dismantle the stretch ceiling yourself.

You should know that it is far from possible to put the ceiling back in all cases, the decisive factor in this matter is the accuracy of removing the canvas.

Instruction step by step:

  1. Determine what type of fastening the ceiling has in order to choose the right way to dismantle it.
  2. You should also make sure that the ceiling is completely removed, it may be that you only need to partially remove it, make holes or use ready-made holes for fixtures.
  3. It is necessary to know what materials the ceiling is made of in order to determine which tool should be used in order to remove it.
  4. It is necessary to disassemble the ceiling correctly, using suitable tools, the canvas must be removed carefully, slowly.

A safe way to dismantle the tension cover (video)

In conclusion, we can say that you can remove the stretch ceiling yourself, the main thing is to do it carefully if you plan to re-install it. It should be remembered that the complete removal of the stretch ceiling is not necessary in all cases, for example, it is easy to drain water from the ceiling using the holes for the fixtures. If you do not rush and do everything right, then you can disassemble the structure without calling specialists.