What do they do with a hammer. Bench hammer (GOST). Mallet and rubber mallet

A hammer is a percussion tool used for a wide range of tasks. It consists of a handle and a head, which is its working part. The tool can be used for forging, deformation or destruction of various elements, as well as driving nails, chisels and chisels.

Design and features

Hammers differ among themselves primarily in terms of weight and length of the handle. There are also differences in form and purpose. The classic design is a handle made of wood or a modern polymer, on which a headband is mounted. The handle can also be metal if the tool is made by casting. If the handle is wooden, then most often it is planed from hardwood: ash, oak, hazel, hornbeam, birch, maple.

The working part of the headband, which is in direct contact during operation, is called the firing pin. The back of the head can also repeat the shape of the striker or be sharpened under a chisel, stake or nail puller. The purpose of the tool depends on the shape of the impact part, the angle of inclination of various elements, as well as the back side.

The headband can be made from carbon steel, soft metals such as copper and brass, wood or rubber. Steel hammers can be solid or ball-filled, with the bridle three-quarters filled with small pellets to make the tool more accurate. Such a modification is called non-bouncing. Due to the internal rolling of the filling, inertia is damped. The non-bouncing design improves sheet metal work where a bouncing tool after impact can cause an unwanted indentation towards the desired impact point.

Types and types

The hammer is a versatile tool that has a huge scope. In this regard, to perform certain tasks, various variations of this tool were created, differing in weight, material of manufacture, geometry and other parameters. For almost every area of ​​work there is a special form.

There are the following types:
  • Carpentry.
  • Carpentry.
  • Locksmith.
  • For stone.
  • Tiled.
  • Roofing.
  • Leveling.
  • For driving poles, forging and dismantling.

It is easily recognizable due to the special design of the back. It is made in the form of a nail puller. The tool can be used to drive in nails as well as pull them out. Its head is perfectly flat, so it is convenient to work with it when driving fasteners, preventing them from entering at a right angle. Often the end of the working part of carpentry hammers has a rounded shape. The tool weighs from 300 to 800 g.

Also, the carpentry structure has an additional advanced modification, which is equipped with a special step between the striker and the nail puller. It is equipped with a built-in magnet, which allows you to fix the nail without hands for quick knocking with one blow, after which further hammering can be carried out directly by the main working part. The magnetized tool is made in one piece, since the design features do not allow the formation of a step if you need to prepare a hole for a wooden handle.


Available in a weight range from 100 to 800 g. Its impact surface is completely flat, and the reverse side is a wedge. Such a tool has perfect balance, as it is designed for precise strikes. The hammer is suitable for hammering small joiner's carnations. This design has a rounded head shape with a turned chamfer, which is necessary to prevent dents in the wood.

Also in the carpentry category can be attributed mallets. These bulky tools are made entirely of wood. They are used for hammering wooden wedges or working with chisels. When the mallet hits the wooden end of the chisel, it does not crack, as in the case of contact with a hard steel surface.


The locksmith's hammer is the most common. It can be found in almost every car trunk. It has a universal purpose and is used for a wide range of tasks. Its front part has a square or round section, often convex. The back side is a blunt wedge. Such a tool has an elastic hardening, which does not allow it to shatter when it collides with hard surfaces, such as a core. As a result, deformation may occur during operation. For this reason, the tool must be monitored, since when the headband rim is splashed, a piece of metal may break off, which is traumatic.

Hammer for stone

This category includes several types of hammers that are used for splitting stone, concrete, brick and other building materials. The design feature is a flat striker with a sharpened wide back. This tool is hardened by induction, which makes it wear-resistant and hardy for hard work.

Also, the so-called “bouchard” belongs to the category of hammers for working with stone. This is a specific tool that sculptors use to accurately chip off stone chips. On the working part of such a hammer there are spikes that provide point destruction of granite, marble and other natural materials.


The hammer is a lightweight tool weighing no more than 75g. It has a very hard front and a pointed back. Its shape allows for precise chipping of ceramic tiles to give them the desired shape. By striking with the back side, you can split the tile in half, and by using the front striker, you can destroy individual sections, which is sometimes required to obtain rounded edges when laying around pipes and other obstacles.

Although this tool is professional, the vast majority of tilers do not use it. The fact is that with the help of such a hammer it is impossible to break off part of the tile evenly. The edge turns out to be wavy and unattractive, which spoils the overall picture from laying, therefore, or with a diamond wheel, it copes with the task much better.


Used to work with sheet metal for roof construction. The striker of the tool is made of steel or has a polymer lining. The back part is a pointed wedge, with which you can create holes in the roof or unbend bent metal. The wedge is on the side of the back, so it looks like the hammer is broken. There is a nail clipper in the center.


Are applied to carrying out alignment or deformation of tin products. With their help, sheet metal is bent, for example, when leveling dents on a car body. The striker of the tool can be made in a rounded shape or have rubber, leather and polyurethane lining. A straightening hammer with a spherical back side allows you to make a convex surface from flat metal. Accurate blows from the center with movement in a circle stretch the surface to the required parameters. Such a hammer is indispensable for straightening convex body parts of a car or boat.

A conventional straightening hammer with soft tips allows you to deform metal sheets with minimal noise, without creating unnecessary dents on their surface from impacts. The tool allows you to bend the tin without leaving embossed marks on it.

For driving poles, forging and dismantling

Hammers and sledgehammers are used to perform heavy tasks. They belong to the most massive instrument. Their design is characterized by a long handle and a heavy head weighing up to 16 kg. The sledgehammer is a two-handed hammer, with a long handle and a heavy headband, while the hammer itself is closer to the classic machinist's hammer, but with two strikers on the front and back side.

Such a tool is used for crushing stones, concrete and other materials. Also, with the help of a sledgehammer or hammer, poles, wedges and racks are hammered. The shape of the headband they can be rounded or square. To ensure a strong blow, the length of the sledgehammer handle is usually 80-120 cm, and the hammer is 30-40 cm.

The hammer has three components - head, handle and connector. The main part of the hammer is the head. It is made from tool steel. The striker is hardened in water, and the nail puller is hardened in oil. This allows you to provide the striker with strength, and the nail puller with plasticity. The hammer head must be made by forging or forging. To avoid corrosion of the metal of the head, it is coated with a special varnish. The hammer head has different shapes - flat, serrated and convex. A hammer has a convex shape, which is designed to perform strikes on another plumbing tool. The flat-shaped striker has a hammer with which nails are hammered. The serrated surface of the striker prevents it from sliding on the nail. In addition, the hammer head can have different weights. Almost every craftsman has hammers with a head of various weights. From the hammer handle depends on the ease of use of the instrument. The handle can be made from wood, fiberglass or steel. The most popular are wooden hammer handles. The raw material for the manufacture of a wooden handle can be birch, beech, maple, oak, ash or American walnut (hickory). The fibers of the wood from which the handle is made must be directed perpendicular to the head. If the handle breaks, injury to the worker is excluded. The steel handle should be oval in cross section and hollow inside. The oval shape of the hammer handle gives it greater strength and durability. From above it is covered with rubber. Preference should be given to a hammer, the steel handle of which was covered with heated rubber. After cooling, such rubber tightly fits the steel handle of the hammer. Sometimes voids are specially left between the metal handle and the rubber, which play the role of shock absorbers in the case when strong blows are made with a hammer. Fiberglass handles, like steel ones, are coated with rubber. This material is convenient in that it does not dry out and does not swell from moisture, like wood. The hammer head is fixed on the handle with wedges of various shapes. The most reliable mount is when the wedge is located diagonally at the widest point. In hammers designed for professionals, the head is attached to the handle by means of an annular wedge. This method of fastening is able to withstand heavy loads. In some cases, the hammer handle is pressed into the head. This mount is one of the most reliable. The junction of the head and handle must be filled with epoxy glue. This improves the quality of the attachment of the handle and hammer head. Some models of hammers have a steel plate, which should prevent moisture from entering the handle. It is screwed to the handle with a screw.

Types of hammers

It would seem, what problems can arise when choosing a hammer? But modern manufacturers produce so many models that an inexperienced person's eyes can run wide at the sight of this variety. On which model should you choose? Check out a few tips and the process of choosing a hammer will be simplified. The hammer is one of the oldest tools invented by people. Ancient can only be a stick with which they dug holes. At first, in order to crush something, stones were used. Then, someone guessed to tie a stone to a stick. Work has become much more convenient. Currently the most commonly used metalwork and joiner's hammers. The locksmith's hammer has different strikers. On the one hand, the striker is flat, and on the other, it is narrow, pointed. A narrow head makes it easier to drive nails with a small head or in places where a wide head simply cannot reach. Carpenter's hammer, on the one hand has a wide striker, and on the other hand a narrow bifurcated striker. With such a striker, you can easily pull out a hammered nail. The bifurcation angle can be of two types: Californian, with a large angle, and European, with a small one. There is also a hammer for stone work - this is pick. Such a hammer is necessary for a bricklayer in order to change the dimensions of bricks, cinder blocks and other building materials. The striker on one side of such a hammer is usually wide, and on the other side it is flat. Sometimes, for the convenience of work, a ruler is applied to the handles of such hammers. At plasterers- a kind of hammer. The strikers of such a hammer are flat on both sides. With such a hammer it is convenient to remove old plaster from the walls. Sledgehammer It is a hammer with a large head. They are used when a large impact force is needed. Kiyanka- a hammer whose head is made of rubber or wood. With such a hammer, you can apply light blows to the surface of the material, or to another tool. From a rich assortment of hammers, one can distinguish hammers for roofing, welding, and glass work.

The most popular and indispensable hand tool in the household is a hammer. This tool appeared a very long time ago, but continues to be in demand when it comes to driving nails. Although today even this type of hand tool has been replaced by electric and pneumatic counterparts, the hand hammer still ranks first in the popularity rating. In addition to hammering nails, the tool is capable of performing many different tasks. To do this, manufacturers produce tools of different types, so we will deal with the varieties of hammers, as well as their direct purpose.

Design features of the hammer or what the tool consists of

Each of us got acquainted with a hammer in childhood, when we got to our father's arsenal of tools in the garage or pantry. That is why answering the question - what does the hammer consist of, will not be difficult. The main structural elements of a hand hammer are the following parts:

  • The head is the impact part, which is made of metal. Consists of striker, wedge and toe
  • The handle is made of wood, fiberglass and metal. The tool is marked on the handle, as well as the manufacturer

The striker of an ordinary carpenter's hammer is conditionally divided into two parts - a flat impact and a wedge-shaped one. The impact part of the tool is used most often, so its main condition is to withstand large and repeated loads. The wedge-shaped part is used to split something, or when chasing work is carried out.

In the central part of the striker there is an oval-shaped hole. It is designed to be connected to the handle. This hole is called the inlet. The wooden handle is bored to the size of the hole, after which it is installed into it. So that when working with a hammer, the tool head does not detach from the handle, the back part is wedged. Wedging is a way to securely fix the head or striker of a hammer from spontaneous falling off the handle.

Due to the fact that the striker is subjected to high impact loads, high-strength types of metals are used for its manufacture. The metal is subjected to forging, casting and milling, after which it additionally undergoes a heat treatment stage. The heat treatment process results in a high-strength product, which is the main part of the tool. The strength of the surface layer is at the level of 3-5 mm, due to which the striker acquires high hardness. To exclude the development of corrosion processes, the metal part of the tool is coated with a special composition - galvanic. Cheaper models of hand hammers are painted with paints.

The handle on the classic hand hammer is made of wood. Today, such handles continue to be popular, and to protect them from moisture, they are covered with paints and varnishes. The wooden handle of the hammer is varnished to protect the tool from drying out. The advantage of wood as a handle is the fact that if it is damaged, it can be easily replaced with a new handle. When choosing a new wooden hammer handle, it is important to consider the following features:

  1. The fibers of the handle must be perpendicular to the head. This arrangement of fibers provides high strength of the handle, and in case of damage, the possibility of injury is eliminated.
  2. The handle should be made from certain types of trees - beech, ash, hornbeam, maple, birch. These types of trees are particularly durable. Handles from these trees break extremely rarely. Separately, it should be noted that for a hammer or an ax you should not choose handles from such types of trees as pine, aspen, alder and spruce
  3. Size - The length of the handle must match the weight of the head. A handle that is too short on a heavy striker will not last long.

Wood is far from the only material from which hammer handles are made. For such purposes, metal and plastic materials are also used. Tools with fiberglass handles are especially popular. Fiberglass is a metal coated with a rubber compound. Rubber not only protects the metal handle from corrosion, but also softens the recoil into the hand during impacts, and also eliminates slipping. Compared to wood, metal handles have the following advantages:

  • High strength
  • Not susceptible to drying out and swelling from exposure to moisture
  • Do not slip in the hand

At the same time, metal handles add weight to the hammer, which negatively affects the operation of the tool. If the metal handle is damaged, then this leads to the need to purchase a new hammer. Welding the hammer handle is contraindicated, as the weld will be the weakest point.

Types of hammers and features of their application

Surely everyone has more than once had to deal with hammers, which have different types and designs. This suggests that the use of the appropriate tool is required to perform the corresponding work. For example, let's take paving slabs, when laying which a special hammer is used, which has a rubberized coating of the striker. If you use an ordinary hammer when laying paving slabs, the material will be damaged.

There are the following types of hammers:

  1. Locksmith is a classic version of the tool, the striker of which consists of a flat and wedge-shaped
  2. Joiner's - has a slight difference from the locksmith's tool. The wedge-shaped side has a dividing slot with curved edges
  3. A sledgehammer is a separate type of hammers, which is distinguished by its large size and weight.
  4. Mallet - the tool has a protective rubber coating on the head, which allows the device to be used for straightening work
  5. The pick and pick is a professional tool for archaeologists. Such hammers are designed to work with durable rocky materials, soil, etc.
  6. Mason's hammer - has some similarities with the classic hammer. Designed to work with durable materials such as tiles, stone, etc.
  7. Roofing - the name shows that this tool is intended directly for roofing work
  8. Welding is a highly specialized type of impact tool that is used exclusively among welders.
  9. Tinsmith's hammer - used not only for roofing, but also for straightening thick-walled metal surfaces
  10. Rock - used for the dismantling of building structures
  11. A tile hammer is a highly specialized tool used by craftsmen when laying tiles and ceramic tiles.
  12. Drywall hammer - allows you to cut various design elements on drywall bases
  13. Copper - the main distinguishing feature is that there are no sparks during impacts. This means that such a hammer can be used in explosive areas.
  14. The glazier's hammer is a special tool by which glazing beads are hammered when installing glass in window frames.

Surely many of us have heard and seen no more than 3-5 types of hammers. Now that you know what types of hammers are, you should study their design and purpose in more detail.

Locksmith hammer - appearance and purpose

This is the simplest tool, which is also called universal. With its help, driving nails, splitting durable materials, straightening various parts is carried out. The wedge-shaped part allows you to drive nails in hard-to-reach places where access to the flat part of the striker is limited.

The impact part of the tool can have not only a flat shape, but also a round one. The difference is that the area of ​​contact with the nail head is larger for flat-shaped strikers than for round ones. The tool is made of chrome vanadium steel, a distinctive feature of which is high strength. According to the weight of the strikers, metalwork hammers are produced from 200 to 800 grams.

What is the purpose of a carpenter's hammer

The wedge-shaped part of the tool head has a dividing slot, through which it is convenient to remove nails from the surface hammered into it. This part of the hammer is called the nail puller. Joiner's tools differ in the angle of dilution of the grooves. If the groove has a large wiring angle, then this indicates that the tool belongs to Californian devices, and if it is small, then to European ones.

The weight of the carpenter's hammer head ranges from 100 to 800 grams, and the handles are made of wood, metal and plastic. The most popular carpentry options are those with a fiberglass handle. The impact part of the tool is often made of titanium or other types of high-strength steels. The metal part is subjected to additional protection, presented in the form of applying anti-corrosion compounds.

The sledgehammer and the limitless possibilities of the percussion instrument

Among all types of hammers - this type can be distinguished quite simply. The weight of the sledgehammer is from 4 kg and can reach 16 kg. The main purpose of the sledgehammer is to carry out destructive manipulations - the dismantling of partitions, the swotting of concrete and stone, the driving of pillars into the ground, etc.

For the manufacture of the head, high-strength steel is also used, which is subjected to heat treatment in the form of hardening to a certain hardness. After hardening, the depth of the hardened layer reaches 30 mm. The length of the handle is directly proportional to the weight of the head. The greater the weight of the head, the longer the handle, the length of which can reach 120 cm. Cheap models of sledgehammers have a wooden handle, while more expensive models are equipped with all-metal handles.

The conical shape of the hole eliminates the need for a wedging procedure (for secure fixation of the handle). When working with a sledgehammer, you must be especially careful and careful. The slightest wrong movement will entail a blow to the limbs and other parts of the body. Before working with this device, it is necessary to first make a detailed inspection of it for the absence of defects and other damage.

What can be done with a mallet

Mallet - a kind of hammers for straightening work. If you need to level a metal part that has been deformed, then an ordinary metal hammer will not work for this purpose. The blows applied by the metal part on the leveled surface contribute to the fact that chips occur. These chips will lead to the formation of foci of corrosion.

The striker of the tool outside has a rubber covering. The inner part is filled with sand or small shot, which is especially necessary in order to dampen inertia during strikes. When making strikes, the hammer does not bounce off the surface, but sticks to it, increasing the efficiency of the actions performed. The lack of inertia led to the appearance of an additional name for the tool - a non-inertial hammer. Not only rubber, but also polyurethane can be used as an outer coating. The tool is strictly contraindicated to use for striking sharp objects, for example, for hammering nails.

Hammers can have a light head covering or a dark one. When buying a tool, it is very important to pay attention to this. If light surfaces of materials are processed with a mallet, then tools of the same color should be used to eliminate the appearance of dark stripes. The mallet handle can be made of wood, plastic and metal. The shape of the tool head also differs in design. In the carpentry field, mallets with a cylindrical or barrel-shaped design are used, but in the field of plumbing, wedge-shaped types of strikers are used.

It is interesting! The greater the weight of the tool head, the less precise manipulations can be performed with a mallet. In this case, the impact force increases with the weight of the instrument head.

When to Use a Pickaxe or a Pickaxe

When carrying out excavations or dismantling works, such a type of tool as a pickaxe or pick is used. The tool consists, like a conventional hammer, of a handle and a shock part. Moreover, the striker is of two types - bilateral or one-sided. If this is a double-sided type of pick, then symmetrical long spikes will be located on both sides. Unilateral devices are equipped with only one spike. The spikes have a slightly curved shape, which is necessary in order to reduce the recoil force when striking.

For the manufacture of picks, high-strength types of tool steel are used. There is a thickening at the end of the handle, by means of which the impact part does not fall off. The handle can be made of wood or fiberglass. By weight, hammers for working with hard materials are light (500-600 grams) and heavy (2.5-3 kg). The weight of the tool directly depends on the length of the spikes of the pick. Spikes come in lengths from 20 to 30 cm and from 50 to 70 cm.

What is a mason's hammer for?

When performing construction, repair, installation and dismantling work, this type of percussion tool is an indispensable assistant. With its help, removal of excess stone, plaster, as well as splitting bricks, etc. is carried out. The impact part consists of two surfaces that differ from each other. On one side there is a square striker, and on the opposite side there is a spout with a pointed base.

The head is made of tool steel, which eliminates the occurrence of deformation and destruction of the tool when exposed to significant loads. Wood is used to make the handle, but more expensive options are presented with metal or fiberglass handles. Although the tool does not come into contact with metal surfaces, high-strength materials are used for the manufacture of the head, which are also heat treated with subsequent corrosion protection.

What is a roofing hammer and what is it for?

A special type of tool that was developed in order to facilitate roofing work. Externally, the tool has a significant resemblance to a carpentry tool, but there is a distinctive feature. One part of the striker has a flat shape for driving fasteners, and the second has the form of a pointed claw. Moreover, the point has one claw, and the second is half chipped off. A sharp claw is needed in order to make holes in the material with the subsequent installation of fasteners. The shortened claw serves to ensure the dismantling of driven nails from the surface.

For the manufacture of a roofing hammer, high-strength chrome-vanadium steel is used, which is due to high-strength indicators of resistance to deformation. To protect the metal from corrosion, a special galvanic layer or varnish is applied to the surface. The handle is made of wood or fiberglass, and the weight of the tools does not exceed 900 grams.

Auxiliary tool for welding - what is it for

In the arsenal of a welder there is not only a welding machine, but also other tools. One of these is the hammer. Moreover, this is a rather unusual hammer, but with a special design. Such a hammer is designed to remove slag that forms on the surface of the weld.

The tool head has a special design. One part has a pointed peaked appearance, and the second is presented in the form of a wedge. This design allows the welder to effectively remove scale and other deposits from the surface of the weld. The peak allows the welder to hit the place of scale formation with maximum accuracy.

Such tools weigh no more than 400 grams, since when removing welding scale, it is no longer the level of physical strength that is required, but the accuracy of hitting the place. The handles are made of wood or metal, and the impact part is a durable tool steel that is heat treated.

What to do with a tinsmith's hammer

For assembly and installation work, a tinsmith's hammer is used. This tool looks very similar to a mallet, but there are still differences. The impact part of the tool has a barrel-shaped shape, and it is covered with a special rubber layer. This layer is designed to perform the following tasks:

  1. Impact on processed materials without compromising their integrity
  2. Impact softening in surface treatment
  3. Leaves no residue during processing

Such a tool is popular in workshops where they are engaged in straightening and body work. The tinsmith's hammer weighs no more than 1 kg, which indicates its purpose - the performance of high-precision work.

Breed hammer and its similarity to a sledgehammer

Like a sledgehammer, a breed hammer is large. However, it is almost impossible to confuse these tools, since they have significant design differences. These differences are manifested by the following features that are characteristic of a rock hammer:

  • One end of the striker has a square shape, and the other is presented in the form of a pointed part.
  • The striker is made of solid forged steel

The present sharp part of a large hammer is the main distinguishing feature between a rock tool and a sledgehammer. A rock hammer is intended for splitting hard rocks, for which the tip at the end of the impact part is intended. In addition to high-strength materials that are used to make a rock hammer, the device is also equipped with a handle. The length of the handle is directly proportional to the weight of the striker. The handle can be made of wood or fiberglass. Wooden handles are painted, which prevents them from slipping out of the hands when using the tool.

What to do with a tiler's hammer

Ceramic tile and tile installers use very small hammers, which are called the tiler's hammer. Its small size and weight speaks of its purpose for high-precision work. With it, you can easily chip off a piece of tile, apply markings, or even make the necessary hole.

Such instruments weigh up to 80 grams, and the shock part consists of two bases - a square shape and a pointed cone. The handle on such devices is made not only from fiberglass, but also from wood, which directly affects the cost of the devices.

Drywall hammer

With the appearance of such a building material as drywall, special tools for its processing began to be produced. One such tool is a drywall hammer. Outwardly, it looks like a conventional hammer, where the head has the following types of execution:

  • One piece is square or round
  • The second part looks like a hatchet for cutting various curly holes.

A drywall hammer allows you not only to cut out various shapes and patterns on the surface of the material, but also to remove excess parts without the need to dismantle the material. If you need to hammer a fastener into drywall, then the special design of the shock part eliminates the formation of dents on a soft surface.

Copper hammer or what an expensive tool is intended for

The main feature of the impact tool, the striker of which is made of copper, is that no sparks are created during the processing of materials. This is very important when working in hazardous areas. Such tools are popular among rescuers.

The advantage of copper is that this material is highly resistant to corrosion processes. Copper hammers weigh no more than 2 kg, but even with such a mass, the cost of the tool will be quite high. In addition to the high cost, the disadvantage of a copper hammer is that with strong impacts on strong metal materials, chips and dents form on the surface.

What is a glazier's hammer and how to use it

Usually when working with glass, when it is installed in window frames, small hammers are used. However, often an attempt to score a glazing bead leads to the fact that a crack appears on the glass. The slightest wrong movement of the device leads to the fact that the glass cracks, and it needs to be changed.

To make the installation of glass as efficient as possible, special glazier hammers have been developed. Their advantage is that they not only slide over the surface of the glass with minimal resistance, but also allow you to align the location of the driven nail. The tools weigh no more than 125 grams, and its small size simplifies operation, thereby increasing the accuracy of the work.

How to choose a hammer or what is important to know for this

If you are going to choose a hammer to perform the relevant work, then first you need to find out what these tools are. It would seem that it can be difficult to choose the hammer you like and buy it. However, in any case there are nuances, which we will learn about later.

To select the right hammer for the job at hand, there are a number of factors to consider:

  1. Purpose - take a piece of paper and write down what you plan to do with a hammer. If you only hammer in nails, then the classic version is suitable, but for working with tiles, metal and other materials, specialized types should be considered. A good master should have at least 10 varieties of hammers in his arsenal, which, in addition to their purpose, are divided into types according to the weight of the impact part
  2. Safety - when choosing a tool, you must carefully examine it for workmanship. If the device was assembled in the field, then this will definitely be visible. In addition, the names of manufacturers are present on quality products.
  3. The material from which the handle is made can be wood and fiberglass. Wooden hammer models are more popular due to their low cost, but fiberglass hammers last 10 times longer.
  4. The material from which the tool head is made. The hammer head is the main part, the quality of which determines the performance of the corresponding manipulations. The presence of dents on the surface of the impact part of the hammer is unacceptable, and if so, then the hammer does not meet the production standard
  5. The presence of auxiliary elements - these can be holes on the handle that allow you to hang the tool during storage. Additional elements also include devices such as a nail puller, etc.
  6. Weight and dimensions - it all depends on what work is planned to be performed. If a 100 mm nail is driven in, then the hammer should also be used with a striker of the appropriate weight. The process of hammering in such a nail with a small hammer will drag on for a long time.

The cost of hammers depends on various factors, and often the brand plays an important role in this matter. In order not to have to overpay for a tool, it is recommended to pay attention to a wide selection of goods in the Cylinder online store. The buyer needs to decide on the appropriate option, and then place an order.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you are careless in making a decision about choosing a tool, then working with a hammer will turn into real torment. To avoid this, be sure to consider buying a hand hammer, weighing all its features and technical parameters.

A hammer is a hand-held percussion instrument, without which it is difficult to imagine any man's collection of tools. In the views of most people, a hammer is a primitive tool, the choice of which has no particularities. However, the types of hammers are represented by a wide range, they differ in the material of manufacture and purpose. To choose the right quality hammer, you need to take into account the specifics of the tool.

The principle of the hammer

The hammer is a unique tool, the efficiency of which reaches 90-97% (the ratio of the applied efforts and the final productivity). No other hand or electric tool can achieve such figures. At the same time, the hammer is simple in design and principle of operation. The hammer consists of two parts: the head and the handle. The principle of operation of the hammer is to strike an object through the transfer of energy imparted to the tool by a person. At the same time, the kinetic force that the hammer head acquires is several times greater than the energy spent by a person. As a result, the use of a hammer with a loose head is prohibited due to an increased risk of injury to a person and people around. The head of the hammer consists of a front part, a striker, which is used to strike, and a back, wedge-shaped part. The striker is most often flat, made of durable metal that can withstand an unlimited number of hits on a solid object. On the back, depending on the purpose of the hammer, there is a nail puller, a pike or a second striker. The hammer handle is made of wood, metal or modern polymers, the rubberized handle prevents the hammer from slipping out of your hand.

Types of hammers

In order for the tool to serve for a long time without breakdowns and complaints, it is important to choose the right hammer for its intended purpose and the upcoming work. There are several types of hammers.

  • Locksmith's hammer. The most popular model due to its versatility. Handles both nailing and concrete splitting. The striker is even, the butt plate is wedge-shaped solid.
  • Carpenter's hammer. It differs from the locksmith's view of a crevice in the butt plate of the hammer, with which it is convenient to get nails from old boards.
  • Bushhammer. The striker of such a hammer is slightly elongated. Serves for giving the necessary form to a brick and other strong connections.
  • Plasterer's hammer. On both sides of the head of the plasterer's hammer there are flat butt pads, this tool does not need a striker. Used to remove a layer of plaster from a wall or create notches.

  • Tiler's hammer. The heavy weight of a standard hammer is dangerous for fragile ceramic tiles. A special hammer weighs no more than 75 grams, its work is distinguished not by force, but by the accuracy of impact.
  • Roof hammer. Locksmith's hammer with a special recoil pad. It is made in the form of a spike, reminiscent of a pick, used to punch holes in the roofing material.
  • Hammer-sledgehammer. The heaviest type of hammer, used in places where accuracy is not needed, but the impact force is important. Breaking stones, concrete, bricks, driving stakes into the soil, nails and staples into wood.
  • Hammer mallet. The opposite of a sledgehammer. Differs in a wooden or rubber head, used to work with material that requires a delicate attitude.

Before buying a tool, study the intricacies of choosing a hammer, listen to the advice of construction professionals.

  • Do not chase for universality, select a hammer for a specific type of task. An improperly used hammer will damage the material and cause premature tool failure.
  • Determine the material of the hammer head. The light gray color and the rough surface are indicative of the cast steel head. Opt for smooth dark gray material, forged steel will last longer. A distinctive feature is the presence of a seam on the side surface.

  • The ease of use and durability of the tool depends on the material of the hammer handle. The wooden handle of the hammer is pleasant to the touch, successfully copes with recoil from impact, but is not durable. The metal handle of the hammer will not break under any circumstances, but the recoil of such a tool causes discomfort to the worker.
  • Pay attention to the fastening of the head, reliable without backlash will ensure safety.
  • Take the hammer in your hand, check the comfort of holding.

Correctly selected and used for its intended purpose, the hammer will last for a year, you will forget about the need to replace the tool for a long time.