Cement plaster on aerated concrete. Technology of plastering gas silicate blocks. How is plastering the facade of a house made of aerated concrete

As you know, foam concrete structures are one of the most popular options for building houses, baths and other buildings. The material is easy to use, has high operational characteristics and good thermal insulation performance. And the most important stage of work on finishing this type of structure is the external and internal plaster walls made of gas silicate blocks.

What requirements should the finish meet?

For the cover to work long years without repair and damage to the structure, it must have the following properties:

  • Resistance to mechanical damage , this factor is important both when applied from the outside and from the inside. This property allows the layer to withstand various deformation effects and remain intact for a long period of time.
  • Vapor permeability- a factor whose importance is difficult to overestimate, it allows the remaining moisture to leave unhindered, preventing the appearance of condensate inside the structures. Due to this, the service life of the building and the preservation of the original properties of all materials are significantly increased.
  • Moisture resistance, if inside the house this property may be needed only in bathrooms, shower rooms and pools, then outside it is strictly necessary. After all, if water gets into the material, then when low temperatures freezing occurs, accompanied by the expansion of the substance and the destruction of the protective layer.

  • The preservation of the original properties of the material at any temperature is important at, since they are affected by many adverse factors, which are especially detrimental in the cold season.
  • The mortar must adhere well to the substrate - this is the only way to guarantee the highest strength of the coating, in addition, any cavities under the material can cause flaking of the material.
  • Material elasticity, it must be plastic so that seasonal movements of the structure, shrinkage of the building, expansion of materials when heated do not cause cracks to form on the surface. In addition, the elastic mortar is much easier to apply and level.
  • Fire resistance of substances included in the composition allows you to provide fire safety building and its resistance to impact high temperatures– The higher the fire threshold, the better protected you and your family are.

The main features of the work

Before you start plastering walls from gas silicate blocks, you should carry out a whole complex preparatory activities. This is due to the specifics of this type of work and the need to comply with technological process ().

Preparation of materials and tools

To streamline the preparation process, you should follow a certain sequence of actions so as not to forget a single detail:

  • First, you should measure the area that will be finished with a solution. Next, it is worth checking the plane of the walls with a plumb line or a level, if there are irregularities, then they will need to be leveled, and the mixture consumption will increase significantly. Despite the fact that the price of plaster is low, it needs a lot, so accurate calculations will save money.
  • If thermal insulation is carried out, then the required amount of material should also be calculated. Most often, foam or facade is used for this. mineral wool 5 cm thick or more. The volume of insulation is measured in cubic meters.

  • When using heaters, do not forget about fastening, for this a special adhesive composition for thermal insulation and special dowels with pressure washers.
  • Plaster mesh is another indispensable attribute of a solid foundation, with its help the surface becomes resistant to cracking. It is best to choose an option with a density of at least 200 g / m 2, while choosing products from trusted manufacturers.

  • Plaster beacons for display required level future wall and a significant simplification of work. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of these elements - they are the elements that determine the geometry of the surface.
  • A very important element is the surface primer solution, because thanks to it the base structure is strengthened, and absorbency is significantly reduced, so that plastering work can be carried out more efficiently.

Advice! It is best to use a facade primer both outside and inside the premises, it has higher qualities and will ensure the highest quality of work.

  • Rule or, as builders call it, cutter. With its help, the solution will be drawn along the beacons, and thus the surface will be perfectly leveled. You should not take too wide options - if you do not have experience, and you do all the work yourself, then a length of 2 meters is enough.
  • A container for preparing a solution, it can be special variant made of plastic or an improvised vessel of sufficient size.
  • To prepare the solution, it is better to have a drill with a mixer. The volumes are quite large, and you will get tired very quickly if you carry out this step with your hands.
  • To throw the mortar, a plasterer's trowel or a special ladle is most often used - they can be found in any store construction tool, and the choice of a specific option depends on what is more convenient for you to work.
  • A grater for leveling the surface and a half-ter for removing excess mortar from the surface.

If you have all of the above, you can get to work.

main stage

Consider how to properly plaster walls from gas silicate blocks:

  • First of all, the surface is cleaned of all contaminants, sagging of the solution and other stains. Sometimes it may even be necessary to wash the surfaces to remove all the dirt. Work should begin in dry, clear weather at positive air temperatures.
  • First of all, the surfaces are coated with a primer, this step is mandatory, and ignoring it significantly reduces the strength of the surface. The easiest way is to use a brush-brush or a roller with fur pile. They provide high speed of work and high quality of a covering.
  • After the composition has dried, you can proceed to fixing the insulation, and if it is not there, reinforcing plaster mesh. It should be stretched and fit snugly to the surface. Pay attention to the quality of the product - the material should not stretch, otherwise it will not work to ensure the proper level of rigidity.

  • Highly milestone- display of lighthouses on the facade. They are fastened with plaster mortar, the easiest way to do this is with laser level, but you can get by with a plumb line or level. First, two extreme elements are fixed, a cord is pulled between them, and the remaining beacons are placed.

  • Further work can be continued after the solution has solidified and secure fixation lighthouses. Remember that a solution layer exceeding 15 millimeters is not recommended. At the same time, it must be applied in two layers of 7-9 millimeters.
  • The first layer is applied with a trowel or a ladle, while it can not be leveled much, all the same, there will be a final coating on top, which will make the surface even.
  • Remember that the solution must be prepared as required by the instructions, too liquid, as well as too thick consistency makes it difficult to work and degrades their quality. Most often, a bag of solution is poured into the container, and water is added in a proportion of about 1 liter per 5 kilograms.

  • The prepared solution is thrown onto the wall in sufficient quantities, after which it is leveled along the beacons using the rule, the excess solution is pulled together and collected back into the container.
  • You need to rub the surface with a grater when it has not yet completely frozen. The work is done in a circular motion, the excess solution is removed. If the surface is too dry, it can be moistened with a spray bottle.
  • And don't forget to check the plane of the wall with a long wooden lath, and you need to control both vertically and horizontally. If all is well, you need to wait for the solution to dry completely, after which you can proceed to further work.
  • As a final finish, several options can be applied: various facade paints that allow the material to breathe, but at the same time protect it from moisture. Another option is decorative plaster compositions, with which you can give the walls a certain structure. And of course, do not forget about such an option as facing clinker tiles or other facade materials.

Subject to all the requirements of the technology, such a coating can serve you for several decades, while do not forget to periodically update paintwork- it will refresh appearance at home and protect the material.

Advice! After one and a half to two years, it is recommended to treat the surface with a water-repellent composition, it will give the surface additional moisture resistance.


As you can see, the work is quite within the power of any person who wants to master the new kind activities. At the same time, significant funds saved on the wages of builders are saved.

The video in this article will help to cope with the work even better, it clearly explains some of the nuances.

Aerated concrete is a popular construction material, from which strong, durable, warm and resistant to various negative impacts buildings. It has an acceptable cost, and construction with its help can be done by one's own hands, even for beginners. After building a house, it is necessary to decide what materials will be used for finishing works. Initially, the walls are covered with high-quality plaster, so it is important to figure out how to plaster aerated concrete outside and inside the house, as well as how to do this work correctly.

Important! Not allowed for outdoor and internal works use the same material, since it is important that the resulting coatings are resistant to the existing operating conditions, and they differ significantly on the street and inside the house.

Types of plaster for aerated concrete

Plasters are presented on the market in numerous forms. Not all varieties are suitable for aerated concrete, therefore, the parameters of each material must first be studied, after which it is selected desired option for outdoor use or for indoor use.

Important! Plaster for outdoor use must have high thermal insulation parameters, resistance to moisture and temperature changes, and at the same time must provide good sound insulation and have an attractive appearance.

There are several of the most popular plasters used for aerated concrete. Each option has its own characteristics, so it is important to study the parameters of any type before making a specific choice.

cement plaster

This material is considered to be in demand for carrying out different types works, but it is considered unsuitable for aerated concrete. This is due to the fact that smooth walls are obtained from it, on which cement mortar does not adhere well. Also, aerated concrete has a specific feature to absorb moisture from the solution. Cement plaster has a vapor permeability that is lower than that of walls, so if you use it for finishing work, the microclimate that is installed in residential premises can significantly deteriorate.

Also, the cement mortar has a low adhesion to the surface of aerated concrete. Often, to increase this parameter, lime is added to the composition. If, nevertheless, this particular material is chosen for outdoor work, then a special one is certainly applied after the plaster has dried. finishing layer for a perfectly smooth surface.

Important! If the vapor permeability of aerated concrete is impaired, this can cause various cracks, mold or traces of seams.

Adhesive for aerated concrete

A special adhesive mixture is presented on the market, designed for application to walls made of aerated concrete. She possesses optimal composition to work with this material, however, its main purpose is the connection of individual blocks, so it is used at the joints.

The material is applied in a thin layer, therefore it is not considered suitable for forming the outer layer on the walls of aerated concrete. It will not be possible to make the best out of it. protective covering, as well as its cost is considered quite high, so it is not advisable to use it for these purposes.

Gypsum plaster for aerated concrete

This material has many advantages for use on aerated concrete walls. Its pluses include:

  • fast drying, so after the layer hardens, you can quickly proceed to subsequent finishing work;
  • the coating does not shrink;
  • with proper application of plaster on aerated concrete, the formation of a perfectly smooth surface is guaranteed;
  • at the expense High Quality material there is no need to apply after the layer has dried top coat.

But this material is not without certain significant shortcomings. These include:

  • not too good vapor permeability ();
  • to obtain a quality mixture requires enough a large number of water;
  • if moisture or snow gets on the coating, which is not protected by any additional layer, it will quickly get wet;
  • often ugly and clearly visible spots appear on surfaces, therefore, for an attractive appearance of aerated concrete walls, it is required to use special coloring compositions to eliminate them.

Important! Even with many cons gypsum mortar considered relevant for use on aerated concrete walls, but is usually used for interior decoration in rooms with low humidity.

Special facade plaster designed for aerated concrete

There is a special material for aerated concrete walls on the market, used for both outdoor and indoor use. The advantages of using it for a house built from aerated concrete include:

  • a good indicator of vapor permeability, equal to the vapor permeability of the building material itself;
  • excellent appearance of the resulting coating;
  • good adhesion to aerated concrete.

It is this material that is most often chosen for finishing a building made of aerated concrete. It provides a high-quality, uniform and durable layer with interesting view. But this material has a rather high cost, so a lot of money is spent on finishing the whole house. For internal walls, the use of gypsum mortar is considered optimal.

Competent choice of plaster for walls made of aerated concrete

When choosing a material intended for plastering aerated concrete walls, the basic requirements and criteria that it must meet are taken into account. To get really high quality and optimal coverage, plaster must have:

  • good indicator of vapor permeability;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • resistance to exposure to significant humidity;
  • resistance to the appearance of cracks, mold or other negative factors on the created surface;
  • the duration of the viability of the solution, and this factor is most important for people who independently perform the process of applying plaster, and at the same time do not have experience with such solutions.

Important! For each buyer, an additional important parameter is the cost of the mortar, and it must correspond to its quality and properties, but it is not recommended to pay attention to the most affordable material, since it will not have optimal properties for use on aerated concrete walls.

When is plaster applied to aerated concrete walls?

Aerated concrete is considered a specific material, characterized by good moisture absorption, therefore, immediately after the construction of the structure, it is recommended to take care of protecting the walls from water. Wetting the material is not considered critical, but it is impossible for the moisture in the aerated concrete to freeze, as this can cause cracks or weaken the walls.

Important! However, one should not rush, since after building a house from aerated concrete, it is recommended to give the material time to dry thoroughly.

Plaster is applied to aerated concrete only in warm time of the year. If a cement mixture is used during operation, then its drying time is considered significant, and this is due not only to its parameters, but also to the fact that a layer of sufficient thickness is certainly created.

If it is not possible to apply plaster in the warm season, then the walls will certainly be covered with a special primer, and it is important to choose a means of deep penetration. The resulting layer reduces the water absorption of aerated concrete. It is allowed to cover the entire structure with polyethylene or other similar material.

From what part of the house does the finishing of the aerated concrete building begin?

There are several options that determine the sequence of actions required to repair a house built of aerated concrete. These include:

  • First exterior finish, and after internal. Experts assure that, first of all, it is necessary to protect the building from various negative atmospheric factors that can adversely affect the condition of the house made of aerated concrete. It is not permissible for the walls to gain a large amount of moisture. However, on the other hand, water vapor will accumulate in a house closed from the outside, which will negatively affect the duration of its drying, and there may also be difficulties with internal finishing work. This option is considered preferable for houses built on the banks of various rivers or lakes.
  • First, interior finishing work is carried out. This option involves the partial closure of the pores in the walls of the structure of aerated concrete. After interior finishing, it is not allowed to immediately carry out exterior work. The fact is that this can lead to the fact that a large amount of water vapor accumulates in aerated concrete blocks, so moisture will settle in the walls of the house, which can cause their destruction. Therefore, the exterior decoration of walls made of aerated concrete is carried out only after the plaster has completely dried inside the house.
  • Simultaneous execution of works. This method assumes that both internal and external finishing processes are immediately implemented. This method is considered the least popular, and this is due to the fact that moisture does not have time to leave the aerated concrete blocks.

Important! Although modern high-quality plasters have good vapor permeability, they dry out for a long time, and this is especially important if the finishing of aerated concrete walls is planned for the cold season, so it is advisable to leave the process until the warm season.

Aerated concrete wall finishing technology

The use of plaster for interior decoration of a house built of aerated concrete is simple and clear process. It is divided into successive stages:

  • Foundation preparation. It is important to eliminate significant irregularities on the gas concrete walls. To do this, they are polished with a planer or a special grater. It is allowed to skip this stage, however, in the process of work, a large amount of plaster will be needed, which will significantly increase the cost of finishing.
  • A good quality primer is applied. It is not recommended to mix this remedy with water, as this action will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the material. Before applying the primer, it is necessary to clean the base from dust, for which the walls are washed with plain water. The primer is applied after the walls of aerated concrete have completely dried. A specific type of primer is selected in accordance with the particular room you have to work in. For standard rooms, which include a bedroom or a hall, you can choose an inexpensive and versatile material, but for the bathroom or kitchen, a blue penetration agent is purchased.
  • Installation of beacons. The next stage involves the installation of beacons on the walls of aerated concrete. They are presented in special metal structures, providing a perfectly even coating of plaster. They are usually mounted using a small amount of plaster solution. The distance between them is left in accordance with the width of the rule that will be used to level the solution. In the course of work, it must be used building level, which guarantees the evenness of the fixation of the beacons.
  • Plaster preparation. In the process of creating a solution, you must strictly follow the instructions that are attached to the material by the manufacturer. In this case, obtaining the optimal mixture with the desired consistency and uniformity is guaranteed.
  • Applying plaster by spraying. It is this method that is used to form the first layer of plaster. The procedure is performed from the bottom up, and the mixture is thrown over the entire surface of the base. Next, the resulting layer is extruded using the rule. When voids form, they must be filled with mortar. It is important that the material does not peel off, because if this happens, the plaster is removed and then re-applied.
  • Processing the resulting layer. It is performed only after the mixture has dried. Further, the coating is slightly moistened, for which it is recommended to use a spray gun. Then it is carefully leveled and beacons are removed. The resulting empty spaces are filled with plaster.
  • High-quality and even corners are created. For perfect results, special perforated corners made of metal, equipped with mesh on the sides.
  • Finishing walls made of aerated concrete. After the final drying of the layer of plaster, finishing begins. To do this, the walls are covered with paints or other finishing materials.

Thus, the process of plastering aerated concrete walls is a fairly simple process that is easily performed by every homeowner.

Important! Get perfect result work is possible only with strict adherence to the basic rules and compliance with correct sequence actions.

How to plaster aerated concrete walls outside?

Exterior finishing work for a house made of aerated concrete involves the creation of a sufficiently thick layer. Therefore, several layers are usually applied at once, and reinforcement is also performed. The whole process is divided into stages:

  • aerated concrete walls are being prepared, and this process involves the elimination of large transitions and irregularities, which will positively affect the cost of purchasing finishing materials;
  • coating the surface with a primer;
  • applying plaster, and the thickness of the first layer should not exceed 5 mm;
  • reinforcement is made of a pre-purchased metal mesh equipped with small cells;
  • a layer of plaster is leveled along a fixed grid;
  • a second layer of material is applied after the first has dried, and it is important to pay much attention to proper leveling and obtaining a smooth and even surface of aerated concrete walls;
  • a third layer is applied, which, if necessary, is wiped after drying;
  • the resulting coating is painted or covered with textured plaster;
  • it is treated with a water repellent, and it is usually applied a year after finishing, and the main purpose of this tool is to protect the walls of aerated concrete from moisture.

Video: aerated concrete plaster

Thus, applying plaster on walls made of aerated concrete is a simple process. It is easy to perform both inside and outside the house. To obtain a high-quality result, it is important to carefully study the instructions, as well as clearly follow the sequential steps. Other important point creation perfect coverage for aerated concrete walls is right choice the plaster itself, which must comply with the operating conditions available on the street or inside the house. The article - "" may also be useful.

Internal and outdoor plaster gas silicate blocks - one of the most common methods of finishing walls from this material. When performing these works, many people forget that it should be done a little differently than ordinary brick or monolithic concrete surfaces.

Since aerated concrete houses easily absorb moisture, they must be plastered.

Stucco errors

For example, a case that needs to be considered to make it clear what the consequences may be if there are errors in the execution of aerated concrete walls.

For exterior finish use of conventional cement-sand mortar is simply unacceptable. This is due to the same vapor permeability and leads to a violation of the main rule, which says that any multi-layer breathing wall must have a vapor permeability that increases from the inside out from layer to layer, or at least be commensurate.

The plaster mixture for walls containing is sold in the form of a dry powder with special additives that help meet the following performance characteristics:

If you leave a house made of aerated concrete to winter not plastered, then on next year he will “please” with a network of cracks.

  • vapor permeability (the most important factor);
  • water resistance (no less important and protects the blocks from getting wet);
  • good frost resistance;
  • high adhesion (the ability to tightly adjoin the blocks);
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • elasticity (prevents the appearance of cracks during precipitation and in the process of expansion-compression at temperature differences outside);
  • heat resistance (increases the ability to withstand the effects of fire, i.e., increases the fire safety of the entire structure).

Before the beginning plastering works required preparatory work. Clean the wall surface from dust, dirt, bituminous stains or an old layer of plaster, paint.

The plaster solution for gas silicate blocks must be prepared following the instructions on the package in strict order. To begin with, the mixture can be poured into a container of sufficient size, observing the proportions in quantity and weight. For 1 kg of the mixture, 0.20 liters of water is usually required. It is very important to correctly add the required amount of water, since diluting plaster mixtures is too thick consistency undesirable, and too liquid plaster is simply inconvenient to use. A mixture of ideal consistency should be something like a cream.

Stucco mixtures can be mixed manually, but it will be more convenient, better and faster if you use a drill with a special nozzle.

Step-by-step instruction

It is necessary to plaster walls from gas silicate blocks in the following sequence:

Facade finishing takes place in three stages - priming, plastering and painting.

  1. The wall is coated with a special primer, which is made from acrylate siloxane, which has strengthening and hydrophobic properties.
  2. A fiberglass mesh is attached to the wall, which is resistant to alkali solutions and has a surface density of 200 g/m³. It must have high resistance to tensile loads and must not stretch.
  3. Having previously installed the guide beacons, the solution is evenly applied to the wall. This is done using a plastering unit, trowel or bucket. The thickness of the plaster layer should not exceed 1.5 cm. If the plaster mixture is applied in 2 layers, then each layer should be within 7 - 9 mm.
  4. Still fresh plaster is leveled with a plaster lath, the excess is removed with a wooden grater.
  5. After letting the surface dry a little, it is rubbed off.
  6. Not earlier than after 48 hours, the walls are covered with specially designed vapor-permeable paints, for example, ATLAS ARKOL S or FASTEL.

All tools must be thoroughly rinsed with water immediately after completion of work, otherwise the remaining plaster will harden and its removal will take a lot of time and effort.

The quality of the plaster layer is checked using a long rail (from floor to ceiling), which is applied in several places both horizontally and vertically. The presence of irregularities and protrusions relative to the plane of the rail is immediately noticeable. The allowable error is 5-7 mm, as it is imperceptible to the ordinary eye.

In order to increase the service life of the facade, the finish coating can be additionally treated with a layer of water repellent. But before applying, you must wait until the house dries as much as possible. That is, this can be done after 1 - 1.5 years after the completion of all finishing work (external and internal). The applied layer of water repellent should be as thin as possible.

Summing up, it is clear that plastering aerated concrete is not cheap, as many people think. Saving on materials can lead to disastrous consequences, as was shown in the example at the beginning of the article. Here we can confidently say this: the point is not in bad building materials, but in their incorrect and inappropriate use. And if a decision is made to plaster gas silicate concrete, then it is necessary to do this using only materials suitable for these works.

Renovation inside the premises is carried out in several stages. When conducting repair work it is important not to forget about plastering concrete walls with inside. Plaster for aerated concrete plays an important role, even when it comes to work in panel buildings modern layout. As a rule, concrete slabs have an uneven surface, and this defect cannot be corrected with putty alone. Block coverage is necessary for a number of reasons. These include the smoothness and cleanliness of the wall surface.


For plastering the internal surfaces of a building, during the construction of which aerated concrete was used, two methods are used. The first method is that plastering on aerated concrete is carried out in such a way as to achieve vapor permeability in concrete walls due to the unique qualities of the material. Builders do not recommend using mortar and cement and sand for finishing blocks indoors. Aerated concrete blocks instantly absorb liquid, after which they become covered with cracks. It will not be easy to mask the irregularities that have appeared even after priming the vapor-permeable wall.

Some specialists are engaged in plastering gas blocks using a different method - vapor barrier. At the same time, the indoor climate will be the same as in reinforced concrete buildings. The only difference is that such plastering will be more reliable.

Promotes vapor permeability of the walls

The components contained in aerated concrete contribute to the vapor permeability of the building material. However, this factor requires the selection of a certain composition of mixtures for repair and finishing work on the walls of the building. To do this, it is necessary to perform plastering in such a way that the inner wall is vapor-permeable or, on the contrary, vapor-proof. In a house with such a wall, the microclimate will self-regulate. In addition, they will not be in the wall.

vapor barrier

To process inner wall and increase the vapor barrier at least ten times, experts apply a solution, the thickness of which should reach two and a half centimeters. The plaster contains cement and other ingredients. Sometimes, for this purpose, workers put a film of polyethylene under a layer of plaster. But experienced builders it is not advised to carry out such work, since the film may peel off plasters and walls due to the appearance of condensate.

What materials and tools are used?

Everything depends primarily on the task that customers and specialists have set for themselves. For its implementation, building materials are selected that can properly interact with aerated concrete and have the property of vapor permeability. Professionals recommend treating the inner surfaces of the walls of the blocks with a mixture of gypsum, sand and lime. Builders also use tools that include chalk or marble.

For finishing work, specialists use tools for plastering. The mixture is prepared in containers of the appropriate size. The solution is mixed with a mixer either. Thin-layer plaster on aerated concrete is applied to the blocks with a trowel or trowel. Rubbing surfaces is carried out using a grater. A half-ter is used to remove excess mixture. The surface of the blocks inside the walls is leveled with beacons. The aerated concrete plaster is pulled together by the rule between the guides. Builders determine the quality of the work carried out with a rail.

Often, developers have a question about how to plaster aerated concrete outside. Before starting work, it is recommended to decide on important characteristics and, based on this, choose best option finishes.

Aerated concrete plaster must meet the basic requirements - the mixture adheres tightly to the surface and has good adhesion. The finishing layer is durable, frost-resistant, while it has the desired level of vapor permeability and water repellency.

When to do plaster work

External plastering is recommended to be carried out after completion of finishing work in the building. It is generally accepted that if you do not protect the surface of gas blocks from the street, it will absorb moisture. This is not so, primed walls can stand without a protective layer for the whole winter, when the climate changes in spring, moisture from the surface will evaporate. Otherwise, when the house is processed from the facade, the evaporation vapor will be directed inside the room, which will lead to dampness.

Note! An exception is the option of building a house on the coast of the sea or a reservoir. When it is required to protect the outer walls from the influence of a humid climate and winds.

Before plastering, the walls of the gas blocks should dry well. If during the construction process a cement mortar was used, which has the ability to absorb moisture. For this reason exterior finish during the rainy season will not be effective. But especially dangerous for walls is cold water which then turns into ice. In the process of melting, the structure of aerated concrete begins to collapse.

Facade insulation

If the building is properly insulated, then you can heat the room faster and save money on paying for heating. Insulation from the outside is recommended to be done with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or other options. For example, the insulation and plastering of the facade of a house can be replaced by building an additional brick wall or treated with liquid polyurethane foam.

Types of plasters

There are several types of plaster that are suitable for processing aerated concrete walls. There are certain requirements for the composition of the mixture for outdoor work.

  1. The material must be permeable and at the same time its coefficient must be higher than that of the treated surface - aerated concrete or sealant.
  2. The plaster must be resistant to frost and temperature changes.
  3. To prevent cracking, the applied layer must be elastic.
  4. The plaster must have strong adhesive properties with aerated concrete.


How to plaster aerated concrete walls? Professionals and private builders recommend the use of mineral-based plaster compositions. They are among the thin-layer compositions specially designed for finishing aerated concrete. Such solutions are made by hand, they have an affordable cost, good vapor permeability and light weight.

The finished compositions include the following components:

  • lime;
  • white cement;
  • marble chips and other fillers.

The color palette of such plaster mixtures is limited. They can be easily painted, the only caveat is the use of vapor-permeable coloring compositions. Painting is able to protect the coating from moisture, because a humid environment can destroy mineral plasters.


The basis of this type building plaster includes potassium liquid glass, which is a binding component.

Advantages of the silicate mixture:

  1. Ease of application;
  2. Resistance to moisture influences;
  3. Vapor permeability;
  4. If necessary, painted in any color;
  5. Acceptable price;
  6. Long service life (up to 25 years);
  7. decorative qualities.


plastering aerated concrete blocks better than facade silicone plaster. It has high technical and operational characteristics, surpasses other plaster mixes.

The advantages of silicone plasters include:

  • properties to repel water;
  • building material is easy to apply with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists;
  • plaster has a high degree confrontation atmospheric phenomena and vapor permeability;
  • Long service life;
  • Fillers have a different texture;
  • The material is elastic.


The material has high decorative qualities and strength. A big disadvantage of acrylic plaster for processing aerated concrete and other cellular textures is the low level of vapor permeability. For this reason, condensation forms in the inner layer of the plastered surface. As a result, with such an impact, deformation of the surface occurs - peeling and cracking.


Cement plaster is not suitable for the treatment of external aerated concrete surfaces. For what reasons this popular building material is not suitable:

  1. The solution is not fixed on the smooth surface of aerated concrete due to insufficient adhesion properties. The mixture has a high density and high weight;
  2. When applied cement mortar on the surface, aerated concrete absorbs moisture, there is a weakening of the adhesion of materials. As a result of such rapid drying, the integrity of the layer is destroyed;
  3. Low vapor permeability cement mixtures- inconsistency building codes, and violation of optimal microclimatic indicators in residential premises.

If a cement plaster use for interior work, it will protect aerated concrete walls from steam penetration into them.

Important! Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene are not recommended for use on aerated concrete surfaces.


The plaster in the base, which includes gypsum, has the following positive qualities:

  • dries quickly;
  • the solution does not shrink;
  • the mixture lays down smoothly;
  • no top coat required.

Cons of plastering walls with gypsum:

  • average level of vapor permeability;
  • required large quantity water compared to special mixtures, approximately 10-15 liters per 1 bag of 25 kg;
  • the surface will quickly get wet after rain and snow;
  • spots appear on the surface that need to be painted over.


The mixture is most effectively suitable for processing both exterior walls and indoors, the material is easy to apply with your own hands. Plaster has a number of positive qualities– good adhesion to the base, attractive appearance. Including the material has vapor permeability indicators identical to those of gas blocks. When choosing plaster for the construction of aerated concrete, it is better to choose a high-quality special mixture, this will simplify the process of finishing the house.

If there is a choice of plaster or drywall, which is better for aerated concrete inside the house. The following facts should be taken into account: the walls made of gas blocks are even, and they do not require alignment. Accordingly, the plaster will cost less, the solution will lie in an even and beautiful layer.


We plaster aerated concrete from the outside with plaster intended for outdoor use. There are two options for applying the mixture - a thick layer or several thin layers, which are applied no more than 3 layers and no more than 1 cm each.

Work order:

  • the surface is prepared for plastering - pollution is removed;
  • then you should do the hanging of the surface with your own hands along the beacons;
  • spray is applied - the first layer of plastering;
  • primer is applied and leveled;
  • cutting corners;
  • slope finishing;
  • a covering layer is applied;
  • the surface is rubbed off.

Technology of work outside

  1. If necessary, a heater for blocks under plaster is mounted.
  2. Wall preparation - leveling the surface to reduce the consumption of materials and the thickness of the application.
  3. Before proceeding with the plastering of the walls, aerated concrete must be treated with a primer. For this, compositions designed for the fine-mesh structure of materials are used.
  4. Application of a thin layer of plaster mixture for aerated concrete surfaces - up to 5 mm. This base will serve to attach the mesh.

It should be noted right away that plastering aerated concrete blocks from the outside with adhesive solutions is unacceptable. Because glue won't do the job. In order to protect and level surfaces, it is recommended to use specially designed mixtures that meet all operational requirements.

When plastering aerated concrete facade, it is recommended to follow some rules, which are described below.

  • after the building is erected, it is necessary to withstand a certain period of time so that the internal moisture evaporates naturally;
  • the brand of plaster must be suitable for outdoor work;
  • the sequence of repair work - first inside the house, then outside;
  • the temperature regime must correspond to +8 to +30 C0 - for exterior decoration;
  • Construction rules to be observed in relation to the increase in thermal conductivity coefficients. Each mounted or applied material on the gas block should be taken into account.


When asked whether it is necessary to reinforce the plaster, and whether a mesh is needed. The answer is simple, since the plaster layer of the aerated concrete coating can vary from 5 to 15 mm. If the layer exceeds 10 mm, use as a reinforcing layer metal mesh with fine texture of cells. For example, a mesh with a wire diameter of 0.1 mm and a mesh size of 0.16 x 0.16 mm, or fiberglass meshes with cells of 5x5 cm, is suitable.

It is necessary to mount the grid with an overlap of 5 cm; perforated corners with a grid are used for the corners of the house. This method will help prevent the formation of cracks in the plaster after shrinkage of the building. It is better to install the grid in the applied solution with a spatula. A particularly important point is the installation of the grid in place with increased level voltage - the zone of windows and doors.

Advice! If you attach the mesh to a dry surface, the result will be zero. Because the grid needs to be fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws, and then apply a layer of mortar. Otherwise, an unfixed mesh will move along with the putty.

Work order:

  1. Align the plaster layer on the grid with a vapor-permeable plaster.
  2. It is necessary to wait until the first layer is completely dry. Otherwise, it will fall off under the weight of the next layer. This technique provides for thin-layer application of the mixture. Wait for complete drying will have from three to four days. Accordingly, the thicker the layer, the longer it takes to dry. Checking whether the surface is dry is carried out with water. Having splashed liquid on the surface, it was quickly absorbed - this means that it is time to proceed to further work.
  3. A second layer of plaster is applied, which is considered leveling. Therefore, the layer must be even and smooth;
  4. The third finishing layer of plaster is applied, and if necessary, it will require subsequent grouting.
  5. Painting the surface, materials for outdoor use or applying putty.
  6. Hydrophobic treatment. Experts recommend applying this solution 12 months after painting and completing all facade cladding work. The water repellent gives any coating additional water-repellent properties.

Note! When the plaster layer dries, it must be protected from the influence of such undesirable factors. environment like moisture, snow, rain.


When deciding whether to putty aerated concrete, it is recommended to learn about the types building mixtures. There are 3 types of product variety on the market, which is designed for finishing. By and large, this is a facade plaster intended for thin-layer finishing of an already plastered surface, differing only in composition. Ready mixes are sold in buckets and come in silicate, silicone and acrylic.

Important! When performing work on plastering a house outside, it is recommended to use only steam-permeable building materials. This will provide not only a reliable finish, but will serve as a decoration for the building.